Waiters Share The Worst First Dates They've Seen (r/AskReddit)

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waiters of reddit what's the worst first date you've ever seen well I didn't technically see it but it must have been pretty bad I work at a hospital and I answered a call on the ward from a patient's son he asked how his mum was going then asked if I could call him back in a few minutes because he was losing reception I called him back and a woman answered I said hello this is damnation 182 from the rimmed it's hospital is xx xx there she passed the phone over to the same man I spoke to a few minutes earlier and gave him a quick rundown and he said thank you and hung up didn't think anything of it until the next day when I saw the patient's son on the ward he thanked me for calling him back because he was apparently on the worst date ever where the woman wouldn't stop talking about her ex boyfriends all of their flaws and how much she hates men he apparently called from the bathroom went back and left the phone on the table then went to the bar to get drinks I called the badge 8 on cert and he told her his mum had been in a car accident and he had to go ASAP his mum was there for a routine tonsillectomy Bravo sir I was working in a small restaurant with two floors a woman and a man came in and I had a table for them upstairs it looked like they had a first date because they were asking those getting to know each other questions after ordering food the woman had to go to the toilet which is downstairs as she walked to the stairs the food arrived she walked down tripped and fell all the way down knocking her head on the ground two colleagues immediately rushed over to her to see how she was doing she was unconscious and bleeding from her head so they called an ambulance I went to the man while he already started eating and told him his partner didn't know how to call her fell down the stairs and that she was unconscious and that an ambulance was on the way he walked to the stairs looked down and walked back to his table to finish his food later the ambulance arrived and I asked him if he wanted to go with him to the hospital and he said no while finishing her food as well it was so awkward he just sat there for another 45 minutes eating drinking paid the bill and left I still don't know what kind of relationship they had and whether the woman is okay I definitely have seen a lot of awkward last dates I used to work at a very small neighborhood restaurant everyone that came in was a regular most were couples in their 40s 50s out for a quiet dinner but there was one standout a very handsome man in his early 30s would come in it seems only to break up with women about twice a month he would come in with a beautiful woman and partway through their meal she would be crying I always tried to clean the tables near them for as long as possible but I never heard much of his speech he always tipped well and was super nice to me and my coworkers it was just brutal seeing him bringing a new lady in knowing what she was about to go through plot twist he is an oncologist who takes terminally ill patients out for a nice meal to hear their diagnosis I work in an Italian restaurant a few years ago I waited on a guy and girl who met for the first time upon arriving at the restaurant there were awkward pleasantries exchanged at the door and then they were seated when I was taking their order the guy asked if we had soup because he had mouth surgery a few days prior and chewing food was still a little rough we don't have soup so I explained that the softest food on the menu was naki he ordered the house Saki and proceeded to cut each tiny dumpling into four or more pieces and slowly to each piece he ate that entire dish over a three-hour period in the girl stuck it out for the whole thing she looked miserable and I'm pretty sure they never saw each other again man and woman cozy in a booth different woman storms in through the front door literally dragging two kids behind her right past the hostess station to stand defiantly in front of the couple and proceeds to be dude was nailed oh man those kids though I couldn't imagine the terror they had to sit through the rest of the night dude would not stop eating her freaking food other table actually noticed and we casually people watched the date together girl looked miserable asked if she wanted the rest of her food boxed up when she said no but the guy was like actually yes it was painful more a story of a non-date I worked at a cafe and it was a small local chain so there were two other locations in the city this guy sits down for about an hour and comes up to the counter and asks if we can call around to the other locations to see if this girl was there because they had a date planned in he was sure she must have just gone to the wrong location we called to the other two locations and they said they never saw anyone fitting that description to the guy stuck around for another couple hours buying two more drinks and a sandwich just waiting until we finally closed for the night I felt so awful for him he seemed so crushed he made a comment to her about how he's not Jew why so she should order whatever she wanted she was Jewish spent the rest of the evening in silence as he went on about how his ex-girlfriend was anorexic and so annoying about food he was happy to be on a date with a woman who could eat like a normal person so weird I work at IHOP about once a week to middle school early high school-age kids come in and sit a table away from each of their parents and kiss and hug each other excessively one time I think the guy was getting a handy underneath the table the parents just maintained conversation and pretend not to notice the kid is also a huge er served a couple a few months ago every time I walked over he would always be the one talking and she would