Very Really Good #113: Adult TikTok House

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hey guys welcome back to the podcast you did it we're here it's episode 113 one it's a it's on unlucky 13. it's friday the 113th even though it's monday and this comes out on tuesday but you might be listening to it on a friday so who who am i to say you know i'm you could be listening to this on a on a boat also i don't know what you're doing i don't know because you can either listen to this podcast on friday or on a boat there's like there's no other way um you can listen to the podcast thursday on a boat but friday you gotta you okay i don't know what i'm saying um but you know what we're we're here dude and i apologize i didn't get all the um sound effects on here that i could i was um a little rushed this morning that i would and but i'll get into that in a sec um but i added two really quick okay we got this one classic the classic sound effect um and then we got this one making it stinky so i appreciate all the comments you guys left last week um for the sound effects and i'm gonna add a bunch more but um i was and i wanted to have a bunch of them ready um oh elsa we got this one all right i feel like that's pretty fitting um but yeah we uh i want to get right i wanted to get more but um i was rushed this morning because i um okay i was gonna talk about this anyway but um ever since quarantine um i haven't like drank like anything really like um like before before quarantine i was you know on tour i was drinking like pretty much every day because i would go to a comedy club and then in my green room there'd be a bottle of wine for me so i'd be like okay might as well drink the whole thing um and you know and it's just like the whole the culture of it i guess of performing and doing shows it's just it's alcohol is always there and you know it makes you makes you feel a little like less you know nervous and stuff so i was i was uh you know i was drinking quite a bit and this quarantine has been really nice because it's like i'm not just gonna [ __ ] drink i'm just gonna i'm not gonna get [ __ ] up like it's at home you know i'm not just gonna get [ __ ] blasted by myself at home shotgun a beer in my [ __ ] living room with no one there dude no my dog is there and he'd be like what are you doing what what are you doing i'm gonna i'm gonna do a keg stand by myself no no one's there to hold my legs i'm just i've never done a keg stand in my life i'm into a keg sit where i sit down on top of the keg and i drink at my leisure uh no it's just that's just not a thing you know because to me it's like if you drink a bunch and you get drunk like crazy a lot like at your house i feel like that border that borderline's alcoholism but i mean if you're going out and drinking the same amount what how is that any different you know um but that's just the way my brain saw it um but this quarantine haven't been drinking that much at all and it's been great i really like not being drunk it's nice um but yesterday was the first time i've been [ __ ] like really drunk in a while i uh i was like i literally wrote down on my notes about the podcast and be like talk about how you how you feel so much better not drinking and then this weekend i [ __ ] i drank um but no i went to i went to a uh a drag show went to a drag show uh yesterday um a drag brunch um it was really fun it was awesome the um the winner of canada's drag race was performing um i don't want to say because i maybe you haven't seen it yet um and then one of the other contestants that was one of my favorites um it was lemon she was performing too and it was a [ __ ] good time it was me jenna my mom and my sister and we all we went it was outdoors it was you know all the tables were six feet apart um masks were mandatory everywhere except your own like private table um did that stop people from sending me super [ __ ] mean messages on instagram no of course it didn't as soon as i i can't it's so [ __ ] annoying sometimes man i get it people are it would be hypocritical it'd be hypocritical of me to be like guys be safe and stay inside um you know wear your masks and then i'm just like yeah right here we go um but no i get it people were like hey man what are you doing um because all those comments came from people who are in america and they don't know that other countries exist i guess hey wait hey it's bad in america so it must be bad everywhere else come on um but i get it you know um i think we reported like zero i think it was like zero deaths for the first time in a while which is good the number was low anyway for a while but um someone just was tweeted me and was like dude don't feel bad about the you know like going out and like being safe and following protocol like the some university in alabama had more cases than all of canada one day so that's pretty there you go that's pretty telling um but yeah i get it um but yeah it was just like once you're there you're on the sun you know you're drinking and then you're like oh i'm this is fun i should drink more and then it's just you know we had shots and it was just a bad it was bad news we were [ __ ] i was like went to bed at like 6 00 p.m fell asleep at 6 00 pm woke up at like eight and then i was like [ __ ] i'm hungover i'm [ __ ] hungover at 9 00 pm bro uh so that's super fun so not a good time i mean i'd prefer to be hungover then than right now holy [ __ ] doing a podcast hungover uh you guys would turn your computer off for sure you'd also probably [ __ ] like throw your computer out you'd probably throw it in the garbage you're like i'm sorry even if you were listening to the podcast on your phone if you were listening to my podcast my hungover podcast on your phone you'd get up and walk to the closest computer and throw in the garbage that's how boring it would be your mom is just like like working she's like making like a spreadsheet and then you're listening to my [ __ ] stupid hungover boring podcast on your phone and then you're like [ __ ] this is brutal and you walk over to your mom's office you pick up her laptop and you break it over your knee and you throw in the garbage and then your mom's like whoa what the [ __ ] was that about i need that to work why'd you do that and then you should be like curtis is hungover and his podcast is kind of boring it should be like understandable give me your phone and she'd break your phone um but i'm not hungover i feel great now i'm a little tired it's all good it's all good in conclusion i i don't want to drink ever again in my life i think i'm over it i think i'm done i think i think i've uh i think i beat the game um drinking the game i beat it i didn't use any cheat codes either that'd be an awesome video game booze the game the arcade game get the high score press b to booze press a to assault your your neighbor because you're so [ __ ] drunk that'd be cool i'd love that fortnite but beer that's the one that's what the one that's why fortnite's so boring you know because it's it's got no beer in it sure it's got is the a is a slurp juice alcoholic does it chug jug got any [ __ ] vodka in there bro is it a blue carousel in there or what huh dude is there a fortnight themed bar jacob if you're listening can we try to find it there's a fortnight theme bar because they have like drinks in the game oh wait there is one i found it before you epic fortnite pop-up bar in chicago is it are they calling it epic or is it epic games the comment is like on subreddit and it says did epic put this on or did someone just use their name to make loot hey man it's called money you don't have to call it loot in real life plays fortnite so much it just calls everything related to it dude look at all this loot i just bought a bunch of loot from the grocery store i'm like it's food i was like that's those are things like yeah dude i [ __ ] i i [ __ ] uh i took my i drove my car there my fortnite car cause cars are in fortnite now and then i uh and i got a gun just kidding that's [ __ ] scary okay there was a pop-up bar okay okay someone had a fortnight themed bar mitzvah dude that's sick all right i'm starting a fortnight themed bar and you know what no one can do anything about it and then everyone's doing the dance that's the only dance move you're allowed to do on the dance a fortnight club you have to wear a fedora that's the you have to wear fedora you have to wear fedora um to get in to the fortnight club and then everyone has to do like the fortnite dances it's gonna be so fun and everyone's like and i'm and i'm there like i'm in the middle of the dance floor i'm hitting the orange just justice and everyone's losing their mind guys stop i'm just dancing all right that's what the that's what the fortnite club's gonna be like um but you can all come all the bartenders are going to be wearing like uh all the like the skins the fortnite skins and the the bouncers are gonna have pickaxes guys i'm gonna i'm going on [ __ ] uh shark tank and i'm pitching that [ __ ] i go sharks and they go yeah we're listening and i go you know the game fortnite they're like yeah i go fortnight club and they go okay uh i think you need the no okay i go fortnite club they don't say anything and then i'm like sorry those are my crickets sorry those like my pet car gets in my pocket um they're like don't you need the you can't do that you need the you need the rights to fortnite i'm like yeah i do have the rights all right um right right on that's what you're gonna be saying you're gonna say you're gonna be saying right on because that's a good idea and they're like no you need like the legal like you can't this is not your idea you have to you know you have to [Music] if you want to do this you have to talk to epic i'm like yeah it is epic it is an epic idea you can talk to me because i'm epic and then i do then i shoot i do the shoot dance and they say no i'm gonna pass and i go ah shoot and i do the shoot dance some more um that was so [ __ ] stupid but it's all good what else has been going on i put oh i put on my uh i put up a video on friday it was about dark humor on tick tock um video's doing well i'm happy i was worried he was gonna get a lot of hate and i was right it got a lot of hate but i mean all in all i think that like the dislike ratio is it was okay like i got more dislikes than usual yeah like look at the let's look at the ratios it's usually 99.7 99.8 99.6 99.8 and then this one was 97.7 uh oh [Music] i forgot that one this soundboard is a [ __ ] nightmare dude okay i meant to do this one i only i got 97.7 like to dislike [Music] it's all good though um it was just it was very opinion based so i figured that people were gonna disagree with it you know it's like if i came out and made a video it was like hey guys pineapple on pizza is a sin people be pissed at me you know but whatever whatever dude but uh the video's doing well um i've seen a little bit of people you know given some flack being like oh you so you're the only i guess this curtis guy is the only you