BMX Finals I Simple Session 2019 Highlights

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science and in the 21st century that means skateboarding and BMX in the depths of winter tarlyn hosts the biggest skateboarding and BMX contest on the calendar this is simple session 2019 we are about to undergo two huge contests the first of which is BMX Street then it's BMX park and joining me to make sense of all of the action is one of the most stylish men ever to throw his leg go for a BMX mr. Chris Doyle thank you so much ed I am super excited to be back here with you tallinn estonia simple session 2019 it's gonna be a good day man we're kicking off with BMX street always a huge notch on the calendar because it was only introduced two years ago the only man ever to have won it Garrett Reynolds isn't here this year we are gonna have a new simple session champion well that's right and Garrett Reynolds is the most influential street rider in the last decade so his presence is definitely missed here at simple sessions and I can't help but to feel a little bit excited to know that we're gonna see a new face on the top of that podium here and BMX Street and there is a massive it's a very very diverse field isn't it oh yeah absolutely we got riders from all over the world all different backgrounds they're coming here descending upon the SACU arena to be here as a part of this this Street contest it's gonna be really fun we got an eclectic bunch it's gonna be an awesome contest okay join us right after this we're gonna be back with beer Main Street fun as that is followed by BMX park finals see you in a second [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the SACU arena is building its atmosphere it's almost at capacity the riders are being introduced out on the floor there and they're starting to make some noise because they know what is coming up over the course of the next three hours we are kicking off with BMX treat them and go straight into BMX park Chris let's start with BMX Street we cut down nearly 60 riders to just 12 yesterday in qualifies and the top three were nothing short of breathtaking oh yeah the contest certainly did not disappoint we had courage Adams coming out showing you that precision showing you the balance showing you the tricks that he's got he's a real big threat to that top spot in second place we had failing Felix praying and burn he came in with a lot of creativity he had so many unique lines on the course check this out 180 on to the wedge 180 tail up off check out the way he uses the rails 180 hard way off that double peg check this out double peg 450 out clean as you like you were talking about that early is so difficult yeah and then of course our first-place qualifier Matt ray Matt just made everything looks so easy so simple check this out truck driver up that bar catch bar 360 to fakie and look at him he just looks so casual check this out 360 tail up to fakie at the end of his run it's so hard to do that type of stuff when you're tired like that okay there was some very impressive riding a Matt rate did end up on top but he's the man with the target on his back when the final start tuning yep Stig now over our cool side reporter is with Matt right now in the competition cuz the pressures definitely on me but it gives me the advantage to see what people do kind of decide like how hard I should go or what I should do so that's good so what is your strategy for the run now you're gonna stick to the same one you had Molly's are you gonna change it up a little bit I think I'll do kind of the same stuff maybe add a few tricks change a few things but we'll have to see you never know because I could mess something up and then have to do something else so we'll see what happens well we were rooting for you and yeah good luck in the finals looking very very relaxed yeah absolutely and in addition to that those top three guys you gotta watch out for the rest of our field watch out for a guy like Lewis Mills a guy that actually beat Garrett Reynolds in a professional competition just earlier this year and of course we gotta watch out for someone like Brock Rayford as well he's nursing a sore knee he just got off knee surgery but he's here and he's hungry and he's ready to rip now and keep in mind like I said Lois Mills and Brock both have what it takes to pull out a big win maybe even an upset here well we saw it in qualifies the scores are so so close there is the opportunity for anyone to jump from the back of the pack right up to the top spot one man who can definitely do that is the New York upstate New York Ryder Mark Burnett we're gonna take a look now at Lois Mills just take a look at some of the highlights from qualifiers from him okay we're gonna go and see mark Burnett's highlights I apologize so these are the highlights from Mark's run in 2018 simple session then you got the summer session 2018 where he came back against this kid loves that Estonia but then a couple of video parts with teary babble the Czech rider he's been doing a little bit of an exchange program with Eastern Europe husband yet he spent some time out in New York with those guys traveling around with the shadow team and you know and you're gonna see some of that that better and experience that's rubbed off on URI here in the street final today okay we're gonna go over now I did catch up with my Burnett earlier in the week and this is what I found out [Music] they are micronet I'm from upstate New York from 20 years old and I'm here at simple stations what's your favorite element of Symphony session what keeps bringing you back here I mean probably just the camaraderie because there's a few places in the world where you can kind of get everybody together and feel like you're free still that's probably the most conducive environment for growth and for friendly competition having that street element splitting it up if that changed the competition for you yes and I quite like it actually because it does give us Street guys if you will a platform not only to showcase what we can do but also be judged accordingly on it do you not get that feeling though from simple session especially that the crowd are pretty well educated yeah they do a really good job I can't stress enough like here more than pretty much anywhere else like you will get cheers for doing a full cab over a rail or something which baffling me that they even have the beginning list of an inkling at what's going on it's actually pretty cool yeah it's such a melting pot here do you take a lot away from writing simple session in terms of style and ideas for tricks BMX is what I like right so I pretty much spend all of my days studying everything everything in the world whether it's art music other bike riders skateboarders anything that you can draw influence from and craft a style that there's not only your own but one that you're proud of [Music] coming back to simple session how is the course change what your favorite parts of it anything that's a little bit weird a little bit obscure those are the things that I find Joanne right it's something that you can you don't just do the trick on the obstacle is the trick but yeah anything that's just not really meant to be written that's just a street riders mentality right you just want to ride things that nobody really wants to do that you're gonna do it anyway [Music] well he's talking about the cause there and we're gonna get to that very quickly but once you've seen the riders the next thing to talk about is always the comp format now it's changed slightly from last service yeah this year it's two runs best one run counts these guys have one minute on the course for each run and it's judged on a points scale from 0 to 100 pretty simple but these guys are aiming just for that one solid run - to make it true puts a lot of pressure on them I mean qualifiers ran the same way but there isn't that same jam format or the loser program that you get if you have three runs under the best to account this is this is do or die from the off yeah I mean like you said this is do or die you gotta get that one good score and you have two chances to make it happen I know a lot of these guys are really excited about that because three runs was getting them a little bit too tired and they really couldn't focus on what they wanted to do so I think we are in store for a really great contest here all these guys need is that one run they need one minute of fury well we always talk about the star of the show here and yeah it does turn out to be the winner on a lot of occasions but as it builds up we're always looking at the course that is what everyone looks forward to and we send out Felix Frankenberg and Daniel Dez to take a closer look at it hi and their time here we Felix lastname coming back and we're here at simple station we're going to explain you guys a few of the obstacles on this year's course personally that's my favorite symbol Satan course so far you can get creative at so many parts and you already like it right behind us is one of my favorite obstacles it's like a step up and latches on the both sides so you can like grind up it or do something up it or go down or the tar guys like we're using it to go up we get speed to do the transfer back there or coming back so it's gotta be very interesting to see what people can do up and down so behind me we have the Box shown these are very standard feature in both courses but a simple session had its own twist and put a little hole in the middle so it makes the jump look crazy when you're in the air that's the a frame rail it's pretty good for all kind of trying tricks or like rail hubs the upper bangs like shorter so you can go over the rail do like 360 write-ups and stuff I think I might skip the rail on my run but it's actually a super-fun obstacle to watch the three riders use because he gives you so many options so we have the visa Estonia feature which is the spine that eight or 10 foot quarter and the little banks this feature is connecting most of the whole part so I'm very excited to watch people ride it this week simple session has that magic where they are able to blend those obstacles with a lot of other crazy stuff and that's what makes simple session unique that is what Nate Wetzel works his entire year on perfecting is making sure that this course has all of those little idiosyncrasies that the puzzle if you like that you have to unlock Nathan Wessels never disappoints this course is built for creativity originality and built for the big tricks that we've come to expect from simple session ok you look at this course I've watched you looking at it as soon as you get here and you see you're like oh maybe that line of work I could suggest that Tim what's really speaking to you from this course at the moment well me personally I like to visit Estonia spine and quarter pipe option I like the lines into and out of it it's really interesting to see how each rider interprets that area of the course I think that is gonna be a really important part of the course in the judges eyes as well ok that's what Chris toriel thinks if you want to join in the conversation you can using the hashtag simple session any questions any advice at any point is you've got send them all in we'll do our best to answer them during the broadcast we'll be watching all of the channels right now we're going to take a short break when we come back we'll have BMX Street finals 12 men 2 runs see then [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so there is that behemoth of a course absolutely vast and we've seen some interesting corners of it used it in these Street qualifiers now it's time for finals and was going to kick off with one of Russia's finest max shoe premium out of krasnoye ask now living in Moscow he's been a simple session regular for years in a corner of the right cornerstone of the Russian BMX scene as well he's developed his writing and some of I'd say some of the least known cities on earth for BMX alike so Vladivostok and some of the corners I think novice abyss can Nava cuz their skin in the depths of Siberia have seen his tires on occasion those are two places that I've never heard of until just now thanks a lot ed for that geography education so twelve riders thanks to preemies gonna kick it off and as you said this format means that he's got to he's got to throw down he's got to find some consistency on this first run so the adds the freedom to build I'm really put something special together in his second run it is never easy being the first guy to drop in at a contest pretty much every score that happens after this is based on his score so really he's got a throwdown super hard this has to be a good run for max but you know what max is so consistent with some very difficult tricks check that out that's 180 hardway barspin and he's keeping it going showed you the tail up in just reburning it around great way to start a run tail up on the wedge it's like I said he's really consistent we saw him in Latvia he was one of our finalists there as well showing you the Flair shown Ian's got the park tricks as well as the street tricks there's that truck driver how does that measure up I mean all the judges still looking for part tricks in a street comp well not necessarily but it can't hurt right but essentially it's burning time but it like you say it proves a little bit of flow and it keeps the speed moving well yeah he's got to turn around anyway so hey why not do a flare check that out hardway 180 bars keeps it going backwards bar spent on that Red Bull quarter 180 bars down gyro cap pulls it back around has not touched the ground once with his feet and again it's a consistent finalist here at simple session this is not the first time we're seeing that I tell you what we're seeing that Ron is almost a carbon copy in some senses of grace and Fletcher's run in the state finals earlier where he threw down first run was an incredibly high score and immediately became the benchmark you said he needed a big score he needed a B try to open this and he's done exactly that yeah check out that hard way 180 bars pulling away from that reel keeps it going backwards and then check this out revert tailwhip right back into the wedge keeps it going showing you the Flair on the quarter pipe again he had to turn around so why not do a flair yeah why not Taylor Taylor up over the wedge I mean it was a great run he's going a little bit slow it's not as like exciting and as showy but you know he has another run he'll come back and land on the one down for us well Sabrina made finals in 2017 ended up in sixth made finals last year and ended up in ninth I think that's a pretty solid run and it's far too early to say where he's going to end up but he hasn't done himself or any harm with one minute of very very high quality riding they're also a finalist at the simple summer session in Latvia so you can see he's got the consistency it's always good to be in the files that's what you really want to do when you come to a contest like this your main objective is just to make the finals first and then you send it when you get to the finals the great and the good of BMX straight lined up behind max to preen are there no our party young up there in the brown cap head judge discussing this with all of the other judges making sure they're all on board he's thinking of what he's saying great Stark didn't make finals very very disappointing had a really clean run it just it wasn't technically enough was it yeah you know I think he might have been using the ramps a little bit too much he his run looked more like a park run in a lot of ways in a street run but that is almost as predictable as they get seventy five point four it's uh that's pretty much your standard you've landed a run let's put you slap bang in between fifty and a hundred that's the middle of the road right there and you know what I think the judges really like that you get a clean consistent run to start things off and now you can kind of build on that on what he did on what max did okay there's our start list Matt Bray will get to go last next rider in is going to be Lewis millstone the young Australian is the prodigy of Garrett Reynolds the man who has won this contest for the last two years he hasn't turned up this year where his protégée take his crown well Lewis Mills certainly could do that he got a silver medal of the Australian X Games justice this past year so he knows what it takes and keep in mind Garrett Reynolds got third at that contest so he's beating Garrett Reynolds in a fair competition before so Lewis Mills has the skills he has he has the consistency he has the style he looks good on a fight the judges really like him tell you what this bit we're all I mean you met Chris you could be around I appreciate that don't keep my day job thank you Justin's burry actually writes him as one of the most talented up-and-comers I just put the curse of the commentator on it but lose mail just has proved himself and then some in 2018 yeah we saw that bar spin the crank I'm grinding just did he's bobbled a few things already so when you miss a beat you lose the rhythm it's hard to get back into the flow of things once you miss one or two things it's hard to pick up the pieces and really get back going again so he kind of knows that this runs gonna be a wash he's just kind of coasting around letting the Pikeville high and pretty uncharacteristic of Lewis Mills actually cuz he's very consistent okay so run one is a scratch for Lewis Mills and the beauty of that he puts himself in the pressure cooker to get that big second run score now nice trip Renea getting left hanging there badly by louis mouths what a thing for our cameras to catch Oh Maxim I feel for you he was trying to go bar spin into the double peg accidentally landed feeble and then he had to drop down so you miss your first trick and it's hard just to get going again that pass been to crank arm side lovely lovely style he it's always the danger I find with BMX treat when you've got what someone with that much style that they're making stuff look too easy yes sometimes they call that the Joey Garcia syndrome is Joey Garcia from back in the day would always just make everything look so easy he was never getting really this the scores that you wanted everyone's like hey you got to make it look like you're actually trying so I always thought that was funny whenever I see someone that makes things look too easy I'm like oh that's the Joey Garcia syndrome okay we can go down now - too late who's with lowest Mills you know the others have been calling you the current legend but you're like the new generation writer what are you take on that I don't know I'm just trying to try to make it happen over here not really asking for the titles but yeah are you gonna give it all in a no second run oh definitely the first one was a bit disappointing didn't really do anything all its plan to do but hopefully the second run works on the second run thank you okay so Louis Mills no surprises there all the pressure on the second one you can see Bruno Hoffman Mark Burnett Felix prang Hamburg a.k Alex Kennedy and Brock Rayford all lined up along there miss mills making his way back up onto the platform now it's the turn of Jerry blob or guy who spent most of this summer just gone 2018 in New York and it seems to have paid off in his writing yeah absolutely I talked to him when we were in Latvia for the simple summer session and he was just glowing and he was buzzing about his trip to New York he was telling me how fun it was and what they got to ride and everything so it's really it's really great to have to be back at the simple session watch the bars see if you can count how many times he does his bar spins cuz he loves to throw the bars that was an opposite bar catch bar and you can usually tell by their body language whether it's opposite or regular there's a double bar spin drop and that was his regular direction double peg up opposite tail and then a regular tail showing that you can do it both directions is using the bossman like a multiplier on the pinball machine isn't he's just cranking up those points and you just saw him do though the hard 360 out of that flat rail when I say he's pulling hard way he's pulling his bike and body away from the rail the quote unquote easy way would be go into the rail for the first 45 so clean I'm just gonna yeah I'm gonna stop claiming anything for of 180 tail up over the wedge easy as you like the slam right there so I don't think that's gonna hurt him too much he did have one step off but I think that's gonna be a really good score the Sonics called but it's another excuse for the judges we know that we're gonna see some really big really clean runs so the judges have got to leave themselves some space yeah you're absolutely right there's that bar catch bar that's opposite and check this out up double peg opposite tail up check this out hard way 360 remember he's pulling away from that rail out of that double peg it's a danger that if the peg slips a toll or opposed to hard then he loses his pump yeah it's very easy to lose your pop on a hard way through 60 like that and a lot of times your back wheel will catch the rail as you're trying to pull away from it and he's removed the chain from around his neck just there okay I came Kuja I escaped the German technician in the middle of the judges Bank they're so cheery Bravo little seat adjustment while the scores come in 66 point toe well I'm