Skate Finals I Simple Session 2019

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it's on the calendar the world's best are here and i'm joined for the skate contest i'm very happy to say by a rarity in action sports a man who needs no introduction i'm gonna give you one anyway tony uh first man to land the 900 you've invented hundreds of tricks uh you've got one of the most successful video game franchises in history and you're still putting out relevant video parts well into your sixth day oh well thank you my only secret is i never quit even i know that because i saw you skate here on friday you toured this place thank you well it's got some of the bigger transitions where i feel comfortable so uh i was thankful to have that side of the park over there what do you think it takes to win on a course like this i think it takes someone who's well-rounded an all-terrain vehicle someone who can skate the big transitions but also do the tech street stuff i think jagger eaton set the standard for these guys last year and uh they're stepping it up though i mean he had consistency he had the transition skills and then he took it to the street uh absolutely and and you see these guys taking cues from that guy like liam liam pace he can do the big transfer 360 over the gap eggplants on the vert but then also hit the rails and that's what it's going to take to win okay we've got an entirely new crop of young skaters who have been tearing this place to pieces in quality it's time to get simple session 19 underway [Music] [Applause] well escape finals are just a couple of minutes away the sacko arena is nearly at capacity but first we're going to talk about qualifiers because yesterday we cut just over 50 skaters down to just 12 and tony it was an incredible spectacle it was really fun to watch you know they each have two minutes so they start trying to get some stuff out of the way in the beginning and then go a little crazy and uh it was great to see grayson fletcher come through because usually he's all or nothing and yesterday he was a little bit more conservative i think he really wanted to make the finals okay yeah a little bit of pressure on him let's take a look at uh we'll pull the meat off the bones of the top three though joseph garbacio the french powerhouse made his presence felt he has been killing i love his lines he uses those side ramps as well uh we we've seen some really tech stuff and some big stuff but this guy liam pace came in hot from tucson he can do the big stuff he can hit the he's the only one that you're going to see doing an eggplant up on the vert wall and uh and he's got the rails so he kind of he's the favorite right now liam pace under full afterburner for his entire run that is something worth waiting for you mentioned him earlier though grayson fletcher has been here he doesn't usually put himself under the judge's eye but within two or three runs of practice he laid down an absolute banger of a run that's kind of his style and from my experience it's more all or nothing and for the most part he kind of goes a little crazy and and pushes it too far and yesterday he pushed it just enough to stay on but still impress the judges so we're stoked to see him in the finals yeah i cannot wait i've got to say he's one of my personal favorite skaters and it's been a real pleasure watching him throw down here if he can throw in something like this as well i think podium's not out of the question not at all no i mean look at that like lip slide into a nose blunt but he's already hit the bigger stuff and the spine and he's got it all okay a couple of other sleeping giants that we've got here who are going to be giving grayson a run for his money uh you mentioned him early jaime mateo the spanish skater i love it he's got a mix of old school and new school he's doing a backside bonus revert up on this really scary quarter pipe on the edge but all the transfers as well and he's got some tech tricks so i think he's an underdog what about at the other end of the spectrum the real street side of things we've got aurelion giroux he's been amazing uh he's got this he's got this insta clip that's just been making the rounds doing a uh backside kick flip 360 down of double set and and i feel like didn't people didn't know who he was by now definitely know who he is now and he's like the french niger that is a tip from the top right there i definitely slept in qualis but i think he could step it up here now that we're going to take a look at one more of the contenders who burst onto the scene in 2016 with a win in vancouver on the vans park series ivan federico i'm ivan federico i'm from italy and i am 19 years old simple session looks on paper like a course that would really suit your style of skating it's really fun it's it's fast the only problem for me is like you need to push a lot you know like because it's normal it's a street course and by curse also so you need to find a good line and i think yeah the park is perfect and you have the big wall yeah it's pretty dope that thing i want to try out good stuff over there i have a lot of flip tricks so i know that this trick for me it's easy to do but for maybe other person it's not easy so i'm focused on that and maybe you know get more smooth because i'm really most of the time like you know and i wanna now try to skate more chill you know almost move i think a lot of people would know you from the vans park series result in vancouver did that change a lot for you yeah people see me i start to you know change my style and my personal style you know and grow with that and start to learn english because before before that i even know to speak english as an italian skater travels pretty important i'm guessing yeah it's the best way to learn i think you know travel a lot and see a lot of different you know culture of skateboard and everything and yeah this is i love that is that why you always come to simple session yeah of course yeah i love here the people are super good the skatepark is good we have fun party all the people from all the work come here and skating and you know be a big community and getting together probably the most important question when it comes to simple session is how do you balance your skating with the social element this year i want to try to you know don't make too much party maybe make the party the last day you know and focus more on the contest and see what happens you know well we've taken a look at most of the big guns in terms of the skaters there the next thing to look at is the format and you've probably entered more skate contests than anyone on this planet tony what do you make of this one two runs one minute each run that's pretty hectic uh you know usually when you're doing run format individual runs you get at least three or four with the best run counting two chances is tight so my advice is to stay conservative on your first one if you make it through that one step it up a little bit but i don't think anyone's gonna be conservative here i see them all going all or nothing okay what do you prefer i would prefer something with maybe three or four runs like that where it's individual runs the the whole idea of two people going at the same time for two minutes that's pretty exhausting so after your first minute if you've already done all your best stuff it's kind of like it's daunting to think oh i'm halfway there and i better step it up some more so i prefer the individual runs but give it give us a couple chances more than two yeah it is all on the line here just two chances uh the big star of the show though we've talked format and riders the big star of the show is of course the course here designed by nate wessel we sent jamie mateo and danny leon out to explore it hi it's danny leon i'm here with my friend jaime mateo and we are here in tain for the 2019 super session and we're going to show you the cause i like this reel and we want to try to do like some tiny trees i don't know like fewer 180s crooked grinds i don't know maybe some 50 some fibers let's see i love this spine because it's it's kind of weird because you have to know what lines to do how to skate and you have to find like the perfect line to to keep going behind me is the big session the big transfer our people feel scared because how they make a channel in the middle we're gonna make like big airs like i don't know through systems we're going to try to flip indi a lot of different tricks i love it it's my favorite i think symbolization is not the same without that the last spot behind me we have this quarter it's on the side it's not in the park so you have to find a perfect life to arrive here and keep going [Music] i think about the course of 2019 simple session is better than last year every year is growing this is not for street skaters or robot schedules this is for both you have to do everything unfortunately danny leon rolled his ankle and then had a nasty case of the flow so it hasn't made it through the finals but we did get a glimpse of jaime mateo there uh absolutely this is exciting he's like a rabbit out on the course just rushing and going full speed and jumping all the gaps and doing big stuff and i mean honestly his run's kind of scary well i've got to say yesterday you're in the legend session and you weren't that far down from matteo you attacked yourself yeah i'm not going to throw a backside revert on that uh really skinny quarter pipe up in the ledge though which parts of the course did you enjoy uh well i'm partial to the bigger transition so obviously this big sort of jump on the one side where everyone uses to start and then the vert wall there that's that's my home turf for the most part and then getting into the spine i'm still you know living in there but then once the street stuff happens on the other side that's out of my element and i'm gonna leave it to the experts here okay so definitely the big transition side of the park for tony you can join in the conversation we're going to be checking social media all day just use the hashtag simple session uh right now we're going to throw down to our course side reported tully yesterday julie you've been watching the skaters go through the park here which lines are favorites by your standards watching the competition from the ground i can definitely say that my eyes are going to be glued to the rails in the center mostly because it takes only just like one second to blink and you're gonna miss a really good tech trick so definitely the rails okay from what you've seen in practice who do you fancy who do you think is going to do well oh dear fancy um well i'll be following y'all going in for a while he's from finland and and he's going to do some pretty pretty good gnarly tricks on the wall ride i think uh yeah thank you very much truly uh tony you kind of pinned your colors to the mask with liam already are you gonna change that uh i don't think so seeing i'm watching him practice he looks strong he looks confident and i feel like he's he's saving some stuff here so i'm gonna still go with him okay i'm i'm in two minds my heart says grayson my head says aurelian okay that sounds good yeah i'm i'm not just trying to be partial to the u.s by the way i'm i'm trying to be very uh objective no you watched qualifiers and liam pace came first so uh we're gonna jump into the commentary box now we're gonna take a quick break when we come back we have skate finals here at simple session 2019. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow so i'm standing here with our legendary fan margera i mean skateboarding george simple session 2019. pam you're a pro skateboarder yourself looking at the course did you feel like dropping in yourself uh well when i first got here we had the whole place to ourselves me pat duffy and uh matters arms some element riders it was fun to just you know get to feel the place without the crowd but um these guys are killing it so hard that their go-to tricks are like it could end a video part it's a new new day in skateboarding and there's tricks that blow me away i it's crazy well you know you were looking at the qualities that they're judging um are there any special writers we should be looking out for at the end it started getting real scary because like the cut-off line was starting to get slim and i knew that there's some people in the beginning that totally deserved to be in the finals so um it started to get really sketchy when everybody was getting real good at the end didn't know what to do well great great to have you in town in estonia burma jayron thanks a lot well he's always as entertaining as ever ben majera they're gonna be sat in the judges box alongside uh i think we've got uh quite a few heads up there definitely uh dan kate is in charge of them all uh yeah well it's let's say it's an expert panel uh pat duffy yeah pat duffy absolutely one of the legends of street a guy who started started the whole big handrail business here he's not backing off that much either is he in the legends session i think i saw big spin backside disaster yeah nollie heels came out of nowhere too okay this is the start list uh ivan federico we talked about uh liam pays top place qualifier will get to drop last jordan thackeray one of my favorites one definitely one of the most creative i think in the qualifiers and then jaime mateo there in uh ninth place so well ninth to drop but we have the joy we're gonna kick off uh with some fletcher dna uh grayson fletcher his grandfather invented griptape for surfboards herbie fletcher his dad was one of the pioneers of aerials on surfboards his uncle nathan is one of the best big wave surfers in the world and it's what amazes me tony you can actually see his jeans you can see his dad christian style in his skate team oh absolutely christian i mean christian was uh he's revolutionary he's the guy who started doing proper ollies on waves and now that's what surfing's about is aerials and he's the guy who started that whole movement and he's he's so so unique he's uh set up in the middle of the course now grayson fletcher has put out some huge video parts in perdition for element and then the in transition part where i think it was chris gregson following him at lightning speed yeah you need someone like chris grigson if you're going to keep up with uh with christian okay so grayson fletcher making his way up onto the top of the far feature of course grayson has to go all the way to the top to get some speed here i love that he's just he's just kind of loading yeah he's in no rush there he's the opposite of jaime mateo who you can see in the white t-shirt that was pacing like a cage tiger grayson loping like a jaguar he's the uh gandalf of the event oh look at that i have not seen him do that wall ride in practice look at this ollie is so huge bigger than anyone who grabs there and then he big backs at all he's landing low but not a problem generating so much speed across the floor oh one footed early up to the spine an absolute joy to watch back tail through the spine so this is grayson not holding back for sure so slight amendment to the running order as well i got it in my ear while we're doing the pre-show tony 75 seconds not a minute so they have upped it even more pressure sounds exhausting to look at this working his way up big step up gap right there and then a huge disaster oh my goodness no it's like this is a banger run i mean out of the gate already he's hit every obstacle that you would need to hit to have a high scoring run and he's still got 18 seconds left we're in very real danger of getting a winning run straight out of the box this is incredible consistency now what here we go big transfer oh all the way over to the bird wall and then he went the hard way on that launch ramp that well it's the first run but that could possibly be the winning run i put my hands together and say thank you to grace and fletcher that was phenomenal i think i've only seen that run the last transfer he did they're done by the bmx's yeah i saw him eyeing it yesterday and thought yeah that'll be interesting if he tries it wow what a rum we can look at that ollie he's going as big if not bigger than anyone and he's not grabbing he's just floating and this one i love how he can take his foot off at any height but this is really you know you can see grayson focusing and a lot of the time he's a little bit fly by night with how he how he approaches his situation and it felt like he was much more collected and calm on this one look at him he's got too much speed going the wrong way on that jump pure entertainment we've opened as we mean to continue with grayson fletcher san clemente's finest setting the bar very very high at simple session 19 and there's smoke coming out of the judge's ears already he's all except for uh bam who down at the end there is just grinning at that run yeah i love bam brings a unique perspective to judging because he's not jaded he doesn't judge these things all the time so i think he has a better maybe uh objective perspective and uh you can see that he just enjoys the ride too like he's a fan yeah he's it's not like he's trying too hard to pull the numbers apart he's just going on sheer entertainment value yeah if you were to go look at the notes he takes he just puts symbols next to each rider and that's sort of his uh oh there you go 81.8 for grayson fletcher first run yeah i might i imagine there might have been a slayer pentagram next to grayson for that one more harder grams in bam scale okay so grayson fletcher banking at 81.80 very very strong first score it's up to the rest of the pack to chase him down now the first of those will be yarko ogenan of finland this kid came through in 2009 turned up on the vulcan wild in the parks tour and won the european legs got to go over to the states and he's been cranking the video parts and the results ever since if there's one thing you say he he can think fast so if there's an obstacle that came up in his way he's going to do something on it even if he didn't plan it ahead of time it looked you said it earlier we expect people to improvise and i saw it with him in practice he was really like the intensity of his run he was really working the street section yeah there's a lot to hit there so uh if you can unpack a run and hit three obstacles from from one side to the next that counts for a lot okay jaka ogina of finland dropping in a veteran of simple session one best trip back in 2012. he's been here ever since hasn't been a regular fixture in finals though and here we go we started with a backsmith up that ledge looks like he's setting up for something else here oh where the lip slide there i i think when i saw him practicing that was a backside nose one slide that he would go onto the deck and it feels like he's a little lost here yeah wrong way into the pole jam was quite a nice touch but it feels like setups he's back in the rhythm though and not you know he hasn't fallen so that's better it's it's better to be lost but still making everything it's a bit of stacey peralta channeled into the kick turn around the top oh that was nice [Music] fakie ollie off the credit card feature they're calling it cabin to nose manual on the volcano so yeah he didn't i mean it's difficult to compare it's apples and oranges between him and grayson but it doesn't feel like the intensity is there oh there it is there's that backside nose one slide onto the deck [Music] so yoko ochen [Music] it was a really nice run super stylish but the level of intensity the urgency you need to really battle it out in a simple session final wasn't there for me i think it was also we didn't see the amount of tricks a lot of it was sort of getting from point a to point b a lot of creative use as well but you consider what we're going to see from some of the big guns jordan thackeray garbacio aurelion giro who's coming up next these guys and carsten boyer these guys are going to throw down some like same obstacles but super super tech tricks so but i think i think we're going to see him take some more chances in the next run and and uh definitely hit some more obstacles if he can get that nose blunt slide uh deck transfer i feel like that's gonna give him the confidence to really push it okay it'd be interesting to see how many emojis he gets from bam the rest of the judges will be working in numbers though so we should have a score pat duffy looked like he finished about 10 minutes ago okay now you can see the arena filling up full day of action here 72 for yaakov ojonen first run stayed on his board that's that kind of conservative middling score isn't it whenever whenever anyone stays on their feet that's what the judges are going to chuck out next in it is the frenchman who's been making waves on the sls i think he came fourth in rio and as you said in uh pre-show he's laid down that incredible back backside 360 flip down the double set in the last couple of weeks yeah you can see when when uh he sets his mind to it he's all consistent it's like just a machine of tricks and you know there's there's very little flail there's very little sketch we like to call his feet always land perfectly and uh he's exciting to watch he don't he almost makes it look too easy it's it's interesting he came through he won simple session in 2016 and 17 he's used that platform to really assert himself at sls backside 360 knows to start yeah these are big tricks right here for someone who's considered more of a tech street skater [Music] there you go indy bone transfer and this is where he shines when he starts hitting the rails and the step ups smith grind up crooked grind over whoa a little bit of sketch which is kind of out of character but he still made it you called him the french niger earlier he's got that same kind of really powerful style or stance on his board yeah it's just it just exudes confidence look at that 270 lip slide kind of going to revert out of it but he's hanging on now usually his hands are allergic to the floor you never see him put him down but he's just had a couple of swipes there sometimes you got to look for your glasses oh wow look at that kickflip and then just instant recovery to a hard flip this isn't quite the run he wants but he is staying on at all costs and it's gonna it's gonna serve him well that was a cab right there the lip side look at that big spin 360 flip now just toying with these nollie to front foot kick foot like all that stuff is super difficult and he's just throwing it down like like it's an afterthought yeah he even gave it there's a special name for that face it's called the french puncture when you kind of do that let out a lot of air he wasn't he definitely wasn't happy with that by his own standards but as he said he was just throwing away incredible tech tricks at the end there