Let There Be Light (2017) | Full Drama Movie | Kevin Sorbo | Sam Sorbo

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus name she says in the name of Jesus promise he will always be the only one we'll ever need the source of our security heal a broken heart broken the only thing he asks of us is walk by faith and seek his love no matter what a win a problem comes remember [Music] I can never feel alone [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] if I were to look at these two theories those of creation and Darwinism for the first time I as a rational being would say it takes a greater Leap of Faith by far to accept the notion that inanimate particles whose origin is unexplained somehow becomes living entities which through a random process produce Miley Cyrus now then the basic tenet of Christianity uh coach's time up I think I might be afforded the common courtesy of completing my argument Dr Harkins the rules of this debate have already been agreed upon by both you and Dr Fournier uh yesterday I believe the rules also included the topic of the debate which is not quote the basic tenet of Christianity close quote but quote the existence of God colon harmless belief comma blessing comma or curse question mark close quote you're not up here speaking for Christians which covers a pretty broad spectrum of yahoos You Are Here My Dear Dr Fournier speaking for the Father the great created watchmaker in the sky the Big G the Rock of Ages the man himself come on give it all up for God almighty one debate that fairytale he called Christianity I'll Boogie with you and that one all night long but I came here not for just a little theological chit chat but to sell books namely my new tome aborting God so why don't we just stick to the topic what do you say Doc you speak for the spirit in the sky and I'm gonna cheerlead for sex drugs and rock and roll I have to take issues with that Dr Harkins kind of figured you would because it is only as a Christian that I can approach God the Father well then those are your limitations sir not on my own see I can approach atheism from any direction Court Chester a philosopher a puppet a popper a pirate a poet a pawn or a king to quote that great religious leader the late lamented Francis Albert the first let me ask you something is the god you believe in the indifferent than the god of Isis because they certainly don't think so they're no less sincere in their beliefs than you are and yours I mean I think you're both smoking the same dope the only difference is yours in the joint theirs is in a hookah it's not in the name of atheism no no but in the name of Allah I honestly believe we need more of Christianity offers forgiveness not damnation as it does it indeed absolutely John 3 16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life that is a god of love and compassion that I know that I love that I serve well here's where we leave the realm of theory and we get personal power because I had it beautiful perfect glorious son my guarantee you I loved every bit as much as your supposed deity of his begotten son but my begotten son got a rather nasty form of of cancer which I watched either way it is helpless tiny body and ultimately kill him before reaching his ninth birthday if I was a praying man I would get down on my knees and I would pray to see my son just one last time but then that would mean praying to the very God who killed him so rather than being vindictive I just chalked my son's death up to bad luck or you know maybe a quirk of genetics it's a bad role of a cosmic Dice and uh you know with the help of some fairly effective chemicals and a healthy dollop of vodka I can somehow make it through the night without blow my brains out because I accept that's just a luck of the draw but don't you dare tell me about the love and the compassion of your so-called God because if he felt like sacrificing his only begotten son well that's his business but he should have Bloody well kept his hands off a mark wait wait wait wait wait wait let me tell you something else pal nobody and I mean nobody ever committed genocide in the name of sex drugs and rock and roll all they ever did was party and if you can't see that humanity is better off with that than the midst that you peddled which have caused nothing but misery for thousands of years well then pardoned upon but God have mercy on your soul oh you want to know what my religious Credo is Dion Wayne in the face of death party on Garth instead of War come on instead of damnation instead of judgment saying I will take a snow day and I will okay okay hear me out one more thing don't look for any meaning in life because there isn't any there's no purpose there's no rhyme no reason you don't need God to be moral you don't need a deity to know that it's not cool to cut somebody's head off or burn them alive or or sell their children in slavery especially not in the name of that supposed deity all you need all you need all you need all you need all you need all you need all you need all you need is your Humanity all right [Applause] [Music] this unbelievable product is simply too unbelievable to be all it claims to be friends [Music] [Music] living the dream [Music] all you have to do is pay shipping and handling [Music] in the world like I broke up with yesterday tomorrow is all I have I must be chasing something in the city in life foreign hey oh you came to the door I feel so honored hi Katie are the boys ready boys oh and uh I can't keep them all day I've got a book launch party tonight another God bashing party how nice for you um I heard about the debate last night and you caused quite a sensation ah it's not much but uh pays the alimony so um what's the use never mind no no you want to say something go ahead I don't need your permission to speak so we really need to do this one I just get the boys to be on my way you know I do want to talk to you about the kind of support you're giving our children so that's what this is about you want to get the court to increase the payments well you know what your lawyer knows where to find mine I'm not talking about financial support Saul oh what a novel do you think heaven for small blessings what do you think it does to the boys to know that their father is saying that their brother's life had no meaning that there's no hope that he's in heaven I don't believe in that fairy tale but they do not my fault I'm not the one who brainwashed them and use it as part of your Carnival act this Carnival act it pays the bills around here well who pays the emotional bills what you don't think there's a day or a night or an hour that goes by that I don't think about our son my guess is that every time you do you get so high there's not an actual feeling or thought at all this conversation is not only pointless painful the first honest thing you've said then why don't we end it ended you did remember because I got tired of living with you constantly praying for the Salvation of my soul I got tired of hearing your prayers to a