he's they stutter this much too in their tweet [Laughter] they type uh this he'd it how you ever had a dream where you you could you you wish you you could do well that's got to be a sound effect you ever had a dream you could you would you want him to do you so much you could do anything no they're tweeting me they're like so this curtis guy i guess he's the only guy who can say what's funny he's he's the guy who can say only we're allowed to laugh what curtis thinks is okay and that argument is so [ __ ] weird to me bro because if you watch the whole video you know that's not what i was saying and also it's so weird to like hear someone be like hey maybe we shouldn't joke about [ __ ] rape right maybe you shouldn't make rape jokes and then someone's like okay hold on you can't be saying stuff like that like why would you disagree with that that's so [ __ ] weird man i don't know whoever whoever thinks like that is not allowed in my fortnight themed club all right so [ __ ] you all right you're getting kicked out because i was not epic of you only epic [ __ ] keep calm and do epic [ __ ] is that a thing if it is i'm ending this podcast right now i'm googling keep calm and do epic [ __ ] no [ __ ] way there's so many [Laughter] oh my god there's so many things that say keep calm and do epic [ __ ] oh boo boo come on that's so [ __ ] funny i had no idea keep calm and do epic [ __ ] what are you doing later i'm keeping calm and doing epic [ __ ] holy [ __ ] man what are we at 17 15 something okay let's do let's do the curtis corner shall we let's hit let's let's i'ma press the the theme song button [Music] all right jacob what's up what's good welcome back to the the corner i appreciate that we're happy to be in this safe space we could do um if we ever do like a a death related segment we call it the curtis coroner curtis coroner's report this first story isn't too far away from that it is health related okay so when you uh when you drank this weekend and when you took that nap would you consider that passing out or was it just a nap would i consider it passing out or just a nap uh i want to say it's pas i passed out because when i hear nap when i hear nap i'm like i'm thinking like a peaceful rest but that that was not it was a my body was like you need to you need to like close your eyes and just stop for a bit you know right um well i have some news for you you just you just um increased your risk of dementia by two times because i passed out because you passed out yeah according to the department of epidemiology and public health at the university college london it's a university and it's a college so you know that they are extra smart yeah that's they cover all the bases they found out that yeah if you when you pass out sorry two times risk so is it so is it every time you pass out you times it by two your chance that seems to be the implication reading doesn't directly say but yeah yeah i would think so i i love how all the news stories that we talk about are just so scary and depressing it's never good news yeah they are aren't they uh we have good news coming up okay i do have good news this week i don't um before the good news yeah you might have dementia i don't understand how um how do you come to this conclusion like what is the they um took over a hundred thousand people and they made them all drink and then they did brain science on them so they okay they it was a 70-year study they forced them to pass out and then whoever got dementia i guess basically they gave a bunch of people dementia [ __ ] these what is it that's insane how is it universal yeah first off be just one yeah you can't be both you can't you can't be doing that so um for some reason the amount that people in the u.s are supposed to drink is higher than the amount that people in the uk are supposed to drink what do you mean supposed to drink i think that um the us government allows us to drink more the uk government wants them to drink less oh okay i see what you mean yeah that's very funny i guess that's bad news for well for me i guess not for you you're not really a part of this right yeah this i wonder where canada fits in on that i feel like we're probably closer to the uk i don't know would you say that canada drinks less than the us ah i i don't i wouldn't make i wouldn't say that i feel like the amount of people i've seen in canada drink a lot i i feel like it's it's pretty comparable especially in like northern ontario or like if you're in like alberta or like there's literally nothing to do out there so everyone just gets absolutely just [ __ ] hammered so i mean there's i'm sure it's pretty comparable but i don't know who's who's to say there are more people in america though well uh yeah this is just bad news for all of us yeah i think i think um so i guess the lesson is try not to pass out as much as you can which i think is already i think everyone already knew that i this is the first time i'm hearing about that i thought it was good for you so i've just been doing it right yeah it's been pretty much multiple times per day that i just induce a coma in myself i thought this was help i thought i was fighting dementia with this and you're telling me this yeah i i guess i just got really mixed up about this whole thing wait what it what is the what is dementia is that like a cocktail if so i'm all i'm all for that right increasing my risk of getting it risk barkeep uh no but that's that's that's terrible and you shouldn't you shouldn't pass out yeah don't yeah