Urban freeride MTB at its best: Red Bull District Ride Live

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welcome to the most unique event in freeride mountain biking this is the climax of the 2017 FMB World Tour and to make sure we finish on a high we've got the biggest jump I've ever seen on the tour this is redbull district ride the best mountain bikers in the world doing the biggest tricks in the world through the streets of Nuremberg quite a unique event watched it growing up so it's kind of a privilege to be here right [Music] literally the biggest crowd I've ever seen in my life to be a German writer in front of a German crowd is amazing [Music] welcome to Nuremberg medieval city centre within the lining up hopefully the atmosphere is building here we've got ten the world's best freeride mountain bikers and 18,000 women or Wikipedia sitting next to me cam McCaul I got you a silly introduction but this place is on fire energies through the roof I'm always excited to come back here to nerve like flash and good memories here but if you wouldn't watching the entire season on the SMP broke through a diamond series so far what you see behind us that doesn't resemble anything you've seen all season Africa is the most unique event on the circuit the only urban slopes out contest in existence and two prestigious event it's only happened four times in the last 12 years you'll be the camp so one burner will walk home for the very procedures win today oK we've talked a little bit about this course but it's the work that goes into shutting down their city from building a course on this scale is phenomenal oh yeah it's insane that's why they don't hold this event every single year it takes a crew of 300 people working around the clock to pull it off and I know this place looks like a Historical Museum but it's of course a bustling city people working around the clock so to close this city down this in order to hold a freestyle mountain bike competition it requires a lot of permission to a massive group to get in they build and they get out quick that's tons of scaffolding launch ramps and massive piles of dirt the most unique course the parish for mountain biking where the permissions are also in debt that they can't actually run to qualification runs her back to back instead they have to split those up it's it's a massive undertaking but we have had to qualification runs earlier on today and then we had practice just before this event started and we've got Tareq rizzoli here small director for district ride Tareq good to see you unfortunately you come with bad tidings Brett reader injured in the build-up to the main event yeah right he crashed in a third district on the big hip he he skidded out on a 720 on an actually off of 720 and hurt his knee and he's out it's really bad but the bummer that he's out we've had a word through Camden he's added a bit of a knee injury that's why we see him limping off it really tough to see I was born for this kid so hard so it just takes the wind out of myself to see him that position he spent on me so many months and the offseason recovering from a knee injury so hopefully it's nothing too serious but it's a shame to not see him in the event today Terry are we gonna bring anybody else from qualifications to fill that spot no we keep it at 9 riders that ranking and also we never know where the weather or weather could be coming in at five o'clock make sense well that really blows the door wide open for everybody else he looked untouchable and qualifications on first place qualifier we'll take a quick look at his run there it was absolutely breathtaking he was the only one on the doing regular doing it and having that signature readers variety in his run was the one getting on that cap off of the auto box will be even close to considering that movie leader drop-in application great into the lead and sitting in that first place spot through all of the second qualification runs this morning Terry it's still gonna be a ridiculously hoist and aneroid enough of course is gonna be ridiculous everybody I don't know how many people are 50 60 70 thousand people and I look forward to regard kin and email Johan and God's sake all the guys night with everyone's in there without Martin Soderstrom the FMB legend build this cause there is a high level of anticipation about what's gonna get thrown down today isn't there yeah exactly he did a really good job in designing this course and he's actually gonna be the forerunner for the a for the college and really flows well big tricks and especially here - laughs superb order thank you so much tiring but now we're gonna go on now quickly to nikolai redaction brett rita was going toe-to-toe with regarding an old season and you've got to say he is now the favorite i mean these guys have been pushing each other so hard trading wins all season declaring a key readers only brat reader out of the competition it really blows the door open for a guy like nickel era gak and a guy kind of takes no care for his own safety that's a look at a 1080 earlier today actually run number two but last night he blew mines doing a trick that nobody else has ever done on a mountain bike on this jump right here we're wondering if we'll see it with bret reader out he may play his cards a little bit smarter but he hasn't in his back pocket if you need to well there's also one that other rider that we have to mention he's the young swede and he snuck up on brim leader and rejected while those two a battling it out for the rest of the season in the 18 year old sweet made consistency pay didn't he yeah he would never know that this is his first entire season on the FNB rubs or a diamond series because he wrote it like a veteran this kid only became an adult halfway through the season he's 18 years old yet he has two seconds of heard and a fifth to his name basically the only thing he hasn't accomplished at this point in his inaugural full season is a win on the diamond series he's looking poised to do that today that would be the dream end to his season for me though there's one other guy that we've got to talk about us me one of the more matured generation you cannot ignore the story of Ryan Knight Kristen is a second full season on tour and he's made that finally made that successful transfer from BMX afn been watching ride night bus ride these slopes are my competitions gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling a lot of riders have tried to transition from BMX into slope style but it never seems to work out this guy isn't done with BMX yet he's one of the biggest names in slope style right now not because he's a big name in BMX but because he's earned it third place of redbull Joyride just a couple weeks ago he's here to say there is no substitute for hard work kids now as is always customary at these events I'm going to put camera on the spot I'm gonna ask you to put your reputation on the line who do you thinks gonna win it there is a lot of talent here give me a time machine so I can know for sure but I would have said Brett reader because he was looking untouchable but now leaving that door open I'm gonna go with the meal Johansen just because if you look at his trajectory in the sport he's poised throw in he was second in qualification so it doesn't take a mathematician to know that the next step is number one but Nicolai are gakuen if you choose it to do that ridiculous 1440 down here Emile might have to step out of his comfort zone a little there is so much to look forward to move on at Kem's row very very shortly join us after the break when we get this contest underway [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome back to Nuremberg the city perched on the Pegman River has this stunning town centre eighty thousand people have gathered across the course of almost 30,000 of them here in the central church a square in front of that quite frankly ridiculous jump camp look at that crowd I mean the only thing more ridiculous than that jump is the people standing there to watch the action on that jump that is sure to be a good show every rider finishing their run right there in that town center okay let's take a closer look at this course all right so here we can breathe a little bit in the start then we have the first flat drop 360 for me whoa little magnet and here you have to gather some speed for this one really scary to go to this box jump [Music] huge hip all right so here's small step down this bar spin make-believe huge 360 so speed here no three this is the worst part I feel like hopefully the crowd that is screams so loud it's gonna take away like scary feelings and you're just gonna be stoked to drop in oh my god you're an animal all right that is a VIP tour of this course Martin Soderstrom and Nikolai Rigg Atkin are you taking a look at the course we're gonna take a look at the riders exactly the start list in a little while but first we're gonna take a look at the most important element it's for judging as impressive as that redbull district ride action is there'd be no competition without seven very important men the judges I think the hardest thing by judging this event is it is so unique to itself each of the first four districts will come for 15% of a rider's points total the overall impression and the big air district aka district 5 will account for 20% each set up here is actually interesting six judges and myself is the head judge and the judges are separated to the districts and pretty much one panel is looking at District one to three and the second panel is looking at two and four and then all of us are watching the fifth district which is the last feature and that two judges the final judges are watching the whole entire course in the end the rider with the highest single run score will be crowned 2017 redbull district ride champion I will take you through all of those judges a little bit later on but first we can look at the start list Ryan Nyquist squeaked in in tenth place they're running in reverse order of qualification medic guarding from front Yakka pencil Eric fedko the only German Nico Schultz not able to ride because of a knee injury Anthony maseri made it in on his second qualification run redact him canvas a see the Italian a fantastic ride from him to make it into the top three God's yak and then Emil Johansson only nine riders in the final because we have lost our top place qualifier Brett reader to an injury in the practice sessions just before this if you are just joining us it is the finale of the 2017 FMV diamond series district ride here in nuremberg first rider to drop him cam McCaul sat next to me is mr. great for Ryan Ike was to make it into this finals one thing we didn't see on that start order is the who's who list of people who just barely didn't make it into the finals we had 20 riders to start we boiled them down to just 10 Brian Nyquist squeaking in on that bubble spot Logan Pete Thomas judo general Thomas Lemoine some big big names there but Ryan Nyquist the man out of Northern California Santa Cruz he's got three boys 16 x-games meadows he's recently transferred to freeride mountain biking making it to the diamond series last year and then this season Oh No going for the opposite 270 barspin crashing he had that trick on lockdown in this morning's second run of qualification all the pressure was on this guy this morning because he wasn't sitting in a transfer spot when he woke up this morning so he had to put it down and right now not able to back it up when it counts the mo in the final so that's it direction me that's very unnatural for him to spin that way like in zulan or not everybody's redbull district ride as opposed to other competitions is a crash doesn't completely wash your chances of getting a good result each district is judged separately so there's a lot of incentive to push forward and continue on trying to salvage some kind of a score release I've got two runs so we've seen on that cheap the rhythm district quarter Brian Knight is blowing a kiss to the crowd minute 360 weeks gigantic his crowd is how many fans show up to this event Brian Ike was taking full advantage of them giving their support by blowing a kiss to him so if the c60 down the step down into what we're calling the technical district booth scene a back foot line knows that this probably isn't going to be his highest score he's gonna look to return for run number two having a little fun at the right here doing something we've never seen anybody do one-handed Lander on to the box taking off one-handed putting that high seat post and squishy seat to good use one of the things I love about Ron I'm watching some one of his aides ride it's got nothing to prove to anyone he can really enjoy his riding he knows it to give it to the our hair but it's got to be so hard to summon the vation after a career that spanned over two decades it's not only transition to a different sport but a sport that's really hard to stay at the pinnacle of it's very common see riders gets dropped off of the diamond series the Rhine Nyquist through consistent results all season earned his way into district ride here a great finish a Red Bull Joyride for him on third place his first podium on the FMV diamond series so excited to see him ride this last feature but most of the anticipation will be to see what he can do in the second run now though that's going to be the one that counts our score [Music] and that's planning one-handed and taking off relying on pinching that seat to pull back get that front wheel into the air now this is undoubtedly the most unique part of the district ride course if you're confused yes run Nyquist is in an elevator he's coming up the inside of that building four stories where he will pop out climb over a bridge through the window and onto the top of this enormous rolling talk about adrenaline dump you go from riding for those fans absolutely sprinting your heart out to them sitting in an elevator and now you got a drop in in front of an even bigger crowd do it all over again you have that little interlude of music elevator music and then you pop out so Nyquist already knows he's so experienced he knows he doesn't have to risk anything here it's all on the second run for it he's a man who rides for the crowd he's written in front of some of the biggest crowds in action sports lady you saw the look on his face he was even overwhelmed by dropping into this city square