God who if you really believe in his omnipotence killed our son have not killed him shouldn't answer your Pious and treaties to save them where was his love in his grace and his compassion when you prayed for just enough of it to save an 8 year old child who never did a thing except bring joy into the life of everyone over met him you know what's so sad about your bitterness song it's robbed you of the ability to remember the gift of that Joy and left you with nothing but anger well you know like I said pays the bills hey guys um is that for me no um I forgot Connor has a birthday party to go to today oh okay well I guess uh you won't be going to the amusement park today sorry Dad it's Kyle's birthday today oh it's fine it's okay I I get it I just wish I would have known earlier so uh what about you you still up for some roller coaster rides actually Dad can't you feel like hanging out at home today really I come all the way out here because you guys told me that you wanted to go to the park you know what I'm I'm gonna let you two sort that out Saul nice seeing you again Connor let's go bye Dad yeah bye buddy I'm fine so you want me to go to well if we play some hoops I can do that so how is everything good good it's cool it's all right girls dad so much for small talk I need to talk to you about something come on girls dad what do you want to talk about I need you to sign this you want to go to Haiti with our church youth group we're raising money to help build a water system water systems at a euphemism for a well yeah and there's going to be all on the ground they're going to Haiti to dig a hole in the ground look if you're just gonna make fun of it I'm making fun I just wonder what the point is I mean can't the people of Haiti dig do you have to go all the way down there and show them how to do it I bet they've been digging holes in the ground for Millennia that I'm going to do something good don't you even believe in doing good deeds of course I do I just don't believe in professional do-gooders Dad I'm not asking you to believe in the church I'm asking you to believe in me or not fair enough you are you are a very decent young man and you know what I'm proud of you I really am thanks means a lot to me come on come on here give me that ball what do you want to play a horse or 21. that's cloud maybe oh I'm not Tyson still got the shot I'll start you'll start let's start [Music] but it's not a birdie it's an eagle yeah I never really like that just the person I'm looking for anything to kill the pain works for me there you go sweetie I might as well uh might as well double fist it thank you really so what it's a party besides it's my party and I'll drink it I want to drink if I want to you would drink too if it happened too you come on that's that's pretty funny I do not know this party song sorry I don't know any Russian top 40. [Music] darling you look fantastic I heard that you killed in that debate yes that last debate is going to put you over the top it was even better than I could imagine wow and here's my last debate darling it wasn't a debate I'm telling you it was a massacre you wore his bloody guts for God if that's what you did well it wasn't a very high bar but as they say I cleared it you didn't clear it you killed him you ought to be on death row that's how much he killed it well there pretty lady come here what uh what are those this is called the harkinsonist especially for the occasion those would be like denying one of my own children thank you and who is it oh this this is um I'm Vanessa Beatrice that's it oh yes of course of course uh I am Norman it's always put upon agent and this is Tracy his publicist as they say I am this soul but only for party unfortunately I have Sport magazine bikini photo shoot in Bahamas I fly straight to airports and fascinating well you know what we leave early because you know this Airport's getting a little crazy so I'm going to Mango Mayo I have no idea what you said but Loves Me Like a Rock you know I'd say congratulations on your new relationship and I have seen the women in your so listen I think I may have scored an interview with Diane Sawyer tomorrow this whole Isis is no different than the church thing has gone viral baby just had a brilliant thought listen to this what if we do a t-shirt that says Isis equals church we'll sell a million of those we'll hold the brilliant idea oh bar keeper can I have another one of these uh Eden Harkins back to the Diane Sawyer piece oh please come on just I just need some breathing space okay well I'll tell you this the book party is a smashing success well done darling selling like hot cakes fantastic then I'm just kidnapping toast myself [Applause] [Music] you're very handsome very brilliant and also very drunk I told you photo shoot in Bahamas blow off photo shoots just come with me to The Hamptons I promise we'll have a really good time yes of course but first I must do beginning shoot it is Big broth for me I think you mean break yes then I am back and we can mangle yeah yeah sure sure that's what I I don't even get a kiss goodbye business guys it's it's not personal see how smart you are Loves Me Like a Rock [Music] oh darling I'll take one of those I can eat this things wherever they are Call Saul Hawkins Manchester [Music] hey hey Norm miss me already huh oh darling Hey listen that's Anushka my goodness I mean there's nothing like a supermodel on your arm to enhance your image uh speaking of that um I could just live on image enhancement myself I was wondering if maybe she had a sister or a cousin afraid not you know she's uh One of a Kind more or less at least I've got one glamorous model that does exactly what I want thank you that's my ride dude this thing takes the curve like she's on railroad tracks darling please do drive carefully and I'm not really kidding about that old manushka thing I mean maybe the comedy has you know a really nice looking grandmother you know very good DNA over there and you're hoping all that right not that I'm desperate although I'm not not desperately kid we both know you're desperate well listen darling do me a favor call me when you get it yeah yeah yeah you want me to call you see that's a desperate you want me thank you happy birthday to my son [Music] very proud of you [Music] coming down [Music] baby [Music] my son is that you Daddy [Music] oh my God I love you it's not your time you must go back I don't understand just go back I don't want to go back I want to stay here with you Daddy let there be light let there be light Daddy what God I would stay it's okay Daddy no I don't want to go stay with you let there be light I'm gonna say Dave I don't wanna come back Norm is Saul Hawkins dead by wearing black no and he's not dead rumor is he's dead he's doing Diane Sawyer how could he be dead was he drunk I have never seen the man drink more than a glass of white wine at dinner in his entire life was he badly injured aside from the concussion serious blood clot that if it breaks loose and travels to your brain it