don't do that just smoke a bunch of weed and pass out instead but then it's gonna be in 50 years we'll find out that that gives you like super chlamydia or something we do have some good news okay well some good news for taiwan okay good which good news for taiwan is good news for everybody uh in just taiwan burger king is carrying a chocolate whopper now chocolate whopper it's a chocolate whopper it's um made with hershey's chocolate and uh the bittersweet notes in the chocolate help pull out the meat's umami flavor oh so there's meat on it still oh yeah yeah oh yeah it's still a burger it's just it's now got chocolate and peanut sauce on it oh yeah i'm looking at the photo now and it's got like onions and tomato and a whole lot it looks pretty gnarly this has far too much steam on coming out of the burger it's piping hot it's so hot uh how do you feel would you eat this when i eat this hot chocolate burger this steaming hot peanut chocolate whopper i mean are you eating a whopper in the first place yeah that's the thing right i think that's like the least ordered fast food burger is the whopper it has to be chocolate ew dude the [ __ ] i mean okay the photo they that like the the presented photo that they use is actually actually looks kind of bomb but like when you scroll down to like what people actually got it looks so gross yeah are you looking at the tweet where it's like open yeah it literally looks like a baby threw up into the [ __ ] burger it literally looks like spit up in a burger it's like they it's like they had a plain burger and then they put they took the top bun off and they had a and they had a baby and they just like like spat like spa like hit the baby on the back a few times until it went and threw up a bit on the burger uh this is why i've been studying chinese so hard the past year so it's because i'm trying to move to taiwan you can try the chocolate harbor not just try i'm trying to eat the chocolate burger pretty much daily between comas you have a diet of of just alcohol and chocolate whoppers that's gotta be good for you yeah i mean it doesn't make sense otherwise because who needs dessert when you can just have dinner and dessert at the same time right it's like otherwise i would have been eating burger and dessert so this is exactly probably the more nutritious option i think um the uh oh when you first said chocolate whopper i thought it was like like a um like a treat's a pizza type thing like a from dairy queen like it's a pizza but it's like all dessert you know but no it's just a burger have you ever seen um those like dessert those they're like ice cream but they look exactly like another meal do you know what i'm talking about uh like yeah like kind of like the it's the gummy candies that are like little burgers right like it's it's candy but it's shaped like a food no so like i don't know if it's popular elsewhere but i know it's really popular in hong kong um they'll serve you like spaghetti and it's like it is spaghetti yeah but then you bite into it oh it's ice cream oh that's pretty cool i've never heard of that you never would have known did they tell you beforehand it is on the dessert menu so you could probably deduce it for yourself because i'd be pretty pissed if i went to an olive garden and i ordered [ __ ] like eggplant parmesan and then i eat it and i'm like oh this is [ __ ] ice cream come on guys cold as [ __ ] you bite into it it [ __ ] hurts your gum well um speaking of delicious food yeah uh as you know if we hear it very really good like one thing it's travis scott that i think yeah i was just talking about fortnite so travis it makes sense exactly and if we like two things it's travis scott and mcdonald's that's true i i could go um [Music] we yeah i'm so i'm about to taste test this that's where this is it's got the trappy patty bro is that what people are calling it yeah oh good yeah i have the travi patty um we figured it would be a good idea not just for me to try this but to also try the charlie yeah because i don't think you've been having enough diarrhea and i want you to have that so i've been eating really healthy lately which has made my fast food tolerance really low so this almost certainly is gonna cause an issue uh stomach-wise for me but it's for the content it's for the content and um you said that you don't have these in canada right no well i mean realistically we do i could have i didn't really know that the travis scott burger was just a quarter pounder with cheese with bacon and lettuce um it's really nothing special i thought it was like they had like a special like sicko mode sauce or something like that um but no it's literally just a quarter pounder of cheese and and with like some bacon and lettuce on it um so realistically i could i could get it but i didn't know that at the time and the charlie we don't have duncan in in canada so we i couldn't get the charlie right yeah so one way or another yeah the original idea was for you to eat these right but uh the buck has been passed to me as uh the u.s correspondent so yeah let's um let's give this a try at this point the burger's pretty cold and the charlie is pretty melted because they've been sitting here for a long time now but um yeah let's i guess let's just dive right in all right i'm excited okay i haven't eaten at mcdonald's and probably like seven or eight months [Music] oh lettuce flying everywhere okay let's go i'm so nervous for you it's probably gonna taste exactly what i think it's gonna taste like i'm