I know couldn't can nothing getting both legs over the side of the bike and taking their hands off that's a trademark running Nyquist move I love that endo entry and endo exit yeah the only guy out there using a front brake he uses that front brake to do a lot of his unique tricks but pretty cool watching them know into that rolling there is a slow-mo tale view of that nobody can which means both legs on the side of the bike and then he takes his hands off police floating there unattached to the bicycle has to grab back on the handlebars to pull his legs back over the top that's one of those tricks that we love to see him do he probably wouldn't have done it in a scored run but that's a good one for the fans that's gonna make a great photograph for some lucky photographer down there I take the school's gonna pop up in a second and the graphic that shows them is really really useful because we've got a red score which is the 60% of the school yes you're in first right crowd look a little bit confused I'm taking this run with a grain of salt not getting his hopes down you know he'll be up at the top with a smile on his face run number two and put it all on the line that is gonna be a fantastic view from the top of the castle up there on the hill maybe Gani 28-year old out of Leon France put together a really nice classic run in qualification another rider who kind of blew it in their first run qualification yesterday and had to stop a run with the pressure on this morning he did it qualified in that ninth position let's see if he can do it in the finals the flat dropped backflips no problem with the rotation there land on the rear tire there we go good amplitude on that 450 bar spin a similar trip we saw Ryan haikus parasha last run except meddygon he's sitting to the left has to actually rotate more than a 360 about 450 you needed the brakes to get around the corner as well didn't he yeah a very unique venue here riders cruising through the city along cobblestone before they enter each district and ride a separate contest front flip tuck no-hander smooth landings entering the box district now here we go into the Jeep the rhythm district a big left hip to start things off a topside tale of driving the pedal before the ramp to jerking a back flip double bar spin and then 360 bar spin to finish off the Jeep the rhythm district for Mehdi Ghani just resting up on the bridge here before he enters district form each of the first four districts worth fifteen percent of the overall score then there's an overall impression judged on these four districts which is worth twenty percent district five that bigger jump worth twenty percent on its own so that last jump means a lot in the context of an entire run but every district with the riders on such a high level every district means so much and meddygon he get in the front flip on missing the trick off of that runoff box but that front flip is what caused him to crash and his first attempt at a qualifying run yesterday so it's great to see him work out the kinks on that move so as he goes into the lapped house let's have a look we've got comparisons here again front I quit so many Gani or lose them first they're after a Nyquist crash twelve points five to one of the better schools we saw if you're measuring this against qualification as well and this district especially will be very very tight in terms of school because it's a little more limited in terms of the tricks and yeah only two trickable features in that district kind of similar to the Box jump district that's step-down starts off the district and then this box jump here a tabletop feature Mehdi Ghani does a front flip no hander on that jump so that's gonna score high but we got a lot of riders to come so it's gonna be interesting to watch these graphics at the lower left of your screen and see how each rider fares as we go through these place these schools are out of 15 and you can see 11.6 to decent school there but bear in mind Bret readers were up in the high 13 so take this tripped you know the crazy thing is nothing matters from qualification it's a new day and we may see a lot of inconsistencies with the riders with all the pressure on the crowd finally filling in and this being the finals of an event that only happens every three years about ten point eight in district 4 I think calm balanced the front flip up if he's got a giveaway a trick down is not worth it yeah and he'll be working on it next time he's got to get a trick after that front flip so red score is the trick score for those first four districts the blue is the overall impression and a 16 that's ever 2016 was the threshold for what we saw is a good qualifying score it's gonna be him first no matter what but full score could take him up to eighty four point two five not quite top three level from qualifying and we know we're gonna see everyone step up their runs from qualifying so many Danny putting in a great range finding one here what's he got a lot of speed a lot of amplitude a quirk 720 when in a perfect run a little bit of Roos there I was worried he was gonna over rotate he came in a little bit tilted but definitely kept his head on straight put those tires smooth down to the landing look at him shaking his head he knew that was close to a crash I like to call this jump the time machine even big heavy treats like this looks slow-mo phenomenal how much airtime they have look how far you transferred from left to right luckily this is a really wide landing we were talking about this before the broadcast edge that landing is one of the steepest landings you've ever seen in a competition probably somewhere around 40 degrees so I think more I add anything more I walked up hit just before the show and we saw Nikolaj we got can try to run up it didn't make it turn thirds the way up so that's steep landing definitely saving Mehdi Ghani right there putting together a smooth top to bottom run a couple things to fix that's a good score to be sitting on and 2.08 Jakob pencil qualified on his first run and it was down to the overall impression he was so smooth he really flowed like water down this course that's definitely one of the many strengths of this rider out of the Czech Republic Yaakov vince'll smooth two pedals on his big technical combos always carrying great speed between features a really well-rounded rider just getting into the zone from Prague you go Yaakov Vincent start now with his version of that flat drop backflip initiating that rotation without the aid of a take-off lift that was really unique that was a 270 knack knack you didn't see that from him in the qualification round to differentiate yourself a backflip X up on the step down in the Box District sending it deep into that landing and that landing is narrow and steep oh man I was just gonna say one of his strengths is putting down a solid first run and then being able to experiment and run number two but that theory came to a screeching went real quick as he misses pedals on that back Albrecht Durer the man who first map the northern and southern hemisphere stars looks down on Jakob Wenzel modern-day stars over FMB the Statue saying you shouldn't applaud so hard on the Philipp Jakob will you talked about that obstacle it's one of the more basic obstacles but running so long judging the speed is super hard a lot of these features are tough to judge speed for because the riders nice 720 from Jakob pencil the riders are used to riding on cobblestone it's bumpy it takes away a little bit of your speed and there's a lot of swerve eNOS to some of the run-ins especially into that box jump well on the slo-moes you see the vibrations on the arm so it must feel so much faster than it is [Music] Jakub definitely knows this run has a few mistakes in it but we may see a lot of mistakes out of the other riders too so it's always worth the purse advance to push on try to get this score as high as he possibly can at this point suddenly meddygon e's range finally starting to look really really good he's the only rider to have laid down a solid run so far and give himself the freedom to experiment in run tone and there's a lot to be said for taking that first run a little bit easier and getting it through the finish line without any mistakes so then you put yourself in a good position for round number two so Jakob ensel finishing that fourth district the technical districts strong we're going to take a look back at some replays so flat drop backflip off the castle to start things off how did he fare on the judges scorecard add a 12 0.15 sit just behind meddygon ain't bad love that 270 knack knack gossip always thinking outside the box here we go folks it straight but goes pros and the step-up 9.15 obviously this full hurting that score he's forgot a decent score considering this this get off you know he didn't actually crash that probably didn't feel too good on what he holds between his legs but I love the fact that he got back up there and finished off this run right drifted as well Oh Matt didn't he the fact I was only six inches yeah he was definitely working without 723 SiC the inner table almost like a 360 unturned down great style on that trick [Music] so there is the invisible man in the left Jakob has left the building [Music] doesn't look too fazed by it 44.5 the trick score 11 on the overall impression [Music] nothing too big there let's go the nerves out of his system look at that view he's got a pretty unique combo he's been doing here it's the backflip toboggan he usually does it to no hander not able to get the no hander on this time around so he'll be saving that for the next run we talked about it a lot during qualification but riders like Jakov who are bringing different tricks to the table at the moment rather than following the herd if you like or going down that classic trickery trying to find something different yeah it's important to differentiate yourself these days all the riders on set are on such a high level with their trick difficulties so Jakob right here he's doing this backflip toboggan the bogging is when you turn your handlebars while putting one hand on the seat and he usually puts his hand back on the handlebar before putting the handlebars in the lap and doing the no hander so that technical combo will have to wait for run number two [Music] Jakub pencil after very very smooth first qualifying run and then a playful second qualifying run where he explored what was out there his first ad to run has dropped so unfamiliar territory for Benson he's got a put pedal to metal for his second run well if you're one of the riders sitting up there in the start gate this is a great opportunity to pounce or seen a lot of riders have mistakes in their runs and the rider who's always got swagger he's got this Elvis Presley like swagger just the way he looks at the camera and this kid definitely doesn't seem to be affected by the pressures of this event the crowd is going to be roaring for him as he's the only German rider in the final so Erik fedko drops in 360 X up off of the castle and in the 450 double bars spin playing it safe we know he has the 360 triple bar spin on that feature but when so many riders crashing it's important to not risk too much make it top to bottom without any blunders good extension on the back lip tuck no-hander when that GoPro step down love his style it's almost mechanical and the energy that he's got in here we've seen him bouncing around on his bike get coming down this book almost as if he hasn't got enough to take out all of the energy between the features oh yeah he represents that youthful exuberance that we've seen so many times with breakout riders on the FMB World Tour just attitude to the crowd mid 450 could this be fed cows moment he looks like he's feeding off the crowd here and he's riding better than we saw regarding qualifying there's a real flow to it oh yeah this crowd is either gonna break it or it's gonna happen they allow you to shine depending on what you have between your ears and how you deal with pressure fedko obviously being fueled by the energy of this massive crowd 360 tap on the step down backflip bars spin to the moon on the spine into the on/off box in an opposite 360 up a regular 360 down one more District for this guy he's looking untouchable right now okay as he goes into the garage house to take the elevator up to the fourth floor we're going to take a look back and see how he scores compared on each individual district Castle drop district number 112 0.67 that really nice and cleaned through there so he's taken out Mehdi Ghani score 12.5 to their 450 double bars been definitely you didn't hurt that scored 12 points six seven per castle district number one respectable score but he just carried the momentum all the way down the course had bunks district sitting behind Betty County that so there's that 450 where he's so comfortable in the air he's not even looking at where he's going he's staring at the crowd he leaks him right into that backflip to help strengthen pedals that's been twelve point eight to first place by a long way so into the technical district of 360 tailbone the step-down head go the camera district ride baby Eric fedko twelve point six months in the tech district of leading throughout all of those only second place in district oh so solid district five here overall impressions going to be interesting the benchmark as I've said before what we're looking for for big scores is 16 that's kind of the threshold on overall impression so it's given that it's gonna take a decent score here to really bump him up well now a young rider we're hoping he's not going to try too hard here on this last jump feeling the jitters son such an adrenalin packed first four districts one last huge jump to go for Erick fedko backflip triple bar spin while the difference between a double bar spin backflip and squeezing out that Byrd bar spin that's going to take this last jump score up a couple notches [Applause] but Nico shows the only German rider on the entire world tour so proud of his boy there well at this rate he's gonna be getting some German company on the world tour the barrack fedko is able to finish with a high enough ranking and get some points hopefully we'll see him on the full diamond series next season kid from from the bug Germany making his presence felt in Nuremberg on the first run we've seen a lot of backflip double bar students on that jump saw a backflip