Very Really Good #130: GAMESTONK

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all right we're recording audio record video sync it up all right hey guys welcome back to the podcast this is episode uh 1 30. uh we're in it dude we're in the 130s now all right this this is a 130s that's a good time of day you know that's a good episode i only know it's going to be a good episode because it's a good time of day 1 30 p.m what's up that's probably that's in about 25 minutes okay it's 105. i'll see if i'll remember at 1 30. but dude ain't nothing like 1 30 p.m you know you've been awake for a while still a lot of time left in the day who knows who knows what i'm going to get up to you know i 1 30 i could i could watch i could sit down and watch the two towers lord of the rings two towers and i'll be done before dinner time i'll be done around 4 30. all right who knows maybe i'll do that you know what maybe this will be a 25 minute episode i'll go [ __ ] y'all alright i'll go peace [ __ ] and i'm i'm gonna flip on lord of the rings the two towers but then i'll leave the recording going so you can like hear me watching it and you can faintly hear the two towers in the background me watching it and you meet just like like me snacking and stuff just watching you know the you know the sounds you make when you watch a movie it did not much um but yeah man it's this episode what the [ __ ] it's episode 130 uh we're gonna talk about some crap today dude um let's pull up the the the notes this [ __ ] dock i got dude oh actually we gotta i actually didn't know this but um it is officially this is a few days ago um but it's officially three years of doing this podcast all right three years man and the crowd loves it the crowd loves the three years um that's their favor that's the crowd that's any crowd's favorite number of years if i if i hey look listen to this listen to this all right listen to this i'm not uh okay hey hey guys what do you think about uh four years come on come on guys there's nothing wrong with that that's a good amount of time right okay fine three years oh it's funny too huh guys okay that was stupid um but no it's three years three years doing this podcast man it's crazy i never thought i'd have a sound board never thought i'd have one and here we are sound they should be called sound not bored because i'm never bored when i use this [ __ ] all right sound exciting that's what they should be called sound excited not sound bored all right because i can do [ __ ] [ __ ] i can do [ __ ] like that that's not that's not boring at all um but no three years of doing this podcast man thank you for listening if you've been here since the beginning or if you're here it's from anywhere in between if you're anywhere from this is your first episode or [ __ ] i don't care when you started listening if you're listening i appreciate you so much because i have so much fun doing this podcast um you know it's a nice way to start my week off uh you know i get to just you know hang out for a bit talk about stuff and uh yeah i just i can't ever picture not doing this it's so much fun um and i and i appreciate everyone listening and taking the time to let me know that you're listening and everything and i've seen a lot of comments of people saying that uh they like fall asleep to this podcast which is interesting because i never thought that that would happen or be a thing but apparently i have a soothing voice hey syrian voice i'm gonna talk like that the whole time so welcome back good night if you're listening if you're listening this while you're going to sleep good night don't let the bedbugs bite just spit so much foaming at the mouth talking like that i'm not gonna do that but no that's cool that you listen to this while you're going to bed and it probably makes your dreams all [ __ ] up every night you're just dreaming of like ha ha what if i [ __ ] what if [ __ ] was a guy and you're like a poopoo fart dick and then you're like what did i just dream about it's the uh it's the podcast i'm listening to in my ear um but hey man whatever helps you sleep at night you know yeah sure you can listen my podcast if it helps you sleep at night whatever helps you sleep at night um but no seriously when i started doing this podcast um i was working at inkbox full-time it was my full-time job and i would record my podcast you know at night in my little break my little breakfast nook in my kitchen and it was you know it was a lot of fun it was something that i wanted to do because it would it required uh minimal editing because i didn't have time to edit youtube videos because i had a full-time job um that i was doing full-time uh so i just started doing that and people seem to like it and here we are three years later man dude i like this podcast lasted longer than some people's relationships that's embarrassing hey if you've had a relationship for less than three years you should be embarrassed you should be hiding in a corner shaking like a sad dog alright cause i've been able to because i've been able to talk [ __ ] for three years i'm kidding uh being in a relationship is probably it's it's probably more