[Updated 2024] Detailed Lockadin guide (Paladin/Warlock multiclass) Pacts n' Oaths [No Spoilers]

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greetings Mortals it is I rores coming at you with a guide for balers Gate 3 this time revisiting my older builds and updating them with current patches for Honor mode today we'll be going over the notorious loaden build or the Paladin warlock multiclass combining the Paladin solid chassis with the warlocks invocations and packed of the blade makes the loadin able to focus solely on Charisma and still be a rather formidable Marshall character perhaps even more so in this updated guide we'll be going over the various ways you can build it gameplay strategies items and even a leveling guide but fear not we will have time stamps below to skip to what is relevant to you let's just get right into it shall we so first and foremost the purpose of this guide is to showcase the synergies of this build and isn't the end all be all of Paladin warlock multiclass builds surely there's something out there that can do XYZ slightly better we'll be going over a brief rundown of the build and frontload the updated information and you can stick around to hear the explanations if you desire all right for reals now let's get right into it shall we so previously the build was seven levels of Paladin with five levels of warlock since there was a little bit of a Cheesy mechanic that allowed the pack to the blade at level five to Grant you an additional attack that Stacks with the Marshall version of the extra attack feature giving you a total of three attacks similarly to a level 11 fighter that is no longer the case anymore due to some of the honor mode patches so you can no longer have that extra attack in tactician or honor mode but that's totally fine we can still do quite a good amount of damage with with only those two attacks and you can still decide to have five levels of warlock if you desire but we don't have to anymore so this opens up a lot of different build combinations whether you still stick to the seven levels of Paladin and five levels of warlock to get those third level warlock spells or perhaps you decide to now pick up an extra feat by going eight levels of p and four levels of warlock or dropping down to three levels of warlock so you still get pack to the blade and the Charisma based attacks and substitute those two levels of warlock with two levels of fighter so now you have all your Paladin Ora abilities that you desired your charisma based attacks from Warlock and the invocations that they provide as well and on top of that you'll have action Surge and second win from fighter this is probably going to be the more standard version of the build and we'll go more in depth later in the video as to different alterations you can you can choose as well so not only do I like to optimize mechanics in DND I also like to optimize flavor so to speak an example would be picking the arch Fay warlock Patron with the oath of the Ancients Paladin it just makes sense to me have a patron of the Fay and also you know fight for the forest so we'll be all going over the different variants as well which subclasses the pick what they offer how they mingle with each other and there's a lot of really good combinations here this is a bit longer for a quick intro than I would have liked so we'll just go ahead and say you don't need five levels of warlock anymore three will suffice you can obviously go more if you desire it all depends on what you want but if you're just looking for a quick and easy build seven levels of Paladin two levels of fighter and three levels of warlock so you begin with one level of Paladin just to get your heavy armor maybe you might want to get that to level five as soon as possible to get your extra attack or you could decide to pick up your at least a level of warlock just so you can get both of your flavor options right away and then by level six you'll have level five of Paladin again it's all up to you and to wrap it up here if you enjoyed this update and quick explanation be sure to like comment subscribe and feel free to stick around for the full explanation of the build otherwise I'll see you in the next [Music] [Applause] video all right so for origin options I still believe Lazelle will and the dark urge or tab of course to be the better options for the build I do also think that Menara makes a fantastic candidate for this build as well the reason being that there are really great Mechanics for all these characters and also a lot of flavor reasons why the each of these builds make a lot of sense will is overall a pretty good doer and he already starts off as a warlock so that's already have the build right there he makes a natural fit for a paladin based on his personality Le that makes sense to me as well as since she has a very high code of honor and does not try to stray too far from her beliefs I think she makes it much better Paladin rather than a fighter especially in service to lath if you go that route and of course you can also make vth your warlock Patron in your head Cannon makes sense to me the dark urge is just a natural fit for any character since it's fully customizable same with Tav and we'll go over some racial options to choose from in a bit and then Menara is is fantastic since she's already have Paladin anyways and we'll go over