REPLAY: Title Slopestyle presented by CLIF

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is slope style time my friends where are we this is the world tour so we bring this tour all over the world we're hanging out in bc the birthplace of the crankworx festivals we're not in whistler this year that would be pretty tough during the pandemic era but we've come up with something that's even more fun we're on a bike park road trip three stops we started out sun peaks resort near kamloops bc then we rolled things over to kicking course close to golden bc and now we find ourselves on the final stop of three in our crankworx bc road trip this is silverstar mountain resort close to vernon bc this is all stop two of the crankworx world tour we of course started things off in innsbruck austria a few months ago and this is what bc looks like in september fall time all time here wet dirt really good for trail riding and really good for a slope style competition on a brand new course we're lucking out with weather today it's been a little bit too wet for the past few days but the riders have been dropping top to bottom course runs all morning and all day yesterday and the stage is set 14 of the best slope style riders in the world i'm your host my name is cam mccall and i'm going to be hanging out with my buddy here alan cook alan thanks for joining us this is going to be an insane slope style contest and we're about a few minutes away from dropping our first riders absolutely cama thanks for having me you know i couldn't be more stoked to be here out at some peaks you know the sun's not out but the peaks are definitely high these these jumps are looking amazing brett and the crew did an amazing job on the track and i've been watching practice all day and you know the conditions are playing a little bit in there but you know the riders are really pushing through it and you can tell that today's going to be a good contest they've got they've got what they need to make the magic happen they do and they've worked so hard to get here it's only 14 of the best riders in the world and this is who we have right here we're going to start things off with a rider who is in his rookie appearance on the crank works slope style world tour griffin paulson yeah definitely cool to see griffin come out here uh you know he's the lone canadian in the in the roster here so he's going to be out here representing as hard as he can that's for sure you know coming down the list we got thomas dead from great britain lucas knopf you want to keep keep reading there we go alex alenko thomas genon that's someone i'm definitely stoked to see those runs moral of the story we have three riders who have won a crankworx slopestyle we have eight riders who have been on the podium and we got one rider who's trying to make it five slope style wins in a row and that's a historical feat right now we're at four wins in a row for emil johansen which is the record and he's looking to just increase that record this is a streak like we've never seen in slope style before yeah emil he finds himself kind of you know chasing a streak within a streak right you know he's coming off of the the first stop winning there in innsbruck but also he's won the last four so he's got two streaks going right now he's got the momentum he's got the confidence he was the first one out here today he's definitely ready for this event another way to put it is he hasn't lost since he started winning of course that joyride win in 2019 he kept it rolling to start off that crazy season of 2020 the season that almost didn't happen but the crew in innsbruck and our crankworx crew was able to make it happen 2020 in innsbruck he won that he won innsbruck just four months ago when we had the 2021 version and it's gonna be really interesting to see if he can put together another winning run here today and keep the streak alive but also just increase that that record that we've never seen before and uh we're all trying to guess what's going to happen it's it's a tough one but it's kind of fun to be able to have a platform for making your predictions live we've got the crank works world tour metal predictor on red bull tv you roll over and start choosing who you think is going to get the bronze the silver the gold there's also some really fun survey questions some trivia questions and you can earn points try to beat me i think i've got like 31 points out there or something aka ahead of rob warner and ahead of elliot jackson which is all that matters right there so i'm not going to spill the beans and tell you who i have for third second and first but i welcome you to go to and try to make your selections alan if you happen to go on the site what would you choose right now i mean that's something we've been talking about emil and his his amazing streak we also have you know a lot of tough competitors out there we've got nikolai who has the same amount of crank work slope style wins but hasn't won since 2018 in leger so you know he's going to be looking up there and i've been seeing him eyeing up that that that new whale tale up there on the course that totally plays into his style and you know i think if this is there's going to be a course out here on the tour that's going to offer him a chance to take the win i think we got it right here oh man so we've talked about the riders we have on tap here now you're starting to talk about the course and this is a brand new course i know if you're a slope south fan you've been trying to get info about it on the internet the moment is now let's check out the course preview with thomas chenon and max fredrickson so i'm at the top with nikolai gakkin at crankworx bc uh they finally just opened the last jump and no one's tested it so we thought why test the last jump why not just try a full top to bottom let's do it following you bro oh slow down heavily here kind of stand still yeah oh it's quite fast three of us ready checking a couple pedals four up four down rail the bomb [Music] oh yeah top to bottom crank or bc there she is oh it's great to get an idea of what it's like to go top to bottom on this course there with max fredrickson and the king of stoke nikolai ragan max fredrickson of course looking to get back on that podium it was 2016 when he got third place and that's that's that's a ways away so he's looking strong it would be great to see him get back onto that box and i would see this course playing into his favor but really what this course does is it gives every rider an opportunity to focus more on their run rather than the course and that sounds like what brett reader and mcduff really set their sights on when designing and building this course here and it's been a while since we've seen a brand new course on the crankworx world tour we've been revisiting the innsbruck course we've been revisiting the rotorua course and what we've just heard echoed throughout the past few days about this course is that this is of course unlike any other and the riders really seem to be hyped on it yeah definitely you know this is definitely a rider's course you know the way that the jumps are set up the lips are a bit steeper a bit bit steeper landings um you know it's going to really offer the best opportunity for the most tricks yeah we caught up with eric fedco he had a couple things to say about this course as well uh from seeing the course i was like my first impression was like oh my god this is going to be the most progressive and insane slopestyle competition ever because like how the features are placed how how the jumps are looking from the size and everything how the dirt is actually it looks just super nice and i was super stoked to get to get on the course actually such a gamble holding a slopestyle contest in british columbia in september winter feels like it's here this feels like the tail end of fall not the beginning of fall and you know we had some frost yesterday morning so i think we're really lucky that we've got a gap in the storms right now where they were able to get rolling top to bottom on this course definitely um figuring out the speeds a lot of pedaling on this course isn't there yeah definitely you know the weather is going to play a little factor but it is the same course for everybody but one of the things that you're going to see more of in today's competition you can see the riders really putting a lot of effort into gaining speed out of the turns they're going to be really railing these turns you're going to see riders taking some pedals where maybe normally we wouldn't so precision and keeping your speed up is going to be super super key to today's competition second stop on the world tour all these riders thinking about their overall ranking and of course we travel this tour with the same judges that are so well versed in assigning numbers to these runs we're lucky enough to be able to have anton thelander a judge who was actually judging in innsbruck he's going to be able to hang out with us and talk a little bit about what goes through these judges minds as they're trying to figure out how to rank these guys what these scores are worth and there is top right hand of our screen right now how's it going anton i'm doing well how are you cam it's good man it's cold out here but i know uh that's that's nothing for you up there in sweden no i'm also up north in sweden which is also similar conditions to your experience today so i can relate so anton thelander of course not only just a judge but a rider we had just a few years ago on the crank works slope style world tour anton what do you make of this course i mean it's writers designed and yeah brett and matt did an awesome job building it and they also writing it themselves so i think it really speaks just seeing the social media clips i've seen the last couple of days that they did a killer job and yeah dude it looks so much fun after close to 20 years of slope style courses this is where we are now where riders can design and build their own ideas for a course and let the best in the world take to it so anton thanks for joining us we'll continue to check back in with you periodically through the broadcast but there's a look at what things are doing here at silver star mountain resort overcast day chilly chilly but these riders were out early practicing you were out here watching them allen i was yeah i was out here uh before any of the riders came out actually and i noticed uh emil you know he showed up with super focused face first first guy here today obviously you know he was motivated and stoked on the day and he had two runs in before anyone else showed up and that just kind of shows you the sort of commitment and focus that these guys put in these events these days well you have a view of the course right here you know who's going to be competing this is going to be an all-time competition we are moments away from dropping our first rider griffin paulson stick around [Music] [Music] pump up your tires for the bike channel on red bull tv and check out the best live events feature films and shows [Applause] download the red bull tv app for free and sign in to watch all of our content offline download the app now high in the arctic circle devoid of human life with the bike on the back they embark on an adventure which will test their skills and also their sanity this place definitely makes you feel very small [Applause] watch north of nightfall available on red bull tv [Music] i'm matt jones i'm a professional freestyle mountain bike rider and i'm attempting three world's first tricks that have never been done on a mountain bike and i'm tackling this project with my twin brother jono it's going to be a journey [Music] no points at all for that are you going to hit me if i stand here no nachos design and conquer now available on red bull tv [Music] silver star bike park close to vernon bc if you're considering a mountain bike vacation consider silver star second largest in canada 130 kilometers of trails and this is the home to the silver star the tidal slope style at silver star bike park presented by cliff and i would say it's an ideal day for competition unless you're a competitor it's got to be so hard to hold onto those handlebars without gloves on right now but we are moments away from starting this competition i just saw griffin paulson loading up into the gate this will be his first appearance on the crank works world tour if this is your first time watching a slope style contest here at crankworx allen explain how the competition format works well these guys are going to be judged on several different things the main thing is getting from top to bottom with a clean run and all the tricks you can get from the top and bottom let's hear what the guys have to say about it championship under the biggest contest of the year here's how it goes the 14 best lobster riders on the planet are here each rider gets two runs four judges will calculate the scores at the end of the day the best run counts and the rider with the top scorer takes the win let's go pretty simple there alan yeah pretty simple you know top to bottom got to be clean the judges are going to be paying attention to how good people are landing you know how they're getting through style's going to play into account how high they're getting on the jumps there's a lot of little bits that play in that really end up that ultimate overall impression from top to bottom so griffin paulson this may be his first time dropping into a crank works slope style run but it's not his first rodeo he had fifth place at the roof ride 2021 in poland and he's been climbing the ranks this is a huge opportunity for him and this is going to really put the pressure on the judges here as well griffin paulson may not be a name you're familiar with if you only follow crankberg's slope style but he's been climbing the ranks and he's been dropping some banger video parts if he lands his run top to bottom with all the stuff that we think he has planned this could be a huge score in our very first run absolutely this is griffin paulson's contest right now it's his opportunity to really set the tone and really set the bar for how this is going to go here we go the only canadian in the field here today griffin paulson on course [Music] here we go we're gonna get our first look at the course big flip whip tons of amplitude double back flip down off the whale tail all right we're off and running here 360 double tails now he's going to slow down check up a bunch right here coming into this next drop off it looks like he's setting up for something big we saw what he was doing in practice it's nice to have a chance to catch his breath here what's he got alan big front flip off something you see off of a flat drop very often [Music] oh come on that was a no hand to double flip he's looking super clean he is setting the tone nice 360 up straight back flip drop in he's almost home here we go one last jump for griffin paulson what's he got for us oh look at that was that a front foot bars it was a huge front flip bars he just made his mark on this event top to bottom super clean now everybody's looking at him that is what's up after days of practice rain delays these riders have worked so hard to put together these runs and it feels so good to watch our crank works rookies stomp to kick this thing off absolutely that's exactly what he needed to do very happy for this kid here let's look back at some slow-mo replays and watch when he lands on this gets all the pump to generate gets one pedal in and a huge double flip off the whale tail coming in keeping the momentum gonna go straight into this double tail with 360. lands perfectly straight this whole run i was like come on come on the degree of difficulty on every feature so high this is maybe the only spot where he would have wanted to get another combo but then straight into that flat drop backflip that's such a scary blind trick to do all right here we go we want to see if he got oh we got the slow-mo he okay it was a front flip x up you think he was going for the bar it's been there it was hard to tell now that we have the opportunity to slow it down we can see that he didn't get the bar yeah but a front flip one-handed x up is still a trick you know yeah still an amazing amazing run let's see what the judges come with the score all right what will the score be here for the canadian griffin paulson a great run and as we saw the slow-mo some room to improve here if he needs to 84.66 our first run of the day griffin paulson with a big smile yeah he's going to be happy with that run he's going to have some time to watch the rest of the riders and kind of see how the the contest is going to shake out and you know maybe he's got some room to improve on some of those jumps for the next run well the next rider to take to this beautiful