work than having a podcast because you know a podcast is just like you're not having your podcast isn't you know you don't share a bed with your podcast is what i'm saying um it'd be weird i like take you taking your microphone to bed and then you're um never mind i'm gonna say [ __ ] your microphone like hey that's weird i guess you could dude because they're pretty phallic jimmy phallic dude what if jimmy fallon had an alter ego called jimmy phallic and he was just him with his [ __ ] out him with his [ __ ] soft penis out of his trousers it's like him sitting at his late night desk and there's a glass window on the bot on like the right where the croc right or his crotch is and you see his soft penis hanging out he's like what's up guys it's late night show jimmy phallic here's my soft penis and it's the exact same show shot for shot as the jimmy fallon show but it's just it's just his dick is out i would tune in i listen i'm not the biggest jimmy fallon fan but i'm the number one fan of jimmy phallic and like dude any like celebrities i have to like to interview they don't address it right they never address his soft penis until the the last episode this the series finale when he says guys i was actually hard the whole time that's how hard it gets and then it goes the band plays it goes uh that was actually my soft penis that's as hard as it gets good night everybody tonight i've been jimmy fallock thank you so much for an amazing 20 years on me on the air and he zips up his pants oh that's so [ __ ] funny man my soft penis has been hard that's how hard is it that's that that's literally the hardest that it gets good bye everyone thank you so much holy [ __ ] that's crazy jimmy phallic all right um what's been going on lately we're we're talking for 10 minutes and i haven't talked about the really the things i want to talk about um well okay yeah we could talk about i just uploaded a video on on fr uh friday it's monday today fri yeah i post on friday um and it was a video that i've been working on for probably a month and a half like just kind of in the background like other videos um like i had the idea well not really i here's what happened when i was editing my homeless for the holidays video um my friend matthew paquette texted me and he was like yo i just trained an ai bot on some of your scripts so a robot might be able to write some jokes for you and just out of the blue i guess because you were just working with that um so i was like yo that's that's [ __ ] super funny let me know what happens and then a few days go by i touch base with him and he sends me like uh just like a script of just like nonsense from my videos i guess and i was like this would be really funny um if we made a whole video but if i made a whole video about this of just like an ai writing a script for me um so he was like yeah [ __ ] it let's let's do it i'm down to help so i started like writing video just like kind of um early january i guess right around when i was doing the fresh and fit video um but i was just kind of like thinking about it and researching and watching like little documentaries about ai and stuff and um it's [ __ ] really fascinating because i've always i've always been really like interested in that um ever since especially playing detroit become human that game was so [ __ ] good and just like the overall themes of like what does it mean to be a human like can we replicate that if technology gets so advanced where uh a robot is indistinguishable from a human and they feel human emotions um who like who are we to say who are we to say that they're not human right um so i just i was just like so interested about that and so i decided to like sort of like focus it about like ai aoi artificial intelligence and just as in relation to creating content um because i because i've always thought it was a very human thing you know to like write to create art even doing this just a podcast only a it's a very human thing right to just like talk and just be like i want to i want what's up here in my head to come out of here into you guys and i want and i want i want to like connect with people right that's what this is for entertainment and like you know connection human stuff so i thought it was always it was very interesting to think of that from like a robot wanting to do that because like why would they but they're already training ai to create art so i was like let's do a whole video about that talk about it and um and then i can kind of segue into writing my own script or make sorry writing making the robot write the script um and i ended up learning like so much about ai and like how it worked and just like the how many different uh resources there are to start learning and using it um so yeah i worked on that video so [ __ ] for so long man and like halfway through scripting i realized that i needed my videos in screenplay format and then i had to like i was like should i do it myself should i like stream if i can transcribe this [ __ ] um and then i hired this company who took a week they took a week to do it which is like pretty you know pretty good time turnaround time for five videos it's