just be sitting there not having a good time at the end I asked if it was one bill separate and she immediately piped up separate I go and take his payment and as I hand over the debit machine to the girl I see the guy take his phone out and start swiping through tinder I was bartending in NY and watched this couple that had met on tinder have their first date sitting at my bar the girl was a complete maniac kept bringing up the fact that the dude she was with could be a psychopath and could murder her he had given no indication of this and went on tinder while he was still sitting beside her at the bar I kept telling him he was lucky that she agreed to meet him at all and she didn't think he'd be this boring she ordered about five or six slits and several shots he literally just had two beers she made him pay for everything my favorite part of this crap show was that he excused himself to go to the bathroom and left through the fire escape absolutely brilliant to be clear there was only one official entrance and exit this dude escaped out the back and when searching for him straight-up thought he had to separated out of the bar had an obvious first date where the lady was grilling the guy on how much money he makes and he didn't really want to answer it was awkward serving steak and salad during an interrogation Olive Garden around 2014 or so from like 7:30 close on a weeknight middle-aged man of sub average attractiveness was sitting alone at a table with a glass of water insisting that his date would be just a few minutes there's traffic at around 9:15 manager had to come out and let him know that the restaurant would close at 10:00 and if he'd like to place a food order he should probably do it now he ordered a bruschetta appetizer and said a game that his date was on her way and they'd order when she got there 9:45 this beautiful woman walks in and awkwardly stands by his table I couldn't hear the conversation they had but the man then asked for a box for the appetizer and they wound up leaving together without her even sitting down I was working at a Mexican restaurant at the time I was waiting on a couple and I could tell it was a first date by the questions I heard them asking each other anyway towards the end of their meal there was this Hispanic girl sweeping next to their table and the woman looks at her holds out the remains on her plate and says would you like to take this home to feed your kids I stood there in complete shock this woman spoke no English but she could tell this random woman was completely degrading her but the sad thing is she seemed like she really thought she was doing a good deed her date looked so embarrassed I used to work at a little crappy diner place definitely not a type of place to bring a first date there was this guy who'd come in every Friday with a different girl he was a very good-looking dude and was always super polite and very nice to me but he was super awkward the girls would look kind of skeptical as they walked in probably because of the crappy diner scene every week about halfway through the meal like clockwork the girls would develop these get me the Frick outta here faces that's when I would bring the check they always boxed up their food and left right away I had the chance to talk to one of them while he was in the restroom apparently he wasn't harmful there was just something off about him that the girls didn't like his persistence is on point though once witness a date where the dew talked about how special he was and how his mind wasn't like other people's for the entire date the girl was politely nodding along and every time she tried to get a word in he'd cut her off absolutely brutal I'm sure he thought the date went wonderful 2phi work at a Japanese restaurant and one couple comes to mind it was the worst for everyone else involved we offered private rooms that have sliding doors and this couple clearly was hitting off very well to the point that after a few drinks she had moved to his side of the table and they just went to each other's faces and bodies for about two hours they could have done all that with the doors closed and it would have been less cringy still cringy nonetheless did know the sliding doors were wide open for all the patrons to see kids big groups of people waitstaff runners etc if I remember correctly they tipped pretty bad too so it was not a fun time a guy got stood up he then drank a magnum bottle of red wine eight glasses of wine and ate three apps out of depression his date called him and he started cussing her out he asked for more wine and then I had to cut him off so he got up and tried to run out of the restaurant with a bottle he grabbed from the rack an off-duty cop tackled him in the lobby and then he crapped his pants in front of everyone waiting for a table he lied there screaming with the guy holding him down until the cops arrived and arrested him this is my fondest memory of being a bartender at Olive Garden I work at a country club that is up to its ears in old money that uses said old money to make more new money the membership fees cost more than a year at my university to say money is not an issue there would be an understatement anyways I was serving a young couple in the power imbalance was phenomenal she was the daughter of one of the board members and the entire staff knew her read her father's club account was major money and the gent well he wasn't a member and certainly looked like he was just the average broke college student he was wearing plain but nice clothes and she was dressed to the nines in fashion the date seemed to go smoothly enough nothing out of the ordinary until she gets up and leaves the table before I have brought out the bill I bring the bill to the counter knowing it is well over $300 worth of food and drinks all things she insisted on ordering two bottles of top-shelf