Red Bull Joyride is Back LIVE from Whistler, Canada. | Crankworx MTB Slopestyle 2018

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oh my god I don't think you can never have some experience they're just like insane in my head I've done it before but it's still hard [Music] slopestyle mountain bike fans take a look at where we are right now if you call yourself a slope style mountain bike then I know you recognize this place because this is the exact epicenter where the sport was born middle of Whistler Village the boneyard slope this is Red Bull Joyride now the skies may be smoky but the winds are calm and the stage is set for the most ridiculous slopestyle contests in the history of this sport on behalf of Crankworx Whistler we'd like to thank the Squamish and Lowell whatta Nations for welcoming us on their traditional territory to hold this amazing event for the 15th time in history irony was kamek all alongside our expert today Tyler McCall and Tyler can you feel the anticipation building today is today the whole seasons been leading up to this we've had an insane one guy everybody's talking about today is Nicolai Roy gakuen he has the chance to win the first ever Triple Crown of slope style I believe the Triple Crown started four years ago no one's ever been able to attain it Nikolay is the only guy that has a chance to win it this year but he's got a lot of guys trying to take it away from him now a new guy on the scene a guy who got on the podium in the last event in Lachey Eric's fedko out of Germany he's looking so strong in practice as well he's been getting better every stop just maturing for grafting and getting the knowledge that he needs to bring it to this stage which is his first time in Joyride and I don't think he's gonna hold back at all now we know jor ID for being a course that offers up more features and most other competitions on the circuit one guy in whose favor that plays into a Simon Gonzaga he loves extension and there's a lot of airtime on this course so I think we're gonna see some really big stuff the winds are low today and you know he likes to hang it out really looking forward to seeing Simon Godsey X tricks but a guy who's really skyrocket himself into contention to be a top contender out here this season is Diego Cavanaugh see so many front flips on so many different features that's right and unfortunately we saw him take a crash on a front flip off of the cabin earlier in practice and he was doing in practice and just had a little mishap so hoping to see him back in the start gate today it's a long week of practice these headers have been experimenting so much and sometimes those experiments come up with crashes luckily Diego even though he broke his thumb apparently he's still gonna compete today so what a charger so those are our picks don't agree with us you're lucky because there's a platform for you go to fantasy Crankworx comm make prizes up for grabs a trip for two to stop number one of the 2019 season in Rotorua New Zealand Tyler you made a team I did I had to start out with Simon God said he's one of my favorites after watching that video you riding with him it made it even more clear thomas Lemoine he's gonna be gunning for the king of khang Bert so you know he's trying to put down a good result he's not gonna take this one lately I had Brett reader I wasted a lot of budget on him I don't want to say wait said it wasn't tough to to to burst my bubble like that but gotta have him on the team and then Matt Jones king of extension all his tricks are so perfect one of my favorite people to watch out a bike so I'm feeling pretty confident bout my team right now a little bit of insider trading because you've actually been riding practice of those guys you really know who's looking good out here today take a look at Tyler riding practice in his course preview time a call here with Canada's own Anthony Missouri two-time red bull joyride podium finisher he's gonna give me a look at the 2018 Red Bull joyride course you ready to train me down this thing or what let's get it dude let's do it after you alright so right here we're gonna see Anthony off you take the step-down line I'm taking the flat drop that's one of the only options lines on this course then you go into this big cannon super high speed get a trick coming into the 4-pack this is where you're gonna see a lot of riders link back to back tricks say what's up boys coming into this little roller section into the cat big wheel Channel and then into this moon booter huge job ton of braking here and on oh that's it oh Anthony bringing it in hot that's 2018 credible joyride course preview the Anthony Missouri Thank You fun brakes a burden so that's the course these guys will be riding out here today and for one of those competitors this right here is up for grabs this is the coveted Triple Crown trophy the Triple Crown was up for grabs in 2015 and every year since but nobody has won it and for good reason it's no easy task [Music] the Triple Crown the best that's never been one you think it's possible we've had a few guys come close in the last few years but still no one has claimed the Triple Crown title it's a lot like waiting for the fruits to drop on a slot machine incredibly difficult but someone will do it in 2015 Brett reader was the man in the hunt Brett this is looking great into the moneymaker say hello to your new leader Brett reader one more jump does it Brett reader the only guy in the running for the Crankworx Triple Crown first of its kind all back foot Oh second of follow run this is Brett reader in the hunt for the Triple Crown can he nail this backflip double tail I tried so hard to just like block all the all the pressure that the media made and and myself but I don't know there's like there's no way around it it's just who can put it together that on that day and and with that pressure it's it's tough so in 2017 it was the turn of rogatica front flip on the dirt to dirt good for the twister can you land it perfect once again Nicolai broken defies expectations and sets a new level broke a can these needs to stop this o talents Nikolay mercaptan is your champion here at Crankworx Innsbruck can you secure the Triple Crown here we go the frontcourt 1080 wow this runs looking so perfect the home stretch the best of them Nick light goes down triple crown title at stink for attacking here we go into the Castro let's get over Oh Joe the fat tire no come on rubber please hold air for Nikolai Rican no yeah that first run felt good just didn't work there on the end of the second run how to had another mistake with the with the blown out tire but tough to swallow but you know you got a ticket and so to 2018 after a disappointing first stop in Rotorua rogue action blew into Europe with a fiery determination incredible displays of progression and consistency saw him logged back-to-back victories in Innsbruck and Lachey with two wins under his belt the final piece of the hatchet is once again inside something that all of us riders know is there and know as possible but it doesn't really see achievable to actually complete that and win it would be would be beyond words yeah the added pressure is there but it just makes me kind of more motivated to to get a crazy run down the hill will this be the year someone finally hits the ground jackpot so a lot of pressure on Nikolai yakkung today but you gotta believe all the riders out there are feeling the butterflies to get an inside look we have a third member of our team Michaela gateau she's stay in a course I let's hear from her Michaela I've got Brent reader here first in Rotorua second in the two european stops how are you feeling today I feel pretty good had a pretty good week low win this year last year was super windy practice all week long and you know the smoke today is a little bit of a blessing in disguise because when there's this much smoke there's no wind and and it's allowed for us to have some good practice sessions so so yeah I feel good I'm I'm ready to go just kind of passing the time until I have to drop in for my run and if you win today you will win the Crankworx FM be a slopestyle world championship and the overall how does that feel I don't know it sounds like a tall order I'll do my best and well we'll get to that bridge when it comes all right we'll just focus on your runs do what you know you can do and good luck out there thank you thanks Mikayla everybody on pins and needles excited to watch that guy drop in because he is the current leader of the Crankworx FM ba slopestyle world championship and for an overview on what that means take a look at this there's four events we started out down the southern hemisphere at Rotorua New Zealand we went to Europe in Winston's burg Austrian Liz J France now we finish it off where it all started here in Whistler this is how the competition works each rider gets two runs they can mess up a run that's okay all you need is one solid run who's going to be determining who takes the cake here we have four judges an esteemed panel plus one head judge over viewing everything making sure everything's in line a thousand points goes to the leader trickled on after that and that title still up for grabs last year Emilio Hansen out of Sweden was the guy who took the world championship title worth $25,000 now if you win three of those that's called the Triple Crown any three it doesn't matter so nickel IRA gakuen won the two european rounds if he wins here in Whistler he'll take home another $25,000 so a lot at stake out here that's why there is such a massive crowd this is the pinnacle of the sport we've had three slopestyle competitions already in this 2018 season but nothing even compares to this and these riders I'm sure are feeling yet the the nerves but also the excitement and the adrenaline that redbull Joyride brings redbull joyride 2018 run number one coming up right after the break [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well the crowd is filling in just as much as the smoke has but with smoke here on the boneyard that means no wind what does that mean this is shaping up to be the best Red Bull joyride ever because take a look at the riders we have the first rider dropping who just posted about a half an hour ago that he decided to drop in none other than the 2017 world champion and me'll Johansson out who else we have Anthony Missouri Canada zones we only have a couple Canadians in the field today Thomas Shannon Eric fedko the new kid on the block Diego who's nursing that broken thumb Tomas Lemoine who's gunning for the king Crankworx Nikolaevich Aachen and Brett reader well that I mean you got the characters you got the course you got the crowd all the ingredients are there and what better way to kick off the action then a course blessing from members of the Squamish lil watt Cultural Center welcoming us on their traditional territory this is going to be a fantastic day here Redbook Joyride 2018 well Red Bull Joyride 2018 starts right now [Music] [Applause] it's not this mount lights festival now like this is getting bigger and bigger it's one of the biggest things that has happened to the school in the last 10 years [Music] the vibe here is what makes the finale a feather [Music] [Applause] [Music] there it is we've been waiting all season months and months of anticipation not only for the crowd you see their core side but for all of you viewers at home and ourselves included nothing even compares to this event right here so difficult to find yourself on that start list and one man who's been absent from that start list all season he isn't even hit jumps this big in a year his last big event was Crankworx Whistler Red Bull Joyride 2017 he's the world champion coming into this I'm talking about Emilio Hansen we get to see her past world champion dropping in first here we haven't seen him ride a course since here last year so we're in for a treat here starting off and increasing that was an office hit tt up on the cannon a meal riding true to his far and then we saw him riding to last season a huge court 720 on the first jump of the fourth back coming to the next one truck driver the downside Taylor holy cow Neal is back coming into the cabin Harris by Amy [Music] three-sixty tale about feminism ago we saw him doing last year proving that he hasn't missed a step [Applause] oh come on backflip kailath two bars been showing why he is the reigning world champion it's got a table up on to the camp and in 361 foot a can down you know it's gotta feel strong be kidding me this guy has been off the bike for 10 months he comes out and does that at the beginning of the week it was amazing to see him here just to slap some high fives because he's been absent for so long but to see him in practice it felt great but to see him finish a run and celebrate there with Martin Soderstrom who appears to be wiping tears from his eyes because he knows how hard it is oh this is amazing Michaela Gatto standing by with Emile Johansen Michaela okay there's some tears being shed down here Emile you came second here last year you're a reigning world champion you've been off the bike for almost a year now how good does it feel it'll be back I'm like speechless it's such a tough year doing big time so I never thought I was gonna be able to ride a bike again and yeah I'm here well you absolutely just crushed it and we can't wait to see you back or so happy [Applause] [Music] wipe the tears out of everybody's eyes here and analyze this run an emotional moment for the young Swede not able to ride for the last 12 months in a competition that right there is something we saw him doing last year a double truck driver - actually opposite downside - up he's the only person we see do that trick and we haven't seen it since here last year so good to see him back on for him backflip tail up - barspin he didn't miss a single thing Kumbi got everything exactly how he wanted his head well Emilio Hansen I can't think of a better way to start this competition as we await the score for the young sweet 84.5 to start the day this is gonna be a doozy our first rider with a score in the mid-80s our first rider also the reigning world champion and that's got to set the stage for the rest of the riders you know the the last few on the start list Nikolai we got Ken Brett reader they're kind of scratching their heads like man we forgot about him you know he's still got what it takes morale is high in the star tower right now as we take a look at Torquato testa out of Italy a rider who's seen a Crankworx slopestyle podium but fell off tour but battled his way back this year just in time for redbull joyride Torquato has been working real hard to get himself back onto her he earned the wild-card at Tom Dempsey Bergin's big white Invitational just about a month ago and now he his back on course right where he wants to be she was going to take the fly drop as well with the truck driver to start things off coming into this ramp can with a backflip talent por cuanto test on the first runner we ever saw tri backflip tail up off a cannon feature just a few years ago on this very slope not able to stomp it here in 2018 so Tyler let's see if we can look back at the replay of that backflip tail up try to figure out what went wrong you know he was doing it in practice so what happened so an unfortunate start here for Torquato the truck driver went well coming into this backflip tail it's tricky to do off of a cannon because it's a flat take-off yes a Yank with everything he has throw that tail up around and he just landed a little bit with his weight offset to the left so knowing that the history tends to repeat itself he's not doing this big church right now it's gonna say sometimes it's a good idea to get up even if you have a crash and just try to make it all the way down to the bottom of the course but you never know what's going to happen at everybody potestas going to get a score here obviously that crash will be reflected but we'll wait for his second run to see what he has up his sleeve and I know he's got a lot up there because we've been following him and practice all week long his Instagram page flat drop flip off the final feature to finish things off for him good to see that he was able to escape that crash without any injuries [Applause] so Tyler we talked about Torquato test a falling off tour and then clawed his way back up tell me a little bit about this next guy in the gate Jakob pencil so yoga has been working hard all season to get on to her he's falling off to her he's been so close every time he was one of our alternates another rider pulled out of the competition so Jakob found out just a couple hours ago that he was actually gonna be dropping in for Red Bull Joyride so it's a bit of a balancing act for him during practice all week how much