like three hours of content i think um no probably like two hours but still um but then i had to wait another week for the payment to go through for them because they need to get paid before they can release the files to me obviously so man i was just like stressing because like the the deadline because i had a brand deal in it the deadline was creeping up and i've never been so [ __ ] stressed about a video in my life and just working at it and like i was like while i wait for the payment to go through i can just keep editing the part that i have done so i watched that video like 50 [ __ ] times i'm sure just editing tweaking it and it got to the point where i watched it so many times where the jokes i made were not funny anymore any like topics anything that i said wasn't interesting or relevant i was like this is just i've seen this before it's boring been there done that you know so i was really nervous to upload it but um and then of course when i did upload it youtube was like in the first like two hours youtube was like sorry this is eight of 10. this is not your video is not doing well i'm really sorry um so i changed the title and the thumbnail i don't know if that did anything but i guess it did because it right now is that three of ten here i'm looking for the three of ten baby worked its way up and uh i got on trending page which was cool got to number two on trending and danny was number one so that's [ __ ] cool you know it's always good to see your buddies doing well um and and drew got on today too so [ __ ] all dude the homies are on the trending page and it's [ __ ] good feeling um no more [ __ ] noah beck eats a eats a chocolate challenge gone a lie detector uh so that's nice or any variant of those words um but yeah everyone i mean the feedback on the video has been great i definitely want to do more uh videos like that you know in that format where i kind of just like more so like documentary ish not really it's more like video essay like funny video essay with like some sort of experiment in it which is always fun to do um so yeah i'm gonna i the feedback has been great so thank you if you've watched it um it is very it's my longest video ever so i get it people haven't watched it yet but um should give it a go i don't know if you haven't watched it yet i i i think it's pretty good um what else been [ __ ] going on dude oh we could talk about that dude we gotta talk about [ __ ] uh i gotta change the subject sorry um so this whole [ __ ] gamestop [ __ ] uh so insane dude when i first saw it i was like i yeah i don't know but the more i actually like like the more stuff that came out about it like how serious it seems i was like oh maybe i should research this a bit um because dude the stock market i don't i don't get it don't don't share this with anyone all right don't this is just between me and you guys but don't i don't get the stock marker i don't care what is it you know it's like i know what it is you know it's companies going public you know and you can buy shares of that company so you own a little bit of a company a tiny tiny bit of a company you own it and as it goes up in value then then then you make more money off that and then you can sell those shares to people who want to buy into the company hopefully it goes up right i think that's the bear you know like those that's that that's that's the bare minimum all right dude welcome okay this is bus this is [ __ ] stock market 101 with kurt uh is all you ever gonna need about stocks so here is what without reading this article i'm gonna try to explain what happened with the uh the um the gamestop thing so gamestop stock has been very low it's for a while for a long time obviously you know you could buy video games on your ps4 or ps5 and it's super easy that that way um you know i feel like the physical game stores are gonna go away at some point um especially gamestop when you like you're like hey i have like 100 games to trade in can i have any credit they're like yeah here's um here's a booger that i found under my [ __ ] ch chair this morning all right oh you want to give me a hundred games and this brand new ps4 you've never used how about i kick you in the balls is that a fair trade is that a fair trade i i [ __ ] hoofy in the [ __ ] jewels how about i hoof you in the jewels for these for this [ __ ] stuff you're giving us for free yeah oh how about i how about i call your mom and tell her you're dead how about that oh you're giving us all this stuff and you want some credit for the store how about i call your mom and tell her that you just gotten a [ __ ] i tell her i'm a police officer that just found your dead body how about that fair trade [ __ ] and they give you a swirly that's what gamestop does for you when you try to trade in stuff um anyways back to the stock market um which is something i thought i'd never say in my life anyways back to the stock market um no so the so gamestop stock has been very like cheap you know low people are like this is stupid is it bad stock don't buy it um so a lot of people were shorting it that's what they're doing uh yeah yeah yeah um i wanna short your stock okay so