Freeride World Tour 2019 Finals LIVE from Verbier, Switzerland

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intimidating venue in sport this is the grand finale of the freeride world tour this is the Xtreme Verbier [Music] [Applause] [Music] four stops have led us here to the biggest day on the competitive freeride calendar this is the Xtreme Verbier and the best free riders in the world are about to go toe-to-toe on that intimidating face behind me I'm very pleased to say joining me to make sense of all of the action today are two bonafide legends in the big mountain world Lorraine Hoeber and Xavi Odell of Rome hello so awesome to be here Lorraine you only retired last year with a 2nd place on this face I might add was the overriding emotion is it relief that you're not competing or is it frustration that you want to be up there look I'm not gonna lie and a part of me is relieved because it's hugely stressful competing on the back it's a very intimidating very challenging face I'm going to tell you also that the riders are partially afraid of it that's just normal and so yeah and the other part of me is just missing the riders a bit missing being part of that but on the other hand I've moved on to other things and right now I can't imagine competing here my head is so far away from it ok well Lorraine spent eight years on the tour she joined in 2009 and in that time she took two second places on the back Terrace and a third as she took two wins in feeble burn and she was crowned 2017 freeride world tour champion in the women's ski category and then stood next to Lorraine Savio DiLeo you've competed on this face 15 times that is unprecedented you know better than anyone what it takes to win here well I know what it takes to win but I also know what it takes to take a big big crush because I've had a quite a few ones nothing that's starting on a positive yeah and exactly and if you see under my beanie I've got a lot of white hair and that's what it does when you compete here 15 times because even after so many times you still have so much pressure because it's montane of commitment and yeah it's like very intimidating like Lorraine said that's really that puts this in perspective when two riders of your caliber talk about how nervous this face makes you you competed as I said here 15 years you won three freeride World Tour titles you took four wins on the Beck dear Ross I mean that's a record only equal by Steve class and I think but probably most impressively you've got a cliff named after you on this face yeah I know like that one year I kind of had the thing in me you know and we always talk about the the fire that you need to have to send a crazy line and I think that was my crazy line for sure one of the most impressive things for me as well is that the Delarue dynasty could continue this year Victor your youngest brother is competing and he is in the mix for a world title that's a new emotion for you this is completely crazy because I never expected to have any of my brothers here and this year my little brother decides to come on the tour and it just starts winning and winning and here ease with a yellow babe and I must say that I don't know what's more stressful if it's being at the start or watching the little brother having to launch himself off the big momma well it's the Delarue DNA is in effect today make no mistake we've got a packed show for you this is how it pans out nearly three hours of action we're gonna kick off in just a few minutes time with the women's snowboarding then at nine o'clock we'll be in with the ski women and then we've got a mid show where we'll wrap up and analyze all of the happenings from the women's and move on to the men's men's snowboarding kicking off at 10:00 a.m. and their men skiing at 10:30 a.m. it promises to be a very very interesting day of action now if you don't know where we are this is verby aim we've got very clever satellite map that's gonna draw us in from outer space and right down into this southwestern corner of Switzerland tucked up between the French and Italian borders you'll find this idyllic south-facing Bowl it's the largest ski area in Switzerland and tucked away on the South border is this intimidating pile of rocks as EV has cold air the better us and it's the pet the final stop of the freeride world tour but to get here we have four other stops that have very different personalities and characteristics and they all test different traits of the riders don't they the tour kicks off in Japan and there's have it's all about the snow yeah Japan is really well known for its huge powder riding into the trees it's usually bad weather but it's really playful terrain and we see on that on that competition that there's a lot of freestyle going on because the terrain is just made for that so it's a great way into the tour yeah we saw some really playful lines here Lorraine yeah we did and I think the riders love the amount of tricks and variability that the venue offered them in Japan it wasn't the longest face but though it was just packed with features you can say that some great runs there and then it moves on to kicking horse in British Columbia and how would you describe that face because it's a real mix isn't it I think in kicking horse the riders really need that highlight piece they need a showpiece it's it's a very short face so if you make a mistake on that one move you're gonna have a very difficult time in terms of points how do you find itself when you've got a face like that where you've got to make everything count around for one big feature well I think both Laureen and I are like we both come from like big faces big montains where you have time to kind of express yourself and I've always found it really hard to being able to shine on really small things so it's always really intense but at the same time you can really commit some mistakes because you need to send it some extra mile to to get the the points and get the the wow effect in a way because that's what you're looking for two of them moves the midpoint to FIBA brand you've won it twice how does that face line up with all of the others is it the first taste of big mountain terrain absolutely the women also started from the very top of the veil order this year and I'm telling you it's very intimidating up there it's similar in a way to the back so it gives them that first taste of exposure you don't want to be falling in that area and then in the bottom section you've again got that more playful terrain where you can let your freestyle tricks shine okay I mean what do you make of it you've got that mixture in it it's a first taste of doing something big like Verbier yeah exactly I think it's pretty good into the mix to come up to this event here because yeah the whole top section you've got all these cliffs at the bottom and it's basically enough for zone so so it changes the game completely penultimate stop your home mountain range to pyrenees and that's always quite spontaneous because the face change is each year yeah exactly that's the Pyrenees it change is really quickly really fast it can be amazing sometimes but it can become kind of spring snow and we've seen some of these amazing lines come down on spring snow and I think it's always really impressive to see that the riders can adapt themselves to the conditions and this here has been a really tough event down there but they've they've they've been throwing some incredible lines so I think we see the level going up up up and yeah I'm really stoked to watch them well it's a huge shift from that freestyle up here to Verbier but one of the things that runs alongside that if you've got all of those different personalities in the venue's you've got just as much diversity in the athletes themselves they come from Alpine Skiing some of them grow up free riding now and then some of them like Marcus either come from the highest levels of freestyle so you've got to have a judging system that can reflect all of those different skills on those different phases so let's take a closer look at the judging categories it's subjective it's not about a time you're judged on five different categories the first of which is line and you can see Sam smoothy's here from Andorra a few years back this is the route that you take down the mountain the more technical the more exposed the more risk the uux that you expose yourself to then the better it is fluidity is how your line flows how everything links together if you're having to do massive traverses across the face to link your features together then you're losing points also if you hesitate anywhere then you've got the first of two categories where you can get doctor points control is the first of those if you're falling then obviously you're losing points but small mistakes can really cost you the judges are looking for excuses then you have an heir in style this refers to everything that happens when you leave the snow and this year especially we've started seeing more and more freestyle entering lines and then finally we've got technique another category where you can really lose points it's a veer Delarue there on that 2010 line and the technique is making it look good in the tightest riskiest most technical spots of the face now we're just going to take a quick look at the Red Bull TV analyzer you can join in the coversation using the hashtag Red Bull TV or you can go onto the analyzer and share some of the runs that you see being thrown down today now though we're going to take a quick look back at the women's snowboarding before we get stuck into the competition this is how the women's snowboarding season has played out my goal this year was to be the winner before value and make the run of my life in Bobby transfers like that really nice transfer that from Haneda he's frozen detector zone dropping another job there's nothing like adding a little bit of pressure into the mix Marian had t already world champ as claimed she's gonna send it here yeah she has I mean to say the run of my life Wow because you're in a competition situation so there's a lot of those variables and pressure you're dealing with anyway so it will be really exciting to see her run here today yeah but she's in such a comfortable position it is exactly the chance to do to throw the run of her life so I'm really looking forward to see that she had a great smile on her face like in the last few days so I think we're gonna see some cool show okay the confidence is running high with Marian here - definitely one to watch we can take a quick look now at the face though this is the petty Beck it's on the lookers right hand side of the back dear us start to start options around 2900 to 990 mark and then the finish down the bottom there gives you a vertical of between 375 and 365 a little bit more Sun on this face it places a bit more east so in the morning it gets a really really nice light and have you said the best snow is on this side yeah usually there's always the best on this side right now I am not sure if you know there's been it's been really hot yesterday so it might have put a little crust so we're gonna see the foreigner this morning like they came down maybe 20 minutes ago and they were like yeah it's a little bit crusty but so the the writers are gonna have to adapt because that's what free writing is all about same conditions for everyone okay we're gonna take a very short break but when we come back we have got the women's snowboard category opening up buckle yourselves in this is gonna be fantastic we IDE will to finals welcome here it's good to have you with us my name is Neil Willemijn and with me the veteran commentator returning for the final stop of this year MADD McFly Winkler how're you doing today thanks for having me Neil so happy to be back at the finals here on this such a gorgeous day what a view we have in our office today yeah that's right the big looking amazing as we just heard is EV say the snow might be a little bit crusty so we will see how things unfold during the day the light is perfect though no complaints there we've had a little bit of bad luck with weather over the last few years so fantastic to have such a blue good day and not have to be in a rush at all looking forward to seeing the girls kick it off from the look is right hand side the ladies BIC as we call it and then later on we're gonna have the guys from the top three different starts today look at the snowboard woman we've got seven people competing here today I think that might actually not be quite right we've got a longer that's the ranking sorry why don't you talk us through the ranking yeah so yeah we have the the only category that is already has a world champion decided is malian healthy out of France with a second world title followed in the overall ranking of an ANOVA and Manuela Mandel in third Erica vikander in fourth and then Maria Kuzma out of New Zealand and what kind of Hama and Nicole Kelly following up some of them didn't make the cut unfortunately the ones that we have here competing already up in the start gate the snow but women will kick things off with the action here at the back of us that's right we only have four of the snowboarders they've managed to qualify for the finals here this year and for next year the 2020 will to it man well Amanda last year's will to a champion will be first out of the gate and I think it's gonna be really interesting cuz last year she put down a say Frances I mean her overall world title and this year she cannot win the World title overall so she might be looking for a won here in Verbier however we have Marian LT saying she's gonna put down run a full life and it's gonna be interesting competition between those two and the other two of course all capable of winning here today so very exciting Manuela Mendel and the Stargate your country compared you where did you go originally out of Vienna the capital where we don't have as many mountains if we think the way of Manila writes but she changed residents to Innsbruck where it's definitely more options out of the door to go riding and that's what you can see here she is so solid on her snowboard for years now she knows how to charge and still knows how to play tactics today there are no tactics because she cannot make it to make the for the title the overall title so she is going for the win that's what she told me driving super fast here as well but maybe clipping a rock just there looks like that wasn't exactly what she planned to do it was pretty quick into the chute really steep in there so Manuela mantle may be coming a little bit unstuck after taking that first day quite big and coming down to the mandatory now stomping that one looking really clean and smooth and solid you can see this a little bit more Sun on the face in this part so it might be a little bit more Sun a fictive maybe a little bit crusty there but look like work about the Austrian yeah that's a her standard technique that she's displaying snow looking good she knows half way to find the good snow going for her last air no hesitation perfect stomp that was amazing there was a really really solid run from last year's world to a champion and it's not finished his new features yet to come so many features that's really cool and impressive really really good stuff Romano Amanda last year's world to a champion looking to turn it into a victory on the big Duras this year it was really cool to see her seaming it all season this year she started things off with a couple of huge ears as the runs and Canada and in Japan and she's in the finish now pumping her arm she's happy with herself she's proud of it first person out of the gate is really tough thing to do and the World Tour we see now her lion going through the compulsory shoot at the top I think we'll see quite a lot of traffic through that area today and rolling down into the finish gate now standing next to the peeps banner sponsored by peeps one of the safety partners of the Brad world - and we seen the slow-motion replay now light fluidity Aaron style and technique all and the positives really great run but a little bit of a bubble coming out of the first year and maybe clipping a rock has done bad things but a control score so overall I think this will be a great round great score for mono handle really pushing the limits width and wants know what in this year and it's proud to see so fifty nine point six six even with the control as you near the top I think that is a great way to start the day tomorrow still she knows it's gonna be tough to take the win here with a mistake like that she tried it all let's see what the other girls come up with there are only three riders left to go for overall here in the women's snowboard category okay coming up next the twenty year old former slopestyle rider out of Portland Oregon such a positive and happy character always good vibes being around her that's right Harry keep putting down to podium runs in the last two competitions to grab the support for the next year's will - and 2020 and another competition run here after last year being the first time she qualified for the finals here in Libya and look at that view Bluebird amazing mountains in the background starting from one of the two woman starts we have here today there's that gate being on the lookers right start at the stat Corral that we stamped out yesterday she's on course now from that look as lifts start following - track so far yeah as you said same start this Manuela Mandela cruisin it down through that section there is definitely over that lip and no fall zone coming down to the manager cliff in the middle here so Manu had already had air by this point but also a control issue so Erika I'll be interested to see how her score appears for that because she's coming up the same mandatory here as Manu had a little bit more hesitation though a little issue in the landing there unfortunately also a little bit of hesitation she had to let the slough pass first before she could clear the rocks and have a safe landing that's right so I think we'll have to see some abrasive stuff from her further down and her run here to challenge money a little air in the middle section there finding the good snow going for the grab as well pink snow conditions are for the snowboard snowboard is more favorable than for the skiers with that little crust on top but easy to break through as it seems like it's right enjoying the good snow day with that surf influence style or park influence style going for a grab there nice finish of Erika vikander yeah a really strong finish to the run there for America similar line tomorrow I'll be interested to see how this girl compares a little bit of a controller shoot at the top as well and one less here that could be the difference in the end but we'll let the judges decide that too abrasive runs from a ladies so far a great way to kick things off absolutely still both of them as you mentioned had a little bubble in there in their run not the way you want to go for a win today but you never know only four riders to go and it is a challenging face so going for a big run and having no issues is not an easy task that's right so some of the scores down here fluidity I think is a punishment for the hesitation that she had about the mandatory clip pretty tough cliff and they were seeing a lot of people falling up before so I wanted to make sure that she did it the best possible capacity Eric every kind of score coming in now giving the crowd a wave she is looking at a 55 so four and a bit points behind my new handle sitting and seeking fair now so only four girls starting today potential to podium is high but of course it wants to be taking home the win so here's someone that can be doing that and although they had a rush it really strong right out of Russia she was under qualifiers for many years proved that she can play with the get big girls and four three two seasons already she is challenging the number one spot this year just out of contention but she was one of the contenders for the Fed will to title for until the last stop here in now as all the girls she's definitely going for the win here in the very prestigious back the US that's right extreme title is on our hands yeah and taking humble win in the first stop and haka by this year so now she has the opportunity to take on another one and with that I think she could be sitting second overall and the woman's rankings which would be the highest that she has placed I believe so the Russian just about to get on course she is now right there from at the lookers lift woman start and coming over into the central kawar I believe that there was actually bit of difference between a win minor and Erica Road and this is way minor road and it is following her tracks off this cliff at the top and taking their top it to the side which I think may be a smart choice because she's not picked up as much speed coming out of that and not how to control a shoe compared to - oh they got some money for the charging smart line choice from Anna impressive show for the ladies all over so far and that was meant to be a part on an all over she is ripping it up here today and I stomp on it mandatory absolutely hourglass cliff she took like a boss didn't even wait for the slough to pass great stomp taking this one deep perfect stump again she is on a roll yes really brazen when you see someone go past the last persons landing palm hole so doing that in a different capacity the other riders can really make you stand out and I think so fast it's pretty solid run for me so far McFly I think this will be learning sitting in number one oh yeah she is on course for a free World Tour Finals win if Madame Mario healthy doesn't bring down her run