will cause a stroke that's the bad news the good news is there's a very good chance that if you were careful and you are already on massive amounts of blood thinners with proper supervision you can make a full recovery thanks doctor look I'll do whatever it takes it takes following doctor's orders rest no alcohol no that's that's never a problem in fact I'll keep you another night just drop s yeah thanks but no thanks I I just want to get out of here suit yourself you know it's a miracle clinically dead in the ambulance for four minutes evidently it just wasn't your time of course it wasn't his time he's got a book tour I'll tell him when it's his time you jerk oh he knows I'm kidding you now I'm kidding don't you darling of course I mean he wouldn't be able to commission my funeral Solomon I would never commission your funeral I would make it a Pay-Per-View event seriously Saul how are you feeling I saw my boy Connor orgas are they here I saw Davey I saw my son I'm sorry wait a minute what hold on say that again in English I'm not kidding anymore I saw David I I was in this amazing light all right hold on stop right there that's fascinating really but I want you to do me a favor forget all of that you receive my meaning you understand if you just stay who you are this could be your biggest payday who came back from the dead like that other guy uh what's his name man Lazarus no I was going to say our city hall look you got hit on the head you're hallucinating all right that's all and anyway what are those doctors say in the middle of the night they said that your blood alcohol level was highly elevated you were drunk how did you know I was here yes I'm still on the hospital notify list hi sweetheart glad our boys okay they say God watches over drunks and fools well I can't talk about the full part but I can tell you this unequivocally he was not drunk he had one drink at his own book launch party one drink just like everyone else and by the way there's no police report the road was slick he lost control of the car you know we're thinking of suing the manufacturer we are putting out a statement as we speak and that is the story we're sticking to no matter what I'm not talking about damage control I'm talking about just a minimal sense of responsibility and not risking your life so stupidly sorry I I don't know if blood pressure can make the blood clot I've got break loose and kill me but why don't you just ease off on the sermon and wait until my pain meds kick in then you can just knock yourself out Katie Solomon let's not fight please let's think about something go to all the networks and the digital platforms you could have your own one-hour talk show you are going to be the next Bill Maher do you know why because I'm taller than he is darling the mayor of Munchkin city is taller than he is no you are the only one who crossed over and can say I was right there is no there there the only there is here and speaking of here I don't want to be here anymore I'm going to go sign you out foreign [Music] ERS out there what are you gonna say when they ask if you have a near-death experience wait what near-death experience it's just a figure of speech darling Tracy normally I'm fine okay but could you hold this for me please really so really I think I'm done carrying your baggage you know what's all I'm glad that you're okay I thank God for that and like it or not I'll be praying for you but Saul you need to get some help and not just for your sake for the boys you know they need you they love you and they don't need any more tragedy in their lives so party on isn't going to solve this it's what caused it when Katie is done with her lecture perhaps we can get our mind around the press conference I think the reporters are just around the corner by the elevators perhaps or perhaps the focus should be on the good news that Saul is okay you know what show must go on right hey Saul the great thing about not being part of this Merry-Go-Round anymore is I don't have to take being talked about in the third person especially when I'm right here in front of you Katie sweetheart you know that wasn't Our intention I'll be waiting over here until the parade is over that's a very good idea Katie all right here we go The Show Must Go On Cheerio KD smart Soul smile did you see the tunnel of light had your views changed at all did you die in the car accident was it a near-death experience dying hello everybody thank you for these wonderful questions Dr Hawkins has just had a terrible concussion he will answer all your questions as his next public appearance thank you quickly thank you okay everyone okay stay tuned Saul's comeback presentation is already in the works for next week but you can get updates on abortinggod.com everyone got that all right excuse me you just don't have to go home but you can't stay here get out foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] after the near-death experience of her former main squeeze Dr Saul Harkins seems to have found true love in the arms of photographer Brad Steele while they were on a photo shoot in the Bahamas yep Loves Me Like a Rock wow [Applause] all right all right I'm coming knock knock who's there the doorman it's a tornado exactly hi Tracy so the doorman just let me come up hope you don't mind oh I have a doorman I am telling Zachary you said that no I need to have a little chat with him come on go do some danishes I didn't think you'd be entertaining so how do you know I wouldn't be up here with Vanessa well first of all I saw on TV okay Brad Steele he is so fine oh and he's 20 years younger oh wait a second there might be an open wound around here somewhere in my body did you want to pour some salt into it ah you are such a tease so your publisher called and she wants me to draft the talking points for your comeback presentation and I told her I thought I needed to clear up with you first good how about no we both thought you might react though well they know what you're both right now if you excuse me I'm a little down to my lot of vodka consumption for the day did you uh did you want to drink it's a little early in the day for that isn't it if you're in London baby we are not in London boo up in that case I share your confusion now listen we have booked the same Hall that you debated or should I say destroyed Fournier in and we're trying to recreate the scene of your last Triumph yeah so we were thinking maybe just might be a great idea to have a teleprompter too you know just in case seriously Saul I've been adhering to a strict liquid diet whatever talk show can you honestly say that you are 100 on top of your game absolutely 100 [Music] and so it is my great honor to present to you the person who helps so many shed Superstition and find reason a man of towering intellect a great humanitarian a fabulous writer and one of my closest personal friends Dr Saul Harkins [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you um well first of all in the words of that uh great atheist humors Mark Twain uh