they're shorting game stop because i guess which means like you're which means they're betting on it that it's gonna um not go up i guess right so a lot of people on reddit were noticing this so they're like [ __ ] it let's all buy a bunch of shares of gamestop to inflate it so all these like hedge fund people who are shorting it will lose a bunch of money because they lost they lost their bet you know um because shorting i'm pretty sure is like you borrow i think you borrow stocks from people so you can sell them and then hopefully make a profit on that when you give the stocks back to the to people i think so what happens is like that all these hedge fund people were [ __ ] losing a bunch of money and then people were getting life making so much money off gamestop from reddit um and so much so that robin hood shut down like they like shut down like they prohibited people buying stocks of like gamestop um amc which is another one they're doing um which is so [ __ ] because like if like if a [ __ ] uh some hedge fund some super rich people like group of people like people in the stock market if they're doing that um like they wouldn't it's fine like it's totally safe it's it's like it's like yeah that's just a stock market but as soon as like just the regular public if they do the same thing then robin hood's like hey whoa whoa whoa guys you can't do that right that's so [ __ ] unfair man it's just like it's literally just like this is gambling is that it's legal gambling essentially right that's what the stock market is it's people gambling being like hey it's literally it's people in suits and a cowboy hat and they got poker chips and they go i'm gonna put it all on that and if i lose it then you bail me out and if i literally dude [ __ ] bailouts what the [ __ ] literally let's say if you go to a like play roulette you know and you're in vegas and you hit the roulette table and you go okay i'm gonna put it i'm gonna put all my money on um put all my money on black right and then it goes it hits it's like [ __ ] red and you're like okay well i lost but can you i don't have any more money can you just like bail me out real quick can you give me more money and they're like yeah sure no problem here's all the money you need that doesn't [ __ ] happen man that doesn't happen at a casino so why does it happen at the [ __ ] stock exchange huh an itchy head um it's just so unfair because they're just like it's like they're not they're just changing the rules of it being like okay well this only rich people are to make a lot of money all right i don't know it's [ __ ] up and i'm like i i'm i don't know i have like i'm not gonna say like it's just [ __ ] up that like i'm trying to think about what i'm trying to say here but the fact that they're able to just stop that from happening should be illegal right and they should like that they shouldn't be in business anymore that they just like okay no you're not allowed not to make money from that is so [ __ ] up man only the rich people can [ __ ] profit off of that i don't know it just really goes to show you that like money this is what me and jacob were talking about the other episode about bitcoin dude money it's not real none of this is real and a subreddit can literally like bankrupt billionaires isn't that [ __ ] crazy man hopefully my subreddit can do that one day it'll just bankrupt a bunch of billionaires and [ __ ] you know distribute the money a little bit more you know because you know what dude how much money a billion dollars is that is ah so much dude that is so much i don't know man i i think we're going to see a lot more of this in the future because i feel like this is kind of like the pandora's box if you will um pandora's vagina um because you know how that is a term for a vagina's box wait was pandora a person i'll feel weird oh yes you oh yeah pandora she was a person oh she was the first woman on earth yo did i just crack the code is it is that like a metaphor for like birth pandora's box like pandora's vagina you know because like all the evil came out when she opened the box so like maybe when she gave birth to someone then that was all the evil dude big brain [ __ ] on the very really good podcast um speaking of the very really good podcast uh what the [ __ ] kind of segue was that speaking of the podcast that we were [ __ ] listening to right now jesus christ um at vrgpod on instagram uh and tick tock hopefully i haven't got that yet but i will be on tick tock but uh we're gonna start uh posting highlights and stuff on there on the instagram page um and like stories about topics stuff you guys want to hear i posted today um like send topics and stuff and questions um i used my old niche meme account and i i got rid of it and i converted it into the podcast because that's something i actually do now i don't make those niche it was just for a video so um so we're gonna i'm gonna answer some quick questions from there um and maybe we'll do this every week new segment you know questions that you guys asked me from the vrg pod instagram so up up rao upro adziel asks are you planning to do more music stuff um i yeah i love i'd love