fresh course is going to be tom istead this is his third crank works appearance his best result was a 10th in rotorua 2019. great to see him work his way back on to the tour thomas dead had a great britain on course here comes tom getting a couple pedals in let's see how he sets it off on the step up big no handed tuck back flip flip whip on the step down just over rotating just a hair slight over rotation and when he landed his weight was off to the right a little bit and that's just going to cause him to slide out the tough part about that is tom eisted has that all day but you know anything can happen when the pressure's on here your first of two runs luckily he'll have another opportunity to try to get a top to bottom run and a score in the bank to get some of his points and stay on tour let's just talk about this whale tail for a second i can guarantee you today you're going to see tricks into and out of a whale tail that have never been done in slopestyle competition before because of the way this thing's designed yeah and you can see tom there he caught the whip just a little early and over rotated the spin coming in there but he looks okay he's gonna be back for another run for sure so tom isted brushing off the dirt focusing on that second run there you see a lot of these riders riding these bikes that may look different than the bike that you typically ride on your weekend trail ride these are very very short travel bikes we're talking about 80 mil 100 mil front suspension in the fork 13 out of 14 of these riders actually running hardtails but our top dog the guy who's looking to make it five in a row is actually running a full suspension bike if the riders aren't a full suspension bike it's gonna be very short travel in the rear no need for gears out here single speed pick a gear that works for sprinting into those 10 and a half foot tall lips and stick with it low seats no need for a dropper but hydraulic detanglers mechanical detanglers making it so these riders can do as many bars and tails as they want on these features next rider to drop is going to be lucas knopf fifth place is his highest crank works finish he had a bauble for an 11th to start the season in innsbruck looking to improve here lucas tonight starts off with a huge tuck no hannah backflip right into a big flip with down the step down such a solid way to start it off 360 bar spin to tailwind so many combos these jumps really just set these riders up you kind of float there and without that big ford momentum you're able to get more tricks off in one jump big truck on the step down let's see what he's got on this middle set [Music] bar spin back flips it's perfectly clean pedal to pedal opposite 360. big tail whip a little heavy there coming in he's still got his speed though he's going to send it there we go flip no hander lucas cannot a big cheerful joyous finish right there imagine how good it feels to stomp your run when we were watching practice a lot of these riders were talking about the fact that they're doing mid-course stops mid-course pickups not really doing top to bottom runs in practice because it's such a taxing course from a cardiovascular perspective so much sprinting into those three main trick jumps yeah not only the effort you put in in sprinting a lot of the times when you're doing tricks just like this like a flip whip out of a whale tail you might be holding your breath you know you're trying some new things and it really adds up at the bottom when you get down there here we are picking back up big truck into the step down this great fpv drone perspective there of that perfectly executed backflip bar spin to tailwhip and here's the final jump he ended things off with a front flip tuck no hander we get to really savor how much extension there were in the arms lucas knopf the big question is what will the score be will it be a big enough score to knock griffin paulson out of that top spot scored a beat it's an 84.66 lucas absolutely psyched on stomping that run there we go the score is in good enough for second place a 75 so really goes to show how much the judges love the run of griffin paulson for that 84.66 yeah for sure you can tell that that is that is the one that's really set the tone you know that's and that's not a bad run there for lucas you know he he stomped everything he wanted to do we know he's got more tricks he's building that confidence up to that next run but let's get back to the top it looks like we got another rider ready here we go alex alanko out of sweden his crank works slopestyle best result was a third in rotorua 2019 he had issues to start the season in 2021 at 12th in innsbruck and this is how that happened if you remember back overshooting a little bit off of that cannon we're gonna work our way down to that third feature on the course and see where things kind of went wrong for him yeah the jumps were huge in innsbruck this is where we started to have a little bit an issue two three caught his bars a little late tried to bail out last second but then just took a big body slam luckily he had that chest armor alex alanko was luckily all right after that big crash he was able to get back up to the top of the course and do his second run second run was just good enough for 12th place 11th place in innsbruck so the young swede looking to maintain those points stay on tour after that result to start the season he's tasted the podium he'd love to do it again alex alonco on course starts it off with a big catch catch truck driver into an opposite 360. that's something to pay attention to these riders will be spinning in both directions there's another big double truck you can see maybe shaking a little bit not what he wanted he's not stopping he's just slowing down for this next big drop it's so wild how slow you can go off of this feature you see all of them taking the opportunity to reset there we go big opposite 360. and a huge cork seven coming down looking good barbar back big 360 off coming into this final hit cam let's see what we got here we go alex alanko how will he put punctuation to this run finishing it off with a front flip unfortunately going down such a shame you love to see riders get a top to bottom run in their first stab at it you've seen a lot of riders choose the front flip on this final jump what do you think the reason is for that alan yeah front flip's one of those tricks that you can really get over a jump like if you need more speed if you if you're coming into a jump a little too slow the front flip will give you that forward momentum to get where you need to and it looked looked like that was totally clean i couldn't tell exactly what went wrong but let's hope he's okay well the converse side to that is yeah if you front flip early you're able to push through get a little bit more distance but if you're coming in too slow you don't necessarily get as much snap so a little bit of an under rotation there we'll get down to the bottom of the course let's go back to the top the whale tail that double truck in that opposite three out and you did see him shake his head a little bit after landing this step up i believe this was a regular rotated double truck again he's thinking all right i already repeated a trick so we got to just salvage this run right here yeah you know he's just get he's just getting his run down it's unfortunately had that mistake at the end but he's he's building confidence he's got another run in the bag he knows he's going to have another chance so let's see what angle we get here on this final jump let's see if he did push that front flip early you see he's long on the distance and short on the rotation that's a telltale sign of starting your front flip early on the lip you don't necessarily get as much initiation of that rotation you do get a little bit of distance but if that back tire hits first and your brake is on it's going to toss you over let's see what he has to say score in a 41.33 obviously he's going to get back up to the top of the course as long as the body and the bike are good we would love to see him get a clean one in the bag stay on tour speaking about staying on tour a guy who has done so much in this sport for such a long time he's won a crank works stop he's gotten three seconds and two thirds or three thirds as well it's been a while so tommy g looking to crack back onto that podium double whip into the whale tail nice 360 table down that's exactly what we expect out of thomas genome the best style he's on right now alan he is definitely on point looking really good my favorite style of a casual right there he just puts his fingerprint on it big fast three down little bit of hang up now you're gonna see him on the pedals as hard as he can oh come on yes three bar to whip um how did he get that around just muscled it around bill opposite three down off of the on off one final jump here can he put it through the finish line thomas shannon 360 downside tale of straight to petals he's such a bad one he'll take that one all the way to the bank obviously one of the best styles in all of free ride mountain biking making it look easy out there tommy g such a veteran in this sport and a well-rounded rider he just received word this week that he made it into red bull rampage he was the first alternate they're only letting 15 riders in this year which makes it really tough he was the first alternative absolutely needs to be there and luckily he got that call but he's got work to do before he gets down there at slopes out time up here in silver star and tommy g just stomped a run yeah he's just getting warmed up you're gonna see we get down to that where he's pedaling right there off that fast plant 360 drop off he hung up just a little bit and ended up having to just muscle those pedals all the way through and unbelievably pulled that off on that mid set that was like i mean we've seen him on the podium of speed and style he had so much willpower in that berm just sprinting into that jump knowing that he needed every ounce of speed and there's that style that we expect that a thomas jean on nose dipped very relaxed just casually waiting for the bike to come around grabs the bike and noses it in nice and smooth that last jump it looks like people cam are having a little bit of trouble getting speed we're seeing front flips we're seeing a little bit of hang up so we'll see how that develops throughout the day and how you take the turn he was telling me this morning it's so important to choose the right line through the firm there we go a 79 slotting thomas into second place so paulson score will hold the local canadian holding down first place right now that is so cool to see i was talking with some of the judges during practice today and they said wow with griffin going first if he stomps his run all the stuff that we think he has planned this could really be a high score out of the gate it is absolutely holding up well if you're considering coming out to silverstar we want to show you what some of the local riding is what better way than the gt local laps here at silver star with trevor burke take a look jump for show corner for dough is the motto you make a little style though transfer in there jacob what is a shotgun a shark fin is a anatomical part of a large fish uh but here in the bike parks are usually made out of dirt they're like a berm that ends halfway and you get a nice jump out of them little lines like this what jacob just did they're just gonna gain seconds over the course of the track and bump you up that spot on the podium yo so if you transfer this jump really wide it actually sets you up better for that corner i'm a big fan of his work there huge fan kept it as low as he could these local labs hey look at some of the stuff well get on out here if you have an opportunity 130 kilometers of trails 400 dirt jumps 870 plus berms 44 runs a whole lot of mountain bike going on here in the interior bc but right now we're smack dab in the middle of our slope style competition here our next rider in the gate the swedish rider max fredrickson looking for a return to the podium as well get a third place at jorah 2016 a tenth to start the season here we go max frederson max starting off with a huge flip whip to double truck some turn down somebody's on today yeah he's definitely on point triple tail foot stomp just a little bit of a foot stomp now the judges are paying attention to that but it's not over by any means he still has plenty of opportunity to get a good score here max frederickson is a rider who strives for perfection so i hope he's able to put that one behind him there we go getting the 360 tuck no hander off the drop you can see him sprinting at this mid set big flip double bar spin to no hander clean keeping it going [Music] opposite 360x up big truck down now he's heading to the last jump this is the showtime booter great to see the determination out of max frederiksen one last trick 360 double tail straight to pedals sticks it that is what's up i am so happy for this kid right here you can see the relief on everyone's shoulders when they make it down to the bottom this isn't an easy course to get down you know they're they're struggling they're fighting their way down but they're making it look good and making it happen just in the tradition of slope style in bc you got to make sure the riders are tired when they finish that run usually it's because there's so many features in whistler but right now it's because they're sprinting into these 10 foot tall lips i think we might need to work some cardio into their training regimen this guy does he goes to the gym six days a week cardio is a big part of his program so maybe that will be a reason why he has a good result out here today yeah here he comes up to the jump where he had the little issue big triple tail whip and a foot stomp just slipped off that outside foot but he was able to recover and come straight back to this tuck no hand at three so the judges are also reviewing this replay right here bearing in mind that the top score right now is 84.99 from griffin paulson things like that backflip double bar has been a tuck no hander are definitely going to count he's balancing things out nicely here on the on off regular and opposite directions but this 360 double tail up was absolutely perfect so we might as well watch it in slow motion we absolutely might as well catches that bike you can see his eyes focus right in on the landing and he steers that front end straight in pretty much perfect just a little short but you know these guys are competing against each other and everyone's kind of having that issue we've had a few people crash their runs as well a couple crashes so far here so with one tiny little pedal slip here what will the score be a 71 good enough for fourth place for max frederickson 100 chance you can go up and clean that up and put down oh boy here we go the big man is at the top of the course right now tim bringer best crank works slope style results a fourth at innsbruck 2020 this is his fourth crankworx appearance he was fifth place to start the 2021 season and he's been on fire during practice here's tim bringer yeah be excited because here comes tim bringer watch this big double backflip to start off his run into the whale tail huge double tail without [Applause] maintaining his speed big truck driver look at that he came right on the track let's see if he can keep it going that was clean 360 four bar spins big flat drop backflip look at him putting the power down this man has so much power cranking around he's clearing the jumps he's got the he's got the weight behind him he's got momentum [Music] [Applause] big tail whip down this is for all the money showtime booter let's see what he's got he needs a big ender to cap off this run the cash roll [Music] all right get ready for a big score a lot to digest from that run right there i'm going to be looking forward to these replays with the big man out of france doing his job today he's been fairly fairly consistent since he burst onto the scene rarely finishing out of the top five and tim bringer looking to beat that 84.66 from griffin uh we don't see double flips into whale tails very often or on the first set very often so there's like a double double special surprise but yeah tim coming out and just sending it doing exactly what he needs to do one of the things that stuck out to me the most in his runs is how how much speed he had he was he looked like he was one of the few riders that were not fighting the speed you could see he saved that just by a hair right there what a save i saw him do that quad truck in practice but you know to actually nail it in your run it would have been easy to just stop at three but he wanted to absolutely go 100 in this run he squeezed out the quad truck he got the double bars up catching pedals