does he want to risk how much does he want to put on the line he doesn't even know if he's in yeah just shortly so here he comes it's back in a Red Bull Joyride [Applause] in the Strand cannon nice backflip there the four back plates of opposite tricks in there you never know the author's got a big bag of tricks perfect 720 into a front axis 720 he calls it the misty sometimes we call it a casserole that's a great combo there on that 4-pack double bar spin into the cabin three-sixty tuck no-hander out there seen a lot of variety from the knock-up so far [Applause] double tail up on that super booter there that jump boots you so high in the air lots of airtime such a solid run top to bottom for him to different 720's on different axes we also saw him with that double tail I think that's one that we don't see from him too often not too often but it's so hard as a competitor to get your mental preparation not knowing if you're even in the competition not knowing how hard to practice and you just do down a really good run so pretty proud of him to see him do that on such short notice well the score to beat 84.5 as the judges do their thing let's take a look back at the run here's the cash roll he calls it the misty 7 it's a front axis on that rotation right after he was doing the the Cork's 720 on the backward axis how cool is it to be able to link those up back-to-back I'd say that's got a score just as well as an opposite in a regular linked just because they're two completely different axes 720's the judges love it when the tricks complement each other and now here we go off the kokanee drop got a little scared for him there not much time to react if you over rotate on to that last feature he was able to yank back get that back flip wasn't sure if he was gonna come up short but he got it around amazing ability to keep composure on that cope can he drop to get that flat drop flip out 84.5 is the score to be currently held by Emilio Hansen what's it gonna be a 72 for Jakob vinsol just going to show how technical that first run of the event from Emilio Hansen really was so Jakob got something to work off of now for his second run what an amazing run though considering he woke up this morning not even knowing if he was going to be in the competition but earlier on in the season during our halftime break believe it was Rotorua we had Lucas can opt up in the booth because he was on the alternate list he didn't get in the event like Lucas did today but he earned his way on tour on his own right he's right here in Red Bull Joyride dropping in [Music] [Applause] [Music] today so this is where Lucas has lots of strength on the combos front flip tuck no-hander landing a little low keeping it stock with a 360 keeping his run going though that's what's important leave this is his first time at Red Bull Chara he twice been running me back tail upon double truck driver off a nice triple combo there [Applause] this big red bull kicker double tail up reminiscing what we saw Jakob doing we saw that get a good score so he knows that's gonna put him in a good spot barspin on and what did he have to complete this run oh truck driver off the final drop the kokanee drop that is a solid run right there for Lucas can opt out of Germany that's got to feel good he's been working so hard all year to get to this moment and he just completed his first Red Bull joyride run and as you'll hear a lot of the riders mentioned there's no feeling like entering the finish Corral at Red Bull Joyride let's take a look back the replays he gets a great variation here on this front flip on the first jump in the four pack we had a huge amplitude on that front flip tuck no-hander they're landing a little bit lower than he anticipated having to maybe maybe scrap his combo on the next job but the important thing is he was able to maintain his run you keep the flow going this will be worth a lot of points yeah this double truck driver right there so a 360 with two bar spins would fall down a triple combo which is pretty standard these days which is crazy to think about double truck drivers off of the whale tails and this right here a truck driver to finish things off solid run for Lucas right there Matt Jones excited to see his buddy get his first run down the course well that's great to see Lucas cannot in his first Red Bull Joyride i periods what will the score be a sixty two point two five good enough for three third place so the judges definitely criticizing that missed trick on the second jump in the four pack goes to show that there is no room for any missed tricks out there today well slopestyle bikes come in all shapes and sizes dual suspensions hard tails but they always get set up and customized to suit the rider who's gonna throw a leg over them Matt Jones has an interesting step up and Michaela Gatto caught up with him earlier this is a really short bike I designed this Marine Alcatraz with Marin I basically said let's make a dirt jump bike almost as short as possible because a shorter wheelbase is a more like it's actually more unstable it's like a fighter jet you don't want a fighter jet to be really stable and like planted in the air you want it to be agile change direction so for me a short bike allows me to 720 small jumps and working on 1080 s like that helps to spin I've got a TRP brake hydraulic brake so this is an interesting point almost all riders now running gyros whether that's mechanical hydraulic and I did that here two years ago but I just found you lose so much power and feel through the brake a gyros aren't where they need to be yet for me they're not very powerful I was kind of like trying to stop between jumps and flying off lips into gaps so I ran a hydraulic two meter long hose which is I had to kind of build onto the bike myself because hoses don't come that long that's so I can do a lot of bar spins flat pedals obviously you'll never see a slope style guy with Clif Ian's that's just doesn't happen you'd think that a really big pedal would be better for catching tail whips catching tricks and things like that but when you take off and do a tail whip often your pedal can end up in it like pointing upwards and when your foot comes down you're gonna land on it and it's gonna roll so a big pedal if it was huge it's gonna roll and you're actually going to completely miss it whereas a smaller platform it's only gonna roll like a smaller distance and it's still gonna be on the ball of your foot so that's kind of like a bit of a geeky thing but huge great pedals aren't necessarily better for ending up on the pedals because they can roll you off well I heard a rumor earlier this season that Matt Jones is really smart he maintained a 4.0 grade at grade point average in high school and now I believe it this guy's breaking this stuff down to a science always great to get some insight on how these guys set their fights up everybody does a little bit different Matt Jones liking that hydraulic brake doesn't want to lose that braking power there's actually quite a bit of braking on this course now here he comes one number one starting out with a flat back flip off that flat drop coming to the SRAM Canon with the backs up tuck no-hander great combo off that flat take off two big jobs with double backflip the Matt Jones special into the 720 this is what he needs Wow to create tricks linked together let's see if you can hold it together into the redbull cabin 360 on backflip talk no hander out he's not holding back at all on this run so far wrong run for Matt Jones here best run we've seen from him all season so far look at that time oh I was hoping we would see that from him on that jump that's my favorite trick that he does nobody does it like that 360 on what does he have to finish it off you're having a pedal up off the kokanee drop to finish things up that is exactly what we've been waiting for from Matt Jones he had such a hard time it took him forever to get a top-to-bottom run in a crank where it's slope style finally he did that last year at joy ride but it was a relatively safe run for him considering what he is capable of right there he completely rode to his abilities there and it's gonna be interesting to see if that run was good enough to compare to the run from Emilio Hansen that's currently sitting in the hot seat with a score of 84.5 it's out of the replay double backflip on the first jump of two here so that's a risky move and be over Erlich aids under rotates it's not gonna be able to get speed for the next one putting that down perfect the tires and then he needed all the speed he could get for that second jump so we saw him taking pedals in between the hit that 720 like I like Holly always see him spotting the landing in between the tube slips there which is pretty insane to think he knows exactly where he's at while he's spinning that rotation teller I know you were really looking forward to this next trick when I try this trick I look at videos of Matt Jones I just try to do it like him he makes it look so easy but the extension that he gets on that the way that he holds it the way the angle that his bikes act compared to his body it's just textbook perfect that's what the judges look for Wow flat drop at the beginning flat drop flip at the beginning flat drop flip at the end Matt Jones definitely cracking the code on how to set up a slope style bike but also how to put together a crank work slope style run it's been a long time coming for him we've been waiting to see him link a double flip into a 720 he incorporated all the bangers he's known for in one run that's gonna be a good score the big question right now is it going to be enough to take out Emilio Hansen's 84.5 well the score coming in okay a 68.5 good enough for third place right now very very far away from the 84.5 held by Emilio Hansen what do you think the reason for that is may be repeating the flat drop flip on the beginning and the end of the course I'm trying to think that also combined with the backflip tuck no-hander off the cannon and the backflip tuck no-hander off of the cabin there so maybe they're docking a bit for repeat tricks well in the gate right now good I suppose you could consider him one of my favorite riders because of the variety of tricks he throws I had a chance to catch up with him on his home compound in Poland take a look how long have you had this property to place my third year pick it up I'll show you up what's the key to learn all the tricks mate thanks mister finish you got one hand not jump right I'm trying to be unique to try to do something different by the control out of sight and out of mind my body your soul grab a mic get now I'm blind [Music] so as you can see he's got all the skill and all the tools to put together a top run here at Red Bull Joyride but it all comes down to doing it when the starter says go Simon God's yak dropping shortly he's been slowly getting better and better results at this event can he get something better than his seventh place from 2017 any time this kind drops in on a course or in three he's opting for the step down here first rider to see through that today starting out with the backflip bar spin double tail up on the cannon such a slow rotation by landing at the perfect two pedals looking nice and relaxed coming in this fourth back here starting out with a backflip tail with no pedals there we go huge plastic signature Superman lot of freestyle motocross influence from Simon even a little bit of style on the berm there no hander into the cabin double truck driver out we're seeing quite a bit of variation in this run as well this is gonna be a strong jump to Simon right here yes the backflip Superman seat grab that's your favorite trick right there again truck driver on and how's he gonna route it Brandon over the tail whip we don't see those off flat drops too often these days so I think that's gonna score really well for Simon there I think the strength of that run is the variety of the tricks that's what we're always hoping for when you see him at the start of a course and I'm really looking forward to the replays on that one because he ticked all the boxes he did he had a little bit of everything fully crammed into that run one of my favorite parts there was how he relaxed he looked on that double tail up on this ramp cannon you can tell the wind is calm the riders are able to really hang their tricks out like you mentioned at the top of the show Tyler that right there in between those two jumps we didn't see any pedals you just maintain the speed perfectly and that's the ticking the flow box on the judges category well take a look at this my favorite part of the run horizontal thank you very much that's how you accomplish perfect execution on a backflip Superman see crab now we saw him kind of going pretty slow into this last drop I wasn't sure which trick he was gonna pick you got to go a little bit slower to tail up off the flat drop so that's what he was doing there landing at perfect two petals rounding out his first of two runs this 2018 redbull Joyride well look at the judges right now deliberating they're thinking about the categories on the judging sheet right now amplitude variety style I think all those things check for Simon Godsey acts run right there Emilio Hansen packed his runs so full he's sitting on an 84.5 which is the current leading scorer now Simon Gajic I mean everything from a double tail up to flat drop flips to seat grab Superman flips borrowing equally from BMX and freestyle motorcross switches definitely been Simon Godsey acts strength as he slowly climbs the ladder and Crankworx slope style [Applause] the Simon Gajic makes the fans happy let's see if the judges make him happy that's okay a 61 good enough for fifth place so judges not liking something about that run right there so he's got another run to think about it try to strategize get back on pace and try to get that score where he'd be happy with it well take a look at this guy right here a legend on two wheels Pro BMX so that's why you know his name but in the last three years he's been one of the best riders in the world when it comes to slope style mountain biking let's hear from Ryan Nyquist so this could be like my last Joe ride last Crankworx I'm I'm kind of switching to be next mode BMX park got into the Olympics for Tokyo and so being that I'm on the cusp of potentially making it happen I'd probably have to kind of set the mountain bike down for a while which mean that I would probably lose my ranking and kind of fall out of the Crankworx to earth but I don't think about that I want to enjoy while I'm here and try the people and just like you know enjoy Crankworx because it was such an amazing event Brian Nyquist is such a huge asset to have in Crankworx events he's just the most lively personality out court out on the course during practice every single day and of course he carries such a such a history with him all the riders out there grew up looking up to this guy it's amazing he's adapted his skills to the mountain bike on third place and Joyride just a year ago can he repeat so this could be his last job greville Chara we're gonna see if we can see him go out with a bang right there 360 bar spin a bar spin back whoa dude he's six he doesn't even know what they call that that's a Nyquist move right there he grabs the center of his stem doesn't one hander backflips suicide no he entered a bar spin he's gonna be one of the only people we see do that trick and do a huge 720 move on that rotation such a clean axis he just locks it in and keeps it going until he touches it down to two tires no one can know hander into the cabin what Wow suicide double truck out so he's not holding back his first run up to right here okay d23 sweet suicide no-hander to a late one-hander possibly looking for a bar spin in there coming to the last feature Oh Ryan Nyquist of course looking to get the 360 off that drop that's what put him on the podium last year so flawless up until the final couple of features really hard to nitpick because he packed so much into that run but there were a couple of things that the judges aren't gonna like he did have a great run going there I heard him say yesterday how terrified he is of 316 drops this is a guy that didn't grow up riding drops and came from a BMX background riding strictly dirt and park you don't see drops like that on those courses too often it he was saying he's gonna three say to that drop once or twice in a second run and that would probably be it so luckily he's got another chance here that's 720 right there so locked in he's probably done thousands of those in his day take a look at this might be where he could have got some more points but he was probably looking for the barzmann but still it was a fully extended 360 suicide no hander so take a look at this right here