that she is hoping to get yeah all right so solid run from the Russian in a different variation on the double at the bottom really cool it's all quite similar runs from the three snowboarders that we've had so far and coming her heart to the finish Corral there I think she's pretty happy with herself as we see a slight difference in the top section and middle section of this one but she is happy with herself she's got the GoPro honor here capture some great footage today with that sloppy sparkly power experiences director's name de and the first rider we've seen today with all control and the green yeah here we have definitely the biggest feature that she hit on the way down of the little back and she connected all the clips perfectly here definitely 77 points and all over sitting in bursts at the moment required oh yes she is a happy camper I'm very sure that a her good friend even malikov is watching at home all the best to you even with your knee injury he will be back next year but final rider of the season of the snowboard women category is up and she is already the Fred will to a champion of 2019 there is no way that her title can be taken away but it's all about the back there host of Xtreme Verbier title today yeah that's right a lot of people say that winning here is just as good as winning the tour overall and Marion having already won two overall she see it apparently earlier that she is here to put down the run of her life sitting pretty in first place wearing the golden Feb she could become the third lady to win the big to Ross twice on a snowboard so she's on course now the only lady and a snowbird character starting from the lookers right start this is where a forum from yesterday and that's a lot of fun and she's going big already right after the start gate shutting down speed on that open terrain they're very smart riding really faster Marion as well as the gate and a 360 stomping yet nice one from the freestyle original rider competing the world cup and freestyle previously now having already won the Fred will to it this year and a 2017 solid run was seeing here and this is a big cliff she's lining up this is a huge nose are we gonna see her seen that as a double maybe a little bit of hesitation there but now she's in the middle of this crazy double section yeah Barry on what a technical section and she cleared it perfectly not finished yet she has to bring it down but that's exactly the rod she was looking for the right life the French snowboard you chill Aegean current will to a champion potential free ride will to a Finals champion as well what a solid run from Erin ante claiming it and then putting it down wow that was impressive congratulations empty and without further ado there is no doubt that this is first place what and like how much style can you finish the season already the golden babe world champion and sorry to take it away already but that is no doubt one of the best runs we've seen from the snowboard ladies category ever at the freeride world tour that was incredible look at this top here so much commitment into the steepest section needs to shut it down I can tell you that snow wasn't that soft beer 360 off this look I think that was the same place and for marks I tried one a few years ago but I think that ain't for might a crash or first accessible stop it's noble lady 360 in that area and a little bit hesitation to this but you can see why super gnarly technical and exposed hands up as soon as she came out of that claiming it and you should be deserved way to come down and victory lap your season what a place to do it what a day in the Sun to show off how much of a champion you are and you call that and the judges didn't let me down this time 88 points a win and the finals a weren't over all that means it Anna all of us taken vacating the hot seat I don't think Mary will get to sit in there for long because we're gonna be kicking right off with a ski walking category after a short short break getting hugs from the rest of the category there you can see it was super solid riding from the ladies today and finished off by the will to a champion taking a title on the big de Ross the third woman to win two times here and I think the first woman to star for 360 at the back but first of all we're gonna have the third over overall ranking and what a score that was never see in the women's category Mario healthy with 10,000 points yes so solid it must be nearly perfect full results counting out of the five competitions marionettes he right out there and a little of a second with two or even three podiums this year I believe Manila Mendel the defending champion and third overall and Erica Condit and fourth as you're saying Maria Koosman what kind of harmony Nicole Kelly no unfortunately quite in Phoenix yeah but wicked show from the ladies both today and this whole season oh yeah what a show we had on her hands great snow all over the season only maybe one stop was holding us back a little bit and on the powder section but even here we were not expecting to see such a show with there were snow conditions but snow as we said look better than we expected huh that's right yeah really good snow today better than we expected actually since that we heard from the foreigners a little bit crusty or maybe the snowballs just made it look good because that was an impressive show to watch and the finish area we have it wait who just did the introductory show before he is there with some of the riders they've just finished them head as Marian see at the run of her life so I bet they're pretty psyched over to you it tell us how it's doing down there thank you Thank You Martin that we're here with the woman who has had a perfect season you just saw 10,000 points not only for wins to count for those 10,000 points but you've just laid down that line that that's huge Maria you you said beforehand that this was your plan you wanted to have the world title sewn up before you came here so that you had the freedom to lay down a line like that was that the line you wanted yeah I would like to have a better assistant and super stoked to win today and everything is perfect the Indians for the fans no I mean the snow was not good at that of it there's a lot of pressure but it feels to me like your confidence has been really high this year I'm more confident but I can be still in stress for sure and today I was so in stress because this is the bag they're us and you have to be ready focus oh I need little bit too been stressed we really focus on what I want to do and I mean have you said that cliff in the middle of the line there that was a lot of exposure there yeah totally like getting in there I was like okay what does she have in her mind I know it's the run of your life and what are you gonna do in there and you pulled it off really well and adding a 360 and bringing that mix into the game was really refreshing really cool to watch I mean for you now where do you go from here Four Winds on the tour and then you've taken out this what are you gonna push for what are you looking for next year I brought so I want to push myself because I really love snowboarding and I want to coach knew for sure okay Marian thank you so much Sarris are you gonna say no no I would say that's a great answer because it's not about winning it's about just pushing okay what we have got quickly is the line tracker we can take a quick look at your line there Mary and so you can talk us through it raw emotion the graphics company have put together a little bit of the line you you were the only rider to take off on the snowboarders left-hand side star what was your decision behind that because for me it was the best line for James and but for sure the snow was shitty on the top but I'm from the slopes Taryn for me to write the isis no it's okay okay well you can see all of the lines there it was a beautiful line and it put a full-stop on an incredible season for Marian heya T we're going to take a quick break now but when we come back we've got the skiing women [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome back we're about to get the ski women's category underway Lorraine it's been what arguably one of the most progressive this year it's such a new category this year a lot of change has gone on with the riders themselves and whereas even just only last year and RT would have been the only girl who you can expect to see doing a trick now it's like two three girls throwing down tricks I feel like there's a lot of fresh air in the category and it's really exciting to watch okay well we can take a look at how the seasons played out for the ski women now I know that if I'm having fun then I ski pretty well I keep it simple that's what I did the past years and I already have a title so I think it's a good philosophy it's straight down a cross-court work here what I really wanted to do was you know show people that I was able to ski and have fun and qualify for this event so getting here was definitely the most important thing for me [Music] the prize focus for Walter being relaxing fun stomping that here - OH around the other side super creative line there LaBarbara seeing Jackie takes a little bit of a back slap but stopping it from the American absolutely massive [Music] well it is an incredibly high pressure situation that faces both Jacqueline Pollard and Arianna Turco me now you've been in this situation before haven't you Lorraine yeah in 2014 our Dean Viana and I were really close in points and basically we knew that whoever was going to win here in Verbier would be world champion and that is a difficult situation to be and if you think much too much about the title and the points and the results you just stop focusing on the job that you actually have to do which is skiing the line that you've chosen so um yeah I'm curious to see how the girls will deal with that today and it's a really different set of personalities in circumstance of you in the Jacqueline Pollard is the rookie on tour and arianna defending champion a lot more pressure it feels like or a lot more expectation at least for Ariana yeah but at the same time you know with that scenario I think it's kind of ideal I would say because they know they just have to send it there's no trying to you know stay on your feet because you need to just get a few points you need to win to get the title they know it they're just gonna give everything so in a way it's kind of easy because in the head it's just press the on button and go and I think we're gonna see some cool writing okay we got a hand over to new Willemijn and Martin Winkler now to press the on button alright we are about to press the on button here for the ladies ski onto ladies pick the ladies picked me to look his right hand side of the big where we have to start gates and ladies we're gonna have three decades from the guy for the look is left side the faint face might McFly you just asked about the stats for this one and if re when she went over all of Jaclyn once she wants overall otherwise re has to lose by two places to Jaclyn for the will to a title to be handed over to the rookie how do you think about that what showdown we have on our hands if one of the two girls win they gonna take the title not only at the very extreme but the overall title so it is on for those two girls imagine how nervous will they be yeah and hit reversal not far behind them either sitting in third place really impressive runs and big back foots from the norwegian fight wild card onto the tour this year and showing why she was to be here Elizabeth Garrett centner sitting at 4th of the moment the local rider out of Switzerland I got something to prove on a home out in here maybe oh definitely further on we have Jacqueline Paso the veteran out of years of a and hazel be unbound finishing things off for the women's today that's right hazel Birnbaum she is starting the field off today she only just got her skis last night so good her back on those fresh from the airport thanks guys Elizabeth Garrett some snakes in Jacqueline Paul adhered with whistle coming at fourth Jacqueline has a winning of the last stop and reconsidering her potential retirement I believe Ariana trachoma the defending world to a chair for acting out the stylist yeah it's only over when the lady sings on her last stop ever her swan song as she called it this morning she is about to get things started for the ladies skiing on the victor Ross the ladies BIC and it is the last run on the farewell tour she is retiring after today yeah that is a strong word retirement of course it's only retirement of the highest level of competing she will be a skier for all of her life and definitely has some projects in her bag for the future to come but now she's off and she's always good for some surprises the main action happening she has been showing some amazing doubles here before on the left and on the right side of the back so what has she got on for us to serve storming off that top cliff that monumental and and all over both her and then coming straight into the compulsory and taking it off the bigger part so fast out of here and to the sunnier aspect which might be created crustier snow so really impressive skiing really strong from the American on her last run on the freeride world tour coming over to a big double as well what she got for us on the bottom here continuing into that zone with huge cliffs beautiful take up there stumping and clean again what a run from hazel yet so fast legs are still no options left to do any features yet be there where she's right now but opening the throttle all the way to the finish line yeah just to bust line for the ski women category so impressive what a last line to finish your bread will to a career worth as you see it she's not retiring from skiing she's retiring from competitive free ride and she could become the first woman to win twice on the big on skis no lady hasn't done that before but we've got three ladies with an opportunity to do it here today she's the first one of them hazel Birnbaum looking at her line now really creative and getting through lots of features there yeah she ticked all the boxes she actually is very surprising usually you see the the girls continuing in the phone line she just changed a little bit and got into another Knollys zone and that opened up her score points her bank account of scores so strong all of the judging criteria lines right up in the green here I think when you guys see a high score always tough for the judges when the first riders ski so well because you don't know how much room you need to leave and what areas above and below them because of course the judging the points are just a ranking system it is not an exact science so 80 points a house will burn down there's a judge is saying but not sure if they're gonna see definitely runs at a better than that today is really really high points to start things off with and the woman skiing category and I think she could be looking at a podium big gear senses five riders still to come but super strong Ryan from oh yeah whatever happens today she is happy with her run for sure big smile for the party tonight whether its first place or whatever podium it will be next up the Swiss local Elisabeth Garretson the young gun 23 years old and she is smart the young gun already proves that she is kind of skiing like a veteran but still has all the fresh and creative creativity in a good line choices as well yeah really cool to see you put a better style and the other as you're saying the young local said that she was very very nervous about this competition especially and asked her why at opening ceremony on stage last night and she said because it's only one mother's watching live that's always a tricky one you don't want to scare your family especially not your mom and it is an intimidating face for everyone the one competitors and of course the one who are riding so to seeing a shot of the judges they're getting their forms together ready to pencil in the scores of the second rider here elizabeth garrison the local out of Verbier and she is on course hitting lifts the same as hazel Birnbaum so far CFC takes the same cliff so fast holy moly shut down speed perfectly will she take another big step there she does what oh my gosh that was so massive she's on the tracks of peony Gunderson she took that clip at the same spot but what an opening like this is mental yeah a nice way to hit that cliff as well sitting herself perfectly out for the snakes here what she takes straight letting out the body you're turning that roller into air as well the local rider didn't look nervous during her rod that was incredible stuff the young lady and my like in my mind she's always holding herself a little back because she's not having the confidence but this is 1,000% company that was skiing at her full potential that was just absolutely rubbing stuff taking all of those ears as deep as she wanted to go that's really long and pass the export holes of other people's so impressive decision check that one out that is with so much exposure oh my god and then shutting down the street to get another huge air into that open chute where then she can open up the throttle boom Wow still young Swiss rider doing the Jesus claim on her way to the finish line and why not you deserve it that was an incredible run I said hey little before that she could be looking at a podium with such a strong round already that all really you have the next rider overtaking with 85 points we've seen an 80 and 85 the first believe it what are the highest scores it was seen in a while and already vacating the hot seat after such a strong run from Elizabeth have a seat grab a Red Bull you might be there for a little while oh my god yeah let's continue the show with one of the title contenders today Jaclyn Pollard the rookie 20 year 1 years of age out of us of a out of the Utah so if she once she once not just today but overall and her first ever season she could take home a world title here today if he doesn't win it's no longer up to her it's up to re in what area doesn't her run so I'm sure that re will be very interesting what happens for the young American writer in her run I wonder if she'll adjust accordingly but first and most importantly let's see the American on course starting from the lookers list start and getting straight over to the couloir compulsory zone yeah we've seen already all the ski ladies going over there that's the best opening start you can have taking that first air who weighs smaller than now we have to compare to her to the current number one the leading in the hot seat yeah and stuff here though hitting all the way look is lift getting into the good snow above a really big cliff and she gonna see this off the nose because the holy damn it is a big one pointing it through the chute and airing out the bottom looking so controlled great technique from this young lady no hesitation that's super steep and technical in there unfortunately not a huge cliff so far but technical riding and she's adding a big cliff at the bottom here and really nice woman very solid riding you don't see any hesitation or nerve nervousness that she has not all really cool creative run completely different to the rest of the ladies there same bottom cliff same top cliff completely different all the way in between so a pretty some stuff to to pick a completely different line on your first time on the lady's back and the big ups to you Jaclyn followed and just imagine 21 years of age not as much for a world tour experience like none of the elite experience except the one season she hasn't on her hands she must have qualified pretty pretty early coming from the juniors that's right the Qualys yeah winning the Junior Tour as well qualifying won one of the first years and the attempts and then all of those lines and the green but I would say not as high as we saw from some of the other girls these lines of course just indicated to hell translate the writing into the score you can see what things she's done wellas and what the things she's compared he done not as well but lying up there judge is obviously liking that it shows something different so we'll see how that translates into the score if she once re cannot retain her title as a Fred world to a champion if she doesn't re so where's the school gonna be McFly I have it in my mind it was just like I thought what a strong run from chocolate Paulette don't get me wrong but we have seen like some insane runs especially of this girl here in the hot seat she cannot believe it herself to be honest as we said she's always so hard on herself she was loved probably not expecting interview with Italy talking to the most recent competitor here bud Jackie your first time on the back Duras did it live up to expectations so sick to be up there with these ladies and you know I'm proud to put down a run and I'm proud of this lady I hope she can hold on to it you found some unique line out the side there was fresh tracks I know I you know when I got here this is just such a impressive kind of intimidating face and you know I wanted to just have fun with it and so I kind of thought you know looks like you could get a pretty good power turn out there and you know that's what I did and I heard a rumor that you've been you were weaned on this face in your freeride development process you has shown this by coaches and they said this is the pinnacle of the sport it was you know one day I hope maybe I could get here and you know being on here today it really lived up to my expectations i nervous waiting out to what cherry dropped out I know you know I'm so excited I hope she stomps it she's been such a fun rider to be around and I wish her all the best