early on that whip drop so his two drop tricks a flat drop flip and a hop whip so good variety out there and a forward rotation variation we're seeing a lot on this final jump he goes for the cash roll which is basically a corked out 720 on a forward axis letting that top shoulder lead into the initiation you have nothing to fault there in that run judges are definitely going to take notice of where he landed high up on the transition there we go the score is in and 81 good enough for second place right now he looks happy with that [Music] wow griffin paulson standing strong there the first rider to drop in our competition and his rookie crankworks appearance is hanging tough but we're getting deep into the lineup right now the next rider lucas hooper on the conquest for his first crankberg slope style podium he's had a couple seventh places he was the 2018 rookie of the year and he's just been steadily climbing the ranks ever since yeah you can see lucas super focused in getting ready to drop here we go he says let's go bro lucas hooper on course yeah without the crowd you got to hype yourself up a little bit but he's definitely hyped big bart's been flipping double tail whip out of the whale tail comes up a little short so he's gonna need to give everything he can to get over this next jump managed to get a straight truck out [Applause] trying to catch the breath regroup here into this flat drop over the road [Music] [Applause] big truck in so this is probably going to be his throw away but he's going to want to use all this time to build confidence big corked out 720 such a slow transition downside three whip in big truck down such a cool shot from the drone coming into the showtime booter railing as much speed as he can through that berm another front flip variation to finish things off going for the front flip barspin but coming up a little under rotated and looping out such a shame after all those tricks to throw it away on the final jump they made that small mistake up there high early and then just ended up picking up the momentum and was just really sticking everything i was really stoked to see him get down to the bottom a bummer and have him loop out a little bit like that on that last one but again he does have that second run so he's gonna be able to take that back then eight features and to stomp seven and then throw it all away on the last one we've seen that a few times here today already a little bit of a foot dab there obviously that's something the judges would pay attention to if this was a clean run a lot of truck drivers on the flat drops yeah definitely that's one of those one of those go-to's for those guys on these jumps i think big huge you know when i was talking about the keys to the track today keeping your momentum and being precise you could see you know he came up maybe what three or four inches short coming out of that whale tail and it really you could tell it just it sort of disrupted the rest of his run in the rest of the reaction for sure so that front flip bar spin would have been a great way to cap off this run after so many highlights i love how lazy he was on that cork seven and at this point he's completely blind he has no idea he's under rotating until right about there that's the weird thing about front flips as well is you do not see the landing until it's too late to really do anything about it luckily [Music] sliding out of that one more frustration than anything he looks to be all right we'll hang out for the score here for lucas hooper but he'll undoubtedly be looking forward to lucas's score comes in at 36. you know it's obviously not gonna be what he wants but he's got another run he definitely had some solid moments in there so he can take it back up to the top and when it's next run he can really put it all together it's definitely not over we got a little few people out here our future crank works stars so the past couple weeks have been amazing out here and in case you haven't been following the whole story it's been pretty fun so why don't we check out how do you find out about important sports you go to the world wide wide wide world of wide sports with keolani heinz check it out [Music] welcome to the world wide wide world of sports you're probably expecting this guy or this guy but fortunately you're stuck with me you probably heard that crank works whistler was canceled this year but we're actually on the ultimate bc road trip our first stop was sun peaks [Music] i didn't want to talk to him anyway and the next stop was kicking horse for the ultimate downhill course psychosis [Applause] [Music] [Music] i got to see my boy [Music] this is exactly why i'm here and now we're here at the final stop at silver star mountain resort we have here at silver star the final stop to earn some extra points before heading to new zealand [Music] and in true ed and matte fashion we're gonna close it with a stunt and since we're in bc i want to do something truly canadian [Music] [Music] well as you can see we've been having fun out here to say the least and it all comes down to this title slopes out silver star bike park presented by cliff and we're right in the middle of competition here right before our broadcast started it sounded like hunting season was in session big crash before paul coudier great to see him up to the start tower but this is what transpired right at the end of practice have a listen to this i was hiking up into the booth allen and i heard that sound and you know what everybody kind of takes cover because i mean we were pretty far away from that but still as you can hear on that replay that echoed through the valley it's not hunting season it's just paul kudara getting the last minute preparations together for his run it has been a brutal day in practice for him that was just one of two crashes he had as he was preparing for what i hope to be a dream run stomped here he got that tire back on the rim with a fresh tube he's back at the top of the course right now i know the first crash he had this morning he was complaining of some wrist pain we see him now right wrist is probably the one in question so let's get it paul kuder dropping in for his first of two runs yeah let's see what paul can do here big nice flip in nice 360 options keeping it really clean keep getting those pedals in where he needs him he's got his speed [Applause] so solid run so far just getting things going he saw him warming up that wrist as he dropped it you could tell into his head so let's see what he can pull together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on paul let's celebrate last jump for paul kuder and opposite core extended 20 and he landed [Laughter] oh these two i swear his brother's a parkour athlete they dream up all the craziest ideas and you know he's such a huge support for paul coming into these difficult circumstances crashes in practice cold days traveling all the way from france it's all worth it when you stomp your can see the grimace in his face and he's limping a little bit he's feeling it but sometimes a little adversity is all you need to find that perfect run you know what you go i don't have to search for excuses now this stuff is actually tough let me just focus on the task at hand here we go let's look back so maybe a little bit of a moderate moderate start to his run a huge flip-up with his 360 oppo in that was what he went down on right before but it looked like maybe he had another trick lined in there big 360 but you can see he's clearing the jump so the judges are going to take note of where he's landing big fast plant 360 off gets over the deck just barely and there he is putting in all of that effort i mean this is like a new thing for slow style you have a cheering section into the sprint into that big 10 foot tall lip there on our middle trick jump right smack dab in the middle of the course everybody's cheering spread spread spread they know if you don't sprint you're going to come up short and that's going to derail the run yeah definitely a full effort top to bottom as you can see here coming into the showtime booter he's gonna give as many cranks as he can right into that oppo corked 720. he transferred so much on that jump and still managed to clear it let's look at this thing in slow-mo look how far ahead his head is it's almost a full 180 ahead of the rest of the bike so you can tell he's leading with his head then his shoulders perfect landing paul what a stomped run that run would be difficult under any circumstance but i know you had so many issues in practice explain to me what you had to do in order to get the bike ready the body ready to sump that run dude very sorry i'm so exhausted but i'm so stoked it's been it's been so tough this morning i crash on my hip so bad i had so much pain on this wrist and i managed to do this run so dude i'm so so stoked so coming into that final jump knowing you're gonna do one of your hardest tricks how did you dig deep to be able to lean in and get that oppo cork seven yeah it's the hardest part of my run because i have to do a [ __ ] sprint before the lip and uh after doing all the bankers before you just have to just think about the tricks and yeah i'm so stoked to land this one yeah we were pulling for you up here in the booth and we're celebrating big time when you stomp that run your score coming in right now it's a 78.66 putting you in fourth place congratulations paul on digging deep and stomping that run man thanks thanks wow alan what a run there from paul kuder yeah you could see how much he wanted it getting about halfway through there and just really having to put down the power and really muscling through like i was saying it was a little bit of a mellow start off just with those basic tricks on and off the whale tail so you know paul's got some room for improvement on that second run well there we go we continue to heat things up right here another rider torquato testa who has tasted the podium he was on the third step there to kick off the 2021 season testa looking to pick up where he left off in innsbruck yeah you know he's going to want to back up that bronze medal big corks into the whale tail backflip no hander out i love the the options that this whale tails bring into this contest what oh little under rotated on the cash roll bar spin just stopped instantly didn't he look he's still he's halfway up the landing that soft dirt i think is definitely rough to crash on so hopefully he's okay and we're gonna see him back for that next run or is he gonna keep going well that's the one part of the course where if he wanted to keep going you actually could so he's either going to try to salvage some points knowing that there's a lot of riders who did crash in their runs and not finish i think uh nope he's gonna call it right here go back up to the top for his second run but that would have been an interesting thing you could you consider there's been so many crashes you're gonna score higher than a run that was incomplete if you're able to just start fresh and finish the run but yeah it was a pretty pretty brutal slam though he stopped instantly and that that's going to take a lot of out of them so i kind of don't blame him for pulling off though you can see that huge cork seven in big tuck no hannah backflip out and his run had started off pretty solid and then this is where he had that trouble the cash roll bar spin and just under rotates it and fully lands completely sideways and you know he had the distance but it was the rotation is where he was lacking so torquato testa will plan on letting it all ride in the second run right there first run not to be so we're back at the top of the course right here a man who started out the season just off the podium but he knows what it takes to get on the podium he has four third places he's looking to crack into the top two and we caught up with him earlier kind of talking about that subject and what it's going to take to get back on that podium i think the run i had in innsbruck was pretty good like the first top five runs they were like not even half a point like away from each other so it was a close one but i think i just have to i have to do a cleaner run just get the trick style you know have like a stylish clean run but still have good tricks in there and i just want to show it that i you can do good with style as well this is a writer who has his own style on and off the course and he's bringing some new tricks to the game we've seen in practice he's got some new bangers this is a look at how he sets up his pike dj he's 145 pound human he's around 174 pounds of psi in there this little bride is not really caring too much about rebound compression clicks run it stiff pedal hard go big eric fedco looking to get back on that podium here he comes yeah fedco looking super comfortable in practice today yeah big indian seacraft three up the come on was that three that was three trip truck out yeah he came through when he came out this morning [Applause] 360 bar whip bar how did he sneak that bar's been in that was unbelievable cam bitco on a tear right now big oppo three he knows what he's got going so he's gonna keep pushing oh they're in it that's the new trick i was talking about 360 windshield wipers straight to pedals bar x up three in this is gonna be it this could be a huge score if he can stop this last jump eric fedco backflip bar spin to tail perfect to paddles oh my come on in it doesn't get any better than that i was trying to get it off earlier saying that when he came out in practice today his first run he tricked every single jump so he's feeling this course and that run was unbelievable that has got to be his dream run right there i mean he did some of his old favorite tricks that he does better than anybody in the game like that 360 c craft indiana and then he's been working so hard between events tricks like that 360 windshield wiper which i'm sure we're going to get a replay of what do you think allen yeah i mean you can see the emotions coming out he's probably been thinking about that run since he saw this course on paper here he comes in first jump now this is huge 360 indian air sea grab amazing run there and then here he comes in triple barston do you see that when he snuck that third one in i was just this is the one that we're thinking about though how does he get this last barcelona 360 bartsman taylor i don't know how you keep your thoughts straight i mean you catch one of those you realize you got two more to do and then so clean and rounding it out with good variety on that opposite 360 drop but this trick it sounded like he's worked so hard on this between the events going from the flat bag to the landing bag to the mulch to the hard jump and then finally on a slope style course and no pedal slips no pedal subs anywhere yeah to perfection everything that he did was amazing off the lip landing here he is on this this final set here we're going to see and you put bar spin to tail it back flip and pay attention where he lands pay attention where he lands front tire first nosed in committed no holding back and look at this look at that i mean he's down the landing by half a bike length it is absolutely perfect i can see the back of the judges right now and i can't see their computer screens so i'm so just as curious as you at home to find out what this score is going to be let's just talk about it all right 84.66 is a score to beat currently held by griffin paulsen eric fedko just dropping a banger of a run what is it going to be coming in oh here we go 91.66 first score of the day in the 90s we're into the 90s folks the judges saw what we saw that was an amazing stylish huge amazing run oh we can't stress enough how much work goes into stomping these runs right here and how much determination just squeeze that last bar spin in or squeeze that last tail up in and absolutely stomp everything with precision now that we know this is our top run of the day let's take another look at this backflip bar to whip in super duper phantom slow-mo i can't believe how clean the feet to the pedals plus where his bike touches down to that landing was yeah his run was just building up to this point and it was like an explosion when he landed right here you can see he comes in fully committed front end first you could tell look at his face just the emotion like i don't know what what word was coming out of his mouth right there but when you see a racer sprint to the finish line now you're seeing them do the same thing but they have to do a big trick after that sprint it's absolutely mind-blowing and we're just going to keep the party rolling here with our ranked rider in the world david godziak was absent from innsbruck 2021 so it's been a while since we've seen him drop a contest run there we go top right we see brett and fedco celebrating that run