something that I'm not a judge because I would have judged that a little bit differently but the judges beat you see how many points are deducting when you step off like that okay [Music] perfect everything so Alex Kennedy 29 years old one of the smoothest styles in the game aka a K he's just known by his initials super into his health does a lot of meditation yoga uses supplements extracts organic food yeah he's got a very healthy lifestyle and for Alex Kennedy creativity is the name of the game originality creativity he's got some tricks in all of street riding right now showing that double peg I would check out the toboggan landing Smith down the ledge loves a good toboggan no won't pay up and over on two-speed gapping up double peg on the spine Shoney's got the part skills to which it's kind of rare for a guy like Alex cannon to be seen on riding a spine supporter Pisces usually just as a total streets on 360 X up over our dig volcano up on the catwalks took that out feeble downside ice pick from the fastplant really cool original lines like I said for him creativity is the name of the game but it's a rarity even to saving competition I would think II's not a big cop dog so to see him come out here but it's brining under the watchful eye the judges is a real trait yeah this certainly is not his first simple széchenyi he loves coming to these things he loves putting on for the simple session crowd and really showing the creativity that we're talking about there's a toboggan to Smith there's that big gap up to the spine double peg grind I'm not sure how the judges are gonna judge that but that was a solid run I mean leave it he didn't really bobble too much and I really loved what he did up that catwalk it was a feeble downside fastplant to icepick showing you the 180 toboggan out of that catwalk and then this hard way 180 out of the double peg it was it was a clean run for Alex Kennedy once again okay we'll see what the judges make of it at the moment the tops gotta be is 75 0.4 and Alex Kennedy moves in with a 76 so judged just above max to prune out of Russia there we go Justin's brain broken the parks and recreation moustache that no mistakin who's in charge of this course justin spree comes from a BMX family his father rides BMX I've actually had many sessions with his father maybe more so than I've had with Justin but Justin is a jack-of-all-trades he can ride trails he can ride parks and of course as we're about the scene he can ride Street going up crooked 180 far out he's another that makes things look really easy never really looks like he's trying too hard there's that 180 crooks 180 out bar spin when I say crooks I mean he's grumpy it's a crooked grind he's one peg is on one side of the rail the other peg is on the other side man hardway 180 crooked grind down the rail found the opposite way them from what he did it before nice the backwards grinds designation about 1/8 even feeble and he's doing things on both sides of the bike you're gonna hear me talk about opposite and regular a lot that means when I say he's doing opposites usually on the other side of his bike or he's spinning the other direction he's in so goofy foot too though in terms of spinning isn't he I believe he is which makes my job even all that much more difficult yeah you really gotta keep it on in oh it's the first time I've seen one double peg or all the way through the a-frame really clean run for the kid from Murrieta California tops Preet no doubt we'll be watching and I imagine he'll be filled with pride watching them oh yeah of course it looked like you wanted a little bit more out of that a frame grind check it out the crooked grind up 180 bars out there's that 180 crooked grind bringing it back around with the bar spin I kept feeling as well in comparison to Alex Kennedy max Chopra Nia he had a really high work right just in terms like the technicality was right up there it was clean but he also I think he put more tricks in there was more bounce to the end yeah I mean you gotta utilize that full minute I mean you got to use every second that you can so yeah it's all about getting as many tricks as you can in that is a fantastic massage though eighty two point four for Justin's brief first place for the Californian [Applause] so the pressure is now on five riders gone seven still to drop in the BMX street final next guy in is the wunderkind from in France Anthony Perrin both something the same back in 2012 with a couple of really impressive flat round edits but he's been pushing straight harder and harder at life he's a really really great street writer I know that he gets a little bit nervous in competition so we'll see if he can shake those nerves and really put together a solid run showing you the 180 up nice and steezy 180 yeah when you talk about comp knives I love think if you can get that first trick out of the way then you can set him down instantly oh yeah absolutely so he's got a couple tricks under his belt already so he's up and running and you'll watch the way his confidence build big 360 over that sub and into the wedge first guy we've seen do that line so far so the kid from terrorized just outside Leone in France they're showing you to pickle Ryan's going on both sides of the bike yet again eight last year so we might find them to get a super it's the problem I think it's especially with something like flatland when you come from that side of the spore and actually we've seen it in all of the street guys perfection is the only thing that's acceptable especially in a competition format that's gonna be this strict I mean you gotta stomp your run you gotta you've got to be consistent you have to land those tricks and unfortunately he bobbled a few times I don't think that's gonna take top honours but it still it's a that's a good first run for Anthony parent wipe interesting tip we'll get an idea now of how much a fall or not fall but AB and I think it's true here he just drops the foot on the second one of these after knows a tooth hanger down the a-frame it's about too young you know look at our triggers there's Brian Kachinsky right there one of the gnarliest Street riders in the game still doing it so the crowd just warming up slowly you can see themselves on the jumbotron giving you a little wave nervous wait for Anthony parent so what we get judges are definitely done it means the scores game punched in 71 at point four so fourth place that the foot costume definitely yeah absolutely and we can see how strict the judges are being right now as well okay let's take a look at the standings after our first six riders just in spirit eighty two point four Alex Kennedy very clean run just behind then we had that benchmark run from Max Chopra Nia Louis Mills really disappointing run from him and all the pressure is on for the second run next rider in is the German who came in second at last year Bruno Hoffman [Music] and you're always means a lot of friends from all over the world it's just like you've got time together and good city and a cool country it really pushes you because you know that qualifying is almost harder than finance because everyone is just going for it so I would say the qualifying is like almost the hardest part so Bruno Hoffman always known for his power his ability to blend style and flow with the technical tricks that he's capable of it's so awesome to see Bruno out here still doing it and I say still doing it just because I've known him since he was a little kid I met him in Berlin Germany so long ago and he was only like 13 14 years old at the time but he's like the kook the cleanest most consistent guy with the rollbacks and you're gonna notice I'm doing a lot of things on both sides of the bike remember what I said opposite sides of the bike opposite spins he's the master of doing stuff on both sides of the bike and landing fakie as well showing you that 180 crooked grind that out he went regular pegs over the rail to his opposite pegs and he's the first guy we've seen really touched that rail so far well Jam 360 on up it's got a clean run gone one of those guys to where the more tricks he pulls the more comfortable you get so it kind of builds his run gets better and better and better and this is the kind of run you want to say I'm having at this early on because it frees him up for that second run oh yeah absolutely if you get a good first run you're so relaxed on that second run you can play around a little bit maybe take a little bit more chances good run from Bruno Hoffmann and it doesn't look like these guys are moving very fast it doesn't look like they're trying very hard but trust me this is exhausting well it's then not using the ramps to generate the hype everywher like you're yanking this bike around you've got to place it yeah and it's not all about strength there's a lot of form and technique that goes into getting that bike off the ground check this out Brooke it grind going hard way 180 out and it's amazing to me that the judges know what's regular they know what's opposite and they're able to put that into their scores Darryl now was up there the walking encyclopedia of BMX information today he's walking around in Flair's ana and call it a lemon pie or a lemon cheesecake ruffled shirt looks fantastic next in Brock Rayford 24 year old so so powerful one of those riders is an absolute joy to watch [Music] she's got a smile on his face well Brock was one of the guys that I've been talking about all week and I'm super excited that he's here he's coming off of a knee surgery had ACL and meniscus surgery he's been rehabbing that knee he's been trying to get his strong and he said this was his motivation to be able to get back and ride this contest he's been on our podium before in the past and I'm sure you'd love to be up there again today I've seen that that he pulled that trick out last year it's one of those ones that you get all breathe by every time and watch us in possession edit and you just saw him do a huge gap up and over that sub right there into the wedge it looked like you wanted a little bit more maybe a bar spin or a tail whip and he's got one of the best hardway 360s out of rails that I've ever seen Brock Rayford and Dan Lacey have that trick block and he's trying to go back up into the ramp show you that up double tire across the spine look like you want to bar in out of that and it is literally tires with because if you get outside that tire with your on the coping so it's gonna start getting really slippery right and we just saw all that pop that that brought as this wit front flats in the rail check that out double peg pullin over hard way 360 we saw him do that in qualifying but he did it after the buzzer hit ball finds so I think it hurt his score a little bit well I was pretty close here as well as interesting to see if he managed to squeeze it in this time brought Rayford collect his hat and potentially a very big score there's that tooth over back to that regular side there's no never hit in the ramp showing you that barspin truck driver fly out that's front flat double pay grind pulling out hardway 180 I love this right here double peg pulling back over the rail Parkway 360 out he's the only guy you're gonna see doing that today okay put your reputation on the line Chris is that the top Scot I would put that as the top yes it's a good thing I'm not a judge because as we see the score coming in seventy eight point six puts him in third place but you know what if he cleans up that run if he gets everything that he wanted to do originally if he throws the bars where he wanted to if he throws the tail where he wanted to he could really take top honors the kid from upstate New York who's talked about most hydrating in his water he's talked a lot about rolling on his own the fact that he's grown up the perfect distance from anything good so no one really wants to come in to him so he has to travel three four hours to New York to Boston to Philly wherever he's headed to ride into distance so well if you follow mark on Instagram like I do you'll see that sometimes I mean he's just riding in a tennis court he has a few Genki ramp setups and he's just doing the most impressive things you've ever seen so yeah he doesn't have the best stuff to ride around where he lives but yes it travels and he kind of makes his own fun around his home time when he can nice pickup coming up early in the run gonna try and recover but as soon as you and I've seen already we know how how much those Falls can affect the score and I know I talked to mark just prior to the contest we actually had lunch together and he was he was telling me that he really wants to do well and he's more nervous than he usually is for this contest it's no stranger to simple session he always comes the owner is a good time it's not our first time seeing him in the final we saw him down in Latvia as well and it looks like the nerves are just getting to him a little bit when he had such a clean qualifying run as well really unfortunate lost something off the bike there as well or he lost his wristband are perhaps bars been into that double peg run on the spine and he's out of here what stuck it as well shunning the autographs shown you the Smith over the rail wow that would have been hard on the wrists I reckon because it's a solid drop it's a good six seven feet down to the floor there you can't actually see it as a compression at the bottom of that Ramblers lifted so you have the RAM platform but then it's another two-foot when you drop off the back that definitely would hurt my wrist would hurt your wrist but marks a young guy I'm sure do you feel it okay let's take a look through these nose two bars over that shown you the toe jam shown you the ramp tricks he can ride a little bit of everything I like this we bounce that back tire and sends that 360 over that obstacle then this bar spin into into a double pick run there goes that wristband no VI paid tonight sorry mark there's that Smith pulling out over out of the simple session course showing you the originality showing you the creativity there well that you talked about this a lot the idea of finding yourself on the part of the course that no one else has been is good news yeah if you have an original line if you have something that not everyone else is doing that really counts a lot in the judges eyes okay well we saw Alex Kennedy put a bit of a foot down make 76 it didn't hurt him too badly same for Anthony Perrin he was down on 71 point four so we saw that early foot down be interesting to see where my Burnett fit in 74 point a is good enough for six to Lee is down with Mark Burnett now keep some gaming did you plan that no the or on no you just went with it no yeah I planned it I didn't want to fall on anybody so I had to make sure there's someone coordinating it so I kind of had to let the secret out of the bag a little early but so what are you gonna do a second run any all that big surprises we can wait for it I don't know you'll see but hopefully I just can do everything clean and figure it out so there's one prince and I want to give like a really big shout out to you and that's your mom they want to say something - mom I know she's watching of course I'm gonna tell her to hold on because I know she's nervous right now try to keep it keep it under wraps keep it under control because I know she's probably screaming at the television thank you so much I'm gonna give all my fingers crossed for you in the next round oh that was nice isn't it was Tooley blushing a little bit there I think so just a little bit okay next right up courage Adams and it doesn't seem to matter way in terms of results he likes people like there's something about him that really inspires people [Music] is the person that everyone wants to talk about so courage recently put up and edit for his shoe sponsor vans that took the BMX world by storm it was unbelievable well his big challenge here is always well for all the street riders is consistency qualified with his second run and you said it was uncharacteristic dropping dropping his first run usually he is the cleanest rider out there yeah in ladies and gentleman to watch the balance look at this bar in out of the nose wheelie he's got so much precise balance it's it's he's got the most balance and BMX right now I'm just gonna say besides any of that any Flatlanders out there just watch that like he doesn't think he's got he's got so much control over that buddy that feeble hard way 360 is into our pole section scrubbing off a little bit of speed there then dunk rights just gonna shopping about him down right crankin grind up to bar 180 on using the crank on Treasuries not running a free coaster like so many of these other guys thing and that's the risk that you take when you're trying those knows where the combinations like that I mean the back end can go down so easy or you can go over the bars he really takes a lot of chances but I've seen it might got three times in practice it looked almost robotic look at that bar to manual to 360 in our poll section the only guy doing that how do you generate the rotation of just the back wheel that's incredible well I don't know cuz he did he does so many tricks that are like exclusive to courage Adams I mean I just love the way he starts his run nose wheelie across the visit Estonia quarter pipe their bars spin in what a way to start things off let the judges know that you mean business here's that crank arm grind up bar spin out and I love this using just the crank arm pressure no free coaster on that bike cranks ready ah this is it what is the rotation come from that's all power that's all form technique and strength from kur Jones sir born in Nigeria raised in Pamplona lives in Madrid coach Adams one of the most well respected and arguably best street riders in the world [Music] 79.1 I mean we see again that was a great run but we're seeing how strict the judges are being on getting that perfect run okay next rider in is Phoenix pregnant burg curry qualified in third place the German has been riding simple session for longer than most still looking for a win here Felix is the guy who can come out and really upset the feel here with a big win in 1st position since it's been a dedicated Street event was eight and I always feel like he's he's worth a little bit more than that well you're absolutely right I mean this guy was the Norra cup readers choice for 2018 so the secret's out everyone knows he's a great great bike we're showing that truck driver down the Euro gap look at the speed that he said he's going a little bit faster than just about everyone else we've seen so far showing you that tooth hang there's that double peg the hard way 360 launching the beam 540 bars Ben on a wedge okay halfway through the run and he's really starting to turn it up now yeah it's got a great run going being really consistent doing a lot of difficult tricks so often you see the 1:8 isn't someone have drift away from the transition but he actually meant that at the very top down for Felix sprang a bug on his first run pretty special right and you can hear Daryl now talking in the arena that was a full pour from Felix pranky birth you don't think it was that look that wasn't scaled back anywhere for first run he wanted to set a benchmark score that's the run that he probably wanted out of either one of his two runs but now that he's got that one in the bank what more can we look forward to for the second run it's only gonna get better from here we can really start to see him play yeah 180 on going backwards 180 taalib off that the front wheel meeting the transition right at the very top oh you have picture-perfect okay so Felix Brandenburg is waiting on what most people expect to be a very good score and it is enough for first place 88.2 Fillion sprang and Berger moves into the lead with just two runners left to drop at the simple session 19 BMX Street finals a couple of shout outs from the crowd there no REM Nakamura on eizan pops my chute mixed up good but right now the course belongs to Matt ray coming out of Massachusetts doing it for New England this is one of those guys it never looks like he's trying he does the hardest stuff with the comest demeanor first came this simple session as a 16 year old did pretty well not as as well as he would have liked but look at he's up on the high perch there and I love the way he comes into his run the way he drops into I'd check him out right here there's that 270 far in to start his run already a different line than what we've seen so far anybody else I love the way he does that opposite downside whip on that wedge because he continues going up bars been to turn down on the catwalk quarter pipe their bar catch bar 180 over the volcano into a flare on virtually just a wedge and 180 on 180 bars out I'm fast in this room today he makes it look so easy barn cats bar 360 coming in fakie showing you the Smith grind as well 360 template took baekje and he makes it all look so easy to hangar Wow desperate to go through the rain plays on this because glad you say there are tricks in this insanely technical tricks that look like he's got them on Rails there's not a doubt in your mind that he's gonna make them no it's as if him and the bike are just one and they're just working together in perfect harmony I mean that was a full pull he used every second of that run to his advantage use the course in a different way than we're used to seeing check that up to 70 barzmann and tail up over the hump right