see how his front wheel isn't spinning he actually has to hit his front brake as soon as he comes off the off the take-off so that his bars don't revert to backwards when he takes his hands off such a technical maneuver one of the only guys we see riding with the front brake on this course today but it allows him to do tricks like that and then linking into the 720 right here keepin the nose down on the landing judges love that and the two tires pretty close to the same time right there so the judges will knit pick that final kokanee drop tabletop you know he was looking for the 360 but what's he sitting with right now 50 3.75 good enough for sixth place for Ryan Nyquist so if he wants to repeat on his podium from last year he's at he's gonna have to do it and run number two judges looking for perfection these days back in the day you used to be able to miss a trick not anymore if the riders are so good the talent is so high that you have to trick everything perfectly to get into the 80s and the elusive 90s well you could blame it on the judges or you could blame it on Emilio Hansen is starting out the event was such a flawless run now this guy right here Anthony Missouri you remember you remember him from his breakout performance in 2011 at the ripe age of 15 believe it or not he's the veteran in the field today yeah Ryan Nyquist might be 39 years old but Anthony Missouri has been competing cranker slipped out longer than anybody [Music] starting out yeah huge trick there with a back flip tail up off the step down a front flip tuck no-hander on this Ram Canada so he's on a good one right now Kim back flip double bars been on the first jump nice triple combo coming into that cache fluffy housemate he gets on those now coming in the Red Bull Cabin we saw clips of him doing some good combos in and out of this and practice backflips one foot a can in three single Wow going for a 360 tail up out he just yanked a little bit too hard on that takeoff going down hard but it looks like he's gonna be okay the Anthony Missouri always puts his 360 tail ups on such a wild access really leaning over that left shoulder makes it so much more difficult though when he's riding a step down he was not holding back in that run right there everything was looking so good he wanted to put down his first run perfect well so much brilliance in that run before he had that unfortunate crash on the whale tail looks like he's gonna climb up onto this landing and finish out his run glad to see that he looks like he's going to be okay from that that is not a small feature to fall off of I hope those of you at home can get a feeling for how incredibly loud this crowd is look at that sea of people just thunderous Wars when Anthony Missouri basically a hometown hometown boy raises his hands to them well let's take a look back at the replay before that crash one thing that really stood out for me of course that backflip tail up off the start feature but on this cannon right here take a look at how early he took off on this replica no hander alright stop the tape there see this is how far away he is from the end of this thing and he's already pre-loaded you see his body leaning back before he lunges forward roll the tape and look he completely leaves the log a whole flight length before the end of it great extension that front hit front flip no hander but now take a look at where the run came to a screeching halt Tyler so right here he yanked for a 360 tail but was just a little off axis I'm not sure what happened there but that's basically like him jumping off of a two-story roof landing straight on his knees so showing he's a tough kid he's gonna be back ready for run number two so happy to see him walk away from that now throwing that trick on that axis on a feature like the step out of a whale tail just shows such a level of commitment from this young rider who's actually the veteran out here today a thirty two point seven five he'll look to improve that in his second opportunity so we talked earlier about the crank works F MBA slopestyle World Championship leaderboard here's a look at that list right now take a look at Thomas jinan currently sitting six in that right there Thomas Shannon was the last European to win Red Bull Joyride that happened in 2012 but here today to preserve his place in the 2019 tour and get an invite to Rotorua he needs sixth place or higher so a lot on the line for Tommy G right now Thomas Chinon always a top contender and it's crazy to think that he may fall off tour next year just shows how high the level is here today and this is a pretty serious moment for Thomas you know he's got to put it together seconds often for the flat drop here three-sixteen tuck no-hander a huge combo to start without that flat dropping opposite 360 tuck no-hander so Tommy's Thomas John is doing everything he needs to right now being spot on to her 360 bars but entails so much style and that trick the way that he does that right there a 360 opposite downside tail up looking so calm and collected for everything that he has online right now the Red Bull joyride cam in a backflip one foot a can on he's 61 for the connects up I love how he's making these tricks pretty similarly with the combos backs back and all is so smooth this guy right now I would tell him on slipping a petal yeah oh the name of the game and slopestyle mountain biking is identify your strengths and play toward them when it counts Thomasson on did it exactly that I can't believe how calm you look that whole run it look like he just took a deep breath and said I'm gonna do what I do best he's been struggling foot runs together all season he's had one good result Rotorua and now we're seeing him back in top farm here well that's exactly what we're hoping for when we see Thomason on at the top of the course style composure and variety leaking all these tricks together with ease look at how nosed in he is right there on that truck driver to tail up and that trick is such a risky one because you have to spin a little bit harder than normal to get that tail up around so if he doesn't throw the tail I'm just gonna over rotate the truck driver so full commitment right there for Tommy Jean [Music] now this right here we've seen him do that in years pass on to the final feature slipping a pedal getting she hitting a crank and I don't know how he was still able to throw so much style in that 360 table off that kokanee drop the final feature we've seen take a lot of guys out the ego covers us he approves all the riders in the field right there if you ask them what your favorite thing to watch during a slopestyle competition is most of them will say Tommy G's 360 table doing it off the final coke and he drop is something that the judges will also love B moves into second place seventy seven point seven five great run for Thomas jinan doing everything within his power they get a six are better here today to secure his position in the next year's tour so next rider at the top of the course keep the momentum rolling a new rider on the scene this year out of Germany at the ripe age of twenty we're talking about Eric fedko he's been on a tear this season we got to take a look back at Lachey France round number three yeah I want to end up on the podium for sure I'm feeling good so yeah I think I sure have a run which could end up on the podium [Applause] well he called it out and he delivered he said he wanted to end up on the podium he got a third place in Lachey solidifying his status is one of the best in the world but this is his first time on the biggest stage in the world redbull joyriding fedko seeming so confident for his first year on tour I can't wait to see what he has planned for us right now that's a double bar stand up that's that's the SRAM tannest with a 360 went too far Spain huge move for Eric fedko right there backflip tail up perfect pedals gettin speed there for that signature 360 Indian airs so much extension these riders loving this course out here the joyride crew has put together for them 360 downside tail up in 360 Taylor cook tabletop out he looks like he's just having so much fun out there throwing some of the biggest combos we've seen all day so far back clip ripple bars been just using so many combos into this run Kofi drop straight backflip on what did you have out double truck driver this kid just keeps getting better and better every stop ridiculous Eric's fedko the Terminator we watched him all practice week and he was looking strongest out of anybody out there and then he's adding things to what he had to practice we didn't even know he had those tricks up his sleeve he gets so much better every time we seen him at these paper it stops imagine next season with what he's already doing his first year on tour this kid just uses confidence on the bike and off but look at him look how he adds these things that were unexpected 360 Caleb would have been a big move right there but still throwing in a barspin after that backflip tail up landing perfect at the top this is becoming one of his signature moves a 360 Indian air look at this he is actually going to be vertical on this straight up and down we would have been content with horizontal that would score big points he crashed on that trick at round number two in Innsbruck but not only is he landing it right now he has more extension this was my favorite part of his run right there a huge 360 downside tail up in it's actually an opposite tail for him linked to the 360 regular top side tail up out and squeaking a little tabletop in there just for added stop now it seems like he's just seeing in slow motion today double truck-driver off another huge triple combo to round things out him and Thomas Shannon just both look like they're riding with so much confidence right there like you said it looks like they're riding in slow motion well it was crazy to start the competition out with that run from Emilio Hansen but now as we work our way through our line up into our top riders we're starting to see some runs that could contend this could shake things up a bit judges are gonna have a tough one deciding on what score to put on Erik fed Codes run well Eric fedko a guy who just oozes confidence and judges right now we're hoping they can put him in the right place to please the fans out here Eric fedko what will it be eighty-eight point two five he pulls into the lead market Emil Johansen in the second place you gotta believe last year Eric fedko is just dreaming about being at Red Bull joyride now he's sitting in first place above all his heroes all his idols who's worked so hard to be here and now he's the man to beat at this moment well we got a glimpse of him last year at redbull district ride we thought this really could be a game changer if he has a good season it makes it to Red Bull Joyride he did and look at that his names at the top of the list right now with four riders to go the next in the gate right now having the season of his life the Italian rider Diego covers Aussie this guy is really dialed in his runs this season unfortunately he took a crash in practice may have a broken thumb that we're hearing right now but this guy's determined to put this run down and I was gonna give up he was looking great in practice starting off in the 360 on that flat draw 360 on this Ram cannon he has anything big for us and up here on this back jump straight backflip so this is white oh there we go there's a front flip that's looking like a Diego Cavaliers Aussie runs you gotta imagine how much pain he's riding in right now from that thumb injury Tyler you've done that before you know what it feels like thumbs are you know that's what he crashed on right there stomping into two tires you don't realize how much you use your thumb so you actually hurt one so Diego covers hace three bronze medals or two two third places so far this year the breakout performance came last year right here where he got a fifth place that was his best performance so far up until that point but making it onto the podium twice this year of course he was doing so much in practice before breaking that thumb and you know that in the second run he's got a little bit of room to wiggle right now if he's able to push through that pain we talked him earlier and he said that he was gonna do an easy run in the first run and have something to work with in the second run but it's got to be a mental goal right here to do the trick that he crashed on so that's what took him out admirable to see Diego riding with that broken thumb one of the most painful things that's your main contact point with your bike every time you land it wants to pull your thumb away from your hand and man I can't can't imagine how bad that must have felt it just shows how much he loves this sport right here I'm sure he's having a hard time he can hold on water bottle with his right hand but he just did that run flips front flips hopefully he's able to thrive off the adrenaline the crowds giving him right now and stomp some more stuff and run number two we talked about that esteemed panel of judges right there Scott Aldridge grant fielder chopper if you used to watch the old New World Disorder movies Jeff Gullah vich a legend in the sport and Craig kinsman those are four judges of course being overlooked by Paul Raque in the background right there just to make sure he could give a little perspective give these brothers the best score the score that they deserve forty one point two five for Diego Cavanaugh see we'll see him and run number two if he's able to continue to shake off the pain now through all four stops of the Crankworx world tour we're trying to figure out who is gonna become the king and who's going to become the queen there's thirty events every rider can enter as many as they want they rack up points from all those disciplines $20,000 to the rider who racks up the most points and our next rider in the gate is sitting in second place in the king standings Tomas Lemoine he's sitting 90 points behind downhiller sam blankets up so more at stake here than just redbull joyride honors thomas Lemoine looking at the big picture he's been working so hard all season riding multiple events not just focusing on slope style he's been winning pump tracks winning speed and styles he's a 20-18 speed and style world champion such a talented athlete but right now he's got his sights set on Joyride here over wind that Frank words overall double truck driver a little bit over rotate about maintaining a speed backflip off the SRAM cannon now this guy is also so smooth just like we saw Thomasin re-elected he always rides no pedals there backflip double tail whip slipping a pedal he did have a crash yesterday said he's feeling pretty sore so it's good to see him still pulling out those huge combos that we usually see him do backflip double bars been in 360 tail up out that's the move that we saw take out Anthony Missouri now he's coming into the Red Bull super kicker backs left tuck no-hander two bars pin so he's squeezing a lot of triple combos into this runs front flip onto the cabin and a truck driver off yes smooth finish for Thomas Lemoine and great variety in his tricks I'll tell you one thing I'm excited that rear tire held on to the rim after that over-rotated first jump it's got to feel good he's been working so hard all season like I said to get all those points he put a run together that front flip onto the kokanee drop always a crowd-pleaser well the judges loved it when Eric fedko was sneaking last minute tricks into his run and Thomas Lemoine was doing a lot of the same things out there so it's gonna be interesting to see how they scored that for an update on Thomas his opinion on this run let's send it down to Mikayla so you crashed yesterday how are you feeling today how was that run for you I didn't feel so good in the morning and felt better while riding in the day it was not my best one ever but I just tried my best and I want to show everyone what I can do how great is this crowd today insane it's like you can see no dirt you just see people plastic does that help your motivation in chasing that king of works title I don't even know if I can be king of frank riggs but I just wanted to do as good as I can be today and we see we can't wait to see what you got for second round good luck out there thanks Michaela it's hard enough to wrap your head around what you just did when you get to the bottom of the slopestyle run and even harder to think of a big picture the king of Crankworx standings but look at some of the highlights of this run Tyler battling such adversity some of these routers they have to do these tricks and practice as well and they crash sometimes so a lot of these riders soar by the time they get to these runs well one of the judges have to say a 65.5 good enough for sixth