but we're back to business right now with david godzik out of poland on course yeah let's see what david can do starting off his tour here in silver star bike park solid in the in the whale tail feature big casual bar spin that was what we saw we saw a crash on that earlier so he's one-upping a little bit here he'll blow it down sort of reset for the second half of this run let's see what he's got on the flat drop [Applause] just to put it into perspective when we call it opposite it's like riding with the other end a huge twister yes he is on point right now i think fedco got this comp really kicked off yeah the energy is high here david godziak looking to put it through the finish line one last jump what's it gonna be front foot bar spin to tuck no hander gets the three-part combo to punctuate this run all right we are off and running this is a contest it's warming up not the temperature but it's definitely getting warm out here godzilla stuck that from top to bottom really excited to see how these scores come out and this is and this is where even the riders that you know might have had a couple of mistakes earlier they're seeing this too and this is going to feed to their next runs what do you think he's listening to uh-huh i feel like we got some like uh some high-energy dance music or something started it off with a huge bar spin back double bar spin backflip to double tail without again that's that whale tail feature we're talking we've talked about so many times how it's opening up the trick lists and look at that i mean it was so smooth it could possibly go unnoticed but the judges know exactly what they're staring at with that opposite tail up going the unnatural direction and look at this we call it a twister but let's explain what that means it's a front cork 1080. there's a regular tail whip off the next drop in and then if there's anybody that's down for the showtime booter it's godzilla you got to go online and follow david and his brother simon's youtube channel where they have their training sessions broadcast to the world so you can see what they've been working on they practice on jumps like this every day so when the pressure's on you can do exactly what david just did capping that run off with the front flip bar spin to tuck no hander i like how he was balanced you know to both of the flat drops he had opposite whip and then a regular whip then bangers on all of the 10 foot tall kickers and what will the score be for david godzik score a beat at 91.66 he goes into second place with an 89. 89 so pushing the low dog rip paulson down into third as we get into the meat of this slow spell so congrats to david godziak right there slotting into second place and the dust is still settling on that absolute bomb that eric fedco dropped on the world of slope style that was such a ridiculous run we saw brett reader there congratulating him but guess what we got the top two slow style riders in the world at the top of the course nikolai ragacan next to drop in every slope style contest we see him in he makes his mark what will the story be today we're going to take a look back at his run from innsbruck silver medal run so nikolai regatten in run number one having an uncharacteristic air there going for that tail up variation on the hip jump didn't set his arms but guess what he learned from that mistake he bounced back in run number two and really stomped his run not only fixing that mistake but unveiling something new at the bottom of the course yeah nikolai had been eyeing this up for the entire practice session the whole week and it all came down to his last run he loves the pressure he feeds off the crowd he feeds off the pressure i want to talk about this cork 720 out of the whale tail here look how how smooth and clean that was and then he complimented it with a new one for him a guy we never see doing opposite tricks unveiling his first upper trick which was an oppo casserole he's like all right i'm not going to just play around with oppo threes oppo whips if i'm going to do an apple trick it's going to be an apple banger because this guy comes with just the tricks that are made for the crowd you know like if he was a fireworks display he would just have grand finales whatever yeah absolutely absolutely this is this is definitely a hype right here to to put it into words that nikolai would would understand here he comes at this first set nikolai regaking looking to get back on the top here we go cash roll in wow what a link there hung up a little bit so it's going to be tough to keep his speed from flip bar spin he's back on track now back on track he can reset here he can take a deep breath reset for the second half of the course [Music] huge dropping 360 x you can hear the few people here cheering getting them over there's the huge twister here we go as clean as can be he's definitely back on superman seat grab one hander come on oh come on no he missed the pop on that oh man nikolai rogakin going down under rat drop flip coming off the on off box and now this is a guy who constantly pushes the limit you see him hit the ground he usually pops up real quick that was a big one right there and we're gonna let our if there's any rider here that could take it he's definitely he's got the most pads on he's the strongest guy out there unfortunately yeah he just missed that pop on that flat drop backflip i saw him do one in practice linking that superman seat grab one hander into that flat drop flip is so tech because you need you need that setup time to really get your bearings and position your body right to be able to snap that flat drop flip there's no lip on the top of that structure so you got to use your legs to basically make your own lip and push with the legs to initiate and if your legs are still bent your hands still getting on from that previous trick it's hard to square up and get set yeah you load up so much energy in your legs and your arms and you need to just let it snap and if if you're even you know a half of a split second off it's just not going to come around so live shots here now of nikolai putting himself together after that crash we're gonna take a chance right now to look back so we had that superman seat grab one-hander let's see if he was set he was taking pedals right up to the very end there just didn't get the snap he knew it imagine if he wasn't a bike rider he was just a human jumping off of something that high and landing that far down yeah he definitely rolled the dice that was one of the biggest tricks we've seen up into that and then off the drop it looked like he just didn't quite snap the knees were a little bit bent oh what a bummer to see nikolai rogacan go down yeah it looked like maybe he bumped his head a little bit there let's hope he's okay you can see the rest of the riders you know just as concerned for him as we are these guys are such a tight global nick family traveling around the world now traveling around bc together so definitely going to be checking in especially for nikolai too because he's the guy who's the biggest cheerleader of all of his competitors so that kind of works both ways when he goes down the riders we're all looking to see him pop up as quick as possible it's great to see the gladiator nikolai back up and cruising around hopefully he's healthy enough to take a second run but we will understand if he's not that was quite the impact and a guy who's had a mega impact on this sport is the best in the world at this moment right now emile johansson looking for five in a row let's take a look at how he sets up his bike for slope style hello my name is milo johansen i'm out here at crankworx bc 2021 and this is my bike check for the most part i stay pretty consistent i have around 200 psi in the fork 275 in the shock tire pressure i'm running around four bars uh i'm not really doing psi when it comes to the tires so i have four bars in the front four and a half in the rear i have a pace sorry in the back exo protection tubeless ready casing on it a bit thicker a bit more sturdy on the big hits in the front i got the icon 2.2 yeah i forgot to say this is a 2.1 in the back as well it's nice to have a bit of extra clearance on the rear triangle uh it happens so you land sideways so it's good to not have the tire touching the frame sram x01 dh cranks 165's 30 tooth front sprocket a bit smaller it's nice because i have a 12 tooth sprocket in the back sram 11 speed chain the cockpit i'm on the six pack millennium series ej stem on this one it's still only a prototype but soon to come out sensus grips of course the mjs my signature grips i'm running the sram avid bb7 road caliper uh it's an avid sl caliper a bit of a lighter one the lightest one they have full bmx gyro setup shadow dryer on this one with bearings inside less friction so more time for activities without frustration an odyssey brake lever some homemade modification on this one for my thumb if i can't hold hard enough on the bars to kind of twist and then i would peel my skin off so i did that it's been working ever since ej six-pack seat we got some custom hd component pedals industry nine enduro 305 rims it's been my go-to wheel since 2016. it's the hydra hub in the back best sounding hub in the business in my opinion and yeah pretty stoked on it it's a full shallow dream bike and that's the job for what i want to do so really stoked emil johansen with a dialed set up right there the only slopestyle competitor to win four in a row crank works slope style is the only guy on a full suspension out there he's got that trick ticket has set up absolutely perfect and he's looking to make it five in a row this would be one for the history books if he's able to stop this wrong we've been watching him in practice and it all comes down to this mj on course okay he's definitely in the zone in practice let's see what he's got coming at this whale tail big three double down whip huge oppo truck to downside tailwick so much amplitude big bite it's almost like he's riding a different course he's going about two or three feet higher than everybody i don't know where he's getting the speed but he's making it work for him emil johansen setting up for the flat drop yes big oppo three tuck no hander he's got the speed [Music] oh oppo three double we say oppo that's like trying to write your name with your opposite hand but he's doing it he's going both ways big flat drop backflip what's it gonna be one last jump here for emil johansen i've never even seen that before 360 bart to double down side tail whip to put an exclamation point at the end of this run he does it again man what's the score going to be here the score to beat is a 91.86 well i think if it's possible to beat that's something that could definitely be you could see it all come out at the end how stoked is that's exactly what he wanted to do it's so cool to see him coming out and he's not just doing the same runs that he won in innsbruck he's stepping up every single contest and elevating not only himself but the sport we talked to him when he won in innsbruck and he said it's more important to him to stomp his dream run than it is to win the competition it just so happens he's the best in the world so if he does land his dream run it beats everybody else can't wait to see what the score is going to be here so much variety as well going you know backwards forwards left right the opposite 360 tuck no hander off the flat drop and he's carrying so much more speed than everybody here as well yeah one of the ways he's keeping his momentum is he's going higher than everybody so the higher you fall from the more momentum you're gonna have pumping the transitions and he's really just making it work and the only way that does work is landing all your tricks perfectly which he's also doing i love the fact that he got the flat drop backflip off the on off because that means he's able to just check all the boxes front back left right here we go 360 bar spin now it's gonna go down twice okay cool to downside whip no over achiever he wants two of them and he wants two feet on both of those pedals there's one there's two perfect landing it's absolutely perfect and we're comparing the run from fedco to the run from emil right here that's what the judges are going to be doing both of the runs absolutely spotless so it comes down to trick choice and i mean the amplitude factor can't be overlooked from email right now the score is in what's it going to be score to beat a 91.66 from eric fedco emil johansen scores a 95 he is in the lead look at this guy there it is that's what he had on his mind when he showed up this morning first rider on the course last rider to go in these run ones and he's taking the lead with a 95. you know what's crazy is earlier on this year in brook that's the first time we saw him not land his first run and have to come from behind with all the pressure on and run number two so he goes back to his old ways stomping run number one that runs scored a 95 take a look griffin paulson moved down to fourth place just outside the podium yeah still holding on to top five though you got tim tim bringer right there tom bringer right there in fifth place but let's go up to the top and look at a meal with a 95 fedco 91 godziak just behind in an 89. coming into your last riders match max fredrickson now these guys they had some some issues with their first runs so these guys are really going to look at upping their runs coming down run two well insane runs from our top 14 slope style riders in the world a handful of them going down a handful of them stomping their absolute dream runs we'll have run two coming up shortly stick with us [Music] experience select live events in a whole new way on redbull tv athletes profiles and kpis start lists and results analysis and animated guides track information and obstacles keep up with your favorite athletes and artists the new sidebar is available exclusively on red bull tv fear a constant companion that even the mountain bike elite have to deal with your mind just starts kind of playing tricks on you because you can't do anything delve deep into the psyche of the athletes and get to know one of their biggest driving forces reverence a journey into fear now available on red bull tv it's one of the most popular outdoor sports from its early beginnings to the creation of major events and disciplines [Applause] rolling with the current legends everything you need to know about rules history and terminology the abc of mountain biking now available on red bull tv [Music] the man emil johansen hopping into that shuttle vehicle to get back to the top of the course this is where you have an opportunity to exhale a little bit if you're the best in the world emil johansen he's done his dream run he gets to sit back and see if anybody can beat it we'll run these riders in reverse order now so emil will be dropping last those riders with the crashes will be dropping first then those riders in the middle of the field who stomped a run but have some room to kind of brush things up take this piece of sandpaper and smooth things out so that's gonna be fun to watch because uh it just is in this in the same way as we saw spotless runs we saw a lot of runs that uh have room for improvement didn't we absolutely you know the contest is far from from over you know these guys are going to re-rack they're going to get set the guys that had mistakes are going to be earlier in the run so we're going to see some opportunities definitely for those guys to step up yeah this whole week has been so cool and slope style it's such a fun way to kick thing to finish things off because we got so much riding in and some of these hot beds of local riding areas in bc are just ridiculous we've been able to ride in sun peaks close to golden for the second stop and then here in silverstar but you guys would specialize you've been working on putting together some uh some hubs for the communities in some of these crucial riding locations haven't you yeah yeah what we call them is the specialized experience center so really what that is is a way to come in and experience the brand and really putting them in heartbeds of the uh of the of the world you know like where is the the mountain bike world beating you know where are things happening and where better than the sea the sky region so the latest one that just opened uh is up there in squamish bc um it's gonna be there it is right there you can see it on screen uh so the experience center you know we're not selling bikes out of it it's an opportunity for people to come in and demo just to get to experience the brand and what specialize is all about and how we can you know really offer something from head to toe no matter what skilled rider you are and really coming into these these areas uh in the bike world as a facilitated manner