yeah the tricks that a lot of these guys would love to do when they're really trying this was pretty magnificent though that kickflip almost hung up and then recovering into a hard flip that's experience right there and that hard way over to backside disaster just beautiful interesting interesting challenge for the judges now do they judge on aurelion's ability what he's capable of or do they mark him against everyone else so it's a difficult difficult uh benchmark and it'll be dan kate's job to actually make sure that he's judged against everyone else did you ever find that when you were competing that people know what you're capable of so if they if judges they mark you on what you're capable of rather than how you're feeling that's unfortunate it's unfortunate when they're so embedded in your style and what you're what they think you can do that you they will mark you against yourself and um i feel like that's a relatively uh fair score for him i maybe i expect a little bit higher but uh he knows he knows that's his baseline and what he needs to do to step that up and he could definitely step that up like that that run he could add a few more points to it so 77.8 for aurelion giroux carsten boyer coming up now we've got a little clip from social of him yeah cast and boy are just attacking the rails in every direction even the railings at the back of the course [Music] there on the back definitely a fan favorite for you jaime mateo you are you are uh gushing over his backside revert version i yeah i'm a big fan of that trick only because i know how truly dangerous it can be from experience carsten boyer dropping in now so out of dallas texas and as we know everything in texas is big and custom skating is no exception really really clean solid strong skating in qualifiers and a lot of guys are starting with this uh jump here but not many are going over to that deck [Music] something's gonna happen here oh he's the only one to hit this rail smith grind up on the uh sort of forbidden zone and he's got what i'd describe as a quiet style really really gentle and it's almost as if you can make things look too easy with this kind of style yeah it's pretty low-key but he's not with the exception of that he's not faltering and he obviously has his whole run planned out so it's not like he's sort of looking around trying to figure out what he's going to do he definitely had it all already uh in mind oh look at that that was nice 50 50 to 180 out [Music] those ledges are pretty high too back oh isn't it looked like he decided to go to fakie mid-slide there yeah like he was on his toes slightly so he needed to revert it slightly [Music] just lost his rhythm off the end there now you can see if he if he would put all that together he'd be a top contender but uh he has another chance so at the moment grayson fletcher's opening run standing the test of time 81.8 for grayson in first aurelian giro slipped him behind him with the second rape runner b run by aurelian standard 77.8 and then jakob ojon just warming himself up he was uh definitely wasn't cooking with gas with his first run he was just simmering i'd say 72 points on that one so a couple of replays from carsten boyer's first run definitely his throw away i think but as you said tony like the makings of a great run in here and there's that 50 50 to 180 out that was clean the rest of the run kind of faltered but uh he knows what he has to do okay so grayson fletcher giving himself a little claim there and rightly so after his performance 57.8 for carsten boyer definitely second run pressure for the man from dallas texas next gator to drop in though a man that you know pretty well tony chris grigson chris gregson is an amazing i call him the unicorn because he can skate and shoot video as well he's like he's one of the most prolific videographers in our sport but also one of the best skaters out there he's actually he ollied over a gap in your vote ram didn't he and it looked like a full panel gap yeah well shooting and keeping me in frame yes you forgot to add that part of it sorry yeah that was the important i i keep saying he needs to have a video part of him shooting video because it's pretty magical okay the 28 year old goofy footer out of irvine california dropping in to the big ramp there we go into the disaster [Music] this is hard right here to get enough speed for that vert wall even a disaster is is an accomplishment because you have to be going up all these other ramps look at this this frontside flip disaster is so clean he's the only one that does it and just every single time it's the confidence that he skates visit with isn't it there's no doubt when you're watching him you're like yeah he's going to make it yeah he's got the mini ramp oh look at that into the willy oh wow front sight blunt disaster to backside revert that is a super hard trick on any size ramp and that that mini ramp is substantial i would hesitate to call it mini okay so chris grigson with a full pause for a lightning mini ramp attack there and now he's up at the other end just working his way through this course this is a solid run he wants one more here he's got 10 seconds to get something i have a feeling it's a maybe a 360 here nope it's a indeed stale fish nice so chris craig gregson solid run not one fall and he made use of every single part of the course he did i was surprised that he went back up to the the launch ramp section at the very very end because it felt like he was looking for something something big to end on and i mean while that was a good trick it wasn't sort of the opus that we were hoping for but a solid run all around and doing stuff that no one else is able to do frontside disaster up at the top there to open i think this was the real tech smarts yeah that i mean that is that's textbook chris gregson right there frontside flip disaster and then this one frontside blunt into a disaster and you see just twisting to backside revert that is i mean that's a yoga move gonna be very very interesting to see where the judges put this one in comparison to grayson maybe not quite as uh showpiece on the big big moves as grayson's but more technical i think in places but absolutely a solid run i mean i that that would be that would give you the confidence to really try something hard the next run okay so at the top of the standings at the moment 81.8 grayson fletcher at the bottom 57.8 aurelion giroux in second i think we've got to see a score somewhere between aurelian and grayson definitely for chris yeah definitely they may even score him higher than grayson but i doubt it oh there'll be some heated discussions going on amongst the judges right now that's uh much lower than i anticipated 71.4 so that seems that seems really long i think they marked him way down for not hitting the street section i mean that's the only thing i can think of is that you didn't see him do much of the rail stuff and at least the other guys hit the legends did some 50s and whatnot but chris basically stayed in the transition part of the of the chorus and that it looked like that marked him down okay chris gregson definitely something to chew on and think about for his second run meanwhile we're going back up to the roll in for a man who's been to simple session for the last 15 years say hello to keyshot johnson nice indie tweak over that i don't know what to call that thing i want to call it a mini mega but um it's a jump round [Music] nice smith grind going up the ledge coming back at the other ledge 5-0 you can tell he has this one planned front blunt down the ledge look at him trying to keep his speed up oh i'm missing the feeble there not surprising so the guy out of dallas texas just taking a little look back there big smile on his face nice he's the only one doing that board slide up the rail and as simple as that looks that is very difficult to ollie that high and then to position your body to push upward uh there's a lot of risk there he's one of those rare specimens who's in the 40-inch club as well he's got that much pop he can make it over a 40-inch bar it's a very specific measurement how do you know that i heard dave duncan say yesterday that's what i do that's all of my research is standing behind you you retain that information well you're like a truly expert so keyshot johnson couple of small little uh stumbles in there for him again he'll be uh looking to his second round to improve on that perennial finals performer at simple session the only time he hasn't made finals he actually qualified last year but uh the social took him out is the diplomatic way of saying it [Music] yeah all this stuff was super solid going through these ledges and these rails this frontside blind slide so keyshot johnson i don't think he's got any expectations on this score but he might get a little indicator there of uh what he can do 63.2 that seems i've got to say that's making chris gregson score seem all the more confusing to me just eight points difference between them and gregson was so clean and technical well maybe the judges are partial to the rails yeah i think that's what we're seeing if you hit those rails you get more tricks in a less time and i think that counts for a lot okay just sheer volume of tricks next in we've got ivan federico from italy and he's definitely got the vert and the mini ramp that it takes to be well-rounded here but also the rail tricks [Music] i've got to say in terms of build he uh it reminds me a little bit of your style he's got that languid kind of flowing style language lanky yeah well i always think it's hard in any action sports if you're a tall drink of water to make it look good and uh you've done it evan's done it i think carsten boyer's doing it as well and chris grigson true yeah yeah those guys are all on the tall end of the scale i did notice as well did you see ivan federico the footage we had from his 2016 vance park series win wearing a hawaiian shirt maybe he's got the uh hawaiian shirt lucky charm that's his signature now this is nice got a lot of speed here too coming off the wall and then right there wow kickflip melon that did flip right that thing was i think went fast whoa look at that tail stall up on the ledge we have not seen that yet okay could he be falling into the same trap as greg's in here he needs to go make some use of the rails if oh well i think that's where he was heading right now okay so you can see the standings on the side of the picture there fletcher out in front here we go hit the rails lip slide yeah needs to make hay in this section we saw earlier on chris gregson not ignoring but really not making the most of this section so oh nice feeble this is good kickflip disaster we'll see if they they forgive his uh his miss on the uh kickflip lean over the hip he's got time for one more maybe you can tell after a minute it's exhausting the tongue's out he's gonna he's gonna run out of time here i'm guessing he's gonna do a kickflip 360 though for the crowd missing out just sliding in there if you're just joining us this is simple session 2019 men's pro skate finals we are six skaters in ivan federico just taken his run and he opened with this backside 360 nose crab coming off the back there it was proof tony that he flipped yeah okay thank you that wasn't crazy he caught it before the apex of the transfer now this is very cool ollie the tail right there that's a big jump leaping back