her in a little bit but again we're going to keep this all spoiler-free as mess as possible for those who still have yet to play the game anyways so moving on so for racial options should you decide to play the dark urge or your own custom Tav there are plenty of races to choose from that are fantastic ultimately at the end of the day pick whatever you want it's not going to make or break this character however there are plenty of perks for picking certain races if you notice by now I tend to pretty much favor all the under dark races being dwar Dr or even the the Deep gnomes they're all fantastic they get a lot of really cool abilities a lot of extra spells things of that nature that being said I think especially if you go for a certain build I think the half work to be the best out of the potential racial options should you decide to go this route since they have the extra cryp damage on their melee attacks that and I'm just a very big uh half work enjoyer so yeah my my vote is either for half work Dr dgar really anything ultimately play what you want at the end of day it's your game not mine okay so now that we picked our race which type of Paladin do we want to be so no matter what type of Palin you pick you're going to have a really good class in my opinion Palin are one of the stronger D and D classes since they just have a lot of amazing features you get heavy armor you get all kinds of cool spells and the best probably the best spell in the game Smite even though it's not technically a spell but you know what it is anyways Al of the Ancients is probably one of the stronger ones from a supportive role you get an incredible healing ability called healing Radiance which scales off of your Paladin level as well as your charisma and your proficiency bonus healing in bers Gate 3 isn't the most important in the game since you're effectively just as strong at one HP versus a million you're still capable of fighting so really all you need is a quick pickme up which is why spells like healing word is so effective since it's a bonus action now this ability healing Radiance is also a bonus action and it's an bit of an aura anything around you within 3 m will be healed initially on this turn and at the start of next turn which makes this this ability really good for certain encounters that you're going be taking a lot of damage such as the Grim in the Grim Forge encounter with all that lava and just high damage coming out on certain bosses then they have a few other decent abilities their level three oath abilities are just okay personally I think this level one ability is a lot better and their level seven Aura is fantastic as well getting resist resistance to Magic damage all around is amazing to maintain the through the Ancients all you got to do is be kind when you can punish evil beings and enjoy life enjoy nature it's not that hard to keep it's a lot less strict than the Ulta devotion and it's a lot more freeing so it's pretty easy to follow not it's not hard to break although devotion on the other hand is still pretty bad it's just very Bland and you don't really get anything special in terms of spells your level one feature is very blle cuz you don't want to take damage and this also the damage doesn't really scale so there's really no point in using it it's just not a very good subass but that's always been the case in fifth edition but even even if you're not getting any fancy spells you weren't going to be using those spells to cast anything anyways let's be real we're going to be using those to Smite things so if you want to be the quintessential Paladin the doter or you know Superman the ult of devotion is for you do the right thing punish the unjust you'll be fine moving on to oath of Vengeance this is probably the strongest of the normal Oaths the oath of vengeance is notorious in fifth edition as the boss killer as one of your oath features at level three is called vow of emnity which gives you advantage on a certain Target and luckily in balers Gate 3 you could use this oath on yourself meaning you have advantage on any attack for the next 10 turns this is huge so their level one feature is actually pretty solid you were an allies weapon attacks will deal an additional damage um for each hit and it does scale actually so this is this is a pretty nice ability it's just a little another damage Rider typically you're going to want to cast this on say somebody like a monk or a ranger or really anything that has multiple attacks so it can be quite useful but really Val of enity is the reason why we would pick oath of vengeance not to mention they have easily the best outfit starting off like come on look at look at that yeah old the vengeance is definitely the way to go and then there's also another oath available to us in B Gate 3 on by default and that is the oath breaker oath breaker is very solid they get some pretty cool spells their oath features are pretty solid too and then the oath the tenant of the oath of vengeance is pretty much beat the greater evil No Mercy For The Wicked so an example here in a minor spoiler for act one is the hag if you give her mercy as an nor of Vengeance Paladin that's not the right thing to do you need to slay her however I think if you do pass the intimidation check to make to take her hair and save the girl I think you're okay but ultimately in that kind of