Waiters, What Valentines Day Disasters' Have You Witnessed? (AskReddit Romance)

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waiters what valentine day disasters have you witnessed there was a note in our reservations that it was an engagement they wanted champagne a specific seat bunch of other stuff the server comes up to the table was something like so I read we're celebrating an engagement congratulations confusion from the woman glaring from the guy he hadn't proposed yet she ruined it they came in at lunch the day after so it was pretty empty but it was still for a Valentine's Day date they were both pretty nice at the beginning the guy asked for a picture and whatnot as the meal went on the dude got progressively drunker and by the time I brought the check out the woman was gone when the dude gave me his card he said I'll give you a bit of advice if you're taking a girl out to break up with her do it at a McDonald's and not an expensive restaurant I don't understand why some people think it's a thing to break up at a restaurant dump me in private please if we have plans to go out dump me beforehand I worked at a pretty high and Mediterranean Bistro my second Valentine's there it was probably the busiest night I've ever worked as a server we had reservations that booked basically the entire restaurant including the bar and patio from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. no walk-ins but to be seated unless a reservation was cancelled or someone with a reservation didn't show up most of the customers were pretty understanding and either waited or simply left one dude however kept pushing and pushing asking every ten minutes how much longer until he is seated constantly saying how he is a regular customer and how his date is going to be there at 7:00 he got there at 6:00 we insisted that once a table was available and all the customers before him were seated he would get a table but because the amount of reservations we couldn't guarantee he would even get a table at all at about 650 the guy loses it fast walks up to the hostess stand where the reservation book is grabs the reservation book and practically runs out the front door now everything is going to complete crap because the only copy of the reservations for the night that is barely half over is gone two of the owners ran outside to follow the guy and try get the book back but by the time they got out he had already left the parking lot even better is two hours later chaos is still running rampant and the dude shows back up saying he has a reservation for two three of the five of the owners all brothers escorted the dude and his date out to the parking lot and banned him from the restaurant permanently they even took a picture of him and posted it in the window saying do not serve this man TL DR salty dude without reservation steals reservation book and then tries to come back later I had a section one v-day that had a marriage proposal a 40th anniversary and a break couple at the same time the break-up was the worst the guy brought his high-class data gift and many ceramic bear holding balloons he presented it when I was at the table and she looked at it like it was a hot turd I just knew this was not going to end well she left at the end of the meal and must have said something because he stayed at the table for another 40 minutes head down and crying I felt bad he saw the celebrations going on at the other tables he proposed she said no he cried and tried to change her mind for 20 minutes while she sat there stony-faced she finally got up and walked out he paid and left in tears why are there so many people proposing to people they've not discussed marriage with before it blows my mind I was eating in a fine dining establishment Chili's several years ago in the next booth was a really young guy who had a big bunch of roses on the seat next to him he kept looking at his watch looking at the roses and popping open a ring box for a peek at the ring he did this for a half hour or so then began calling and texting someone presumably his girlfriend over and over as we were waiting for our check he hands my wife the roses mumbled something and walked out poor guy not waitstaff but I used to work front desk at a hotel one Valentine's Day I was working the night shift and this woman comes down with a cut above her eye looking like she just went a few rounds in the ring with a boxer woman starts sobbing and asks to call the cooze which we do immediately turns out this girl's boyfriend just beat the crap out of her during a fight and from what I could tell this probably wasn't the first time so after the cops show up and told the dude off my manager offers her a different room on comp as we need to leave the guy's stuff where it is for him to pick up the next day she accepts and I go up with the woman to help her collect her stuff and move to the new room there were a bunch of bottles of alcohol in the room and she donated them to the front desk staff I got a bottle of hairpin a take and some vodka manager got a bottle of patron cherry on top of everything the dudes wife called later that night saying someone had stolen his card as he was out of town on a business trip never one to defend an abuser I told her where she could find her husband fun times these two were on a date and the guy went to go use the bathroom the girl just happened leaves after he went to the restroom when the guy came back he sat around for a while until asking his waitress where she went she replied with saying that she left the guy then asked the waitress if she would go on a date with him the waitress said no not a waiter but I was a pastry chef at this big resort in Cape Cod we got a special order from this guy who was coming in for his anniversary Valentine's Day he wanted his buzzer to have will you marry me written on it so he could pop the question when it came out he called ahead to the front and back kitchen even came in himself that morning to make sure it was good to go the whole crew was behind him we had cooks all night coming in the ask if it had happened yet I wrote the inscription on the plate and dressed it to the nines with gold leaf and expensive chocolate I'm taking a picture of the plate just before it's set to go out and notice our head waiter come in with a weird look on his face he says plainly they don't need it she broke up with him before the entrees hit the table ruthless a guy did a backflip and asked a girl to be his Valentine she declined I walked up to him and asked if he was fine he said it took him a week to perfect I feel for this guy man hope he found someone I used to be a waiter in a 5-star restaurant it was my first week one guy was about to propose it was obvious by how much he was sweating me he was drenched I tried to make them both relaxed they went on to finish up their meal as soon as the cake