double bar spoon would kind of be looked at as standard and get a standard score but right here he knows to take the trick to the next level and he's gotta roll the dice throw one more bar spin before setting those tires back down to the dirt he did it with precision he had plenty of time to I up that landing looking forward to seeing this score he's definitely enjoying the energy seventeen twenty seven six that does move him up into first place eighty-three point eight three four so fedko leading after full of nine riders [Music] work at the people I mean we've got big events all season Red Bull Joyride Red Bull Rampage but nothing compares to this crowd right here [Music] is it [Music] Tobias wick German BMX legend Paul Raque Graham fielding Alex dropsy Aaron chase here in the brown camp actually won the first edition of district ride in 2005 he designed the course in 2011 and 14 and now he's one of the judges he's done it all he has so much history at this event and it's cool to walk around this city with him because people remember him from that that victory in 2005 he made such a such a splash in this city and drenched all the riders on the podium with that champagne it's cool to see him still it's still involved Graham filled up any courthouse right up at the back there another legend of German FMB and BMX Hank as well I love watching this kid riding and taneema Cerie 21 out of Surrey Canada he's one of the smallest riders out here but he is an absolute fireball of energy well hopefully the camera operators had an opportunity to tilt their tripods up because this kid goes to the moon for 50 bars pin Anthony Missouri burst onto the scene at the young age of 15 a Red Bull Joyride look like a rider who may blow up before he reaches potential but he's turned into such a consistent competitor he made the finals with his second qualifying run this morning he's been looking and really consistent backflip talib straight to the pedals who saw Jakob insel having the state on that trick in his run but Anthony Missouri stomping all these tricks and doing it higher than most the fronts up top no hander if I keep forgotten to draw it maybe he was trying to nose bond into it or may just be a sign of fatigue you don't realize it because you're sitting on your couch watching this live feed but these riders are exerting themselves to the max the features aren't all condensed together like on a typical slope style course they have to cover a lot of ground they have to sprint into the features and to go as high as Anthony does you know he sprinted that entire city block to launch that first left-hand hip into the Jeep the rhythm district well the best evidence of just half training this course was in 2014 when Bret raided got in the lift to go up to the full floor press all of the buttons please don't donate roll just so we could get rest that's an expert strategist right there so backflip one footed can-can down the step down for Anthony misery no he's got to carry a lot of speed cuz he's got something special for us Oh bar spin he gapped the entire on/off box we saw him do that in qualification but we did not see him tricking this time pushing it to the next level by chucking those handlebars power is nothing without control in this kid it has plenty of control let's go back and take a look at the top of the runs so I'll drop this straight 360 bar spins just off the pace 15 hundredths behind Eric's Fed Cup [Music] so I don't know if the judges are looking that as a repeat trick doing a truck driver off the drop and then a truck driver on the first jump a respectable score sitting in second how did he fare in the Box district eleven point one seven long long wave a meddigan a can be interesting to see if anyone can equal that because thirteen point two big big scores a third place look at him sprinting into this that's the highest we've ever seen anybody go on that let's see if he's rewarded so fifth place there I'm sure that crash on the tail I've had something to do with that let's see what happened I think he was trying to get the nose bomb trying to touch his front tire to that Bank before doing the tail but I think he may have been going too fast so into the technical district he's the new leader sitting in first place thirteen point five so the judges loving watching him gap over this entire on/off box with the bar spin smart saving after the finals well that is crucial isn't it because that's not a score with five riders in now and that is not a score that's gonna be beaten easily in that tech section that is gonna stand him in very good stead and this is what we were talking about each individual district you can crash and still pull through that overall impression is what will hurt him though eleven point seven four thirty can't get any higher that or potentially could 111 that's definitely achievable for this kid who feeds off of big airtime this jump most pop out of any jump we've seen on the F and B diamond series here we go backflip bar spins a sidesaddle Lander lovely so difficult all of your weight on one side of the bike it's not a hard impact that landing is so steep and it's really you come into it gently but see we got to be perfectly positioned it's a good idea to do something unique and play toward the strength of that unique feature so he does the backflip he does the bar spin spinning these handlebars all the way around he puts his leg over that top tube of the bicycle that's called the can-can and it's a sidesaddle Lander if you don't put your foot back on the panel before landing so that's steep landing definitely helping buffer the impact let's see if the judges like that is one of the first ride is to really get stuck into this District five as well it was actually pedaling off the flat deck and airing into the running at one stage yeah the first day of practice on this feature you're watching a lot of the riders breaking down that huge role in but he was carrying as much speed as he possibly could and taking that speed to the moon so Missouri currently sat in third a 16.6 now we're getting into the business end of the qualifiers we talked about this guy a lot the start of the show today nickel irrigated technically one of the most gifted and we've gotta say in terms of courage and commitment he will not back down now this kid is so famous for crashing and getting back up some of his biggest highlights in his career are what he's done after a massive failure never gives up and last night he made history on that last jump we're gonna find out right now if he's gonna opt for a safe run and run number one if he's gonna go for everything his first opportunity two firsts and to 14th so far the ffb diamond series it tells you everything you need to know since winning and crashing all or nothing approach Nikolay never deviating from that strategy oh the fastplant 360 this time off the start drop he was saving that one for the finals Oh tail up to barspin he hasn't shown us that yet either so strong first district for Nikolai Rick Atkins can he carry the momentum exactly what he's doing he's a variation here so a straight flip that may hurt him because a lot of the other riders are throwing in backflip combos and he will more than make up for it right here on this box jump the cash roll straight as an arrow on that landing sprinting into this left hand heavy double Talib landing high yet to rush that second eight front foot bar screen to talk no hander and a bad foot up we haven't seen any of those last two moves he's been saving a lot for the finals you got to say that only weakness is the straight back flipping the Box district you it's our 360 double tail whip keep crash on that this morning's Thompson here now into the on/off box 360 up and the caveman down jumping off the bike grabbing the seat springing off on his feet before throwing the bike back underneath them psychologically we got Kim has another gear when the pump kicks in doesn't hang yeah you know what you used to just show everything right away but now he's becoming such a seasoned competitor so we didn't see a lot of these moves that to barspin he did not show that in qualifying so look where he's sitting in the castle drop district as a result thirteen point three five way out him from there a little bit behind as you pointed out kam that straight back click costing him in district 2 but district three this should be big when he knows he has so much more than other riders don't in other areas so it may be a strategic decision to only straight flip that step down because he had that Franklin bars from the tuck no-hander he has this 360 double tail whip Antony Missouri's score standing firm their district for in the tech district regarding having to settle for third place behind fed coat and Missouri you're gonna be tough to beat Missouri gapping over that box with the barzmann just hear it talk it to the young said stop the Hickey was reminiscing about the run just had and getting psyched for what's to Connie okay settled yourselves down if you've got any hot drinks there you put them to the side we might be about to witness history Nikolai rag a kid has landed a fourteen forty on this jump he actually attempted to really put towards and down one of them ridiculously cleanly whether he's going to put a score under his belt we don't know overall impression look at that the blue school seventeen point nine that is massive place called we've seen there all day it really pairs after save some secrets for finals day so he only needs a thirteen point six to take first here the smart rider would go for his twister here the 1080 but Ezra ganky never compromised a run to go for a solid result he has not but a 1080 is a trick that nobody else in the field has the twenty forty is above and beyond what's he gonna do for the 1080 clean landing smart decision for Nikolai there it is and he knows his lay down the run he wanted here and it sector sucked perfectly this run is the springboard for history right now second run nikolai reg akan has got the Ronnie wanted now he's got the freedom to go out there and try and find the 1440 I'm proud of Nikolai for making great intelligent choices here getting the 1080 in the first run before trying the 1440 like you said last night it took him a handful of the temps to land that 1440 so it could have he railed his train on run number one and completely washed out his result so it's a good idea to get this one in the bag one question we saw the replay earlier on when we would discuss things Nikolay out on the ramp where he chased that jump this morning and knows manual down the landing he's already just made it to the landing now where's his speaker well he was giving 100% effort last night in order to rotate that 1440 so it's probably hard so reel it back wondering how far to reel it back in order to shave off 360 degrees from that 1440 so the fact that he can land the 1440 and then go land at 1080 hopefully he can then crank it back up again and get that 1440 next run [Music] so there's a cash roll sign just there that kid I'm not joking he's been here all weekend and he's been desperate to show that sign to someone who's actually done that trick this was his first opportunity in the final now we come to one of the most remarkable riders here at district ride the 23 year old Diego cab is a see the Italian road fantastically in qualification to make it into the finals but he does not have a bike sponsor he's essentially a privateer it's mind-blowing to see how good this kid is on a bike and how fantastic he performs under pressure to think that he's the only guy out there without a bike sponsor if you're a bike company out there and you're looking to get a top-level diamond series FMB athlete Diego Cobras Aussie is your guy starting out strong here really new thing out on that flat drop back flip off of the castle look at the focus you can see the whites of his eyes as he came down yeah he's shown an enhanced focus this season he was strong last year but he's improved so much in the last handful of events a front-flip bar spin he struggled with it and run number one qualification smoothed it out and run number two and Wallace here in the finals tuck no-hander landing high on the hip he goes to the cash roll lands it smooth making that kid down here with the cardboard sign proud son kappa sassy thumbs up for the first three districts he's got the tank district still to come before he gets a proper breather but you can see just how much it's taken of him up to this point and this is the most intense section they've got a bit of breathing space between obstacles right now though you've got full obstacles within less than 80 meters so hard on the psyche to go hard stop then drop in go hard again look at that he had energy left over in the tank for that double tail up on the spine a feature with only about a half metre gap between lip and landing and somehow squeezing out the barzmann 2x up on that tiny little drop strong performance in the first four districts the Italian Diego covers Aussie you know you've smashed it with me but the marshals are holding at the Hogs that marshals down here since old five it's always great to see him but did you see I know he started man you lean two bike lengths from the end of that castle drop could you call that man YouTube Iceland Hey you just did I like it with so many riders doing a flat drawback but there Diego putting a little bit different Flair on it only second to react came in the first district but he leads and the second district he takes down maybe Ghani scores thirteen point two thirteen point six five what's cheap the rhythm district on for it he's point nine off the pace interred there good variety in all of his tricks here too not repeating anything second behind maseri in the tech district gonna be tough to be Anthony in that tech district the fact that he crashed trying to gap over it in his first attempt in Bali round number one now he's bars but over it so riders gonna have to dig deep to win that Tech District --kavitha sassy rehydrating before he presents himself to the masses down here in district 5 how calm it is right there sipping on a nice little bottle of water and then look at what he's about to encounter once he walked out that window he's stepping out into the Coliseum of FM Bay there's the Shonan brunnen the beautiful fountain dates back to 1385 and usually it's the star of Nuremberg central of Plattsburgh