there I love how he does these down side opposite tails watch the way he continues to go up there whereas a lot of guys are still falling far catch bar 180 brings it right around shows you the Flair on the wedge we're used to seeing that trick on the quarter pipe this is the one I was watching double ball spin 360 coming in fakie it's so it's so risky to go fakie in the middle of a run like that 360 tail up to fakie landing backwards I mean at the end of your run to where a super tired and again makes it all look so easy okay so waiting on the score for Matt ray last rider to drop in the first runs and I think this is going to be a big one 88.2 to beat Felix prang Hamburg and has the top spot the moment eighty three point eight so it's good enough for second from that right but he's got to improve on that if he wanted to chase down prey and Berger end up round them too so let's take a look at those overall standings Pickett sprang a bug in first man ray five points behind and second just in spree poised in third position still could attack very very potent leap from third place down the bottom there Alex Kennedy and Lewis Mills I mean right down the bottom there he's all of those riders could push up but lowest bills especially you'd expect to see him really pouncing up the standings yeah you know he's gonna come back strong with a second round score okay gonna take a quick break when we come back we'll have second runs [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to simple session at 19 that we're here for BMX Street we're gonna get going to BMX park in a little while but we've got second runs still to come and be a main street and that will decide our winner at the Mobil we've got Felix prang a bowing out in front on 88.2 and a surprise call there for me especially Chris na eighty three point eight format Raya thought that school was gonna be a push praying burg maybe a little bit more well my only explanation to that is Felix pregnant burg dick a lot more natural style street tricks where as we saw Matt ray doing a lot of ramp tricks so I think the judges might be just being a little bit strict on that like stick to the street stuff stick to the ledges the wedges the rails and not necessarily the quarter pipes don't give in to the temptation of transition exactly okay you can see all the boys lining up for second runs there one of them is courage Adams at the end there we can take a look from his perspective with this GoPro run through the course yeah I've seen positions with other 19 [Music] guys there's a torii walk and this is the GoPro course preview [Music] tell Kurt show us that recoil [Music] there was that nose manual that we were looking for and the courage was looking for on his first run unfortunately we're not gonna see Cory Walsh in the fight the park finals later on I didn't quite make the cut but max ship Rena ready to cut it kick us off for our second run in BMX Street here and he was the score by which everyone else was measured at seventy five point four and it's not going to take an awful lot for him to jump up five points of him go straight in to the top four so thanks ship Rena can can definitely do some moves here saying that he's very very consistent I feel like if he goes a little bit faster maybe tries a little bit harder he could really break into that top five spot yeah there's an 18 there waiting to get out just needs to light it up a bit yeah absolutely Oh check him out he's already changed up the run a little bit he know he's got it he's got a decent score and he can definitely improve on that and I think he's going for right now psyche 540 out of out of the link out of the rail he did the hard way 180 bar spin out of checking on truck driver out of our catwalk just eyeing up rail here goes up there's that double hang slips the pedals on the tail whip and you almost get the feeling especially with the tail whip like that he's mines on the next trick already yes and like I keep saying I mean it's very uncharacteristic of him to like miss a tail up like that cuz he's usually so consistent usually does not mess up you know why this tire there's been a long weekend lots of partying going on with the simple session through here I mean that's these guys go hard every single day and every single night okay so my ship Rena Christos verdict is that maybe stammen has got the better arm in their long week at simple session has taken its toll and the Russian certainly had the ability just good that was beautiful that was a great length the hard way 180 bars out of the double peg kept it going backwards then 540 into the quarter truck driver in off the catwalk and why do so many of these Street writers run moustaches do you think I think it's an aesthetic okay it's definitely that I think in turn circles the moustache is the mark of an artiste all right well I was wrong in assuming that max had a mustache on his face because it certainly looked like it there for a second so I apologize max yeah I think Max and Mark Burnett who you can see both of them there are might fall into the as yet able to grow a mustache can't agree they're both pretty baby-faced it's another man he's not rocking a mustache yet Lois Mills a lot of pressure on this lad now and it's over before it begins for what Justin's freak called the brightest young thing in BMX street at the moment one of the most talented riders out there but it's often the case when you get a big result like that silver at X Games in Sydney all of them all of the implicitly all the attention those results bring can often wait pretty heavily on young shoulders in it it takes a bit time to get comfortable with that and find your feet against Lewis would have turned up boots big crowd big stadium arena event and yeah you seem getting the hook from boyhood or one of his friends back in Australia and that is it's strange to see him mess up like that because in qualifying he was doing the bar in to the double peg and then hardway 180 bar out just every time and he made it look like clockwork like it was nothing but you know this won't be his last simple session he'll be back next year and I'm sure the years to come better he might even it might be with this impression effect that you're talking about as well he's learned his lesson this year maybe slow down a little bit on Friday and then a little bit more on Saturday night Jerry barber from the Czech Republic dropping in now he's got a 300 horsepower BMW 3-series that he loves more than life itself it's almost as much as pmake saying he's got about the same amount of power watching his roar again oh yeah he's a big kid I mean you see his arms see his forearms I mean he's he's a tough-looking guy he's an intimidating-looking guy when I saw him in Lafayette Wow who's that guy but he's actually as nice as can be and he's a really great bike rider as you can already see did you say he's got arms like legs a lot of pop a lot of our loves to do some bar spins so you can throw a bar spin into or out of just about anything currently in 11th on the 66 point toad steps off a little bit they're going for that bar to crank arm got the chain all fixed up back around his neck oh one day detail Cobra a language see what he's got coming to the ends of the end of his run there's that ice - hardway 180 out at the end of his run beautiful from Jerry blackballed the one foot down we've seen it I think it I think you can move up the sixty six point toe is definitely going to be improved upon yeah I mean and I keep saying it but we're seeing how strict the judges are being on perfection it speaking of perfection that up rail - opposite 180 out there's the hard way 360 out of the double peg 180 to help over a small wedge so yeah you know in Latvia he was I think he was riding at his best maybe you know being outdoor and the sunshine was helping him a lot but I mean it's awesome to have him here at simple session here in Estonia third place at summer session first time out seventy-three there you go 10th place the Jerry blabble second school he's going to move anywhere and there is no chance for Anthony Peres to move up right now that we're going to Ali's Kennedy 8k get from Croydon yeah I would certainly say that alex is more of a video tech rider as opposed to be a contest rider but he can still hang as we can see we see him in the finals here check him out toboggan to Smith down that ledge he loves doing them over too and you know when I talk about the video parts a lot of these guys really focus more on the video part side of things more so than the contest because there's not as many contests that go around for street riders so they really have to focus on getting those good videos out for the people to see and Alex Kennedy has certainly released so many great videos for all of us to enjoy I love that transfer up yeah it's really fun to see a guy like Alex riding ramps I mean we're so used to seeing him ride Street but it's really cool to know that you can still do all those ramp tricks as well he was going down side Smith across that quarter pipe and he actually pulled it in our best trick competition so I've seen him do it but I mean it's such a gamble it's such a big drop but we know that these people love doing it just maybe not in this contest or on okay [Music] he loves to ride and klappa he's gonna have to put this run down to experience as well currently in seventh the thing about Alex Kennedy is he always looks unique his bike always looks unique he always looks a little bit different than the rest of the field and he's always brings something a little bit different to the table but unfortunate for Alex had that little slip-up there he's gonna settle for that first run score which was the 76 keeping him in seventh place yeah it's an interesting frame combination isn't it I'd call that magenta and gold with the rims oh yeah and that's one of his more mellow setups that I've seen him ride they're usually a little bit more loud okay just inspirate ready to go and that you've gotta say I mean the rims on this bike that's one of my favorite colors that kind of mint or Jade but right now the massage is out shining the rims sure well we saw his first run score he's still in third place right now so he could have a little bit of fun with this run and maybe try some things that he's really wanted to try all weekend it's gonna be interesting to see how he approaches this run but look he'll stoic he is he never looks like he's under pressure never looks like he's trying too hard there's that crooked to 180 bar out 180 bar spin out I mean he's so clean and consistent with those crooked grind specially going backwards and forwards and he's got such a good barspin that he rarely ever misses those bars once it's frozen [Music] but out of park in his uh video a few years ago riding a lot of trails which is you know such a contrast from riding Street but just so everyone knows he can ride a little bit of everything he's a really talented bike rider he could probably hang in our first competition as well [Music] pretty hot that unfortunate for Justin he has such a good run going but he was going for that bars been to opposite my spec you see him being helped off the course by her paramedics he's on his feet he's walking and he's probably just really tired you know missed that ice pick just a little bit trying to grab onto the handlebars and then I was at the end of his run I'm I'll be interested to see how much that actually counts against him there's that crooked grind up 180 bars out so clean and consistent with that trick at all times and there's a version on the flat rail as well I just I think it's funny how he always looks so stoic it never looks like he's under any kind of pressure under any kind of stress just goes out there and does his thing there's a 180 opposite feeble pulling it back over backwards forwards you get a little bit of everything okay so the medics thankfully very very quick to their feet now I'm sitting around eating cream buns they're Justin's very clicking all right it doesn't even look like he's hobbling at the moment so oh little grimace there place for sixty six point eight Justin second run so next rider in from France Antony Perrin very calm very technical and very French that means he's suave and sophisticated Chris absolutely that is not a disk by any means I always enjoy having a conversation with Anthony he's really easygoing guy very easy to chat with very humble to Tony that one eighty bar spin up where you start already there Anthony parent he's a guy that can really be a threat for that top three if you can just keep it together what you mentioned earlier is it against real competition nerves and it's difficult to believe when you see someone with this riding ability that they're gonna get nervous but it is a factor for him well we just had that huge 360 over the sub box into the wedge ice pick up the rail 180 out he's got a great run going to the tooth hanger to 180 out on the flat rail I mean so far this is so much better than his first run he hasn't messed up a single bit yet just has to keep it together and keep the hard tricks flowing little nose wheelie on that round and I don't know if he's just gonna settle for some easier tricks at this point or what because he knows that he has such a good run going he's definitely trying to link those two ryos fine the end the Boston ice with the 1e that was after the buzzer had already gone off so I wonder if that's gonna count against and I don't think it is but you see the smile on his face he knows that he put in a full pole that was a really good run for Anthony parent very very strong one slight dip there was it was a point there I thinking around 45 50 seconds when he pulled out a couple of pop boilers in a row what by his standards would be relatively basic tricks right but like you said if he got through the whole run really really clean currently sat in 11 so he's moving up no matter what yeah I would definitely say that's an improvement upon his first run score if he wants top three he's got to go to eighty two point four he wants the top spot he's got to be eighty eight point toe don't think we're heading quite that high but top three maybe not seventy seven point three so good enough for seventh and that gives you an idea just how tightly packed everyone is in those middle spots between 80 and 74 so six points that is what separates 4th and 10th next in Bruno Hoffman's second place here in simple session 2018 well man like I said before about Bruno he loves to land fake he's very consistent with landing backwards and keeping his run going showing the opposite icepick down the ledge over toothpick really good friends with Dan Lacey who I know is watching right now those guys have peed out so many heavy edits together and always traveling together you always hear him in the background of each other's Clips I'm trying to go for that predator grind just have to just messes it up a little bit he's off his his rhythm a little bit right now let's see if he can make up for it he hasn't touched the ground with his feet yet so maybe he can make up for that there's that crooked grind to 180 that's an opposite 180 out of that and as first easy as he makes it look that judges know that that's an opposite 184 the judges are very in tune with what's going on linking those two rail of boats there's that opposite ice looks like he wanted a little something out of it and that's gonna be time for Bruno Hoffman I don't think that was a better run than his first run but still I mean always awesome to see Bruno out here and again I mean he's still so young but he he seems like he's been around for such a long time just because when you get started at 14 15 years old you start making a name for yourself even at the age of 23 24 25 it already seems like you're the elder statesman of the crew but he's been around for a day he's 25 and he's been around for a decade that's the reality right right and it'll probably be around for another decade my Stefan I like yeah you tell you wanted a little bit more out of that opposite icepick but you know always great to see Bruno out here always loves coming to simple session loves the nightlife always has a good time so fourth place at the moment no shortage of great riders waiting just below him though to see if they can unseat him 76.4 for that second run not enough to better that 18 point toe so now we move back down to the course where brock Rayford is waiting for us robbery for just trying to get some people out of the way because he's got some big plans for this run he is really excited to be here he's like I told you before he's rehabbing that knee he's been trying to get it strong again he recently put out a really heavy video part in the ride headlights video so even though he's been out with knee surgery he still has content that's been coming out all over the web and in a full-length video part as well okay gently cranking up the quarter to get speed [Music] 180 bars into the Euro pulls it right back around there's that tooth / tooth again that's like a brach original right there it's the only guy doing that check him out barspin over the sub I love it this is the run that he wanted in that first run he's on course and he's making things happen no bobbles yet there's that double peg up hard way 360 out like I said that's the best part way 360 you're gonna stay in this entire contest ooh [Music] coming in double tire on the spine bar spin in using the park course in a street way this is a great run so far for Brock Rayford there's that strength pulling up onto that rail from flat he's got about five seconds left here he's got to get this last trick in if he wants it to count there's a double peg pull it over Hardaway 360 over the rail that's a full pull for Brock Rayford right there and there's that 360 nose bonk over our dig volcano and that's how you do a street run that's the run that Brock wanted it looked as if eat almost unplugged his dress once he'd landed that final trick he went straight into the volcano completely relaxed and really enjoyed himself big big heavy run from Brock Rayford let's go through kicked off with this look beautiful little cob bug through the Euro gap I love the bar over the sub into the wedge showing you the truck driver fly out and it was like each trick he started building upon more and mornings getting more and more comfortable that's certainly the run that he wanted when he got to Estonia I love that it's like having a little bit of Danny MacAskill in the middle of the course the transfer up his neck onto that spine yeah and look at the smile just the relief like he got the run that he wanted okay waiting for his score Rock Rayford currently sat in sick on a seventy eight point six where are you going with this one I'm putting him in the top three for now and we'll see what the judges think top three he needs eighty two point four he's got eighty two point two brutally close till he's down there with him now congratulations such a powerful run I mean we were talking before you told me you're gonna turn up if they tend to do a little bit then you definitely did can you tell me how I feel great about my runs I came here and got done what I needed to do like I came off an injury so I'm just out here trying to do my best for myself and for my family and what better way than the whole two solid runs well you did great thank you so much thank you okay Brooke Rayford philosophical about that could have gone a little bit higher maybe next in it we've got Mark and Burnett this is third time here at simple session stop screaming at the TV Mark's mum he can't hear you that's from Digby MX the hash tag simple session if anyone else has got anything to add to the conversation please check it up on social media we will find it Thank You Digby max well I got to give a shout out to sue Burnett who's been very supportive of mark in his career pulling hard way into that Smith he's flowing now I like what we're seeing here head there's that nose to bar only one doing that line feeble hardway 360 out this is the run that Marquand oh sucked into that little stole and I can say doing a bar spin the tail tap doesn't look like it's super hard but he's using all balance on that he can't use any prank on pressure because he's running a free coaster and he can't use any brakes because well like everyone else in the street competition he's break loose and that one of those writers that we've seen grow year-on-year here it's in possession and this is no exception taking a page out of Brock refrence book with that line right there gapping up onto the spine bar spin out went over double peg this time I can't tell if he stepped off it or not but I don't think the judges can tell you there yeah if we haven't seen him they haven't seen it so silly when you come around the other side mark just be like yes claim it all carriage Adams taking a row around the course he's gonna go and get ready for his run but Mark Burnett he's gonna sit tight and wait for the scores that was a very very impressive run that was a great run for Mark Burnett that's the run that he wanted showing you the technique getting on top of that flat rail right there the flat ledge pulling off hardway 360 bunkin the back tire he's the only one we see doing that bumping that back tire 360 over the ledge and we started watching a different rider in the way he approached the course wasn't it was relaxed and so whatever he did it in between those two runs worked yeah absolutely