reports that my death have been greatly exaggerated [Music] um I I was clinically dead um for four minutes according to my uh my my physician uh during that time I um you know I can assure you that um I uh I heard no no church bells or anything like that I um um I saw no heavenly host or anything and uh no pearly gates and there was no there was uh there was no uh uh heavenly voices or anything and I didn't see any any and he's a dearly Departed well well that that that that's not right I mean I saw no I saw no Heavenly um or Pearly Gates or anything like it wasn't like a fairy tale heaven like that so Katie I saw our son what I saw her son I saw him I saw my boy I thought date me [Music] okay so um it was beautiful [Applause] oh my gosh I'm here with you now so so I'm here now somebody called an ambulance wow so it's gonna be okay [Music] good morning I'm Dr Patel chief of Neurology and a big fan of yours I'm halfway through aborting God and I love it well thank you good news looking at your city scans and the MRI the clot has not moved at all it hasn't broken up and traveled and it isn't pushing up against anything that would have caused you to have such an episode well you've experienced pretty significant trauma It's Not Unusual for you to experience anxiety sleepiness migraines depression a myriad of symptoms which include panic attacks obviously the lecture last night was very stressful for you so my advice would be to avoid putting yourself in such stressful situations in the future so do you have any questions for me yes yes there is Saul Now is your chance just ask her please uh sometimes you know when people have these near-death experiences they say that they see uh you know the tunnel of lights and the Heavenly chorus yes that is called the death surge oftentimes when someone almost dies there is a surge of brain activity it's like all of the neurons in your cortex firing at once that gives the person an intense sense of seeing go even experiencing something now they are not actually experiencing it but they believe they are the truth however is they are seeing their imaginations quite literally running wild did you experience something like that Dr Hawkins Dr Hawkins no there's nothing like that so uh thank you Doctor of course one last little thing we wouldn't mind taking a selfie with me thanks for the ride Katie no problem so Saul that sets your mind at rest look who you're talking to the world's most famous atheist so if if my neurons are going to Surge what I see is going to look like The Grotto it happens on New Year's and on steroids I've done acid trust me I know what my hallucinations look like you know he he looked so beautiful Katie you look so peaceful and so so happy that I wish I died well I for one thank God that you didn't I know you saw himself I'm sure of it look um I gotta go pick up Connor he spent the night at Kyle's but I will be back to talk about this tomorrow night okay you don't need to not everything's about you Saul I need to thank you I appreciate it yeah get some rest you look like heck [Laughter] that's your thing hi honey I'm home [Music] oh that's great would you make one of those for your brother okay alrighty I'll see you later how's Dad doing well going through a really hard time you're spending a lot of time with him what's up with that how can you ask something like that he's um he scared guys and and he's hurting it's gonna happen when he's better he's gonna dump you again okay we're not back together so how can he dump me he's a user mom he uses you he uses Connor and me okay that's not true and you know it he loves you guys where's this coming from I don't want to see you get hurt again we'll be just fine okay don't forget to make your brother a sandwich okay yeah yeah I'm coming keep your pants on and where do they pay the doormat around your for anyway I mean once they just hang up a big old post and say hey come on up to Saul's room he's got Vodka we can have we can have a party that's what we can okay yeah come on in come on you're drunk oh you can't pull the wool over your eyes nope nope in truth I mean it's as much the vodkas as the pain pills or you know maybe it's the vodka and the pain pills it could be what's with all these boxes oh those are they're white wowies don't you watch TV you know you you can't sleep and it's three in the morning you're sitting there and you're zonked out in front of the TV and that Carnival guy comes on hey did you know that these things can soak a 200 times their weight in liquid it's a proven scientific fact so I ordered 10 cases okay give me the Vodka well you want a drink I'll pour you no I do not want a drink and I will not be here while you're drinking let's try it sometime because some of my best friends alcoholics well you know how I feel about your best friends oh Kate Bonnie Kate's prettiest Kate and Chris don't buy beauty don't make me like you well Alex should be married to no man me for it is I who was born to tame you okay it's not a proposal The Taming of the Shrew memories yeah and I'm the shrew I am so out of here no no no no no no okay please please I'm truly really uh honest guys annoyingly okay I want to talk to you I have to talk to you okay you have a shrink and that's what you pay him for Katie sleep and I I can't think oh my God I can't I can't not think and I can't stop thinking about David you know and how he looked and how it felt and what he said wait what what did he say so he looked at me and he said daddy let them be light you know oh I want to put my arms around him then I felt myself being pulled away he said let me be like that and I I sit here and honest to God know what to do with it so you've gotten the best scientific explanation and that hasn't satisfied you and it it hasn't brought you any comfort I mean why you have to show for her six cases of white wowies but does a miracle monster oh Christ Jesus you all out for a miracle when it comes to moms the head off you can put it in the washing machine and it tastes made up of 9 000 strands end up hoping to get that I wouldn't I wouldn't put for them would you consider Consulting a different source I mean you've tried Dr Patel and late night television let me guess your pastor what could it hurt oh no Katie I don't know anything anymore if I could just I could just get some sleep I'll hold you and you'll sleep okay I appreciate the offer I'm really not in the mood so oh that's all right oh okay [Music] for this okay [Music] oh my body cake what Hello darling oh I know you know the other night when you went down in the Heap and started breakdancing on the floor I can't say it wasn't entertaining I'll grant you that but it is hardly the way to push a book to catch my drift not really this is what I'm saying my friend it is time to put a nickel in the pony and start to ride again so I have set up a little interview one-on-one thing with cat Ryerson print media only there's no cameras she is from NY style magazine darling she's lovely yeah let me um let me think about it darling