today that is undoubtedly district ride in this moment it's llego Cavis a/c 51.6 combined with the homes for at sixteen point one can only make second place at the moment leads 15.6 for our Matt district 5 the top five would mean a lot for him they would show a lot of consistency and a top five and Red Bull Joyride just a couple weeks ago front-flip talked no-hander huge amplitude and landing smoothly he's excited about that run he's almost a little bit of a table as he comes around the lost part of that rotation so that he can look over who showed up yeah looking forward to this replay he does he initiates the front flip lunging his head forward throws those hands off early holds on to them late and there it is that moment you're talking about where he peeks over his shoulder trying to get a look at that landing one of the hardest parts about front flips is the fact that they're so blind upon landing but he's figured out a way to get consistent with them by peeking over his shoulder knowing if he needs to speed up or slow down the rotation I love this Diego has done his job today I don't know about you and I think it's time for a bike sponsor on the counted lake what was it fifth at joy rod fish at joy ride solidifying his status as one of the best in the world right now with only two riders have left to drop Diego cabbar sassy looking like you'll be at least top three see the scores come in 17 at point 6 good in a high second place overall eighty four point eight six that's great to see only two riders at left to drop similar gods yak fantastic first run in qualifying didn't even use his second run edits of incredible extensions recently they're looking up extension man if you want to see what he's capable of yes Simon guards yak is definitely the rider out there who is not following the herd he has so many tricks in his bag but when it comes to game day he chooses no less lightly tricks the tricks that rely on extension harder ones to pull out under pressure he's gonna throw he drops into a chorus let's see into the box district the backflip tuck no-hander Recife wolves are dice here on this table top box [Music] Oh 360 downside tail it nothing to do his tail opposite in order to get the downside version of that trick a huge extension on the Indian air see ground right into the court 720 landing nose down first perfect execution nailing that tail just taking a lap to get a breath struggle with consistency earlier on in his career but that really that bug bear is gone now we see it seems like he's really really consistent certainly on the evidence of what we've seen here this weekend yeah his results this season have shown two things he's become consistent in that he's gonna carve his own path to the top third fourth and seventh at leisure innsbruck of Whistler truck-driver down backflip one for the can-can he needs to Lin high he's gonna try to clear this box can he make it he pushes he bar spins over the box to go big up a little short on the verge of disaster but stomping it when it counts absorbed and be interesting to see how the judges play that one out not as tidy as maseri but well we're gonna find out here shortly let's see how he did in the castle district getting this 450 double bar spin second just behind Rick at King 12.9 riding right on the edge although you can see the edges are landing this steps bolted in there so box district second place this time behind diego cavity and i love the extension on this indian air did the judges love it as much as i did yes second place thirteen point five just behind redaction again so he needs a first here if he's gonna move into the top spot he did what first place did place second early season better drag Atkin on two of them he's behind capacity and missouri on two of the others so there's still a shot there if the overall impression is high then he's got that lovely multiplier that's gonna kick him into potentially taking out the top spot did you see that method of opening up a can no he even opens up a can differently he did it with his front two teeth this guy doesn't do anything the standard method [Music] okay I'm winding the headset some contacts 17.1 on the overall impression he's got a shot at first with 18.6 just boy can backflip he back flipped over the peloton at the tour of Poland not just on an FM b bike but on a road bike a full spec road bike in lycra yeah but help yeah exactly that's what's gonna say that because he speaks no pads just spandex giving a nod to when dave watson jump the Tour de France peloton back in the early 2000s all right Simon Gajic into the big air district huge extension on that backflip Superman sea crab oh yeah looking forward to these slow-mo replays got some way to go though hasn't he he's got that one-handed variation the thing about that one-handed variation is you need a modification gear bike to be able to do it I don't know if that's allowed but look at the extension hopefully we get a side view of this because Paul man do you see the fact that his leg down instead of straight horizontal that is going above and beyond perfect execution would be horizontal but almost verging on heart attack backflip sikraft style oh there it was just all king those legs damn oh there we go look at this the legs pointing this way instead of this way so impressive and look at the landing front tyre touches down a millisecond before the back tire that shows precision look how stoked ease with the runners well big big smiles from saman gods yet fifty two point five eight sixteen point eight matched with an eighteen point four eighty seven point seven seven that force among Gaggia just behind nikolay redacted point five separating them back up the top now for the ninth and final Rider it is the 18 year old rookie in his first full season on the FMB diamond series and he has already taken out the overall title cannae crown that with a win here a district ride what point is this kid gonna start feeling the pressure he hasn't buckled at any competition so far this season two seconds a third and a fifth on the crepe Burt's world tour wrapping up the FMB diamond series like you said in his first full season so there's the leaderboard right now recap kid in first Godsey X second capacity third Erich fedko the local German kid in at fourth Emilio Hansen tire tap all the way in and up a spin he's doing tricks before he's even left the ground so that 360 unturned down that inward table there on the castle drop the double tail of his regular direction now you really have to pay attention to which way this kid is doing all these tricks because like Brett reader he'll mirror-image some of those technical the only guy 3:16 that step down he does it with a one-footed can can getting the variations so important on that feature rims and seat posts cheering him on down through the Bucks district 360 bars been a downside tale straight to pedals what's he got for us on the Jeep the rhythm district going high the 450 triple bar spin into the court 720 and so much pulp there he goes real application nose bomb truck driver it's like when you watch his kid ride you can just sit back and relax and enjoy you don't have to worry about his train coming off the tracks I don't want to jinx him but that's just the way we've been led to feel after watching this kid all season and the consistencies just phenomenal there's no one else in this league understand that last season because he had nothing to prove of this season he's got a lot to prove and a lot to maintain because he's been so dominant on the consistency category there we go our visit Taliban irregular Talib one of the things that I love about this Emilia Hanson is a very tall drink of water and he can make this point out like a BMX and then at the other end of this go you got Anthony maseri that makes it look like a 29er yeah and both of them completely capable of winning any event on any given day so the regular double Taylor loosing high-amplitude how to be fair third place no high school on district 1 so he needs to up the ante here is the Box district it does and he does thirteen point nine five with fans hanging out of their windows cheering them on we saw a great extension on that 361 for the can on the step down that for seven twenty let's keep the rhythm district also leading the charge and then the tech districts highest school we've seen that Oh without jumping over the box so it can be done let's take a look at what he did here the 360 double bars spin two acts up he'd already done a triple trucks we didn't want to repeat a trick smart choice so big big scores from Emilio Hansen the most consistent man just 18 years old his maturity is staggering you'd expect that kind of maturity out of a guy like Ryan Nyquist who's got a two decade career he's 38 but this kid 20 years younger than I quest look at him feeding off of this crowd somewhat this kid has got precious sponge hidden Hasley that's just soaking it all up seems rewashing often yeah you know what maybe goes back to the hotel rings it out every night that's that pressure sponge has not been affecting him but with so many accomplishments this season who knows man I hope it never happens for him this is a great show the oh I 17.4 absolutely huge although reacting to the 17.9 for our eye so this is a real in the absence of Bret reader who we lost if you're thinking where is Bret reader injured himself just before we started but Amelia Hansen stepping into his shoes and really pushing we got him with doors wide open for Emilio Hansen and he takes advantage of the opportunity backflip double tail whip straight to paddles typical Emilio Hansen fashion it's insane how he rides that bike as if he's living life in slow motion we're gonna get the opportunity to watch that trick in slow motion but I swear he sees in slow motion in the middle of his run he makes this backflip double tail up look as the easy as most riders make a backflip single tail up look pedals so early I saw him to practice considering another move after he caught the bike without much time he has adjusting that right front foot onto the pedal [Music] strong run extending the arms maybe hinting at one he's saving to run number two he certainly has wiggle room now well the Georgia this is after the first runs that was last rider for the first runs here a district ride in Nuremburg five riders have landed their runs clean only three riders maseri pencil and Nyquist have got a laid yet to lay down a run but those other five go out and really start exploring the limits of their capability now we're just getting going here head and it's looking very very good 70.8 the overall impression bumped up by that last tree eighteen point two three though Emilio Hansen moves into first place just under two points ahead of Nikolai Regan so so close at the top there now what's up to the other riders now to see if Amelia Martin can get his first down Series win so I know Chris pencil maseri all looking to land big runs Mehdi Ghani Erik photo capacity gods yet we got kin all in the hunt now to push themselves gimmick absolute best runs down in the hunt to chase Emilio Hansen down for that top spot but we talked about it earlier on Amelia Hansen in the form of his life and it almost feels like destiny after the fifth the third two is pushing to this level yeah I don't know who's writing the script for this kid but it is a great story and a big win here today would mean a lot okay Jackie Montgomery is with a male down in the finish area now thanks guys first off congratulations on already locking up the diamond Series championship but there just a moment ago Nikolai Rogan came up to congratulate you speak with you what did he have to say he told me that I'm yeah I secured a diamond serious and I kind of can't believe it it's always been a dream of mine and to come down to Gudrun and then to hear that is yeah I'm speechless now that you're sitting in this top spot how do you approach run - let's nervous I would say I would still be nervous but it definitely feels good to know that I'm have been able to at least do one run today and then if it's needed I could step up a few things if I if I really really need to yeah we will see I'm pumped thanks for the time good luck and round two roll where did this kid come from yeah I've got a few things I could improve we learned a couple things about him he does get nervous which is surprising and he has a little bit more left in the tank so exciting times to come okay we're gonna take a quick break and then we'll be back with Rondo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] district right 2017 here in Nuremberg this competition has only been happening every three years since 2011 this is the fifth edition and we've just completed completed the first runs of the finals we're about to drop in for the second runs of the finals but before we do we're going to take a look back to last night and the best trick competition this gives us an indication of what might be possible on this last district district five today this is phenomenal camp it was the most groundbreaking best trick session we've ever seen on 26-inch wheels Simon Godsey AK doing the one-handed Superman seat grab backflip having to wrap a bike tube underneath his stem to stabilize his steering because if you took your hands off the bars while hanging on to your seat laid out in a Superman position your bars would spin backwards immediately so using bike modifications this year the same way he did in 2014 with that iconic ruler one of the big ones though undoubtedly a world-first in competition I believe Nicola we got Kim yeah Nikolaj reg akan blue mines last night like you said made history he hinted at the fact that he may be capable of this trick months and months ago he did it on an air bag during a masters of dirt show but going for the glory last night dr. bienvenido aguado alba atlanta the double front flip nikolai are gakuen drops in it took him a few tries but he landed the first ever 1440 adding a 360 degree rotation to the 1080 the trick that he calls the twist are now being 720 degrees above the rest in the entire competition and the last thing he said last night having been interviewed after the win words are you gonna use this in the competition tomorrow he said yes yeah he left no question mark so he didn't do it run number one we know now he's not sitting in the lead so you know for sure he's gonna try that in round number two