say hi to mom at home like I said Sue's always been so supportive of mark in his career she's always very fun to talk to it all the events so at this stage I think Sue's getting more shoutouts for mark like a nervous wait for all the Burnett's ones here and the ones back in upstate New York I think it slingerland isn't it hometown when I first met mark it was in Albany New York and I just assumed that that's where he was from but I don't know the exact name of his his hometown but yeah it's definitely an upstate New York guy okay anyone for Mark Burnett on that log jam just below the podium spots is getting tighter and tighter Bruna Hoffman on 80.2 Burnett on 81 brought Rayford on 82 to just in 2 3 on 82 for next in we're with courage Adams let's take a look at what he's capable of when it comes to nose manuals [Music] well yeah look at the balance look at the control he's the only guy you would see doing something like this in our in our final anyways I mean check about he's using his crank arm pressure to go backward so a lot of guys have the free coaster now he's using all crank arm pressure oh my gosh bar spin into a nose jam with no brakes all balance all strength all power and then we saw that who saw him do that in his run bar spin to manual to 360 okay carriage Adams ready for a very precious minute of his life now courage is really the last guy that can crack into that top three right now currently in seventh and look what we have going here this started with a bar spin to tail tap and he's been on the back wheel ever since check him out he's about to go backwards down the slope oh and it's like he resets it from there that that entire combo is gone now is he gonna go back to the to the start and try it again go on is at this point you're just doing it for the fans here the judges have to judge them accordingly they check them out but it's pretty crazy when you're doing like a thirty second trick you use it you you're rolling the dice half of your run on one trick if it goes wrong they like you say there's no rebate there's no coming back from that in a contrast format when you have to be so consistent you can't have any kind of bobbles and unfortunate for him he had to come off the back but he's still going for it for the crowd here in Tallinn Estonia at the SACU arena he's showing you all that the longer he goes the louder the crowd gets it's looking good and there we have it I'm not sipping even the judges are building up there and that's the loudest we've heard the crowd get all day I'm some good reason that was absolutely phenomenal right right well we know that to time that last one it's a 20-second trick so you get three drinks and if it really worked so we know that he's not gonna have the best score because of that but hey sometimes you just you don't worry about your score anymore you do it for the crowd you do it for the people at home that are watching that want to see what courage Adams is capable of okay so that only leaves two riders right now we've got Felix Brandenburg who's currently occupying the top spot will not get the luxury of a victory lap because the man who's going to drop after him is currently in second Matt ray they're separated by five points so Felix has got a good buffer interesting to see what score courage atoms can get for just one run 48.8 for one tree so if it have done three traits okay for a little quiz at home how many face piercings this Felix Brighton bird half duo accounting is on face I believe so I don't know your is on on your face there on your head online the correct answer ed is for okay but that's not what is important right now he is our current leader starting off the 180 tail up into the wedge shape I love this right here double peg 450 into the wedge and you said he's making that look pretty easy but the pulley needs on that to make your work yeah absolutely he makes it look so easy oh my gosh that's an opposite double peg up an opposite hard way 360 out about really impressive oh my gosh 540 over the a frame rail and he he runs into a photographer there I wonder if the judges are gonna take mercy on him for that I mean because that really wasn't his fault and he almost takes out one of our cameramen as well just doing damage to the media right now I don't know I reckon he's going on for an angle he knows what looks good yeah okay he's got the luxury of being able to call that it doesn't need to push at this stage he is four point six points ahead of Matt ray at the moment which means he can sit tight it's gonna be a nervous wait though with someone as talented as Matt ray ready to drop now and it's gonna be interesting to see how Matt ray changes things up he's gonna do the same run because he knows that he he can do no worse than second place is that 450 off yeah love they're double penka 450 he's the only guy really using that like a bank to sub that's all opposite right there that's opposite pegs up opposite hardway 360 out that's a tongue twister right there for sure okay so feeling sprang a burg kid from Ralph 70k out of Cologne eighty point nine and that eighty point nothing would have been good enough for sixth place had that been it but he will take his first run score of eighty eight point two and that is the number that this man now has to be last person to drop in beer make Street finals Matt ray been out for two years back now in a final and battling out he's guaranteed a podium spot he's guaranteed second place but can he up that now he saw an eighty three point eight from him first run score well he's certainly capable it looks like he's starting off his run in the same way that he has been all weekend shown you the 270 barspin in I think if he adds a few more Street elements to this run it's really gonna help him now it really be a threat to that top spot as you can see right now he's been sticking Tamura though the park aspects of the course but AG I mean he's so consistent again sees back on the part course whereas we saw Felix praying a burgundy ex's first run he was I call rails all edges all wedges all right well he had to step up we know how much that can hurt the rider now 180 on 180 bar out we're gonna need a best trick here to salvage this run something truly breathtaking no longer about consistency if you really want this man then you've got to throw down now yeah he's sticking to the same run he's sticking to what he knows sometimes it's hard to switch it up I mean he's been doing this all weekend so oh that was well more of a part from there as well 360 bar spin to turn down coming in fakie you know I don't think that's gonna be enough to unseat Felix now we've seen it throughout the contest any kind of bail it has to be clean that is exactly what we saw from Phoenix prang a bug on his first run truly truly breathtaking Matt ray giving in his best shot on his second and final room it's interesting looking at how exhausted these guys are now and we talked about earlier on that third run that used to be in there and you can't imagine it now the intensity of these runs right one minute long runs it doesn't sound like much but trust me that's exhausting but again I mean just so impressive you know I bet Matt could really hang in a park contest as well as you see how well he can ride ramps and you know and he's from the Northeast United States so he's riding a lot of indoor ramps all winter long so he might not have the luxury of riding so many street setups but still I mean second places is still very impressive for Matt ray okay he's unselfie duties now second at place from the man from the Northeast doesn't look too frustrated by it let's take a look at the overall standings though Felix prang Hamburg the German of their 88.2 taking his first ever simple session Street final win is the only person apart from Garrett Reynolds to have one of those that rain second Justin's breat in third Mark Burnett down there in fifth that's not that's a very respectable position so and Mark continues his ascent up the rankings year-on-year courage Adams bit of a surprise potentially down in seventh and then Alex Kennedy would like to have seen him a bit further up and just never lined up for him same for Lewis Mills we're going to be back right after this break we're going to pull these Street finals apart and we're gonna look at how BMX park is lining up we'll see you there [Music] I'm standing here with our legendary BMX host Darrell know Darrell you've been coming back for simple session for eight years now so if you can comment on 2019 what would that be I don't know how they do it but every year it gets better and better and better so for everyone around the world I want to see you here in 2020 one thing that gets better every year is your outfit I mean you look so smart every single time I see you I just blow a mine where do you get all these clothes you are quite the charmer but since this is the party for BMX and skating you got a dress for the room so I always bring something a little bit special to match the energy of the fans and the riders out there but thank you for the kind words thank you so much and back to you guys in this video always a treat to get a glimpse of the walking encyclopedia of BMX that is Darrell now we're in the mid show now in between Street and park so we've got two riders from each of those disciplines Daniel's got to get down to the course pretty quickly so we're going to set off with you Daniel first of all big difference between Street and Park what is it oh man it's so so different so like in street you'll use more of the rails you try to do you know jumps of flag you do more ledges more soft like that in Park you try to do more of the jobs like the boxing I'm on the spine and so it might involve more of like you know aerial tricks while in street is way more technical and do this so they're like I don't understand how these guys do what they do man before you go I know you've got to get down for practice but you've made some modifications to your bike haven't you yeah so recently I got a titanium frame so I talked to Mike layer and I got a ty layer frame and it's crazy because like I had like bikes before but the material feels like you float so like you know when people ask me about it is you know it's very controversial in the world BMX but so far had an issue you know I've been riding it for like over two months and yeah it feels great so I'm stoked to give it a shot here a simple session okay I'm gonna let you get out of here good luck hopefully we see you later on yeah for sure thank you Congrats Phoenix okay Felix we're gonna come to you in a second but before we do we're going to take a look back at the top three runs from BMX Street the contest has just gone down and it was very very hot riding so in third place I mean overall impression from you Chris what did you make of it well overall I thought it was a great competition we had Justin Street who is a guy that can ride just about anything really smooth looked really good really comfortable showing you those crooked grind some 180 bars out he was really consistent all weekend long then of course we had Matt ray just showing you so many consistent consistent maneuvers I love the way he was dropping in with that 270 bar every single time I think if he had a little bit more street elements in his run he would have done a little bit better but hey second place is nothing to be upset about them of course we have our man Felix pregnant Burke showing you that one eighty bar shown you that 540 on the wedge there's that hard way 360 out of the double peg he was clean he was consistent virtually the whole day 540 up and over the Abram rail taking out the photographer he had an eye out for all the cameramen then that opposite pegs up opposite 360 hardway out nothing but clean consistent riding from Felix Felix that must have been wonderful must have felt so good I'm so hot that everything worked out you still can't believe it I'm speechless I know I'm I'm buzzing now did you know after your first run that you could probably sit back a little bit thinking that you had such a higher score than everybody else you could kind of take it easy a little bit maybe have some fun out there on the course and try some things that you weren't necessarily comfortable with I mean must already had fun in the first run and like everyone killed it everyone can do everyone could have went won that contest and I don't know don't even realize though it didn't like wanted to realize that I just wanted to have another trade run and try my best but I was pretty sure that someone I was gonna get a higher score well as you guys sees very modest but I mean from what we saw you absolutely destroyed the competition I mean take us through that one trick you went up rail opposite pegs pulled hard way out 360 and you made it look so easy that's actually a switch footed switch motor packs off to sexy but so it looks like a opposite one well then forgive me guys I mean as as you can see it's so technical street riding has just reached that point where you have to really be on it to to know what's going on as he was just saying he was switching his feet around he's spinning in both directions he's using both sides of the bike and those are the types of elements that you need to get to the top of the podium much like yourself now what are you gonna do tonight definitely gonna party is customary here a simple session congratulations this your first simple session win yeah I'm starving sorry I know it's a four you're the first person ever to win who isn't Garrett Reynolds so you can take that one put it in your pocket okay we're now moving on it to BMX park and we've got two Australians who've made the journey over to Estrella Estonia these are the Aussies on tour we send them to a disused Soviet prison very comfortable I'm really happy to be back here in Estonia wasn't expecting to be in a prison [Music] first timer never been in the snow before now in the snow in an abandoned prison that I don't know it's kind of creepy we seem like a like a surgery table before and yeah I didn't really know what to think about it yeah this place is sick it's definitely out there for the weirdest place I've ever written for sure oh it's very important to have my homie right by my side I don't really feel like I'm away from home well it's definitely comforting like just to get to experience it with a mate like you remember it better better times [Music] Boyd's an all-rounder he just drops jaws everywhere he goes really talented writer stylish looks good makes BMX look great Oh Alex he's wild I don't know he just thinks of stuff on the spot he doesn't really think it's rude just goes for it and three girls of time gets it done like it's always awesome to watch in drag it just happens naturally like just from the obstacles you hit one and then that leads in into another one and you sort of just work with what you got style is the most important thing do your own little twist on every trick make it look nice and do it makes you happy [Music] what's up guys we're out here for day two of our talent adventure we're here to snow bye [Music] yeah it was Wow no been to snow before but kind of felt natural like a black con didn't it was fun I've always watched some session from the kids always wanted to come finally made it out here and then yeah the course is just always insane I mean it's my first time riding the street comp so I'm pretty excited something new just express how you're feeling in that present time and on this course has a lot of unique obstacles so this contest is gonna be good for me to try the street up the park I mean sighs yeah I pretty much take as it comes do what I can and hopefully get up top there so [Music] the disappointing news after watching that is the Alex I am competing in Street and Park hasn't made it to the finals in park do you think he bit off more than he could chew well it's got to be exhausting when you're riding two disciplines such as Alex was and in his defense he had a lot of bike malfunctions in the Street contest and like he said in that in that piece right there this was his first ever street contest so this is the first time he gave it a go so we can't be too hard on Alex now in Park they were all about perfection he had a few baubles here and there but his counterpart his or I'm sorry his mate there Boyd Hillier is in our Park final so we're gonna definitely be seeing Boyd Hildur but both of those guys are so so talented I've heard you talking about Boyd Hilda he's one of your dog horses isn't he Boyd Hildur not only is my favorite to win this contest he might be one of my favorite bike riders right now in general I mean he's one of the new young up and comers he's just picked up a few new sponsors so he's really making a lot of waves in BMX right now okay we took a closer look at him later on but qualifies went down yesterday we were cutting down nearly 50 riders to just 12 it was a battlefield out there but we can take a look at the three best runs that we saw yesterday it was phenomenal so Daniel Dhers who just had him on the show came in in third he's now without Ryan Nyquist the elder statesman of BMX park he is the oldest guy in the park competition which is so crazy to think about but you know what I think he really utilizes that and he uses his experience to help him form better runs to do better tricks I mean you can see he's conditioned he's got the hard tricks and he still got what it takes to perhaps be on the top of the podium here at simple session ok then we've got rim Nakamura actually named by his dad after the bike path which shows you just how deep BMX runs in his family absolutely I mean rim was on fire yesterday and he's our youngest competitor he's only 16 years old he's always got a smile on his face he had a few baubles actually yesterday and he still ended up in that second place position I've talked about him a little bit but it feels like he's a much older man than he is the way he rides his bike but we've got to talk about Eric where is I have the Russian second place here last year and he absolutely took this place to pieces he's been knocking on the door at every simple session that he comes to and he's really making a lot of waves for himself I mean the Russian rider is really talented he looks really hungry I know he would really love to hold on to that first-place position okay that is what BMX park looks like from the judges perspective they chose those three men to be top spot but this is I think probably the most hard-fought trophy of the day there are 12 men waiting to throw down and one man is in charge of splitting them up it's the head judge but too young Tilly's with him now one of the toughest jobs today and BMX has tweeted over park is next can you walk us through the judging criteria that is a lot that the judges are looking for it's it's style it's the tricks that they do you know how new they are like where they do them how creative they ride the flow there's a lot everything is packed into one score and in Park and in Street also it was in the finals as best run counts so they can the riders can go for it if it doesn't work out the first go they have a second chance in the second run but it's a nobler impression and the judges are looking for and the best runs possible at least amount of crashes and least amount of deaths with the food or hands you know it's just it's an oval impression so when you need to compare charging those both disciplines what are the differences well basically it's like it's more the terrain then the judging it's the the street riders right the rails the ledges like a different section on the course more then the park riders the part right it's like - right the big transitions and then they jump - jump parks which the street riders haven't touched but still like it's the same criteria that counts for street as well as for park well thanks a lot back to you guys thank you very much Chile good luck Bart I think you're gonna need it over the course of the next two hours twelve men ready to throw down what's the format for this event well it's like you were saying I certainly don't envy these judges by any means the format is very similar to what we saw in street these were twelve riders have two runs best one run counts and it's it's like we saw in in street anything can happen these guys if they blow their first run they put all the pressure on that second run come out on the first run get a good score sit pretty maybe take some chances in the second run I don't know but that's the main thing you gotta remember these guys have only two runs and one counts keep that in mind okay the way this course is built it's absolutely vast in their impart people are traveling around it very very quickly that instantly makes line choice one of the premium factors in a solid run we've got a little clip here Chris drew some lines around on the iPad can you walk us through these these are these are the runs that you think will make good points well I think it's all about how you get in and out of our visit Estonia ramp spine area look at how the riders are jumping in and how they're jumping out that takes a lot of creativity their eyes are on the spine that's a big key factor that a lot of these guys can do their big jumping tricks on now when they're jumping out to the left it puts them in line with that box jump with again is a huge banger portion of this course and the visit Estonia pipe and spine are right in front of the judges faces it's a good