[Updated 2024] Detailed Sorlock guide. Eldritch Blastin all over the place! [Lite Spoilers]

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greetings Mortals it is I rores coming at you with a guide for balers Gate 3 this time revisiting some of my older builds and updating them with current patches Romo as of this recording that would be patch six and today we'll be going over the sorlock and what you might do if you decide to invest more levels in the Warlock and we'll get more into that as the Warlock is a very versatile Charisma based class and sorcerer is also a Charisma based class that has very potent spells and can shape their spells to their liking more or less thanks to their metam magic not to mention they have some of the best blasting spells in the game in this updated guide we'll be going over various ways to build these different class combinations gameplay strategies items and leveling guides but fear not we'll have time stamps below to skip to what is relevant to you let's just get right into it shall we but first enter the Dark Fantasy RPG of our sponsor bloodline Heroes of liths create your own unique Legendary Champions by combining Bloodlines such as elves demons demigods Orcs dwarves lyans Dragon board vampires and much more with its innovative air system bloodline takes RPGs and gotta gameplay to an entirely new level and it's absolutely free to play download it now using the link in the description find yourself the best Companions and wuss and raise your airs the higher your companions intimacy the more powerful your Offspring that's right Bloodlines host the unique mechanic to separate it from other gachas out there you can customize your own Champions by marrying any two blood lines in the game such as the elves Orcs lyans and so forth to create over 800 new fantasy hybrids the hybrids not only inherent their talents and traits but also their unique appearances pass down from each family tree and merge into one and be sure to play now during the Easter event called the beast Feast indulge yourself in the exclusive Beast Feast where you can discover various culinary ingredients that you can use to craft your own signature dishes by combining these and by conquering these culinary challenges you'll collect coveted Beast ingredients to earn points and stand a chance to exchange for the exclusive Clan hero Yin the hidden as well as rare items thanks again for bloodline for sponsoring this video and please download the game now for free both on Android and iOS use my link in the description or scan the QR code and you will also get a special starter pack by using my link worth up to $20 there's also a limited time top out discount event up to 50% off more details in the description and now on to the updated build so first and foremost the purpose of this guide is to showcase the synergies of these builds it isn't the end all be all of warlock multiclass guides surely there is something out there that will do XYZ slightly better and that being said these builds are pretty solid and we'll be going over the ups and downs of each you typically only take two maybe three levels of warlock so it's more of a warlock dip than an actual full-on multiclass but if I'm Frank I personally don't believe there's anything really worth going into warlock Beyond five levels there are a few minor perks here and there but I think you get way more benefit from dipping into other classes so why only two levels or three levels of warlock well the warlocks is very front-loaded you get your subass at level one which are very minor features and at level two is when you get your elders inv vacations this is what lets you customize your character so to speak you get a few different passive perks but the most powerful one in my opinion far none is upgrading your Eldridge blast which is a pretty simple cantrip right off the bat it deals 1 d10 at level one and this will get upgraded at level five like every other can trip however the difference here is that instead of just going straight to 2d1 you get two rays of this elder blast each dealing 1 d10 so it is 2 d10 but with one of the eldrich invocation upgrades agonizing blast in particular you'll be able to add your charisma modifier to each bolt so it'll apply on your original bolts let's say we have an 18 Charisma so that means we give it 1 d10 plus four Al blast now with other cantrips that would be a 2d1 plus 4 however because we get two separate beams we get to add that additional Charisma bonus to each Elders blast strike so that's two two beams at level five so now we are doing 1 d11 + 4 and an additional 1 d10 + 4 meaning we have a 2d1 + 8 damage as a CR can trip and honestly this is probably one of the best can trips in the game because of agonizing blast and there are items in the game that will further enhance this such as the potent robes in act two but only if you save the T flings in act one and more importantly you had alira survive because once you finish a quest in act two where you can potentially free the T flings from a prison if aliria is among the prisoners you will get this robe and that will deal an additional chis bonus to to your can trips on top of agonizing blast so that plus4 now becomes a plus 8 and on your ELD blast at level five or from your level just from being level five or