okay well this course is a work of art and Jackie montgomery is down in the finish area with its creator martin soda stronger thanks guys Martin this is the first course that you have ever designed walk us through what this process was like yeah Wow very scary many sleepless nights because as you said my first course and also since I've been a rider before I know how it feels as a rider to turn up to a course that isn't perfect I mean alright I put all riders put in so much effort to learn the tricks and then when you show up to a course you really need a good course to show off all your tricks and all your skills but it looks like I didn't do too bad because I've seen many happy faces and some new tricks that I haven't seen before have been landed so as of course deciding there that's all you could ever ask for yeah I've got to ask you obviously have podiums in this event before but your first time designing so what's more nerve-wracking dropping into the course or trying to create something that 20 riders are happy with I probably say it's more definitely more scary to design it because it's also like their lives are basically in my hands as well if I design a course that is too like gnarly or too kechi then yeah it could mean the difference between a really bad injury or landing a perfect run so it was definitely very nerve-wracking but I did like the run before the event now with all the crowd and I definitely got some some goose bumps and some some really nice memories from 2011 while when I was here last time fellow Swede currently on top so I have to ask who is your money on for today's event oh wow it's gonna be so tight I could just see how eager nickel nickel ira got game was when he was going up to the start again so he could do yeah he's gonna do everything he can to beat Emil but I mean we saw a meals run that was like really really high-level from start to bottom so yeah I have to go with my boy Emil I mean he's gonna be hard to beat today oh it's a beautiful course well done oh thanks a lot thank you Jackie thank you so much brilliant insight there I mean he's right he's got Ryder's lives in his hands if you get yeah exactly and no better guy for that job he did a fantastic job with this course okay this is how they line up for run - we're going in reverse order again run I quit soccer been chopped Antony Missouri Mehdi Ghani Eric fedko moving up the rankings there Diego Kavis a/c synagogue TX Nikolai rag at Caen can he lay down that 1414 to put off Emilio Hansen who will have the luxury of going blast right now that it's the 38 year old out of Santa Cruz Ryan the nyquist he's got such a good run did manage to get it all down in round one so this is his last chance yeah falling on that opposite 270 truck driver on the second feature of the course he's gonna have to face that demon in the very first district right now he looks focused as he approaches the castle drop the 360 down now notice he's spinning to the left we see if he tries the same trick that took him out last run there it is the opposite 270 barson a nice Thompson he's quick on the brights there on the land just to make sure he controls that gathering himself preserving some energy into the box district on the step-down boom start a 360 variation may have been a 360 one-handed XF hasta wait for the slow-mo replay he's joining the Amanda Huntington Club though oh he's sevens the box this time that's a change from his quali run now it brings about the question what is he going to do after this hip here 450 one-handed X up he was 720 in this job he goes for the 720 bars maybe if he squeaks it out Oh landing rear-wheel but using that rear brake to bring him back down the center Nyquist eyes in the middle of a runner like a lion in the midst of the chase you fully committed to that 720 bar spin by doing the 720 on the Box show these riders do their best to not repeat tricks throughout a run you can see they're just on the graphic at the bottom good his first ever FMB podium a joy ride a couple of weeks ago click bar spin good amplitude on the spine into the on/off box it's going to be a double truck driver up and a bar spin down oh great run for I Nyquist putting away the disappointment of run number one and fixing out all those mistakes for run number two sixteen x-games Meadows out of $36 62 Tour Finals appearances a third jorah this guy has got nothing to prove we said it before and yet he loves riding his bike he's always out here and those highlights you just listed they're only scratching the surface we'd be here all day if you talked about all his podiums but the first podium he's ever had on a mountain bike came just two weeks ago like you said he used that 720 bars spin for all of his grades results this season so knowing that's his strength he had to find a spot to pull it out here at redbull district ride that 360 suicide no hander moving back from the box jump into the step-down [Music] just singing along to the music they're one of the most impressive things for me was the fact a joyride two weeks ago that third place came after he slammed on a7 in practice so I mean even play I said he doesn't have anything to prove he doesn't have to force it in yet he got out there and laid it all on the line again in those final runs yeah that experience doesn't just manifest itself in the air it's also the crashing skill he's been doing it for so long he knows how to slide he knows how to roll he crashes a ton every single event for a guy who's 38 it's so impressive that he always pops back up and lands on his feet well for guys like me hitting their forties like Nyquist is the inspiration it's like yes it's still happening it can still happen I could be great yeah no excuses for anybody out there when you watch Ryan Nyquist so 50.1 eight combined with that 16.4 overall impression decent go ahead could bumped him right up the rankings will it be enough for a podium though he goes back and forth between jovial goofy Rhine Nyquist and then the focused nitrous words we're gonna see the focus person right here the backs of suicide no hander he was wanting to throw the handlebars after that but it's a backflip suicide nonetheless no other riders doing that out here because you need a front brake to be able to pull off that trick the shotgun to finish some of the apartments surrounding this square I've got the best views in the house so the big screen so backflip no-hander he hits that front brake that stop the front wheel so it doesn't turn on accident let's see another angle to see how big the extension was I know he didn't get the bar spin afterwards see he grabs on with the right hand first cuz that's a handy throws Bartlett but look at that front tire it's still spinning he needed it to be completely stopped - how the stability needed to chuck those bars of one hand after the no hander interesting me you see that right hand reach again for the lever once he comes down so maybe he got the bar but he didn't get to leave up yeah that right hand only controls the rear brake so it was a great save the stomping that backflip suicide is way better than crashing trying to Chuck those bars when it wasn't right okay let's take a look at these scores 11.6 gives him a 78 point one seven good enough for seventh and Jackie Montgomery is with Ryan [Applause] to tell how loud those chairs are eating since before Emil Johansen was born yet this is your first time here at the Red Bull joy at the redbull district ride what was this experience like yeah definitely I did the math and that for sure it's a possibility that Emil could be my son I was thinking earlier but yeah this contest is amazing I've never experienced anything like this I've always seen like videos and then like people just go in like through cobblestone streets on bikes and I never thought I'd be doing something like this so the fact I'm here is amazing and then the fact I'm competing against these young whippersnappers you know the right page 38 you know I'm 38 years young we're feeling good man so it's a it's a dream I'm just trying to take it all in like when you get to the top there it's insane how many people like you can't find a like a spot of cement it's insane it's so awesome though it's great to see you out there yeah when Ron Nyquist says he's never seen anything like it you know it's the truth because he's seen literally everything in biking he's seen it all so to impress that man means a lot this goes to show how unique of an event redbull district ride it really is so yak event sell kids from the Czech Republic 27 years old row trials for a long time has beautiful bike control now the master of speed and style at all the Crankworx events but he fought his way back onto the diamond series and this is what means the most to him right here nice 270 knack knack on that hip now the Box district is wet through the mob and run number one he needs to clean tricks in his last chance run number two back flip X up on the step down now he needs to wipe away the memory of what happened last run and stop this backflip tower there we go home feed on the pedals cleaned it up speed was perfect it's all about the speed on that jump so difficult to judge there we go 270 table top good extension good click all the 720 a little bit in the back seat but he holds on [Applause] still managed to trick that step up despite him to crank into it the last moment seen at 7:20 I thought he may have been throwing away but never giving up [Music] Westing is feel of his palm to take a breather before he drops into this mayhem there we go the 360 tuck no-hander good extension there's that 360 inward table almost like an unturned down great styling at 316 opposite 360 X up up and a bar spin down here we go you still got a chance some pencil looking very very smooth through the first four districts and heading into the rats house for the lift up to the fourth floor let's take a look back first District the Castle Rock district did not improve on his first run score he's still in nine I have a feeling he's gonna improve here in the box district let's see what he's got comes up to seventh it's not a massive improvement Jeep the rhythm was in eight moves up to seven so there are mental improvement potentially the overall impression score is going to change look at that left foot just hanging on by the heel of his shoe a great execution of that trick so stylish it's a little bit of an invasion of privacy would you say [Music] I don't know didn't get up the strange thing to it so Jakob pencil makes his way out onto the top of this role in 14 metres above the city [Music] gauging the brain I think I know what he's got for us we could just see him practicing putting his hand on that seat I'm guessing he's looking for that backflip toboggan to tuck no-hander it's a big stretch 19.2 if he wants sixth place one morning - Betty does you going fit to toboggan no Honda you may need to try something harder so let's see if he's paying attention taking advantage of the fact that he can see what he needs before dropping in if they see the same graphics that we do on their screens backflip toboggan - tuck no-hander he stomps it he tried it run number one didn't work run number two absolutely perfect the ad time on this jump flattens to deceive doesn't it it's making really really difficult tricks look relatively simple because you've got just so much time in the air it's straight up straight down it's different than the jump we had here back in 2011 and 2014 we saw that old historical clip of Martin Soderstrom jumping that jump a minute ago during his interview the riders were traveling along distance other just boosting to the moon it gives them a lot of time to squeeze in those combos so Yaakov benzyl and choosy did that backflip toboggan to tuck no-hander is it going to be enough to move him into a great spot where anything [Music] great [Music] told tally of schools fourteen point six hundred impression jumps up fifteen point nine three so improving up to seventh place and Jakob pencil this man in ninth fell on his first run but he's still at hold always second now he did just get bumped down didn't he by bill Johansson in District four the tech district so there's the top four right now as they stand Emilio Hanson we got King gods yet Kavis a see this little ball of energy ready to try and break to that top form well remember ninth place today is essentially the last place you only have nine riders in our final competition here today Anthony Missouri does not settle for the last place I'm gonna expect to see him for broke here the Kawasaki is backflip bars been slinging those bars so fast we could hardly even see it into the box district backflip tail whip smooth execution now he gets on the pedal this guy goes higher than anybody else on this hip he doesn't even need to trick it but he can still potentially win the district I can't wait to see a photo of that oh my that was huge I think we had Nyquist at one point was around five meters that was closer to seven well he saved his biggest boost for this last run we haven't seen him go that high all weekend he's been going higher than anybody else yeah just 21 years old but of 15 he claimed a podium spot at joy ride the most legendary event on the FMB calendar now maseri had such a good run he was holding only a min low Hansen has bettered he score here in district 4 and he's got the route the other three districts above him are in perfect condition his scores are great he needs to link this together now it's gonna all be all about carrying speed on the spine right here he needs to John pile and I and start sprinting he's putting his tires in the right place is he have enough he bar spins it again and connects straight to the down side of that landing ramp I'm for jumped that size that landing ramp is so so small you've got to get it perfect and gapping that entire feature is completely blind all you know about speed judgment is just fast as you possibly can now this is gonna be really really interesting blue scores are what we're looking at sixth place does not improve on district one he's still in touch one behind the cops district ninth place does not improve let's see if he got rewarded for the amplitude on this hip he's got to I mean we was new me about this thirteen point two bums him up it's a full notice he landed so high there he didn't even need to take a petal into this jump in order to get enough speed for that front foot