place to rack up a lot of points for these riders okay so you can see you've got the spine there as that critical bit one of the interesting things for me the spine is actually it's it's not quite fur it's like an enormous mini ramp so you're finding a lot of people who've seen it in skate we saw a little bit of it in street it's very easy to land flat and lose your speed in there so actually measuring your landing meeting that transition is critical when you jump a spine you got to be perfect if you land flat it could really ruin the flow of your entire run or if you hang up which is also very easy to do that can ruin the flow of your run so when you're jumping a spine you have to be perfect and you were mentioning that last last night when we were watching the contest about how the guys that really nail that spine are able to keep their momentum keep their speed and have a good overall impression on their run okay we've talked through some of the big guns all of the top three qualifiers but I know that you we talked about some of them earlier on I know that you've got your eye on some of the Dark Horse's some of the people who could really rise up they didn't qualify maybe quite as well as they could but they're worth watching well yeah in you mentioned Dark Horse's I'm gonna go with Justin Dowell as my first dark horse candidate I mean he is hungry he's been training he's been working out in the gym he's been taking his game very very seriously he doesn't have a lot of stuff to ride down there in Virginia Beach Virginia so he's been traveling around a lot he's been sleeping on couches he's been living in Europe just so he can ride his bike more and more I know he would love to have a good place in here and how can we not mention Kenneth tensio the man that can backflip off of just about anything from flat he qualified in that fourth position and I know he would really love to get back on the podium cuz I know he did really well here last year and he's always a crowd favorite and he always puts together really really solid runs well I don't want to let the cat out of the bag but he had something special in best-trick her earlier on if he can put that into a run then we're gonna see this place erupt and now the spine area that you talked about earlier on it's the blue section behind us on the course that is the visit Estonia section there is a contest running throughout the BMX park contest it's a contest within a contest to see who can do the best trick on that section the winner will win an all-expenses-paid trip to estonian for some adventures and they'll even be able to enjoy a genital shrinking swimmer in a freezing lake that will be fantastic okay we're gearing up now the mics are up and live which means the contest is about to get underway we'll be back with BMX park right after this [Music] so it begins BMX park finals once again 2019 here in tallinn estonia this is one of the most eagerly anticipated events it happens in the depths of winter and it's our first glimpse of the world's best beer makes park riders in 2019 we excited Chris toil I'm very excited I mean we have some newcomers in our final we also have some legends in competition riding such as Daryl Daniel Dhers I mean this is gonna be one for the ages okay big news Kostya andreyev of Russia is in Tom van Bogart unfortunately he nailed himself and in the best trick competition Jack Park point Hildur who we talked about earlier and then rim Nakamura Daniel Dhers merit reserve and of course your Dark Horse pick there in ninth Kenneth tensio so the judges we saw part too young that there's six other judges set up there who are tasked with picking what is sure to be a stand-up street fight to pieces we're gonna kick off with one of the men who's been a stalwart of simple session over the years costea Andrew you get the first place qualifying Iraq reserve his Red Bull helmet here in 2017 right yep well that's uh it's very nice of them now costea Andreyev is in the final because like you said tom venda Bogart split his lip in our best trick competition so he's not riding and costia is in this place and you know what Kostya is very capable we know what he's capable of he's a very technical rider he's got a ton of tricks one thing with cost is riding sometimes he doesn't use the course as well as some of the other guys he has all the tricks he just needs to put together a better run to ensuring him a better place but I know he's capable I look forward to watching him run well be interesting to see whether he was actually training for this because he didn't know until 10 15 minutes ago that he was in so hopefully he's warmed up and found himself a line is Russian roulette are the flaring you forgot a flair or backing I would just call it a back flip into the corner fight but he did it into such a small quarter pipe and he's still caught a ton of transition eyes on this box jump 360 double tail if two bars been shown you that tail up to tabletop on the corner by I mean this is a great run so far from cost yeah it's hard to believe that he didn't actually make it into the final but I mean he's flowing right now he's getting a huge smile on his face as well landed a little flat in the color pipe but muscled his way through it there was that 360 downside tail that's opposite form ending it out with the bar spin as well he's really really comfortable with tails both directions I'll try my best to make sure that you know which one's a regular and which ones are opposite he's getting a little bit lost here right now but he didn't give up on that the back wheel jammed and he still tried to get it in yeah he really tried to salvage that the back wheel hits the deck and you know he tried his best to save it but you know unfortunately he couldn't pull it back around if you could distill determination then it's right there in costea Andreyev cracking first run and it set the tone for simple session beer makes par finals here you can see the rest of the riders and your vet Amaya up on the top rim Nakamura there was that yeah you'd you were right he caught so much transition generated so much speed yes and this 360 double tail catches it late bar spit man it looked like he could have thrown another bar or another whip in there there's that tail hook transfer caught it really early and let it hang there's that 360 down whip two bars but that's an opposite tail and for him showing you the flow this is where he got a little bit lost and he started to just go back and forth and that's easy to do when you get tired you get lost you start going back and forth and it's hard to find your line and get your groove back but hey 79 that's a good first run for our first rider and he'll be back for run number two 100% mo we always say that 75 is the standard so he's four up when we saw a real bottleneck Cook's going there next and that Karen Riley the kid from Newcastle it's a fairy tale story the fact that he's even here Chris yeah that's right he's just coming off of a broken ankle he had to get a couple different doctors permission to be here but as soon as he got the clearance he started rehabbing that ankle real fast lots of ice and just trying to get here because he just wanted to be at simple session it and how it's so good to see a payoff cause he's in the final with the big dogs he's the youngest kid in here and I really look forward to watching him ride you always getting in at you half these guys get the fewest dunk of being here honored to be so young and to be in such a big final like this showing you the 360 triple tail him guys he didn't make the finals for nothing he's got the jumping tricks he's got the flow showing you the backflip into our bowl area Oh tail whip pocket oh man barspin into the foot jam mid run and then it's the urgency that I was talking about he's just cracking the tricks in there second by of the big jump ah showing you the front flip over the Box jump I didn't know he had enough speed for that but he pulled it right around now and I got to give a shout out the simple session because so many of these big contests are invite-only you don't really get to see the underdog come into a contest and make a big final like this so shout out the simple session for allowing people to come out of nowhere and really register and prove themselves amongst the big dogs such as keyrings doing right now Oh 720 tailwhip at the end of his run you're so tired at the end of your run and to be able to pull off a 720 tail up like that oh my gosh well the doctors told him when he it was 24th of January when he bent his ankle the doctors thought he might have snapped the bottom of his fibula they said that the x-rays didn't show anything but they were saying that the doctors are expert the doctors had to explain that because he'd taken so many beatings in his life they didn't trust the messages his ankle was sending to his brain so they said rely on the pain obviously he is pain-free and he has just delivered an absolutely insane run here first runs simple session BMX park finals oh man I love it the 720 Taylor smooth as you like and again at the end of your run when you're when you're so nervous you can actually see him kind of favoring that ankle a little bit okay I killed us keep looking up like he's finished his homework first the rest of the judges don't face down working this one out toss here Andrea of the only rider with the score on the board and so far with a 79 Kieran Riley is waiting [Music] 18.6 securom riley moves into the top spot against a lot of approval look at if he is so stoked not just to have made it here but to have made finals and then to put a run down that he really wanted at only 17 years old I mean come on that's what we're talking about underdogs we're talking about guys that aren't as well known and it brings us right to earn a Siebel okay this kid from Latvia get ready to hear the SACU arena light up they were cheering for him in qualifiers there was half capacity so this could get very very noisy he's an up-and-comer first result was a winner the feast in Montpellier in 2016 he's been building on that slowly but I think the standout trick for me from his qualities was that 180 over the volcano and then the wrong way over the big jump so in control of this treatment yeah he's got his fakies so dialed and it's really risky when you go when you do a big 180 in the middle of your run it can really kill your flow but as we saw yesterday he was 180 over the Box backwards and he kept his run going to meet up bar spent 362 late turn down personal favorite of mine as well i spoiling me cuz i'm a sucker for a turndown there's that one eighty bar pulls it right back around and then he gets a trick on the next quarter pipe as well credible it's so no time to set down for that coming and fakie on anything middle of your run like that is not easy and the judges it really really impresses the judges here we go eyes on this box jump backwards there's that huge 180 oh my god he has not missed that 180 wants all weekend so consistent truly phenomenal undersea boat really turning it off to the SACU arena and again oh my goodness hangs on to it showing you that fakie into the tail whip not even those camouflage pants could disguise how awesome that run really was okay early sea boat he has spoiled us with that rough expect see a big score the kiss me Kieran Riley's run was big it was fast but I mean we're talking more technical potentially but equally as me yeah 360 barspin late turn down showing the different box jumping tricks it's not a bit crazy one but he's showing you that he's got that consistency I love it 180 barspin over the spine pulls it around and still got a trick on the next corner and then this this is just huge big 180 over the box backwards I guarantee you no other rider is doing that in today's competition but I like just so many fakies and he nailed every single fake it's so easy to get sidetracked when you step off of a fakie like that okay 77.4 so Kieran Riley remains at the top and amazingly pays the lowest score we've seen so far Ernests e-boats next in it Justin down one of your dog horse pigs Chris toil let's see what he has to say for himself since I first came the symbol session I noticed that in Tallinn it's like a holiday people there's signs everywhere people love coming to this event and it really the writers can feel it the crowd absolutely loves it they're not just in their seats bored they're like jumping up and down and it's just a great vibe and makes the writers push themselves a little harder okay just in doubt back in I think it was late 2017 start 2018 riding a lot with Dan Dez and decided that he was going to have a complete makeover bought a new bike and new clothes and said if I feel good then I'm gonna ride good and it has worked for it yeah absolutely I mean he's looking good out there and he's our only American in today's final so it's really great to have him out here I know he's been working hard she's step up his game and really put out some good contests placing these might no secret the fact that he's going for Tokyo oh yeah absolutely and it's really respectable he's from Virginia Beach Virginia not a whole lot of stuff that that goes with his style of riding so he's really been traveling a lot he's been sleeping on couches he said he spent a lot of time in Europe just trying to get in different sessions where he can so he's really putting in the work right now and he's tearing around this course at the moment I love it 540 out of that out of the cat walking into the vert wall what was that I'm gonna need to see a replay on that it looked like a barspin Taylor and then straight back through the other way through the jump ramp transfer onto the deck yeah and Justin Dowell was another guy he had some problems in qualifying yesterday he kind of blew his first run and he was really relying on that second run to bring him in and that's why he had kind of a low qualifying spot that was a full pull and I'm gonna need to see some replays on that because I don't want to call anything that's wrong and he had a trick in there that I'm not even sure what it was but we're gonna have a replay and take a look at it I honestly thought we were gonna start a little bit slower everyone's come out with their flame throws and he's just laying the course to waste this final is on fire and we've only had four riders [Music] breakfast we've got eight more to go just on the first runs and there is a lot of quality including this man Justin down 360 bar spin tail of late bar that you can see is a goofy footed rider so spinning into that front foot but he's still doing this Rick regular or I'm sorry kicking the tail up to the left so I guess that's a regular talent for him but yes there's that bar spin tail up completely letting go of the bike throwing the bars and the tail up at the same time that might be the only one of those that you see in today's final ridiculous because he's got so little momentum with it looked like the bike stood and then he's got to use the gyro of the handlebars on to get them to generate that frames been 86.2 you called it Chris we didn't see the full strength of it yesterday let's see how he feels about that tool ease with him now congratulations I mean amazing what a strong run sorry first round was super strong what can we expect from you in the second one same technique just bigger tricks and a little bit cleaner do you think your dad like this affected you because you come a really long way to actually come to simple sessions not jet lag but it's much colder here so I got a little bit of a fever a couple of days ago and I Justin sleeping every night no party and for me thanks a lot and we were looking forward to a second run about you Chris but I see a theme developing here yes it seems to be if you steer clear the party's a little bit maybe focus on the contest first you're gonna have a little bit better of a result okay can make uncle's for kid and from love bruh if you saw this written down Chris you might struggle to say it most American cities Luger Perugia but it's about ello ugh bo r Oh ugh so the kid from love pro very very powerful clean solid BMXer been here 15 16 and 17 missed 18 but he's back this year it means business I love that 360 Taylor the late can-can that's the originality and their creativity that the judges really like that's a different trick than we're gonna see anybody else do and I've never actually seen that trick done before at all yeah three whip to a late can-can is pretty cool he's in the mini ramp section right now great high on that flat yeah and you know what I and I think it's smart for these guys to get in and out of that bull section and then try not to get stuck between the spine and the quarter pipe because sometimes guys get stuck there and they waste a lot of time I think he spent a lot of time they would check out the tech side of his rifle [Applause] that was a hang five 540 tyre tap it's to be able to do that in the middle of your run like that I mean that's really impressive that's like taking the flatland elements to your park runnin and that's really impressive campy the interesting that is to say we sold some of the straight rod is getting marked down for adding Park Park to their runs does that come in the street would it come under that where the trick as original as creative as that probably not I think he's gonna be okay I think the judges you know take it easy on him for that I just love that right there the 360 tail with the lake and can showing you the Flair I think he might have spent a little bit too much time in this mini ramp area but again it's right in front the judges so why not you know let them see what you got right in front of you the getting to that trick along is it should be so clunky and you made it look so smooth you can tell that that's a trick that he's done thousands of times to have it that consistent to be able to put it in your Parker and like that is really impressive laser focus from camp because he waits for a score a little bit of head rubbing there the the brains are starting to heat up with the judges Brian Kachinsky looks like he's about to have a mental breakdown here the turret is starting to puff he's got the hamster cheeks on hand me I gotta say full credit to a keen Cujo ask you though he looks really really relaxed about this no well this is not his first rodeo that's for sure he's judged a lot of these events he's been to a lot of contests throughout his life okay so seventy five point four Wow amazingly that gives you an idea of the quality we've seen so far that puts company in fifth Daniel very measure from the Netherlands such a strong ride that we've seen so many good lines from him Daniel always comes out with like the big transfer he comes out with things that that none of the other riders are really thinking about he always uses the course a little bit differently than a lot of the riders he doesn't have a lot of the big flashy tricks that so many of these others guys have like he doesn't have the tricks that we saw Costra Andreyev doing but he always uses the course to his advantage big transfers big airs it's really fun to watch Daniel do his thing okay so just up on top of blue quarter they're working himself up I started really late by today's standards even started in 2013 age 23 so it's making some pretty great progress yeah I would say here he goes it looks like he's eyeing up this transfer that we saw him do in qualifying check him out cranking into the Box shop huge transfer into the catwalk it's enormous I measured that out because we had Liam paste do a smaller version of that at around eight and a half nine meters I reckon so just shy of 30 feet that one is another three meters on top of that plus you have to make sure you come out low enough on the box so it doesn't shoot you too high in the air you want to get that distance yeah I don't want to give anything away I don't want there to be any spoilers but he did something in our best trick contest that we might see right here haha going for the wall slap on the fence first one we seem do that in the finals today in the best trick competition he did go up in fufanu that rail up there so will we see it again I guess we'll have to wait and see Wow he played his get-out-of-jail-free card there I thought he was going over the bars and face-first into the flats just taking a moment to process what's happened there and his foot tangled up well yeah it was the end of his run he was probably tired he's going ice to toothpick balancing on that front peg and then you could tell he got a little bit sideways and then just started to fall into that for a while like that okay there's the start look at that Evel Knievel ate your heart out I think he actually missed the transition he's properly landed flat yeah look like he actually could have gone a little bit further we showed you the turn down out of the vert quarter and then yeah I was I thought he was gonna go for the poof anew on the fence but he goes for the wall slab that's a good usage of the course I mean that the rail technically isn't a part of the course but you know you slap it you come back in the judges really like that stuff still waiting for his heart to slow down I think did that come after time no it didn't that is why it's got sixty seven point six then your better measure go into sixth position Jack Clark's our next rider kid from painfully in Essex so better measure in six can peak in fifth Justin down looking very