higher you get the two blast so that's plus eight per eldrich blast beam and that's not including other ways to enhance this through means of hex which is an additional 1d6 or even other items that stack on damage but we're not going to get into that part right now and this is all just from A2 level dip into warlock it isn't the strongest thing in the game but is really damn reliable and then the other part of what makes this spell so great is that it deals forc damage and not many if anything in this game resists for damage so that is pretty huge so why would a sorcerer want this well it's a really good option to take if you don't want to expand your spell slots that's still a considerable amount of damage 2d1 Plus 8 is pretty solid for a single action now Sorcerers have metam magic and they can do an ability called quick spell which will all allowed them to cast a spell that takes a full action as a bonus action so you could do four rays of eldrich blast granted there are granted this is something you want to do if you don't have any higher spell slots because there are plenty of powerful spells that you can use use Quick and spell on instead such as you know a double Fireball for just massive AE damage but in the case where that might be too a little bit too overload maybe it might consider using your Al blast instead you also get repelling blast which allows you to knock your opponents a good amount of distance per Elder blast beam that hits them so in a way it's kind of pseudo crowd control where you can kind of push people away or in two things mind you which will bring me to why I think five levels of warlock to be I think peak of warlock in my opinion with the spell hunger of Hadar this is a fantastic spell in the game it is a massive AOE concentration spell meaning you can cast you can cast it and it'll remain until you stop casting it or if uh you lose concentration on the spell it will slow them it blinds them does damage when they begin their turn there and end their turn there um a lot of the times they struggle getting out um the AI has fixed itself a little bit so they can kind of get out a little bit better now but you can always just you know help Shepherd them back into your hunger of Dar and just pretty much trivialize a lot of fights in the game really good spell and yeah I think it's totally worth investing five levels of warlock if you can spare it that is before we move on to the leveling builds and race selection I suppose I should mention that the only other recent main change between this build and the previous ones is that the level five upgrade for pack of the blade pacoon uh no longer will give you an extra attack that Stacks with the other extra attack given by other classes so that's just something to caveat where you might not want to invest five levels all right without further Ado let's just get into the rest of the guide and we can start looking into the different race and class combinations as well as leveling guides and as per usual for Origins and for race options it doesn't really matter at the end of the day sure there are some options that are slightly better than others but uh for starting off with origin options either of these builds are fantastic for will since he's already starts off as a warlock it could be good for laselle it could be good for Gail aarion maybe even shadow heart dark urge really it it doesn't matter you can play whatever you desire but if Some people prefer to to keep things more true to their that character's nature so in that sense I really think will would be a really good choice here Gail to some extent as well cuz I could see him feasibly being a sorcerer instead of just being a wizard um aarion I just like him because he's a very charismatic character and this is a very Charisma based class lasel maybe not so much actually since she's not very charismatic at all but really that that doesn't matter at the end of the day so ultimately play what you'd like as for the dark urge and Tav options um races you can play whatever you desire if you are going to be investing more into warlock however you will have fewer spell slots as opposed to other classes in which case you might want to supplement that by playing the various races that will give you spells upon leveling up whether it be any of the tling variants each of them have their own different spells um the zaral tling is more inclined towards melee spells and mephistophiles and asmodus both have kind of a a diverse mix of spells I'm granted they're not going me it's not going to make or breaker game but it could be useful nonetheless same goes for the Dr and other elves and as for the dwar they're probably best suited for some kind of melee type build considering enlarge spell spell is really good for adding onto physical damage I don't think it applies as to spells but it definitely applies to melee and range weapons all right so after You' selected your race whatever you desire all right so for the purposes of this guide we will just start off as a tling pretty standard and beyond that we'll just start off as a plain as modius tling all right so what to start off at level one this does matter a little bit considering you gain different saving throws based on your starting class the game doesn't really tell you that too much but it can matter