tuck no-hander [Music] those box of our spins into the tech district what did he score it was already second so it was always gonna be hard to improve their buck so the second data for matched with the sync than annoying sent through the first four districts he went really high on the boost over that box to hide or die you know killer dogs watching from home cheering on loving that ride-or-die reference there we go gotta maintain that focus now for district 5 as he steps out over the bridge to the adoration of this crowd it's filling out more and more down in the square look at him feel the beat right to the beat if there's no beat don't rise otherwise these things I was ever told right to the beat ride or die you see a lot of riders talking about how the nerves affect them looking at this kid right now nothing but enthusiasm he once ate 50.1 ain't combined with the overall impression 16.5 can shoot 4/4 18 and point one is what he needs [Applause] he's got this crowd eating out of the palm of his hand as he crests over the top of the rowing ramp what does he have for us back foot bar spin to sidesaddle and her yet again going with the old favorite here from run number one tipping the 16.0 six on the first one whether he can squeeze another point with two out of it I'm not sure [Music] I'm gonna say he's gonna move up the rank and I don't think he's gonna be sitting in the last place anymore he did his job today shift it off hey why not get that crowd riffing for you before you drop in I'm intrigued by his district tree cheap the rhythm district score because Paul Raque definitely talks about how amplitude was one of the most important factors he is going higher than anybody else there but you gotta think there are some riders who in the finals are going really high but adding a lot of tricks but nothing better than watching Anthony Missouri boost the left-hand hip that's what he's shown for adding just another 30 centimeters let alone a meter and a half a fifteen point nine six doesn't quite get the same execution out of that last trick so to the maseri moves up into sixth place under eight fedko and just above Mehdi Ghani getting very very congested in the low eighties they're back up the top meddygon II can amendments to the leaderboards though he's currently down eighty two point eight just moved ahead of him eighty two point six four so he wants to break into the top three he needs eighty seven point seven seven or higher it's gonna be a tough test but thinking back to his first run he didn't have a couple spots where he could improve here forgetting that 450 truck driver with two bar spins the double truck water riders clapping for that trick there so he's gonna be looking to stand out the rest of the way down the course you've been doing it all day backflip double bar spin on the step down that's the kind of stuff he needs to be doing he has what it takes to move up the ranks I'm just gonna have to lay it out all all on the table front flip tuck no-hander smooth landing into the Jeep the rhythm district through the roar of the crowd the top side tail oblique try to the Cork 720's we have to rush it perfect for a second I thought he was going to be under rotated their 360 tuck no-hander up to the flyout and see him just sucking air now trying to get some oxygen back into his blood before it takes on the intense protective district going for that front flip oh no his rear tire just blew out well he must have landed sideways on something maybe that fork 720 but what a tough break for Manny he was just about ready to drop in he looked like a sniper got ahold of his rear wheel is this some kind of practical joke someone's left some drawing pins up there just sprinkling about what a bummer [Music] so unfair somebody get this man a tube some tire levers and a pump please [Music] [Applause] - slug oh he was just about ready to take off he had no choice but to see the humor in that and start laughing but what a letdown believable medic a nice A to Z for seventh place the header of Yakka pencil and run Nyquist Eric Fred Co though currently sat in fifth place to the 83.3 four can leapfrog diego kappa sassy and sin on god's egg claim a spot on the podium German crowd lighting up Nuremberg wanting to see this 19 year old Germany on two three gets the triple truck on the hip listen to the crowd just a few decibels higher for their German rider than everybody else he's given a right back to them well just a couple of decibels great extension on that back foot tuck no-hander the seatpost of rims going wild it's a hundred and thirty seven paints a minute then I thought he was gonna chuck something after that but he's sprinting into the next district the jeep the rhythm up into the air the 450 tail up oh we haven't seen that yet castrated oh this kid I'm telling you he's gonna be on the entire diamond series next year and he's gonna be around for a while there was a lot of hype you talked about it but he was maybe five meters up really really found his mojo on that hit he's doing exactly what he needs to do considering he has a strong score in the bag he's boosting higher he's doing more difficult tricks that 450 tail up on the hip so risky I thought he was throwing it away but his feet went magnetic moved to those pedals the lactic acid building up in his thighs having cranked his way back to district 3 now he takes on district 4 adding a bar spin to that spine the backflip double bar spin opposite 360 up regular 360 down just a spotless run so far [Music] [Applause] soaking up the high-fives [Applause] take a look but see how it compares on these graphics so big place before he started to run Oh point 12 moves up into second there's a jolly driver getting that extra bar it's been there as well little things account stays in sinks here we go highlight of the run for me was that 450 Talib and it pays dividends Oh place for a cool first with Emilio Hansen let's forget Emile is the guy who's leading the event so far so he's going toe to toe with the meal right now take G straight really let him down there though with the 6.45 so Eric fedko backflip triple bar spinner on District five in run one can he add to that now such a tough trick to do under pressure with only one chance if you're filming a video part you may take a lot of tries to be able to nail that get the shot so the atmosphere building now as we get to the business end of district ride 2017 Eric fedcal the local German rider can that go for second if he can get nineteen point four points here the final jump its overall impression score that blue one can improve the flares are out for fedko do you think they heard that this rider is from Germany I can't tell [Applause] look at this setting it is absolutely stunning the biggest jump we've seen on the FMB tour Eric fedko cranks in backflip barzmann bars been bars Ben gets the flip triple bar such a difficult trick to do under pressure with only one chance he's done it twice in a row now look at this crowd giving him everything they have hammering that bike into the platform of the bright ramp in celebration [Music] you know it I thought this trick would be so hard to repeat to land twice in a row but he caught that third barspin even earlier in run number two that he did and run number one watch that cast catch and release fishing on a mountain bike right here holding onto the middle of the handlebars when he throws the bars and then bringing those hands out to the rubber grips that back wheel just starting to drift out they manage to correct it though 17 two point seven three I will score of 86 point six and in his first district ride Erik Franco makes fourth place very very impressive I call that a breakout moment for Erik fedko four riders left to drop diego padres I see just getting bumped out of that fourth place position which would have been a career highlight so he's gonna have to push it even further which he's doing before 50 tale at this time on the hip bit of fatigue showing that excite to me getting that backflip bar spin but man he looks like he's a little bit too excited he's sending he's ramming way deeper than he has before let's see if he can hold on to this front load bar spins landing on the rear tire but setting it down nicely holding the tuck no-hander he needs to stop this casserole again perfect [Applause] the opposite 360 X up so looking for Diego to go smooth through the technical district because he showed some big combinations and last night's best trick competition for that fifth District [Applause] we've said it before look at the graphic up you say it again Diego campus a/c is the only rod around him without a bike spokes a truly unbelievable I'm hoping that this is the last event where we're able to say that gets the double tail up again a big win at 26 tricks earlier in the year a gold event hasn't podium at a diamond event yet looking to do that here today so Campbell sassy has qwop to find something add a little bit more polish to this run let's find out he's managed to do it so far district 1 he wasn't for dr. for now that is a massive statement of intent from the Italian and he stays in second in the box district district to district 3 it's got that cash roll still down there in eighths didn't manage to improve their what about the tech district it was in fish that does not improve so a big big bit of movement there though so he had a new trick for that first district off of the castle he did the 450 tail up on that hip pool so I think he's looking to improve in district 1 in district 5 expect something big on a Diego right here off this big air around so from flipped up no Honda one we go run to both of you celebration continues for Eric fedko it's gonna be a long night for that kid with these fans [Music] so far six riders of nine down in the final here in Nuremberg a district ride and no one has managed to trouble the existing three on the podium but Diego Kappa Sasi has got a shot at second place with this court very big overall impression that blue score well he just showed us what he's gonna do you see him lunging forward doing two bar spoons I got a feeling he's going for the front flip double bar he landed it last night but can he do it now when it counts the most front flip two bar spins and he sets it down smooth take a bow Diego kvass I see that was majestic so happy for this kid right here let's savor this moment so much going on there we need slow motion to take it all in the front flip not too many riders even daring to front flip this steep ramp so you run how steep a takeoff and landing are it's more than a 360 rotation on that front clip finding time to squeeze in not one but two bar spins the only guy to do a front-flip barzmann off a cannon he did that at redbull Joyride just a couple weeks ago so take a look catch at the first bar spin you've got his other hand they're waiting to receive Lee's got empty grips and then getting on that rear brake to compensate for that slight under rotation you've got to understand the rotation of the flips so well to be able to concentrate on the bar spins we saw it with Eric fedko and that triple bar spin flip you're the flip is second nature then you can start to focus on the bar spin so 18.5 good enough for full of place he reclaims the position that Eric fedko briefly stole from him but our top three are about to drop and we're gonna get to see this man Emilio Hansen try and better his first run score join us after the break for the top three [Music] so sorry I'm a friend [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to district ride 2017 here in Nuremberg one of Europe's most historically significant cities where 80,000 people have gathered for a free spree ride mountain bike event that runs through the very center of the medieval heart of this city we have three riders left to drop on the second runs it all comes down to this the previous six riders have not managed to upset the top three so we have C Mon Godsey AK see my god dziak nikolai began keen and emilio hansen simple gods yet the Polish rider dropping in now but golfers salmon guard tick right now is to not give Emilio Hansen a victory lap he wants to unseat him from that first place position he has all the tricks to do it 60 double bars are Oh messing up where it doesn't matter you can you can skip around do some jumping jacks in between features all he wants Oh backflips help on the step down we haven't seen that yet biggest comb bug we've seen on that GoPro kick did you think oh yeah without a doubt backflips help on that step down those are tricks we saw it being done on that feature in 2014 so Simon Godsey AK waiting for the finals the last run to pull it out there is that Superman seat grab Indian air looking at himself on the big screen the Cork's 720 no hander he holds on hopefully his tire can hold on we do not want to see that rear tire blowout like you saw from Mehdi Ghani but look at that he's already done so much more in the second run than he did in run number one nervous times for Simone gods yet one of the few riders whose gapping over that monopods he needs all the energy in the world to be able to do it again pure focus he's what's required now I was looking at a crooked stem here somebody's been hearing to the rules of only torquing into five Newton meters I'd say crank it to ten next time been a few examples of that of recent events because you step down so so high towers over the crowd below him alright gets the backflip can can but he tags is he gonna have this be to clear the gap I don't know oh he bars pins and he clears the gap I don't know where you found the speed for that that was the one in his armor from his first runner here had a little bit of a tag on that up and over clearance so they could get a little bit clean this is going to be very interesting let's take a closer look at the district scores Carlsen district number one fourth place dozen improve here it is back let's help I'm sure you can improve here jumps up into second [Music] was six through the cheep-cheep the rhythm district moves it to fuss 13.5 without no-handed seven no doubt that no handed seven definitely paying off right here where his rear tire clipped that box I did not think he was gonna have the speed somehow scavenge the speed to bar spent all the way over that box sitting in third in the tech district so look at this he's doing it the modifications coming in veneto aguado Alba assisting Simon gone jack with