comfortable six points clear of Kieran Reilly costia Andrea of earnest see boards in the middle ground there but six highest qualifiers still to drop in first runs of BMX finals here at simple session 19 after that look on the Jack Clark spikes he rarely shoots these moments yeah and you know what I was talking to Jack Clark earlier and he said a mistake that he's made in the past at simple sessions is he always goes too hard at the club the night before the final and he can never ride the final the way he likes to and I was like so what'd you do last night he goes well I went out but I made sure I was home by midnight back at his hotel by midnight so he took it easy last night let's see if that gives him a you know it helps me get a better placing he learned his lesson though on Thursday night because I saw him on Friday morning and he was wasn't having the best time you can seed and heirs smiling there's Jack Clark drops in this guy's progressed at such a phenomenal rate he's been podium regularly over the last two years showing you that 360 tail up and it looked like he wanted a little something more out of that I know that he does the three whip to tabletop really well so maybe he wanted to snap a table out of that tail but you know he's on course he's flowing shown you this 360 turned down over the spine opposite downside tail up on the quarter pipe and you know what he doesn't have the hardest tricks much like Daniel but he always loses the course really well whoa beautiful stall beautiful 360 invert just leaving his head behind in that it's almost like an off-axis 360 half backflip invert that he does similar to what we see Larry Edgar do a previous simple session winner as well but look how much ground he's covered already and he still has about ten seconds left in his run I love the 540 tabletop pulling it apart maybe landed a little bit flat but just the rate of tricks and as you said the number of tricks that he's packing in and the speed he's traveling is a really really dynamic run yeah ton of stamina from from Jack Clark but you can tell he wanted to go into something else after that that tail up on that 360 like that but check it out 360 bar spin late table over the Box backwards and they're all I love it it's a 360 invert it's like kind of like a off axis of like a back flip 360 I don't want to say back from through 60 but he was doing like a big court out inverted on now it was really cool to see it's always like an inverted table isn't it exactly what would be a 360 table then you just tilt the axis right up so it's nearly a back flip but not quite right it's difficult one to call so Jack Clark waiting patiently for his score they're difficult to tell on this I haven't got to measure these scores yet I was doing a little bit of a bike check there I was hanging out with Dustin Orem who was a guy that you just saw Jack Clark talking to Dustin Orem is like the bike mechanic for all these athletes he's like the team manager for all these guys and the simple session crew is giving him some tubes to where he could change out other people's tires when they needed done I say next year we give dust in his own booth is in a couple more tools and make him a staple here a simple session yeah simple session official mechanic so Broken Spoke or is he letting a bit of pressure out you know what he might have a bubble in his tire that he needs to let it out and maybe put a new tube in there but you know he's he has time before his next run eighty-two point eight second place for Jack Clark just under four points behind Justin down who is setting the pace now those we have Boyd Hill ducked in the stocks [Music] just pick them and just try connect everything matrix I can get there's big ones done such a good vibe here everyone's good to see the social if you've never come across it before simple session is as much a festival here in Tallinn as it is a contest the nights are as lively as the day's ride eat party sleep repeat I think is the motto so point Hildur from the Gold Coast you said not just a favorite viewers for this contest one of your favorite riders at present in beer max one of my current favourite bike riders one of the leaders of the new school really I mean he's really been making a lot of waves a lot of top-five finishes a lot of top three finishes from Boyd I mean it was so fun to watch you similar to someone like Dennis Anderson he's really technical he has the big tricks he's really original unique show you the one-handed cannonball on that Oh foot jam on the Burt wall and did you see the Stoke on his face as he came out yeah he's loving it right now he's always got that smile on his face downside tail whip opposite for him actually back at the box jump here he goes so he's got the backflip tail whip he can do a little bit of everything it and then check out this line you're gonna love this right here I guarantee it up to our redbull quarterpipe bar spin into the fence and check about 360 down it's got such a full pull going right now look at that nose pick no brakes using the quarter pipe check this out I saw him lining this one up in practice watch how he ends this up right here backflip to Manuel down the ledge that's the only one of those you're gonna see in this entire part competition that was an amazing run and ladies and gentlemen you can't help but see why why this guy is one of my favorite bike ride bike riders right now he's got me tongue-tied and twisted great run from Boyd Hildur well if that was a run its density and mass of tricks and it's pure quality would make it gold and I think there's nothing else for it that was so so many tricks packed in there and they all looked as beautiful as this yes I love this toe jam right up Canadian toe diem on the top of the vert wall watch his face yeah go give me a rubber tree what's the difference between the toe jam and a Canadian toe jam well a Canadian jam you put your front tire right on the coping and you face straight down whereas a regular toe jam you're just kind of balanced on the quarter pipe so check this out back flip did that front wheel touch I'm not sure it look I mean it could he was doing the flip to manual him practice and I man just an impressive showing for his first simple session all the way from Australia such a long flight to get here so they're at res I have stood next to Boyd Hilda will be looking at this school with great entry what does he have to be nineteen point six is the answer Eric he's got a nervous smile on his face there maybe he doesn't maybe he's confident he can still take that one down Boyd held out lighting up the Sakura arena he moves into top spot a few of the street riders who are now off-duty enjoying the spectacle here another one of Chris Doyle's Dark Horse pigs it is Kenneth tensio out of Costa Rica looking forward to seeing this one go down really looking forward to watching cost Andrea I'm sorry I get a little tongue-tied here big Kenneth tensy I mean he never disappoints he always puts on a good show for the crowd he puts on a good show for the judges and just always so fun he is he loves to do those backflip droppings and he's so good at him I mean I can guarantee we're gonna see a couple different backflip drop ins from Kenneth because that's what he loves to do it loves to start out his run but the backflip drop in really let the judges know where he's at and then continue on with some hard-hitting riding as well I think 2018 was an amazing year in 110th for Kenneth Pensione because he cranked so many big results second at simple session second at the feasts in Hiroshima and then second of the UCI world champs but it made him for me that perennial bridesmaid he didn't step up and take that win and I think that's his big challenge for 2019 yeah I look I'd like to see him on the top more of those podiums and I definitely think he's capable but you know maybe he needs to ride the course a little bit better maybe he needs to you know have another hard difficult trick and we just saw how much creativity can pay with a guy like Boyd Hildur so maybe be a little more creative with the riding but I don't want to take anything away from Kenneth because he's an amazing bike rider and he's certainly capable of taking that top spot if he can put it all together well this was his contribution to best trick earlier in the day and it looks like he's gonna start with it here Kenneth tensio prepared to take your first run here at simple session 19 BMX park finals looks like it could be something special yeah and we we saw him in the best trick competition this is no joke what he's doing right here he's gonna make it look easy but trust me this is so difficult there's that backflip drop in and he has on course he loves to start his runs out with a big backflip dropping and the massive shot of adrenaline backflip double tail it he's had a few blank hairs since but he's on course and his ripping right now out out of that backflip double tail if he went straight into that quarter pipe did a huge Superman's secret that's like Hennepin co-signature the Superman seat grab on the quarter pipe like that okay here's another one Oh another backflip drop and that's like straight bunnyhop backflip so much consequence yeah he put out an edit a few years ago where he actually just backflip down a set of stairs too flat only first and only guy as you do them you go watch his biopark head and there's one in there with any muscles off a rock and you can see just how much force he's able to put through the bike back flipping to flat the slamming his wheels into the deck there to celebrate he is stoked right now he's taken from police taking it really seriously lately he's doing a lot of CrossFit he's keeping himself in shape he's getting really well and that type of stuff pays off when you come to a simple session like this and do really well first person to congratulate employed it Hilda [Music] pretty comfortable with that there's that flip droppin and there's a lot going on when he lands that I'm gonna have that line right there's that backflip double toe straightening is the Superman seat grab that's the only Superman seat grab you're gonna see on that quarter pipe today that's like Ken Atencio signature and speaking of Kenneth Ken co-signature you have the backflip drop in going straight in that time and it's so small a flip if he doesn't make it he's not gonna know it's just gonna be chewing them literally he's gonna go all the way to the bottom right he's really perfected that it used to be he had to have a big drop to get that done but now he's just doing it off the top of quarters into wedges really impressive okay so wait for that score on kind of ten see out ninety point six zeros just got a beating from Boyd Hilda Justin down on eighty six point tone and a Seybold stood next him there eighty-seven appointed to that is good enough for second place slots in just behind Boyd Hilda just ahead of Justin down who's on 86.2 so Kenneth ten T out in that all-too-familiar position of second there he will be very very pleased with that for a first run score though now the most experienced competitor here in probably skate BMX Street and BMX park Daniel Dhers Daniel tears loves coming to the simple session he's been coming for years he's such a talented rider he lives in my home my old hometown in North Carolina it's a and he does he has his own training facility down there that he shares with the community it's a the Daniel Dhers action Sports Complex doing a lot for the scene down there so I'm always excited to meet and talk with Daniel he's a really good guy to talk to and someone that's been around for a long time he's the oldest guy in our competition my favorite thing about des is his legacy the fact that he's bought through Justin down and he's helped bring through Kenneth tensio his legacy in the sport he's going to be some of its best Park riders he invented the casserole diddly or was he the first guy to get it on lock 2006 I think in do talk was when I remember in bursting onto the scene and using the casserole in the final I think he was the first guy that started trying the cash raw he was probably the first guy to land the cash roll but then there was a lot of guys that came out afterwards that's kind of perfected it made it their own so but he's still Daniel gets a lot of credit for thinking outside the box and trying a different trick because the cash roll is really something to see I mean I remember him doing it at a contest in Huntington Beach a few years ago and it was like you couldn't even comprehend you can't even wrap your brain around what he was trying and and it's funny because a lot of guys can now do the cash roll and it's just it's so funny to see it in that infant stage when he was just like kind of working up the bugs of the actual trick okay a man with 5 X Games gold for two tall Park overall titles he is a true contest professional you never ever write him off ripple tell 360 look he's building up to speed going up to the fence that wall slab coming back into the red bull quarter pipe no hander down alexia didn't use a lot of speed this run going up and over the cameraman there was a 270 bar spins how does it Joy's thing he didn't flinch I don't even cameraman did showing you the 720 over the spine cord out hung up a little bit but it didn't seem to affect them too much there's another quart out seven over the Box jump showing you the diversity and you know it looks like he's a little bit off of his line right now and just kind of like you don't usually see Daniel repeat tricks like he did on the spine and then on the Box jump so he might be a little off his line right now but still he hasn't stepped off and there's that 270 double tail whip into our visit Estonia wedge right there Oh tail whip in the Flair he is stoked right now what a machine look at him you can see what it means to him really letting the stress out of that one and that puts him in a fantastic position but like you said there was that that one moment of repetitiveness seven on the spine seven on the box do you think that's gonna hurt him it'll be interesting to see how the judges judge that because like I was able to tell that he didn't want to do two 720's in a row the judges also know that so they know that he wanted maybe a little bit more but still he didn't mess up he still had a lot of good elements in that run so we'll have to see how the judges want to play that we talked about this in skate earlier we talked about it with Tony Hawk because he's had so much experience of this there's a danger with someone like Daniel Dhers that the judges are marking him against himself rather than everyone he's riding against yeah you're absolutely right it's hard not to do that if you're a judge I mean because you know what he's capable of it you know what he can do it here's that quart doubt 7 2002 is well didn't eat Ani case yeah you know what it looks like he might have wanted a no hander in that particular 720 so even though he repeated tricks I mean he didn't step off the bike he was clean he was kids assistant he was doing things that not everyone was doing including that 270 double tail and our visit Estonia part of the forest but we spoke to about two young and earlier in the day Tilly was speaking to and you know how hard his job is Chris you know that he's they're all gonna be looking for excuses so they haven't got a big one here but maybe they've got enough not to give him the top spot just enough where we talked about splitting hairs 19.2 Daniel Dhers slots in just point four of a point behind Boyd hilda and this is turning into a very very close battle we know that if Daniel Dhers can add and tidy up what he needs to there that is a winning run you are absolutely right and I mean we're going from the oldest rider in the competition to the youngest rider in the competition mr. rim Nakamura coming to us from Japan he is a Japanese celebrity they love him down there he's when he's pretty much won every contest there is to win in Japan I met him at the Vans contest in Woodward I had never heard of him before here's this young kid he's blasting huge airs he can ride a bowl really well he can obviously write a park course really well and I really look forward to watching him ride in today's final okay 14th place here last year as a boy aged 15 he's now 16 and he is very much in the mix for the win let's see what he's got I love the no-footed kick and to start things off I was on the Box jump oh my gosh that was a lot of bar spins that was a bar spin catch bar spin 360 no hander too late bar spin and I'm gonna go out on a limb I reckon there's eight or nine feet of daylight in that table top on the quarter pipe and me personally I could watch I love with guys can just blast the quarter and do a huge table tough like the one that he did on that quarter interestingly on the trailer that he's gonna be compared to Daniel Dhers on that double tail wind 270 out of the spine area and it's like we keep saying I'm so glad I'm not a judge because he's judging his guys gotta be so different now he slowed down quite a bit after that big hit on the box jump and it looks like his eyes are back on the box up now there we go okay 60 Delta bar I mean you know he started out really hot and he's since slowed down quite a bit and you know what the experience to ride a contest really does come with age and you see how Daniel Dhers knows where to go and what to do and how to put together a run I don't know if rim is quite figured that out just yet and you will figure that out but maybe you know in his second run you can learn a little bit from from whatever kind of score he gets and maybe do something a little bit different yeah we just felt the air come out of the run a little bit around the forty second mark yeah I mean there's the trick I've never seen before there's a 360 inward can't get on the Box jump backwards and this there's the three whip to bar spend over the spine catches plenty of to keep his run going and there's three with the late bars but it looks like you wanted a little something either before or after that I don't know is the end of his run he's probably pretty tired but it's awesome to have REM Nakamura out here okay eighty four point two so it looks ok with that score but he's got a second run to push that up Tony's going to have a quick chat with rib now what an amazing run I mean your aerials are out of this world how do you pull them off I'm so excited and it's so shocking my lambo I do my best amazing run your your flies so high what does it take to go so high because you go higher than anyone else in this competition yeah hi yeah it's my favorite trick because I love ok back to the center of the course Eric reside crowd first place qualifier he has the luxury of dropping last second place in 2018 can he go one better here well he's been knocking on the door he's been training he's been riding hard I mean we see it here that him he's got some wins under his belt and he's a staple at simple session at this point so it would be really awesome to see him take top honors and I can't wait to see him on this run right now okay 1080 over that big jump box was one of his signature tricks in 2018 what has he got in store for us this year the whip and spin King the Russian hurricane certainly the crowd a bit worked up and he's got some favorites out there and I can really never really change the whole dynamic of how a rider rides when you have so much support behind you it really makes you want to go for it makes me want to try a little harder you don't want to let down your friend you don't want to let down your fans so he's gonna go for it he's all smiles now about to drop in and it's never easy being the first place qualifier cuz really the only place you can go is down and you got to maintain that first place position why he's gonna punch my outfit [Applause] running through those three waves man just makes it look easy was that for was that three talipes on that 364 we did the Quin whip in 2017 so you never know it might be fine right what support counter that's me honor visit Estonia quarterpipe he does in fact spend a lot of time on the box jumped and whereas you see it the judges really look for variety whereas eirick really I mean even though every time he hits the box jump it's something special he does spend a lot of time on the clock stuff maybe he should switch it up and maybe focus on a few more areas of the course but even still I'm always impressed okay making his way back into that visit Estonia spine bowl cop-out [Music] maybe one for it Nietzsche over the box you know and I know he has a lot more on the tank from that run I don't know where that's gonna put them cuz I feel like I've been wrong trying to predict what the judges are gonna do but to me it felt like ignore all of the tricks just in coarse usage using one element of it he ignored this back right Hank of back back left-hand corner of the course and to me I think that oh no sprint wrong again forgot about this section the run bar spent the toe jam not an easy trick so crazy to do that in the middle of your run like that showing you the backflip tail looks like he wanted a little something out of that maybe a tuck no-hander double tail up over the jump box backwards and again it he spends a lot of time on the Box jump but every time he hits the Box up it's something special right very true very true it reserved waiting for his score and who dares is prowling around the top there as well he's