wine neither finished two steaks when he asked for the chicken and she insisted on him eating steak like a man and he solemnly goes to pull out his wallet and starts tearing up apologizing that he won't be able to tip I mean I've never had a customer cry over not being able to tip and he further explained he was a server too and that she didn't know he wasn't rich and she left because he had told her about his scholarship I was flabbergasted and kindly reminded him that at this country club we do not take credit cards nor cash we only charge two accounts and so her father got a hefty bill rest assured he signed a handsome tip to me in her name it was entirely satisfying last I heard her father cut her off I can't help but smile at all the life lessons she is learning like working to go on dates worked at Apple Arby's this woman was the worst woman I've ever waited on she was needy and [ __ ] down her iced tea like there was a worldwide shortage he was silent he didn't talk once except to order his quesadilla burger and she just kept going and going prattling on and she was mean to talking down about how people were losers to be serviced and how much better it was to work in a shop at the end he went to the bathroom and just never came back he apparently jetted out the side door where the tigger girls worked and gave them a 20 to give to me worst woman was just sitting there and waiting for him to come back I stood there at the service station just waiting for her to realize he wasn't coming back so after 10 minutes she just started crying pushes her chair over and flounced out I didn't get a tip but it made my night so there was this couple on a first date seated at a table in the back at first I didn't think much of it wasn't even aware that it was a first date until the restaurant owned a man called to let me know his son was there on his very first date ever the son was in his late 20s obviously this was a big deal to him and he called the restaurant to make sure we would do our best to make sure they have a pleasant evening my boss heard and instantly went to the kitchen in order to make sure they would get a special treatment what followed was plates with rose petals red hearts etc etc way III over the top when serving the plates my boss even mentioned the phone call to finish it off the dessert came complete with fireworks and all that the idea was sweet but obviously this was way too much for a first date of two people who were basically just getting to know each other as the evening progressed the girl was visually put off by my boss trying too hard poor guy up until then he had been doing quite well the pair seemed to have a lovely evening until my trihard boss entered the scene that is the girl was polite towards the end of their date but it was obvious there was not going to be a second date and it wasn't even the guy's fault other people ruined it for him I felt so sorry for that dude I once had a guy come sit at my bar who was waiting for his blind date he orders a couple of drinks to calm his nerves well he probably should have slowed it down to keep his mouth from working faster than his brain in a ho she shows up and is way out of his league she is absolutely beautiful she orders a drink and they start talking I come back to check on them and I hear him talking about how much he hates children he was saying things like how he hopes he never has any and that he will never be stuck taking care of them and how he wishes that kids couldn't be taken into public places so that he wouldn't have to be around them she looked him dead in the eye and said well I have a daughter and I love her very much she grabbed her person walked out on him the look on his face was absolutely priceless if I work at a fairly nice Italian restaurant where we do a lot of business one night a man who I was not even serving came up to me while I was punching an order in on the computer and hands me $20 and a napkin with a phone number on it he proceeds to tell me I am on the worst date of my life this woman is horrendous and I have to get out of here take this $20 and please go to the nearest phone and call and tell me that I have to get home right away I don't care what excuse you make up I just gotta get the heck out of here initially I thought he was kidding until two minutes later the guy who was serving him came up to me to tell me how wicked this woman was and how he could tell the guy didn't wanna be there I promptly called that guy as soon as I had a free minute one of my shining achievements as a server it was one of my first dates where the waiter definitely could sense the awkwardness I was a junior in high school I had been flirting with a senior for a couple months and asked her out the day I got my license I picked her up from her house and within one minute of being in the car she got a phone call one of her best friends died of a brain aneurysm earlier that day I told her that we could delay the date and offer to take her home but she declined and insisted we carry on we get to the restaurant and she is crying at the table I didn't say any words to her other than are you okay the whole date because she was either texting her group of friends or couldn't make out words due to being so hysterical the waiter kept coming by and sensed how awkward I was feeling out of all my restaurant experiences I have never received my in-tray and checks so fast the waiter was a true bro here's Bob Ross holding a baby raccoon to brighten your day if you enjoyed the video subscribe and comment if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 10,518
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, first date, waiters, worst date, worst first date, worst, waiters share, restaurant, coffee shop
Id: Mp5boUcMJDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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