situation the ult of vengance you're basically Batman this pretty real so do things Batman would do and you'll be just fine as an N of vengance Paladin do not let the Joker get away as far as your level one decision It ultimately depends on what kind of build you want to go for or what flavor really as mentioned before the oath of ancients and the Fay Patron warlock is a pretty solid bet to go with lots of good flavor there lots of synergy and the abilities work pretty well together as well both the Vengeance Paladin with the great old one warlock is a fantastic combo since you'll be getting a lot of critical strikes with Ulta Vengeance thanks to having Advantage a lot with your vow of enity and then top it off with the great old ones warlocks feature to fear people when you crit things com combos very well perhaps we should actually look at the warlock real quick just so you can see what the patrons look like so the fiend is probably one of my favorites um just went after to bat level one fiend you get subclass feature whenever you kill a creature and get him down to zero hit points you'll be gaining an extra temporary hit points based on your charisma and your warlock level and depending on how many levels of warlock you invest into it you're probably be getting about 5 to 10 HP per kill and the temp HP doesn't stack so it just refresh itself this is pretty good throughout the course of the game they also get some pretty nice spells with a lot of like offensive spells such as burning hands and headless rebuke which I think are only for the fiend warlock let me double check oh burning hands is but hell sh we have it on anybody all right yeah they got a lot of good fire spells and it's a pretty solid warlock to choose and as mentioned before with the great old one right here whenever you get a critical hit the creature must succeed a wisdom saving throw or be frightened in the frighten condition makes it so an enemy cannot move and also has disadvantage on ability attacks on ability checks and attack rols so it's kind of like a nice little pseudo CC there pretty sweet as for spells they get a lot of controlling things nothing too crazy but really you would pick the great old one for that feature and then the arch Fay or Arc Fay however you want to pronounce it we got fa presents it's a nice little feature for free you can charm or frighten nearby foes for two turns pretty sweet nothing crazy but again with your with your Patron you can decide to men max if you desire but I personally think you should go with flavor all great choices but for the purposes of this video let's just go with the Vengeance Paladin and the great old one warlock so level one we'll be picking Paladin for all your great features you start off with we start off with heavy armor and we'll go ahead and arrange our stats accordingly so because we are going to be going with the Packa of the blade with the Warlock we're going to want to focus on Charisma being our strongest statistic and because you can have the option to heavy armor from the GetGo dexterity isn't all that important Beyond initiative I like to have just a little bit of strength just because I like to carry a lot of crap and well then that's pretty much it now in terms of starting your charisma level 17 or 16 usually most of the time you'd go with 17 so you can pick up The Hags hair but due to the way the Paladin Oaths work you might not always be able to guarantee that you can get the hair safely and maintain your oath so it is totally fine if you decide to start with 16 Charisma in which case I would invest that either the remaining points into wisdom or upping your strength a bit even more so you can carry more crap cuz like I said I like to hoard things but again it's ultimately up to you so having a 17 Christmas is totally fine as well because we can always pick up some decent Feats later that can also increase our Charisma as for our starting skills as a paladin we don't have too many options to pick from and as you see here we are started off as dark urge so we already have medicine intimidation persuasion is really good to have as a talking skill Athletics is okay it doesn't come up too often I think it does affect your jump but so does your strength but I think Insight is a pretty decent feature to have since we can potentially detect things when people are being shady so ultimate whatever stat spread you desire is going to be just fine as long as you maximize your christma to as high as you're comfortable with and getting a decent enough Constitution to help maintain spells and you know just survive hits and getting decent wisdom intelligence is good as well for saving throws I would favor wisdom over intelligence for this game but again I like to carry a lot of [ __ ] so strength is always really high for me as well and that is our level one now I'm going to go ahead and switch over to Menara and we're going to finish out the build on her however I wanted to go over the oathbreaker first so your level one feature you have as an oathbreaker Paladin is called spiteful suffering the target will take a little bit of necrotic damage each turn and attack rolls against it have Advantage so this could be pretty sweet on uh using on a boss Target to give all of your allies or perhaps Allied NPCs advantage against a particular Target such as a boss or tougher enemy so this works