to um i need a new jingle for this [ __ ] segment too um uh no for music i i would love to i never um i'm not very like musically inclined like i can't play instruments uh the blood-related instrumental i just bought from a website uh to use um but i mean i can write lyrics and stuff i can rhyme so and i i can i could carry a tune if it's com i don't want to do like serious music stuff because i don't take myself serious enough for that but uh comedy music is so much fun and there's so much uh i don't know there's just so many different angles you can go with it instead of like where you can't usually in like just youtube like regular like sketch comedy and stuff so um yeah i don't mean danny we were talking about making a song together which would be fun but i guess we just need an idea first but um absolutely i want to do more music stuff um uh okay another question from aaliyah mary what's something that motivates you to keep going dude that [ __ ] cash dude i only do this for a month i'm kidding um no i think or like you guys obviously i get a lot of personal fulfillment for making videos that i am proud of and i think are funny but i mean just getting the messages from you guys in the comments of like this was really good i like this and it made my day better or like i um you know i've been having a really tough time and your videos made me laugh and i don't know that's just the best man that's why i keep doing it because it's fun for me obviously i enjoy doing it and it like it gives me a lot of personal like creative fulfillment but the fact that people like it the [ __ ] crazy man so that's what you guys you guys keep me going you guys keep me young um another ques we'll do one more question then we'll move on to the curtis corner um what are some things that we will never do uh because we're all germaphobes now and that's from zoe that's a good question actually i was thinking about that yesterday not yesterday i was thinking about that recently doesn't matter when um literally does not [ __ ] matter when i thought it but uh no when did you think of it curtis let us know the exact date and time i want to know um no i was wondering like how much do you think the birthday candle industry suffered because of covid you know i'm never blown out of cake ever again unless the candles are jimmy phallic penises i'm not going anywhere near it dude i'm not going anywhere near that cake and the cake is a cake like a butt the cake unless the cake is a butt with jimmy phallic penises candles on it then i ain't doing it all right sorry my [ __ ] ring notification went off um also hey every time i got that ring doorbell thing and every time a car drives by it's like hey someone's at your door i'm like nope it's a [ __ ] vehicle all right and i change it every time so it only goes on the i don't know very specific thing to [ __ ] complain about my video doorbell notifies me too much of movement outside um what was i saying oh yeah so birthday candles for sure um i think just like i don't know sharing things i'm not gonna share things being really close at a bar with like a stranger dude you think about when you're at like a bar a really crowded bar and you're talking to someone and it's really loud so you got to go in their ear and really in their ear screaming because it's so [ __ ] loud in there and you go yeah that's what i was thinking about the other day was that the tvs are too big now tvs are too big and they're like yeah dude for sure i was thinking that too like tvs are much too big these days and then you're just yelling spit into each other's [ __ ] ear canal i don't yeah it's gonna be a while until i go into a crowded bar again or just go to a grocery store without a mask on uh it's gonna be a while oh yeah but literally [ __ ] howie mandel had it right dude germaphobe is the way to go um okay we'll we're gonna hop into the curtis corner really quick but before that uh let's hear a quick word from this episode sponsor let's go this episode of very really good is sponsored by hellofresh if you've been watching my videos for a little bit you already know that i love hellofresh we've been eating hello fresh every week for like two years now and it's honestly made like meal planning and cooking so much easier with hellofresh you get fresh pre-measured ingredients and mouth-watering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door hellofresh lets you skip those trips to the grocery store and makes home cooking easy fun and affordable and that's why it's america's number one meal kit yeah number one dude hellofresh offers convenient contact free delivery right to your doorstep and you can decide what day of the week you want your hellofresh box delivered and if you need to cancel or add extra meals it's just a couple taps on the hellofresh app it's super easy and flexible and with hellofresh there's something for everybody including weekly low calorie vegetarian and family friendly recipes also over 90 of ingredients are sourced directly from farmers to ensure only the freshest produce and proteins are delivered right to your door hellofresh is also carbon neutral they can help reduce your