thank you so much great words from the young American rider really positive I so be smiling when she said I she's want to be good power to and I look at the side of the face you were doing that require absolutely a watersports woman and we have another one on our hands a hit Vic vessel out of Norway the power woman living currently in Lausanne very close to Verbier here and she has something special in her mind I know and she is proven to be a very spectacular yeah action loaded the rider all over the the field will to this season yeah that's right I'd say go big or go at home has pretty much been her motto really impressive to watch the George Rodney a woman skiing absolutely she has a mogul background like not any she was an Olympian and really performing on a highest level in moguls and there she transferred the backflip that we have seen a couple of times already but this time it's a pure big mountain venue leading or following kind of the tracks of Jacqueline Pollard the previous rider but she has some other things in her mind going over to the far ski is right complete fresh tracks and I know she's gonna head for a really big feature oh no she just missed because of really bad snow conditions you can see the tails hooking there is a big crust in there that made her miss one of the big features she was aiming for unfortunately or maybe fortunately because of the crust it could have been really bad because this feature that she was planning on was huge yeah she held it together really well there as you said crusty snow and a little bit difficult see where it is crusty but solid here at the bottom sitting that one showing her composure and strength as a competitive skier took over when in Austria this year at the front stop probably not gonna be a winner with that run today but Big Ups to the strength and technique to hold it together an exposure when the crusty snow quarter risky's so a bit of a shrug shrug claim and she comes through the gate haven't really seen any crashes today from especially if not from the woman skiing a little bit of control issue and a couple of the snowboard woman better so if I really solid stuff it's the first issue we've seen and the crusty snow and still get to owner feet in the exposure so strong skiing from all of the ladies absolutely what a level we have in our hands this today after ski ladies and here we we just miss the one time where she had some issues but a beautiful clip at the bottom and here technical skiing no hesitation but of course a little bumped that she could not perform on this big feature that she was planning on still solid run and currently sitting and 61 points above 50 even with a control issue above a cliff which the judges usually get a bit scared by it can hurt the score so some prison stuff that what the wrists of her clothes she managed to bump up let's go that high well done from Hedwig being a super great having you this year look what see you next year but is this gonna be the last time we see Jackie pesto she was talking about retiring maybe she's not now taka when and the last stop and Endora the 36 year old who has won here and Verbier before and excited to see what she's got for us today oh yeah she is all or nothing lady go big or go home fits best to her mentality and she's proven on her what she says last season last year on the third world tour and arguably the last run of her competitive career we see now could be could be not the one thing I am certain about is that if she wins today she'll be the first lady to win twice on the one here in 2016 to get a chance to do that this year in 2019 taking that top ear really solidly and really great technique to shut that speed down because what other people struggle with that a little bit coming into this manatorian she's had before and stomping that one super deep but unfortunately get if I sit side right she got pushed back into the back seat got high sided on that crusty snow maybe yeah and she couldn't resist the pressure to shut down the speed in control unfortunately a crash of Jackie Paso which definitely yeah will not make her challenge the hot seat of Elizabeth Garretson currently yeah I'm really starting to see that big fan of Jackie and her skiing standing at big if you didn't see her run in at door and then go check it hopped and she went massive she's always down to seeing that this time ended up the skiing and to some crusty snow on her way to the next feature I can tell you that anything that is a bit more east-facing has had a bit of Sun and a bit of freeze thought so it's not quite as good in those areas and giving the base of check be pair so unfortunately today but still big ups it's been pretty busy for her back to Sweden between now and the last stop so a lot of traveling and uh coming back here to the back after that may be a little bit difficult but still solid stuff from the American bittern absolutely like what way a style to finish her season off maybe her career and look at this here she is sending it deep and stomping it clean and that's here when things go wrong a little bit here we have the control issue in the red unfortunately because of her push back into the yeah backseat and crashed yeah sorry to see that Jackie the guys for sending it good to see still got a smile on your face 35 points with Jackie Basso putting here in fifth at the moment that means that the last person in the start gate today is RH economy and very interesting it looks like she is about to start from the look is right the only person and the woman's skiing that start from that start the same as in the woman's snowboarding we only saw the defending champ or the 2017 champ starting from the start so can she do what Marion auntie did put down a prison run for the only person to start from the start gate if she does she'll take the title basically if she crashes then I think the will tour overall will get handed to Jacqueline Paula so super interest to see what happens from this point if you once she wins if she places to places or even one place above Jacqueline Paula then she will win so really interesting stuff I'm pretty sure that's a man it's a little bit more complicated than that probably the obvious don't see her standing on the podium I'm pretty sure that she doesn't do the math she wants to show and compete on the highest level here on the finals she has a creative line a dream line she was mentioning to me this morning if it would had powder definitely it's gonna be challenging because of the snow but if it were perfect powder it would be her dream line she told me look at that technical skiing on that side ledge there yeah it's good similar so far to the line we saw from Arrietty skiing in the Sun and making sure she likes lots of features together and now the beautiful hit there we don't see as much on the women's side this creative line choice yellows p8 of side hurts the backcountry freestyle rider who sang to me that she went home to Innsbruck between and Dora's stop and now and tried to go free riding but ended up having too much fun ski backcountry freestyle in Park so sending this like a fear out of those dumping that air at the bottom and IH economy lining up this double down the bottom maybe another hit there at the bottom yeah we're just holding our breath if we see some big action from the Italian veteran by now she came on tour she came with a complete fresh style we knew there is some big years ahead of her and I claim that this is the Fred world to a champion run of 2019 with the golden babe and she will keep it yeah putting your hands up and deservedly really cool creative run from are a smile on her face why not add a South Tirol the german-speaking part of northern Italy and we see this line completely different to any of the other girls today and you think it'll be I don't think it's gonna be a podium to be honest but enough to take a rule will to a title I it's gonna be tight definitely not the top part of the podium Elisabet Garretson we can already congratulate you for the win that was insane but here we have ariana Takumi I think there was a little bit of too much hesitation on some of the some of the parts segments that she hit and I'm speculating that she did a little bit of calculation on top we know that she can go more throttle than we've seen it right now but the cool feature now as you see it a little bit slow between them that she often is so smart riding good riding cool to see something new and creative and different like you see it I think that should be enough to claim her the overall will talk to a title again at this year keep that golden bed but nervous moments is not certain at all and Jaclyn Twilight could still potentially be your free ride will to a champion this year whoo exciting times here comes the score 81 points taking place Ariana Takumi right behind Elizabeth garrison right in front of hazel Bilbao and that means that she is the prequel to a champion 2019 just like she was last year Elizabeth Garrett said the local rider taking home the 2019 Verbier extreme titles Ariana Jacobi taking homesick and super exciting times in to the two ladies Elizabeth garrison for the win here in Verbier in her home town venue with mom and all the family watching ah couldn't be any better so exciting so exciting for the girls and Jillian Lopez he's here beside us in the Covenant tree box absolutely going off about it yeah Julian and chairs that all the girls amazing show here today looks like they might be tears and why no I wouldn't blame you such an emotional day standing at the top being so scared coming to the bottom of putting down the bronze that you want to just the emotion popping through the veins the adrenaline the relief the pressure is relieved we not have to do any more competitions until next year now the last competition of 2019 the pressure is off these women have been competing and throwing down all year and it's all being released now it's probably party times in Verbier tonight oh yeah looking forward to the party because the Italian she knows how to have a good time and not only on skis but also in the evening what a happy camper and Hazel bird bomb the American veteran taking hook third today and what she has hit as your last run on the freeride world tour she is retiring from committed free riding after this competition and one way to finish it off taking a podium on here we have the results of today the Swiss Elizabeth Garretson did we ever have a Swiss winner here at the back day of us I'm not so sure like on the ski or snow but ski women category I mean I'm not so sure Arianna tricot me in second place taking second place and the overall win hazel Birnbaum finishing her career on the podium as you just mentioned Jaclyn politan fourth Hedrick vessel in fifth and Jaclyn pass of the veteran going big unfortunately couldn't hold on and finishes in sixth position such a show of the ladies here today that was incredible stuff really really impressive and great to see Elizabeth Garretson fulfilling her potential really had a stretch then that was just so fast so committed strong and confident maybe it's good travel with her much more the competition as a coach and here we have the overall ranking it is official eriana-3 coming out of Italy with 9100 points what a season for her Jacqueline Pollard sickened in her first ever world to a season 2019 the rookie I'm gonna say claiming it she's probably Rookie of the Year why no I mean like almost taking the world to a title looking so fit strong confident ran fantastic stuff in Elizabeth gears and jumping up into third yeah just overtaking hedwig vessel who had a little hard time today but I definitely a girl to watch out for this for the seasons to come what yeah I'm just looking forward to seasons because this action what we're seeing from the ski women today was just mind-blowing such as direct field burn Bell Jaclyn Paso and then Juliet Wilma and Morbius not starting today so let's throw it down to the finish area where Italy has got another champion and to be coming up at you thank you gentlemen Aires just said to her she's catching her breath you can just breathe she literally uttered she uttered from a mouth I love skiing I love skiing not because I do welding comes just because it's my biggest love jealous and congratulations so that there was so much pressure building up to this event for you I don't know I was feeling so good at the start and I was just telling me it's just another day of skiing and snow conditions were not the easiest but I'm just so happy I made it down and seeing Elizabeth him first was the scenario was hoping for so I'm stoked yeah I Congrats your double world champion were you focusing it all on trying to defend your title Oh what what was your aim here today what tell me a little bit about that and maybe tell us a little bit about your line yeah well since I won the first comm I was like oh maybe could happen again but it was never like my main goal my main goal is just to enjoy skiing and get better at it today I my life was very playful I think for the back I was trying to just find something that fits my style and I made it I enjoy myself and I'm glad it worked out how was the snow on that side because everyone else did obviously opted for the other start so you're out on your own and there was a lot of talk about whether the snow quality would be any good yeah the snow was actually not super easy it was pretty crusty on top but still like you could break through so I was not like super catchy I think my amazing skis work pretty well cuz they're like very soft and rockery and I'm actually glad I skied there cuz I was the last woman scheme today and I don't wanna ski tracks no okay we can take you closer look at your line now on the line tracker for me I think it was it was that opening cliff up at the top that was that really set the judges and showed them that you meant business you think yeah I really liked that one it looked super technical it's quite exposed yeah I actually like the third cliff and like the transfer kind of cliff were so tricky and I did a tail bonk on the rocks but in there it was not on purpose though and yeah I don't know man I'm stoked with the line I I saw it right away already three days ago and I'm like that's what I wanna ride then I started like overthinking a little bit like maybe I should get gnarly cuz we're on the back but then I just stayed true to my style and it works that was one of the things you said Lorraine because you've been in this position the same position as Aaron what do you doing do you let the other person skiing dictate to you yeah I think our obviously just had the really good strategy to stay true to herself to be focused on your own skiing to not think too much for example our Jacqueline gonna do maybe I should do this and to to lose your own style so I think it's just a really impressive display of how to deal with these high pressure competition situations starting to sink in now isn't it I can say let's get the party started friends I'm ready okay ariana taking out her second world title it's been it defended and Elizabeth Garretson taking out the win here a fantastic high level of skiing here are we going to take a quick break but when we come back we're gonna start lining things up for the men's snowboarding and the men's skiing we'll see you in a second [Music] [Music] welcome back now it's time to move on to the men's but we've seen some incredible skiing and snowboarding from the women there the level was very very high yeah it was super solid we we saw very few mistakes no crashes at all the the girls just use the terrain that was available to them super stoked to see the women just throwing down like that and then Marion Haiti you said it was a big call to throw down the run in your life she certainly sent it yeah for sure like and you could see like she wanted it really hard putting a little 360 in there was really cool that double at the end of that where's she going but she pulled it off and like her smile at the end was like the sunshine that's that's why you will do it now if you're just joining us this is the grand final of the freeride world tour the most prestigious title in competitive free riding this is the Xtreme Verbier if you're new to the world of free riding then we've got a little clip for you now that shows you exactly what this world is all about what is competitive freeride well after years of having fun people began to wonder who the best and so it began the food skiers held a competition in Alaska next with Switzerland would be extreme Verbier gradually these contests spread across the world and join together does this single tour and so we went global the big show but in the end it comes down to one rider atop a mountain and while safety equipment is abundant the rules remain remarkably simple there's a start on a peak and a finish at the bottom there are no gates no peace no calm and there's no practice run riders rely on a visual inspection and their imagination to create alive runners are judged using five subjective criteria which means any approach or style has the potential to win [Music] Reuters the pressure is immense and the margin between success and failure now over the years competition has driven the sport to new heights and now the only certainty is progression this is competitive free riding hopefully that's got you in the mood it is a subjective sport and we have undoubtedly one of the most intimidating venues in sport for this to play out on it's the BEC dear us it stands behind us in shadow and a North Face that is just a giant steep pile of rocks the men's snowboarding is coming up very shortly and in the field of six men dropping is literally a legend of the sport a 53 year old man who won the first ever Xtreme Verbier in 1996 Steve Classen savvier you competed against him what does it mean to have him riding on this face well to be honest like I remember the first time I competed here I saw him he was the idol he was throwing lines that everybody was so stoked and to be honest I think there's no better legend than him on this montane and I think we should put a statue with his face at the top you've recently retired Lorain it's how do you feel about someone 53 years of age getting on this face and I mean he's gonna be competitive up there we watched him for run last year and the line was really strong yeah like he said he's not just doing it to survive and to just get down he has a inner drive that I really admire to to keep coming back year after year and throwing down and I think it's because he has a love affair with this mountain he's so passionate and that passion gives him the drive and the energy Steve Clasen has a fever and the only cure is the back there us let's hear from the horse's mouth right now we sacked Steve class and down to find out how he feels about this mountain I guess whenever I think about going from not the top it just doesn't sit right with me so I I've thought about that three start three line but it's not in my heart I'm gonna call off the summer no matter what man and so I want to go off the summit because if this happens to be the last time I compete here I want to go off the summit man I don't want to go off the shoulder so I guess that's where I got to and she's in my line although I want to try to take that big air off the top that's my ultimate line but if I get there and it looks too heavy I won't but I'm really want to go for that man I'm just really have it in me that that's how I want to set the pace for my run I mean there's my last shot I guess you know and it's uh I'm gonna rise to the moment I'm gonna lose myself in that moment and I'm just gonna go for it man because that's what you do and you get up there yes it's a trip it's like nothing else in the world to me it's the ultimate rush that I found in snowboarding and I I have I just have to keep coming back as much as I don't know how to not do it it's the ultimate rush that mountain top to bottom if I can stay on my feet that's it wow that's a pretty emotional speech there from Steve class and you guys saw him this morning in the igloo up at the top he he did look nervous yeah of course you would like he's got a big name to stand up for and even at 53 he's inspiring us all but you know he's not one to just want to go there he wants to go and show the show you know like he's got it like yeah and and I think we're gonna see some cool stuff from him and he's the only rider going off the top Lorraine yeah I understand that he's the only snowboarder who is going off the top and he's aware of the conditions being variable he knows it I think that's one of the reasons why he's feeling nervous but like he said in that interview he's got like this in a gut feeling he just has to start from the top so let's see well he touched on there the idea of line choice and that that's everything on the back do Ross there are some phases where everyone's taking similar lines there maybe playing around a central theme but here there so many options where do you start that when you're trying to build a line well I think you you start with a heart I think you know you just try to look a feature or little zone that really inspires you and then you kind of build up around it to see if everything works out and if you can connect everything together to make it align and then at the end you kind of validate if it's safe or not and if you feel like it and then once you've got you decide to go for it you need to go for it but that's exactly what you did last yellow right yeah I think what as I've said with you start with the heart is basically your intuition right you let your intuition guide you what is it that I'm excited about and then you might start thinking more