in he had the slight bale on the hip but he recovered and made a couple of really nice take rail tricks up at the back end there now the judges we've already we're waiting for the signals from the judges to see where they're weighting their scores whether it's in technicality whether it's in transition whether it's inconsistency and we've seen chris gregson using a lot of transition completely consistent stayed on the whole way maybe didn't give enough lip service to the rails for a 71. evans made it through the whole park but with the bale so yeah i don't know the judges haven't left them haven't left themselves a lot of room in terms of the range of score and uh that puts yvonne straight in the middle for the most part of what they think is on the low end or the highest end so 75.4 for ivan federico this is how it lines up and you can see a real log jam developing between second and fourth there and like use even fifth we've got less than seven points separating or seven point four actually between second and fifth and that's going to create problems for the judges yeah that's tough like i said they didn't leave themselves a lot of room and uh so they're gonna have to be very observant over what these guys are doing and how they're using the whole course they're gonna be looking for excuses now luis neto of brazil lives 10 minutes down the road from pedro barros but you couldn't find a different skater in terms of style he is solid street and he had an incredibly technical run in qualifiers so the brazilian lining up i think first skater we've seen starting off at this end of the course super tech used the whole course back to 70 to board slide to open yeah i'm surprised that he started his run over on this side because that's the hardest to gain the speed from but it doesn't look like a problem so far that back lift and then he's he's making good use of all the tech stuff oh kick flip front board to fagi just missing it but it's good that he keeps his speed up like that oh wow hard flip back lip wow that's no joke right there that seems like a simple little trick but the difficulty factor is huge and right there big flip front board fakie so he basically killed that handrail now he's got to move on to some of the transition if he's going to have the well-rounded run 20 seconds left to attack this big transition side of the course nice ollie oh his foot coming off into a judo on the quarter pipe i feel like that was just more to show the judges that he's capable of it but not really to do anything that impressive but that's important well we talked about it with cast and boy that quiet style didn't we i mean luis is almost silent oh and then right at the end there that hard way 270 back lift on board slide actually sorry yeah well that's awesome that's a cab backlit but uh that didn't count that was after time although i don't know if it would have mattered that much and now this is tricky because he's probably gonna end up somewhere in the middle of those scores and like i said the judges haven't left themselves a lot of leeway uh to score people high or low so um i feel like he's gonna fit right in somewhere in the middle but these tricks were on the high end of difficulty is that trey flip from both uh yeah well basically it's a we call it a big flip and then a little judo there an ode to vert skating and then this cab backside lip so easy first time i saw him skate he was skating a uh i don't know how to explain it this guy created a wave in a mini ramp did you see that that was going around the internet no on social basically it it suddenly comes up as a wave on the flat bottom and pushes you through the flat i haven't seen that kind of a novelty but he was skating it and it looked he made it look easy and you can tell it was not an easy thing to do okay we need to hear from this man jamie matteo from spain for maniacs you know what i mean it you can go fast play so high then you go so fast to the rails i don't know that park is for really money and strainers there you go jamie matteo calling it this park is for maniacs and i give it to you now 100 this man is a maniac the spaniards got it all you were frothing over his skating tony oh yeah he's excited to watch and uh and the the way that he was speaking right there is exemplary of how he skates just fire rapid fire and super excited and not gonna slow down yeah the energy that came out the urgency in his skating is just wonderful and it's we're gonna see you've got two completely different skaters luis neto bank to 73.8 i should tell you let's see what jamie matteo from spain can [Music] we go do the kicker indy three landing a little low but not a problem into the front side i love that little transfer just to get speed and then backside three over the spine no one else is doing that that is really risky because it's easy to land too low and to lose all your speed made that looks so smooth as well [Applause] 40 seconds to go and he's already hit everything on the chorus and now his caveman bomb drop [Applause] into my favorite backstep bonus reverb [Applause] high consequence and made it look so easy this is a solid round right here wow i don't know what you would call that an indie nose manual what else does he have up his sleeve here he's still in oh transfer over we call that a bug on a windshield because you just splat on the wall and that's it oh and he desperately wanted to get up on top here ran out of time on that boneless bomb drop i don't think he needed that i don't i don't know if that would have really up to score that much it would have been showy like he's still going to do it for the crowd here he still wants it it's interesting it's the first time i've seen him in the flesh i've seen video parts from him before but i'm i was questioning whether he could maintain this level of intensity look at it for the entire course but clearing out his landing zone this is skateboarding though this is what it's all about doesn't matter it's not going to count he's doing it for the crowd he's doing it because he's hyped and it's exactly why we do what we do look at that oh boneless 180 boneless into a small transition [Music] so the regular cab boneless bomb drop and you might not have actually noticed that before there's a couple of little compressions and then pump bumps right in front of that transition there and it's just spitting behind me out [Music] this trick right here i i think is one of the most impressive the just the 360 over the spine but because when you do it over a spine you lose the transition very quickly and uh it's hard to get a good landing but this one lean to splat bug on a windshield is very tricky to keep your speed up and land properly okay let's go down to julie who's down with jaime mateo right now hi i mean what was that you're such a high player i mean what were you doing i mean the first round was amazing what can you do in the second one i know i will try to do something more let's see but i'm so happy with that run people was excited happy about it i mean you were trying something pretty big up there are you gonna do something in the second round which is gonna blow our minds even more in the last round that wasn't in time so i will try to put it in time let's see great well thank you so much thanks to you hey says jaime uh something to look forward to for second runs there from the spanish flight that bug on a windshield very very impressive now we're into the last three skaters these were your top three qualifiers from yesterday joseph garbagio from france so so strong so clean so solid this was a really impressive run can he deal with the pressure though here in finals that's the big question so actually comes from la have port city up in the north of france and it's in terms of skating in europe it is really not on the map but a lot of industrial architecture decent skate park up there and it served him well yeah sometimes those more isolated places breed hungrier skaters and they'll they can skate anything because they don't have anything good to ride nice india right there oh stale first 360 over the volcano that was nice and then right into the rails kick flip front board well we've had a bit of everything we're only five tricks in yeah that was that was a good start and a good way to end the sort of transition area with that front kick flip front board whoa backside smith this is a solid run right here oh what was happening there i'm not sure if that was intentionally going to willy graham so 40 seconds into the run and he was clean all the way through and he made a lot of headway through the entire course trying that 270 live he's got to get at least one more trick in here to get himself on the board strong start though you can see what he's capable of yeah he put this all together in qualifiers and that's why he made the third spot oh over the kicker he's gonna hope for the his second round put it all together so frustrating one there for joseph garbacio he started so so strongly so many different tricks over so many different obstacles got so much pop on that jump box the mini mega i like this overturn indy nose mount and then this one out of nowhere still fish 360. that thing is really hard to to clear especially if you're doing a 360 because you just can't see the landing and the body position on the backsmith as well so classic so we can give you an update as well i think with the interview with jaime we didn't get his scores in so with the 79.2 jaime mateo is in second grayson fletcher still holding out the top spot with an 81.8 just two skaters lost left to drop garbanzo 69 at points so he's in eighth place just ahead of kishore johnson and carsten boyer but remain between third and seventh really tight tight score selection next up jordan thackeray from colchester in england flying off the ramps and then suddenly there's just a million rails and ledges in front of you it's really scary but like i find if you lose the speed then it's okay because you can just hit that stuff but that's about it really for me jordan thackerate 22 years old got into skateboarding uh after he played a fairly well-known computer game called tony hawk pro skater wow isn't that nice he was seven years old and uh told his mum that he wanted to get a board after he played the game he found it fun so you're about to see a prodigy of yours it's amazing though to think that there were tricks that we were doing in that game combos that we only did in the game because it was it was fantasy and now those tricks have come to life because of guys like him who grew up thinking it is possible well this run is running qualifiers was a testament to that so much a beautiful mix of old-school and new school flavor oh trying to stale fish over that spine that spine is so difficult to get enough speed to clear and land well look at that straight in front of people what is going on i do not know what that was that was the pirouette disaster it was wild isn't it i listened to mark brewster and dave duncan trying to make sense of it yesterday oh and then there's the full pirouette so i'm just making up his name sorry guys i don't know what that was no that's exactly what they went for yesterday so you're definitely on the same track that's very cool that's like mini ramp champ right there jordan's just got that lovely really really loose style where you know that he'll get away with something even if it's going