out pretty well if you have a lot of minions or maybe you just have some hard hitters who can't get advantage on them by themselves it only works on that Target though and it only lasts three turns so hopefully you can kill it quick there's ALS you also have an AOE fear from Dreadful aspect which Mak you do a little AOE frighten against everyone pretty sweet but then we also have another sweet ability called control Undead this is one of my favorite abilities on tabletop and you can have some pretty cool Undead under your control with this but you have to encounter it and you have to succeed your well you're controlling over it in B Gate 3 there aren't too many Undead that are worth taking there are some don't get me wrong but there are far and few between um some good notable options to grab would be things like the death Shepherd which you'll encounter in the early act two or act 1.5 whatever you want to call that mountain pass um there are some mummies and a few other decent Undead foes you might encounter and uh whenever you take a long rest you will lose control of that Undead but fear not as you can gain control of them again and the aura of hate is the oathbreaker's aura which will increase your Paladin will increase the damage of for you and your near any nearby fiends or Undead that are wielding weapons unfortunately every single Undead that we can summon in this game does not wield a melee weapon your archers have bows which are definitely weapons but you can't obviously hit them in melee with those unfortunately our AR doesn't affect any of our Undead if it did it would make the oath breaker a lot stronger than the other options for especially for if you're doing necromancy playthroughs that being said there are a few Undead as I mentioned before like the death Shepherd who actually wield weapons and would benefit from this this also says fiends and several of the demons that you can summon do wield weapons so it is not an entir lost cause of an aura and at the end of the day it also increases your personal damage as well so if you have a lot of ways to make an attacks as your Paladin or perhaps you might do a wield or something to that effect you can actually dis out a little bit extra damage from this ARA so unfortunately we canot Respec until we talk to our o breaker if I can find him on this he's over I don't remember where he is I'll find him give me a second honestly I wish there was like a little Quest involved with this instead of just panning over money but you know you can only get so much all right now we're back to being a paladin again now we don't have our R anymore we're now back to being a Vengeance Paladin however we're going to start again from level one just so you guys can keep track with the leveling guide starting level one we're going to pick our Paladin again go ahead and invest our Charisma to be as high as possible go ahead and increase strength lower that get our wisdom up oops button yeah that's not too bad we'll go with that I just like having a little bit of extra strength again because I like to carry a lot of [ __ ] all right so she already starts off with perception history and persuasion so we'll go ahead and grab Insight instead of Athletics and then we'll keep intimidation we already have intimidation do we yeah there we okay all right we'll start with that now moving on to level two we can either continue our path to Paladin if you want to really rush to get that extra attack at level five which is totally viable go ahead I personally if I'm thinking this as my main character I would go with our Warlock and pick the great old one the reason I want to get the Warlock right away is so we can get our warlock dialogue options for the most part otherwise going straight Paladin first and getting this level six is totally fine it's up to you I prefer flavor over function sometimes so I'm going to go with the Warlock way as for our spells I'm going to pick friends just to get advantage on certain Prisma checks and then also having eldr blast is always nice just to have a ranged option that's pretty powerful that's for our level one spells with if if you're going to be playing a paladin hex is the definitely the way to go and I also really like arm of agathis because we're up the front line and potentially taking damage in which case we'll make them take damage too so that will be our level two and then we're going to go level three we're going to go back to our Paladin and we'll unlock our smites and a fighting style now it is completely up to you there are plenty of good one-handers in the game and there's plenty of good two-handers in the game or if you just want to have just be neutral all around and not restrict yourself to a particular weapon you can just increase your armor class by one otherwise if you're going to be using a one-handed Shield dueling is definitely the way to go but if you want to be an iconic Vengeance Paladin and using a pull arm or two-handed sword then great weapon fighting is the way to go really it's up to you again if you don't want to restrict yourself to a weapon pick up defense just so you get a flat one plus one to AC make yourself a little tankier U protection is pretty decent too but it's kind of niche in comparison to the other ones and it it will consume your reaction as oppos Clos to uh using that reaction for something else so