if there's gonna be a fundraiser that needs to happen or a ride out or a trail build day this is the facility for the community to really kind of come together and make this place their hub and so we're going to be dropping them not only in squamish there's one right now in santa cruz boulder uh there's plans to really sprinkle these things around the world so it'll be pretty fun it's cool now that mountain biking is getting so popular you see these uh some of those old favorite locations for mountain biking are just like really ramping it up some of those locations that you guys are getting involved with uh you know if you're a mountain biker it's a good time to be a mountain biker yeah so all these locations we're talking about make sure you uh you put them on your hit list for places to go on vacation silverstar definitely a great place to check out what was your favorite spot we got to ride here so far canada for sure just canada in general definitely canada i mean yeah it's cool i thought i had been to canada before but i'm typical like i feel like a tourist i've only been to whistler right but this trip i've it's really opened my eyes to what the interior has and i'm my mind's constantly going like trying to see what this place is like with snow and am i gonna make this the next vacation spot so yeah all of these resorts that we've come to and really getting to experience the interior is pretty cool so let's stop rubbing it in anton's hanging out in northern sweden right now and we've ignored him for so long let's bring him back in what up anton what do you think of those runs man are you glad you're not out here judging because uh that's a big important job do you feel for these guys or what what's that yeah what up kevin thanks for having me back yeah that was a hell of a show first couple runs there and uh yeah i'm glad i'm not judging that i'm just spectating and fully fully enjoying the show which is an awesome experience from from here in sweden so from the comfort of your own couch let's put yourself in the mindset that you are here judging and you saw eric fedco drop that run then you saw emil drop his run what do you think the judges saw in emil's run that led them to score him higher do you agree give us your thoughts professional judge man yeah all right i'll do my best i mean i can't really help not to judge because obviously i'm thinking what they're thinking but i just don't have to put it in paper today which is nice so yeah i actually i was kind of putting in scores on fed ghost run and was going to put him in 92 so i guess it was fairly close because they had him in 191.66 i believe and then mj dropped in and very usual he goes higher than everyone bigger than everyone more technical so it's hard to not put him in first so i definitely agree with the judging well anton can you see this run right here we're getting a replay of emil's run yeah i'm just mind blown every time i see this guy ride even though i ride with him on like a day-to-day basis sometimes and you guys i mean amplitude is a factor on the judge's scoresheet as well was it just me or was he going higher into and out of that whale tail i mean just everywhere it seems just gets that extra pop and just using the course to us i mean to the fullest he's got that swedish efficiency those smooth landings something that we were introduced to from riders like martin soderstrom and yourself anton thunder so thanks for taking the time to join us i'm sure it's probably pretty late out there in sweden but we're still watching this run thanks yeah thanks anton we'll catch up with you again a little bit yeah it's like 1 15. man just looking at 1 15 am he says just looking at that run again from uh from a meal is quite amazing man just like you're saying the amplitude and using that to create the momentum he needs to go over the jumps he's doing everything right right now yeah unfortunately somebody who didn't do everything absolutely as planned was nikolai ray gakkin going down on that flat drop flip on the on off good to see him pop up i'm not sure if we're going to see him for a second run we got our fingers crossed but we understand if he's feeling a little bit sore but nevertheless let's take an opportunity to check out how nikolaj sets up his bike for slopestyle very different than emil setup take a look what's up guys nicole argan here we're out here at crank works in bc at silver star here i got my specialized p3 setup classic bike i've been on the specialized p3 since i started what's up guys nickelodeon here we're out here at crank works in bc at silverstar here i got my specialized p3 setup classic bike i've been on the specialized p3 since i started competing in slope style rock shock as well uh usually i run somewhere between 150 and 200 psi in my fork not too specific pretty slow rebound for me i've been running the pike for ages as well so as long as the pike's on there i'm stoked xo cranks strong beasts i'm on profile hubs this year i was always running a back profile hub for all these years but now first time fully on profile hubs i got the trixer by trick stuff here for unlimited quantities of taillips and bar spins of course spank bar stem and pedals i've been on spank as well since my first ever crank works back in late desalt back in the day ergon seat ergon grips tires just a slope style tread are usually running around 55 psi in there so for good amount of speed but for not the harshest landings oh brakes the level classic level i like the way the level calipers look i think they're hyped and they work really well with the trickster as well dt swiss wheels strong beasts as well and i'm not the nicest of my bikes in terms of casing landing sideways baling and they usually beast through so yep there's my specialized p3 setup and now looking forward to doing some huge tricks on it on course nikolai you are the man new drinking game every time nikolai says beast drink oh man that's gonna be a long night he's always so positive and uh he's just like i like these brakes because they look cool right yeah you know what else looks cool the slopestyle course it's insane this is the tidal slope stall at silver star bike park presented by cliff and we probably wouldn't have a slope style course here if it wasn't for this man we're going to bring into the conversation right now brett reader what up brett hey cam how's it going hey brett this is insane i mean the pandemic era has been kind of challenging to say the least with trying to get events up and running with the restrictions and whistler not being able to hold the slope style event there you and the crew here have stepped up to the plate i know you designed this course along with matt mcduff who was leading the charge with the build but the silver star trail crew really brought the finishing touches how important was it for you to keep slope styling bc and how much work was it to make this contest course happen yeah i just felt like there wasn't enough opportunity for for people to do slope style and we have a venue here that we we made work and um yeah i'm stoked that it all came together uh the guys did such a great job building the course i just i was here kind of making sure everything was going good and designing it but uh yeah matt matt macduff mark andre lecat the whole trail the whole trail crew they made it happen so i mean you've done so much in the world of slope style obviously you want to see these diamond level competitions at the highest level take place in uh difficult years but also how important is it for you to just grow the uh the young town out here and is this course going to be able to remain once the snow hits will we see a contest on this course in the future perhaps uh yeah definitely like the reason why we built it was to get people into slope style i felt like there wasn't enough courses for people to compete on um so now this one's here and it runs really good and everyone's stoked we focused a lot of effort on progression uh mainly so that the riders weren't like necessarily concerned about the size of everything uh we wanted to make it like a little smaller a little bit more like what they're used to riding at home so that when they come here it's just like they can just do the tricks that they've been practicing well the mission seems to be working all the riders have been raving about the course and you just saw those runs so good job brett thanks for all you've done for the sport of slope style not only as a rider but now somebody making sure that the the embers are burning hot for the future talent as well yeah for sure thanks a lot kim cheers brett so alan we've uh we've talked to brett about building it we've talked to the writers about riding it now for us as observers what do you think about this course i mean i think it's a writer's course obviously brett was talking about how he built it for progression and you can you can really see that in the way that the jumps are built the lips are a bit steeper the lips are a bit or the landings are also a bit steeper so what that's going to do is give you a little bit more hang time without having to travel as far without going as fast so it really brings down the risk level a little bit and that's to focus on progression as brett said for crank works bc crank works has had the fortunate opportunity to partner with squamish based apparel brand seven mesh seven mesh and crank works share a community local trails and values seven mesh is a proud supporter of the indigenous youth mountain bike program september 30th 2021 marked a new national holiday here in canada the official day to acknowledge truth and reconciliation to acknowledge the holiday seven mesh created the following piece about the importance of this new day and their support of the indigenous youth mountain bike program [Music] riding is about pushing ourselves about pushing our comfort zone and trying to do new big scary things and sometimes we crash and we fail and we get up and we do it over again but that's how we become better athletes and more full complete human beings and reconciliation is the same thing we need to face the history of our country and confront the colonial system that's been built up around it that's what reconciliation is about [Music] we see ourselves as a caretaker of this line and that's what we want to be doing we're not the owners of it we're the caretakers of it and the more people understand that non-first nations people the better off we'd be because we would we'd be all taking care of it i can't begin to understand racism or relate to racism because i never went through that experience but i can become an ally and i can become an ally in reconciliation and really in a nutshell what that means for me as a mountain bike rider is creating these friendships [Music] we need to step up we need to stand next to indigenous people in caring for and advocating for the health of this land we do that and the land will take care of us [Music] well great work that seven mesh is doing with the i y m b p and we just feel so lucky to be here in this beautiful land enjoying the terrain we're enjoying this competition and we can't wait to see what happens for run number two when guys like eric fedko godziak are trying to knock out the man in mill don't go away [Music] your bike visualize the track [Applause] keep your blood [Music] [Applause] i'll leave you pumping can't incriminate myself so let me plead the fifth i ain't saying won't go like i ain't gotta win passports [Applause] keep your grip loose for the wildest rides [Applause] on red bull tv two freestyle world champs turn their backs on the racetracks martin surestrom and emilio just cool to be riding team up to let the good times roll and the good vibes flow ride with the swedes now available on red bull tv [Music] title slope style silver star bike park presented by cliff we've dropped all 14 athletes for their first of two runs and we get them all back up to the start of the course to run in reverse order which means the man with the top score emil johansen will be dropping last he'll have this opportunity to get a seat and watch the show like the rest of us and what a show it has been plenty riders stomping ridiculous runs and a handful of them going down so we'll see the start list look a little something like this tom isted kicking things off after crashing on the second trick-able feature we'll then go on toward cuado testa and on from there but the gloves are off literally tom eisted warming up those hands before dropping in let's see clean it up yeah tom's going to want to get get from the top to the bottom on this one for sure let's see what he's got big tuck no hannah backflip good pump come on big flip whip out that's where he had the mistake he was a little over rotated last time but that was perfect big quarter we go big court seven looking really good coming into this drop-off oh yes [Applause] keep it together buddy big truck up he's gonna have to pedal off here we go tommy said out of great britain a crash in his first run here we go can he stomp run number two front flip tuck don't handle clean way to go he's got to be stoked without all the pressure of being the first guy in the second runs having that mistake on that first one but then to lay it all down on the course like that that feels good you can tell some bangers in that run as well saying hello to the youtube fans so he says not perfect but got to the bottom apparently there's a couple things he would have liked to to change from that runner do cleaner but hey it looked pretty darn good to me in run number one he had issues with that backflip tail out of the whale tail you see him right here stomp it catch petals early clean it up land straight yeah you can see he got extra pump coming in on that flip whip and that got him over watch the axis here on i mean you know he's thinking casual there's this like hybrid move you see people doing that's like not a corkscene over the back shoulder it's not exactly a casserole but it's a really cool variation there and then the front flip no head slap on that front drop yeah you don't see people front flipping flat drops too often and then oh my the huge cork what do you mean tom not perfect this looks perfect to me so far frontcourt 1080 called the twister the trick you saw nikolai do you saw david godziak do it as well and this is where maybe he wanted to clean up a little bit he barely had the speed to get up and had to pedal off only a tuck no hander in but then on this showtime booter a huge no handed front flip and he comes around perfectly clean clears the jump comes straight in exactly the way you want to do it i don't even know what he saw how does he even remember coming up a little tiny bit short into the on off that run was great if you ask me so it's definitely going to be an improvement he crashed and run number one so where will he put him in the leaderboard judges making sure they give this the time that it deserves there's the judges waiting to figure it out looking at all the ins and outs of each run seeing where people are landing making sure they're getting that pop right it sounds like the score is in for tom i stead he's going to beat that 12.66 of course because he put a top to bottom down 84. good enough for fifth place yeah he says i'll take that yeah a huge step up for tom nice work there buddy i mean if you think about you gotta be psyched with that you just moved tim bringer out of fifth place and bringer had a ridiculous run so good job tom isted now torquato testa also a rider having a couple of issues he's gonna be looking to step it up on the podium to start the 2021 season with a third in innsbruck his best result came in the form of a second place roto-rooter 2017. he's looking to get his third crank works podium here torquato testa on course drops in takes those cranks so intimidating taking cranks at this whale too come on [Music] [Applause] just had a little bit under rotated i don't know how he's going to make this so you remember run number one he did the cashy bar so improving on that step up with the double tail left he's thinking about points right now for sure yeah not only did he make it up he double whipped up that step up somehow the amount of time he has to decide what to do when he comes in without enough speed big truck off you can see him pumping for everything it's worth [Applause] [Music] straight air up onto the on off flat flip off now let's see money booter torquado testa castro slides out yeah you can see he missed the pop a little bit off the lip you could see him there with his arms in there that's two cash rolls crashed in this event for him and that's not that's not normal crash roll he's not he's not ready for that well i do you don't got to tip the hat for holding it together after you know i think it all came back