food waste by 25 and they donated over 4 million meals to charity in 2020 and now they're stepping up food donations to local communities amid the food insecurity crisis and the pandemic so you can feel good about supporting a good company and hellofresh is hooking it up with an awesome deal just go to vrg 10 and use code vrg10 for 10 free meals including free shipping you'd be silly not to give this a go like i said we've been eating hellofresh for several years now and it's it's honestly just the best we have so much fun cooking together and we get to try these new exciting meals that we would never try to cook without hello fresh so it's honestly amazing i cannot recommend it enough so yeah hope you guys check them out you won't be disappointed i promise and it also helps me out when you check them out so everybody wins here all right thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring this episode back to me well i i think it's time we hop into the curtis corner i'm gonna play the jingle right now okay really quick sorry this is curtis from the future um we recorded a really funny curtis corner segment but my audio stopped recording for some reason so uh my audio might sound a little not as good as it usually does because it's just camera audio um for this segment but it'll go back to the regular after it um so yeah my apologies for the next little bit my my audio is not going to sound that good but yeah that's it uh enjoy it all right so we're we're here we're here with jacob what's good uh not much how uh how's life with you you know life life is good you're um i said that like i was about to say a lot more yeah life is good it's good you know when you get down to it it's pretty good i have one story today just one only one story yeah i think we're i think we're trying to be a little more uh goofy in the corner i think that sometimes we get a little too sad and uh and scary in the curtis corner and it should be a place of of uh you know of simply goofs goofs and gas the curtis corner is a safe space yeah yeah that's a good way of putting it so yeah here here's our safe story that we have uh levi's is making sweatpants now holy [ __ ] yeah pretty easy story today yeah so levi is the famous denim brand i guess uh it says on that this article that they're coming they're succumbing to the sweatpants when i first read this i don't know why but my instinct was to assume that they're making denim sweatpants which isn't the case like they literally have no idea that other materials exist like oh i don't know there's what they're sweatpants you know there's when you when i put them on i get sweaty i get real they're yeah they're just extra thick denim so you sweat even harder levi's announces its first lingerie line crotchless levi's levi's releases brand new condoms they like have a button on them to fasten it up too like they're not they don't have like the elastic it's like a little pair of jeans for your friend dick it has a reservoir pocket and you could yeah you could put like a belt on it levi's expands into shoes it's loose denim that you tightly wrap around your feet oh god yeah they just send fabric just so i'll just cut a fabric also sweatpants trend i don't under i don't really understand that like is it has sweatpants always been like pretty popular no now they're popular oh okay i just thought they were yeah it looks like um it looks like there's more there's more sweatpants now i guess it's sort of like because of the pandemic everyone's saying at home you know i haven't put on jeans in like 11 months exactly so i think your levi's like target demo absolutely yeah i can't wait to throw on my jean boxers slide my baggy jean sweatpants over imagine we we get news that uh levi's has a contract with nasa the first ever denim space station they'd get him astronauts dude that'd be kind of tough actually a boot cut astronauts yeah they got astronauts do have pretty big boots do you think women's astronaut suits have pockets on them that's actually a good question they have to have like an astronaut first and nasa is still so sexism astronaut suits are just a scam to get female astronauts to buy more persons yo that is kind of tough though imagine floating around in space with like a sick gucci on you yeah that's pretty sick like a nice like coach bag nice space coach bag imagine pulling up to the space station with that chanel space suit yeah that'd be hard yeah i do think like in like the future when we're like uh when like commercial space travel is like a thing and you can like go to other planets on like like on a whim do you think like space street wear would be a thing like supreme like supreme flicks like space helmets and the supreme stickers like you can't even see that would be the drip though i know personally i'm not going to space unless i'm going to be dripped out that's true i'm not trying to have aliens see me and be like yeah like in you know when uh in that episode of magic school bus when arnold they go to pluto and then arnold takes his uh his helmet off in his face his head turns to ice yeah i do i'm gonna be i want that to happen but when i take i'm gonna i'm