a modification of the bike in order to do a trim that he did last night in the best-trick jam the backflip Superman see grabbed one hander now this is the only event where you have a chance to ride an elevator and modify your bike before the last jump so this is the steering damper that he's put on there there's a tire inner tube wrapped around and that's gonna hold the handlebar steady when he lets go of them we saw the backflip Superman seat grab on run one this time though we know that we know what he's going for the one-handed seat grab backflip that's the best use of that elevator ride we've seen so far he's gonna blow some minds right here [Music] 17.3 honored the overall impression and he can still bump it up this could be the biggest overall impression score we've seen if he gets this trick now we're fully committed to this move we can't do any other trick with your steering completely locked 19.5 for the win here we go Simon God's yak approaching the final jump backflip Superman seat grab one hander huge extension and he lands it he might that looked so easy that was even bigger extension than last night and I feel like that was bigger than the one who did this video part that just came out a couple days ago it takes a lot of work to get down to that end of the bike and let it hang out but this jump the hang time they've got it's beautiful oh he got the arm all the way back to his side check it out legs completely horizontal arm all the way out you know I'm gonna say that's the best execution we've ever seen it out in the contest without a doubt because it's the only time we've ever seen it in the contest absolutely phenomenal he debuted it in the Edit that he put together extension man but this is the first time we've seen it in a contest how hard is it gonna work for him here can he overtake Emilio Hansen and put the pressure on the young Swede judges taking their time but here come the scholars 53.4 on district's one to four seventeen point three overall impression eighteen point nine six second place for Godsey AK the overtakes think of our gank him but it's not enough to push it Emilio Hansen to the pressure back on Nicolai return kin 88.2 he's in third place right now we were testing out the fastplant there he is using it the fast plant 360 drop-in now this is gonna be a huge moment for Nikolai rag at Caen after seeing what Simon Godsey have just did he knows what he needs to do we're seeing those tricks that were hinted out at last night's best trick competition we thought we'd only see them in that session but now we got to know we're going to see the 1440 if Nikolai was able to make it there a front flip on the step down that is gonna score huge Wow hasn't been done before nobody else doing it on that feature and that was the only weakness in the run before it was a straight backflip blossom so he's really pumped up that pick up in front flipping it has to score higher than any of the other back foot variations a double tail up on the hip front foot barzmann to talk no-hitter he gets it again it would have been so easy to throw that one away Nikolai rag Atkins so consistent how was he able to hold on to so many secrets for both of these final runs keeps the momentum doesn't stop for a breather that these are the spine 360 double tap up he gets it alright two more tricks before we get to see him go to the big air ramp 360 up the caveman down thank goodness he lands it okay here we go hey is now on let's take a look closer look at these goals compare each of these districts because if regatta can can't do it now then your Hansen is the winner will Emilio Hansen get a victory lap the judges are crunching the numbers we're going to get a sneak peak at how they scored all four districts so far but I'm gonna say regardless of what the judges say Nicola is gonna be dropping that 1440 88.2 is the score he's currently sat on so take two straight [Music] double-double with the step down okay now we're gonna go back up to the top the judges didn't see that treat so now we're looking at the castle drop district there we go yes that's a over the bar spin it's in in that second position but what's it gonna be in the box sister cuz he front flip that step down he was fair but worst and critic Lee's overtaken your hands in their Jeep the rhythm district was in fifth doesn't improve their well look what he had to do just to stay neutral with that fifth place that was rush hour was there oh now this is where he was weak he's moved up to fourth with that thirteen point two oh man once we get that graphic showing us what he needs in order to take over the lead okay to me Johansson we talked about him being so cool calm and collected having a precious sponge in his back pocket but he said he feels the nerves my seeing that that Frisch is just ratcheting up now look at redaction regarding to eating up the atmosphere just reading he's upped his own baseball from the overall impression 17.8 for first a 1440 will obliterate 17.8 this is one of those moments look at this kid he's getting ready for the knockout blow absolutely psyched he landed it last night less than 24 hours ago he landed a 1440 can he do it for the first time and a slug star wrong these are these high-pressure moments when Nikolai Ron gakuen absolutely thrives he's dropping in all the speed he can muster out of that role in the 1440 any Lance a that was even smoother than last night first time in mountain bike competition at the end of an absolutely banger run nickel IRA gakuen drops the first ever frontcourt 14:40 forget about freestyle mountain biking take a look at action sports as a whole whether you're talking about Tony Hawk's 900 Travis Pastrana's double backflip you can now add Nikolaj reg Atkins 14 14 to that list so high above the current established level of competition most riders max out at 7:20 nickel IRA Gaskin adding seven twenty doubling the norm for a fourteen forty and nothing to pick apart on that landing it's one thing getting a few goes at something but to be under layer trick of this magnitude down in one go in front of this many people with so much at stake that is where legends are made so hard for him but also hard for the judges you know they must have run through this scenario in case Nikolai had a perfect run and then land at the 1440 a lot of pressure on their backs now declared a cume waits for these scores to come in overall impression is massive nice place for a gawky they're ready for a battle royale Emilio Hansen's fairytale ending to 2017 has just been ruined by Nikolai redactions 1440 and deservedly so Johansson has to throw it down now if Emil Johansen wants to get his first ever career diamond series victory he's gonna have to earn it look at the smile it's the hard yards Emil it's the hard yards look at him just shaking his head what do I have to do to beat this man he says here it goes nothing there we go the 360 in work table stomped Oh swirling out in the berm not as much speed as you wanted but somehow still getting the tail to bar spin well we saw him go down on in the second qualifying wanna say that was an opposite tale two bars been too you have to wait to see the replay but I'm pretty sure all right into the step down three-sixty one-footed can-can holding on to the extension even longer this time but Nikolai had that front flip some have to make up for it here 360 bar spin a downside tail time to start ramping it up in the Jeep the rhythm district o4 bar spins on that 450 the court 720p he was holding on to some more in the back pocket Villas bought truck driver up some macaque king blade a couple of big blows Amelia handsome returning with a couple of his own this is gonna be very very close 360 talents often a step down into the spine the 360 double bar spin 2x up no so much technical skill to be able to get that all that tail of an officer tail up on and off of that box one job left to do if you're unsure what opposite means it's against your natural rotations Emilio Hansen essentially doing a trick left hander he may have been doing the opposite tail on the way off of that stuff down to let's take a look at the second feature on the course which way he was telling there it is it is an opposite tail at tow bar spin somehow managing to hold on to the speed after sliding out in the berm but he did improve on that first district he doesn't improve he stays in second place in the second district but District one here we go one two three four bar spins was he rewarded he was first he's still first in the Jeep the rhythm district then we move into the 10th district all right let's see which directions he was doing these tulips on and off so yeah regular on that means it was an opposite off I'm gonna say that's even harder [Music] so Amelia Hanson coming out we need our graphic here we need to see just how far behind he is [Music] raises has had the crowd of have their expectations raised they've just watch history they want to see if the 18 year old Swede can better reaction [Music] he was tinkering around with a pretty big trick in practice would it be enough or about to find out what he needs huge overall impression he needs an 18.9 first it would be his first ever win of the diamond series event alright gonna be trying to cram a lot of tricks into one jump here the backflip double tail oh he was looking for the bar spin but couldn't squeeze it in regardless it's still a back flip double talent but Nicola I don't know man I think you might have it how many times you do a full team full team have to wait to see if you're gonna win just showing what level we are out here in 2017 and FMV world tour that drools to a close the writhing hey in one of the most phenomenal freeride mountain-bike fondos ever witnessed Emilio Hansen said oh he had the airtime but not the control over the bike to chuck that last bar spin this would have been a trick that he's never done before who practices on a jump that offers up this much airtime nobody so slow motion version of the backflip double tail up watch him put his right leg on first in leg goes on to the left had only thinks about throwing those bars but then decides against it can immediately kicking himself where you saw him and his front wheel down on the ground upon landing I can't believe you can do that trick and even consider squeezing something else into it it's phenomenal how quickly all of these riders have acclimatize to this much hang time but the judge is taking a long long time to figure this one out Emilio Hansen whether he wins here or not you can hear a guy can telling him eighteen point two six he does not improve Nicolai recant contains his third winner of the season but he shares the honors with Emilio Hansen who takes out the uncle World Tour the FMB diamond series for 2017 Nick light of course enjoying this victory but telling a meal you could have done that just goes to show how much this rider pushing himself but everybody else in the field what a final absolutely phenomenal riding from God ZX one-handed Superman flip a 1440 [Music] redbull district ride never disappointing in the 12 years where we've intermittently been experiencing this magical event we've always breaking down barriers turn new chapters and today was no different the 1440 getting another look there from Nikhil IRA gakuen but just the 1440 wouldn't have been enough he had to back it up with huge strips all the way down saving so much the second run surprising us down here in the booth time after time okay we're gonna head down to the finish area now where Jackie is with the winner Nikolaj redacted winner of the redbull district ride with the run you just had landing the 14:40 describe what this moment means for you oh it means the world I mean this event is one like no other so it just means so much to all of us riders and yeah for me to do the run that came down it uh it felt perfect through the chorus and then when I came down here I mean this crowd just motivated me so much and yeah I sent the 14 and yeah the feeling is incredible I mean this crowd is just the moments they give us we'll never forget so yeah thanks Nuremberg for letting us take over your city for the weekend it's been insane congratulations the man himself you can see how much it means to him but we've had so many of these moments this season from her got kid this guy never disappoints he's been pushing the entire field you've been going head to head with reader all season this time having to go ahead to head with Emilio Hansen grouping that first win out from under you Emilio Hansen taking it for himself basically pushing himself to the limit to be able to do it okay so here are the final standings we got cannon takes out the windmill Johansson couldn't quite really move with that last run symma Godsey AK has to settle for third diego Cavis has the incredible ride from him the privateer to take fourth and then you've got the rookie the German rookie making his first appearance at district ride at taking out fifth and then right night Chris the veteran down there in nine disappointment for him but a fantastic final overall so here is the podium Godsey ik already up there in third Emilio Hansen in second he can consult him self with the overall FMB diamond to his world title but this man he refuses to slow down progression is his middle name taking out the winner here at district wide 2017 nikolai regard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is a truly extraordinary talent as an accountant a talent that the sport has never seen before taking wins with tricks and nobody else is willing to do but it really speaks about the level of competition the fact that he only won by less than up the point riders like Simon Godsey doing tricks like that backflips command-c grab one hander and of course Emilio Hansen consists in every single run you can really count on this guy to stomp every single run but the level on all staggering it is mind-melting when you look at this trick just being able to add another 360 of will I don't know how he can even picture this trick because it hurts my brain just to watch it you can go onto his Instagram account and watch the POV footage from his helmet camera and try to make sense out of it that's the first time I've seen it on that replay but we've talked about front flips big blind the twister is he gets to spot that landing for 270 but on that one you could see spinning so quickly he hasn't found the landing he's good the bikes