gonna try the other side just in case it tastes different yeah you gotta get those uh [Music] eat that burger i'm gonna wash it down with um some straight up sprite all right that's the meal it comes with the spray okay i have an opinion yeah it's lit it's lit straight up straight up it's lit is it oh my god is it um is it sicko mode did it go second mode dude this is full sicko mode it's um i feel like i'm i'm in astroworld i feel like you're no longer like him right now you're no longer the hungriest in the room like his song i'm the fullest in the room [Laughter] i'm gonna have the most diarrhea in the room in the room he filled my tummy up with mcdonald's you fill my tummy with the meat [Laughter] okay now we got yeah [ __ ] it hits it's um yeah it hits yeah i could i i it's funny because i'm not tasting i didn't take a bite of it but i know exactly what it tastes like and i it's good because i've had a quarter pounder of cheese before and i've also had bacon and lettuce before so yeah in your mind's eye try to picture a time you've eaten a quarter pounder in my mind try to picture a time you've eaten bacon yeah and just combine those memories right and is it lit that's probably the only word that i would use to describe it so next up we're gonna be trying the charlie okay uh so i don't i don't drink coffee so i don't really know what i'm gonna think of this but like at all ever the i don't ever drink coffee but in college i did drink dunkin donuts coffee a couple times out of like necessity so i guess if i'm qualified to review any coffee it'd be duncan yeah [Laughter] oh [ __ ] he's a good dancer now oh oh [ __ ] uh yeah i'm gonna have to say it's lit is lit that's also lit um okay so okay would you from one to ten where would you rate the the travis scott burger the travis scott burger um i'm gonna give it a i don't know what i'm taking points away for i think i'm gonna i'm gonna give it 10 cacti out of 10. wow that's pretty and uh that's pretty high and for the charlie for the charlie i'm giving it um i'm giving it a like i'm giving it a comment and i'm giving it a copy link oh well i'm sharing it in the group chat yeah that's and i'm i'm i'm clicking on the audio i'm downloading the okay so you're doing your part you're you're engaging with the content i'm yeah i'm fully engaging um i'm trying to boost the metrics on this one i feel that damn okay well there's the review i thought it taste i thought it tasted really good too so i we have that connection yeah that's what you're that's what's in your ear right now that was another segment of curtis corner thank you jacob thank you for uh you know lending your insights to this uh to this uh culinary review so thank you hey anytime not really please don't let me do this again uh yeah next week i'm i'm gonna have you taste test different uh grade levels of gasoline so get ready for that oh good i can't wait see you later all right well there we have it front right from the horse's mouth the char the charlie is good and the travis burger is good it's also so weird that people were getting i saw people being like why does charlie have drink that's so dumb she's she's just girl on tink on tinktonk that's stupid anyways can i get can i get rapper burger can i get other celebrity burger please and people it's so still like just who cares you know it's good for her you know she's successful that was like her like apparently like she she's like is that her thing like she likes duncan right so that was like a natural collab right that makes more sense than the travis scott burger and i'll a right because i've never you never heard of a travis scott song being like number three without bacon and lettuce look at drake he's also at mcdonald's with me you know he's never said that i know people just love to [ __ ] hate on people man are people being successful but it doesn't matter same thing you know person got i gotta get my own [ __ ] drink dude or my own meal bro that's what i gotta get then all they don't know i made it i gotta get my own meal at denny's i'm gonna get dude if i get a denny's meal bro that'd be awesome [ __ ] the curtis you order the curtis you're like yeah i'll just get the curtis and it's like a it's a uh i don't even know what it would be it's a hash for sure i'd have a hash out of our breakfast hash absolutely i don't know denny's if you're listening send me an email all right send me an email we'll get this thing going i'll get a my own or you could just change denny's to curtis curtis's change denny's change the name to curtis's all right also did you guys see that i added this this sound effect on the fly dude i'm such a good podcast host it's insane all right guys it's that time again to do shitty tick tock of the week so this was sent to me on twitter uh i've seen a lot of trent like a lot of people being like um there's a lot of like houses like content houses uh popping up like tick-tock houses where people like just buy a house and they move in like 80 tick-tockers because they can so they all spend like five dollars on rent but they're all just like sleeping like once like sleeping in the fridge the other person sleep no one has a bed they're all just sleeping around like you have it's like it's like you can't like take a step without stepping on someone like trying to catch some kind of catch some z's all right that's what it's like in a tick tock house because there's no beds and there's 80 people um but there's someone sent me this one is someone doing like uh am i i just