gonna be literally like iced out like when i take my [ __ ] helmet off i'm gonna turn i'm a straight up turn to ice i'll be so iced out you can't even turn you can't even tell the difference bro uh water finally found in space because my wrist water found on mars and it's just a picture of you going like this drip on mars oh that's so good do you think it's gonna be like the bugatti like flying off into space is that how we're riding oh yeah i think so like at the end of greece when the car just kind of flies off in the end in the space dude it's gonna be me in the car surrounded by bad [ __ ] top down in space bad bad alien [ __ ] bro it's gonna be tentacles it's gonna be eight eyeballs and we're all gonna be dripped out i can't i mean we're probably gonna be dead before that but our children's children will be a [ __ ] alien for sure bro if my great great great grandkids can be getting topped off by a hot alien by one of those uh what are they called one of those uh nordics what are those called nordic no uh what are those nordic aliens right i have no idea what you're doing oh it's like a type of alien that people think are on hold on earth like the nordics nordic alien they just think that like northern european people are aliens yeah well they look like northern europeans it's like oh i see yeah yeah i mean if they're gonna they if my great in my great great great grandson ain't putting the dick and nor dick aliens in their [ __ ] levi's spacesuit get out of here dude you know those star wars aliens with the long neck yes i do enough said too well oh that's funny that is good jar jar dink so yeah all this to say that um you swear pants from levi's name yeah i mean we'll have to levi's if you're watching uh we would love a sponsorship uh send you know send some sweat uh sweatsuits our way we'll [ __ ] wear them in an episode bro i would love a levi sweat i've been trying to buy a sweatsuit lately actually all right levi's uh get in on it i'll send them this i'll dm this [ __ ] clip and they'll be foaming at the mouth dude they're they're gonna say we need those guys talking about that alien brain to represent our new risky endeavors yeah that'll that'll bode well i'm sure in the marketing meeting it'll bone well yeah well i'm just gonna leave you with that that was great that was a nice normal story with some really hot takes and i think we're we're all the wiser for it so uh jacob thank you for another great segment of the curtis corner um you're welcome and yeah well we'll see we'll see you later all right so uh man there's all so much stuff to cover um okay actually okay we'll do advice next time but uh i've had this written on here these tick tocks written on the document like the vrg document that we do um like for weeks it's been on there for weeks um so i just gotta get i just gotta get over it and show it to you guys there's some tick tock this is shitty tick tock of the week okay um well they're not interesting tick tock of the week how about that you know they're not so shitty what's going on in them is shitty but the actual tick tocks are pretty good um so there's this tick tock of there's a tick tock of like someone recording they're at like at someone's house and they're recording someone who's like yelling they're like [ __ ] screaming and they're so pissed off um and i got a bunch of people tagging me in it um for and and you'll all know why but that the caption of it is guess that influencer so let's let's watch it really quick did i live in this space you [ __ ] i'm not trying to talk to your [ __ ] little cheerleader world and i want to [ __ ] all your bullshitters bro imagine imagine getting that mad about anything let alone tick tick-tock imagine yelling about that yelling about tick-tock i mean that's kind of what i do for a living but imagine getting i don't scream that much i'm not that mad i don't think i've ever been that mad about anything your friends are tech talkers your friends would do the renegade you could you could do the renegade too are you screaming for man and then the girl the girl who films a tick tock is just dying laughing the whole time it's so good that's so funny if someone who's like foaming at the mouth because they're so pissed off and then you're just laughing at them that's gotta be because that makes this probably makes them so much more pissed off um but if you couldn't tell there's a lot of people tagging me in this saying it was our good friend nate garner um because it close your eyes think about nate garner just picture him picture his face and then listen i'm not trying to talk in your [ __ ] little cheerleader world and i want to [ __ ] all your [ __ ] there's your friends you say you're miserable you're so miserable you [ __ ] complain about not being a tick ticker i'm miserable you complain about not being a tick-tocker you're right he's gotta be what are you what are you yelling about man what a weird thing to [ __ ] scream at um so yeah that's gotta be nick garner right and then the girl who posted the tick tock whoops the girl who posted take talk um posted like a follow-up to it basically confirming that so let's let's watch