wrong he can improvise in the moment [Music] and he's got that speed he's just going to corners of the course that no one else has seen yeah i mean i didn't no one's been using that ramp as a quarter pipe and there he goes front side ali alayhi from the makeshift channel if he put that run together that really could be a winning round 100 i'm with you there i'm back in it he's for me i mean he's he's come up under a couple of the big mentors of essex skateboarding carl wilson and then mark munson who's mark munson's got all those transition skills you see people like ben ramos coming out of there and jordan's come up watching all of that skating it was one of the hotbeds of concrete back in the 70s so it's got these deep roots of skating you can see that really really creative style in jordan thackery skating and if he can put this run together then it's going to be a thing of beauty that was pretty impressive too right there that front feeble and then this thing this like pirouette disaster that could be extremely dangerous by the way the potential to hang up when you're committed on one phone it's almost guaranteed okay so jordan thackeray not the run he wanted but it'll be interesting to see whether how did the judges score that it's so different to everything else we've seen well i think they're going to mark them way down because of the number of falls there but if he were to put it all together it would be really hard to to gauge that against grayson totally different styles but both equally as difficult and impressive so 64 points ninth place for jordan zachary doesn't look too stressed about that complete technophobe doesn't own a mobile phone almost impossible to get a hold of look at this this man has been tearing around the course like an f-14 fighter jet under full afterburner let's hear from liam pace this is like a contest i've wanted to go to for years because like i ride a bmx park because like my local and like most of this stuff is stuff that i'm used to but like i mean this is way bigger but still it like that's what i learned how to skate after breaking my leg which took me out for a while in 2015 so like this is just skates better than any other contest for me and i'm super stoked like amazing like you watched him tony he's so fast but somehow he's packing the tricks in at the same time he looks very comfortable on this course like he said it is a bit of a throwback for the bmx chorus especially through this look at that eggplant you're not going to see anyone else doing even a hand plant there and he ups the difficulty with eggplant and then hitting the fur like like a true veteran t one thing that shows his transition skill just stepping down out of that spine ramp area did it so smoothly so much harder than it looks and then here keeping his speed up going back to the spine indy 540. we haven't even seen any basic vert tricks on that wall and then he goes for 85 and then into a 180 full cap over the hip i mean this is it this is where he steps it up and this is kind of where he's got he's got an advantage over everyone else because he's got those types of tricks and this ledge stuff unbelievable full speed and you can see him just going through the motions he already had this run in mind he's been practicing it feeble it's just more like all right check that box check that box here we go so the kid from tucson arizona on an absolute flyer at the moment he's got barely time for one more i think he's gonna run out before he hits anything but he's gonna do it for the crowd some big transfer [Applause] uh he did basically transferred all the way over to that uh strange step up dish ramp that is the only other person i've seen do that was in bmx park yeah i don't think we're gonna see anyone else trying that that is insane hopefully the crowds at home can see it somewhere so you can see where he lands too he lands so high on that nd3 because he needs the speed to get his hand on the top that was the section that blew my mind how much speed he carried back up hill through those obstacles into the five four 25 this is probably the winning run already and then here's that big transfer all the way over oh i thought he went into that dish part i see and still look at it it's huge yeah it's huge and it's it's dangerous there's a lot of uh stuff in the way there we're losing a bit of perspective because it's going away from us i reckon that's nine meters i reckon it's got to be nine meters like 25 feet that's huge it's pretty huge okay waiting for the scores to come in for liam pace bigger than grayson probably bigger than grayson um it's debatable i don't think they'll count that last run 88 wow that is that's a huge jump though from grayson well we talked about it we've got this log jam between 70 and 78 then we've got grayson was the only rider up in the 80s and now liam pace has put a full well nearly full eight points between him and grayson so jaime mateo in third aurelian giro all interestingly all the names we pulled out after first run are there or thereabouts at the moment aurelion giroux definitely want to watch because we could see what his run could be absolutely but but like i said liam he can do the big stuff he can do the tech stuff i i seriously thought anyone's going to score higher than 88.2 at this point seeing what everyone else has put together okay we're gonna come back with second runs very shortly but we're gonna take a quick break now while you check this out so [Music] foreign oh is wait welcome back to thailand in estonia i like to call it a cultural melting pot we are here for the skate finals joining me is one of skateboarding's true legends tony hawk uh thank you it's been uh it's my first time here i'm super excited and the level of skating is way beyond what i expected it's phenomenal isn't it when you actually look at the names on the list and i'll admit it there's three or four here that i haven't seen skate before but the standard across the board cutting 50 down to 12 has been phenomenal yeah it's refreshing too it's refreshing to see some new faces some new names and the way they're taking sort of old school style and bringing it into their own and making it into this big chorus i mean that's that's something very unique yeah we've got that full creative vibe with jordan thackeray we've got a real street vibe with aurelian giro and then we've just got that turbocharged liam pace run um we can take a look now at some of the lines from the first runs and a lot i mean this is a vast course and we can see like yeah so this is this is the line i think is probably the best for keeping your speed up uh starting there going all the way over the kicker and then coming up into the spine area that's basically what you see liam doing and then over to the step up into the quarter pipe and then hitting the rails in the street sort of near the middle to the end it seems like that sets them up because they can keep the energy up they don't have to be pumping through the transitions at the end when they're so tired we saw that with louis neto didn't we started on that smaller side worked all of the street obstacles and it was almost like he was out of energy by the time he got the transition yeah i mean that stuff is exhausting and especially these big transitions you've got to be using your legs to get all the speed and make sure you're landing good okay we can take a look now you can see grace and fletcher up on the deck we can take a look at what this course looks like from his point of view this is phenomenal what's up this is matters simple session 2019. what's up grayson fletcher here and this is a gopro course preview [Music] and a little cameo in there from maddow's apps as well great to see him skating legend of this region the latvian uh grayson fletcher going to open us up again second place at the moment i mean he tore through this park tony where do you think he can improve the run uh i think that uh if he can maybe hit the rails a little more maybe one more pass at him but uh he he really did what he what he cut what he set out to accomplish he made his whole run and like i said you see grayson usually sort of throwing caution to the wind and going you know if you ain't first you're last look at that hold on a second jordan thackeray has just handed grayson fletcher's oh well it's you know what's funny uh my wife just sent me a close-up of his board and on that disaster he did on his first run you can see it break so he broke his board and it's strange that just now is when he decides to change his board you know he had plenty of time to maybe set up a new one but it kind of shows his versatility that he can just pick up any board maybe not well it was it was it is one of the hardest things in the world to jump on the board the trucks are like fingerprints they're completely unique to every person so you can see him kind of just giving the board a little bit of a wobble there trying to get a feel for it i feel like he's maybe he's just gotta he needs to he needs a quiver here we'll try out a different one see what happens yeah that is so risky to just jump on someone else's board going for a kick flip no grab [Music] on a foreign skateboard it's such a pleasure to watch i mean all of these guys out here are incredibly talented but grayson fletcher has the kind of grace and spontaneity that makes skateboarding beautiful and like i said grayson's attitude first or last just he's not going to hold back oh what's going on there i love i love how he just wants to get the hardest trick done doesn't matter if it's part of his run it doesn't matter if it's after time that's you know that's skateboarding that's the attitude it's very unorthodox [Music] this is what makes simple sessions so magic grayson fletcher the time is up but his session isn't i can't tell if he's trying to do a double flip or not and here it is kickflip no grab nope there we go grayson fletcher all of his energy went into that first run it's banked him in 81.8 which at the moment is good enough for second position still 11 skaters left to drop behind him though for their second runs here at simple session 19. grayson fletcher putting on a show for us regardless i can't believe it the moment he chose to get a new skateboard was when they called his name [Laughter] so oh yeah i need another one so jordan thackeray gonna take his board back there he's like yeah you didn't know you had it carson boyer on the left-hand side of the screen will be up in a minute but before that we'll have memory serves jaako ojon finnish skater took a very very steady pace on his first run it was it was tech it was building but he made a couple of small mistakes he'll be interesting to see what he can do with this second run [Music] so 23 points for grayson fletcher if you're interested i don't think anyone really was it was it's more about the kick flip over the yeah mini mega i have a feeling we might see him still try that even though his runs are over just a little poach here and there see if you can find that so yeah i've got oh jenna finished finland's finest from tampere got lovely square style [Applause] really solid stance oh trying to i don't know what was going on there it looked like a backsmith possibly big flip out just all or nothing here second run let it fly where's that backside nose blunt transfer onto the deck oh just switch flip oh now he's locking back in there oh