you can't really go wrong with any of these options they're all pretty good but since we are playing as a Vengeance Paladin and we will be using a two-handed pole arm most likely so we're going to go ahead and use great weapon fighting as for your spells it doesn't really matter since you can always change them on the Fly having heal is nice having bless is nice you can have another Smite if you wanted to but that's going to consume your bonus action and your action to cast both of those um just just pick whatever you desire Shield of Faith nice Divine favor if you're going to use that in addition to your other ability to enhance one your characters uh damage so you have a dual wielding crossbow kind of person or a monk you can really increase their damage by quite a lot command's always nice to cheese out some weapons or make some enemies drop their weapons or something to that effect do some soft CC heroism is pretty Niche but it can come into effect in certain situations to help negate fear so really pick whatever you desire that's our level three moving on to character level four we are now pal level three and we get our abjure enemy this is kind of like a cc ability you'll frighten the enemy and then which means they can't move nor will and they will also have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls and if they save on it then they're slowed instead of Frozen but the real reason we are here is again is for or Val of enity now as mentioned before in fifth edition valve of enity you pick a Target and that's the person you're killing in B Gate 3 however you can cast valve mity on yourself and now you have Advantage for 10 turns it is a fantastic ability and then we also have another great ability in Hunter's Mark so you don't even need hex from the Warlock to do this extra damage since Hunters Mark does essentially the same thing and they do not stack since they're both concentration spells and then again pick whatever spells you want you can always change them later for your pal spells all right so now we're character level five but Paladin level four so we can pick up our feet clearly you can always go with the stat increase which is always cons a very noteworthy option but Paladin loves feet it loves great weapon Master to just do huge damage it likes polar AR Master again to do huge damage since we can smite on each of these attacks including the blunt uh including the offhand attack we can Smite off of that as well which is always nice not to mention that the polar arm Master really synergizes quite well with our level seven Vengeance Paladin Aura well it's not really an aura but our feature I should suppose you should say and then there's also actor which will give us a plus one to Charisma to help even that out and give us Proficiency in deception and performance but not only do we get Proficiency in it it's also expertise in addition to that so that's pretty nice that being said we'll probably pick up actor at a later time for now I really enjoy great weapon master and pole arm if you feel like you don't want to take that penalty to hit from great weapon Master you can always toggle it off when you feel like you need that extra plus five to hit or if you just want to deal with that in general and you want to pick that up later as well you can definitely go with po arm master and you will not feel wanting but I like to consistently hit harder even at this minus five attack roll so we're going to hit we're going to pick up great weapon master and there are plenty of ways for us to increase our attack to help negate that which we'll go over in a moment when we get to the items I'm going to go with great weapon Master here I'm I'm a big sucker for it obviously you can go with pole arm if you desire or you can go with actor if you want to uh increase your charisma a bit so at character level six we'll get our Paladin level five this will give us our extra attack as well as level two Paladin spells and Misty step from Vengeance Paladin the oath of the Ancients also gets M Misty step at this level too so both of these both oath of ancients and oath of Vance are fantastic mistep is amazing and it's even better in Bal Gate 3 with this how vertical this game is so you can really get to some pretty sweet places or from F to reach enemies or even skip certain puzzles and then whole portion is a pretty solid CC ability as well and it's always prepared so if you ever need the clutch Cc or if you need Missy step to jump around you'll have something all right now that we're at character level seven and we have our extra attack we can start going back into our warlock uh for warlock spells you can pick whatever you want if you feel like you need a little bit of extra AOE sometimes armor is pretty solid uh you can go with hellish rebuke although it consumes your reaction and it's only really more effective in the early stages of the game arm person and some of these other uh pseudo and some of the other crowd controls abilities are only really good in the early game as well so I just like picking up arms of AAR just to I don't know I just I like it I it looks cool I also am a big sucker for necrotic damage anyways moving on to our eldris invocations obviously agonizing blast will make your eldis blast are very reliable range attack options if in the case that you can't get up there and smack them