arrived he then went on one knee she stood up suddenly he vomited right on her high heels after the shock of what just happened she still ended up saying yes a guy proposed to his girlfriend and she said no the guy threw his arms up and ran out of the building later while waiting for someone to pick her up she told us it was completely out of the blue because they'd only been dating for a few months another v-day a guy raised a huge fuss over the fact that we wouldn't serve liquor to his underaged girlfriend I'm certain you mean he threw up his hands momentarily in exasperation but I can't help picturing him running out of the restaurant arms straight up Kermit the Frog style 16 years in hospitality gives you some good stories the most Awkward my first job as a waitress a guy wanted to propose to his girlfriend he came in two months before to book and had everything figured out he planned to pop the question during dessert we had champagne balloons and sparklers prepped for the big moment the time comes he drops to one he gives a speech about his love for her he asks she says no puts the ring in her bag finishes her dessert and leaves a quite possibly the most awkward thing I have had to witness alongside around 200 other people the manager gave him everything for free he felt that bad for him cringed inside every time I saw him after that the most flicked up I was working as a duty manager and one of the tills kept dropping off the network as I was trying to fix it I could clearly hear the conversation of the table by the waiter station it started out sweet enough with her excitedly telling him she was pregnant he went quiet and didn't say anything for a bit and then asked her what plan was she said she was keeping the baby he said he didn't want kids and had told her this she got upset and said she thought he'd be happy and change his mind when he found out by this point I've fixed the till but I'm unable to step away from this car crash turns out he stopped taking the pill without telling him thinking she could turn him around he said he knew she could be a little nuts sometimes but this was next level he told her it was over and she could send someone to collect her things as he wanted nothing more to do with her that he called me over to pay the bill and just left the guy never even shouted he just calmly went flicked this and noped out of there I couldn't even look her in the eye just left her to leave in her own time the funniest managing hotel room service where there was a Valentine's package that included getting each course of the special menu delivered to your room more than a few couples thought it was a good idea to call for the next course and then start the lovemaking having to help with deliveries as reception freaked up the bookings I had the privilege of people answering the door naked seeing adult toys strewn around and one where the other members of the threesome were carrying on in the background after complaints of similar instances from my team I had to take action I ended up having to call the offending guests and tell them if they could not respect my team by answering the door in at least two clothes dressing-gown they could come down and collect the rest of their meals from the restaurant bonus from the same night had to call an ambulance for a woman with a dislocated shoulder the guy admitted that they were trying to recreate a b-type scene in the shower using conditioner as the CM he slipped in the conditioner and fell on her puts the ring in her bag that's not how this works that's not how any of this works I served at a Japanese hibachi restaurant and once had a couple come in the dudes dumps her after the meal she then gets up and throws up a trail probably a good 20 feet as she runs to the bathroom the dude got up and left the girl and I was left to clean the mess had a couple signed divorce papers and cry a bunch not my table it's back in my Olive Garden days we had a man who looked to be in his mid-twenties tap his empty wine glass with a fork to call for attention of surrounding strangers then get down on one knee with silver band in hand and ask his girlfriend day to accept this promise ring she looked horrified starts to finish old man proposed to old woman he tried to get off the chair to kneel tripped and fell and I assume broke something since he couldn't get back up and we had to call an ambulance my manager had to drive her teeth to the hospital separately because she had taken them out to eat her soup lord knows why and left them on the table in the confusion comma because she had take them out to eat her soup lord knows why some of the adhesive products used to keep denture in the mouth really can't take much heat assuming the soup was hot the adhesive would just turn into glue and drip in her mouth in addition to not holding the dentures in a 16 year old boy proposed to a 15 year old girl with a cheap ring in the whipped-cream of her dessert she said yes so romance isn't quite there yet not a waiter but in my strip club bouncer days we had one of our regulars get suited up and bring flowers in one v-day to try and woo one of the dancers it did not work protip if every time you all hang out it involves you giving her money she is not into you busboy on Las Vegas Strip an attempted proposal dude tries to set up sign with GF friends for her to show up and see the ring near a fountain duck stole the ring they found it two hours later as he dropped in the fountain she still said yes free drinks were given untitled goose game had a man and woman sharing dessert and the man playfully put a bit of the ice cream on her nose she then did the same and he did it back once more but with a different flavor of ice cream but she the flipped out at him because you know I like chocolate the most why would you waste it you idiot in the end she stormed out cause the man couldn't comprehend how much she was blowing up the situation TL DR man put ice cream on woman's nose she is fine with it the first time the second time she rages and leaves yeah sounds like she's got a lot of baggage hidden somewhere back when I served food at one of those super touristy seafood restaurants I worked to Valentine's Day double shift for lunch this younger couple came in celebrating their one-year anniversary I offer my congratulations and proceeded to do my usual spiel before taking orders the girl is looking more and more dismayed the longer I talk finally I get to the end and ask if there are any allergies she looks directly at her boyfriend and states yes I'm allergic to fish and shellfish then looks over at me very sad I made sure every aspect of her meal was fine for her but it was that look off we've been dating a year and he still takes me to a restaurant that could kill me that really did it for me that reminds me when my parents got me a huge strawberry filled cake with strawberries