cognitively about what can the judges see what are they looking for but I think the key is to first stay with your heart absolutely that's what I would recommend any free-rider to do okay well we can hear now from Marcus EDA Sammy loop care drew tab key and Christopher tur Dell on exactly how they choose their lines one of the defining parts of freeride is that it it is a lot harder than people realize and it's because of this visual inspection element where we go into the mountains and look at look at a big Alpine face and have to pick a line you don't see that when you watch the livestream and all you see is the performance side of it it's really a couple days of homework and studying that's leading up to the big big day when we actually go up there and rip it I've seen the best skiers and snowboarders in the world come down it and if you're not prepared you know the the backs definitely a monster he'll eat you up you got to be on point a lot of no fall zones for sure you can be the craziest here but if you don't put enough homework into it it might might not but it's most likely that you could make a mistake because we're not allowed to be on the mountain before the company takes a lot to look at it and try to turn it around in your head and actually being able to ski something because it looks so different when you're standing up on that top when you're actually up there looking down it or you're on it riding it like sometimes the futures look a lot different and it's that's super challenging about it what I try to do is just like visualize my run as much as I possibly can so when I'm riding it it feels like I've already ridden it kind of have a guideline where I want to go and like a few ABC options once again yeah getting to the top that'll kind of play a little part into the lion I choose as well it's a couple things you can see I'm hiked up that make a huge difference in just that big decision you know one run the night before they come I tried to visualize my line and know exactly okay I get to this point I see this rock how does it look and if there's something I don't know in my mind I just keep checking pictures I go back to them look for something fun at first and then start building it piece by piece so fine may be one feature I like a lot and then link it to a feature above and a feature below and kind of build out from maybe my favorite Zone on the mountain snow conditions are everything when picking a line you really want you know it's hard cuz a lot of times it's through the wind pack and fast so a lot of cliffs are really big and want some soft snow for that landing especially for shutting down shutting down your speed going into the next feature which could be you know right there because you know things do come up quicker than they look you know the mountains big but there's so many features in there [Music] watch guys like Christopher chard la Rana bark red in particular and even though they're going maybe 70 to 80 kilometres an hour they're normally not within 50 centimeters away from probably how they would draw it on the picture before they went and did it percentage-wise if I have to say something I'd say all of the guys that's competing here are good enough to put down the winning run so in the end it might come up to who has too strong his head and who really commits this to their line and that's very important [Music] this shot gives you an idea of the Rocky maze that is the back deer us you guys have both done this for your entire careers how difficult is it to take a line that you see through a set of binoculars and then turn it into a physical run to turn it around because when you're looking with binoculars you're looking at the face suddenly then you're looking down on top of it and all of those features change yeah they all look white and they all look the same and basically knowing where you are knowing which one is your jump knowing the direction which you need to choose on it is something mandatory and it actually takes year to two to acquire and even if you're really good free rider even if you've been riding for 20 30 years if you have not been either filming or competing you will not really have developed that sense of seeing the face and being able to transfer it into your head to what it actually looks when you're riding it from the top I mean you've done it on this face terrain I mean the consequences are even bigger when you take it on the back DeRose and there are no trees there are no there were very few snow features it must be incredibly easy to get lost here the key to competing here is to prepare and to do your homework you know it's hours and hours of memorizing the shape of the terrain first of all also knowing through experience and what am I going to see when in the line what does help definitely is all the puff or the GoPro footage that is now available that's a huge help for sure and an athlete needs to be able to visualize in the first person and go through the whole film without the film ever interrupting and once you can do that from top to bottom honestly for the brain it says if you've done the run because as far as the brain is concerned there's not much difference between doing it in reality or doing it in your mind and that's our practice room okay we're getting some pretty heavy sports psychology here I like this the main part of this is though that you're dealing with an incredibly steep mountain we're going to take a closer look at the face now this is one of the most unique venues in free-riding you can see that green area at the bottom is as steep as the steepest black runs you'll find anywhere in a resort 35 to 45 degrees is the yellow there and then the top section and the cliff bands the red and the black I mean the blacks vertical the red is anywhere up to 60 degrees and this is the view that I love the rains have talked us through this because as we swing around here we get the riders eye view and this just looks insane I think when we all think of being up there at the top you know we think of that feeling of void that you can have you stand at the top and all you see is really the bottom and you see that vision it's not really inviting you know it's all dark and it's all like heavy and all you see is like everybody sitting with a cocktail at the bottom in the sunshine so yeah it's a big big big mind game and just knowing if you fall in that top section you're not gonna stop until the very bottom so you know you've got to be solid you have to commit it's it's gonna challenge you in all facilities okay we can take a look back at some of the biggest lines this face has ever seen over the years and we're gonna start with your za vo from 2010 I think this mayor's talking about because at the time it was completely unique in this in snowboarding terms it was a new area there was a new cliff in there and it turned the speed right up how did this line speak to you when did you spot it well to be honest I had seen it in the season I had seen it from the bottom and I had seen that if you change your perspective so look it from a different angle you could see that there was actually fairly good enough space for landing and that one year arrived in Verbier be in the same position as Victor I kind of needed to stay on my feet to win the title but I was like there's no way I'm gonna go and just do a mellow run I'm gonna send it I've got that line in my heart and I know I feel it I'm gonna stomp it and I think it's been one of the best moments of my life you know when you have that crazy confidence I've never found it again after really this is one of the high points of your career yeah it's definitely like to be honest competing after this one year I always felt like it would be impossible to do as good as this and I kind of thought that I had reached my pick and that was on the downhill I remember watching this as just a super fan and you saw runs like this in videos but you never saw runs like this in competition and for me that's why this one was so groundbreaking but this is the crux now where you have to take your foot off the brake and open up into the cliff yeah and it's also that that jump is so high in the face and you need to be so precise to line the landing and you really don't want to crash there so yeah J remember what it felt like hey yeah totally I had to align these two rocks together to know that would give me the direction and then I knew I had to take like a little ten meters of straight line before the jump and I was like almost a bit short but it's yeah let's not see their landing there right no no I had to trust my vision you know I knew that was the angle of the rocks and I need to follow it and yeah sometimes you need that yeah you've got that thing inside you which makes you do this kind of line spot and it's not everyday so you need to enjoy it this line is a brilliant illustration of the gradient as well because you're desperately trying to shut down the speed and yet it's impossible that the gradient of the face is just aching you on dragging you down yeah and you know you can't fight it too much you just need to let it go and then the speed will slow down gradually you can't just say okay now I want to slow down because if you do it's explosion you know you need to go with the flow as they say okay after that in 2012 we saw the skier Oakley Y Alan come in and I mean you can talk us through this Lorraine listen this was a phenomenal line now maybe interesting background story too Oakley's line as he was hiking up he actually pulled a muscle in his hamstring so he had to completely change his strategy so from doing his original plan of airing I don't know what he was planning on he had to just basically say I can't do any is so I'm just going to straight line the back which is pretty broad strategy as it turns out yeah I mean it ended up being one of the most impressive lines to see just because of the sheer speed and also that's that's commitment right I mean there is no turning back yeah he's so cool to see someone do that because for the judging criteria it's not a line that would score but we've all been dreaming of seeing someone just pointing down and he did it though and then we come forward but one of the things I really like is that the Big D Rossi's is almost a living breathing venue for sport because snow conditions change year on year so there's always the possibility for new lines to open up and we saw that last year 2018 with the local yeah neurosis came in and landed just an insane he came into the heart zone in the middle of the line opened up a completely new cliff I think this was possible last year because maybe we had the best conditions ever last I don't know what you think yeah one of the plus plus plus years yeah and yawn is one of those riders who will take hours to study I think he also has that that drive to do something innovative something new he's incredibly intelligent and yeah I I could imagine after a lot of scoping he he saw this new line yeah and he leaves here so yeah like same same as me you know you see that Montaigne all the time and then slowly the mountain speaks to you you know I you see this little thing opening and I think that's the beauty with this face is that every year even after 25 years you get new lines coming down and that's that's so incredible and it always sets the standard to where the level of free writing is the thing that I always think about with this because I put it in the layman's perspective is your yawn rotas and you're thinking were in 23 years of competition no-one's done this line why and I'd be I'd be that's just insane and then again he's got a shot this speed down in the heart zone but yeah he had the courage to do it the courage of his convictions and he committed to that line yeah we see more and more lines which include transfers like Marcus has been the master of them this year and it's so nice to see that because it opens so many possibilities and this is kind of the spirit of what young roses did there okay it's a very different case in terms of snowfall this year great early season snow but it's heated up over the last six weeks or so so a lot of different challenges on the face this year's a yeah like to be under seeing the girls you saw some amazing turns and then in some places where you expected really good snow it became all of a sudden really hard like we saw heads alike really getting into that section we'd look pure powder I would have put my hand which you know to say that I would have been powder and then you could as see she could just hold her head John so I think writers are gonna have to be super careful really smart as well the Rhine I mean you've skied this in all conditions how do you think people are going to deal with this are we going to see people rain back the runs or do you think it's going to be a sin fest I mean part of line choice is definitely taking the conditions into consideration you know that that's something that a free rider has to adapt to it's part of the game I always told myself look it's the same conditions for everyone but yeah you can't ignore conditions you definitely have to take that into consideration if it's super crusty or firmer then that would be for me a year where I'm going to take clothes that are not as high as a year where it's super powdery and maybe compact powder or something like that okay we're gonna kick off today with these men's snowboard category and your brother Victor Delarue is in there so the nerves rising Illinois yes oh yeah I've got that little boy my stomach and yeah not only because it's the back there us and it's scary but I want him to to do well and yeah good I'm with him right now she's always telling me oh my well you're crazy you're crazy no watch him I feel the same okay a lot of pressure on him same position that we saw Ariana in earlier he's got to deliver a line he's he's got it maybe a little more breathing room from Davie bed than Ariana had from Jacqueline Pollard but he still got Al and his run here yeah and the difference with ariana is that sorry Davey is after him so he cannot just watched avian be like okay now I can just send it it doesn't matter anymore so he's gonna do he's running and Davey will has to have to do his so that's gonna be interesting but I really told him don't worry about the judges just do the run that comes yeah into your heart once again because that's how it works okay we can take you closer look at the back dear us now and some of the big features that make this face so important so you take a look here this is known as the dogleg kawar it runs down the lookers left-hand side of the face and this is one of the more straightforward lines [Music] so if you're looking for this one it's it's pretty easy and then out here on the lookers right hand side right at the top we can see your cliffs a VA named after you the Delarue cliff coho it actually looks under it just doesn't look possible from that angle yeah it's terrifying very modest avid's that's a trait you'll find amongst a lot of big mountain riders and then right down here in the middle of the face it's called the central couloir I think that's a bit of a euphemism it's some patches of snow broken up by some huge cliffs really as an interim yeah I mean the the crown jewel of the central cooler as we could see there is Hollywood and there's your vocal cliff it's a beautiful cliff to jump because the takeoff and the landing is at the same angle here we see it now the Hollywood cliff so for a skier for a snowboard it feels like you're sailing quite far as opposed to a really high air you don't have that kind of bond exactly yeah it's a beautiful cliff yeah and if you see photos from this side you see the riders being like literally a metre and a half above the rocks all the way it's kind of weird but it makes it a lot safer and a lot easier to to stumble okay and then we saw the heart sound just down there on the left-hand side so you're gonna hear the commentators talking about each of those zones throughout the commentary and now you know exactly what they're talking about I think Steve class I'm one of the few snowboarders who's going to be getting stuck into the dogleg couloir but as we've just talked about Victor we know that Steve's in there let's take a look at the snowboarders season so far this is how the placings have brought us to the Xtreme Verbier [Music] yeah really easy with the easy thing to do it neither was that huge 360 just floated I'm in a pretty good spot already so the pressure is not too high either even if I place a itself it should be kind of okay noise [Music] Wow Davey that was pretty simple making that shoot into a double letting in his love me having the chance to become the world champion it's you know it's a little bit mind-boggling the nerves are definitely there but try to just kind of cast that aside and just want to go snowboarding see it comes with a lot of feature with the huge backflip reached off the plate had with a night 360 as well it's been a really solid run to this point smooth the air out of that fiction there's only one way out of it he made it look like it was no thing [Music] it's really it's not quite as tight as the women scheme but it still come down to the wire here Davy bed and your brother Victor both in the mix Victor's had a really fascinating season though hasn't he transferring all of the skills that he's built up over the last 15 years really and then transferring them into competition that's that's quite a jump yeah because he's been filming her all his life like doing trips making video parts so you learn there a lot but you don't have that competition aspect and to be honest at the beginning of the season I thought it would be really difficult for him to handle because competition you know like you're facing people that I have been competing their whole life and I know how to handle the stress how to do the night before etc and Victor it's just a loose cannon it's just showing up but he's blown my mind to be honest like first calm he kind of didn't find his thing and then after you could see he was in there in this in the zone he had it so I don't need to tell him anything anymore he's got it feels like Victor's at the vanguard alongside Marcus leader of skiers and snowboarders who are really bringing a lot of freestyle into the freeride world tour like you can't win a run this year without a three or at least a backflip but then you arrived on this face and it's a very different ballgame isn't it it's much harder to find a spot for some freestyle here it is but I mean look at Marcus's around last year he had a really technical upper section he just combines both you know it's amazing to see really well-rounded athletes that way and I loved his running fever run where he's using the whole terrain and and those transitions and like a big turn with speed air landing turn it's awesome to watch like I have to say I'm very excited to his like to seize line today and I really hope that he'll be able to deal with the pressure because I think he's he might be a little bit nervous I think he's going to be feeling the pressure I would talk about last year's winner here Sami Luebke he's one of the riders who's impressed me the most by developing his big mountain skills on this face he came on to the tour very much as a free tolerant active rider but his line last year proved that he's got some really really strong big mountain smarts now yeah completely the line you know you could see like the line from Sammy last year you could see that he had kind of like dealt with the fear of the back there us and that he had taken all those years to step things up and to become a mature big big mountain rider and like you could see his line it was like oh now now you own it like now you've got your name on it for real yeah well we can see it here from last year I mean you are you a nodding a whaler on this this one is it ceases to become about skiing and snowboarding on the back doesn't it it's just about the line and how you deal with this gradient and the speed so yeah I would definitely grew that I mean where we might see differences with skiing snowboard is how you can deal with variable conditions you know if we have firmer conditions it can be challenging on a snowboard whereas if it's a cross it may be a little bit easier yeah usually snowboarders shine a lot better when he's really pow and more like consistent conditions and I think skiers are a lot more able to adapt to changing snow so yeah absolutely this for me this was one of the key parts of his room we see him come into the top here and he makes the traverse into the top of the central core and I watched a lot of skiers coming afterwards in the speed only having a single edge to use there was no hesitation from Sammy and he needed to shut down a lot of speed in a really really critical zone so he comes around the bottom here and then he doesn't hesitate as he drops into this main part of the face like regarding the speed I think it's really how Xavier said before you have to realize you're not going to be slowing down you've got it like except the speed make friends with it because there is no stopping and and to just know okay later lower down in the face that's where I'm going to be able to control a speed again fully is just something you have to do on this face I'm gonna take that one and steal it somewhere you have to make friends with the speed now to be honest for riders that enter this side of the face or Lucas right side of the face you know they enter zone where you have absolutely right for error and this is like true scary cold heavy big Montagne and yeah like seeing Sammy get in there last year was like okay he's got to step in his own snow whirring