that really quick okay the moment you've all been waiting for story time so yes y'all figured it out i'm scared don't post it no that's my friend who's screaming in the background with him and she's scared because i know y'all heard that he's [ __ ] crazy and y'all keep talking an absolute lunatic to say the least yeah i haven't blocked me because i'm scared because he's so [ __ ] nuts and i just want you all to know that argument she held it down because he was arguing with her because of me because i brought up harry jowzy and he's pissed off because he doesn't like other influencers being brought up around him he was like i'll literally facetime him right now so he can reject your friend first of all that's kind of mean and how my feelings are but yeah he's [ __ ] nuts but you already knew that because i'll be commenting like name his girlfriend didn't it wasn't you know his girlfriend and then they broke up whatever fake marriage but yeah he's [ __ ] nuts you guys like i have so many videos holy [ __ ] man we're [ __ ] weirdo bro i had like i wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt um like you know sure he's he he he basically sells sex to kids and then tried to uh steal money from kids to be famous on youtube i was like maybe he's just you know maybe you shouldn't figure out hey maybe he'll maybe he'll maybe he'll get it you know maybe he'll figure it out one day but dude how [ __ ] insecure do you have to be to get to even not like people bringing up other influences around you but to get blood red mad to scream if my mic hits me in the [ __ ] sternum one more time um i'll probably put it back to where it was because i still needed to talk um who is this harry jousey guy anyway oh he was on two oh he not too hot to handle that shell okay um yeah that's weird don't bring him up only talk about me when when you're with me don't like what also other like influencers only hang out with other influencers right so it's like what he must be a [ __ ] nightmare hanging out with dude hit me in the sternum again the [ __ ] hurt man death by microphone be a sick band name no like imagine if a god forbid i guess i am an influencer right i'm not i don't i would never call myself that i don't think i am but for for this bit how about that i am an if i am an influencer okay and i go uh well nate comes up to me and i'm like and he's like hey i'm nick garner and i go hey i'm i'm curtis connor he goes did you just bring up another influencer around me i was like no i'm just introducing myself he's like why you know you know i'm sensitive about that successor about what just not everything being about me because my hair you know my hair like yeah is it you know how high it is in the sky i do it so because i need more surface area i need to be taking up more space on this earth that's why my hair is so big it's like sorry man i i can go if you want i just gotta um maybe i'll go watch some mr beast videos or something he's like don't see mr b oh what a nightmare dude for someone who is so uh look at me dude i'm hot as [ __ ] i'm a [ __ ] hot [ __ ] for someone who is so like full of themself dude ah so insecure just so insecure and why are you yelling you know you don't gotta yell the only way you should really yell about like at that decibel is if like one of your loved ones is being held at like gunpoint and then they're like hey if you don't yell real loud and get real mad i'm i'm gonna do it then you maybe then maybe do that right but just mention another influencer uh oh hey man uh hey man you know what i got for you i got a big that's for you nate nothing describes what i'm feeling more than insane man i think you should take um a bus you should take a private jet because he can't afford private jets because he's a you know he has a secrets to fame i think you should take a private jet to therapy therapy island how about that take a [ __ ] charter of a private jet to therapy island and um just hang out there for a bit come on back and uh don't be so insane um all right well that's that's the pod that's the podcast i guess we'll wrap it up there on a weird angry note uh thanks for listening guys this is fun episode 130 three years dude three years in the bag that's that's sick um so here's to 300 more hopefully um yeah honestly thank you so much for listening thanks for tuning in appreciate you guys so much and um yeah i'll [ __ ] see you around like comment subscribe rate review all that crap you know the [ __ ] you know the vibes yes sir um you know i gotta get me a bed with that let me get a bacon naked cheese those vibes let me get a big egg and cheese with those vibes all right that's it uh thanks for watching that was episode 130 very good love you so much goodbye
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 213,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, very really good, vrg, gamestop, stonks, stock market, podcast, comedy, comedy podcast, kurtis conner podcast, kurtis connor podcast, nate garner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 48sec (3348 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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