place overall so far for Tomas Lemoine really excited to see him get to the top of the course for his second run well look at that wait no further the next rider in the gate Nikolaj rogue gakuen the only rider with an opportunity today to win the Triple Crown Nicola wrote gakuen had this to say about the event today honestly if if things work out and I was to win I would be speechless wouldn't even know what to say you know it's something that all of us riders know is there and know it's possible but it doesn't really seem achievable even to kind of get in this position to be able to win it so yeah - to actually complete that and win it would be would be beyond words so I'm not even trying to think about that right now just trying to enjoy Whistler and and enjoy this this epic course and get my run get my run dialed in in extraordinary circumstance that Nikolaj reg akan has found himself in today but the exact type of scenario that he thrives under what do you think we're gonna see Tyler I think we're gonna see classic Nikolai rag at can run right here he never holds back such a competitor always going for the win trying to think about the big picture but more importantly just Red Bull - I have one step at a time right there it's huge pork 7:22 start things out 360 tails on this Ram cannon this guy has been looking so much more smooth every event we've seen him at it's easy quick work 1080 the twister he calls it yanking for a double sided way around gosh I'd never thought we would see those two tricks linked back to back Nicolai Roy Gaskin not holding back coming into the Red Bull cabin backflip in front flip out this jump right here suits Nikolai's style what will we see one two three triple tail up perfect two petals coming into the last feature right now everything is going just the way that Nicolai plan backflip up the coke drop I don't know if we've ever seen that on the last feature and that's a new one for red gold joyride nickel IRA gak in making history in more ways than one will it be enough for the Triple Crown can he overtake the 88.2 5 helped by Erik fedko you got to believe he did everything in his power that was one of the best runs we've ever seen looking so relieved we always see his crazy celebration but there's so much more on the line right now I think he's just so relieved but that worked out the way that he wanted so he's not sure where he's gonna end up in the scoring but I gotta believe that may shake things up oh man some historic links in that run we gotta rewind the tape and savor all those moments 47:20 off that step-down right there he's got a feature at home to practice those on he's gotten them so locked in front court 1080 twister on the first jump of - such a risky move that right there I was so uncertain if you would have all the rotation look at his face just grinning trying to get that last double backflip to come all the way around two tires just squeeze the didn't eat but he still landed rear tire first great air awareness triple tail up right here the own you'll see make that look so easy looks like so much effort for most riders backflip on this right here double tail up off of a flat drop I can't fathom how hard that must be to get the pop and have enough air time to get both those tulips around Wow the score for Nicolai Roy gakuen what will it be will be enough to overtake Erik fedko how high will this being climb Nick LaRocca @king goes into the lead with a 92 point seven five here comes the celebration there it is we didn't see it until he got his score classic Nikolai Roy Gaskin get in there Michaela alright you're just making history today and looking so incredibly smooth out there you're making it look so easy what's going on yeah this means so much to me it's been since 2015 that I even finished a run on this course so doing that whole run and not coming into this finish Corral that was an insane moment for me and yeah I'm stoked over the moon and what's the other rest of the day goes and I see your hand is touching something kind of interesting over here what's what do we got over here yeah I'm super stoked to the opportunity the only one out here that can do this today and I gave it my all on that first run and I got a few things I can step up so I'm ready to give 100% to try to try to get this thing today well with that run and you still got something left in the bag I'd say you have a really good chance today of getting that Triple Crown of slopestyle Nikolaj or a guy can do nutty needs to do everything in his power to put himself at the top of that leaderboard let's take a look at that leaderboard right now Emil Johansen making his comeback hanging out in third place podium position Erik's fedko can he hold on to a second place Nikolaj Roy Gaskin a handful of points above him but there's one rider left to drop for run number one and he had this to say I wasn't mentally and physically ready to compete in Europe because I was busy with my short film and it it totally it totally went to show like with my riding I was I was busy filming I wasn't busy getting ready for those contests and it I killed me to give that the triple crown to him because that's basically what I did so so yeah I'm here and I'd like to do the run that I'm setting out to do and and if I can do that maybe it'll get me a ring and and Nicola I can try the triple crown on another year Wow look at that Bret reader with the eyes on the prize he says I don't care if Nicola has a chance to get the triple crown I'm here to win this event I don't care how many casualties there may be he's gonna do whatever it takes to stop this run right now and this has the work is to be a historical run hang out with a half cab off that start drop probably the only guy you're gonna see get that is that's a back flip opposite pay off on the strand cannon not holding back maybe watching the first jump they're back to double tail upon the second shot they've seen him that trick take him out years pass Red Bull joyride getting it down opposite fork 720 into the cabin we have never seen that before triple truck driver out insane - tricks link back to back right there front flip bars Ben holy cow he had to yank that one around nice little moment to catch his breath get things go he's got something huge right here on the back flip tail upon the flat drop Wow Bret reader absolutely going for it such an insane trick to see off of that kokanee drop we never thought we would see a flat back flip you know if Bret reader going for it they're hanging it all out just a slight under rotation we got a hope if he's able to get himself back up in the gate for run number two so see somebody pop up so quickly after crashing on a trick of that magnitude on a feature of that magnitude just goes to show how these guys are made of steel both physically and mentally Tyler let's take a look back at this run he packed so much in this was a classic Bret reader run trying to cram so much in but this right here getting all the speed he needed for that backflip tail up just miscalculated the rotation a bit it is a big drop bigger than what we've seen him do that on in the past so he may have slowed his rotation down a little bit maybe a little bit too much there's not a bear comes up and just eyes on the prize the same focus he had in the start gate he's taking that all the way back up to the Stargate from run number two but let's take a look at the current standings Nicolai world gakuen firmly in the lead with a ninety two point seven five Erik fedko in podium position these guys dodging the bullet of Brett reader because you know if he would have stopped that backflip tail buff the flat drop it would have been such a high score and Tyler some of these riders we saw did not complete a run so we're looking forward to see them and run number two exactly some guys trying to clean things up just get a run down there's a lot of guys on the bottom of the list right there that could really shake things up they could make this tough on Nikolai they can make this tough on anybody in the field so we still have a lot planned for run number two you never know what's gonna happen well for those of you who are surprised to see Brett reader pop up so quickly after that big crash just know these guys are just as good at crashing as they are at riding take a look at how they got there ladies and gentlemen we will now be showing our slopestyle safety demonstration in the event of an unplanned emergency here are several alternate exit strategies please take a few minutes now to identify the appropriate option in the scenario where you make the trick to fail to make it to the landing zone will be forced to execute the case landing please assume the brace position eyes wide body loose legs extended ready to absorb the impact cabin crew please be seated as we start our descent the captain may determine that the mid-flight ejection is the best option in the case of a mid-air turbulence separating yourself from your bicycle is vital pushing away and organizing a two-point landing is preferred [Music] every section for your second comport that tuck and roll is the preferred selection for reducing the force of impact other tactics include the run-out and besides 720 employed a seven-star in the event of completely uncontrolled landing your default choice off to become Dirac doll at this time place your portable electronic devices into homes north try to stay loose and pray for info after an injury free unscheduled landing please check around for any personal belongings that may have shifted during play on behalf of the entire Crankworx FM ba slopestyle world championship crew we'd like to thank you for joining us and we look forward to seeing you again in the near future the nice day don't crash well that near future will be round number 2 of redbull joyrides ridiculous we're hiding and run number one of course Nikolay rogue a keen leading the charge fedko close behind with the resurgence of emilio hansen hanging out there in third if you like what you saw and run number one don't you go away because run numbers run number two runs coming up after this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for joining us again if you're just tuning in now don't worry you can watch what you missed go to the Red Bull TV analyzer you're able to watch anything you want whenever you want click on everybody's run watch it once watch it twice throw it up on your social media catch up on things that you may have seen but you want to see again always a good option to do during these breaks let's take a look at the crowd right in there they're so excited to see second runs because their appetite has just basically been wet by the first runs there we started off so strong with Emil Johansen like Tyler said if you miss it go to the Red Bull TV analyzer if you miss Nikolai reg Atkins run that's one thing you're definitely going to have to catch up on because there's some highlights in that run we're going to be talking about for years now one thing that you definitely missed because it wasn't in our products broadcast is the Riverside women's only jump jam 15 years ago we started having jump contests in Whistler and it really spawned what we see here today in slope style well now 15 years later it's the women's turn the Riverside jumps our nice little recreational park everything from small tables to big doubles and that woman right there Caroline Buchanan took home top honors first place for her Stephanie Mishka looks like she got second place there but really excited to see 15 years after slopestyle started now the women are getting their taste who knows look at surfing look at snowboarding and skiing the riding the women are doing in those sports is way better than any recreational man stuff that it would place mid pack in men's competition who knows maybe we'll see women in the slopestyle eventually we're seeing more and more every year so that was a great start the Riverside jump jam big step for women's women's athletes out here at crank work well the Riverside dirt jumps in Whistler are only one little sample of all the fun you can have out here outside of the Crankworx venue one guy who's no stranger to joyride Darren berrecloth he has some fun here in Whistler in his own way take a look at how he gets down in Whistler for a lot of people they come to Whistler and thinks you got the Maine gondola right there and the Whistler Bike Park a lot of people don't realize that Creekside isn't almost another entity of wicked trails dropping down into the Creekside village you know it doesn't get as much traffic as though the main though it does and the trails are absolutely insane this is the 50th anniversary for Franklin's see it growth and such a small you know core seem to a global entity where people come from around the world just to come for the crankpins festival it blows my mind no super stoked to see how big that sport has become [Music] man preparing the trails - back then what we for starters now it's pretty insane I competed it at the very first Joyride when it was just two dirt jumps right in front of the Longhorn we remember back in the old days when our slope style courses work this smoothness buck well built [Music] we just rode our earth circus and it says it's insane how a blossom is smooth and flowy it is I'd credit back to the evolution trail building your guys like compro and and the whistle bike park crew you know they've been learning a ton over the years giving us a better time on the bike and having more sweet trails to shred well have a look at who we have hanging out with us in the booth that dude you were just watching Darren berrecloth Darren great to have you thanks guys I've done these two Beauty there fellows for quite some time they are definitely brothers and definitely two of my best buds we've seen some stuff together haven't we Darren we have my friend definitely stuff outside the Crankworx venue but let's reminisce about some of the highlights we've seen since the action started here back in the day the first Crankworx festival 2004 we learned about a guy who goes by the name of Paul bass absolutely it was insane this was a huge moment for slopestyle right here backflip on to tail up off we never thought we'd see that and now it changed the game well speaking of game changers that was a glimpse into the future of what you'd see but another guy who changed the game doing something that was unthinkable was this guy right here remember when he 360 the road gap in 2005 if you weren't there maybe you're too young take a look at this so I remember people talking earlier on in the week Darren says he might 3:6 the road gap and everybody's out no way that's impossible what was it like man well I was pretty confident just cuz I've been spinning quite a few drops filming and whatnot and you know a lot of people thought it wouldn't be done but at the same time I was super confident with it and I just had to go for it I remember Kurt Voorhies he was the only other guy in the world who maybe was capable of that and that's at the time and he was like man maybe in like 15 years when the prize money gets up there but it's not worth it now but you thought it was worth it to progress the sport and look at what's happening out there now sometimes he's not about the prize money sometimes it's just about self pride and motivation you just kind of do what you want to do I love it another monumental move 2008 I remember thinking about the possibility of somebody doing a backflip tail up off of a step down I thought it might happen it's maybe here he won right well he won the next year this was the best trick in 2008 but I feel I feel like this was six or seven years before it's time you guys remember that absolutely it was just like what did we just see a double combo up a step down so we thought we would never see that then and now we're seeing Bret reader try that off of a flat take-off which is hard to explain why it's so much harder well how about this let's explain it like this it took two it took ten years from the time when Greg did that off of a lip down or young we were hey I know what happened to us yeah we got a whole you guys are old man but yeah ten years later now people are doing it without the aid of a radius take off how much harder is it to do it off of a flat take off it's like two times as hard hit but at least maybe three times it's hard because you got to pull all that rotation out of a flat drop rather than letting a curved radius put you there there was a time when people were just wondering if it would be possible to do a straight backflip off a flat drop so Lily absolutely ridiculous what we're seeing so far here today but Darren you had mentioned how difficult it is to crash off that last feature and know that you have to wait through halftime and hope