and then that centerpiece drop probably 10 meters from takeoff to landing very very solid and he shuts the speed down so successfully into that bottom cliff turns that into the double here I mean it was a really really strong line um one of the lovely things I mean that was Sammy's rum from last year but we talked about Steve class and already but we're gonna get to see essentially a history lesson the guy won the first ever Xtreme Verbier come down and I mean his hunger is still there so it's gonna be a brilliant way of comparing and contrasting the styles and the way lines have developed over the last 24 years yeah I think I really remember back in the day so my first time competing was in 2002 so it was like six seven years after and you could see that riders back in the days were a lot more looking for features rather than making a line you know and I think when Jeremy Jones came maybe it was in 2007 or something like this I remember watching him do a really direct line you know that totally came from the film inspiration and it really clicked in my head 10 I'm telling myself oh actually this is a lot nicer he's not just trying to get as much as he can he's trying to get a line that's beautiful that makes sense and not forcing anything letting the nature and just adapt to it and yeah that was a big moment for me to change things in my head okay we are ready now to get the men's snowboarding underway we're going to take a quick break but when we come back you'll be with Neil William and Martin McFly Winkler who are going to take you through the men's snowboard category [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and we're about to see I assume some accrual runs from the guy's ski and snowboard three different starts here on the big de Ross on the main face here today mind McFly were clear oh man I'm so excited the show is kicking off with the men snowboarding skiing and we're gonna have yeah just some incredible lines I'm talking to the riders what their what their they have to offer today will be just mind-blowing just thinking of it yeah watching the the pre-show just then with Edie and Zev I just really got me super psyched that Lorraine as well talking through what the riders are thinking and feeling the process of planning a line what goes into it the the mental if it the stress so all of these guys are gonna have gone through that in the last couple days and probably looking forward to getting it over and done with the if TT ranking for 2019 as you probably just heard from the pre-show Victor Diller row n line probably take his first Eva Fred will to a title and his first ever year David beard though not far behind I think the stats are that affected crashes and comes last and Davey ones then he can overtake him in the title race Blake ham and Sammy lucky the defending world to a champion not too far behind building that for third place on the podium yeah semi right behind would be giggle oof unfortunately he will be not competing here today Jonathan Penfield and Ludo gadiot and Thomas Firestein rounding up the ranking at the overall standings so Blake him giving me a week correction today on the frontside backside apparently I called it wrong give it extra close eye out for that it sounds like he's planning to spend today also really liked his words and the pre-show that interview there with Blake down where it's really tough to turn it around because what you're doing is as mirror imaging the face once you look at it from the bottom you get used to what's on the right what's on the left and you have to swap their own at the top look it's dollars now here we have the start list of today's competition at the Snowbird man Jonathan pan filled opening up the field with the veteran just behind him Steve Classen there is no more experienced rider than this guy here we have then the rookie kind of world champion to become victor delery Blake ham Davey beard who will be the only compared to who can challenge victor delivery in becoming world champion and semi Lipke and goof unfortunately not here but still on the start list that's right Sammy is here Sammy is looking at to become the second rider to get four will tour finals Wednesday on the big draws Zev Delarue the other person with four-wheel tour wins and Steve class and one five but if Sammy Loki ones here today it'll be four in a row and they'll be the first time that has ever been done so really strong American feel that I think that Victor Delarue the will to a champion and waiting and the wings hoping to get out there on to the center stage there is the only non-american so really interesting why do you think we have an American dominated field there of course like free riding it has a big big tradition in the US of A and they have been always strong to come back on tour or stay on tour so yeah we ended up with a with a really stacked field out of us of a that's right and Jonathan Pinfield the first one out of the USA the first guy snowboarder to drop them today I really really like his style has got a great mix of solid big mountain charging with a bit of freestyle in there as well biochemist out of the USA avatar who now living in Canada he's on course already going big cross court over that Cliff Rock feature there and turning it back into the bull and transferring as well and another one as well with the 360 Jonathan big field what a way to get things started here three massive features already straight back into the full line looking to surf the spine on his way to his next features this is blowing my mind man oh yeah he knows how to impress the judges with tricks and going another 360 of a huge ramp Jonathan he's on a roll man this is incredible stuff getting over above the explosion out not sure if you could quite see the zoomed in version on your screen but you do not want to be falling here this is a super exposed technical part of the face getting over towards part of the girls venue here and making the most of it really fast through that double of water way to over the guys snowboarding Jonathan Peter field hands up he's not even done he's got another feature coming up I've lost track yeah now he's really milking there or that run he's going all the way down with feature after fee check the owner the paid field oh yeah take a bow that was an incredible run absolutely unbelievable he said after his first few runs of the season three solid runs no podiums yet and what we to turn around what a way to finish the competitive season both on the face and the finish area love this guy's riding and water show from him here today all right called that wrong though I thought it was a 360 and was a grab he did 360 later here going for the back three putting it straight to was beating all the judging criteria lines from right up into the green yeah what a complete run we saw from Jonathan Penfield ha he knows a thing or two he has been competing on the back for some some years already very smart guy the biochemist in his real job with a solid score overthrow first write it down the back 85 points yeah really really solid run to start things off from Jonathan Pinfield if that is a sign of things to come then we gonna see some heavy hitting runs today we saw 85 from him and when we had an 80 out of Hazel drew Birnbaum and her opening run and the woman skiing category we thought that was gonna be right up there she did end up clinching a podium but only just and here we have I hope you saw the pre-show Steve glass and if not have a look at the age number it's 5 & 4 and this is incredible he has a few gray hair that already started when he competed here because he competed 18 times it's his 18th time here on the back that us we have blues many fourth edition of the extreme here today and he's competing up of course he said he wants to ride from the peak there are two other options which is not obviously not not as every year but because of safety reasons we offer the riders two other options to start off but of course he said if I ride the back it has to be from the top yes when I go I believe he's the only guy starting from the top and the guys snowboarding today so the super-agent he has five ones here on the big de Ross looking to make it six here today getting in just out of the Stargate Hailey's honor and beltian of course to give you a little bit of an inside view why he's up there there was actually a plan of doing a master segment for a few veterans on off the free world tour just like only antico or I'm not sure if Akai sakura-san should be in there but it was I think the plan to have savvy delivery as well they pulled out last minute so he was like what shall we do and Nikolas hay was the founder of the third world tour and the verb extreme he said you're in if you want you can compete with the big boys and so he said I'm in nice body giving aged 54 challenging the back the Ross that's right five victories cannot be overtaken today Sammy look he has 300 Lucas lifts version of the rain cliff at the top the rain about the igloo putting in a grab of his transfer coming back into the dog legal right now what a way to start things off with the veteran unbelievable action this is such a huge cliff of course he has hit it before in the past it is one of the winning lines that he has been doing in the past but that's ages ago and he still got it it's unbelievable so steep and technical in here I think the camera angle doesn't quite do it justice there's a bit of exposure bidding some as well and if you get a chance to come look at this with your own eyes people and I highly recommend coming down to Verbier to see this because it is blowing my mind right now the steep technical unfortunate back slap in there he's riding out clean after and this is pretty rock-solid what I've heard from the forerunners in that segment that he's at the end of the going for a 360 over the ledge sorry to not finish my sentences which is mind blowing of the 54 year old Steve Classen go down through the bottom of the hot zone now look to get another ear doing so successfully stomping on that one little bit of a reverb but really precious stuff making light work of the finale venues team classic Cruiser down now just if you're on the couch or anywhere you're watching please stand up but this was unbelievable unprecedented stuff you know the bottom was ever 360 as well the finish things off it was in one edition he did a 720 of that lift you have to know no way Steve Carson but that last 15 years ago or plus as I saying five wins on the big draw Steve Clausen heavy artillery with four sent me a little key with three can't yet be overtaken will it happen in the future I don't know but for now soak in the sunshine Steve glass that was an impressive run taking on cliffs that would be scary for any snowboarder yeah and imagine how many people would think like come on don't let him ride he's so old and he proved them all wrong he shot the mouse just that top air it's huge especially this year because it's scraped out sometimes style right there and just nice putting in the 360 dev yes I got goose bumps again like this is insane and he has to you have to know back to us it is his spiritual mountain there is no more intense connection what he has described in the pre-show then three points for her riding down the back give us yeah what a way to show the world what you got at 54 years old Big Ups hats off take a bow Steve Clawson Jonathan Mann field holding on to the hot seat for now yeah I think the the we control issue that Steve had higher in the face is probably what her to score so down to the finish area now for interview with the legions Steve you have quite literally torn up the rulebook on aging with that run thank you the top cliff I saw you kind of cracking your Wayne and there was some gasps down here that was beautiful thank you very much I mean I've been looking at that cliff for 25 years I tried it once before didn't stick it stuck it today I felt awesome you can't chucked in two 360s the second one of those was he my killer thanks man it just felt great to be up there riding it back again well I saw you this morning and you genuinely Lorraine and zav and I talked about it on the show this morning you look genuinely nervous I was I mean that's I don't know how to do it and not be nervous after all these years he is hard not to be nervous I'm just stoked to be up there doing it I think you've proved today that the Beck Duras is a part of your blood yeah it is and uh I really wanted to go to the top it didn't feel right not going to the top so I'm glad I did it and come on me that such a strong run I think anyone watching at home anyone watching here will give you a standing ovation for that because you won the first edition in 96 and you come back here 24 years later and lay down just as strong a run thank you very much thank you amazing stuff from the veteran legend dear Steve Carson at least for this year he will still be the one with the most runs but looking to take his first one expected dealer roof following the focus of his brother as you saw in the pre-show like what a scenario we have one of the biggest names in snowboarding Steve glass and just ripped with 54 years of age and now we have kind of one of the current rippers and biggest names in snowboarding Victor deli if you don't know him just check him out his video parts of the cut last couple of years are just mind-blowing any catapulted him into the highest level of snowboarding he's already a legend with 29 years of age following the footsteps of his 10 year old older brother here now probably claiming the title it is in a good way but he's not thinking too much about the world will to title he wants to have the win here World Tour Finals as well opening up with a big drop huge transfer off the top same is jonathan pin field so far welcome to take it back cross court and lining up a second here in the same direction here we have the 360 that he were claiming before he did it cross court again making the best out of the terrain never missing a feature yeah i've been watching with my own eyes as the long lens to make sure i get a perspective on the face and victor even from a distance i can see how huge their air is stomping it perfectly making its way down to the bottom band here it's so steep coming to the section must be absolutely blind as the convicts roll over just looking at the highest part of this bottom section at the moment coming in was speed doubling down off it and making a look so easy from the frenchman looking to win his first ever free ride will to a tunnel and was a run like that and ears at the bottom turning not just along is i think we might be seeing a new free ride will to a champion here today yeah i would sit here we have his brother watching very closely the three-time forward will to champion just watched his brother become first time free at will to champion because there is no doubt that this is not last place that is the last place run unbelievably he's wearing a golden bib you'll get to keep that all summer through the next year look forward to welcoming you back and big love right there between Zev and effective Delarue the former Fred will to a winner congratulate his younger brother as we're saying almost certainly the new Fred will to aware of 2019 keeping it in the family fool like as usual at the finals there are so many motions so many stories coming to an end or conclusion and this is one of them huge 360 transfer of big total early holding his stuff together here we can see going over that lip challenging conditions you see that the board ripping it's really crusty in there not easy to ride finding beautiful trainees landings that was what he's known for yeah just putting the landing gear down perfectly I wonder if he'll be taking that hot seat off Jonathan pin feels amazing run from Jonathan as well but at 360 on here there was a stray deer for Jonathan from Victor so is he gonna take the top spot not quite eighty two point three three pin field with 85 but it feels a little bit faster through that top six and maybe he's a little bit bigger and in the end it is counted Victor de la Rosa sitting second at the moment already not last so I believe that means he has a will to a champion for 2019 unofficial unofficial but we know it's gonna happen yeah and he pointed out we love you be sure unfortunately sad days as well in the fur community but things go on and Victor they literally just proved that the free ride spirit is fully alive congratulating his competitor Penfield in the hot seat then filled Diller o Clawson stacked top three already and it's only the first three riders that we've seen I'm pretty excited for the next one let's play can the rookie young 24 years of age out of years of a the rookie from last year of us say he proved to have deserved a spot on the free world tour really strong consistent riding playful approach to all of the venues what will he has have to offer for us today yeah like he's really stepped it up this year last year is his rookie year as you see it getting into things freaking out how it win was his first time on the big de Ross and now really strong consistent riding through the first before competitions he was in the running for the red world title not managing put down a winning round in the last competition which he would have needed to have a look into that but he is betting up third and fourth with semi lucky and he is on course taking that first feature again I must say from starting number three it's a little lower down than what we've seen from Steve class and taking it from the all the way up from the peak it is this further option that the Fed will took company organizers offered them in he's also going for a huge 360 unfortunately not sticking it clean yeah looking frustrated with himself beyblade big front three but good to see the ambition happening seeing it big putting the tricks in not quite his run so far but you've got to be putting down such a heavy hitting run to get a look into the party units it's that a little go big or go home is what I'm trying to say here Blake's good at that sending that one deep as well his backflip in Japan to start off the season first right out of the gate was my blowing stuff and it's great to have him here in Verbier if you have the chance look at the the board moving through the snow you can see it's pretty crusty really tough to ride not sinking in at all at this cliff drop at the bottom after landing but he manages perfectly bumping up his score again of course not a really high score to expect with the big trouble at this 360 at the top but making the best out of it with a 180 at the bottom nice nose butter three as well Blake HAMP really solid rider out of the USA and that was a good run as well we've just seen such a high level hit today Steve Clawson Allegiant from the top down dogleg Cola and then sending runs from Henfield and Victor delle rose so in a normal day on the big terrassa I would say that would be up there but would that control issue like you see I think they'll not give him a look in on the podium today unfortunately Wright was so good to see all of the boys pushing it no safety runs here where things went wrong luckily just a little wrong so he managed to get his board on his feet again to shut down the speed because you don't want to get into a tumble on the back to Ross you're not stopping for quite a while there all judges liking the four categories other than control are they liking his line control fluidity technique in here in style sorry not his control is the only one in the rear there or in the orange I think they also look at a reasonable school because of his strong writing but not gonna challenge peanut field not seat so just below Steve Clausen at the moment with that control issue 50 4.33 still a good run from blake impressive features but won't get a look-in on the podium today as we're just saying and that means we're already over halfway through our guy's snowboarding who else is about to come we have next up in the start gate it is Davey beard so David looking to take home a title on the victor Ross today running really well this year super solid stylish riding from the Alaskan as I saying I see pretty much every stop I think I just love the way he tweaked his methods so probably unlikely or pretty much impossible that he could take home a World Tour title overall today he have to win and as we said some help effective become last which is obviously impossible with victor sitting currently and podium contention so Davey beard and Sammy Lukey the last two run such good attitude from this guy yeah I hope that all of Homer Alaska is up at late at night having a big party watching the very extreme from home or from some bar and cheering up their local Davey bird dropping in now that's right it's been a pleasure to see him in his girlfriend Lindsey traveling together this year they have all the fun and they do all the smiling David beard starting things off strongly taking that transfer to the side and pretty far as well looking at him with the long lens eyes of Alice now so not gonna be able to tell you if it's a 360 or not but he's certainly taking that one deep I just love watching the space from far away because you see how quickly they're moving between these massive features how steep it is the exposure there above nice crab in there faking it out over that lip getting into a very steep zone managing his Slough getting over the ledge with a huge back shutting down speed couldn't tell it was just some smoke in the air but so far through that bottom section there we saw Victor Dillard go through a little bit more slowly at Davy beard backing himself to take it full line into the compulsory sniper landing in the chute holy