pretty interested in this I'd say at the moment we've got boy - Hilda on 19.6 Daniel Dhers on 90.2 Kenneth tensio on 87 point - can Eric Reserve come in and break up the party well you look at the judges talking maybe talking about why they gave them a particular score oh and how they judge them but look there's the eighty four point six good enough for fifth place he does not look too happy with that right now but you know what he's got one more run to go maybe make up for a few mistakes that he made on that run one okay so a lot of work to do for the Russian you can see him down there in fifth and we're getting backed up at the top there Boyd held at ninety point six down dares 90.2 and then kenneth tensio and justin down both within a point of each other when Nakamura in sixth Jack Clark seventh and then we drop down but what this shows us only Daniel Villa measure dropped a trick there and I mean that was a small slip it's a small bio everyone else solid runs all the way through the consistency's out of this world everyone really represented themselves well and their first runs and I'm really excited to see what happens and run - because a lot of those guys got really good scores it's gonna be interesting to see the those top three guys and all the guys that are sitting top three right now see what they can pull off because they're sitting so comfortable with those good scores um what it means we're gonna see everyone really really push on these second runs they have - yes okay we're gonna be back with our second runs are in just a moment the conclusion of simple session 19 BMX park after the break [Music] [Music] welcome back to simple session at 19 this is second runs of BMX park final the conclusion of an incredible weekend of action 12 men one run who can take home one of the most prestigious titles in BMX so let's take a look at the standings after run one we've got Boyd Hill there in the top spot but only just ahead of Daniel Dhers the comp competitive veteran who is wily enough to take that top spot if he wants Kenneth tensio down in third Justin down one of your picks Chris toil for the top spot yeah just now is definitely a guy that can upset that top three in my opinion but I mean look at that international field that we have here at simple session it's so great to have these riders come together here in tallinn estonia to be a part of such a special event if you actually look through all of the different nations I think three four years ago it was predominantly Australian and us riders but you come and overlook now you got Russia you United Kingdom Latvia USA Netherlands Australia Costa Rica Venezuela Japan and Russia again so okay if you want to watch anymore skate and BMX content you can do it all at will using the Red Bull TV app there is so much content on there you'll find independent films and you'll find live events anytime anywhere on any device join us on Red Bull TV using the app go and download it from the App Store and there's plenty more content actually crash dies from Boston I think we've got Volcom Pipe Masters going on at some point today the swirls kicked up over the weekend so that's going to be pretty interesting as well right now though I can hear Daryl now and Andy's ice and firing up which only means one thing we're preparing to let 12 of the world's best BMX riders loose on this behemoth of a course and it's like we were talking about before I mean these second runs are really gonna be some banger second runs because we have guys that really need good scores and then we have guys that have really good scores already so they're gonna be able to play around a little bit this is gonna be really interesting our first guy up is gonna be mr. Kostya andreyev coming to us from Russia and I think is well Daniel better measure is the only rider who kind of slipped or bailed in that first run so what we've got all the riders have laid down a solid run there is nothing to save it for usually you're gonna go out there and you're gonna leave everything your heart and your soul blood sweat and tears on that course yeah absolutely this is where it counts this is how we do it very stoked to get this underway okay one of the happiest men in Tallinn Estonia look at that smile one of the happiest Russians in general look like a six-year-old we've just been given a lollipop Cosi andre has just on his second and final run starting it off the same way he started off his last run with the backflip drop in bars bans barspin the foot jam spending some time in the spine in the quarter pipe zone 270 bar to bar this is a mouthful 360 double tail fill a bar spin turn to that tuck no-hander back in the quarter pipe spine area its back on the box shop loves some box jump tricks loves to spin loves to whip there's that 360 downside tail to a late no hander smile is still fixated above his buns [Applause] [Music] he's in he's on the spine heel he's slowing down a little bit yeah you get tired at the end like that in its system sometimes easy tricks become hard oh my gosh decade that was a decade on the spine not see one of those for ages and again he did it at the end of the run just listen when you're exhausted try to squeeze out every ounce of energy that you got kostya Andrea who originally wasn't even supposed to be in our final today but due to Tom bend the bow garter getting hurt okay there's the open up for ten there's that 360 double tail up too late barspin there's a 360 downside tail up too late barspin I mean he's got he's got all the spins he's got all the whips he can bar spin and tell up into and out of just about anything there's that 450 bar spin so awesome to see Kostya in the final even though it wasn't originally supposed to be here it's still great to have he's still down saying sit enjoying himself boys pretty pumped up definitely not cold in the psycho arena guys spinning the stress I've been feeling the heat [Applause] yeah and I have waiting on his second run scored Tony on a 79 I I can't seem bettering that it was a really really clean first run compared to his second run yeah I don't think he's going to move up with that score but look at the eighty four point nine puts him in fifth place what do I know I'm not a judge thankfully but uh the judges seem to like that putting them up into fifth place pearl in kasnia slots in just above a fellow countryman Eric reserve and just below just him down Kieran Riley really really solid and first run at the moment though it's got him in 9th position is there anywhere the 17 year old from Newcastle can go with this run Tyneside a hospital where x-raying is ankle just two weeks ago suspected crack in his phobia yeah 360 in eyes on the box and he's got so many boxed up tricks 360 tripletail similar to how he started off his second run I'm sorry his first run 316 off the catwalk and flipping into our spine section there's that tail up into the visit Estonia quarter pipe or they nearly coat the inside of that transition of the spine didn't make yeah bulldozed his way through it it's amazing as he's a smaller guy but he's got so much strength with so much power to get that bike around and show you the fun flip on the box jump it's as if he doesn't have the speed to clear the box and then he just front flips over and like the front flip takes him the rest of the way over the box he's going Logan Lowell - tonight exactly can see Boyd Hale - shouting encouragement out of God get it boy we all these guys are supporting each other everyone wants to see their their fellow riders put in a good run my god that was a 720 double tail whip at the end of his run a man Kieran is so psyched on that right now I love it as well he finished with the equivalent of an Obama mic drop just letting the bike fall off the edge of the quarter there as he jumped off Wow a 720 double tail up the only other guy I've ever seen do that successfully his Kyle Baba so to put yourself on that level you know that that means a lot I mean Wow to do that at the end of your run to pull that clean as he did was just something special and you know what he's only 17 years old you know we're gonna be hearing a lot more from this young man there's that 360 with a triple tail whip flipping up and in to our visit estonians obstacles tail up into that visit Estonia quarter pipe showing you the front flip over the Box jump again did he spend a little too much time on the box jump there set double tail with 720 and he made it look so easy he made it look good it's incredible isn't it the tricks that you start to see come true I think for Kieran Riley the position is not important at this stage he's calm and he's laid down the run and the tricks that he wanted to get here in front of a big crowd experience is definitely worth something can he improve on his score 80 point six currently in 9th position Tawaf those are some big scores for ninth we're in the 80s in 9th position that gives you a glimpse into the quality we're seeing here that's in possession 19 BMX park it really shows the competitiveness of where BMX park is right now but again Kieran's gonna be a guy that we could be hearing from a lot more in the future this is not his last simple session by any means and he's gonna have a bright future ahead of her it's time to gather his breaths might be poisonous so I'm pretty sure I saw a computer out his glasses before is gonna get smoke coming out there is if everyone keeps handing their runs this is gonna get really really congested eighty-six massive improvement which is in up interface just ahead of our last run across your andreyev and just below Justin Dell so those top four spaces remain that settled but Kieran Riley putting himself right understandings and putting yet more pressure on everyone else so Ernie see bones despite a really clean at first run is bottoms up down in 10th place with a 77 that point for ya I love watching this guy ride like we were talking about for a lot of fakies a lot of consistency maybe a little bit more difficult jumping tricks and he'll be in that top 5 spot but so far so good he's up and running there's that truck to turn down go for the table too late tuck no-hander [Music] no hander into the visited Estonia there's a 180 bar spin pulling it around and still gets a trick on the next quarter pipe 540 bar spent it's so amazing to me that he's able to go fakie like that and still continue his run we know where he's going from here he's been doing this line all weekend he loves coming in and doing a 180 over this box backwards nice and yet again he hasn't dropped one of those in competition pulls it every single time I was kind of hoping that he would maybe throw a bar spin or maybe something else in that 180 to help up his score a little bit more there's that 180 bar over the spine pulls it at the buzzer alka my chest is caving and what we're seeing here these scores these runs the heat is getting turned up in the kitchen and you've gotta bring it with your tricks if you want to stay with the competition right now yes like I said maybe if he puts a little bit more something into that 180 over the box backwards it might really help him out a lot or maybe have a few more difficult jumping tricks but you know what he's so young this is what this is probably his biggest contest that he's ever been in a final in so you know he's gonna learn as he gets a little bit older and gains a little bit more experience about how to use the course to his advantage he came last year this is his first simple session final four short came 34th in the qualifiers last year so he's bumped himself up massively regardless who likes a one for the future I love that we have so many relatively unknown guys a lot of newcomers here in the final that's a testament to the simple session and how they it's not just an invite-only contest because there's a lot a lot of talent out there and the simple session really highlights that okay so 78 for earnest t-bolts it's not enough to jump him up out of 10th position though mixed in just in Dow you see I world champion from 2018 one of those riders who just went through the gears last year really really made his presence felt competitively you said his qualifying position wasn't a great reflection of his ability well in qualifying different to what we see in the finals both runs counted and he blew one of his run so he really had to rely on on really one run to pull him through and pull him into the into the finals but luckily he pulled it off now he's in our final me shredder triple bar spin on that hip right there into the red ball quarter and that was actually the trick that he messed up on in his first run yesterday was that triple bar spin into the retro quarter 360 look back over the Box jump backwards again he's a goofy footed rider the Twix [Music] backflip barspin catch bars fish coming back to that side of the course a little bit see what he can move Smith something we saw a lot of in the street competition and he's off the course I'm pretty sure the under rotate to that Flair but somehow he managed to hold onto that didn't flinch coming over the fence or now and luckily no innocent bystanders were harmed during of the turret Justin down take about that is spontaneous and creative be amazing add to its best and impress the like you said before he was sick for most of his trip here to Estonia so to be able to come out maybe sweat it out a little bit more and he's gotten better and better with each day's look better in practice you look better in the contest and he's here in our final and he really put on for us and that late Barton comes in so late he's so close to the ground but he still pulls it off somehow under the mentorship of Daniel Dez Justin downs riding has gone from strength to strength now finds himself in fourth place here it's in possession there's that bar spin while doing a tail up at the same time that's the only one we're gonna see here at the park competition got flaming credits Cole well I've been wrong all day with what I think the judges are gonna do I'm gonna give him that would be a score very comparable to this first run because he didn't really switch it up very much he did a lot of the same tricks and in the end he wrote off the course so you know he actually does get a better score in eighty six point eight keeps him in that fourth place to know how cruel that is he's just 0.4 the podium spot he's now just point four points behind Kenneth tensio so close but no podium for Justin down next in that we have cam peak competed in the revolution TV series in the UK it was a cross between pinball and BMX Ron played in skateboard park riding there's three whip late in a late table afterwards I'm sorry three when there's bars in the lake table there's so much going on these guys are able to do so much in the air they really designed that box jump so this guys could be in the air for as long as possible it throws you really high especially coming in out of that rolling those guys are just maxing out the capabilities of that box jump okay so cam pick again working really really heavily in the visit Estonia Bowl section and spine I'm not taking anything away from the tricks that is doing wise in that section but you can't spend too much time there you want to keep it moving and use the rest of course to bogging over the dig volcano has to step off looks a little bit tired and I think he's gonna be leaning on that first once more lost his rhythm there it was such a clean first run raises his hand to say thank you to the crowd but it wasn't the run he was looking for here's that alley-oop toboggan into our wall and I love the 360 downside tail over the spine but they're gonna think he spent maybe a little too much time in that in that part of the course that visit Estonia of course you've got to share the love I guess so yeah you got it the more ramps you can hit the more diversity you can show around the course the better okay so second runs goal you're right Chris doesn't improve seventy two point six campi is in eleventh though with the seventy five point four that's what I love about this we've seen incredible consistency we've seen almost all runs landed and we've got some incredible recruiters at the top of the standings and it's all still to play for so here we go the only man who dropped his first run all the pressure was on Daniel Vetter measure you know what I would really love to see him throw a trick in that big transfer that he did into the catwalk from the Box template you know even if it's just a turndown or something it could really juice up his score a lot finish of his first run was a heart-stopping moment on top of the biggest quarter in the part see if he's recovered found his mojo she would he's got yet gone for this transfer yet again how I deal it oh man he's got a good run going he landed a lot better on that catwalk from the box to flip so now he's up and rolling and I will say in our best trick competition he did fufanu the top of that rail that he wall slapped in his first run that's where he's gonna go surely well he knows he can do it he's already done it so let's see his eyes are on it again he's losing a little bit of speed now he does not have the speed to get up to that fufanu so he's gonna settle for the wall slap but this is a guy that's always full of surprises and he's still got a about 12 seconds left in his run let's see what he's got does that ice pick chooses not to go into a tooth pick this time and I think that's smart because he he really took it on that that first one in his first run [Music] showing the nose wheelie down the ledge okay anybody measure gets one in the books don't know if it's gonna trouble the top spots I don't think it's top three position maybe with the food for note but if you've been wrong I'm almost guaranteed again I think if he had thrown a trick and that big transfer right there I really would have set it off a little bit more there's a 360 X up over the Box jump backwards coming in a little bit flat and you know sometimes when you land flat I can really kill the rhythm of your run this is a good run for Daniel but I know he's capable of a lot a lot more here's that wall slap on the fence and like I said in the best trick competition he did a fufanu on that fence which was incredible something that that I really enjoy something from my generation really it's gonna be so interesting like seventy seven points is only good enough incredible so I better measure gives us a smile and knots can peak down into 12 but let's go back up to the top of the standings as we get into the business end of the second round point Hilda still standing proud at the top on ninety point six Dan dares a whisk up behind him on ninety point to can it NZ out and Justin down seven separated by less than a point in third and fourth penitent Co still to drop Eric R is I ever also so the drop Jack Park there in ninth is our next rider in rim Nakamura as well Japanese rider a lot of room for him to improve so Jack Clark you said it he's just so consistent so smooth and you get so many traits to a run yeah and you know what he might not always be winning every contest but he's always in the mix he's always in the final like every time he comes to a contest he always does well and I always love the way that he utilizes the whole course watch how much ground he covers with his beautiful control of the balls there is a skipped over the Roland 360 double Taylor he's already off to a way better start than he was in his freshman there's that 360 bar catch bar over the box backwards it's at 360 turn on over the spine down side opposite tail whip coming back eyes on the box jump I love it there's that off axis three-sixty with an invert and then the Chilean the 540 bar catch bar this is a really great run from Jack Clark right now certainly better than his first run so far he's just styling it out through him I love the 450 bar spin back in there's that 540 tabletop tons one more oh my gosh you know what that was a really good run I'll be interesting to see where that leads Lance and could that possibly be a top three spot it's a really interesting debate that we're getting into now we're not talking quality versus quantity but there is a massive amount of quantity but as you said they're they're not the absolute banger tricks they're just like the be past tricks yeah but the way he utilizes the entire course is really impressive I mean I think he and that's gonna amplify all of the school exactly exactly if you're using the course better than the rest of the field that's gonna give you an amazing score actually I'm gonna refer I'm gonna rephrase they're like they're not the A+ they're the Atrix I love that trick though that's just like an off-axis 360 invert looks so good and that's the other point is that there's so much of Jackson flavor in all of these tricks yeah absolutely 450 down with a bar spin between that 540 with the tabletop that was a clean consistent run he never touched the ground really impressive showing from Jack Clark so he's currently a 980 2.8 that's the thing now having an 80s and Betty would barely make it into the top 10 all he needs he goes up 4 points he's gone up 2 points there and that is gonna push him into 7th position with an 87 point - Wow take a breath up next is our current leader mr. Boyd Hildur I mean he's got such an amazing score under his belt already what do you do for your second run how do you improve upon that do you just go out have fun or do you really try and up it now but he's got four very good