with your weapon so we go ahead and pick that up um and then there are plenty of other options that are just as good repelling blasts to make your El blast into a pseudo CC and potentially knock people off of cliffs and whatnot can be quite useful being able to cast Bane for free is okay but there's plenty of other ways to get that for free um one with the Shadows I believe that is just casting invisibility as long as you're standing still that can be okay I suppose not too I don't use it too often um disguise being able to cast theguy self and yourself is useful however most people will have the collector's version of bers gate which will get you the Divinity original sin mask which let you cast disguise self at will um fish Vigor is not too great since false life only increases your temporary hit points by seven and there are plenty of ways to increase your temporary hit points devil site is very good and honestly probably one of the options you'll probably consider taking you'll negate blindness and you can see through darkness and both magical and non-magical very nice to haveing uh beguiling influence you gain Proficiency in deception and persuasion uh we already have proficiency and persuasion and with uh the actor feet we'll be able to get expertise in deception in addition to a proficiency so it's not entirely useful um be speech will give you speak with animals which is nice talking to animal is really good in any laying game however there are plenty of other ways to get speak with animals most notably with potions and then last but not least we have armor of Shadows which we can cast Mage Armor on ourselves without expanding a spell slot but we'll be wearing armor most likely so this is not as useful for us so really with this build I think the options is obviously picking agonizing Blast for one and then you're either between devil sight or repelling blast whichever one you prefer um devil sight's really good especially if you decide to employ Darkness a lot often or H uh hunger H AAR and then repelling blast I just think it's just really fun eating people off of cliffs or just you know get them away off of whatever it is um another cool thing about repelling blast is knocking them away and then once you get P arm Master uh whenever anything walks in your your melee range you can just smack them so it's just you kind of control the battlefield a little bit with repelling blast so I'm probably going to go with that option but devil site is very good as well and at warlock level three we get our level two spells um again if you need more a little bit more AOE we can pick up shatter and then here's Darkness if you decide to go with the uh devil site um we got cloud of daggers for some AOE damage and then we have a few more crowd controls and invisibility pick whatever you desire and what you feel like you might need the most our pack Boon the choice here is pack to the blade this will let you bind your weapon to you so you can't be disarmed and then you can also use your spell casting ability modifier as your attack stat so before now uh we weren't doing the most damage since we only had 12 strength of course you could always um respect at this point when you pick up the Charisma or you could decide to get the three levels of warlock early on in your playthrough getting this as early as level four that's personally what I did in my game because I didn't really need that extra attack most of the time so I didn't rush level five Paladin I usually Rush level three warlock but not everyone's like me so this is probably the more standard version of the build your the rest of your team's going to have to carry a little bit unless you decide to respect um having strength or perhaps using even a strength pot to negate having such a low strength to begin with all those are viable options there's no right or wrong way to play the game as long as you're having fun and more importantly in honor mode as long as you're winning that's also what matters too so pack of the blade is the way to go for sure and then right here you can't be uh you can't drop it you can't throw it and you can't be disarmed and you also become proficient with it if you weren't already so that's handy but as palad to have access to all weapons so anyways yeah level three warlock pack Boon so this is where we need to decide do we want to continue into Warlock and get our higher level warlock spells or do we want to just get out of warlock at this point and finish up our pal levels or perhaps even pick up fighter at this point the choice is up to you but just to keep it simple we are going to just keep continuing our levels in the Paladin at level six we'll get our R of a protection where you and your by allies will get an increase to your saving throw bonuses go ahead and take that and then level seven Paladin with our vant Paladin we get get our Relentless Adventure if you hit an enemy with an opportunity attack your movement speed is increased by a decent amount on your next turn this is an okay feature it's not the best it's not the worst but it's nice to have and it helps you get around the battlefield a little bit more on tabletop this lets you take an immediate movement turn but unfortunately it does not work the same way in bers skate 3 but this combos really nicely either way with polar arm master so that's level seven Paladin now this