we're going to see in the replays but the very first feature jumping up into the whale tail it was a little bit let's see if it was under or over i think it was a little bit under on the cork sev here yeah we got this 16 feet wide so luckily you can transfer be alright but you may not have the speed so coming up short flipping out of the whale tail and it just that just kind of brings it into momentum and rhythm you know if you start off your run with a mistake it's really hard to to come back and really get your focus because that's just in your mind it's not what you wanted and it's really hard to put that behind you but you can see he did that here with this double backflip barely coming around so committed here's a good angle for that double flip you see that front tire touching down just a millisecond before the back tire so just squeezing it out there to think how hard you have to sprint into that jump to clear it you need a little bit more speed to flip think about how much speed you need to do a double flip so straight air up obviously looking for a trick up he was able to muster out that flat drop flip and thinking if i can push through the lip here and get this casserole we can salvage some points gets the rotation around but a little bit under luckily if you crash in the way that he did you're able to kind of slide out on the low side not get bucked over the top so i'm sure a little bit of frustration there for the italian torquado testa not going to be two podiums to start the season he's got a smile on his face we will likely see him in rotorua to finish off the craig works fnba slope style world championship series for 2021. we're back up to the top right now and look i mean we got lucas hooper in the gate but do you see that on the left side of your screen nikolai not only at the top you can see him mentally planning for his run of course he's at the top of the course he's nikolai yeah all these competitors that had issues in their first runs they're they're definitely gonna be motivated to get back up there i know nikolai took a big slam a couple other riders did too but you know this is run two it's it's start over here you gotta erase that from your mind and focus so lucas hooper a couple of sevens in his crank work slope style career a crash in run number one let's see if he can put it together here in run number two yeah let's see what the 2018 rookie of the year's got big flip bar spin plenty of height double tail without clears it nicely i think last time that's where he had his first little mistake true there we go cleans it up oh we haven't seen that yet it's an obstacle it's on the course it counts three in the roller lucas hooper off the flat drop double truck 360 off the flat drop great he just had a single truck in run number one here we go another clean cork seven [Applause] downside through whip up truck driver off now he's gonna have to put the power down for the showtime booter all right lucas hooper bar spin front flip and he just pulls it off that was close he came in a little bit back tire heavy how did he squeeze that out and it almost ripped the bars right out of his hand definitely going to improve on his run one score he was just sitting on a 36 after a crash couldn't yeah you can see him grabbing his hand there i think maybe he might have might have slipped off on that landing lucas catching his breath this is definitely the most physically exhausting tracks that these guys have had to hit at least all right let's go back to the replays here the backflip bar spin to kick off this run into the whale tail and like you said allen the double whip out is where he slipped the pedal it was cleaner this time but he really blew my mind here with this truck to down whip you hear his leg hit the tire on the way around but he was able to salvage it a little bit short but here we go yeah he spins bar spin downside toe up just gets it off you see his feet slip off and then somehow gets a 360 over the roller that was there meant to slow down comes in double truck drop in that's gonna score huge you see him just putting the power down ready to lay out this cork seven huge amplitude comes in nose down perfectly smooth downside through whip up truck off here and then he's going to bring it all the way home now this is the one that looked like maybe his hand slipped off there we go he did not spin the bars i thought so he's coming around a little under the foot look at the foot that foot was off there for the majority of that front flip a little back tire heavy you can see it tries to rip the bars right out of his hands but he was able to hold on to it certainly not the cleanliness that he's used to but he'll take it so lucas hooper wait for his score here he's gonna improve that 36. it's going to be a 74 slotting him into 10th place so it's been such a great couple weeks here and you know you're seeing the slope style right now but there's been so many different disciplines slip style actually come to think of it as the only discipline that we don't have a women's category in but the women have been really leading the charge here it's been fun to watch riders like casey brown take to courses like psychosis casey actually won the race let's take a look at how psychosis went through the eyes of casey brown but feeling like i have a sore tummy but it's just because i know that psychosis is here we just gotta get into it and get through it all the fingers on the levers yeah we're definitely high up in the mountains out here and the trail looks nice and steep to start so thank you everyone's rearing to get into it oh yeah [Laughter] it's like a big warm-up is just doing it you're going to want to ease you in just straight into it i love you [Music] all right we just picked ourselves up off the floor off coming off the wall i just couldn't shut it down for this left-hander [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's it gonna be casey [Applause] as brown as all the all the magazines and newspapers tell you [Applause] there's not quite anything like psychosis what a crazy race times in the 14 to 15 minute range and of course if you win a race like that you got to do a shoei to celebrate we're right in the middle now of the title slope style at silver star bike park presented by cliff the runs may not be 14 or 15 minutes but they're nonetheless stressful and taxing on the body one rider who almost put a top to bottom down in run number one is this man right here alex alanko for his final opportunity to stop that dream run for the day here stop number two of the crank works slope style world tour alanko sitting on a 41.33 he's tasted the podium before that 2019 third place down in new zealand so he has what it takes you see him mentally preparing running through his run right now before dropping in yeah and he almost had it in that first run i think it was the last jump where he had that small mistake there on the front flip bar spin so let's see if he can put a full run together here in his second chance alex alanko the swedish rider on course [Music] sprinting at the first jump this big 46 foot long whale tail big triple truck up here we go oppo 360 out front was a little high but he made a nice recovery 360. come on shoot yeah 360 downside whip just got a little bit of away from him there wasn't able to regroup definitely gonna be a little frustrated with this one spinning his opposite direction there on that three down whip you saw him with the front tire a little bit high you noticed out of the whale tail on that oppo three similar thing happened i feel like it's also a case of not having ideal speed into that step up jump after casing a little bit coming out of that whale tail let's look back yeah i was looking good right there and then this is where he comes around a little front end high when you see his friend smash down like that he's gonna lose speed [Music] this is where he has a little bit of an issue downside with it looked like he missed the kick a little bit it was more of a decade than a down whip i'm not sure really what happened there look at this nikolai regatkin up in the start box that's kind of insane if you remember how his first run went off to such a great start we're gonna watch this whole run right here until it was derailed coming off of the on off box started out really strong into the whale to here come on casserole and when do you see that big huge cash roll in big cork seven out little hang up there but he made a really really good recovery straight into this front flip bar spin and really everything was going his way right up until about this point and you know what up until the 2021 season fly drop backflips aren't something we normally see nickel ibraga can do we do see him do twisters a lot that front court 1080 stomp just like we'd expect but this link right here is so incredibly technical superman's secret one-hander doesn't quite get set enough to pop the rotation on that flat drop flip i mean look at how he landed but like you said alan the amount of padding this guy wears i mean if the kids at home can learn something it's where your pal it's nikolai or gekkin back up for run number two yeah he's wearing those pads because he's a hundred percent committed every time he's there and even though he had that trouble in the first round look at him he's ready to go all right nikolai he's prepped the run in the mine now it's time to put it to the course nikolai rickatkin dropping in come on buddy let's see what you got coming into the whale tail big huge cash roll perfect again come on big huge course here we go smoother this time around here we go more speed coming into this front flip bars he's got it dialed he's feeling it now the blood's flowing there's no pain the adrenaline has taken over come on nikolai 360x into the drop in come on spread it out here we go get that front twister stopped this is it this is where he had the problems before superman seat grab one hander in switching it up to the reason 360 drop there we go nikolai rick gakkin one last jump what's he going to choose the double tail whip nikolai rogecan gets one through the line certainly not what nikolai wanted but definitely more than respectful for him getting back up there and getting it down you know i think he was going to go for that flip drop and again it looked like at the very last second he made a change to a 360. and it might have thrown off his concentration but unbelievable for getting back out there that first slam was so huge so you see nikolai's reaction as he crosses the finish line this is the guy who goes 100 every contest run so we can try to pick out what he wanted to do instead right here but we gotta judge this run for what it is a casserole into the whale tail a cork sev upside down out and then clean into this front flip bar spin and when he was coming into that twister i was thinking gosh that takes absolutely every bit of might you have then we think back to what an hour ago when you hit the ground here is that 1080. and here's the twister lands perfect again he's so locked in on those tricks now we were just wondering the big question was is he gonna try the same thing he crashed on he still goes for that secret one-hander which has got to score high that's so tech to go into that on off box and then here we go he goes for the double whip on the final jump right here we've seen how hard that jump is to clear so he's pushing through squeezing out that double whip and this run was so great but we saw nikolai shaking his head there at the bottom so let's take this opportunity to ask him nikolai first of all how's your body and how were you able to push through and get back up to the top for that second run oh cam i'm i'm pretty messed up right now i'm not gonna lie that flat flip crash got me pretty bad uh i guess i just pulled too late and like tried to correct it in the wrong way slammed so hard absolutely rocked all my guts definitely hit my head pretty hard i was seeing some crazy blurriness in my right eye for quite a while luckily it went away i dropped in the run felt all good i did that superman secret one-hander onto the top and i was like do i do it it was like a decision on top i was like do i do it and i just felt like i can't mess up again on that so just spun off and then uh powering into this last section to get a dubsy on the the last jump but i'm definitely messed up in pain but as always stoked to make it to the bottom i mean i i never put anything past you nikolai but even for you i was surprised to see you up there and the fact that you were able to pull off that absolutely bang a run is ridiculous good job what do you make of this course this course is unbelievable it's very progressive it allows us riders to really maximize our skills with the riding we've been pretty unlucky with weather it's been really wet it's been slow you see a lot of us boys giving it all we got with working for it pedaling but this course is what we slope style riders want we want to do bangers on every feature we want to do new tricks at every event that's the entertainment value that we want to provide with these slope style contests because they're insane so more stuff like this well i know that you had everybody hooting and hollering at home watching the broadcast right now we were screaming out beating on this table right here cause i was pulling for you so hard so thanks for putting on a show i'm glad you're all right and we're still waiting on this score coming through i know that uh it was hard for you to get up and do that run and there's maybe things you wanted to do different but this is probably going to be a high score so we're about ready to hear what it is and uh i think it's coming through right now nick light there we go 84.33 putting you into fifth place so good job nick like getting back up there and making it happen man thank you cam much appreciated stoked to make that happen all right on nikolai ragakin absolutely the man sitting in fifth place right now and you think about who he knocked out of that fifth place position and the runs that it took to get there even if it's not 100 what nikolai wanted it's still going to score so high so good job back to the top right now max frederickson looking to get back on that podium a good run one we're out of our crash runs now he's just looking to improve an already respectable score starts off with a huge flip whip oh was that a crank break that did not sound like he just slip his pedals okay something broke now unfortunately mechanical's gonna take him out out of this second run there trying to see what it is maybe a spindle there we go it looks like i mean there's we're missing we're missing a crank arm coming out of that side of the bike yeah we can see his flip whip here and he comes up just a hair short with the back tire and it looks like the spindle on the crank is gonna snap off and that's gonna call it for max unfortunately well if we had a crowd here i'd say this is a great opportunity for a nice little max fredrickson souvenir so disappointment for max frederickson i mean barely coming up short entering that whale tail came all the way from sweden luckily he had a clean first run i'm sure he wanted to improve but now all eyes are on lucas canop we think back to lucas's run he had huge combos like that backflip bar spin to tail you see him prepping mentally right there for that trick which will happen in the middle of the course lucas not looking to clean up a 75 move better than tenth place big double tail whip in gets a little wobbly between only manages the truck driver out so this is gonna be a tough one to up his score but he's definitely gonna send it there's the big cork seven it's a little short there it looks like he's okay yeah these riders are taking taking a taking a tough time out there i don't know if the course is slowing down or it's just the you know the stress of the day and the event and second runs this is the opportunity to leave it all out there i'm gonna head back up to the top and see who's next oh look at this paul kuder who had that all right paul emotional run kinda you know and run number one after issues in practice we saw the big celebration in the phoenix corral with his brother he's back for more looking to clean up a 78.66 and back up that sixth place result that he used to start the season there pokudair one of the riders you gotta search on youtube to see what he gets up to in the off season here we go run number two for paul coudare big flip whip nice nice oppa one-handed x looking good so he's already stepping it up a little bit on that from that first one big 720. there we go that'll be nice and complementary to what he used to finish his first run here we go we got bro top right here fast plant 360 in now that's where he hung up a little bit in the first one so he's got all the speed now