yeah like i said he he will not let any obstacle go untouched oh he's just he's got so much compressed into that tiny little area so many tricks yeah if there's one bobble it off his foot's off it kind of cancels the rest of it out i was getting i got the feeling that he kind of sounds blind down the pole jam that is insanely difficult i've never seen that before i think that's an end about mbd from simple session certainly for the pole jam wow it's cool you know even if you even if you have a tough time like this it's cool that something like that could outshine the run because i am still sitting here utterly impressed about that that one trick the joy of being able to offer everyone in here something crowd really enjoying that run from the alcohol the finn not able to put it down in either of his runs but as you said tony leaving everyone with some pretty insane tricks there i'm sure that one will come out in best trick later on just floating out of here there's that style again i've used the word languid already but i think it would apply to yaakov as well yeah it does look it looks very loose it looks like a jaguar in between hunts look at this and just there's just no time for setup here with that switch flip and immediately back into a roll in and here's that nose blunt into the pole jam properly grinding it too it wasn't like he just cleared it for show he really did grind down it yeah the front truck rammed into that little lip there it wasn't that smooth was it i don't know how you could make that smooth 51.6 so second run is down to experience yoko oginham won't go any higher than seventh this man certainly has the arsenal of tricks to go bigger than fourth can he lay it down though aurelion giroux of france he was in rio for sls earlier in the month managed to get fourth there against the big guns of street now he's mixing it up with some transition whoa 360 saw his back foot actually come off there and uh he put it back on him plenty of time in the air india looks like he's trying to just stay on not make it go too big [Music] he's take the transition box now he's in more familiar territory there it is just banging out the rail trucks tying a shoe that's that part of the road well the tick on his shirt if we please do the little uh shout out for it anyway here we go 270 lip slide this one's looking good so far grayson just uh giving him a little bit of advice there it looked like what would you say look at that hard flip all the way to flat such beautiful style made that looks so easy on the way down [Music] oh no i'm missing the front side feeble he didn't leave himself a lot of extra time with all of that stall on the deck there because right here he's going to run out of time before he hits the big jump again and this is not going to count but it's a nice kick of minnie big crowd plays on an alley backside flip the saku hall here in estonia lighting up with that last trick so one bale in there less than the first run and i think in place is more technical the score's got to go up it's a question of how much probably yeah but uh like i said he spent a lot of time on the opposite decks look at this one i love how he corrects his foot and then big front side tweak [Music] so comfortable with the overcrook and same with this backside 270 lip slide the hard flip all the way to the bottom it's got that kind of shifted catch on it beautifully hasn't he here's the kefla mini that didn't count but we loved it watching the jumbo waiting for that score to drop i think i think that was a better run for me so he should knock up a little bit we'll see where he's at [Music] thinking earlier that bam may be using emojis and uh pentagrams and this is where we're gonna know exactly how much a fall counts because he only had one fall in that whole run yeah and it was i think it was two maybe three bales in the first round was 77.8 and the bale came right at the end he had some really really big technical tricks i think one of the judges signed off on the scores then bam and dan are done debating on what it is brilliant just getting his insta stories of himself on the jumbo dialed in there okay so he overhauls jaime matteo the spaniard in third so right now he's sitting just behind grayson fletcher and liam pace just tell us what were you thinking when you were hitting the course did you plan it or did you just drop in i don't know like i'm just going and see what's going to happen are you happy are you happy with the third place right now yeah always happy to be there you know it's very sick to be with those guys and we always have fun out there well congratulations it's all about having fun isn't it thank you so much [Music] i love listening to tully the more excited she gets the faster she talks and she is definitely getting excited down there causeside ringside seat for a heavyweight battle here at simple session 19. carsten boyer getting ready to drop in we're in the middle of the second runs here the kid out of texas put down a very nice first run a couple of falls cost him but there were the makings of a great run there 57.8 yeah he wants to uh everything he wants to make everything that he tried last time because you can tell that he had it very well planned out just didn't quite come together and as much as you'd like to think that these guys are being spontaneous that is rare on a course like this it's usually all planned out we've got smithgrind on the forbidden rail it's a much bigger drop than it looks off the back there wow it's got that crooked [Music] all this stuff you know it looks like he's going slow but those tricks are super technical they require exactly that amount of speed and the judges know that there it is 50 backs at 180 and he lost out on that last time didn't he good tim put that one down it's starting to link together now this round [Music] oh nose blunt slide he wanted to goof around but realize he still has time to throw something else in there so i can pull this one up i'm not going for the wooden spoon he's currently in 12. oh no i'm missing that big spin front board it would have been nice to see him pull those last two tricks to see what uh the judgment thought but that realm is better than his first for sure yeah interesting to see where he can move up to i think we talked about how you we have these all-terrain vehicles these days someone like aurelie and giro who you know is a street skater but he comes out and he has got transition smarts and then you see the same thing from grayson fletcher giving a lot of uh lip service to all of the rails it's but on top of that all-round ability what greg what we're seeing here is consistency an incredible level of consistency true but also uh his rail tricks would have really shined i think that they they would have counted for much more than the stuff we saw grayson do anyway um because it was so tech you know when he's doing those those big spin front boards and uh the crooked grind coming down the big side like all that stuff counts for a okay so only a slight improvement 58.8 so carsten stays in trouble he's laughing it off for the moment i know for a fact we've talked about it a little bit but the uh this is as much a festival of skateboarding as bmx as it is a contest and certainly carsten boyle will have enjoyed the experience of being out here next in chris gregson it's really fun to see chris get the contest because he is so focused on filming a lot of the time you know he's the go-to filmer for any of the transition guys but he is one of the best skaters as well look at that was frontside blunt up on the vert wall the only one we see doing that and then this frontside flip disaster every time oh no got it i'm glad to hear the uh the dj's giving him some metal as well i think he's must have requested that if you don't watch any chris gregson parts they will guaranteed give you some metal yeah he uh definitely is born from the uh shep dogs crew is it masher is dog masher yeah oh i don't know i'm just talking about the oceanside crew that my son riley's part of oh wow kick flip front kick flip front side disaster backside revert that's the best trick banger right there and then chris is going to throw it away letting that one go the man who filmed a lot of the uh sorry video that was his first big production wasn't it he was filming with rowley he said that was quite an intense process well i think it's intense for you know especially when you're doing transition type of stuff and park skating he's working just as hard as the skater to get through the course and so if someone's trying something for two hours he's putting in just as much effort keeping up with them the style on that first one just really flattening the method off there's once i blown on the rear wall [Music] there's no room for error there he slammed on that yesterday in quality didn't he got it in the second run but yeah and it went down pretty hard as you do front step lancer no joke managed to uh he found a tablespoon of concrete drank that hardened up and got it stuck on the second run so scores coming in no no improvement for chris gregson oh no there was i think 71.4 oh no it was the first run score 71.4 for chris gregson keeping him 46. yep we're going to throw that one away both you and i said that we felt that was quite low definitely stuck to the transition but the level of difficulty okay next up keyshot johnson you can see there in the 40 club that's 40 inches of ollie this guy has some serious pop nice call that the del mar indy or chicken wing [Music] straight into the rails nice smith grind and a complete lap of the park almost [Music] five uh if you can't hear it he's skating to fu manchu evil eye a thps classic you see i did notice that the other day as soon as you got on the ramp the the th oh the pro skater classics came out [Music] look at this he's putting it together here wow did that board slide up the rail smith grind right there i tell you what the fitness is he's got some good cardio as well because he has not slowed down there we go oh turn that front crook down the rails maybe time for another one no maybe not three seconds in so that's going to improve his first score but it's not quite the run he was hoping for 15 years deep for keisha johnson he's been making finals regularly here in thailand at estonia and like you said it's not going to be a vintage one for keyshot but first i mean he must have been what 12 13 tricks deep before he came off maybe more yeah for sure that they've got to give them some credit for all these tricks right here look at that clean 5-0 and then just missing the the front side kirk on the rail after that i think we're going to see him move up a little bit currently sat in 11th on a 63. it's not going to take much because then we've got that real log jammer scores there it is 70.6 moves up into ninth so just behind chris gregson in eighth at the moment we've got some i'll tell you what we've got two heavy hitters underneath him though joseph garbacher and jordan thackeray still to drop but right now it's the italian beautiful style ivan federico [Music] and he's definitely keeping it loose here oh going for the 360 kick flip i was gonna say i saw him set up his feet and i thought well that's taking a chance for your first trick there but maybe he feels pretty confident with his first run and he wanted to step it up they're currently in fifth on a 75.4 i think you're at that