turned my phone flashlight on trying to open it am i 80 years old i think so so this place called honey house all right this tick tock house called honey house and they're all uh like adults they call it an adult tick tock house which is so stupid grow up uh so someone commented was like dances are great but what does everyone in the tick tock house do each day for work and then uh and then this guy like goes through it so we're gonna watch it and uh and talk about it because it's so [ __ ] funny dude uh okay here we go here's what goes on at our adult tick tock house called the honey house sam is filming workouts for her youtube channel and her team is here shooting it nick works for a big time agency and so he's always talking to brands and helping them with their marketing b is a mindset meditation coach so she's always leading guided meditations on her computer mindset and meditation coach okay hold on sorry let's let's play the whole thing erin is an ecom wizard and so she consults and advises a lot of better few brands so she's always sitting here on her computer crushing it jared's a fitness trainer and he's also an actor so if he's not reading his sides he's working out and he's probably eating he's reading his lines while doing a bicep curl no one's ever done that man okay hold on this is my favorite one nick is a mindset and motivation coach and so he's always firing people up on the phone and dina are models and fitness trainers and if they're not doing a photo shoot they're working out and then there's me okay oh god dude the worst people none of those things were like real jobs other than like the e-commerce person who does like marketing she's she's probably the only person who does like a real job or i'm you know i say that while i'm a [ __ ] youtuber but you know what i mean and i'm sure those fitness workers and the fitness fitness workers those fitness coaches or whatever the [ __ ] they're they that makes sense but dude what's what is this guy [ __ ] called mindset and personal development coach and he's just firing people up on the phone what the [ __ ] what kind of job is that you get paid you have a salary dude for someone to call you and be like you got it dude you can do it listen bro you got it all right that'll be eight thousand dollars thanks thanks man i really needed i really needed that holy [ __ ] man that just goes to show like it's like those people who are probably like get mad at [ __ ] like people who work at mcdonald's and serve travis scott burgers right like just [ __ ] oh you're flipping burgers or you're flipping burgers yeah cool when you get a real job and then they go home and they're like hey hey hey dan from [ __ ] uh uh piper and piper uh law firm you're gonna kill this case bro you're gonna kill this lawsuit you're gonna do so good yeah that's my that's my work for the day like [ __ ] you man that's so not a real job adult tick tock house holy [ __ ] oh my god if you have to say you have to preface it with adult weird so weird uh oh my god dude that's so funny and then the guy who's just like he's like guys i'm i'm uh i'm making i take talk on what we all do and then the one guy's like oh i'm a fitness guy and an actor what should i do he's like um i don't know both of those things at the same time he's like okay cool i lift weight and read lines romeo romeo where are thou romey i'm nominating to be juliette i'm nominating no i'm auditioning to be juliette it is off-broadway play dude it's it's in la right it's got to be in la why did i even check it's absolutely in la where people have no where the most [ __ ] jobs exist yeah this is also where this is uh this is a this is kyle he's um he's our sock guy he usually he goes out in and uh he buys us socks and he uh he washes our socks and he just all sucks all the time and we pay him 60 grand a year to be the sock guy um he organizes sock hops um he bought he buys us uh rock'em sock'em robots anything that's the word sock in it kyle's your guy this is our uh dude mindset and meditation coach yeah i got a meeting with my mindset coach yeah trying to teach me how to teach me how to put out some better vibes you know he was my vibe coach holy [ __ ] that shitty tick tock of the [ __ ] year dude i say that every time but i can't and then and the guy at the end and then there's me i don't really do anything but i'm here i live in the house i don't have a bed but uh i'm here i used to be the sockeye then i got fired now i'm just here and that's why that's why people make fun that's why people [ __ ] hate white people dude is because of that tick tock that is why because you're not [ __ ] a guy hyping people up over the phone and that's his job who's gonna hype him up [ __ ] that's so funny he's like talking to his therapist he's like i'm i'm always hyping people up but no one's ever hyping me up who's gonna hype me up anyone oh man okay should we do some advice into a vice segment how about that um damn i need a jingle for my advice now is this the most professional podcast in the world yeah yeah it is and that's fine and that's totally okay with me okay okay so the first one first one we got is from billy mays hey curtis you probably know absolutely nothing about sororities okay all right [ __ ] how dare you how dare you question my sorority knowledge i actually know everything about sororities just kidding but i want an outside opinion i went through rush this fall as a sophomore and was rejected by every sorority it's funny because i don't even know what rush is