on it for my 25th birthday I'm deathly allergic to strawberries I was working for a higher-end chain steak house in the northwest corner of Greater Los Angeles in the valley Valentine's is obviously one of the top five busiest days of the year for us we did about 500 covers between 5:00 and 10:00 p.m. it's also a restaurant with a very open concept floor plan booths along the four walls of the restaurant and an array of tables in the middle with no partitions or anything between them a younger couple maybe mid 20s dressed to the nines came in shortly after we opened and were seated in a table basically in the dead center of the dining room they were very friendly and pleasant and I could tell that for them dining at our restaurant was a really special treat so I did everything in my power to make it special for them when they're done probably around 7:00 I brought that check which was around $300 when I came back to pick it up the guy had a super embarrassed look on his face and he said he thinks he left his wallet in the car and the woman who is embarrassed for him doesn't have anything with her because her dress had no pockets and she didn't bring a purse so he goes out and five minutes later comes back in looking pale as a ghost he has left his wallet at home and asks if he can call back later with payment info my GM won't let this fly because there's no collateral of any sort he can leave so the guy has to drive home to Burbank to get his wallet while the woman with a hair done and her red lipstick and her pretty dress in the middle of the dining room on Valentine's Day now on the best day with no traffic never happens it's at least 40 minutes each way from our restaurant to Burbank she was there for almost two hours waiting for this guy we were all so embarrassed for her got the staff kept discreetly slipping her drinks and little amuse-bouche bites from the kitchen it was one of the most awkward things I've ever seen in a restaurant when he finally got back he was super apologetic to us into her he paid the check and tipped like 30% and they left it was pretty obvious it was an honest mistake but I still think about that couple from time to time and wonder how things worked out for them but that's why you always do the triple pocket tap a couple sitting at the bar were enjoying their night out the man got up from his brass tool and left for the bathroom as his girlfriend was alone and absolutely wasted at the bar a random woman approached and revealed that she recently matched with a woman's boyfriend on tinder and had hooked up a week earlier the drunk girlfriend refused to believe this story so the woman showed her his tinder profile in their conversation the boyfriend returned to a drunk sobbing and screaming girlfriend I felt like I was watching a reality TV show it was incredible the poor girl was basically carried out of the bar by her boyfriend of three years whom she just discovered has been cheating on her for who knows how long it was the most dramatic moment I have ever experienced and it was absolutely none of my business in college I waited tables and Valentine's Day was always a good one in terms of tips I once saw a couple come in to eat halfway through the din of a man's wife shows up to surprise a couple the wife took the wine bottle and poured the remnants on the husband's head took off her ring and told the girlfriend she could have him he tipped me a $100 you gotta think that your wife might think something is up when you're busy on Valentine's Day I set my hair on fire and spilled a full scale on a lady I work in a causal find Anning Steakhouse luckily for me the lady I spilt the Stila one was super understanding and her husband said from across the table well now she has to take her pants off sir ooh that could have gone worse for me not really much other disaster the last year my work called me up hey buddy we know you're single can you come in as an extra shift tonight no I have a date with your wife I was working as a waitress in a sushi restaurant and Valentine's Day was an all-hands-on-deck shift this guy I had just started seeing wanted to go out but I told him that working in food service you never get Valentine's Day Off and we just have to celebrate the day after all the weekend after nope he got so upset that he went and asked a different girl out came to the restaurant I worked at on the day and sat in my section he then proceeded to spend the entire evening making a fool out of himself and making his date uncomfortable as he tried to make me jealous needless to say we didn't go out again ever idk but I'll find out Friday cause I work a freaking double and it's a blurb ease Godspeed my friend I was working at a corporate sports bar that specialized in chicken wings v-day like most days was insanely busy as the evening winds down someone calls in saying they're a professional food critic and demanded to speak to the manager after a 15-minute call the manager tells us the critic rated a Serbian said the food was good but the service sucked he said he would leave that last part out of his review if we comped his meal and gave him vouchers for free meals in the future but he refused over and over to say where he worked confused the manager talked to the server who confirmed that the guy ate alone rang her around ragged while shamelessly hitting on her and left zero tip he wrote his phone number on the tip line thirsty B wanted free food because the server didn't call in immediately for a date saw the couple have a full-on argument at a restaurant I wasn't their server but the table was directly in the center of the restaurant and they were certainly loud enough for everyone to hear my manager kindly asked them to leave him the guys response was DL I've been wanting to do that crap for two years now and stormed out two failed marriage proposals on the same Valentine's Day the first one simply said now I can't do this and walked out the second one stared like a dear frozen in the headlights for an excruciating thirty seconds before muttering let's talk about this later they stayed for the rest of their six-course v-day special dinner eating and making painful small talk if you aren't 100% certain the person will say yes then your relationship is nowhere near a point where getting engaged as an option a girl that I worked with went to lunch on Valentine's Day at an expensive restaurant her boyfriend had gotten a reservation for she got dressed up nice was was going on about how sure she was that he was going to propose he broke up with her you have been visited by the romantic girl comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, valentines day, valentines day 2020, will you be my valentine, reddit waiters worst date, worst date, dating advice reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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