hopefully drop in before the pain sets in right you don't know what's crazy is like I go deja vu a lot of things you've seen tonight he goes deja vu for yourself competing in this event but for myself I remember the year I had a winning run crashed on the final feature right behind me seminar would have had admitting around crash sun-washed feature and then like ten minutes later we were joined each other in the freaking hospital because we had broken bones it's magic or tragic out here you never know what's gonna happen but one constant is everybody always goes for it this guy anytime he showed up at the Stargate he was always going for it do you remember when he won his third consecutive Joyride absolutely mental this guy is such a machine he takes competition serious more serious than any other competitor out there and he's had the best best winning streak that I think we've ever seen I remember when Paul Bass won two in a row everybody thought well that was ridiculous there's no way anybody could win three in a row but never count Brandon seminar out he did just that last year he won again made it five total so he's bowing out this year opening up the door for guys like Nikolai or AG Atkin and Brett reader Darrin that was fun man thanks so much for joining us up here and reminisce and good times we have plenty of memories outside Crankworx but those were some of the highlights for absolutely you know we spent so many years up on this hill hanging out in front of these awesome fans and it's just great to see this mark grow so big and it's just crazy well our time has long passed right now a guy who's looking to etch his names in the history book is Nicolai Roy Gaskin take a look at the current leaderboard Tyler so nicholai has been having the season of his life right now getting better and better at every stop the only man in contention for that Triple Crown Erik fedko our Series rookie sitting in second place and what I'm the most excited about is a meal Johannsen third place we haven't seen him compete in the last 12 months such adversity to come back and lay it down Red Bull Joyride Lucas Knopf rounding out eighth place we see Torquato down in that 14th spot we know he's a heavy hitter so he's got a lot planned for us in second run what we saw our top two out of the 14 competitors at the top of that list and one thing we always do when we're talking about judging as we start pairing runs side-by-side what did this writer do on the first feature second feature let's do that with our current top two runs right now Nikolaj red jacket on the Left Erik fedko on the right so these guys squeezing so many tricks in right there we see fedko getting one more trick up on Nikolaj but then coming in here Nikolaj gets back ahead with this cork front 1080 fedko with the back flip tail up so right now Nicolai is gonna edge him out double backflip first 360 Indian air so crazy to think that we're comparing these tricks side-by-side to each other alright well into the whale tail Nikolaj with a straight back flip Erik fedko up in the ante with a 360 downside whip in a 360 tail whip to table out but a front flip for nickel ira gak and that's the trick that's got diego kevrah saucy that's definitely heavy the signature triple tail up from Nikolaj rogue action right there a back flip triple bar spin from Eric fedko these guys runs worse so on par with what they have to do to win this competition but that right there was a nail in the coffin for Nikolai's score in the 90s a double tail up off of that flat drop well it's really fun seeing those two runs side by side you'd see some of the similarities but maybe some of the small things that Nicolai did not small I'm talking 1080 into double flip that's kind of just next-level stuff that puts him at the top of the leaderboard but we have a whole lot more riding to come here run number one in the bag but it's best of two format out here and the second runs are still to come this is redbull Joyride second runs after the break [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well poetry in motion right there those slow-mo highlights from run number one but it's all about run number two right now in Red Bulls Joyride what will the riders do to up the ante we're about to find out because second runs start right now mount like Festival now like this is getting bigger and bigger [Music] it's one of the biggest things that has happened to the school in the last 10 years the vibe here is what makes the finale special [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well let's do it the riders are back to the top of the course and we're gonna start reverse order so the lowest score from run number one will be dropping first if you remember back he was the second rider to drop he crashed on the second feature of the course but he'll be the first rider dropping in for second runs right now I'm talking about the Italian pourquoi tow testa not sitting where he wants to be right now sitting in the last place he's worked so hard to climb his way back on to her he won the event or no I'm sorry he got second at the event the big white Invitational that got him the wild-card to be here it hasn't been an easy road crashing on that second feature must be frustrating he's had some time to think it over and now we're seeing him back in the start gate wanting to put it down and rise through that red bull finish corral it joy ride luckily he was able to slide out smooth from that backflip tail up off the cannon we're about to find out if he's going to make a change to that trick choice or he's going to go straight for that dream run a lot of pressure on the young Italian right now this is his last chance get some points to get him itself back on to a full time next year striving not the same as his first one let's see if you can get this changing his tricks they're going for a straight backflip so now this will all be an improvement from his first run a perfect 47:29 in the second jump into a cache oh there's that leak a little bit short but still maintaining speed making that look smooth for what it was a tail up up into the redbull cabin a backup no but it can out that's a bit of a signature move right there not an easy trick to do on a step down oh boy backflip on the step up there that jump puts you so high in the air talk no hander on coming into the last feature putting it down to two tires for Quattro riding through the Red Bull finished just as he planned as soon as he woke up this morning wanting to get his run all the way down to the bottom great job Torquato test during our halftime break we heard Darren berrecloth speak toward how difficult it is to have a crash and then get back up for second run and stomp something even more difficult for Torquato testa because he had to wait so long he was only the second person to drop let's see where he decided take the risk out of the second feature it looked like he was maybe trying to take his hands off on that backflip but the four pack was one of the strengths of the run this right here is one of my favorites a backflip no foot a can out of that cabin he makes it look so easy but you don't see many people doing that trick off of a step down double backflip on that Red Bull step up right there just going so high having to rotate that so slow because of how much airtime there is on that jump right here he knows he's almost down to the bottom he's just got a pullback on that back foot put it down to two tires complete his second run of two so that was his last chance out here we're gonna see where he's gonna get ranked in just a minute here will it be enough to slide into podium position he'll need to better in 84.5 in order to land himself in podium contention the judges doing their job Torquato test that definitely did his so much air awareness one of the only guys I know in the world who does double backflips every time he goes riding [Music] you can see a very busy scene up there in the judges Tower a lot on the line there is not a third row honey this next score will be Torquato score for 2018 it's a seventy one point two five slotting him into sixth place so a big smile on his face that performance will give him valuable points toward the 2019 season so take a look at how that shakes up the leaderboard we mentioned earlier that Thomas jinan needs to place six or higher in order to solidify himself on that start list for Rotorua 2019 Thomas Shannon still sitting in fourth Torquato testa in six so jinan still looking safe but a whole lot more riders to come a lot more riders who messed up the refers to run also like this guy right here the veteran in the field Anthony Missouri if you don't remember that mistake from run number one will refresh your memory take a look his run was looking like it could be in great contention to shake off that top three so I hope he's able to put it down number two but here's what happened and run number one going for that 360 tail if something just went weird off that he pulled so hard got off-axis took a hard hit was showing resilience watching him now starting his second run of two back in the gate the CFT starts into the step-down feature and start things off again there's one of my favorite things we see him do the backflip tail upon the step down he makes that look so easy that is such a technical move the front flip tuck no-hander run number two going perfectly to plan just like we saw and run number one together that's a double bar spin ashlynn is evil and a slight under rotation these guys work so hard all week to piece these runs together and that's got to be such a frustrating moment for anthing in this area right there he's looking so good no room for error out there it's like a chain reaction if one trick just even goes 10% sour it's gonna be like a domino effect now Anthony Missouri not having the speed that he would have liked to do that front fork 720 we call that a cash roll on the second jump at the four pack who wasn't holding back he knew the run he wanted to put down he went for it both times he's gonna finish out his run here for the crowd but we're not gonna find out if he was going to stick with his original plan out of that whale tail it just goes to show even the guy who is the veteran in the field right here has more experience than anybody in front of this crowd without a mistake when the pressures on [Music] but this crowd loves him and they're welcoming him into the finished Corral regardless of whether or not he stopped his dream run just great to have Anthony Missouri out here always a crowd favorite he kind of started his career here at Red Bull Joyride many years ago always a fan favorite so from two riders who had an issue in their first runs to a rider who had an issue in practice earlier today he had this front flip crash we have POV footage of that crash take a look what do you think I may be a little under rotation yeah I gotta wonder if he was going for a combo right there just missed rotation we saw him front flipping out of that so many times in practice landing it perfect two tires just one miscalculation and now he finds himself in the start gate of Red Bull joyride nursing a broken from not where he wants to be sitting not he wants to be feeling but this guy you can never count him out we're gonna find out right now how he's able to push through the pain and hopefully ride close to his potential which for him is such a high level what's he gonna muster when riding so good awesome he's already stepping up come on run there oh I'm starting out with a 360 X up into a 360 Taylor letting that fade not thinking about it all back flip tail up coming up a little bit short front flip tuck no-hander he's putting it all together right now [Applause] we know that thumbs gotta be hurting him but he's trying to not think about it for the next 20 or so seconds just put this run together he goes for the front flip out of the whale tail call perfect landing that's what took him out not letting a phaser coming into the red this year kicker here with the cash flow that is such an insane jump to see that trick on just coming up a little bit short Diego definitely one of the riders who was a master of the art of crashing you saw him never even let go the handlebars on that crash nursing that hurt thumb the fact that he was even able to attempt the casserole on that jump which sends you so incredibly high in the air it's so impressive he got a respect this guy's resilience to get in that start gate ride through the pain he just kind of felt it out and run number one but that time he was like you know what I'm gonna try to see if I can make this happen letting it all hang out unfortunate mistake on that second to last feature he's got seven months to heal those wounds but only one opportunity to go for it in front of this red bull joyride crowd so he'll be able to sleep smoothly tonight knowing that he did everything within his power even through adversity [Applause] [Music] diego will go with his first run score but let's take a look at that Triple Crown of slopestyle trophy right there a trophy that has never been one since it was first offered up in 2015 Nikolai Rick gakuen the only man with an opportunity to win that because he won the two European stops earlier in the season but if anybody has what it takes to stomp out nikolai reg Atkins dreams is this man right here a man who has been in contention for that Triple Crown in past seasons having a huge crash on the final seat in his first run but somehow at the start of this course ready to drop it for his second run we're seeing another rider battle through the pain right now such a treat to see Bret leader back in the gate though he start out with this half cab again something we're only gonna see him do today I'll be hitting it perfect making it look so easy it's such a technical move I slip opposite tail up he's on pace right now this could really shake things up 47:20 Fishman barspin him this time so he's he's stepping things up anything for the backflip single shell out they're still on pace this could really really change Nikolai reg Atkins day the opposite quark 720 up truck driver down such huge moves back to back [Music] [Applause] front flip bars been a div and are stepping it up there from his first run this is where it all went wrong and run number one coming in this last cookie drop bar spin up getting all the speed he can for that backflip yeah perfect the pedals brat reader stomps the flat drop backflip tail whip getting Redemption from his first run and even Nicolai wrote gakuen respecting the level of riding from brett reader so impressive he took such a hard hit I can't believe that he made everything work in that run and then you got to know he was sweating it coming into that flat backflip tail it I didn't know if he had the rotation but it couldn't have been any more perfect Oh Bret reader pushing through the paint getting back to the top of the course really excited to hear what he has to say at the bottom of this run Mikayla how good are you feeling right now I feel relieved I feel relieved that I landed that that first one hurt and oh man hey I did it I did it listen to the crowd so much emotion from Brett Rita right there all those tricks he did no wander he can't even breathe right now let's take a look back Tyler I don't even know where to start with he plays on this room everything was textbook this right here the back flip opposite Taylor a back flip tail upon that feature would be insane but he's doing in his unnatural direction linking it into this court 720 which we saw him do in round number one and run number two right there squeaking a bar spin in having to get his knees out of the way of the handlebars and then catching the bars pulling his bars into his lap to get the rest of the rotation such an insane move on the first jump of two right there opposite fork 720 I don't think we've ever seen that into a whale tail this right here front flip bars but we saw him to that run number one that time taking his hands off after the barspin triple combo front flip our spin tuck no-hander right here this is where it all went wrong seeing things in slow motion right now yanking back initiating that rotation on his own without a take off kicking that tail whip and putting it down perfect two pedals did you see him grab those pedals and then just whip his upper body to finish that rotation is he going to be enough to move Nikolay or gakuen out of the lead the score coming in leader takes the lead putting the pressure on Nikolai Rick jackin for the Triple Crown look at that Triple Crown Award sitting in the background taunting all the riders taunting Brett candy take it away from Nikolay taunting NIC like can he take it okay you cannot script this Brett reader crashes Nikolai Rick Atkins sitting in the lead he gets back up