a decent bit in the case of the Sor loock you might want to start as a sorcerer at level one as you get a saving throw into Constitution checks which can be very vital if you're going to be casting a lot of concentration spells spoil alert you probably will and then on beyond that what kind of sorcerer would you like to play as so in my opinion at least in bers Gate 3 I think the draconic bloodline to be superior to the other two notably you can pick different elements of whatever your dragon sester may be you get bonus damage to that type of that element as well as resistance to it you also get a free spell some of these are pretty good others don't really matter too much um in the case of this build um for example the white cold Dragon ancestor would normally be really great on a disaar sorcerer because you get armor of athys but being a warlock you'll be have access to this anyways so it's not that crucial it is a great spell and there are really good cold synergies in the game as well uh pretty much you want to pick between lightning fire or cold as those have the most support in the game in the way of other items in the game acid and poison there are some items sure but not nearly as much as prevalent as lightning fire or cold so pick whatever your favorite is honestly you could go with the white cold and just armor of GES and pick up other spells on the Warlock that you wouldn't be able to get on your sorcerer anyways not like it's going to matter too much since they're going to only be level ones that you'll have to upcast but more on that later so what else do the dragon ancestors get that the other uh Sorcerers don't well one you get dragon scales that if you're not wearing any armor which you probably won't be uh you'll automatically have your armor class start at a base of 13 instead of 10 so if you invest High into dexterity you can get this to be pretty solid now if you pick play on any of the other races such as the such as GI Yankee they get access to light armor and medium armor so you can just straight up just wear armor and ignore that and you can probably wear something that's actually pretty solid for you alternatively you can also play as a shield dwarf but beyond just getting the straight up light uh light and medium armor proficiency there isn't too much Synergy between the shield dwarf and your sorcerer but hey play what you want but if you're trying to really optimize things you could probably go get the Yankee if you really wanted to wear some good armor while doing whatever it is you're you want to wear some good armor while you're playing as your sorcerer but there are really good robes in the game too so maybe you don't want to wear armor it's all up to you it's whatever you decide whatever you think feels right for your character but draconic bloodline is really hard to beat you get like I said you get bonus damage based on whatever element you you have um it'll increase your damage based on your charisma modifier as long as it deals the same element as whatever your dragon ancestor is the storm sorcerer will also deal a little bit extra damage for lightning and thunder based spells and it's really good for just getting extra damage on your AOE spells um speaking of uh so not only do you get a little bit extra damage but you also will get access to a few free spells through them um Thunder Wave call lightning sleet storm gust of wind and creat or destroy water um their passive feature is pretty sweet too as whenever you cast a spell with an action or a bonus action too whenever you cast a leveled spell meaning level one or higher you'll be able to fly a good amount of distance with a bonus action so this is pretty sweet it's very useful to get you move around um and while technically it is a little bit uh like it's kind of like a Missy and especially since you just cast level one spell and move it around as a bonus action but sometimes you might want to use your bonus action for something else such as some of your metam magic abilities or maybe converting spells into spell slots and things like that so while it is a kind of a utility based subass I still think draconic is a little bit better the I should mention that the dragon Heritage does get free flight at level 11 but if we're going to be dipping into warlock at least in two levels we will not be able to gain that flight since we get the flight of 11 instead of 10 same thing whereas storm sorcery will always have this ability honestly I think storm sorcery is better suited as a one level dip for another Caster but if you wanted to play as a storm sorcer there's nothing wrong with that wild Magic on the other hand I I typically love in tabletop wild magic sorcery on the other hand I really love on tabletop since it has a much wider effect of random abilities that could occur in this game however the surge doesn't really trigger enough as it should one of the main key differences between tabletop and bers Gate 3 at least for the wild magic sorcerer is that with uh your ability tiedes to chaos you can pretty much use it to always get advantage on a certain role and then afterwards it will increase the chance of wild magic surge which is the random effect that happen when you cast your spells on tabletop after you trigger a wild magic surge you'll be able to reactivate tides of