i know it's a band i listened to rush this fall but nobody wanted me in the sorority i listened to yyz and nobody wanted me in their [ __ ] sorority dude um 10 of them did not okay rush is like when you try to get into a sorority i'm guessing ten of them did not meet me they just decided based on my profile which i did not fill out very well as i didn't know they were making decisions based on that i still want to be in a sorority but i'm starting to feel like maybe i should just let go so my question is should i go through rush in the spring or just give up also sororities are required to cut people before meeting them because of online rush uh [ __ ] that dude [ __ ] sororities that's just weird if you want my personal opinion i think that whole thing is really weird because all i think about in the sororities when i think about sorority all i think about is that [ __ ] video with the girls in the hands yeah this this one hold on holy [ __ ] this video is so scary hi i'm maddie recruitment vice president i'm caitlin chapter president i'm jean marie formal recruitment chair we've been waiting for you we're so glad you're finally here holy [ __ ] dude that is so [ __ ] scary i hate it okay i i'm not even entirely sure what a sorority does like it's like a house you live in with other girls right okay how do sororities work we got an article right here okay sororities are a major part of college life for many american college students sororities provide a home activities events and a sense of community uh they can provide young women with a great social circle as well as academic leadership and career opportunities okay so a sorority at college okay so a sorority at a college can provide academic leadership and career opportunities so a college right you can get academic leadership and career opportunities by just going to college i think that's the only reason you go to college right i mean the greek culture i think in will not mean like greek i mean like greeks like college culture stuff like frats and sororities i don't think it's that big in canada so i don't i don't really know that much like it was never a thing to me but from what i've heard frats and sororities are [ __ ] mostly frats but they're like super dangerous like right like hazing [ __ ] for when i have to like chop your butt cheeks off or something so i get into a frat i don't know and also you switch the a and the r around and fret you got fart dude so called yeah here's what i think of frats and here's what i think of sororities i like the build up to that one yo come rush come join my it's awesome dude we're alpha alpha par uh alpha alpha zeta [ __ ] pants come on join in i don't know dude here's my advice if that's what you want to do [ __ ] sure try again and then but i think you'll be fine i think we'll be fine without joining a sorority and also if you're listening if you are in a sorority or a frat please comment please let me know and if it's been beneficial because i have [ __ ] no idea and i'm just i'm just being a douchebag it could be really great i don't know but probably not all right next one no advice was given if you want to do it do it if not you're fine you're gonna be fine okay next one is from uh the the shamwow guy i've been working at a cafe for the past three months and while i really enjoy it there's one main issue my boss is a giant man explainer ah oh like okay like man like mansplainer okay [Music] okay so man explainer is very funny you're like making a coffee and he comes up he's let me let me tell you the origins of man let me explain to you man um it all started millions ye millions of years ago so okay i understand when you're new you need to be shown how things are done but i've been here for a little bit now and my boss overexplains everything i'm talking being shown how to cut a sandwich how to cut a piece of fruit in half oh my god my boss will literally stop service when it's extremely busy to show me how to cut a sandwich for the tenth time in a week instead of letting me do it i'm 23 years old this is my fourth cafe slash restaurant in four years so i know how a cafe works very well how should i deal with this uh that is tough you know if you're trying to cut a sandwich and then this guy's like let me tell let me explain to you man uh no that's tough dude i think that's [ __ ] because obviously you know how to cut a sandwich a [ __ ] toddler knows how to cut a sandwich um so this guy is just a [ __ ] [ __ ] and he's like i know everything i know how to do stuff um i think you just gotta [ __ ] call him out dude i know it's gonna be intimidating but if he tell if he's telling how to cut a sandwich dude like it's one thing to be like this is hey this is just my technique and this is like how i do things faster um and just say that once you know like if you know what you're doing then just [ __ ] next time he tries to like tell you how to cut a sandwich be like hey man i know i know how to cut a sandwich right like it's i know it's hard to stick up to manager sometimes but i mean me and jacob were talking about it before it was like um like when we saw this question it was like if we've all had managers like that and like what i would give to go back and actually just stick up for myself uh and be like hey i know how to do this can you leave me alone and also leak the address tell me what cafe it is i'll pull up with my with my with my [ __ ] fortnite crew all got our pickaxes in hand and then we go hey i'll show you how to i'll show you how to