to the top of the course stomps his run knocks nicolabird gakuen out of the lead by almost two points Nikolay reg Atkins respecting the level of riding that Brett reader just showcased but knowing his future is in his own hands well let's try to compose ourselves and focus our attention back to the top of the course Ryan Naik was the legend from BMX now the legend from Mount biking a third place to his name at Joyride last year this could potentially be his last joyride with BMX going into the Olympics but right now we're gonna savor this run never a guy to count out they're 360 bars spend the bars been back this unique move right they're grabbing the center of the stem while doing a 360 and throwing his other hand back off backflips suicide no one handed a bar spin like I said it's got to hit us my front brake on that going fast 720 bars been just coming up a little bit short he wanted to go for all right there cam Oh Ryan Nyquist knows that he has to stomp that 720 bars but that's the biggest trick in his bag and he always backs it up by such unique combos on the rest of the course but you know he needed that trick to be able to hop onto the podium and we landed a little less than perfect on the jump before that he was pedaling all the way into the lip so I think he was just lacking speed there to squeeze out that full trick I have a feeling he might put on a show for the fans of the rest of his around here he said he doesn't want to think about how this may or may not be his last redbull Joyride he just wants to save her Crankworx enjoy it while you can he loves the crowd out here he feeds off it every time he gets on the start gate and it looks like he might put on a show for us and complete in the second run well man it's been so amazing having him here the last few seasons in BMX and the Olympics is the big deal so we all understand why he's going to focus his attention on the hat but he was saying you know well after Olympics I'll be like 41 42 am I going to go back to the gold events and try to get some points to get back on to the Crankworx World Tour only time will tell only one thing is for sure having him here while we have oh give us : cheese I wasn't expecting that for 720 double bars been right there I don't think we've ever seen him do that in competition but he wanted to put on a show like I said that was probably not even the jump that he would originally have wanted to do that on but he wasn't gonna hike back up go to a different jump he wanted to do it on his way down the course put on a show for the fans how about this the next thing on his schedule is to try to qualify for the BMX Olympics you kind of need to be healthy for that he doesn't even care he's like this crowd is one of the best in the business and he was willing to try to do a trick that he's never landed in a competition before on a mountain bike and well we all appreciate it Ryan Nyquist [Applause] well as Ryan Nyquist pays his goodbyes potentially to the mountain bike world we take a look at our current standings Tyler Bret reader shaking things up we're calling him the dream crusher right now rockin may have thought he had that Triple Crown wrapped up for the first time in history but reader crushing dreams and taking it away from him potentially but Nikola has another chance we're gonna get a look at leaders run Bret reader starting things off and run number two just as he started run number one off with and then this was a big one back flip opposite tale upon the ceramic cannon such a big move right there it's complemented by his final trick everything complements something here that cork 724 has been you're gonna see where that comes back into play on this next feature right here the opposite cork 720 this guy if you see him do an opposite maneuver you're gonna see a regular maneuver somewhere down the course you can do everything equally both ways which is such an insane skill to have something a judge's reward huge front flip parts but a tuck no-hander right there on the biggest jump on the course so much time to set up for this what's going through his head oh he's just pink and don't mess it up again she's that was flawless she's gonna done that anymore perfect such great air awareness but also just the fast twitch muscle response catching those pedals and then just violently whipping his body into place to Lance Square and perfect without landing behind I saw a nickel IRA gakuen big smile on his face even though Bret reader basically just gave him a whole more busy work day already take a look at this the German rider Lucas could not find his way back onto the crank works world tour we had him as an alternate and Rotorua but right now his first Red Bull Joyride what does he have for us coming into the start flat drop of the truck driver huge front flip on the strand cannon smooth landing big moves for Lucas so far in this run wanting to up his for fun flip on the first jump of the Red Bull four pack massive extension on that 360 tuck no-hander right this putting this run down really smooth wanting to earn his spot on to a full time next year at tail up up into the Red Bull cabin truck driver down now this jump right here we've seen some crazy combinations on today Lync is often from the TT lat perfect two petals this round is going really smooth for him right now coming on to the cokie drop the double bar spin on risky move truck driver down putting that down perfect the pedals improving from his first run lucas not adding to what he had in his first of two runs will the judges reward him so much at stake out here not just gold silver and bronze medals but valuable points to secure position on to the 2019 tour I mean there's only 14 riders so you've got to know that these guys have to be flawless in order to get those points but the extension in that run was definitely a highlight let's take a look back here for the 360 all right stop the tape look at this making a perfect wire right here like a bird spreading his wings let's put some feathers on that thing right there beautiful extension roll it let's watch how smooth he landed this 360 tuck no-hander Lucas can op definitely doing what he needs to do to make it to that first stop of the 2019 season great to see the consistency out of this German rider going for a double bar spent on to the final kokanee drop there there are three bar spins in just those last two features right there well Lucas cannot making the fans happy sounded some autographs where will he land in our leaderboard throwing a lot of technicality into that run number two Lucas not sitting top 10 so far right now a score of 60 2.25 great effort for him out here looking forward to seeing him in the 2019 season but take a look back at the top Thomas Lemoine in the hunt for the king of Crankworx he needs a second place or higher to knock Sam Blenkinsop from the downhill world out of that top spot in the king of Crankworx standings this is his last opportunity to earn some valuable points right here to win this starting out with a double truck driver he said he's feeling pretty sore from the crash he had yesterday backflip bars been on this tram cannon he's improving from run number one there's another improvement 360 inward table the bars been back lift double tail whip the beauty of this course is features are spaced out so you can seat riders make a bobble like that but keep going back flip double bars been landing a little bit low Wow oh that was really fast-paced somehow still managing to get the 360 tail about backflip tuck no-hander on the redbull step up coming in the last feature now this is his last chance ok just took all the wind out of my sails right there thinking he was gonna try to man you're all the way off the end of that and if you're a rider like thomas Lemoine you have as much bike control she does that's something that's within the realm of possibility but is something with really high consequences so I think he missed a couple of the tricks he was looking for right there he must have assumed he wasn't going to be able to get into the position he was hoping for today they just play this way down the rest of the course but his run started out so great so much style and at 360 in word table putting his foot back on into that bar spin so many things going on in that trick right there such Thomas Lemoine style well crazy week for Thomas Lemoine so many events for him sing in ninth place right now not going to take the king of Crankworx overall title he needed a second place to be able to get those 90 points but wow what a great effort for him I hear especially considering he had a crash yesterday and just by hinted what may be on the horizon for slopestyle thinking he was trying to manual that on/off box that would have been something we've never seen before but something we've never seen before was when Matt Jones in his first run stomped an a run you know explain to me a be run in the a run Tyler well he let it all hang out and run number one sometimes you got to take it easy and run number one just to get a score down but I think he has more in the bag he always does he has such a huge trick with one of the most creative riders we've seen on tour starting out with the backflip similar to run number one we're gonna see if he's gonna switch it up at all backflip tuck no-hander on the Strand Kanaks right now things are identical to his first run we saw a big double backflip there and his first run landing school slips a petal Jude he's trying speed for something huge on that next jump 360 table into the Red Bull cabin play his way down the rest of the score still throwing huge nice if he makes look so easy hopefully we get to see that backflip two men yes even bigger than his first run this guy makes everything that too easy so with run one being the best run we've ever seen Matt Jones throw down at a crank where slopestyle of vent a slight bobble and run number two means he'll be taking his first run score but wow just trying to link that double backflip to that 720 again and not having the speed we seen a lot of riders having to pedal in between those two jumps he heard Matt talking about his bike setup he likes to run small pedals but that I've screwed him up right there we'll never know well great showing for Matt Jones out there take a look at our current leaderboard Tyler Bret reader sitting right where he's wanted to sit all season in the first spot Nicolai read got Canseco another chance to shake things up and win that Triple Crown our Tour rookie Eric fedko last year's World Champion fourth place Thomasson on sitting in that top five a good position for him so far but he's gonna want to be stepping that up and run number two and here's a guy who showed up knowing that he was on the alternate list and I believe he was definitely not thinking he was gonna ride the contest because I caught up with him while we were hanging out during practice but he doesn't really know how to practice how much to throw because you don't want to hurt yourself we're contest you're not even gonna be rowdy but he found himself on the start list and he had a really smooth first run didn't he he did and every time these guys drop in on this course whether if he practiced whether it be a finals run they're risking it they're laying it on the line so it's hard for him to find that balance but luckily he practiced some big tricks he was ready for his run as soon as he got called to battle backflip tough no hander I think that's a combo we didn't see him do run number one so he's stepping things up trying to pin that spot on the 2019 World Tour can he beat these two 720s again perfect 720 yes soon frontcourt 720 no pedals in between they're showing great flow the judges taking note of that backflip bars been in 360 tuck no-hander out this run is going great for Yaakov benzyl right now [Music] [Applause] switching his stance oh man we've gone to it somehow limping pedals on that double tail up but he's able to maintain speed and in this final feature bar spin on in a backflip off putting it down he had some improvements he had a couple little mistakes but I don't know that could bump him up in the standings we'll have to wait and see [Applause] well what a run for Yakov vinsol I loved how he leaped those two 720's both on separate axes it's a conventional on the first jump going over the back shoulder and then spinning over the front he calls at the misty 7 a lot of riders have different terminology for that trick but let's take a look at that 4-pack right now flawless execution of these two tricks so this 720 right here he's coming back over his leading shoulder now that's a normal axis 720 something we've been seeing on to her for a few years now still a huge move and then he's gonna change it up into this next one so for a rider who spins left he's dropping his left shoulder on that first 720 I'll take a look at which shoulder he drops here so coming off the front fork axis he actually spins to the right sorry so he's dropping that front shoulder which is the left shoulder in it it gets confusing these guys spin so much but putting it down just impressive to see that he can do those two rotations on completely different accesses so the story right now can't Jakob vinsol jeopardized Thomas Jennings placing well he moves into sixth place right now a 72 his top score where does that put him in the overall leaderboard right now jinan still sitting in fifth right there he's at the top of the course and not too cozy with that fifth place cuz we mentioned before he meets a sixth place our higher so with more riders to go right now the pressure on thomas june on to do all he can to improve that score give himself a little cushion for the 2019 season so I'm pretty sure he's Gary fifth place at this point so I'm asked directly maybe seeing Thomas [ __ ] on one of our favorite riders on tour next year so now he's got his sights set to get the best result he can at this one-stop Red Bull Joyride Thomas [ __ ] not looking for a podium now truck driver to tail up so smooth that is such a technical move that wasn't opposite 360 downside tail I believe we saw him do that the other way in run number one so ramping things up judges will take note of that well that's what are you co that's why I was wondering why he did it that way that was a regular 360 opposite downside tail out of the cabin stepping it up huge in run number two backflip barspin and tuck no-hander one last move double telephonic in perfect two pedals 360 attends thomas jinan taking a flawless run one and adding even more technicality and precision and run number two that was impressive I was wondering why we saw him do that trick the other way we shortly found out why well that was a good good job identifying that opposite 360 downside tail but really for shout out what we see later and this guy having what it takes to win this competition he did in 2012 he now has his own training facility and it's really showing starting out with a 360 tuck no-hander into an opposite 360 tuck no-hander this right here pulling it again and run number two just like he didn't run number one 360 bar spin too late top side tail up perfect two petals look at him getting those on landing right at the top and this right here something you rarely ever if not ever see off of a step down a 360 downside taalib I can't recall a scene now the judges are gonna love it especially how he's complimenting tricks all the way down and look at this style on that flat drop 360 tabletop I gotta believe this might shake things up he's the last guy from Europe that we've seen win a Crankworx it's looking a little nervous there but happy to see his friend put down run number two rotting to the potential we know he has the score coming in in 81.5 so on 81.5 I believe jenolan was sitting in fifth place beforehand and now he's still sitting in fifth place not able to move up the leaderboard but definitely able to put down a stronger score than before but Wow is the stage ever set Brett reader hanging out in the lead putting the pressure on nickel IRA gakuen the only man who could potentially win the Triple Crown of slopestyle for the first time ever Nicolai rocket will be the last to drop so don't you even think about going away this is Red Bull joyride we got a whole lot more action still to come [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is the classic event Crankworx Whistler the way we finish off the Crankworx World Tour every year but take a look at how we start the World Tour every year and how we will be starting the 2019 Crankworx World Tour Rotorua New Zealand [Applause] Frank works Rhoda Lua march 18th to the 24th 2019 for tickets and information go to Crankworx calm it's all about whistle right now and take a look at your current leaderboard Bret reader the team crusher sitting in that