chaos again in bers Gate 3 that is not the case after you use tides of chaos and Trigger mag wild magic that's it you have to wait until your short or long rest to regain it back which is unfortunate I really think the game this game would really benefit from having the tides of chaos reset after wild magic surge occurs maybe there's a mod for it I haven't really looked yet I'm sure there probably is by now at this stage in the game but if not we'll probably wait till we get mod support and then that'll be a reality in which case I really like wild magic just because I think it's a lot of the randomness can be a lot of fun it might not be ideal to be using on honor mode since reliability is key but you know are we here for the glory are we here for the story it's up to you anyways moving on so we can start off as a dragon honestly I really like the idea of a dragon sorcerer GI Yankee especially since you know they're all buddy buddies with the Red Dragons so why not be a red dragon as for your background doesn't really matter too much uh pick whatever you desire I personally like to pick things uh skills that you typically wouldn't be able to access as a sorcerer or a warlock for this matter um really play whatever is your choice um depending on whatever your build is you might do something with something of flavor at the end of the day it doesn't really matter it's just your own personal choice um just because of how GI Yan Society is I might just be a standard soldier of course if you wanted a mid Max St obviously you pick like some kind of talking thing that you would normally have access to maybe like persuasion or I'm just going to go with Soldier for now just for funsies all right so because we start off [Music] with well a we start off with the saving throw to Constitution check so we're going to want to have high Constitution obviously we're going to want to have high Charisma since that's our casting stat and we're going to want to have decent dexterity so you could go with something like 14 dexterity 16 Constitution 10 intelligence 17 Charisma this way you'll be damn near impossible it'll be really hard for you to lose concentration your spell with this high of of a constitution uh with a 14 dexterity that'll put us at a base 15 Armor class starting at level one pretty solid stuff there and then obviously 17 Charisma is not going to made much different from a 16 although if we get a half feet later down the road or perhaps a hags hair we'll get that to an 18 and then we can do something else later so this is a little bit Min Maxi stats oh wait probably put that in wisdom this is a pretty actually a pretty decent spread uh unfortunately we're just neutral on wisdom checks and those are pretty prevalent in the game um if you decided to bump down your constitution of 14 and maybe increase that to 12 and 10 respectively so you're not in the negative or maybe you want to have a little bit more strength to carry a little bit of extra crap it's all up to you [Music] but you know a lot of you guys come to my guides for power so we'll go with a powerful build as for your canri and spells um since we are playing as a draconic Bloodline with the red dragon in particular we'll probably want to get fire base spells so have obviously we're going to get our Firebolt for a nice standard attack of course we're going be relying on ELD blast more often but sometimes when we especially when we get our Fire based item we might want to use that and then pick whatever else your favorites are shotgun grass is good to prevent advantage on creature with metal armor and also to prevent them from using reaction so you could probably cast this on somebody if you don't feel like using a disengage you can cast this and then you can move away from that creature freely minion minor illusion is pretty good especially if you're going to try to do some stealing Shenanigans or just mess with the NPCs before a battle mage hand could have been good but they goofed it up in bers Gate 3 so do not use it true strike it can work I've seen you I'm sure you've seen videos of people utilizing it it's not the best um I'm a big fan of friends especially for talking to NPCs you don't feel like uh really dealing with or if you feel like you're going to get away from after they uh you use this so they don't you know catch you and then whatever else spell you want to pick I'll probably pick ra Frost or bone shill um bone Shield is pretty sweet since it can give Undead disadvantage but a lot of the undead in this game in particular are resistant or just flat out immune to necrotic damage so it's kind of a waste in that regard but there are some undeads in the game that will this will be useful on otherwise you can just do ray of frost to reduce the movement and potentially create some ice on the ground really it doesn't matter at the end of the day and as for your actual spell spells well I'm a big fan of chromatic orb to help hurl a decently powerful Sphere for single Target damage that will you can modify and change to a particular element if you know they're weak to that magic missiles always reliable um and some other notable spells that I would pick up would be Shield which is a fantastic reaction spell to reduce um a chance for your enemies to hit you with a range of bow attack for example it also