riders still to go after him he can't take any risks he needs to lay down an absolute banger here that's true love it's like a one-handed candy ball cannon balls where you grab the seat with both hands but he's only doing it with one hand he's the only guy doing that showing you the originality the creativity and so far he's on the same line that he took in his first run let's see if he mixes it up a little bit in his first run either the backflip tail up on the box that seat does the same thing so he's sticking with what he knows let's see if he switches it up towards the end a little bit I'd like to see him maybe bark in and out of this dispense right here here we go there's the bar in bar out so he upped the ante just a little bit there sometimes that makes all the difference he hasn't touched the ground it's been really consistent today's going back let's see if he gets this flip to manual maybe a little bit cleaner seven seconds it's coming off fan mothers that toejam here's the flip trick can he drops it but Louise Mills straightening there Alex higher daddy daddy or Z Krew congratulating him Wow absolutely incredible run from Boyd Hildur covered in bear where someone's drawn there well you saw the way he was breathing when he was pedaling towards that obstacle I mean he was out of breath he was exhausted he's still trying to go for the flip to manual I love the way he's starting to run 180 bar 180 back in I won't win the bar put in perspective for me that look clear as day on the bike there no brakes how do you land a backflip into a manual with no brakes you just got to have that balance you got to have that confidence I love this this Canadian foot jam on the top of the vert wall I hadn't quite three that that's the Canadian for Jam because it's more knowledge it's just further north I love this the way he wedges that front wheel in there pulls it back in oh there's so many elements so many little of the little idiosyncrasies of the course that he found there and he used if he could have finished that undoubtedly would have improved his score the past mentor past pin could have done it but 88.8 second runner has taken every last ounce of energy out of Boyd Hilda let's hear from the man himself - leeze with him now mr. bossman on the first run up the wall ride and then I really wanted to get a little manual after that flip going on stuck on that roam ankle a little bit but I finished it so good done what I can I mean no such as the Easy Rider everyone says that about you you're always smiling while I know y'all is happier what's what's the secret what do you mean I can't help it howdy with the boys having fun it's good to have you now thank you so much thank you the kid from the Gold Coast remains in the top spot for now but there are four of the world's best Park BMX riders still to drop the next one is Kenneth tensio well as we can see he's starting off his run similar the same way that he did in this first run and we know he's got this flip drop and dialed and but on the first run it looked like he went a little off course maybe he can stay a little bit more on course and maybe line up a different run here get that full 90-degree rotation and I mean he loves doing this it really hypes up the crowd he always goes to the highest perch gets himself ready here comes the flip dog it's gone he pulls I actually pulled his hands off the bars there well in BMX when you do a little half crank we call it a ratchet and he could only ratchet into that back foot drop and he had a very tight space to get into right there so you know you can understand why he messed up I mean that's a tough tough break because you know when he gets that flip droppin it is on from there so unfortunate for him to mess up like that but you know he's still got about 30 seconds left so he's gonna go out do it for the crowd he's know he knows he's not gonna improve on his score so this one is strictly for the people here in Estonia oh and he bails out of the seventh one he got out of it real good waste the crowd said all right I'm in third place let's hope I can stay there for now letting go you probably kicking middle of a 720 cuz you don't know where the balls gonna go at that stage well you don't know where the bikes gonna go you don't know where you're gonna end up he's over a spine he could you know end up coming up real short on that so I think you got out of that really right get-out-of-jail-free card played by Kenneth tensio there so tensio will stay in third still to drop we have Daniel Dhers it's currently in second then the rim Nakamura lest we forget direct reserve right down in 8th at the moment that man has the capability to get up top but right now it is the elder statesman of BMX park 33 years old the most experienced competitor here and he is still here because he takes this so so seriously he's so passionate about BMX and he works so hard and him visualizing his run now I really like the Daniel's in this position right now cuz I just want to see him go for it I want to see him just lay it out all on the line he's in second place right now I mean he really he doesn't have anything to lose he's a staple here at simple session the people love them so I say Daniel just go for it right now places the ball of his left toe onto the pedal and starts cranking [Applause] three-sixty with a triple talent he's off and rolling there's a double tail of back into our visit Estonia part of the course there's that flip I'm sorry that the flare tail whip there's that 270 double tail whip and he's done so much and it's not even 30 seconds yet that was phenomenal but also keep in mind in fellow lost be a lot of tail up so forum judges like variety so is he doing too much at the same trick back into our visit Estonia side of the course 720 coming up a little bit short again but he keeps it going I don't know how he's able to hang up like that keep it rolling out and through him up his rhythm a little bit wanted the 360 table No so Daniel Dez will not improve his first run score that is certain what it does mean is that both the employed Hilda at the top of the standings have a nervous wait on rim Nakamura and Eric reserved work out whether they can overhaul their scores so point Hilda on 9 to 26 Daniel Dhers on 19 point O so much focus at the start of that run but Daniel Dhers got knocked off on the spine just clipped it with the back wheel a little harder than he had done in the first run yeah sometime you said it it's sucked up too much space for it sometimes you miss a beat you lose the rhythm and it can really just throw up your run completely but I love it check it out triple tail up in a 360 coming a little bit low but it didn't really affect the rest of his run from there then again is sometimes the judges like to see a little bit more variety you see him doing a lot of tail with variations he was like in and out of everything with like the 270 tail I mean those are gnarly tricks don't get me wrong I'm not trying to take anything away but sometimes you got to have a little bit more of a variety in there I loved the timing on that flare whip he sent the whip right through the apex of the flare look beautiful especially from the camera angle we had so Daniel Dhers eighty six point seven that second round so it's the 90.2 it's good enough for second at the moment but as we've said two riders still to drop you could get get pushed off the podium by rim Nakamura or Erik reserve yeah we got a contest on our hands now this is gonna be really interesting I'm rim Nakamura has probably ever been in this position before where he needs this solid solid score in order to get back up in that top three because he's usually such a consistent rider that he's usually not into that top three okay let's take a look we can see rim Nakamura riding the skatepark of tarlyn earlier this week beautiful place this aka the spot so smooth yeah Risto and his brother Mario have done so much for their scene here in Estonia they've really built skate parks they hold contests I mean those two are a testament to what you can do if you put your mind to it and really grow your scene don't drink four-year-olds in an 80 meter manual that's what I call solid riding right now rim Nakamura the man whose dad owns a BMX shop and named him after his favorite part of a BMX he's about to drop him rim is on course during the suicide no hander on in 360 tale two bars been late no hander sketched out a little bit but it's kept the intensity that's the joy of youth you can recover from something like that yeah still got explosive energy even though he landed flat to carry into that downside tail he did a triple truck driver over the Box jump backwards out everything's happening so fast it's hard to keep up with barspin catch barska 360 late no hander here he comes into the visit Estonia part the course up into the spine and we have seen real variety in the trick so far a lot of great use of course really diverse tricks he's running out of skin a little bit we saw this last time there's me on the first run he's really got to crank things up here find something was Tony Hawk calling earlier and opus to finish his run sparse being off the side of the course he's out of here you know in qualifying he did a wall ride out of the Red Bull quarter on the fence and into the visit Estonia side of the course I would have liked to have seen him incorporate that into his run here in the finals but uh you know maybe he wasn't feeling it didn't want to throw it in there there's that three whip too far no hander three webparts same same trick different angle bar catch bar catch bar in a 360 on the box of backwards that's so difficult and he looked like he landed almost flat he looked like he landed flat on a lot of different jumping tricks and that might have you know really affected his run in the way that you he was flowing the course okay so rim Nakamura unlikely I think at this stage to up his score which means there is just one man left who can overhaul and Floyd it Hilda at the top of the standings it also means that I'll there we go any one point nine for second run so rim Nakamura will stay in ninth position he is just behind this man Eric reserved currently in eighth position and the only man who can take the win here in 2018 he was in second place can he go one better here it all comes down to this the final run 2019 at simple session it loves it can you give it you can feel the sense of occasion here view of the crowd or on their face he looks happy he looks relaxed that's how you need to be he's in a pressure cooker right now let's see if we can release the valve go for 50 tuck no-hander on the Box jump 360 with a triple tail [Music] amazing just a few years ago that was such a new trick the barzmann at which I'm now people who's doing it in the middle of the park runs all right back to the Box jump always impressive on the Box jump tricks backflip tail up too late tuck no-hander this is an old inclusive run no piece of the course is being left behind here he's trained to everything I think he's covering all the ground he's doing all the tricks he's doing everything right so far completely different run in terms of the energy to his first run yeah well you know what he had a couple blank airs there its own time though it does miss that pedal but just prior to that triple tail up he had a cup of blank airs get a blank air on the quarter pipe I'm gonna blank air on the spine I don't know how that's gonna affect him but I'll have to wait and see okay so a lot of people look like they're kind of holding their breath therefore that score I think when you compare it to that first round of Coit Hilda I don't know if it's good enough for the top spot it could be what do you think podium the best I would do I'd put them on podium but I don't think it's enough to take that top spot again I've been wrong all day but okay podium who needs an 87 point to the Whammy needs 90 point six you know what ed I think Boyd's got this one I really do but again I'm not the judge I'm just going off what I see what I know but a great contest nonetheless well as you I think you said it yesterday we're all actually judges only some of us get paid so that's a quote from Matt Berninger actually so uh yeah I'm just using his words shout out to Matt and in fact Matt Berger was the first guy to be doing a lot of snow biking so it's cool to see that earlier in the day from Boyd and Alex first time important Hill has ever been on snow over here in Estonia [Music] patiently awaiting the scores here plugging the sponsors keeping everybody happy [Music] judges looks did we do the right thing I'm pretty sure this like that's just a lot of melted brain matter Dan des Ken Atencio also awaiting these goals and Justin down on the end there but ten co-chairs podium positions are at stake here Eric's fingers locked there around the can it's almost prayer pray to the god of judges Eric okay they're taking their sweet time really building the suspense here you know that when that score comes in this place is gonna erupt whether it's Boyd Hildur or whether it's somebody else that has won this thing this place is gonna go nuts look at all everyone's putting their cameras on Boyd okay so 87 point - we'll get him up in where anything above 87 pointer will get him onto the podium ninety point six for the win phones are flicking between the judges both and the rank all the Ozzy's giving Boyd the point keep the camera on Boyd just in case because that that's gonna go nuts over there in the stands if Boyd's won this thing Boyd toddy that were clever this is like hormones it coming is it coming eighty-seven point two taking their time in this one longer takes the ball the judges are arguing public opinion is swaying towards Boyd of it [Applause] eighty six point nine is giving up the full position forever is a and he knows it Lewis Mills gets all deployed held up all the Aussies are in there Matt ray filming at all it's gonna be a big night in Tallinn tonight the Australian first time to simple session comes home takes the win they are carrying him to the podium I've got to give you a lot of credit here Chris toriel's at the start of this show you said Boyd held out for the win he's not just my favorite rider I think he's favorite for this contest and I think he was due for a big win just like this okay confirmation of the results Boyd Hill that takes the win first time at simple sessions Daniel Dhers the veteran there in second Kenneth tensio drops a place from last year still on the podium though in third last year second place Erik R is a over in fourth and then you look in the quality of riders and the height of those scores down there rim Nakamura and 84.2 in ninth place yes you did read that right a phenomenal final Chris toil and I will be pulling it all to pieces in the post show please join us after the break when we run through all of the action [Music] [Music] welcome back to the SACU arena here in tallinn estonia where the dust is starting to settle on an epic day of action at simple session 19 these are the final results from BMX park final boy hilda the rookie here at simple session has taken the win Chris Doyle called it Daniel Dhers in second Kenneth tensio in third and Eric Reserve in fourth was at a phenomenal final the scores so so impressive we talked about it there Jack Clark 84.8 in a dream Nakamura also an 84 in 9th position that gives you an idea of just how hard the standard was such an amazing contest my palms are still sweating and I want to thank Boyd Hildur for proving me right I called him for the win and he won it he came out and he proved me right so big kudos to him for his big his first big international win so great contest ok we can take a look through the top three runs and it starts with Kenneth pensee I couldn't put his second run down but his first run was enough for third place yeah he's shown you that flip drop and we saw a mess up on in his second run Superman seat grab on that quarter pipe doing a lot of things that nobody else was doing and just showing you that originality the creativity backflip double tail up showing you that he's got all the jumping tricks really impressive showing for the man from Costa Rica then of course our veteran Daniel Dhers shown you that triple tail up over the box he's still progressing still learning still knows how to ride a contest so awesome to have a guy like Daniel deers out here phenomenal competitor so professional and lazy we called it in their laser focus but here he is the man of the hour yeah with the one handed cannibal the only one we've seen do that over the back and then the Canadian toejam on the top of the vert wall so much originality so much creativity showing you why he's number one right now and this one just a lovely little touch at the end of his second drum I'm saying creativity is key he's got the tricks he's got the originality he's got the creativity he has all the tools that you need to be on the top of that podium okay it's his first time up there at simple session - Lee is with him now so you're conquered and you won't see pulsation 2019 p.m. export congratulations what's he doing in that no I'm sorry sir thank Google bie with the boys very shocked to actually come out on top but didn't think that this was a time in Estonia I also heard this was the first time in snow snow how are you gonna celebrate now you're gonna just jump in a pile of snow or something or what are you gonna do definitely not that I've already got some beers maybe cooling down in the story but not myself can we expect you to come back to Estonia next year I know I had a good time I'm sure I'll be back is there anything like any boy words about this whole competition and setup in Estonia I want to say to everyone right come out it get amongst it thank you so much congratulations once again you straight from the horse's mouth that seems to be the general sentiment from anyone who comes to Tallinn everybody comes to have a good time people come to ride and party and just be a part of the culture not only in in Tallinn but be a part of the BMX culture here because these guys really do it right okay I'm gonna put you on the spot now I want your favorite moments from both BMX Street and BMX park well one of my favorite moments from Street was watching Breit brought Rayford do that double pegs to hard 360 over the rail so much power so much control so much pop and he did it at the end of his run that was super impressive to me I really enjoy watching Brock do his thing I actually really enjoyed the interview afterwards he was so so modest about that as well really good measure of the man he did just come up a knee surgery he hasn't been riding a lot this is his first big competition back after the surgery he's been doing rehab he wanted to get back and he had a really impressive day okay moving on to part no shortage of moments to pick here I can't wait to hear this one absolutely no shortage of epic moments I mean we saw Daniel betta Meyer with that huge gap from the box jump into the catwalk that was really impressive we saw so many different box jump variations from saw the bar spin in and out of that wall ride from from Boyd one thing I'm gonna pick out in particular since we're talking about Boyd Hildur number one was doing that backflip to Manuel down the ledge he comes in messes up a little bit on the redbull quarter but I've been check this out backflip and he keeps that front wheel up I'm sorry he touches the front wheel a little bit but still the only guy to even contemplate doing that the backflip to Manuel he had a little front wheel bonk don't judge him too much he's gonna have a good night the fact that he was even there in his imagination gives you a glimpse of the man's capability this is a pretty special year but next year it's going to be even more impressive next year is 20 years of simple session [Music] bikes [Music] [Applause] dates are already set you don't need any more excuses come and join us at simple session 20 it's going to be incredible and now if you're watching on Red Bull TV don't forget we've got plenty of other action for you to check out the Volcom throw is on up pipeline on Oahu's North Shore difficult conditions yesterday not a massive swell but that has grown up overnight and it should be starting just as BMX park finals finish so go and check that hour it's gonna be an absolute feast jo B Kyle any who else we got in there we let Mason how I think and Billy Kemper the big wave legend so I'm afraid that to it now simple session 19 has drawn it to a closed crystal thank you very much thank you it it's been an absolute pleasure I hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have see you at simple session 20 you'll watch the way this confidence built [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 1,831,263
Rating: 4.5767846 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, red bull bike videos, bike, bike videos, bmx, bmx competition, bmw 2019, bmx tricks, bmx street, flatland bmx, flatland, bmx park, bmx bike, bmx nigeria, bmx racing, estonia, red bull bmx, irek rizaev, irek rizaev bmx, kenneth tencio, kostya andreev, rim nakamura, paul thölen, daniel dhers, daniel dhers bmx, bmx simple session 2019, simple session 2019, simple session, simple session bmx finals, simple session bmx, bike tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 32sec (12512 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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