point where you just think right i can let it all go here i've got one conservative score in the bag so here we go going for that kickflip 360 melon over the kicker and nope not gonna happen needs to find that rhythm and he's gonna give up on that one i feel like he's got something in mind here yes because at this point he's not going to try to run he's just going to try a stun [Music] here he goes oh he wants to do a lip slide oh tail slide wow that's huge and up on this dish here oh that's gonna be it what's up you gotta give him credit he he knew he had to step it up so he had to throw out his hardest thing and and that means he begins with the kickflip 360 melon super risky trick for anyone even when you get it wired it's the thing that really impresses me about someone like ivan is he comes from caluso a little town just north of turin and he grew up skating a mini ramp on a vote ramp that his mum and dad built in a tennis court and he said the other day i skated on my own 90 of the time and to have that drive and that passion to do that i mean it's interesting there are parallels to draw with you in a sense because you there were times when skateboarding especially vert was so unfashionable that you were skating on your own oh yeah absolutely uh but at the same time i grew up kind of skating like that because when i grew up skating it wasn't popular at all it was it was you couldn't make a living out you couldn't have a career at it and so when we were at the park there were only a handful of us that were even trying anything so i got used to being isolated like that and definitely through the sort of ups and downs that that wasn't foreign to me to to have to just go skating alone or with only two people it's and it takes a special kind of drive well we're looking at the standings here uh liam pace still to drop aurelion giroux and grayson fletcher already gone jaime mateo and luis neto still to go so they can move their way up out of this for me i think jordan thackeray and joseph garbachio can really shift some gears yeah they they i'm sure they're disappointed in their first runs and they know what's going to take to up those scores and uh i would hesitate to say they're going to go all out but they're definitely going to have to increase the difficulty of what they had in mind yeah liam pace at the moment has that real luxury sat in top spot and he's gonna be last to drop so we're looking for some of those boys uh for me i think homie mateo to put some pressure on uh first in though it's gonna be uh luis neto the street skater out of florianopolis third simple session appearance girl look at that straight into the 270 lip ridiculously tasty so it looks makes it look so easy frontside flip on the bank and then back on this rail back lip looking solid right there sort of checking the boxes of the rails now what oh trying that big flip some front side board slide [Music] yeah even those little tricks right there like that that nollie 360 on the quarter pipe counts for something oh hard flip back flip [Music] he's going to try that big flip from going again got it so we only saw one fall and he managed to get a redemption on it if he makes uh some big stuff on these parts that'll definitely up his score there you go hey we said about it oh frontside he was manhandling that i thought for a second he'd taken too long with it we called that the illusion that's the kevin stobb signature front side burial [Music] oh i want to say that's going to better his score but he's in that middle zone where you can't it would be hard for the judges to score much higher because and i don't know if that was better than yvonne's run yeah 73 he wouldn't have very much room for that a lot more mistakes in his first run though i think he's got to improve and he's uh i'll be interested to get inside dan kate's his head and ask him about this because it's where you put your most difficult tricks i feel like luis came out with some as ivan federico wanted to he came out with some of his hardest tricks in the first five there yeah he only only had one miss so um i would i i got to say his score is going to be up there i i'm going to put him closer to four through even third doubtful though with one paw okay we can go down courtside now with too late she is with louis netanyahu same same score oh he got to get a little bit higher but not enough to bump him up a place 74.2 okay let's go down and see tully who's with luis neto now four skaters which part of the course is your favorite uh the down rail the red one favorite perfect rail i mean the judges told me before that you can blink for a second and you and you actually just like lose a tick uh we're gonna get the scores in in a few seconds what do you think it's gonna be i hope better than the first one because i think my my second one run was better okay well your score is 72.4 so you're on the sixth place how do you feel congratulations i mean thank you yeah it's good perfect i'm stoked to be here thank you so much thank you i i've got to say louis nato's face said something different to his mouth then he looked a little bit disappointed by that yeah well it was it was a very very small increase you're talking about .4 tons of point okay so louis nato does not move positions res in sixth place there got a couple of the boys here jaime mateo warming up just trying to get those legs ready for the punishment he is about to inflict on them this guy i i think it's fair to say he's got a uh a solid dose of gnar about him yep fearlessness but yeah definitely looking like he he's letting his nerves get the better of him there's that 360. yeah like i said it's it's more likely to land low on that trick but he managed to pull it off whoa there's a transfer we haven't seen love that one he's so committed to this line you can just tell that he's forcing his wheels over just to get to where he planned to go it's almost as if he's kind of bulldozing this run at the moment not quite as fluid as his first one but it's still working backstage to get around 270 barely staying on that ramp you couldn't see it from that angle but he was on the edge [Music] still in there but he's got to get back if he wants to get that boneless cave man and here we go splatting on the wall landing really hard to get his truck there 10 seconds left to try and get up the top can he do it here it is switch bonus 180 in oh wow that was he landed in the compression looked like he looked like he landed in a roller coaster oh but i don't think that trick i don't think that was gonna count for so much that he thought it was like i i feel like that was an extra bonus more for the crowd i don't think the judges are going to think that was the most difficult of the other tricks compared to the stuff like this this indy 3 and his spine transfer now watch how low he lands here that's right like lower than halfway and he's gonna he still had to try and get something on the back foot to pump what was left of the transition but all these right here that front board i mean this is this is the meat of the run right here especially this with the bonus 360. unreal love that trick it's it's so easy to get caught up in that and then to have the faith in your own ability to drop blind into the transition absolutely here we go switch boneless 180. this is so ben reborn right here [Applause] look at him you can see the frustration in the vibrations of his hair i think the thing that makes that more difficult it's not it's not the trend the the size and transition he's landing on it's that once it goes down it starts to go back up again there's little there's a little lump sort of dip if you're out at all you've got a tiny pump bump after the that's what makes it way harder oh look see you could tell that if that was just flat right there on the bottom he would have made it but he's running into a mogul basically so it did improve his run score he got into the 80s 80.4 but jaime mateo he wants this one so badly switch boneless and the sacko arena lights up for the spaniard tosses his board over the fence that was enough to put him in third that actually bumped him up so aurelian giro he's going to have his work cut out for him if he's going to end up in the top three places now so joseph garbacio as raw as carpaccio so the link says so he's so so clean yesterday so solid a lot of pressure on him now the young frenchman has to deliver in this run see what he's got oh yeah indy twig and turning the quarter pipe here down and there's that still fish backside 360 every time i don't know i don't know if we're going to see any other bean plants in savannah i thought they're almost extinct i love how tricks come back we saw a couple of benihanas in qualifying as well i thought they were possibly the most unfashionable trick in the world ah yeah that that's surprising oh i'm missing that backsmith that's looking good up to here though and that was one of the tricks he aced last time made it look really really [Music] good [Music] if he can stay on the rest of this run this still could improve his last score 100 go oh there you go 270 lip slide into a revert out that's the only one we've seen today we haven't seen him do it [Music] okay gabacho going back to the transition [Music] oh there it is kickflip andy i think that's gonna better his score we saw him flail a little bit on his last run and and get that trick after time this time he landed it within time that's definitely he's not gonna be in tenth anymore i don't know if he's gonna bump into the top three yeah threshold for three is 80.4 we just saw that from jaime mateo and when you compare those two runs well who knows this one's super tech it is it just this is gonna be telling of how much the judges are are gonna score down his fall [Music] love that frontside fable and this one 270 and then 270 out perfect kick flip indy landing we call that a deck check okay we've got a little camera up at the judges and apparently it's going off up there they are whirring we'll see if we can find the judges come i don't think we've got one to ghost across it but looks like joseph garbacio's looking up there okay it's calmed down now bam looks like he might have been defeated by dan cates who stands up to his uh dominance over the pack dan cates is the head judge aurelien giroud stood down there with joseph garbachio what's he gonna get bumps him up into third place 81.00 i gotta say i agree with that there were some big big technical tricks in there the real stuff that was uh that was impressive and imagine if he had that he hadn't fallen okay so at the moment a podium plays for joseph garbacio only one rider left to drop who can topple liam pace who's currently occupying the top spot jordan thackeray from essex in great britain had an incredible qualifying run didn't find the tricks he wanted in his first run he's got this last run of 75 seconds to overhaul liam pace currently sat on a 64. he needs to bump that up to a minimum 81 if he wants to make the podium and i mean tony his trick draw it looked more like one of those rolling tool boxes he just had so many different drawers he was reaching into he does he has a lot of options especially on the quarter pipes he seems to just dance on his board when he's up on the lip so a true historian of skateboarding draws on tricks from every era looks relaxed crossbar to big india wall ride and what is this gonna be nice stale