when you do the right there is nothing to think about do you understand I know you're lying there darling wake up good morning the doorman Legacy of course he did please uh Dr Sol Hawkins uh Miss catarayasin of NY style magazine nice to meet you you as well um come on in can I can I get you anything oh no I'm fine thank you a cocktail or something yeah it's the middle of the morning doctor of course uh you know I'm sure I've got some water around here somewhere oh I uh I apologize for the mess I uh you know I I had a party uh here and uh well you know the um the maid was supposed to be here so she's always late not a problem shall we get right to it ah sure why not the other night I had a full-blown panic attack as a side effect to my my concussion well you seem to go into that panic attack as you were talking about what you experienced during the time you were clinically dead I learned about that could be you know I really don't remember did you get a glimpse of the great beyond you know I really don't know well let me put it in a different way now that you've experienced whatever it was that you experienced do you think it changed you in any way your outlook thoughts on the possibility of life after death your beliefs no no come on you don't have something like that happen to you and then you just party on that's what he does he parties on yeah so um look I'm just trying to I'm just trying to trying to sort things out here I'm trying to but you know no I don't what sort of things I I really I I really I don't know you don't have I'm not feeling really very good right now so how about this why don't we take five minutes you take no no no you know the interview's over I'm sorry wait what it's it's my doctor's orders I I'm supposed to avoid stressful situations and I'm really starting to feel a little stressed out here okay yes I'm sorry you know what that's fine I've just wasted an entire morning and blown an opportunity to interview Keith Richards because you promised me an exclusive from the great doctor saw Harkins thanks Norm I'll be sure to remember it I'll make it up to you I I will we'll go out to lunch somewhere nice you pick it you'll need more than that well you really nailed that one didn't your doctor no just just Norm you don't you don't know what I'm going through right now I don't know what you're going through darling you don't know what I'm going through how am I supposed to sell the celebrated author whose latest exciting point of view is I don't know because guess what they don't know either and they're not going to plunk down thirty dollars to find out that you are as stupid as them get your head out of the afterlife and back into this one darling you're blowing it [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] excuse me can you tell me where I can find Pastor Benny's office yeah but you won't find him there okay uh can you tell me where I can find him he's painting a fence you almost beat at Dr Hawkins I recognize you from your picture in the newspaper yeah well Katie uh he told me a lot of good things about you but you you're not exactly what I expected did your wife tell you what I really was before I became a pastor um is it important I don't know you tell me I was a wise guy a wise guy yeah a wise guy mobbed up actually that's not what I really was before I became a pastor what I really was inmate 09699-016 federal prison Lompoc California you were in prison do I stutter or aren't you wired for sound yeah I was in prison 10 years stretch three years of that in the whole solitary they gave me a Sony Walkman and a book to read that probably wasn't one of mine not even close [Music] I read it front to back a dozen times even took notes see I didn't come to Jesus in any moment of epiphany I didn't see a vision I didn't hear a voice from above not like your wife she's got a real gift of faith but me I'm a street guy I don't buy into things too easy you got to prove it to me I got to see evidence and you know what really got me I honestly haven't a clue but this is one of the more interesting conversations I've ever had with the clergyman so please continue the empty tomb what happened to the body you may have lost me follow me here this ain't brain surgery Jesus gets whacked right well I've never exactly heard it put that way but yeah well now you have they stick his body in a tomb they seal it up tighted in a cement drum what happens next Bada Bing a body disappears don't look at me like that the body disappeared now if he resurrected that's a miracle now that ain't a little miracle that's a big mother of a miracle so the Romans they got to find that body because if Christ rose from a dead gonna turn a lot of people into believers and they didn't want that and the Romans were Italians now I know a little bit about that when they wanted somebody to write they didn't mess around they fried guys they skinned them alive They Crucified them upside down but nobody ratted out where the body was think about that the disciples not one of them broke rank they went to their death sticking to that story you know why answer me you know why I have no idea because Christ was resurrected there was nobody let me ask you this when you saw left your body what did it see my son and how did he look s so beautiful so at peace how did you feel I fell in love life never felt before never you know why because you were bathed in the light and the love of our Lord and savior now you come to me and you say Pastor Vinnie Pastor Vinnie what is let there be light mean your wife told me about it if you say I can't figure it out I'm buying white wowies whatever the heck they are I'm buying mops I'm going to bots I'm going crazy okay if you're on you're on a roll so what does it mean Jesus was the light of the world it was his sense of love and peace that you felt it was his Serenity let me ask you something what's Christmas don't you sit there I ask you a question what's Christmas it's a holiday and you're the one they call Brilliant all right okay okay it's it's Jesus birthday it's the day he was born and it falls at the darkest time of the year that's no coincidence because Jesus came to bring the world light look at what's going on today in the world there's a Darkness that's spreading across the globe Can't You See It people are getting whack like it was the Middle Ages they're getting their heads cut off they're getting burned alive you don't think Evil's a real Force let me tell you doc I've seen evil and it's ugly look what those guys ices look what they're wearing their clothes are black their flags are black they're a cult of death and what do these people have to offer hatred murder death but Jesus spoke about loving our enemies the answer to Darkness is the light Jesus preached the antidote to hatred he preached love the light of the world wants you you doc to spread his message of love that he chose me no who better to choose than the biggest atheist of all he literally let you see the light and now he's asking you to spread it and just like