gonna feel the landing for him it's just as blind as a front clip because it is a front clip with three more spins mixed in so you might catch little glimpses of the landing here and there but to make sense out of it takes a world-class athlete like Nick I always find it a huge testament to an event success when the crowd refused to leave and they still packed in around the finish area here a truly truly groundbreaking event these had put this hyperbole all of these superlatives get used so so often in action sports but it is a fantastic win infinitely nikolai Berg a keen we can take a look back though now at the highlights from the rest of the season from emilio hansen who is the overall FMB diamond series winner so kicked off in rotorua with a 5th place this is kind of where he announced himself cam because you don't have done a couple of events in 2006 yeah it was actually a podium down there in Rotorua and then you need at least one gold event result to get added up with all your diamond finishes for the overall diamond series standings so he won a gold event and then back it up at all the diamond events now he's got three seconds a third and a fifth at Red Bull Joyride where the pressure is unmatched the hill where the sport was born he was standing on that podium and then of course he had to be here to lock up that world title all he needed to do was qualify for the finals but second place to his name this kid's unstoppable you got to wonder if there's a jinx on first for in them you know ahead maybe how are you feel Matt he'll have to wait till he's a veteran at the age of 19 when he's an old guy you know so those are the overall diamond series standings Amelia Hansen in first we got him taking out second seaman Godsey AK in third Ryan Nyquist that podium from Joyride working so hard for him Brett Rina had the chance today potentially to move up those standings but unfortunately that knee injury in practice before the finals costing him Diego canvas as he does himself no harm with his incredible performance here today the rest of the riders Anthony Messier let's hear just squeaking into the top 10 undoubtedly helped by his sixth place here today well the points they earned throughout the entire season we're sure to see all those top ten riders back for the 2018 season man I can't believe it it's gonna be here before we know it okay we can go back down to the finish area now because Emilio Hansen your 2017 diamond Series champion is with Jackie first full year competing on the diamond series tour and you take it all what does this mean to you oh what a day I don't even know where to start like it's all gone over my expectations and I happen to have a good start on the season and I kept the momentum going and I'm happy to get second today and securing their aura it's not especially so hard to say like always been a dream you're just the young age of 18 when you first started riding ten years ago did you ever think that this moment would come so soon so soon no I always dreamt about it though you know but it's like it's it's so hot you know like after my first run I didn't know if I was gonna be close to the podium because it's so hard to know what other riders been practicing on and that's only like that's the same with contest wise like to come this far it's like you got a B on the right time at the right place it's it's hard really hard well congratulations on taking the diamond series thanks Jackie it takes so long usually kids just don't mature that quickly where is he got this level of experience and calmness from well the crazy thing is he was able to grow up with the FMB World Tour being a thing it seems like it just started not too long ago but 2010 was the first year we had a world champion Kansas was the first guy to win that title think Becky Emilio Hanson was only 11 at that point in time so he was able to plan this from a very young age and realize his dreams earlier than even he could have ever expected so with preparing now for that diamond series prize-giving C Mon Godsey out there the crowd have been absolutely fantastic today they say they play such an important role in this competition and we've set it throughout the weekend they're an educated crowd mountain bikers come from around Europe not just Germany to come and watch this and it is for that reason a really really well educated crowd and the people who live close to this city they've been coming to this event every time it's happened over the last 12 years and I've been coming here since 2005 and it's great to recognize people walking around that you've seen so many years ago and to see that they show up every year and they're talking about what they think the riders are going to do so you know that they follow all the webcasts throughout the season that's why they're so loud it's not just a blind spectacle they actually appreciate and know what they're watching so here is the diamond series prize giving trophies given out by Martin Soderstrom the nickel IRA got key not working so hard - first a second into 14 we can add just a tiny bit consistency then the title will be his next year what if the mill had even a minor barb or any of those event Nikolai's chance to repeat on that title but you couldn't touch this kid inconsistency this year so so cool calm and collected on his body he does get nervous before his runs not do you two ever know it first place for the diamond series in 2017 goes to this man Emil Johansson [Applause] [Music] there we go introduced in 1921 in LeMond the champagne showers still getting plenty of outings today never goes out of fashion great tradition perfect for any world-class sporting event redbull district ride definitely one of those there is you can see how much the 1440 means to Nikola I got kid we're gonna be hearing more from him after the break [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is that to give it up yes lieutenant well back outside here we can feel the atmosphere reverberating off his breath and cam just standing underneath this jump getting the schedule in person again it's ridiculous this is the jump that history is made on I gotta touch it I gotta touch there we go I touched the ramp 14:40 you got to be kidding me absolutely phenomenal look at that replay it's a beautiful beautiful thing you watch these guys at climbing around here for you where can it go next year I mean it's the special thing about this event is that it doesn't happen every year I don't think we'll be standing here next year if we're lucky we'll be standing here in three years in the last six years it's only happened twice so hopefully hopefully we'll see this historic event happen again in the future I think there's a call maybe for this app become an annual occasion three years is too long to wait but then again can the riders progress at this rate Nuremburg used to seeing landmark events in freeride mountain biking yeah you know what the progression from yesterday to today was staggering the progression from year to year is mind-blowing so if we have to wait three years to be back here in this historic city center the riding level will be something that we can't even imagine in our heads right now okay so to bring in the man of the moment Nicolai regard Kim congratulations fella that was incredible did you know you could land that 14:40 were you sure were you that sure of it how much of a risk was it you know what it wasn't even being sure I'm sure I was so motivated up top on the rollin and the thing that made me decide 1440 over a twister is I can't over rotate it I have to give a hundred percent I've given a hundred percent in this run and I'm about to give it a hundred percent right now again so my confidence was pretty high dropping in well he's interesting we can take a look at your first run now on the screen here and from the 1440 on Friday night you watch this run and suddenly it looks like you're struggling to find the speed to re measure yourself to the twister I mean this jump is so big then you know you're just dropping in hoping that it's the right speed it's it's just so so massive you never know what's gonna happen so yeah it's just super hard to judge and that's why a bit of trouble with with the speed and some of the rotations but I made it happen when I needed to and I'm so so thankful for that you can see they say cameraman listen first rhomboids fantastic and you must have thought you knew you've got the platform to then take it up to your second row yeah I mean some mistakes rapping in the first run so I kept it a little bit safe because I just wanted to get down here for this crowd I didn't want to miss out on coming out of the elevator and experiencing that vibe and dropping in but in the second run the only man to beat was ml and he was quite far ahead so I just gave it all I had are you cold that you said that the only place that you could really improve Ken was talking about the GoPro kicker well I'm super curious because we could talk about the 1440 all day but that wouldn't have won you the contest on its own you had to do so much up top to support that and you kept a lot of Secrets how many of those things that you did in your last run did you actually even try and practice Qaeda at this point I can't I can't remember but like you said the the GoPro District is super important but the course is so long that you kind of want to keep it almost safe up top because you have so much good stuff ahead you didn't keep it safe that front flip on the GoPro step-down had you done that yet no I had and I knew I had to go on the limb same with the double whip before the 36 still up on the spine I knew I needed something more and yeah at that point there's nothing you can do you just gotta go do it okay let's take a look at it on the screen we can see the second run now I want you to talk historian Nikolay because as he said can there's so much to talk about here was definitely the scariest part of the run you know it's such a weird blind feature that I didn't want to do it in practice I didn't wanna crash on it so I just have to do it in the run and then the cache roll did in all my runs so felt great and then this part the part going into this hip is the best you know you're just pedaling with the screaming fans going into it and then squeeze in the front flip bar spins - no hander right here another one that I had in sunny practice double tail whip so I'm counting at least three things that you didn't do in practice that you just kept as a secret for the finals how important is it to keep some secrets this day and age and slopestyle competition I think it's essentially important to keep secrets both for the fans purpose and for the judges you know everyone likes a shock factor you know if you know guys gonna do a trick you're not gonna be as stoked about it if you have no ideas gonna do it and then he just pulls it out of nowhere so that elements of surprise as cam knows is essentially important in our sport if you had to create a perfume a Cologne and call it victory you would smell like Bo and champagne that's the whip I'm getting a B right now the one thing I want to know you've you build out the twister tail whip you pulled out a 1440 here how can you keep progressing in this right oh this sport is progressing at an astronomical rate I mean some of the things that ml and and bread and Brendon all of those guys they're just progressing the sport so much and doing things that were essentially impossible few years ago so all of us are gonna keep pushing and you know who knows where it's gonna go more rotations are gonna be added more tail lifts more bar spins I mean like I said the the progression is astronomical you know who knows where the sports gonna go 2018 looks very very bright now if you can't wait for your next fix of freeride mountain-bike action then you might want to check out this the next in the series from kam meets whoa what are you doing I heard you bought a piece of property with a bunch of acreage your bill in the house yeah well I'm heading to my house right now if you hop in perfect [Music] Oh me dude he's like paradise so I feel like a lot of people probably trip out to think that the guy who's at the top of the game and slopestyle comes from Ontario it's flat I grew up on an 88 acre farm and then we moved when I was 15 to an 11 acre property and I've always been able to have my own jumpers on flat ground so I had to travel a lot sand and really put my head down and I kind of realized that I'd need to like relocate out here at some point and then finally I found a place that was perfect in Vernon those look like so much fun camera they actually work it's way fun I thank you guys for giving me the chance to go visit some of the best riders in the world and see what makes them tick okay Nikolai do you want one of these oh absolutely I mean I've been watching all of them and talking to guys like Max and Torquato I mean they love having camera he's such a fun guy to have around so I love to come to mass absolutely love to show on my neck of the woods so yeah maybe maybe one day we'll make it happen let's do it looks like we got a date here you can watch them all they're on at Red Bull on the demand right now but there's one more promo to check out and it's for one of the biggest events on the freeride mountain-bike calendar it's Red Bull Rampage Utah comes to life again at the end of October there isn't another event on the planet quite like this one yeah this event here in Nuremberg is unique and it's all right because it's urban this one is as rural as it gets Red Bull Rampage the cliffs the rugged natural terrain of southern Utah there's nothing like it make sure to tune in okay ladies and gentlemen please through the screen at give your applause to this man Nicolai go back in a world-first here and the victory at 2017 redbull district ride thank you for watching congratulations Nikolay we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 503,315
Rating: 4.8119192 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, red bull district ride, mtb, urban mtb, fabio wibmer, brandon semenuk, szymon godziek, nuremberg, germany, live, live stream, bmx, freestyle, freeride, freeride mtb, freestyle bmx, tricks, urban bike, gopro, pov
Id: 6TW_03DV0xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 35sec (9035 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2017
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