crap be blowing my mind is that one of the first expect flips we've seen on the big tour Osterman snowboarder said silvery I'm not sure but I'm super impressed you might be right Sydney definitely was watching very precisely he's controlling all the drone footage here he's a drone pilot by now and David Baird in a huge tradition ripping it up back their loss with a huge back in the middle wasn't expecting that have a look going deep on that one yeah nice me grab Aaron style at the absolute maximum here comes the action back he lays it out Stoltz is like it's nothing that after bang like he's in the park Davy beard unbelievable stuff and then this one look how much Pearl he went last bomb hole just absolutely singing it today oh yeah he definitely went for it he went to have a shot at the title this is out of reach because a victor they literally already is down and had a great run he's not last so he Davey Baird has no chance to win the were overall title but it is the precious title of the verb extreme on the line I think that will solidly put on and second overall or and today how's he gonna do currently third looking in a podium just behind Victor Diller oh and Jonathan Penfield on top so with one rider left to go Davey beard could be taking a podium on the big throws but Jonathan Pinfield after saying he put down solid runs and not managed to get the the places he was hoping for the first three competitions could be looking at a big to Ross title oh yeah it's looking good it's looking good there is in fact only one rider left to go isn't that that's right Sammy no key back won the last three editions of the Brad world tour finals here at Verbier the Verbier extreme so is he gonna do it can he went again Kenny went four in a row and be the only person to have Givet on that and male snowboarding and probably all of the categories out guess and you know what he had a roll the last years not only taking the finals win every year the last two years no he also took off the free will to a champion every year and in one like it was two years ago I think where he had the maximum possible points at the end of the season just so impressive career of the Valley local Sammy Lemke that's right and I take that back actually there is someone that has won four in a row on the victor Ross it is mousse laced back out of Switzerland so looking to be the first guy to do that on a snowboard Sammy looki father to shadow to his beautiful daughters he made it home for their birthday after the last stop and it's great to see him shredding professional snowboarder kit and being a great dad and looking at those great grabs as well he's the all-around good guy looking forward to seeing how fast he can trade the space because he is this is such a steep section where he just hit one of the bigger cliffs in there wow it makes it look so easy man it's the craziest thing that's a massive ear and he just stomps it like it's nothing after bangs right as it outlines up his next picture he's so quick through these steep technical zones I hope you know that this exposure under every cliff and spinning that one oh my gosh man he looks at me hard he looks at me makes it look so unbelievably infamous the stylish rider out of Tahoe Valley California pointing it off the bottom one as well just like David beard did I think taking it even further in the landing love it when people overshoot other people's bomb holes and Sammi look he is the king of that oh yeah he always takes that extra speed and has the cleanest of landings what a stylish rider loves the slash turn in between the big features so fun to watch like he's having so much fun that's why it's so fun to watch yeah and Sammi look he back on Form not being quite Eddas to a stop when excel for the last couple of stops and I think that run should put a massive smile on his face whether he's the winner or not I would guess that's probably gonna be on the podium but I can't be show up to be such heavy hitting snowboarding today but a level again what a level again like I don't want to make any predictions on scores because it's so hard to tell but here we have one of a very unique feature we haven't seen anyone taking that cliff but then he went into the zone where we had quite a lot of traffic we have seen already some 360s impact roads out there but he grabbed net three I think he's the only guy to grab his three really well so that could be a difference here today exactly he had another grab in there at the bottom cliff so that could have made the difference we'll see big hog with Jonathan Penfield his fellow countryman Jonathan in Vallarta Tahoe semi Lukey also at a Tahoe Jonathan having made the move up to Canada living in Whistler now Sammy looki looking at a score where's it gonna be is it gonna be on the podium yes it is it's gonna be second place behind paint field in front of dear LaRue takes home a podium for the fourth year in a row not quite the one that was hoping to get but water weight around at the season for Samuel of you absolutely of course he is used to winning so there will be a little bit of a twitch in his icing but he will be super happy taking off the second-place podium what a heavy hitter podium with Jonathan Penfield semi Lukey and the champ of the fur ed world to 2019 victory Larry holy big Jonathan Pinfield 85 points Emmy loci 83 just in front of Victor 82 so the podium well above the rest of the riders Davey beard even with a smooth run in a backflip 76 points team class in 63 in play cam 54 so Kiki roof will be joining us next year unfortunately too ill to make this stop we miss you we're looking forward to having you back but amazing riders from the guys not wanting to I still cannot really quite understand what just happened oh yeah like I have to say Steve Klassen he was the one standing out for me today even though he just finished up in fifth place but he was the only one going from the very top from the true back calf to say if you see the image of the back right here you see the start number three is a little further down of course still very intimidating place to start off but it's not the same as taking it out from the back top victor Dillard 9100 80 points he is the freeride World Tour winner 2019 following the footsteps of older brother will see if he can back it up with as many ones as every acclaim David beard second overall great run from him today in Blake ham third overall semi lucky the defending champ he is in number four and Penfield number five so shooting it down to the finish area for awareness interview again Italy what you got for us thank you boys what a competition that was third place on the day Victor but world champion in your rookie year congratulations thanks so much Superstock never expect that on coming here this year especially after first crash on the first competition and then T we all went pretty pretty smooth and well as I've talked about that to start with in you you said you weren't sure how he was going to adapt to competition yeah I know like I saw him first in Japan and then I was like I was knowing you know how it feels to be up there and having to pull one perfect run all the time and being consistent the whole season and and I knew it would be difficult for him and I so didn't expect that he would handle it so well the thing that that works for me I mean we can watch some of the replay of your run but it feels like this kind of riding is part of the del Oro DNA at the moment well he's duluth ene well here we go we can see a little bit of this the second cliff there you sent that really deep yeah I was really not sure about the snow it was like you know in some places it's like 15 of good snow of kind of sugar but then in some places it's just bulletproof snow so you know when you're on top you know you have to hit some some pretty big ears you're like oh am I gonna learn I'm in powder or concrete so it's a bit of the mind I would say interesting choice of words I'll apologize to anyone now what about the I mean we talked about this at the beginning but there's a lot of riders it's really difficult thing to do when you've got a really strong reputation as a film rider to put that on the line you didn't need to kind of move away from frozen mind and the Freestyle parts that you've put down and and put that reputation at risk on the freeride world tour did you feel pressure it was not a problem about reputation it was more about my adapting to competition which was a super different for me the first competition was super weird to wear a beep to go to writers meeting to do the whole thing to be so to look at her face for much more time than we do when we were filming and then it's a whole different process but I'm super stoked to learn it and to learn something new this year and there was a little bit of pressure to live up to Big Brother sure I had to come on I think we've all like we've had different careers different paths and that's what's cool about Victor he's come from freestyle so he's always had kind of ease own way and I think that's what's so cool about him because he did not have to try to just copy what I did but he he just brought his own style and then you can see it here it's like completely different from me gentlemen Victor thank you chelation is so much we're gonna take a quick break now but when we come back we're going to get stuck into the ski men 12 of the world's best going toe-to-toe on the biggest facing competitive free riding we'll see you in a second [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the grand final of the freeride world tour this is the Xtreme Verbier if you're just joining us we've already seen the women's world champion crowned we've seen the skiers and snowboarders in the women's and we've just seen the snowboard world champion crowned Xavier de la Rose younger brother Victor and now it is time for the skiing Lorraine's have we've seen a lot of different conditions experienced by all of the skiers how do you think the snows gonna affect what we see from the male skiers now well is my mic working yeah yeah well to be honest I think it's gonna be yeah it's gonna be like a game where people are gonna have to be really smart there's a lot of stay at stake I think Marcus is really in good position to win the title but I think now with the skiers there's just no choice they just send such big lines and the level grows up every year and we've seen this year things going down which like you'd not expect ever to see and I'm sure that they will do the same here because they're insane they're so strong and there's a lot of pressure on Marcus I think there is a lot of pressure on Marcus he's never won a title before he's um yeah I think it's a head game with him obviously he has amazing skills amazing talent in a lot of different areas and we'll just see how he deals with that pressure hopefully he can stick with his skiing focus on what he needs to do and yeah regarding the conditions we could see that it's crusty in places but not everywhere so that's what we call variable conditions so sometimes it's actually a nice turn you've got powder you feel confident and then all of a sudden you'll have a crustier turn which can catch you off guard that's not easy to deal with at all we saw that with hedwig vessel earlier on in the women's skiing okay we're gonna take a look back and how the ski season has panned out for the men it's been an absolute Barnstormer for Marcus either [Music] like Ashlee so consistent up until now and everyone thinks and tells me are you gonna win you're gonna win you're gonna win you're gonna take the title home and blah blah blah but there is still a chance to not the same one it's great with the cork three safety so by taking that top one big and sending it straight to the pocket is so good at lining up that transition technique is on point being on the podium uneven winner in Verbier would be a really big thing for me so that's that's my goal yes it is what a sick move no one else has done that it takes you straight down to the next clip and I caught three off that one grabbing it out as it does it goes at your priest oh oh yeah okay welcome back now it is time to get things underway the talking is finished the ski men are up at the top and waiting to drop in let's hand you over to our commentators near Willemijn and Marty McFly Winkler thank you and sorry for calling you it'd wait before I know your name is Italy but shout out to in wait anyway here we are at the BIC from the top the ski mean are dropping in soon and the ranking we have coming into it as you were just saying Marcus either sitting at the top they're worth quite a lot of points in between the crucifer to Adele but not guaranteed to win overall yeah you have to know that Marcus is way more nervous than you would expect when this scenario is like he has to finish last that Christopher total actually has a chance with a win to take over the title not far behind with only Oh slamming and Andrew Pollard quite contrasting right as the aleosis limit former Fred world to a champion coming back from injury Andrew Pollard looking just the same as Victor Delarue not great in the first competition and in storming back with multiple podiums to show that he deserves to be here and that was really cool to see top five Tom Piper as well at a Canada unfortunately his twin brother Liam not joining us here today but Craig Murray are sitting six after only doing two competitions crashing in the third and breaking his foot so that's pretty impressive from the Kiwi oh yeah there will be so much more to see from him in the future I can tell you that and you know even better because it's a really good friend of yours hope he will be back next year but the action of today is gonna kick off with vadik gorrik the rookie this year had a really tough start into the season but then with his stand or signature backflips he made his way back and into the finals of the very extreme that's right Mikkel Bimbo's last year's baby extreme winner Chris pituitaur last year's overall champion jumping through things Helios limit the 2017 Fred world to a winner looking to retain a solid route 81 in 2013 I'm out of ira the crazy seemed out of spain 10th hole Craig Murray not starting today unfortunately Tanner back in the film game in America and with the broken foot from the crash and and people run I believe so I shout it to those that cannot join us this year due to entry there's so many here that I something that can't be here that I'm not sure if I can name them all but I want to give a shout out to Craig for giving a shout out to Hank the at the first stop in Hank Bill us out of New Zealand not able to start to it due to hospitalization and he's doesn't start getting said this one's for you Hank so this one's for you Craig for you for Hank the Yvonne melech office Emily for all the people that can't join us here today maude beasts of God also added with the entry the the super local yarn receives but burst up on course standing it off today only three stops after missing the first one from injury its verdict gorac he was competing on the qualifier since 2012 I believe and now he is back first time on the world to her first time on the big and he is here to rip it up with so much speed coming out of the gate oh yeah central couloir super steep terrain first time the back that was already into hollywood cliff opening things up with a huge air yeah buddy continuing to riding super strong huge turns getting into a new zone there or for him definitely new zone what we will see of the huge cliff at the bottom a huge backflip are you kidding me very gorrik water way to open things out that was a mind-bending run from the frenchman he last competed against him in romania and 2013 and it was such an experience he backs up to cliffs that everyone else was too scared to hurt six years later fast forward to the back to Ross he got here by throwing a huge back look at the last competition and Andorra and now he's already huge back without the bottom of the big cross after ripping the main Kawada shreds water way to show that you deserve to be here on the freeride world to a vetted gorrik take a bow take a bow Wow like there was no sign of hesitation not even a splinter of hesitation was in there like the speed he carried through all the way was in st. on his first ever try attempt on the back of us skiing like a veteran and Marseille absolutely there's been a lot of talk about the variable snow and a potential for that to catch riders out and that's absolute no ball zone which is so steep with big landings and takeoffs but not only kick keeping the speed under control throwing a huge back look straight to its feet landing bolts as Derek Foose would say almost blowing his toes off with that landing unbelievable stuff from the French rookie he must be pleased oh yeah 92 points holy crap that was insane and he is stoked he has worked towards this but so many years so many years of fighting his way through the qualifiers finally making it qualifying last year only just making it after an amazing run in Andorra first time he gets to ski the big just like his fellow Frenchman Miguel Bimbo's he is back and he is on Form and he has 92 points as the first rider out of the gate that's also very like a lot of respect for the judges that they have the guts to get the score already on the first rider they know they have another eight scores to fill in between or the 100 points but next rider who can challenge gov Greg Vatican Soren as they're on the start list once and it always got confused but his countrymen Miguel Bimbo's winner of last year's Verbier extreme is about to drop in do you think we'll see a similar land from here today yeah he's he's a very similar type writer than gorrik and he also has the backflip in his bag of tricks and especially the high speed riding no like no hesitation at all the highest speed of didn't you like but hot needed to cool off probably also taking that top air you have to know that this already is mind blowing stuff with this are you following me god that was crazy one turn into the Hollywood cliff he's going unbelievably click good Blues about words man that was he straight like the whole back after that make a birdie silly are you kidding me my brain is melting man I can't even talk anymore he was so fast how many turns did he do look at the bomb hole of Hollywood he's clearing it nearly double the size of Hollywood oh my god that was unbelievable how fast you think he was going he posted something to show her that he was doing a hundred thirty columbus per hour and his run the thief run stop he must be going even faster I think he did about three turns down the entire Victor Ross Miquel bimbos you are exploding my brain look at that line I have you have to know that that's kind of actually his turns that we see here it's not only the line have a look there way it starts because it's happening everything really quick in here just like racing down this angle does not justice of the of the height not at all come and see this with your own eyes people because there is unbelievable watching that firsthand I couldn't understand how he go that fast and keep it under control it's giving a point at the school but I think he's just seen that his countrymen got 92 points Vedic Doric sitting in the hot seat right now and he's not fighting the challenge at 84 points still pretty damn good score from the Frenchman the defending champ from this competition oh man what dude what dude Bimbo's last year killing it at two events taking home the winner two events last year including the very extreme unfortunately not this year here we have Christopher Dell next up in the start gate and we have something to say about this rider yeah Christopher did all the defending will to a champion and as we have had lots of chat about just now if he wants today he could take off the World Tour title again so he has everything to ski for I can see the kind of has everything to lose and I don't really like that statement cuz he's not gonna lose he's not a loser it's just that the pressure is kind of more Marcus because you know Christopher's behind him he's got the lead and the sights he knows he needs to do everything take home the once a day and then he can take all the title and almost feel like some easier position than some ways usually easier but I'm pretty sure talked to them yesterday there Christopher he's not really talking about or thinking about the title and he wants to win here and he wants to have his good friend Marcus EDA do well here too so Christopher has his mind to win at the very extreme and everything else would be a bonus that's right become battery is strong here I loved his run and aunt Dora coming off a heater and so fast through this top section as well I must say my favorite rider to watch always in control on believable style look at that feature he's just making it look so easy as usual I say it all the time but it's true and what a hit here again sniper landing into the super zone and taking that one super deep as well Christopher total unbelievable stuff here that air in the middle absolutely blew my mind because we had to be on exactly the right angle and it is absolutely blind up here you cannot see what angle you need to take from the top you have to have some kind of landmark at the bottom he'll be looking at the tent or some people are sometimes other rocks or the slough line to make sure he lands exact your net pocket did it perfectly and as you say and I said before he just makes it look too easy sometimes you're right everything on the absolute humanly possible limit to execute and he just makes it look as if it's a walk in the park unbelievable stuff do you think it can challenge this guy very