God sent his only begotten son to Earth with a message of love he sent you your son think about that doc he sent you your boy Davey that's how much he loves you oh my God oh my God [Music] that he is your god and he's holding out his hand to you all you got to do now take it [Music] baptism is a public proclamation of faith for all to see and that's so nobody can cop out and say it never happened so are you ready to admit that you're a sinner and repent of your sins yes and are you ready to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior yes in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit [Applause] yes so you feel any different yeah Dad do you feel stronger smarter faster I think I'm faster than you careful mom one day at a time [Music] thank you hey Dad yeah so what's it like to have a transformation like what you just did I mean how do you know it's real because it is how do you know was God's love and not just your imagination I mean you and Mom made vows and then broke them you really go for the jugular don't you kid just trying to be realistic you know she still prays for you every night never stopped you believe that God hears of course I do Katie uh Connor could you come in here for a second please I uh I owe you guys an apology oh Saul you don't have to yes yes I do you see for a long time I I made fun of all you guys faith I I couldn't understand that you know I didn't even want to try to understand it I was too wrapped up in my own ego but you never gave up on me Katie for that I am eternally grateful I told you that I saw your brother and all I can tell you is that he's safe and it's it's really beautiful where he is you know Dad if you think about it it's kind of like Davey saved your soul laughs you know I never thought of that he did he did he saved my soul you know he looked at me and he said let there be light why was it dark no doofus Jesus was the light of the world it means a dad is supposed to spread the light of Jesus oh cool wait Dad hahaha [Laughter] and I finally realized the truth of what I saw and felt so did it change your beliefs yes absolutely oh and uh these are the letters that saved my life lesbian trans spy no no no it's uh it's let there be light that's what my son said to me when he said that I felt the most perfect love I've ever felt in my life the author of aborting God has been saved by the love of Jesus Christ absolutely so why should people read your books they shouldn't wow I mean the world's biggest atheist just had a come to Jesus moment I have a story to file and a deadline to me thank you for giving me the exclusive you're welcome wow it's nice meeting you well I must say if I would have known that you were going to torpedo your career I would have booked you on 60 Minutes saved by the love of Jesus Christ I've never heard anything so absurd I hope your friend Jesus can get your next book deal for you because I know I certainly can't as a client you are fired I understand Norm but hey at least we can still be friends right Solomon we were never friends ours was a business arrangement I tolerated your egregious Behavior because you made me a lot of money but now you're just a bible thumper hell-bent on destroying all of my hard work this relationship with Jesus has made you toxic and completely unsellable you might as well have died in that car accident you're dead to me do you like a Miracle Mop you know I liked you better when you were drunk I bought a dozen of them hello oh hey Kitty oh what's up with Norm he didn't seem to be his usual chatty self yeah he uh wasn't too happy about my conversion so he fired me I'm sorry ah don't be sorry you want something to drink you're kidding right we got raspberry iced tea I got decaf lemon iced tea I've got uh passion fruit iced tea that is a lot of iced tea it's really good iced tea you want one no thank you but you go right ahead so Saul you know how you've been racking your brains trying to figure out what let there be light means and what to do about it yeah what if it's as simple as this turn on your flashlight app no on the darkest night of the year people go outside and they shine their flashlights up to heaven lighting up the darkness so what we actually have is a band of light slowly circuling the Earth yes and we can synchronize it with an app and we'll we'll contact NASA and ask them to shoot satellite images like a selfie for God let there be light and there's a social media component because we'll have people standing by in chat rooms volunteers from churches from all over the world answering people's questions about Christ they'll be digital missionaries so you want to proselytize absolutely and and without apology we should be proselytizing life with as much Vigor as Isis proselytizes death Saul you cannot defeat an ideology on the battlefield alone to be an ideology of evil you need an ideology of good yes let there be light ltbl ltbl oh and there's a part of the app where if you text ltbl or something then you're donating to your local food bank so you'd be feeding people literally and spiritually sure I like it me too speaking of feeding people um would you like to go out to dinner sometime next week well the boys would love it I mean especially if it's Chick-fil-A I don't mean you I mean the boys I just I just I mean you and me what like a babe no it's not dinner well if you put it that way um [Music] and take me someplace nice yeah all right then all right then [Music] if you ask me this is just another Saul Harkins publicity's done and I for one don't want to be suckered in a believing that Saul Harkins the biggest atheist in the world has suddenly pardon upon seen the light now I am a Christian and I am called on to forgive but it's going to take more than a phone app to change my mind wow you have burned a lot of bridges with the Christian Outlets the other outlets they couldn't care less yeah you know what I get it we just have to keep trying and it's all about the message right right and it's only the beginning well thank you for a very good day Tracy um is everything set for tonight all under control but I want a full report okay I'll walk you to the door you know when Norm dumped you I had to rethink my priorities I mean I was raised in the church but somewhere along the way I don't know I guess it just wasn't cool you've reintroduced me to my faith and I want to thank you for that we're gonna work it out I'm oh here I have a white wine it won't cleanse your soil but does Soak Up 200 times it's weight in liquid you got problems bye father hello father that's a little formal isn't it she'll be down in a minute okay you do realize that this is a school night I expect you're back here by 10 o'clock I see Sharp 10 o'clock sharp clear on that Crystal good good can I come in this date is like a really big deal tomorrow well it is to me too I want you to know that I wasn't in favor of it you said all the right things made All the Right Moves but a leopard doesn't change its stripes that easily whatever dad you get my drift