is another turning point in our our build we can either decide to go to level eight Paladin get another feet same thing with warlock level four we can get a feet honestly this build this character is rather feet starved so going with eight levels of Paladin and four levels of warlock is a very good way to go to help round off your stats but and also get your PO poar Master as well as actor but then you if you really feel like you want to Mid Max a little bit more you can go into fighter we already have great weapon fighting so we can go a and grab defense here and then get our second wind or our ation surge all these are great options you can't go wrong with no matter which way you pick but if I were to pick I would probably end up going with the pad level eight and the Warlock level four and for the sake of the video we'll just go ahead and pick up actor at this point just to round up our Charisma to level 18 unfortunately on this particular play through this one's only at level 11 and my level 12 would be getting to warlock level four to get our other feet either to increase our ability score or to pick up PO arm master all right and that's essentially the build um now we can go over items to grab um there are plenty of really good items in the end game to work look out for such as the bonus to Charisma hat to get that up the potential of 22 So to avoid spoilers and other things of that nature I'm not really going to focus on the end game items since there's a lot of really cool powerful stuff and there's a lot of cool things for you explore there we are going to go over some of the earlier game weapons that will really enhance your early game playthrough which in my opinion which is more more challenging and fun part of bers Gate 3 so one of the strongest swords so one of the strongest early game swords in the game is called sardo bees wound Seeker this has an amazing feature called deep in the wound the wielder will gain an additional 1 D4 bonus to attack rolls with this weapon when attacking creatures that have already taken damage so this is basically just an additional plus one to four bonus to hit this is really useful to help negate that minus5 penalty to Great weapon Master you can find this little puppy over at walking's rest particularly off of oh where is she is it this one yeah particularly off of Gauntlet yeva now this is a bit of a Min Maxi type situation since all of these guards are friendly to you and you need to kill her somehow and as a palen you just happen to uh you know stack a few explosive barrels next to her and uh we are next to a giant fiery building after all accidents happen right right right anyways and it wouldn't be a remorse guide if I didn't talk about Valar aluve probably one of the best swords in the game from a supports perspective it's a long sword that has two abilities that you have to activate which provide two auras one called shriek which is a debuff upon enemies and then another one called Sing which is a buff to your allies of course you have to choose between which one you want to use and shriek will cause allies and shriek will will cause enemies nearby to take a penalty to their saving throws and receive extra Thunder damage whenever they are hit um this works on multiple tacks too so things such as magic missiles will trigger Thunder damage with each hit but to help negate the penalty from great weapon Master you might want to utilize sing which is more or less the opposite which will cause all allies within 6 M of the wielder to have a bonus to their attack rolls and their saving throws so that's just an additional Plus one4 to attacks and that's not counting the bless spell which will do an additional 1 D4 bonus to attacks those are just two weapons that you can find early on surely there are plenty of other weapons and items that you might want to look out for but those in my opinion are the two best swords maybe not necessarily in the game but for damn near a good portion of it and all right well that more or less is the build there are a lot of really great combinations you can go with with your pow and warlock whether it be with with your ancients Paladin and Fa Patron warlock or maybe might decide to invest further into your warlock site of things and just leave your Paladin level five maybe you might decide to do seven levels of Warlock and five Paladin maybe you might want only want to do three levels of Paladin and the rest warlock it's all up to you at the end of the day but at the very least I hope this guide helped illuminate some things for you regarding this build so that way you can make that decision on your own and if you enjoyed this guide of course please like com subscribe for more guides like these and I'll see you guys in the next one farewell for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now [Music] a
Channel: Remortis
Views: 35,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remortis, guide, bg3, baldur's gate 3, multiclass, warlock, paladin, hexadin, hexblade, lockadin, death knight, lock, baldurs gate 3, bg3 paladin multiclass, bg3 lockadin, bg3 warlock multiclass, bg3 best paladin subclass, bg3 best paladin, bg3 best warlock, baldurs gate 3 paladin subclass, honor mode, honor, 2024
Id: q3VAFoM8FG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 13sec (2353 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.