makes you immune to magic Missile but there's not many people in the game that cast magic Missile but Shield is really good at least for those pesky archers otherwise another fantastic spell at level one I highly recommend just Thunder Wave just cuz knockbacks are really good in this game and you can help potentially knock them back into whatever your concentration spell is or some big nasty effects you have on the ground all these other spells are okay um enhance leap is always a great spell to have it's really good uh in the Overworld to help you get around things same goes for featherfall false life is kind of trash fog cloud is mid at best Expedia retreat is whatever because unfortunately you still have to use a that a bonus action for it if it get use it for free once per turn that been a lot better disguise self is good but there are other ways to get it and I would never invest um picking it up on an actual level up charm person is good in the early game but falls off really hard same goes for color spray since it's based on their hit point total same and sleep sleep and and color spray are great in the early game for the first very first few levels after that it tank severely Mage Armor is okay but since we have the dragon scales this doesn't matter cuz our armor class is already at 13 which Bol is never good it could have been good but nope not today and then ice knife is just whatever so yeah really level one spells I really care about are chromatic orb magic Missile Thunder Wave and shield and then whatever and then may probably enhance leap and featherfall if you had to pick something else up all right and that is level one all right for level two we can either decide to continue our path of being a sorcerer come on we all know we're going to dip into warlock now I like getting warlock off the ground early just because uh I like I like to get the both Warlock and sorcerer off the ground early so I can get both of my dialogue options throughout the game and you know I I like just get that or like out of the way so which subass to pick honestly you can't really go wrong with any of them um the fiend will give you bonus temporary hit points based on your charisma and your warlock level sadly we only have two levels of warlock so it'll only be based on a VAR Charisma so I think what is that at a maximum about seven or eight temporary hit points whenever you kill something not too shabby great old one uh the great old one is pretty nice because of the Mortal reminder and will be potentially be creating a lot depending on how you build your gear and you could potentially make enemies frighten nearby nice and the arch Fay has a decent ability that doesn't cost a spell slot which is important to charm or frighten nearby foes with the little AOE all three of these aren't really going to be make or break but for more bang for your buck proba going to be the great old one and as you can see here I also have the undead Patron from a mod which is I have the undead Patron which is a subass in one of the other books like brought to you by a mod and uh it gives you ability to have a little bit of flavor here it doesn't really matter too much it's all going to give you the thing at same thing at the end of the day which is the grave touch or no which is the Dreadful aspect you'll gain temporary hit points based on you get tempor hit points and you will be getting tempor hit points based 1 d10 hit points plus your warlock level and you're immune to frighten and then once during each your turns when you hit an creature with an attack you force it to make wisdom saving throw and if the saving throw fails the target becomes frightened for you so pretty much it's kind of like a little bit of a combination between fiend and the uh great old one but we're not here for the mods today we're here just for the build so honestly I'm just going to go great old one just to get that little fear on there since these other thing to other two aren't going to appy too much um the F actually could be pretty useful just if we get that temporary hit point since we are still going to be kind of squishy after all but we're not going to I don't think it's going to be matter that much so I think the great old one is just fine as for your spells armor vathis arms ofar you also do H rebuke if you want but it does conce assume a warlock spell slot and a reaction so that is something to consider and I don't believe it'll apply your fire damage from your red dragon sorcerer um and hex we can pick it up now or we can pick it up at level the next level I like having armar just have like a nice little AOE burst if I need it then armor of athus is really hard to beat it's really good survival spell as for ourant trips you pretty much have the same ones of available to you as a sorcerer minus uh eld's Blast Of course so obviously we're going to pick 's blast and then you could either do blade Ward if you desire I rarely ever use this or you can do minor delusion to mess with enemies or you know one of the other abilities but it doesn't really matter all that really matters here is eldr blast right and that is level two on to level three I'm going to just wrap up the Warlock portion of the build here and get our hex and our Elder invocations agonizing blast and repelling blast to add our chisma bonus