gorrik sitting in the hot seat at the moment do you think Christopher Tyrell has a shot at that he didn't have a trick which medic did but he was so smooth and technical Zone in the middle something I don't think other people usually do all mate but maybe even will do today because yeah it's a mind being this pretty scary I think he has a shot but there has been verax backflip at the bottom which is such a technical in such beautifully executed version of this cliff they had in fact a very very similar line if not the exact same line this part I would say he even took it deeper and more control like there is no better way of executing this but here he got a little bit out of his line I think he would have wanted to take it a little higher up but he made the best out of it so it could be that this made the difference his backflip at the bottom of this of his run yeah mazing stuff I just like to emphasize that those two guys have written so well and it was unbelievable that make hell-bent bows went even faster so 87 points for Christopher to dell sitting about four or five points behind the current leader very good and it is going to be hard to knock him out of the hot seat Mikkel Bimbo's didn't do as many cliffs and even though he skied faster and went big on the Hollywood that's why he is not currently sitting at the top and if a well-executed line of Christopher till Delhi doesn't kick you off your hot seat then nothing can that's right interview with Christopher to Adele now at the finish line what's he got to say Christopher really really fast lines the level seems to have gone through the roof this year yeah you know he really wanted to do a big mountain lion ski fast fast as I could yeah so it felt fast you must you must have been looking down on Mikael and vada X lines you could see this the condition of the snow there and it looked like they were really traveling yeah it was a bit tricky today like definitely not the best snow a little bit catchy but I guess all of us still made it all right down so super happy it doesn't look like anyone's compromised any lines or drops yet no you know if this is the grand finale this all in thank you so much thank you so Chris for two Dells they're saying that the snow was a bit catchy didn't look like it the way those guys were skiing but I absolutely believe them notice out there on a mission today the show the world what they've got wonder what they could do if the snow was not catching even better you're right and another guy that can handle tricky conditions like no other is the mayor of Stone Town age 36 the veteran out of all Sweden and he proved three times already with taking the win three times at the back DeVos and even more impressive in my eyes is that he already has fries seconds on the side on his bank account yes so and he's the one of the yeah he is the one who could take and equalize the all-time early antico with four wins here at the backdoors that's definitely his goal for today the rainy vodka did that's right three wins three seconds tied with his countryman Isaacson for three wins on the victor us as well so looking to make it four equal as you see it a romantic row today suits him so well this venue and I think he just keeps on putting on super consistent lines here the labels just got higher other people have got better he has not got worse look at him why down this thing as usual full in control he knows what he's doing he's been riding this line before you right off the Hollywood cliff Rana bar creators making it look so simple down here sending that one into the sniper landing that you gotta hurt sorry to not be more emotional because we've seen just already three lines from a similar execution and you just followed their tracks perfectly you can have set the tones for so many years and pushed the boundaries and that's your own fault you have some competitors that just do the same now it's unbelievable level yes exactly what is saying you know a few was a few years ago that would have pretty much been guaranteed when it's so fast so control it so big and just like you say he changed the game and now the game has been changed other people doing what he's been doing for a while so incredible run but I'm not sure if it's enough to take the top seat offer very gorrik yeah right like it's so frustrating actually to comment on upon it because it's such a high level of competition such a high level run and then you like but it might not even be on the podium that's crazy yeah it's unbelievable all the judging criteria and the grain so good chance of jumping on the podium don't have that many skiers and the guys today due to injury and since Judah at the commitments but Morena Baccarin certainly putting in a strong bid to podium again here today you know if he isn't he's on the big as well as all the person say yeah like with the six six scores first or second whatever I think he doing it yeah I have a really good crush of him 2009 in Sochi yeah out of the start of the day hey the Big Love terrain is dead currently in hospital arena missing out on the emptor a competition because of that going back to Sweden to hang out with family all the best of him and his family Reina bar Korea thank you for the show today you're currently sitting at 86 points oh yes nice sitting on the podium at the moment just behind your countryman Christopher truesdell and of course abetting gorg and the hot seat so it could be looking at a podium got another few amazing ski is yet to come getting a hug from his wife beer Jackie oh yeah rainy but could had always such a pleasure to watch him for so many years you have to know that he started 2009 on this venue and someone who just started this year on the biggest platform of free riding is Andrew Pollard out of Utah the 24 year old with his sister on tour very successful siblings Andrew Pollard in his rookie year yeah that's right she at the podium with his sister twice in a row I think in the same position as well third and Dora and a second and feeble run so Kenny but even became here to make it three in a row would be impressive stuff it's really here we're heading field first time on the big could be looking at Rookie of the Year and the male ski Kerry he's out of the gate Andrew Pollard out of US of A so the first skier to start from the look is right start where most of the snowboarders started from it doing a similar line so far to the podium snowboard isn't really really fast too holy damn charging down here beautiful transfer over the lip of 360 charging down over the ramp taking a deep straight air going in another try for he loves those hits yeah really cool transfer they're super creative run so far turning it back into the fall line to make sure he gets as many features as possible similar to the snowboarder so far but little bit bigger a little bit faster it's just crazy to compare to the other ski guys that are skiing the central core what this could be a podium or a winning run and any other competition but given how hard the other guys just sent it I think that this might not be up there I don't know see what the judges think about the more freestyle centric look his right version of the big you have to still very clean solid he ticked all the boxes with a freestyle trick in there big mountain features and even a little side note he actually hit the last cliff which was he connected with the line of his sister so yeah they have kind of a bond going beyond being sisters and brothers I guess the style though they're really cool Grove tweaking it out spending this one kind of reminiscent of the Ryan Fire 360 a couple years ago here shout-out to him taking this one straight to the fall answers so we put solid skiing as we were saying but the level is just so unbelievably high today well well yeah it's a it's not just a name it's or just a expression it's the best riders in the world competing today on the back to us and that's why you're in fifth place if you're not killing it all the way down and that's a good example for me Ryan fire a few years ago did that massive 3 huge back Club and a big cliff on the big to Ross podium that I think it was as a rookie and then didn't wreak well five for next year so you got to be on point all the time and this guy has been Carl Rigney Eriksson out of Sweden yes he's kind of on his rookie year he was coming on to last year but because of injury he had to pull out and come back this year so first full year on tour called and year out of Sweden young rider very hopeful for the Swedish countryman to go yeah step into the big footprints a brainy Barker head or case Ackerson and so on first of the two Dells very lilyc was the Swedish legions that have dominated this base which is super impressive because there aren't that many super high long faces in Sweden but somehow they seem to really good at it very smooth the rider good friend are the Christopher to Adele and Rayna Barker head and usually they take very similar lines enough for incidents they talk about their experiences and can he take advantage of her the experience of his fellow countryman so fast through here again Karl battling through the qualifiers and as you see it breaking both his arms not be able to make it to the competition last year but starting things off with the first person to hit the shield Borel cliff down here coming unstuck low and turning it into a tumble I really hope he's going to be okay coming off his knees cliff fortunately he landed in snow again he's back on his feet live the sign that a rider is okay really glad that he is okay as well that crusty snow the Christopher total probably wasn't the crisp potatoes mentioned probably catching him out and his skis are quite a long way above him going for quite a tomahawk off that next cliff that really glad he seems to be okay waving his arms giving us a signal that he is all right and really prisoner to get a ski to there so quickly as well already collecting his skis gnarly terrain and there you got a pretty be a pretty good rider just even access the area right we have the best of the best mountain guides and ski dudes here on the back as you said just accessing the lines of the riders is already super challenging yeah standing on top of a gnarly piece of exposure just to get the ski of Carl so thank you to the skin edges and all the safety staff taking we dropped with skis in his hands they're so big ups to the safety crew got doctors on site we've got hella lifts if we need them we've got a lots of safety team in place would even happen so he just had you been oculus out McFly having a look at Kylie seems to be known right yes he is well probably not know just probably but very sure very shaken up taking huge tomahawks probably a a free fall over 10 meters into snow luckily into snow yeah but that was a huge washing machine yeah glad you're right Kyle a bit you're shaking and stood right now let's hope that all his bones and ligaments are alright it's giving us keys put down next to him such a hopeful writer for the future looks like he's got his poles as well as giving a thumbs up from the ski - that seems to be saying that we did not need medical assistance so glad to see that a big shout out to Carl and his brother or lab Olli and Carla Regnier fighting their way through the qualifiers in the last couple years really really even I think they've just been in front of each other behind each other we was on the right or wrong side of the cut line to get through from the top free I'd would qualify Stoker but only three guys make it from Eurasia and three guys make it from the Americas so Oler here and Sweden sorry in Verbier as well representing from Sweden he is not competing here today he was watching his brother wonder if he'll manage to make it through the qualifiers next couple years and join his brother on the free head World Tour because he certainly deserves it both amazing skiers and longtime competitors at the Scandinavian big mountain championships and Vic's godson a little bit nicer conditions here maybe then there their motto on the 20th year anniversary of skiing and flat light for 20 years so at least we have a beautiful sunshiny day and Verbier here today on the big de Ross it is in the shade because it is north facing that's why it holds the snow so nicely and doesn't get too Sun addicted as we're watching Carl get his skis on and hopefully make his way down to the bottom soon yeah so we had actually our first scare of the day which is already super impressive to see so little crashes or control issues they're riding on the highest level of what is possible and still having most of it in control here unfortunately we had a display of a loss of control after the chill of a real cliff huge air into probably a very crusty snow landing which was probably very tricky to shut down speed and if you look at the tracks but we can see with our bare eyes from probably five six hundred metres away we can see the cut of the skis in this crust yes an ollie but it's a little maybe just a little bit of a different speak a little bit Eastern getting tiny bit of Sun at some point in the day which makes it give it across as you're saying here out of my experience I was writing underneath once in one year as a forerunner and there is always a slough channel going straight through Dilber we all and it's very often in ovens years you don't even have a chance to write it because of too many rips and two funky channels okay I'm just laughs so that could have been the issue yeah SoCal Rigney Erickson made it to the finish line maybe not in the best state getting a bit of attention there from Scandinavian compared to it Hedwig vessel seems to make have made it down to the bottom and enough of good shape to to ski down and maybe see a doctor later in the day but glad he's alright to the extent that he can make his way down himself having a bit of a sit down at the finish cool he will get a zero point score as a noise go up because he he'll lost the ski but first let's see we got the Stargate now let's catch our breath again because none other than the leader with the golden bib already a legend skier of our sport Markus ADA in the start gate about to drop in and I have to say he's already furred well to a champion because we have his only competitor who could kick him off the top podium on the overall standing has not finished in first so Marcus this is kind of your victory lap that's right I think he probably knows that as well Christopher total currently sitting and sick in almost technically went on today or the potential one meaning that Marcus as you say is already free ad well to a champion so standing here deep off that first hit skiing the same line as Andrew Pollard so far the snowboard popular line 360 of that transfer a little sit back huge speed coming out of it and coming into completely different zone now we haven't seen anyone come through here it's cutting back towards the main face from the other start for the look is right and getting creative with the transfer as with the massive flip yeah Marcus unbelievable Jesus claiming it hands on his head I've been his Stoke right now just like after last year when he knows about it three has now done another creative amazing freestyle inspired line looking at the freeride will to a champion 2019 Marcus eater taking the Fruitvale to champion title with style holy moly yeah a complete new line we haven't seen that air ever before oh hello I can't say will to end the extreme for is it 1314 years now so hands up for this guy Fred will to champion 2019 out of Italy Markus market hitter Marcus either out of the Dolomites out of South Tirol are we gonna see to Fred will to a champions from South Tirol crowned here today I believe we are the Italian representatives and guys and girls skiing Marcos either I don't think there's any way he can't take on the Fred will to a title today and water way to do it 360 on top was it shifty though glad you got to mix up like I did love but not too bad and here comes the huge back he stopped perfect he changed his angle in the ear as well that's amazing how could you shift your angle look at that look at that congratulations who was that in from was that yeah Victor till the ruins are back down has his good friends been traveling and filming with the season also the Fred World Tour champion what score are we gonna have four markers today not starting from the central core bust up from the starting from the ridge doubt that was what brought the snowboarders and a tough one for the judges toughen for the judges where to place him in this highly stacked category of ski man so how to compete at different lines cuz you know a lot of the other guys were skiing that central couloir and it was kind of easy to say are you in fast you went bigger you to the track and mark is completely changing it up skiing a totally different line that like you see it I haven't seen before you said maybe not ever it was at a whole new year yeah like I've in my memory of 24 years of very extreme I've seen at least 14 15 of them here we have a score coming in fifth with eighty two point six two six but he has huge celebrations to do because that golden babe is kiss yeah congratulations Marcus either your 2019 freeride world tour champion he's super deserves it Congrats let's hear from the finish line an interview with red will to a champion Marcus either idli what's he got to say about it your your season this year has been defined by original lines and you just laid down another one here at the extreme yeah yeah I actually I actually didn't want to do it because I didn't thought it would go it went but then I start from the top and I changed my mind and I was just feeling this one way more than the other one I wanted to do painful were just what I heard people whooping and hollering watching the replays because you actually managed to change the angle of your landing in that backflip it was phenomenal I don't know it's just a backflip man a truly incredible line and it caps an amazing season for you congratulations and thank you very much appreciate it not many words and all of the emotion to sum up how he feels about that I think there's been a lot of chat about how he was probably super nervous coming to the potential winning of the free hug world tour and now he's got the relief he doesn't know what to say about it oh yeah there are a lot of emotions of this guy going through his body right now a few tears to shed it but action is not finished on the back there us yet we have another rookie coming in hot standing in star gate number two above the central cooler and this is some of the most knowledge rain that's just below the rookie Tom Pfeiffer out of Canada that's right Tom caught up with briefly yesterday Austin how you felt is if did know how to feel do you have a ski to be like this before so you decide what seized up there I'm sure he's feeling pretty nervous now but cool to see him and the start gate at the Tom Piper out of Canada out of the whistle of my club getting things started off with the bag this is oh here you are this is such a gnarly cliff up there yeah he's going to that look is right so yeah possible ganar can make his way to the hollywood cliff now going big on hollywood yeah you could get together that's not the way this part you want to fall no nervously I'll have to watching Carl's grass yes exactly but Tom and other rookie on the picture Ross making fast work of it creative smooth and taking this one super deep going for a dabbler cool double water first line of the big to Ross Tom Piper congratulations taking a podium and his first competition of the season standing on the podium with Marcus Teeter and Tanner Hall and Japan could he be looking at a podium here today I'm not sure a lot of people ski that line similar but maybe a little bit faster maybe a little bit bigger but whatever man as a rookie on the big two was the victor was way to see that Tom Piper out of Canada take your bow that must be steering the crusty snow Chappell Chappell Dan Pfeiffer with a line on his first ever attempt on the back of us which is up there with all the Great's of our sport only 21 years old the same age as Jaclyn Pollard so two of the youngest rookies we have on the big de Ross showing they've got what it takes little bit backseat on that landing which wire's control scores are the only one that's not way up and the positives but super strong skiing from the young Canadians show what he's got why he's gonna be Quebec year next year hopefully back on the big as well but definitely in the world to a 2020 I think we can see from a little bit I was crossing very smart riding actually at the bottom cliff because we had already three people going in there with a vadik doing the backflip so there were some bomb holes and you don't want to land in this crusty snow in bomb holes so very smart writing of the rookie getting the chair of his fellow competitor Andrew Pollard Tom fight for with the score was seventy one point six six so just behind Andrew Paul at has almost compare his North American yeah yeah yeah I he's Canada yeah great run from the rookie and now they're not so lucky anymore I used to think it was a rookie when he came on the world tour and then didn't wreak Walla fiery qualified in name one it's Lea sling it out of France whoa Liz Lemon he is always good for a huge line at the back of us what a career he has on his hands dominating the juniors getting into the qualifiers straight qualification on the tour dropped off the tour came back and then won the farad world to a title in 2017 if I'm not mistaken that's right what a legend already with 25 years of age that's right yeah I think the baby has an extremely emotional place for him has his girlfriend