first spot nicolai rockin having a second chance to shake things up win that triple crown eric fedko series rookie emilio hansen 2017 FM be world champion so can i see him in the start gate again such a cool story we haven't seen this kid able to compete in the last 12 months he earned his Red Bull helmet here last year proving that he was such a force to be reckoned with and then he was plagued with injury he has new sponsors this year he's been wanting to show them what he can do and we didn't know what to expect we didn't know if he was gonna be back in top for him if he'd be rusty and he was not rusty and run number one it's true we didn't know until about 30 minutes before the broadcast started that Emil Johansen had decided to ride he'd been riding practice all week and here's another treat for slopestyle fans and Bill Johansen dropping in for his second run the said he wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to ride again now he's sitting in fourth place you know his confidence is back and he's gonna go for it in this run number two opposite double tail up on a cannon they're such a huge move Forks 720 on the first jump of two in a row right here no pedals perfectly smooth husband - downside killed I'm laughing because he makes it look so easy but it's so technical Amy an air up into the Red Bull cabin 360 Taylor pal looking like he hasn't lost a step in the last 12 months backflip tail up too late bar space so late the last future right here backflip bars been on I believe that's an improvement for run number one 360 they're hanging a foot possibly looking for a combo but another insane run from last year's World Champion this kid is just unshakable that's a type of precision you see from somebody who's been riding all year long these riders they're so dedicated to this sport they do not spend any waking moment not either rotting her bike when thinking about riding their bike where we go and Mills Trek teammate they're the guys sitting in the leaf Rhett reader congratulating him on his return to competition in two stall two runs so happy to see that guy riding again we have missed him on to it it was so impressive all year last year and it's just so good to see him back this right here 360 barspin the barspin the opposite downside to a quad combo two bar spins opposite hill so many things in there a trick that we never thought we would see we're watches in slow motion but it's as if he sees real life and slow motion how he's able to pack so much in each feature it couldn't have been any more perfect 360 skill how did he have the confidence to do that with how little of riding he's been able to have in the last 12 months we will never know so good to see this kid back and I hope we will see him around for a long long time well because Brett Reader stomped his run and went into the lead Emilio Hansen will need an eighty eight point two five to move back on to the podium he was hanging out on podium contention for a large portion of the day today will this run put him back into the top three is another huge run from the young Swede judges deliberating working hard seeing if it had what it took to move him into the top three Emil Johansen and eighty six point seven five in his second run still hanging out in fourth place it's got to feel good for him but it also has to feel amazing for this next rider securing a joyride podium and look at that he knows somebody gave him the word right there what Emil score was Eric's bed code kidding high five congratulations from Nicolai Oregon who has a big job to do but right now Eric fedko an opportunity to style it out for the crowd looks like he's happy with his third-place finish landing his dream run I couldn't imagine him even trying to pack anything more into that run no he creamed so much in there I got two podiums his first-ever season on tour this kid is also a kid we're gonna see on tour for a long time getting better every stop he's just enjoying this moment third place redbull Joyride last year he wasn't even on the rider list we didn't even know about him 12 months ago please at the last two stops on the Crankworx world tour so consistency at play it's going to be really exciting to see him at the first stop of the 2019 season down in New Zealand because you got to know he's going to be there [Applause] [Music] so take a look right now at the current leader the guy sitting at the top of those standings Bret reader crashing his first run getting Redemption in his second run and putting all the pressure on Nikolaj rogue Atkin Nikolaj Rick gakuen prepares in the start gate so much I play right here to Crankworx FMB a slopestyle World Championship the Triple Crown of slopestyle and if you missed the leading run right now from Bret reader take a look at this screen this is that --cork 720 bar spin his natural direction so good to see leader and Nikolaj battling it out at the finals here they have such different styles Bret going with the technicality of opposites regulars linking everything back-to-back Nikolay just going for the straight bangers but that right there the backflip tail up off the flat drop and the finish something we never thought we would see you know something funny is you're watching these two riders being influenced by each other also Bret reader doing that front flip barzmann a tuck no-hander a trick you would normally see Nikolai rag a can-do Nicolai doing things like corks 720's on step downs to start his first run here it comes Tyler Nicolai rogue Atkins final run the final the final stop of the 2018 scene and the only person who can secure the Triple Crown of Crankworx looking smooth so far what else is he going to possibly cram into this building can't imagine the first jump frontcourt 1080 perfect two petals double backflip we get this one looking even cleaner than run number one getting that double backflip that's what tuck no-hander that was a straight back flip and running boy flip talk no hander that was a straight front flip and run number one he is cranking everything up here and run number two one two three yes is hellah coming in the best feature his last chance to secure the triple crown of crank whirs backflip bars been in another improvement double tennis gets perfect pedal a rag Atkins stopping his run and improving on his first run the pressure on the judges Wow look at the sportsmanship here Bret reader respecting the game of nickel IRA gakuen so I counted three things that he improved on over run number one right there Mikayla it's time to interrupt this dude's to party right now hittin a nickel IRA gak in space let's hear it how did that feel I was absolutely unreal being the last guy to drop I just wanted to put on a show for these people the last thing I wanted to do was crash and yeah I made it down here so damn I'm stoked I was an absolutely amazing run let's just see what the judges have to say Oh Thank You Michaela that is the big question right now such an impression on nickel IRA gakuen about two minutes ago now all the pressure on the judges they do not have an easy job how did he have more in the tank he's praying so much in Iraq number sticking with that front cork 1080 there he calls it the twister unfathomable how he could possibly have that on such lock getting it perfect we saw him doing it practice even watch him take some petals here I wasn't sure if he's gonna have enough speed for this double backflip he cleaned that double flip up with a little bit more amplitude making it look a little bit more fluid than run number one putting it down perfect two petals and then we saw him just adding bar spins adding tough no handers and places where there were straight tricks before right there backflip tuck no-hander that was a straight backflip run number one front flip tuck no-hander he knows he's got to get over two points to beat Brett reader with a ninety four point two five nicolai sitting in the ninety two's so cranking things up adding more combos and still sticking with that double tail up off the final kokanee drop oh wow we're receiving word that the scores are in will we have a triple crown or will we have a two-time joyride winner what will the story be where will this score land nikolay rag akan golden an elated wins the competition and the Triple Crown of his first time window boy ride winning all three things the whole tour the Triple Crown oh ho the head you have got to be kidding me all we said it earlier you can't script this but now with the fairytale ending celebrating with a nice cool kokanee Michaela let's hear some more from Nikolaj look at Kim you just made history as the first man to ever win three slope styles in a row the Triple Crown of slopestyle what do you have to say for yourself well I honestly can't believe it I just want to thank all my boys here for just believing in me and you know telling me all this week that that I could do this and that it was possible and I you know I believe in that myself and made the right happen so who spray the best moment of my life right now yes oh man nicolai reckon you made everybody here so happy it's insane how much pressure was on this guy's shoulders and he was able to rise above it all and stop the run of his life so many elements of this day today are just groundbreaking through a turn of Emilio Hansen the Clara gakuen making history by snagging that Triple Crown of slopestyle and Darren Kinnaird so excited the general manager of Crankworx it was his idea to put this up for grabs and four years later Nikolai Rick akan has done it oh man we're still catching our breath here but let's try to digest this leaderboard so our final results nikolai obviously in that top spot brett reader letting it all hang out just not able to squeak it past nikolai today eric fedko second podium of the year Tour rookie last year's World Champion fourth place Thomas Sheen on securing a spot on the 2019 World Tour Jakob pencil getting some delicate points to keep him on to her in Torquato who earned himself a spot back on to her getting 7th place at 2018 redbull Joyride it's amazing to see so many stomped runs out here Brett reader may have not won the battle here today and Red Bull Joyride but he won the war of the cranker 7ba slopestyle World Championship Makayla let's catch up with them all right Bret so a little bit bittersweet today I know you wanted to go for the win but you are still the Crankworx FMB a slopestyle world champion how does that feel yeah it feels great yeah you're right it is bittersweet I tried to go ahead and win and you know I made a couple mistakes it didn't let me do the run I needed to and yeah down here in second place Congrats to Nikolay the Triple Crowns a dicey dicey thing to try to to try to tackle and and he did it so congrats to him well I think you made an amazing recovery today absolutely stopping that second round so congratulations again on the championship title thank you thanks Michaela I'm sure after the dust is settled here the smoke is cleared from the Red Bull joyride course Bret reader will have a time to gain some perspective because he is at the end of the day a world champion in this discipline based on his consistency all season long but take a look it was only a handful of points that he did it by only getting it by how's my math 44 points pretty darn close such an achievement in itself to win that overall but you know he's going even more hungry next year but right now look at this guy well the triple crown trophy finally gets to leave Darren canards garage and I've seen where Nikhil IRA gakuen holds all of his trophies I don't know where he's gonna find room for that he's gonna have to get a bigger trophy room but it is going to be a huge night in Whistler British Columbia today as Vladimir Rogue Atkins celebrates with his son accomplishing the unthinkable Wow well without a doubt the best redbull Joyride we've ever seen we're gonna be talking about this one for years in years for all of us here in the booth I'm Kay McCall alongside my brother Tyler McCall and Michaela shadow stick around for the post show if you're online but thanks for joining us and we'll see you next year in Rotorua New Zealand Wow I mean it's not necessarily an incredibly hot day but we're sweating because what we just saw that was what was a fun one to call man this is my first time doing this all year first time watching it from the booth I think that was the best contest we have ever seen the rivalry between reader and Nikolaj all season ending with Nikolai winning the Triple Crown couldn't have been scripted as you said now is an insane show we could talk about the ideal circumstances what we hope to see and what would be the workings the ingredients for something we'll talk about for years to come but the odds of it actually happening so slim winning three of four stops just winning one is a huge achievement Nikolaj winning all three and stay in achievement I think one thing's for sure the crowd here on site is very happy but it's always hard to please everybody so we have a little thing we a little motto we go by and we say don't read the comments because you just might see something you don't like well our colleagues at boombox Productions decided to sift through those comments let's see what they have for us right here which one are we reading guys all right Mac Ripper says we're judging ever all right Tyler I'm gonna put you on the spot and ask do you agree with Mac Ripper or not people on pink bike will always have something to say I think our top results were judged perfectly I gotta wonder about gods yak as well we didn't see him take his run number one maybe he's frustrated with his score I thought he laid down a pretty solid run right there and his score is pretty low so did he get deterred from that I'm not sure maybe Mac Ryder knows a little bit more than we do I know you'd mentioned at the beginning of the show if you miss the action you got to log in and watch the replay I know I for sure I'm gonna be doing that because it takes a little while to digest the results here that's definitely something I'm going to be thinking about Simon God taking Matt Jones definitely not getting the scores at the time of their run that I thought they deserved but maybe they all fell into place in appropriate positions that just means we're gonna be talking about Joyride for a few more days as we watch the replays and really talk about the scenarios but one thing's for sure sport aside entertainment value at an all-time high so Tyler last stop in lachey this little kid from Germany Erik fedko we knew he was consistent cuz we were watching him all week in practice he called out that he had what it took to get a podium and then he backed that up by getting a third-place he does it again here what do you think the future holds for this kid I think he's gonna be around for a long time we saw him at running our stop number one in Rotorua didn't know what to expect I didn't know much about him and I just watched him in practice and I was thinking this kid definitely has what it takes getting better every stop third place in lege really got his confidence up to where it deserved to be and here he is in Red Bull Joyride his first time ever in this competition securing third place to guys who I'm pretty sure see life in slow motion or Emilio Hansen in this kid right here Eric fedko we have the luxury of being able to watch his replays in slow motion but take a look at his extension on this 360 Superman sea crab and in air we'd be content with horizontal the he goes Burt he's got a lot of variety in his runs cam he does a lot of barspin combos tail up combos flips 360s and that one right there just so unique maneuver the 360 seat grabbing you know rocking the pink t-shirt earning the nickname The Terminator you never see the Terminator roll into a situation wavering in his confidence know this kid I keep saying it but for a rookie I've just never seen someone with that much confidence even after years on to her he's got like a swagger he's just cruising around he's got this smug look on his face he just knows exactly what he's capable of he knows where he stands against the other riders and he proved again that he deserves to be on that on the podium whether it be third place next year maybe we'll see him in the top spot we'll have to wait and see on top all that go figure he's a good kid too he seems like a really nice kid he rented a downhill bike to go compete in the whip off earlier off and earlier on in the week he looked like he was having a blast so a whole lot more to come from him but let's talk about the guy who got second place his life here Brett reader second place is not a place he likes to stand but he is our 2018 world champion tricks like that the court 720 bar spins back clip opposite tale upon the Canon to a backflip regular