to our elders blast damage and repelling blast to knock them away all right so before we move on back to sorcerer I do want to make a caveat for a five level of Warlock and seven levels of sorcerer just because hunger of Hadar is just that good not to mention that but with our peon we could use attack of the chain to get a decent familiar that's actually do a good amount of stuff for you fortunately it doesn't get super strong in the late game but it's pretty good in the early and mid game for sure packed blade obviously if we wanted to be more of a Gish type character and melee or if you desire desire that but we we're really dipping in the Warlock with our sorcerer for the ELD glass and you know hunger of AAR but or we to pick up a to pack of the to and honestly I will showcase this so you can see what what is all here um you get guidance you get vicious mockery and you get Thorn whip Thorn whip is a pretty nice can trip to help you know pull people in addition similar to how your ELD blast pushes and then guidance is always the reason why you have Shadow heart or a cleric in your party right come on let's be real so these are these three cans are okay oh vicious mck is always just funny but pack of the to is usually overshadowed by pack of the blade because of how strong it is but we're going to Showcase what you get at level five as for your level three warlock spell um doesn't really matter what you pick um darkness is fine sh shatter if you need some quick AOE but since we're going to be a sorcerer it's probably not a big deal um none of these spells are really exclusive to the Warlock that the sorcerer can't get I don't believe maybe fantasmal force I'm going to pick up uh Mir image here got pack of the Boon or pack to the tone with our Boon and then we're just going to go up to little five real quick and then we're going to start this process over another feet does or another can trip doesn't matter I will'll take Missy step this time as for our feet I'm just going to do a quick one do actor get plus one Charisma and we'll get proficiency and performance and deception not only that but we also get expertise in it too all right so now we are level five and we get deep in pack pack to the tone warlocks will now be able to cast animate dead haste and call lightning once per long rest for free I should add doesn't not cost spell slot and yeah you can cost each of those spells once per long rest not much to say there beyond that um it's pretty nice be able to do that um you also get another invic you get um M you can do Min the mine to cast slow with the warlock spell slot it's okay I suppose same thing with sign of el moment you can do py curse but uh I think devil sight's the way to go here to be able to see through magical and non-magical darkness and not be able to be blinded from it then obviously a hunger how a d all right see here we get animate dead of course it's not the upcast diversion so we only get a single one but you can potentially snowball even with the single zombie all lightning pretty decent AOE then having haste for free once per long rest is pretty sweet as well so having these fails are pretty nice and that's what what we you get from having a level five Warlock and then you can go the rest in the sorcerer granted you don't be at level seven so you don't have up to level four which isn't terrible there are some pretty good fource level spells but let's look at how the build would be if we were to be level 10 sorcerer and a level two all right so now we are a level six character with with going on our fourth level of Sorcerer And we have two levels of warlock for our next C trip selection just pick whatever you want I'm just going to go chill touch here brother spells probably pick up Misty step it's always a great spell to have and as for Feats we can go with spell sniper to get another can trip in addition to what we already have also you know increase our chance to crit with our spells which is going to be really nice or we can decide to go into actor to get our half feet but by now we should have U easily we should have already had our uh increase to our Charisma thanks to the hag hair if you decided to go that route you can always increase your just flat out increase your charisma by two with your ability score Improvement but I'm going to go with spell sniper and as for our last can remaining can trip I guess we'll take Thorn whip h b selection here now that we are a fifth level sorcerer we can pick third level spells obviously Fireball is an amazing Choice here as you can Quicken spell and cast two Fireballs in a turn doing immense damage especially considering we are a red dragon sorcerer this is an obvious choice other good choices with are haste and and counter spell we'll get those in a moment we'll probably go with haste for now and we'll get counter spell later if we decide to even get counter spell in this character at all our fourth level spells they are okay they're not the most amazing uh dimension door is pretty good to get around puzzles greater invisibility is also good good to get around puzzles and other people while fire is one of my other favorite concentration spells that you can keep knocking people back into because this spell does exist you could go without having hunger Hadar but I still really like hunger