passing away at the former Fred will to a champion and big love to him a big valved about that the Verbier local past my hair and have lunch a few years ago not on a competition but Leo slimming I'm sure doing this one for her for her right first L exactly and he is going into a new zone huge cliff just below him no hesitation going huge holy devil here no one else is gonna hear today sending so much love of that club spending a three into the exposed zone over here really solid run here so far he's taking a second here before the big door cutting back into the mana tree and stomping that one too and still not finished probably he knows how to please the judges all the way to the finish yeah this one rolls over it's so blind but still no problem for the sealing of it what a line from the Frenchman yeah sham on Yahoo seems a good amount of creative stuff over the air from heaven Marquez here today [Applause] [Laughter] only able to make the second three stops not the first one in Japan missing out in Japan during to injury wedding the last often adora qualifying for the freeride world tour finals here and putting himself in tension for another podium might be hard though starting that look is right side we haven't seen the top scores come out of there and just if you're new to our sport just have a look at the comadre they are all heavy competitors they are competing against each other but there are all big hugs and cheering up each other for good lines then top clip ah holy crap and this backflip as well it's not a very poppy take off and just floats it so confident there's an exposure as well I don't think you can see that from these shorts that every landing gear is of no fall zone so much backing of himself from leo slim at the 2017 fredward to a champ oh he's pleased with that for sure but unfortunately we had already so many good lines that it might not end up in very first place but is it good Leo's limit what a way to finish off your season you won the last stop you're sitting in contention for a podium here what a way to come storming back into the freeride world tour after injury kept you out of the first stop in Japan seed your ankle is troubling you through a massive double backflip and sham just before he came back the next stop and podium central after that he must be frothing his face off right now huge congratulations Laius limit proving to be one of the best again so an interview with the Leos limit and the finish line it wait what does he have to say about it lay out an incredible line the landing on the backflip looked like it might have been a touch flat though yeah I mean it was dude that's an understatement and I don't know I was the condition are not that deep and I had to to find the control after it so I lost some points in that power but I'm pretty happy about the run because I did I did exactly what I was looking for and yeah like three calm trip let's see with the other guys but I'm happy it feels like the level is stepped up in so many different directions here today yourself and Marcus taking the more freestyle lines and then rain a Christopher McHale and valdek all taking those big mountain lines actually I'm in-between I sing a lot of people were waiting for me and starting the central then I know I'd like to push myself in different step so like having fun is the most important day me you know you had that thank you good words good words from Leo's limit having fun as the most important thing also pretty much what Irish economy said I like to hear that and one man who has figured out the definition of fun and while skiing is the man to come drew tap key the veteran out of years of a one of my favorite riders to watch ever since he came onto a 2008 you have to know he came on to her where as a rookie from the US of A and he was killing it ever since impressing up us especially for creative and playful runs with transfers out of heaven yeah exactly the transferrin ada drew tab key winning the Fed will to it in 2013 so many former champions competing here today it's it's unbelievably heavy heading field and also starting from that look is right start coming over to is it gonna be the same line as Leo's limit it seems like he's getting there's a little bit of hesitation is he going into something super gnarly or was there checking out the gonna zone yeah yeah as usual he's going into zones where no tracks have been before even though he's second in the second last rider of the competition today oh yeah yeah he's stepping up such an original skier this is exactly is hoping to go maybe it is I'm not sure we'll find out in a second of course he knows that this is not scoring well that's not about what the competition rules say of flow and fluidity but he is putting on a show on into a zone where no one has been before I can tell you that ever to tacky super new line and hearing down off here stomping that one perfect with a lot of Slough yeah looks so good for dominoes right don't go ahead and Jeremy will love it with the photos and lenses on drew tab key right now making his way down to the look is right part of the face suspect that he probably got lost up in that top station that was not what he meant to do usually such creative line in a laugh a line find it finding the lines that no one else could find it sometimes maybe even the best of them and I think it might happen in this occasion going off the biggest nose there nice cruise down off drew tap key he has nothing to prove anymore he has done it all seen it all yeah we know it's a super solid rider not his strongest run today better glad he didn't try and jump off something that he didn't know what was underneath maybe things look different to what he was expecting when he first got into that zone up there as we saw a lot and the pre-show a lot of times things look completely from the top the new expansion scope the bottom and true tape you usually master of that but maybe not quite working out the way expected on this occasion all right just uh we're waiting for Drew's line score here we have the replay off his top air beautiful I know lines him in there before fluidity down during the do to the side sniffing had to do to get over across through that zone all of the other bars and the grain though showing a strong skiing drew tab key looking for us going out it is fifty sixty one just behind top are fourteen points behind don't bother is it true he's sitting in ninth place at the moment he's qualify for next year oh yeah I hope he will be such a lovely guy to be around with and such an ambassador for the sport come back drew but next and final rider of the very extreme here is the Spaniard a Matt Navarro that's right the fireman out of belt around the almost local in Andorra likes showing us around there and showing us a good time always get a smile on his face great sense of humor lovely guy incredible skier one of the snowman's crew been in the snowman's truck all the way to Greece when they had that huge winter a couple years ago so he's been lots of places done lots amazing things films The Incredibles South Lyons productions down yeah that would describe in one sentence he is exploring to the max if it's a third world competition he's always coming up with new lines exploring new takeoffs and also with his going big already in law ha ha so high speed coming down to the jewel for a while cliff the only scene Carl Rigby has seen it seemed it so far today and he did not manage to stomp so can i my nerve IRA to it yes he can coming high-speed out there taking a different angle to Karloff that which might have been the key to landing a different Slough run unless you're talking about before they were scoping together yesterday they might have shared one of two insights they're super fast to that section going over the last huge cliff landing in the bomb hole and ski there unfortunately just right into the bumble everyone else got the chance to learn and fresh landing he almost cleared the bomb hole as well it was close I thought he'd made it over it must've clipped it was just one foot maybe but they can absolutely buck you and send you into a tumbling fall light happen to semi Lance Madden on his face a few years ago not having as much of a long-term tomahawk is semi intimated a few years ago but seems to be alright got someone collecting his skis I think his poles are still a little bit further up there but I'm out of our thanks for putting on a show of best wishes and I hope everything's all right yeah let's hope he his knee which had a couple of beatings over the last year's is all good that he can come up with another series of South lines here in the summer he's going down to South America pretty sure again kind of his second home I would say where he is exploring lines after lines I'm on about oh he is already qualified from the freeride world tour for next year 20:20 he'll be back looking forward to it interested to see this now how does he land yeh clips that ball hole with one foot and just sends him into a tumbling fold not too far away from those rocks I'm glad it was not over them or through them skiing down to the finish line now glad to see that he's okay yeah that's what these athletes are training for all season long not only to have the the thighs and the muscles to resist the pressure of riding but actually also to take those beatings yeah that's right I'm one of our a little muscle nugget is absolutely stacked the Spanish rider not having the best day today looking forward to having you back next year love the way that you scope and seeing lions wonder what music he had on today t no soundtrack just at the moment there'll be no scoring to losing his skis if you lose a ski or unstrapped your snowboard any reason you receive a zero score so he'll be sitting in lasted a very gorg winning the freeride world tour finals here big ups to him leo slim at second Christopher to Adel third rider bar create fourth just missing out on another podium for him Mikko bimbos fifth Andrew sorry Marcus either sex and the freeride world to a champion ground Marcus eater on the victor Ross this year Andrew Pollard 7th Tom par-4 8th and then I believe it was just with the crash thin car Regnier erickson and I'm a Navarro rounding out the bottom drew taped as well getting a little bit lost with staying on his feet Tanner Hall and Craig Murray not competing today what a show we had on our hands today on believable stuff I just yeah I have to repeat myself every year they are pushing it and they're pushing it to the next level even in very tricky conditions of course they make it look so easy where you think yeah that the snow must be great but it's not no that's the thing like these lines already just out getting done a couple years ago and now the snow is not that good and I still doing those lines yeah can't emphasize the difficulty of that kind of emphasize it no and what atmosphere you just saw the finishing chorale of the public area and they were cheering up those riders and they can hear we have the overall ranking of the field will to 2019 marks out of Italy Mackay made it well-deserved congratulations Christopher to Adele last year's world to a champ Leo slim at the year before that swell to a champ Andrew Poland must be the Rookie of the Year vadik gorrik coming strong into the Fed world - after a couple years only qualifiers six or seven years I believe Tom pie for the first time on the bit grats to him and Craig Murray is still in seventh even though he only did two and a half competitions Miquel bimbo sitting in eighth at the moment qualified for next year here two wins last year but this year behind the Craig Murray looking forward seeing when he's got for us next year after pretty much straight lining the bottom half of the vehicle that was so fast must have been the fastest runner today maybe one of the fastest runs a bit on the big that I've seen ever like makovan balls just absolutely blew our minds yeah amazing stuff so great crowd here today great show bluebird skies I'm pretty stoked I hope you are at home as well from myself Neil Willemijn and my co commentator Martin McFly Winkler goodbye we're sending you back down to the finish area for another interview with Italy not in wait another celebrity from Britain but thanks for having us guys thank you joy this job and thank you for my site was a pleasure to be here and yeah thank you for having this out have a good season and be safe Chanakya thank you boys excellent job from McFly and Neil in the commentary box time to take a little bit of a breath and just trying to absorb what we've just seen Valek gorrik is here with us and we've got the world champion Marcus ADA as well what an incredible set of lines verdict I mean first win on the tour here in Verbier that that's just ridiculous I don't really is now but I just want away with my spirit and go fast and make a big backflip is that today for me I win I don't with his it's not possible for me but I will see after and I'm really happy for Viktor delivery watch champion and my friend Marcus just a beautiful day for me a phone every people I think I the bakflip undoubtedly the highlight of the day just not because of the size of the cliff but also the speed and how clean the landing was it was breathtaking just not have a choice full speed and ok ok no not no choice and no reflex just take back flippin after we'll see and it's ok for me now that was just the beginning as well as the momentum that created with Mikkel bimbos line and then Turtles line and Renee's line it was it was an incredible 10 minutes of sport every people did a amazing run I I sit on the hot seat I don't understand why I stay here but everybody oh oh it's a beautiful show for me too but it's amazing no no we gave first time on the big with a huge backflip after sending the clips above it as well so gonna see a replay of his run I believe that it goreck sitting pretty in the hot seat all day with what do you do get it in the world - I feel I should get something the will to a finals I mean yeah you get a huge rock of them back to us which is a huge accumulation of rocks the back Terrace and you get one piece of it as your trophy and yes the rookie can you imagine you just imagine like being the first time ever on the back their loss and then killing it with such a line Wow just - chapeau so I think what we're going to see next is the line of our current farad World Tour champion 2009 very freshly crowned just having a couple of problems technically at the moment the finish so here we have Marcus ADA's highlight of his run with a 360 transfer just above and then this huge back he transfer as you said he was shifting his his line of trajectory midair which is so impressive to do and that's here we have consciously as well because they didn't know when he didn't really not they're talking about but they took off to the backflip he came around saw the landing adjusted his angle so when he landed he wasn't skiing straight off another cliff he did do another smaller here off that but he went a little bit for the skis left of it to not go into uncharted territory so unbelievable cat-like reflexes from the marquee era especially from the angle that we see it looked like he's aiming for this other cliff exactly and you're right I was also like holding my breath my long long leans eyes today and they gave me some scary moments as well that's cool 360s but unbelievable stuff from every single competitor today oh and as you mentioned before please boys and girls out on the screens if you ever have a chance to come to value for the finals please do because this is just a completely different perception of the back towards the show here if you see the whole venue and the exposure underneath so for willed to a champions crowned here today Marian RT the first one winning the woman snowboarding she had already actually won coming into this competition and said that she wanted to throw down the run of her life and she did just that that today the only snowboarder and the woman's to start from the lookers right start and doing it with such style here we have kind of a best of of her season a few different angles POVs and long lenses from previous editions not editions contest but that was the final feature of this year's freeride world tour extreme finals yeah so many hugs from the athletes today it's just emotions are running high after a couple of days of looking at the face and stressing about what you're gonna do whether it's gonna work out it's not just a question of whether you're gonna land your line it's the the competition points the overall standings being nervous the whole time between the ski woman in the snow woman as well it's really yeah big family yeah the ski woman as well claiming world title today ariana raqami backing up her win last year with another one this year coming sickened today but a great season so oh yeah she's taking to Fred will two wins in a row with water season 360s freestyle moves smooth riding big mountain riding she ticked all the boxes of what free riding is spectacular for and what a run up for her today yeah he's saying good season so far you know she won The Wiltern times taking on the big yeah so far to the end she's done quite well I really liked her quote as well at the bottom skiing is the biggest love of my life sorry Spain I hope you don't get jealous yeah he's pretty lovely guy as well oh yeah what a couple they are hard-charging couple from living in Innsbruck that's right snowboard men as well Victor de la rúa taking home at the title today impressive stuff from him riding the bike for the first time first time in competition anyway in front of the eyes of his older brother sorry del every the ten-year-old younger brother had a stunning season opening things up with a crash although here in Japan but then he opened up the throttle with his classic butter threes at the end of some amazing runs had amazing score coming into this year's final with nearly already taking it in the last event in Andorra but he had to prove that he is capable of winning or riding strong on the back comfortable to champion which he just did congratulations Victor and I must call that I see that Sami Loki was it only got to grab nicely in his 360 today but that was not true amazing grabs and freestyle maneuvers in last category yeah obviously I must say always the most spectacular their speed they're going the ski man category is just always through the roof so fast it was unbelievably coming down the central cooler today especially since the snow was a bit talky unpredictable you know there's bit crusty in some areas caught out colleague Nick Erickson and I'm on fire but not many crashes for a place that had unusual snow and here we have a little recap of Marcus ADA the Fred will to champion 2019 freshly crowned what a season for him starting off with a win in Japan another great result in Canada and then another win in Austria fever bone cementing reigning champion title yeah what a way to do it oh yeah looking at well well deserved proves it in all film and roadtrip projects and now he's also officially the third world to champion so two out of Italy to out of South Tirol oh yeah yeah Italy going strong into freeride yeah yes right really impressive to see that out of slope style and back country freestyle backgrounds you know re was saying that when she went back to Innsbruck between his two stops that she mainly skied a fun skiing she went skiing with the crew the snow wasn't exactly what they were looking for for free right so they're just made the most of it and had fun with what they had which i think is a real spirit of free ride it is it is an in I'm such honored to be part of this family and experiencing it firsthand that the elite class is still living up to that for its part free right spirit that we started it with so good to see yeah that's right so junior competition also going on here today a little bit further lookers live of the competition based on images sorry to interrupt have you seen the the finish area here you see the finished Corral first off the juniors and that's the finish Corral of the elite class and viewing area as well yeah got about four different villages sit up on the mountain here today super impressive stuff big up to Verbier for putting it on and all the sponsors are having us out Evo be a valet lottery room on peak performance Alpena Watchers Black Diamond and peeps big shout out to them Vibram cross call sun-god dynastar lang white frontier that would Nubia out for us today Rico GoPro investor many more to go on with have a look at the website to check them all out unfortunately we cannot go back to the finish area the sound has been lost to some how glad that we managed to get all the great imagery and interviews out of there today that we did manage to have and real emotion coming through there I love the way that you've run mobbed markets when he came down hands and hugs and everyone yeah giving him the chair that he deserves what a day let's see some highlights and then it's gonna be time to say goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 362,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, freeride world tour, fwt, fwt 2019, fwt hakuba, freeride, snowboarding, skiing, freeride skiing, austria, victor de le rue, markus eder, hedvig wessel, marion haerty, backcountry, fwt2019, freeride world tour recap, andorra, ski freeride, freeride ski, freeride world tour 2019, red bull skiing, redbull ski, freeride world tour highlights, freeride world tour live, verbier freeride, verbier
Id: xc8pIM2VucM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 30sec (11910 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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