don't be a jerk wow Mom wow thank you what are you guys doing out here oh just you know Father and Son conversation baseball oops that sort of thing yeah all right um dinner's on the table thank you and I'll see you later okay we'll see you later [Music] where are you taking me Saul you promised me a restaurant no I said dinner yeah at a nice restaurant this is a restaurant this is a very small and exclusive restaurant that just opened oh for Heavenly days beautiful shall we foreign thank you this is amazing you're amazing to you to us and by that I mean you know that we're working on this project together that us that's I didn't mean to imply there was a different us it's that us I think when it comes to two people it boils down to two lines one is from Bob Dylan and the other some Leonard Cohen not exactly Matthew and John but we're talking baby steps right I have no idea what we're talking about right now well maybe they're the most important two things that can be said between a man and a woman I don't know but one is I'll be with you when the deal goes down the other simply Hallelujah praise God Katie will you too me the unbelievable and totally undeserved honor of becoming my wife again I know I'm ready [Music] Hallelujah praise God God [Music] and hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah another answer and that's why I praise hallelujah hallelujah hey come here what uncle in the house yeah why because they're Tilden in there laughs the enemy to myself a little while longer hello 10 30 school night thought we had an understanding well I think we're about to have a new understanding is your brother awake I think you're changing the subject what's the thing about spare the rod spoil the Gus darling if your brother's asleep would you wake him up please we need to have a chat with both of you I'm ready to ground them that's a good start this better be good that's what I said now this might seem like we're reversing things a bit but since your mom and I got divorced you two have been the men of the family um well what I want to say doesn't just affect your mom and me it affects the both of you as well you're gonna cut her allowance I uh I've I've asked for your mother's hand in marriage I I want her to take me back as her husband look we're adults we don't need anybody's permission here so what I would like is to have your blessing I want us to be a family again this is a little sudden don't you think did she say yes you know you two are treading on really thin eyes here wait so you're moving back in well once your mom and I are married yes yes Gus psych absolutely I'm just busting your chops the three men I love the most so you guys are cool with this probably cause furries and allowance probably calls for a raisin Oak mom it probably calls for a kitty mom [Music] okay Mom Mom Dad what's happening to Mom Gus call 9-1-1 Dad what's wrong with Mom Katie sounds good dad is Mom gonna be okay absolutely that's what happened to Davey dad he had a seizure just like that what Goss what if you and your brother say a prayer for your mama I'll call you from the hospital dad God's not gonna let this house no no that's where those prayers of yours come in just just go back inside [Music] you're insecure okay [Music] it's my turn to take care of you [Music] I'm Dr Corey how you doing today Katie well uh I don't actually know why don't you tell me we've had a chance to study the MRI and the CT scan and we've gotten a pretty detailed look at your blood work doctor what what is your specialty I'm an oncologist oh no it was me I gave it to him didn't I doctor I gave our son cancer you didn't give your son cancer man the blood work indicates that you have Lee fermini syndrome this syndrome is what causes seizure no people with lever mini syndrome are susceptible to various types of cancer including brain tumors which I'm afraid is what you have stage four cancer stage four okay what are my chances doctor and please don't sugarcoat it I'm a big girl and I've got decisions to make and I need to know the prospects are not good this is a very virulent tumor it's quite Advanced the tumor has interwoven with normal brain cells to such an extent that I would not recommend surgery there is an experimental protocol that involves chemotherapy I don't think we'd be talking about a cure I think we'd be talking about buying you some extra time okay what what about this experimental program and somebody must have survived this thing five percent maybe less okay then she's going to be part of that five percent I mean that's all this is the strongest woman I've ever met in my life doctor she makes miracles happen aside from being in the hospital and having just had a seizure I I feel fine so my question is how long do I have before I don't feel fine anymore I wish that I could give you more exact answers Mrs Harkins but I just can't we do have drugs that can keep you more comfortable once the pain sets in 15. I'm thinking about planning a wedding not a funeral so there are three things I need to focus on now preparing ensuring the success of let there be light and most importantly loving on my boys and you thank you so much doctor sorry I didn't have better news [Music] thank you [Music] you know when I heard that the world's greatest atheists had found Christ is remarrying this Christian wife I knew I just had to sing at their wedding [Music] I'm gonna share a little secret [Music] something common something real [Music] true love it is impossible it's something you must feel in the promise [Music] Let Your Love Shine bright [Music] [Music] if you trust in bed your worries will fade away into the light thank you foreign and so we are gathered here today to celebrate the love of Katie and Saul again do we have the Rings yes now these Rings like the love of God have no beginning and they certainly have no end now Saul I want you to place the ring on Katie's finger and repeat after me I sold to take this woman Katie I saw him to take this woman Kitty to be my lawfully wedded wife forsaking all others to be my lawfully wedded wife forsaking all others for richer or for poorer For Better or For Worse in sickness and in health until death do you part you can knock out that last bit I've been there I've done that death gets no say in this but for as my answer I do well that goes for me too I do also well then let's get to the good part by the power vested in me from the court on high and from the court of man I Now Pronounce You man and wife you may kiss the bride that's the best part foreign [Applause] oh I cannot turn this off sorry got it hello this is Tracy uh-huh you're kidding um yes absolutely well yeah they just got married you look great by the way yeah but they will be there oh thank you so much okay sorry change of honeymoon plans you two are doing Sean Hannity tomorrow you're kidding 14 million listeners three million viewers that's radio and television baby imagine the exposure for your app you can't buy that kind of thing [Applause] thank you all right so my