fish into the spine that's really hard to get the speed for and to get the speed out of just flowing through that spine section and down into the rails look at that front board just full speed nice noseblind that was a that was a pretty risky one that was a lot of speed to all into a noseblind he was coming down with a bit of force back to this quarter pipe whoa oh man that was amazing that was one out of the top drawer for sure like a whole list of tricks you just won't see from anyone else coming from the feet of jordan zachary at the moment that was very cool uh that's a rare trick we ever see on a mini ramp especially not on vert and then he wants that frontside alley you broke the channel all of these tricks are really it takes a deep appreciation for skate culture to to do these tricks or to understand them and uh and they're all difficult you know even though they're old right there that uh alley-oop frontside ali is something that was created in the late 80s and hardly anyone doesn't it's it's a beautiful thing and as we said on his first run there's so much uh heritage and culture in essex with skating romford skatepark for a start there's so many heads have come out of there jordan undoubtedly a product of that lovely letting that back leg hang down and that was the trick that where it unraveled in the first run right and this is pretty cool he turns the ledge into a wall bash backside blunt and then right here front to dolly alley this trick is so difficult you can't see where you're going it's hard to get your feet on and it could go tragic and the pop off the vert as well the board's inverted and you're just using that front leg to try and guide it through so 69.2 second run score for jordan that great not going to improve his position at the moment so 11th place liam pace is in a victory lap he's already won this thing that is it you called it from the start it was an easy decision in the end liam pace let's see if we get something difficult i get i get the feeling he's not gonna let this one go right there going for a tomahawk into the eggplant now what oh what is this 180 into cap melon he is this is for the crowd but he's still stepping it up he doesn't you know he's not cruising he saw it on the graphic there he attended zero parties in thailand this week that could explain why he's won or it could be this level of skating indy five wow 180 into the cap that was the only trick that i did not see him fall on all practice he almost had too much speed for the cavalier not that it matters nice crooked grind up the ledge well he won the gold at x games last year in the next generation contest and he's delivered on the promise he showed there stepping up into the big leagues this year this kid has a bright future ahead of him [Music] [Applause] give it up for liam pace ladies and gentlemen victory lap for the kid from tucson arizona very very impressive for the 18 year old where's my hat that's the tom shaw technique just lose your hat somewhere in the run so here it is yeah that's a thick head of hair isn't it that was a i thought he grabbed both hands though that was a christ there and then this even without plenty of speed he can he can pull it off this is pretty amazing though where he has enough speed to do this cab melon grab and then showing that he's got the street skills with the crook up the ledge it just shows that you can come here you know you can you can have the attitude of someone who is truly training and getting stuff wired and not fly by night and and come through successful because a lot of people will come with more of a spontaneous attitude i might try my best i might not and liam just through and through had this focus and had a run in mind and did it well there it is confirmation of the standings liam pace in first grayson fletcher with that first run score of 81.8 phenomenal run from him joseph garbacio bumping right up the standings from tenth to third with his second run jaime mateo down there in fourth disappointment for jordan zachary but an um truly entertaining run from him going back to that discussion i mean i've i've heard you talk about it before and i don't think it's any coincidence that yourself kelly slater teddy harkinson across skateboarding snowboarding and surfing were never the guys who are partying heaps and you've had the longest careers and you've got the furthest well it's definitely easy to get caught up in those distractions especially when you're young and for sure i had my my share of that i kind of lived through two generations of skating but i didn't always have skating was always the priority and i did see plenty of my friends and and my contemporaries lose their their focus and lose their abilities when they got caught up in those distractions and and uh it's something you've got to think of and it's and it's it's hard you know something you're young thrust into the spotlight and there's all these these things you didn't really imagine or maybe those were your drives to get there but at some point you got to realize that you got there because you're skating and you've got to prioritize your skating overall else and that's how you have longevity well it's worked for liam pace today he has won the day tully is with him now i mean congratulations amazing you're such a freaking amazing president to watch on the on this game so so creative did you plan your goals did you just drop in and just went for it i kind of had a run set but i had no clue about the last half if i was going to even land any of it because i was struggling in practice and i felt pretty hard like the first day of practice so words can't describe how i feel right now so you told me before that you write a similar park at home do you think you had like a benefit in this course because of that i mean maybe i don't know i think it's just having fun like that's what this contest was about to me so like it was just stress-free like whatever happened happened and i'm just astonished of what actually like came out of it thank you so much congratulations thank you very much and liam pace wins skateboarding today because he's having the most fun yeah and he and he practiced the hardest he trained you know whether you like it or not he was training and he came through and that's what it's gonna take to win an event like the olympics okay we're gonna take a quick break now when we come back we're gonna be pulling the meat off the bones of everything you've just seen join us for the post show in just a moment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] welcome back myself and tony hawk running you through all of the proceedings that you've just seen finals absolutely blew our mind uh we can take a look at some of those well the podium runs if we start with joseph garbaccio that french powerhouse came in here and i i actually hadn't seen him before i'd seen a couple of little clips of him but he threw down that second run and it was super clean yeah it was uh it was all we'd hoped for and i honestly hadn't heard of him either until we got here and he proved himself to be super consistent and well-rounded using all the park and uh it was it was fun to see a brendan new face in there the second place i thought it was going to be potentially the winning run straight out of the box grayson fletcher you said he sometimes he'll turn it on sometimes he'll back off and he definitely turned it i don't think he ever backs off i think sometimes he just turns it up too much is what and what we saw in his second run as well where he just was trying but he grabbed a foreign board tried to do huge flips but his first run was all that right here with a transfer that no one had even considered yet and then this first place liam pace you called it right from the start but he just he never put a foot wrong well it these runs happened every time in practice too i mean you could just see that he was he was training himself to get it so dialed that it just becomes second nature and he proved it right here and then kind of threw some flair in there at the on the second run with the christ air over the kicker but uh he was exciting to watch he used the whole chorus kept his speed up stayed consistent and it was pretty obvious that he was going to win it another vintage simple session it's also worth mentioning that the winner here liam pace is going to get a spot in the munich mash event red bull roller coaster if you missed that last year it's a complete hybrid sport it's a downhill vert street kind of park contest that tests everyone newcomer jake gilady out of florida won it last year uh i think he was danny leon in second and current cables in third well worth checking that one out end of june and liam pace will be there i think his style is going to suit that yeah he probably was hoping to get there from here that was the goal because i'm sure he's going to shine there okay uh we've got a couple of other things on red bull tv if you want to check them out we've got crashed ice last event of the season are happening in fenway park in boston it's the oldest stadium in major league baseball and the athletes are going to be fighting for victory on a 610 meter or 2 000 foot course it's always a good time absolute carnage you ever been to one of those no i've actually tried it it was the most dignity stripping experience of my life it just looks like chaos it looks like you're definitely gonna get hurt no matter how good you are you you need the hockey pad to put it that way i'll watch it thank you okay uh this has been simple session 19 the skate finals later on today we've got the bmx street and park finals coming up i'll be changing out tony for chris doyle he is uh one of the most stylish men ever to throw his leg over a bmx don't forget as well next year will be the 20th anniversary of simple session we'll see you then for the next skate final in the meantime all that's left for us to say is thank you very much tony thank you thanks for having me it was a blast okay look at that out actually we're not going yet we get to see 20 years of simple session from its very beginnings that's maddar's apps in 2004 as a kid some of the best skaters in europe have come out here and made a name for themselves it's actually been the place where most of the russian skaters have been able to prove their worth [Music] beaver fleming's backflips coming up through the gears now aurelie and giro in 16 and 17. jagger eaton in 2018 20 years next year in 2020. tony thank you so much it's been a pleasure working thank you this was really fun to watch and uh i'm thankful i get to be part of it we'll catch you later on for the bmx street and park and we'll see you next year 2019 real log jammers [Music] congratulations well done man and you get a massive credit card and an lhv bank award check for 300 euros so crowl can i have a big round of applause for a stone the best estonian okay now i'm gonna hand back to the legendary dave duncan to announce the finalist the simple session 2019 okay so dave duncan take me through the top six thank you mark brewster congratulations
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 1,283,567
Rating: 4.7316175 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports
Id: tZVaF1gsprs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 7sec (7027 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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