to do whatever he wants big double backflip yes so smooth paul kuder's on fire today big truck driver up straight flip kancan yes another one right he's up in the ante he needs a big speed into this final jump to improve that score goes for that upper quark seven again unfortunately going down oh there was this tiny issue after the drop of the on off box where he had a little bit misstep in the pedals and i think just a little bit less speed than he wanted into that last jump i know that that opposite cork seven is such a yank and it would have been so nice to link the reg and the uppo in one run but look at this this is what nikolai gakkin's all about uplifting his competitors yeah you can tell paul's feeling a couple of crashes in practice had him soar he was able to up his his run in quite a few spots i thought that was going to be the one and unfortunately like you're saying just came around a little under rotated on that oppo seven here we go with the replay started out super strong with this huge flip whip now watch how high he lands gets a huge pump off and then oppo 360 one handed x and he was only able to get a regular oppo 360 the first round so that was a one up there so comes around here and does a 720. think about the things that he improved you know he said i'm going to do that regular seven on that step up and then you know same thing here but i think we had some improvements stepping into the on off box i think it may have been just a straight three before but this double flip was even smoother here we go up in the ante with that truck driver on but what i really want you to watch is after this flat drop 150 can which is an improvement i think there was see that a little bit of a stutter step in that first pedal and i think that's just the fraction of a kilometer per hour there that he needed to have the snap off the lip for that opposite cork 720 spinning towards your front foot so difficult high alan yeah you see his head almost a hole 180 degrees in front of his bike pulling it around he does get it straight into the landing it does clear but watch his body weight is just a little too much over the handlebars and that momentum is going to keep his bars going forward and there's just nowhere to go but over the front so close to being able to improve that score there paul kuder strong all the way down just incrementally upping the ante from run number one unfortunately throwing it away on the last jump there but one thing that can be said about paul kuder is he left it all out on the table there you love to see after a rider stops their dream run they go up and try to improve it it's a long flight home you might as well absolutely go for it that's what nikolai did that's what paul did right there and we commend him for those efforts definitely putting in work today you can see him walking away a little bit sore so long flight back for paul kuder but he will have great memories knowing that he didn't leave anything out on the table we've all been joined our time out here in the beautiful interior of bc take a look at how some of these riders spend their off time during crankworx pc road trip [Music] yeah we've traveled around bc and it's we've gone from sun peaks through to caking horse and now we're back at silver star the interior is sweet because there's so much variety like there's like so much and nothing's the same so i think that's the best part of it you can definitely send it here yeah this place is rad it's crazy this is like the sickest place on earth so far it doesn't feel like i've got enough time here i want to come back and just feel like there's so much to see here the interior of bc often gets missed because it's just like not on people's radar there's so much to ride it's just got that small town vibe and there's and a lot of good riders come out of the interior like there's so many of the big names like live right down the road from here i mean the vibe in the interior super laid back we're just a bunch of small towns kind of littered throughout a bunch of little mountain ranges such a variety you can go drive an hour and be in completely different atmosphere and completely different trails just the whole place of canada like every venue the scenery the locations everything every drive to every venue every venue we arrive to is just like eye-opening a lot of people when they come to bc they just come to the coast which is really nice as well but yeah we got some good spots here [Music] the interior of bc is such a hot bed for talent and it's great that we're able to bring the crank works festival vibe on this three-stop road trip right now we've got a crank works staple a big name in the sport of slope style and big mountain free ride thomas janon looking to better a 79 right now he's sitting in eighth position big double tail to start it off huge tabletop 360. that's what we want to see that's not one that can be taught big casual sticking it with determination did you see those shoulders and those hips just square up to the way he wanted to be facing when he landed the bike just follows suit [Music] big fast playing three off keeps his momentum straight on the pedals yes tommy g clean 360 bar to whip [Applause] [Music] oh 360 down with lands dead flat but he gets the pedals in how did he hold on he's carrying great speed right in the middle of the berm there into the final jump thomas front flip tuck no hander making it look way too easy that is ridiculous how precise he was on absolutely all eight features fist pump definitely earned that one super clean super smooth from top to bottom looking so good out there looking pretty good repping for the sponsors this guy is such a well-rounded rider he just stomped two runs here crank works bc he'll be off to utah for rampage only rider in the field competing down there in the desert so how about that 360 table i mean that's something you can't learn in a foam pit it's you're born with it you want it you develop it and then yeah that that casual was just unbelievably stumped his bike was like under rotated but his body was pointing just confidently where he wanted to end up in the bike just went all right cool we'll suck it straight yep it's like riding a trail right if you see the tree you hit the tree so he's looking at the landing making sure he comes around 360 bars spin to tail top of the lane and feed to the pedals and then watch this this was not a 360 down it was like a 270 down whip but once again pointing his body where he wanted to end up that's the kind of stuff you see out of a veteran mountain bike competitor out there and then finishing things off with the front flip tuck no handler we've seen so many issues with front foot variations on this jump but take a look full extension out of those arms all the way across and pointing that bike right to the landing no tags no overshoots just precision you don't actually see the landing until right about there the last second you know you got it yeah you gotta dig a slow-mo replay from thomas jannon big name in the sport ever since he won joyride in 2012 he's picked up three bronzes three silvers in addition to that win from 2012. for the numbers to come in what's the score going to be he had two six places in the 2020 season we used to always talk about how consistent this guy is and he's right back there those two six places last year and eighth to start the 2021 season in austria and what will it be here in silver star for tommy g yeah but good thing is that now it's their job i don't care anymore there we go the score is in and 82 he moves up improves by three points and one position on the leaderboard thomas knocking tim bringer down another notch and wow tim bringer just continues to get lower and lower remember that run he was sitting in fifth for a long time and it was such a banger now a lot of pressure on this man well yeah he's he's watched his uh placing go a little bit backwards but he's got the opportunity to have the last word on those guys that just won up to his first run and you know the big man is up for the challenge he has what it takes to improve that 81 he's now sitting in eighth place tim bringer from france on course for run number two the beginning of his run is one of my favorites let's see if he starts it off just pedals straight in right at the whale tail oh yes double back power move double tail about okay it's on it's on is right alan okay double truck he had the quad truck before but plenty more features here to improve that score brings a straight flip on the big drop putting in all of the cranks nice again with that backflip double tail whip triple bars oh it just gets a little greedy with that third bar spin oh he was thinking he was like all right those two bars that i missed on the truck i'm gonna try to sneak one in here on this step up yeah you gotta respect the course a little bit there you only have so much time but yeah he was trying to get it all off i mean it can't be easy for a competitor you know to be watching the other riders bump them back and know okay i'm up but he did one up he did step up look at this huge double back flip no hander into the whale tail straight into a double tail whip clean to pedals over right back on the pedals he was not phoning in this no-hander as well he not only were his hands locked out big extension he held them off for a while to think you got to get your hands back on and then finish the first flip and enter into another backflip 361 two bar spins half the amount of bars he got in run number one you heard him vocalize a little frustration there such a commitment flipping off that flat drop also another completely blind move especially with such low speed into that drop as well to be able to generate the pop you're not going that fast but that backflip double whip was super clean here's where things went wrong yeah he just got a little greedy on that third bar spin his hand wasn't quite ready come on come on losing the seat pinch a little bit that's uh the least air time on any of the features on the course right here he's trying to fit in if i had to create tricks on an obstacle that would be the one though so tim bringer with a strong run in number one holding down eighth position with an 81 here as we work our way through let's remind you how this competition started griffin paulson in his rookie crankwork slope style appearance just dumped out the bag and set the pace for the entire competition he is now sitting in fourth place he's got an opportunity to drop for run number two try to improve work his way up the leaderboard and if he's able to even move up one spot he'll be getting a podium and his first crank works appearance so a lot of opportunity also a lot of pressure on the youngster he's seen ryder stomp runs he's seen riders have mistakes and runs he's seen mechanicals in runs and griffin paulson's gonna have to uh put everything aside and just focus on riding his own run okay you know this being his first crank works slope style event being in the top five right now you know this is all this is all cream on the top this is a good opportunity for him to get out there get some extra experience and see what he can do in this situation so griffin paulson already a successful rookie appearance on the crankbrook slopestyle world tour a look of determination on the face as he takes to the course for run number two he's pedaling hard he's got something in his mind yes clip yes come on now oh man it's on it is so fun all right griffin here we go buddy oh boy he's improving absolutely every time he catches air take some deep breaths stay focused here we go griffin paulson off the drop going for that front foot again perfect let's see what he's got come on griffin double flip no hitter pull it around oh man no way oh look at how stoked he is the cream on top this is almost turned into the main course what was that geez geez he goes what i got to improve something how about i try to improve everything jeez if you could bottle what he's feeling right now the most normal thing he did in that run was to front flip off the drop which is crazy to think about he is canadian out here in front of his home country representing his first crank work slow style event i cannot wait to see more of this man right here he's going to be picking up these points and using them as a catapult to launch his crank works world tour campaign yes clint you were right he's very honest you know what you saw that look of determination on his face as he left the start tower he had all this on his whip to bar spin in that was a one-up for huge and then come straight into this double backflip off of the whale tail i mean this whale tail is allowing these riders to do things that we just haven't seen on whale tails coming into the step up another one up brings it right in to a 360 double tail to bar spin perfection look how straight and perfect he lands and that's the type of stuff that the judges are looking at he was not only doing the tricks but doing them to perfection i love how most of the people are hanging out here in the middle of the course and they're just screaming at him as he landed that three dub whip the bar and then screaming at him to get as much speed as possible into this jump and he wasn't just going for the straight dub flip he goes for the double flip no hander definitely didn't cheap out on the extension there either let's see him come in just a little bit heavy i mean weight was a little bit over the bars he got the rotation but his center of gravity was just a little bit too much over the fork so when he landed that that caused him to go over the front i'm glad it was just a minor slide out you know i look at nikolai oh man everybody's so pumped to see the rookie coming out and stomping those tricks look at how stoked he is he is going to be a fun one to watch if it was that fun to watch him make a mistake yes how fun is it going to be to see him pull that run oh no somebody has definitely made their name known on the crankworx world tour that was griffin paulson thank you for the show my man and now the show is far from over as we've got our polish rider david godziak up in the start gate third in the world this is ranking coming into today's event if we take a look back at what happened yesterday our crank works air dh because i mean we're in the middle of slope style right now but we've had so many different events in so many different disciplines so far bass van steenbergen and via verbeak have been unstoppable so this morning in the air dh bass getting tricky they're skipping the lip along the riders right hand side in order to stay low connect to those landings a little bit of local knowledge put to the test here as bass van steenbergen stands on top of the podium alongside george brandt george branigan and mick hannah great to see mick hannah up there in the second spot and what what is a win if you can't thumb punch your beer that's that's uh that's the cream on the top that is it right there so vi and bass adding more and more points to their queen and king crank works title chases back to slopestyle now poland's david godziak been on the podium before he's looking to do it again he's got absolutely bronze medal locked up and if he can move up into second place it'll be his highest crank works slope style finish to date looking to clean up this run and add a few bits here we go david godziak barspin double backflip into the whale tail triple whip out he's already on the podium so he's not going to hold anything back yeah come on [Applause] big bar spin casserole attempt just coming in a little under rotated he was sending it i mean already on the podium he didn't have anything to lose looks like his wheel moved there a little bit so he's not going to be able to finish his run but really cool to see him out there and be in that opportunity to just send it like that he knows he's on the podium what a great event you know we're not seeing very much this event is people not going absolutely 100 you know sometimes you see people sticking with their run one scores but i think what we're seeing here really speaks to the mission statement that brett reader and matt mcduff and the silver star bike park trail crew had for building this course right here is a course that the riders could really feel comfortable dumping out the bag of tricks on and the big question now will eric fedco try to better his score he's sitting on that 91.66 but first let's take a look back at this run from david godzilla big huge double bar spin backflip into tripletail without i believe that's the first triple whip we've seen out of the whale tail comes in maybe maybe it was a little short on speed and tried to suck it in oh it was a double bar spin stop it really was it double bar spin it was double bars yeah man [Music] yeah i didn't even see that i mean he landed