cut a sandwich and then we stab him just kidding that's i'm not condoning that we would never do that yeah say that you go i'll show you how to cut a cut a sandwich and then you hold your your the knife hold it like you're gonna kill him and that'll set him straight or you could just be extra petty and start and every time you go to cut a sandwich and be like i don't know how to how do i do this i know how to do this how do i do this just start like you're the thing where you put your hand on the on the on the cutting board and you go like stab around between your fingers and you're like is this how you cut a sandwich sir and then you stab yourself and you bleed all over the sandwich and like i oh a stinky [Music] yeah just stick up for yourself all right and if you and if you get fired you can you can come work at the curtis town cafe even though it's not a real place because i don't have the time the money or the expertise to open a cafe or the real estate so but you can come work there like a virtual cafe you don't get anything but sandwiches are cut incorrectly okay we'll do one more and then we'll we'll call it quits all right guys so this one is from mr clean wow hey curtis so i'm supposed to start college i'm gonna be a freshman i'm gonna be a fresh man i'm the freshest man on campus uh the thing is i'm majoring in theater and all my classes are online and so i don't know if it's actually gonna be worth it the school isn't crazy expensive but it's also not cheap and i don't have a lot of money and i didn't get that much financial aid and i kind of think going is a huge waste of money uh it says burpin the question i really want to experience college and i'm really ready for my life to start but i'm scared that it won't be worth it especially since things are going to be so different with covid another consideration for me is that my home life isn't that great and for years i've been practically counting down the days until i get to leave and be on my own i could reapply to schools next year or i could not go at all or i could just go now and see what happens i'm just really worried about the right decision is that's fair that is a fair worry to have i think i've i was thinking about this yesterday like if i was going to college right now like during covet i don't think i'd go i don't because i went to like a theater program it was like a two-year it was basically a two-year long drama class everyone was very close to each other you're doing scenes you're you know there's like physical comedy you're touching each other it's like um it's a very like physical like hands-on literally it's a hands-on thing um i don't i don't know it's tough with that because like a lot of things you can do online but you can't like do improv classes dude imagine an improv class over zoom that'd be insane it'd be like six people like talking over each other like hey yes and yes and and also yes you know it'd be that so i don't know i feel like if you can get your money back or if you haven't paid yet i feel like maybe just like wait until this is all done so you can actually have the full experience if that's what you really want to do i'm assuming if you're majoring in theater you're doing a lot of like acting right unless you're like theater construction how to build theaters i don't know um yeah that's that's tricky i just think but if you're itching to get out of your house you could you could give it a try maybe yeah i mean i'm all for taking like years off you know i did that and it was like one of the best decisions ever so maybe you could take a year off um just work you know save some money you know maybe work at a cafe cut sandwiches incorrectly that'd be cool um you know or mcdonald's sell travis scott burgers or dunkin donuts sell charlie's there's a lot of options or you can work with fortnite club we got space i don't know i think if you want to do the your program right i i don't think you should never i don't think you should really half-ass anything you know if you want to do something if you really want to go for it um you should full-ass it you know so i'd wait until you can full asset and then half-ass stuff just half-ass a [ __ ] part-time job or a full-time job until you until you're ready to go all right that's my advice try hard at things that you want to do but don't try that hard at things you have to do and that's the [ __ ] realest [ __ ] i've ever said don't try if you've got a [ __ ] job at mcdonald's because i didn't when i worked there turned out fine for me all right we're at like [ __ ] 50 something an hour some who knows dude um yeah that's it that's okay we'll call it there that was episode 113 um thank you for listening thanks for tuning in and um yeah like like the video if you're watching great review if you're listening and sharing your story all that stuff you know i appreciate it i see pretty much all of it um and i appreciate it so yeah subscribe all that [ __ ] yeah and just [ __ ] you know be safe have fun out there and keep on keeping on all right thank you thank you so much thank you wow thank you okay [Music] you
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 334,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, very really good, adult tiktok house, podcast, kurtis conner podcast, sorority, travis scott burger, charli damelio
Id: s5sgoqZBomY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 25sec (3325 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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