tale upon that jump there front flip bar spin the tuck no-hander his runs are not easy to call cuz he squeezes so much in ending with a backflip taalib off that flat drop right there well the craziest thing is when you think about the fact that he probably had more in the tank that he was trying to do I really respect his ability in that run to maybe miss something but just stay focused and go for it cuz he only had one more attempt left and you gotta remember his crash and run number one that couldn't have felt good he slid on his head and shoulder all the way down that landing of the last feature the kokanee drop and was able to gather himself maintain composure get in the gate and stomp down a second-place run so we learned something today slopestyle mountain bikes not for whiny babies no these guys are tough in tough guys out there well let's take a look at our Ward's ceremony right now we just broke down the 3rd and 2nd place so it's time to give out a bronze medal to that youngster out there with the unshakable confidence eric fedko [Applause] so well deserve this kid seems like he came out of nowhere but he was working his way up the ranks and all the European stops last season earning his spot on tour now standing on his second podium of the 2018 season at the Super Bowl of slopestyle mountain-biking Red Bull joy red we talked about how full Nikolai reg Atkins trophy room is now this kid at the beginning of his career he's got his first Crankworx joyride medal and maybe not his last if he keeps up at this pace Brett reader second place not where he wanted to be standing but still such a huge achievement second place a Red Bull Joyride we talked about how good his riding is today but we got to mention his sportsmanship first to congratulate Nikolai Bracken at the bottom of his winning run he didn't want to give it away to this guy right here he made him work for it Nikolaj Rick got kin showing how much of a competitor he is he always has more in the tank able to steal the elusive Triple Crown well there's your top three and we're gonna be joined in the booth here shortly by one of the gentlemen who had the very difficult task of ranking all these 14 riders here today we're getting him cozied up in the booth right now of course I'm talking about grant chopper Fielder if you've been around slopestyle mountain biking and freeride since the beginning you'll remember this guy you saw some tail whips off drops today he was one of the first guys to do that not only in slopestyle competitions but out and the big natural terrain chop no easy task for you guys out there today how in the world did you keep your head on straight and rank these fellas [Applause] a few interviews it's you know asking exactly the same question in there I think the main thing is is the most important thing is that we judge everyone fairly so we we see every single rider is just a silhouette and today showed that you know there's no biased in what we do I think we're here for a reason and I believe we've done a great job and I'm I'm just still buzzing from Nikolai's run unreal absolutely this is so cool man so good I mean that's really important what you mentioned you judge every rider as a silhouette basically not what they're capable of not what you saw them do in practice but what they did on the day and the merit of that run in its own right with all things taken out of the considerations that we mean by that yeah totally I mean like that today's riding is you know the the progression of our sport is got to an all-time high now and it's just like who's going to perform best in a day because really anybody could take the win with their bangers they've got in their bags and you know rotten right and all their their trick lists down it's just it just looks like hieroglyphics now we are competed together yeah on this course on the numerous other courses around the world and if you were at those times to be handed a trick list would you think that somebody was completely lying or that they were a pawn Confucius say we were talking about something earlier about greggwatts winning I was like I just don't think you can be any better than that for every year it gets better and better and better like next year's gonna be ten times better it's like wow well we know where the level is right now in 2018 Nicola Atkins winning run let's take a look back at it I want to get your opinion on what you guys were talking about during all these hits so walk me through this chop so nicholai start with a quick seven drop well I think I was here that was the first jump after the boner with a twister double flip there I mean banger after banger this basically up to score though right this was where he had to add those extra moves because this was the only thing separating him from reader this was repeating from his first run still a bang a run we thought like the whale tail was good enough but he added that flip bar and that's not way that that's where I've separated the riders and look at that guy not only did he do three things in his second run that were better than his first run he had to stop all the other seven drops straight in the twist there's three whips off boner logs every single one of those were absolute bangers and we're like the only way you can improve just by adding a bar spin to it slip into the whale tail but he managed to do it flip my hand in the front in our handout and then with the extra flip bar up to double whip off was just you've got it dude it's so insane on the best way possible so nicholai rig and with that run wins red bull Jorah 2018 secures the Triple Crown of slopestyle because he won Innsbruck he won leisure he won Whistler but the entire season was so close all the points racked up it was a battle between Bret reader and Nikolaj reg a keen but today Bret reader took home the Crankworx FMV a slopestyle world championship overall Roy Wow now this is the first year after the new restructuring where the elite level of this form of competition takes place only at the crank work stops what do you think about that format it's pretty cool it really it really brings the the highlight on these top tier events doesn't it oh god yeah I mean look at fedko for instance he was just like a wee lad you know and now he's like podium regularly regularly at events now and like this guy's is like the future of our sport as well but like reader and ragout King on a separate level having the slopestyle World Championships is probably the coolest thing that happened the slopestyle itself and really deserves it to like technically so advanced unreal rider I'm still stoked about the whole day months so this pretty hilarious here we had our podium from the event now look at our Crankworx FMV a slopestyle world championship overall podium we got some familiar faces it's the same all those guys is over I mean you're what I was watching fedko riding earlier in practice and the guys happened fun and that's what like especially a young guy there's so much pressure on his shoulders but yet he doesn't even show it he's standing on the smoke still World Championships podium and he's like how old is he's like eight twenty nine twenty now twenty yeah like that's that's incredible for our sport in regarding himself and Reid have just killed it once again so what result I think the trick to success out here is just enjoying the whole festival I mean things like fedko renting a downhill bike going up there for the whip you didn't have to do that he can hang out be hanging out at the pool or just sit down with a piece of paper and a pen strategizing scenarios but it's all about mountain biking out here even though the current level of slope style is so far removed to what all of you at home do for fun I know you can all appreciate it and it's kind of cool for the viewers to know these guys love to get out on the trails as well dude no this is the elements [ __ ] for it you know like every time I come out here wherever I'm hungover completely sober I ride and without a doubt everywhere everywhere on a borrowed bike on my mum's bike I'll be out here riding because the the atmosphere is so intense it's incredible that's a thing that links us all together it makes days like this so great chopped it's been great how do you up all your treasure with you boys no man will see it historical season next year the awesome stuff [Music] sorry about the yes [Music] so in the booth here we say goodbye to grant chopper Fielder as we anxiously await the arrival of our champ Nikolaj rogue a can oh boy there he is I'll bow how are we gonna fit you and this gigantic trophy up here look fine he got your Stanley Cup when they behind me I got cables here I'll hold this for you I'll hold it whoa whoa this is like I feel like an opossum in a posture right now pretending to be King Arthur but you are the real deal my man nickel I reckon the King Arthur of slopestyle dude congratulations man I mean everybody's ask you all there is to ask it was this the best season of your life to you after today yeah I can't believe today I mean we were so lucky with the conditions we got as you as you guys thought everyone was putting down such heater runs and yeah Bret making it happen under so much pressure and then yeah just such a ride event this is another one of those slopestyle events that's the like an instant classic it I was just so entertaining to watch and even more interesting to be a part of honestly one thing that you do is you somehow stay casual throughout the whole week I don't see you stressed you're up at the top of the course that's the time for focus how do you get your head out of the game until it's time to put your head in the game I mean there's obviously so much stress involved but it's just about getting stoked for your run because you obviously come to the contest on a mission have a run you want to do and then when you're up there were so many nerves there but you're just so stoked to to show what you got and you know try to make it happen and see if you can you can gun for a win so that's kind of how I keep a trail I get so so stoked for the other boys because I know how it feels to put down a heater run and yeah that just makes me enjoy the contest in the end rather than have the pressure get to me crazy so I love it dude it's working and so we walk through your run with chopper you just so you just pass him as he left the booth I'd love to do the same thing with you we get here to walk through you run with us if you guys want take a look at this green right here of course this will be your second run yeah starting up with the move that I'm pretty confident in but still a heinous one and then yeah that cannon log is it's pretty long so you definitely got to land clean and keep the speed and then the four pack is what I was really nervous for you know tricks that I'm I know I got but just got to make them happen and super scary so to make those hats that four pack happen in both runs was was something that I was really nervous about and stoked on at the end this is where I had clutch moment change it up the flip tuck in wasn't as good as I thought but I like the extension on that and then you know right here I was like man I got I got two really two features left I got to hold it together not get too excited and yeah this should last improvement this last barspin was the one I was real nervous for just did I think you'd ever have to pull out those other three ups from run number one did you have them in the tank or did you just you know kind of just free-balling it once it once really I knew I mean I was super stoked on the first one obviously but you know obviously you look at Brett's run and he just throws down hammered tricks on every feature so I knew I needed to to get rid of those straight backflips and you know add something else in and yeah it's always it's always hard to to add different things in your run when you're already stoked on that first run but in a situation like this I had to give my hundred-percent because they was my opportunity yeah when it's that tight you wouldn't be able to get away with a slip pedal so things like that double whip off the final drop I mean you got to make sure your cranks are staying still right there absolutely that was the clutch moment so you I don't know how you strategize knowing exactly how much to do in run number one but still leave something in the bag for run number two but it all came together today yeah today came together like a dream today and yeah I'm still trying to tell if this is a dreamer I realized because I didn't I didn't know I didn't think this is possible so obviously you're gonna party tonight but what did you get up to the rest of the week I mean it got up to a lot of things I mean you guys know yourselves how awesome Whistler is is a place and you know the atmosphere around I think it actually helps a lot too because as many nerves as are involved in the event you know it's impossible to to have a bad time here in Whistler so I just been enjoying the village going out most nights you know eat some good food and you know hanging out with with the contest homies I mean we just were such good friends but we only really get to hang out at these events so you know we we cherish this time together because yeah we're really close and and we share that the common passion of a mountain bike so yeah impossible to have a good time big night tonight Nikolai enjoy it thanks for the show thanks for joining us in the brew me in the booth again three times go have fun man we're gonna set you loose now to go run around the village and answer all those same questions a million times from all the rabid fans well take a look at the standings right now of course we've talked about the podium but the way we kicked off this competition really set the pace for the fairytale moments I'm talking about the fourth place finisher returning to the slopestyle world tour Emil Johansen we have the opportunity to pick one of our favorite moments out here and me incite if we agreed that Emilio Hansen right now I mean there were people crying after this first run this gets what calls call hands down the best moment of today the most emotional moment of the day this guy said he didn't know if be able to ride in dealing with such insane injuries able to come back nobody knew what to expect nobody knew if he'd been training I don't think he has I think he's just that naturally talented he has new sponsors this year riding for fast house fell wanting to make them proud proof that he earned his spot on those teams and you know what he laid it down perfect fourth place top five Red Bull Joyride his first contest back so great to see now we're hoping he's gonna be able to continue healing so we can see him in March all the way down in the southern hemisphere to kick off a 2019 season in Rotorua New Zealand and that does it for us here the biggest day of the year first slopestyle Red Bull Joyride but it's the second to the last day for the festival here but there's also more to come on Red Bull TV if you love slopestyle well you might love World Cup downhill racing as well lebra's France it's coming at you August 25th through the 26th you can watch it live on Red Bull TV we got cross country we have downhill the series heating up in the World Cup world as well so tune in if you call yourself a mountain biker well Tyler we've set it all this is one for the fairytale books for the history books what are your final thoughts one of my favorite contests to call all season insane show couldn't have scripted a better story than that and I just already can't wait for the 2019 season well slopestyle mountain-bike fans it's now time for you to catch your breath get to bed early wake up and go for a bike ride and let the anticipation build for the 2019 season but also our Canadian Open downhill tomorrow downhill sunday we're gonna be kicking off that broadcast at 2 o'clock p.m. local time 11 p.m. if you're in Europe and if you're heading out New Zealand wake up at 9 to catch all the action from all of us here in the booth and the entire production staff we thank you for joining us for Red Bull Joyride we'll see you tomorrow [Music] [Applause] you you
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 391,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sport, extreme sports, crankworx. crankworx 2018, Crankworx Slopestyle Whistler, Crankworx Whistler, Crankworx Canada, Red bull MTB slopestyle, MTB slopestyle, Slopestyle live, MTB slopestyle 2018, Whistler Canada, Red Bull Canada, Red Bul Whistler, Red Bull MTB, Red Bull Bike, Red Bull Mountain Bike, Red Bull Live Stream, Red Bull Live event
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 7sec (9427 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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