that cashy bar so clean in run number one so that explains why he didn't get it in run number two going for the double bar cash roll so everybody going a hundred percent here in today's competition the title slope style silver star bike park presented by cliff two to go okay well they're talking about we got a replay here at fedco's run one currently in the silver spot let's see what he did to get there [Music] super clean super high indian air superman secret 360 to triple truck driver and this is where things really started to heat up 360 bar spin to tail to barston whenever you're doing four tricks in one air you know it's going to be racking up the points takes his time into this flat drop [Music] gets a clean oppo three very smooth and you can see just really clean with his pedals straight into this windshield wiper 360. unbelievable double bar spin truck to x up not leaving any tricks on the table big flip bar spin detail with huge huge run has him currently in the silver medal position but he's got another chance so that run i can't even imagine trying to squeeze anything more into that run and as we see what's going on right now eric fedco is going to stick with that 91.66 from run number one this is going to be a tandem victory lap here for your silver and gold medal winners i've never seen a tandem victory left this is gonna be good so this will be one to enjoy from the comfort of your home right now two of the most stylish riders in the game right now eric fedco for second place finisher today and the man making it five in a row extending that crank works record emil johansen absolutely unstoppable since he started winning on this world tour they're talking to each other in the woods yeah they're having maybe a little too much fun they're getting a little sketchy just making it from top to bottom is no easy task on this course [Applause] off of that flat rock these guys are out there just doing it for fun this is soul riding it's so fun to watch emil do a superman secret because he has one of the best in the game but when he's doing a slope run he's not going to use that trick but for the victory lap it's just right big knack knacks to finish things off for eric fedco in second place emil johansen making it five wins in a row undefeated since he started winning on this world tour i believe that's a crank works record right there five in a row it's insane to think too we've been crunching a lot of numbers knowing that this guy is shattering records so we go well what are the records brandon semenek has 12 slopestyle wins in his career brent rainer has seven in his career now emil just getting close there with his fifth win look at the hype it's funny you're noticing on his practice jersey there was dirt on the shoulder that's not from a crash crash from his front tire he's so twisted up in his bike in there the front tires actually buzzing his shoulder look at this nose press three here it's so fun to watch emil do things that he wouldn't do in a run you know here we go savor this superman secret and here he comes right here just having fun the big old starfish off the flat drop three in and here they come in the dual victory lap super fun time to watch big knack knack it's so fun to see these guys just out there having fun emil fifth win in a row here you haven't lost since you started winning walk me through the day today you got up early i heard you're the first guy on course for practice really i didn't know that but probably it's been pretty tough pretty rough condition honest conditions it's been raining a lot during the training week so everyone started hitting their last jump actually last night so it's been like there's a lot like a lot of riding leading up to the event so everyone was kind of tired so super crazy to see the riding level that went down considering how exhausting the just the practice has been honestly i woke up and still haven't figured out half of my run so it feels good to be at the bottom done the run i wanted to and be in one piece so fifth win is it sweeter every time is it harder every time now that you've won so many times does it change at all it does change uh that's it i i think the beauty in slope style is that the difficulty increases by time and also it's a lot more than just the difficulty of tricks that is involved in a competition like here we have a really slow running course so everyone needed to deal with that and it's just a lot of factors that weighs into it so to be able any given day to perform is definitely not something you can take for granted well congratulations i can't imagine going five in a row nobody's ever done it before so we wish you the best of luck all the way down there in new zealand for the next stop and we gotta thank you for putting on the show for us today emil thank you very much it's been a pleasure we're getting used to that aren't we that headset interview with our number one finisher of the day emil johansen he's done it five times now says it changes every time i'm sure it's no easier every time but here's a look back at how he did it yeah it never gets easier but he's making it look easy just look at the hype and the amplitude i mean the tricks are one thing but how perfect everything he does is it's really what allows him to do the things that you know i felt was the key to this course is keeping your momentum and being precise and he was able to do that all day long we typically see him bringing something new to every event i hadn't seen him do the opposite 360 tuck no hander before stomps it clean here it looked like he was just making decisions all the way down to the last few minutes of practice as well yeah he was you know you and i were watching him and practicing he was stepping stuff up every run all the way up until these final contest runs big back flip off that look at the commitment he's just so solid then the big question you go all right well what is he going to choose here he chose the 360 bar to double downside whip complementing nicely the opposite 360 double whip that he did earlier up on the course and like we said before i was talking to the judges earlier and they said oh be pretty cool to see if he actually goes all directions in his run of course he does with crazy combos the backflip that he did in the run was the flat drop flip he had the front flip bar spin he had the technical three whip combos both directions and it all adds up to a 95 and a fifth win in a row and looking at the results we see griffin paulson keeping it in the top five also in the top five nickel ivory gotcha able to come back from that first run slam wasn't the run he wanted in run two but able to salvage some points and be top five that's quite an amazing effort paul kuder stomping that first run that really got all the blood flowing out here sitting in ninth place to think that that run is a ninth place run is nuts first of all and it just really speaks toward the level we're on it's so hard to be one of the 14 best lifestyle riders in the world and so when you are ninth place it's more like you beat all those other guys you know and you got to look at it like that because paul kader's run was mental and also the ability of these riders to step up you know from one run to run two because i think that paul kudez run when he came down i think was maybe fifth place and so people were able to really step it up and collect and that that is a testament to kind of what we were talking about this being a rider's course and the stuff that they're able to do on these features you know it was really what made this event happen well this was the second stop on the crankworx fmba slopestyle world championship series second of three so emile johansen not only gets his fifth slope style win he extends that lead in the overall world tour eric fedco in second nikolai rogacan doing what he needs to do to stay in the top three in the overall tim bringer and fourth torquado in fifth place but you know what else we haven't even talked about yet is emil johansen has the ability to potentially win the triple crown if he's able to win again make it six in a row down there in new zealand and it's weird we always offer this triple crown but since the pandemic took place last year even though he did four wins in a row it wasn't in the midst of a triple crown season so he's got to win rotorua next month well november to be able to get that triple crown so all eyes will be down there on that magazine course in november so alan and i will hang out here continue to just break down all the fine details from this magnificent show don't go away join us [Music] my name's rob warner i'm taking the best young athletes on a quest to ride the world's greatest trails and meet the people who live in some of the wildest places on earth never had myself down as a andrew type it's the first sight of the himalayas you know lions take the weakest and slowest rider [Music] rob warner's wild rides now available on red bull tv anywhere around here you can get a cappuccino it was like sweet i've done a competition i'm back but then life kicks you into bite again and says not yet after being diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases emil johansson is fighting to stay ahead of his illness every stress situation is triggering this virus i'm just trying to look forward and hope it stays in the stable side emil every mystery i've lived the next chapter now available on red bull tv there's a lot of people that ride bikes that don't fully understand the struggle of building something completely awesome the art and science of trail building the hard work pays off for sure every time through the eyes of ryder [Music] and builder available on red bull tv [Music] well no dust out here fall conditions at silver star bike park but the dust is settling from an absolutely enjoyable crank works bc road trip from sun peaks to kicking horse to here in silver star i mean we've got a lot of riding in ourselves we've been able to watch the best riders in the world battle it out for valuable points and that's it we're two-thirds of the way through the season i can't wait to see what rotorua has in store yeah a little bitter bittersweet out here right now we're we're wrapping it up so you know it was it was a heck of a tour we got to see so much of bc and so much of what these parks have to offer it was such a good time nikolai regatten sending so big out here and uh he's a rider who loves a big crowd hopefully we're able to get back to big crowds and slope style soon but having the absence of screaming fans did by no means slow this man down definitely not you know nikolaj's never gonna hold back no matter what no matter where he is so this is run number one here so we're gonna have to watch this again unfortunately yeah big slam right there for nikolai just missed the pop and he called himself out there maybe he had tried to correct a little bit he's a gladiator so he got back up to the top of the course and he was improving his run and you know what it's got to be hard to dig so deep imagine hitting the ground that hard there's got to be so many things sore that you can't even zero in on one so you just go all right well we'll deal with this there's plenty of time between now and rotorua to deal with all these painful body parts so let's just try to put together a top to bottom he did he salvaged those points and right here we heard when we interviewed him he was still thinking about going for that flat flip and then squeezing out that double whip to finish things off and i don't know we just can't stress enough how most humans don't have what it takes to be able to pop up after a crash like that and go up for another run yeah it's a big slam you know it's so mental to be able to recover from something like that and even in this cold like being as cold as it is i feel like it amplifies what a crash will do to you but so cool to see nikolai come back and be able to push all the way for another top five finish is so cool so at the end of crank works pc right here we got to get out our calculators and see what our king of crank works overall leaderboard looks like we know who's going to be at the top if you've been paying attention for the last two weeks bass fanstein bergen 663 points but jackson frew with a couple wins here one at sun peaks dh and one in the slalom here at silver star collects enough points to be sitting in second place joe breeden in third place and sick mick it was great to see him on the rdh podium from earlier today you know he had his uh his last world cup race this year he's decided he's going to take a step back from racing but it's been amazing to have him and his energy here and to see that he's collecting those points i hope he goes down to rotorua yeah absolutely i was i was kind of joking with him i was like oh yeah nice retirement plan just gonna come to crank works and collect a few medals and you just gave me a little laugh but yeah you know mick always out here loves riding his bike it doesn't matter what the event is he's here he's going to be pushing it for sure so you saw bass at the top of the leaderboard there for the king overall or you know sometimes we call him via's boyfriend and bay and bass have been doing something right in between events their training has been paying off by everbeak with a huge lead in the queen of crankworx standing 751 points ahead of the closest competitor there keolani hines with 582 but casey winning psychosis grabbing all those points 574 points going into road arua and uh if you're a slope style fan and you joined us just for slope style today what in the world are we talking about we got to watch you got to tune in for all the events we have we got pump tracks slalom speed and styles downhills air downhills big races like psychosis and we're gonna keep the fun rolling down in the southern hemisphere different time of year right now which i think is gonna be a really good time a year to be in rotorua new zealand the dates are november 1st through the 7th join us online for the broadcast and if you're tuning in from new zealand well make sure you look out for your favorite rider showing up for the rotorua event but also the summer series if you're an amateur racer looking to try your hand at crank works disciplines november 27th through december 12 2021 we're gonna take the show on the road just like we've done here at crank works bc and like we started last summer with the cliff crank works summer series so plenty more to go on the crank works world tour one more stop how excited are you you're gonna head down there pretty soon aren't you yeah i'm looking really forward to getting down to new zealand i don't know about the quarantine but we're going to get through it but yeah getting getting back to rotorua is really you know it's it's crank works when you think of rotorua and getting back there is something that's going to be really cool to see these guys finish off the season and really push everything they got we know the course that they have there we know what to expect we've seen those events nikolai's won there you know emile's one there so it's going to be such a such a good event so big thanks goes out to everybody involved with crank works in order to make these events happen in such difficult times putting together crank works bc also putting together crankbrook's rotorua coming up as a third stop on the tour but we could not do it without the huge support and belief from our sponsors sram max's cliff rockshox specialized pink bike title gt swatch pivot lead seven mesh camelback trail forks whistler brewing hey y'all and of course our broadcast partner red bull tv thank you to everybody who makes this possible we couldn't do it without you and we're keeping the mountain bike dream alive in 2021 the world tour is not over yet thanks for joining us out here at slope style and at all the stops in craig works pc it's been a crazy two-week road trip with three stops thanks for joining us thank you everybody at crankworx and boombox i've been your host cam mccall thank you alan cook for joining up here and sharing your wisdom we will see you in rotorua [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 171,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, bike, crankworx, crankworx 2021, crankworx live, replay, crankworx replay, mountain bike, mtb, mountainbike, mountain biking, slopestyle, slopestyle mtb, erik fedko, emil johansson, tomas lemoine, thomas genon, godziek, nicholi rogatkin, crankworx slopestyle, slopestyle live, red bull tv, brett rheeder, crankworx bc slopestyle, british columbia, matt mcduff, whistler, silverstar, silver star, title
Id: eSKvaukEc0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 45sec (9045 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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