first question is are you guys ready for the amount of heat that'll be coming your way with us I think we can handle it well I hope so because your intention is to proselytize yes we want to reach everyone we're literally going to try and convert kids to Christianity what about diversity what right do you have to impose your religious values onto somebody else well what right does Isis have to cut people's heads off that's a powerful point we just want to feed the hungry we want to spread light into the darkness and and hope into Despair and love into hatred really the only realistic way to do that is with the message of Jesus Christ we just want to give everyone the opportunity to speak to somebody about the love of Christ I mean they can make their own decisions and unlike Isis this is not a convert or die proposition here's my question do you have a media partner is there anybody out there on Christmas Eve that's going to show this band of light going around the entire Globe is anybody covering this well uh so far no one's covering it not even a little bit well that's going to change right now I can do it on my network where in every country and on Christmas Eve we could do a three-hour special to show this band of life as it makes its way around the globe through the different time zones we could literally cover each country each section of the world and get that message out that's awesome thank you pretty good wedding present [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] all right good night my sweet boys good night mom yes sweetheart are you gonna get better I think I'm pretty good right now you know what I mean we've been praying mom I know you have sweetie and don't think I haven't felt those prayers because I have they're what give me strength then God will answer our prayers right God always answers prayers sometimes we just don't understand the answers doesn't make any sense how many times did Jesus pray in the Garden of Gethsemane three times and what did he pray for that God would lift his burden but he wouldn't have to die he prayed for God's will to be done it was God's Will and God's plan that Jesus's life and what we call death would bring Salvation For All Mankind so did God answer Jesus's prayers I guess so um what did your daddy say s he saw Davey mm-hmm and how did Davey look to him happy peaceful yes that's right so there's nothing to be afraid of is there I don't care about Evan I don't want you to die mommy oh honey I don't believe there's any such thing as death when I'm in the next room and you can't see me am I dead or am I just in the Next Room you're just in the Next Room just in the Next Room Still Loving You still watching over you it's time to get some sleep I'll just be in the Next Room good night my sweet boy good night good night [Music] and welcome back to our three hour special edition of Hannity where tonight history is being made all over the world now I'm sure by now everyone has heard the incredible story of Saul and Katie Harkins and they're let there be light project well at 3 A.M this morning on Christmas Island a band of light visible from outer space began to move around the world from New Zealand to Russia to Australia Japan and even amazingly in North Korea how did anybody in North Korea hear about this and with us tonight from their home in Connecticut are Saul and Katie Harkins and Sally Darwin head of Newcomb high tech now they designed the app that is making this extraordinary night possible now Sally you did more than just design the app you have a pretty remarkable story of your own tell us about it that's right Sean I don't believe that Saul and Katie Katie showed up at our car accident I do believe that they were sent to me well tell me about that how so you see Sean I was born in Pakistan I was forced into a marriage by my father when I was 14 to a brutal man who used to beat me and when I ran to my father for protection he beat me for disobeying my husband and when I said I would leave him I was told that I would be killed in honored killing I came to America and I was quite literally saved by the love of Christ and I can't think of a better way to honor my Father in heaven and I can't think of a more meaningful Christmas Eve than spending it with you your audience Saul and Katie their children their neighbors who've all showed up for this amazing event so baby you okay I think you ever did could compare to the to the sins have had against you you are the love of my life Merry Christmas Merry Christmas bunny cake it's almost time all right hello New York New Jersey Connecticut all the way down to Florida ladies and gentlemen you have been watching a modern day Christmas miracle tonight as a band of light has spread aptly enough beginning at Christmas Island and literally now spanning the globe not a thousand points of light but millions of points of light have lit up the darkness around the world in Iran and Isis by territories in the Middle East even China North Korea beacons of light and Faith have spread a forward message of Hope for many now we're going to leave you with some images from this amazing event that began fittingly enough with a clinical death and a spiritual rebirth I'm Sean Hannity I want to wish you and your family a very very Merry Christmas and as we leave you on this Christmas Eve May there finally be peace on Earth and yes let there be light [Music] Holy Night [Music] [Music] you did a bunny cake you made it happen oh it's so beautiful peace [Music] see it's so beautiful okay [Music] Katie oh this weekend [Music] [Music] sleep in Heavenly peace [Music] let there be light for the ones who lost their way let there be light let it ease your pain let there be light on The Darkest Day let there be light so that we may see again let there be light if the Bible says it's so As Above So Below let there be light show the world will let there be light so that they may see you again [Music] tonight let there be light let every line Let It Shine On Me [Music] let there be light [Music] tonight let there be light tonight let there be light let every light let it shine on me [Music] let there be light for the ones with the wound in mind [Music] for the ones we left behind let there be life somebody say Amen so that we may see again let there be lies tonight [Music] let every light [Music] let there be light Let It Shine On Me let there be light tonight [Music] let there be light [Music] Let It Shine On Me please [Music]
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 437,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chrisitan Movies, Full Movies, Full Film, Religious Movies, Feature Film, Let There Be Light Movie, Let There Be Light Free Movie, Let There Be Light Free full movie, Let There Be Light Full Movie, Full Movie, Free Movie, Free full movie, drama, drama movie, dramatic
Id: OfKlDwj1TP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 1sec (6061 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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