Hadar this does obviously more damage especially considering we are a again a red dragon sorcerer um ice Storm's really good but it's even better if you're a cold Dragon the other spells are okay they're not game-breaking great invisibility like I said is good but I think I think ice storm and Wall of fire to be the better spells here for the most part the other things are a little bit utility lights okay but we're not really building around necrotic damage and doesn't do that much damage in comparison the other ones considering this it's a onetime cast whereas ice storm is onetime cast and it does a little bit less than blight or at least its potential is less but the other is thing that iorm causes is creating the entire ground with ice and your enemies can potentially slip and slide all over it but we are a red dragon so wall of fire it is and then since I don't really care about any of these other level four spells I'm just going to go with the counter spell and for our feet I'm going to pick up our ability score Improvement at this point also considering we are we going to be casting a lot of fire spells Elemental Adept could be very useful for you you can ignore resistance to fire damage so that way you do full damage to that Target that would normally resist you in addition you can't roll A1 on your damage rolls so you'll just be doing at a minimum one damage more on average well not even on average just one damage more Elemental Adept is a good option to pick mostly just for the resistance uh to be able to ignore resistance if you decide or you're using fire as your main source of damage a lot of good choices here can't really go wrong but more Charisma ultimately will mean more damage and better casting stat that's going to always be your priority you always pick up Elemental adep later or you can do pick it now it is again it's all completely up to you and on to our level five spells telekinesis is pretty fun I am a big fan of it gold of cone is obviously more useful on cold based Sorcerers and then Cloud kill is a pretty fun concentration spell too my favorite spells to use on my Necromancer playthroughs since you're most of your Undead are immune to poison damage and this just makes sense throw this over the field and then throw your Undead in there but I enjoy telekinesis and now at level 12 we can decide to stay as a level 10 sorcerer pick another fifth level spell or we can pick another class we can pick up wizard for some wizard cheese since you can you only have to be a level one Wizard and you can describe any wizard spell but we can still pick up spells we weren't able to pick up before and one thing caveat here though is it will the spells that you describe as the wizard will use your intellect so you might want to pick up spells that don't require a DC check for example or to calculate your damage and obviously you can pick up can you missed before pick up other spells you missed before as so honestly your choices I think are to either pick a level wizard for some wizard cheese or staying getting warlock to get your um pack Boon pack the tum will get you thorn Whip and guidance pack chain can get you disposable familiar you can keep summoning all right so what kind of items do we want to look out for for our sore lock obviously the potent robe is a musthave will increase your damage by an additional charism bonus and then there's also other damage riders that we could use as well to combo with our sorcerer whether we decide to go with cold there's a bunch of cold gear as you can see here you're going a red dragon or fire type there here's a bunch of fire items you could look for and then if you decide to be a Lightning Dragon here's plenty of lightning items as well but in act three there are plenty of really powerful spell casting stuff you want to look out for such as the spell m gloves from the circus ring leader which will further enhance all your damage that you do with spells including your Aldis blasts and of course there are plenty of other great items to find in the act three such as the fun things you can find in sorceress Sundries but I still don't want to spoil you know that stuff in case some of you guys are still scouring act3 for whatever you can find it is unfortunate however that laran won't be adding any new content to the game as I was really hoping to get spells from xanthar and Tasha to really make some of these classes even better not just the Spells but the sub classes too but perhaps we'll see that when the mod support finally is released either way I hope you guys enjoyed the guide I hope you guys learned some stuff from some of the updated things most of it is just clarifications and on some of the possibilities you can go in you can go with and I kind of ranted here and there so I apologize for that anyways please like comment subscribe for more grades like these and I'll see you in the next one farewell for [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] n
Channel: Remortis
Views: 13,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remortis, guide, bg3, baldur's gate 3, multiclass, sorcerer, warlock, sorlock, hexblade, 2024, honor mode, honormode, best warlock, best sorcerer, dragon sorceror
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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