Paladin Warlock Multiclass Build Guide Baldur's Gate 3

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hello everyone in this video I'll be showing you how to build a paladin warlock class in balers skade 3 also known as a padlock or a lock it in there's a few different names for it but first thing we're going to start off as a paladin now we're only going to do five levels of Paladin for the the subass we're going to go with oath of Vengeance I found this to be one of the most damaging so I I like this one personally myself for abilities we're going to dump strength if you're in act three as you can get these gauntlets that I'm wearing here that'll boost your strength up to 23 allow you to dump that and put it into other stats if you don't have these gauntlets let if you're like act one act two I would keep your strength up high CU you're going to need it to make sure you land your hits um but the reason that we jump our strength will be clear to you in a moment so we're going to go through here and start as Paladin and we're going to add five levels to it the reason for this being is we're going to get that extra attack at level five and then the Warlock also gets an extra attack so we can attack three times like a fighter which is crazy consider considering we got ranged options as well our fighting stance I like our fighting style like to go with great weapons fighting and using a two-handed weapon I find that to be the most damaging output and for spells it doesn't matter a whole lot we're going to leave command on I think that's a really powerful tool but it should look something like this we're going to go command searing Smite raffle Smite and thunder Smite as well as CER wounds I think it's nice to have those there because your cleric will do most of the other options there if you're running with no cleric then you might want to change your build a little bit but it's nice to have different types of damage like fire and thunder cuz there's different resistances it's good to just have options to cover that heroism is pretty decent or compelled duel just really the preference between whatever those two you like if you're more tanky compell duel is good but you don't really need to use that next at level four we get the lay hands charges which is pretty powerful cuz it gives us a heal and for our feet this is pretty big what we're going to go with is the great weapons Master as we're using a two-handed weapon here this gives us an extra attack if we hit a critical or end killing a Target so that's going to be huge cuz you sometimes attack twice you hit a critical with a Divine Smite and you can even set up criticals which I'll show you in a moment but we're going to get a lot of damage out of this as well we lose a minus5 to our attack roll but get a plus 10 to our damage it's huge we can also toggle that off but I prefer to leave it on cuz minus 5% hit chance is not as bad compared to like in the end game you're going to be hitting most things and that extra plus 10 damage is huge so this is the max we're going to take our Paladin to the reason for that is we get that extra attack here and we get a level two and a level one spell slot there so that extra attack is huge for spells we start to get our level two spells so I would take off these two and probably put on eight and I like to have branding Smite just in case something's turning invisible it's nice to have that option to be able to just shut that down nip that in the bud now we don't want level six Paladin it does get a nice thing with the AR of protection but what's better is when we go into our warlock we get a crazy amount of stuff here so we're going to keep Elder blast as this is a crazy powerful uh can trip that we want I also like to use friends sometimes minor illusion is good cuz you can get enemies to go into a certain area and then you can just drop a fireball on them so there's a lot of nice uh can trips here that we get I'm going to go with friends though cuz that can be very useful when you're talking to people I like that cuz your your t or your main character is going to be talking the most so I recommend using friends there for our sub class this is important um there's three different ones we get the fiend which gives us armor of agius arms of Hadar and then dark one's blessing this is huge this is the one we're going to go with because it gives you temporary health points which are massive whenever you reduce uh enals enemies hit points to zero you get plus4 health and this grows as we level up and these two spells are nice to have grand old one is pretty decent too but I think that the fiend is the absolute best for spells this is really just up to you what you prefer um we already got command and protection of Good and Evil hellish rebukes pretty nice just to have earlier on the game and we're going to go with hex as well hex is pretty good it's a bonus action and it can make your damage your attacks deal more damage which is always welcomed because we're really a damage dealer when we're a padlock you deal a lot of damage I must say I was able to one shot or with this build so spells we can add in like a witch bolt or really just depends what you what you think works best for you um expeditious Retreat is pretty decent I might throw that on cuz it's important to move around as a pal in cuz you want to set up smites often now agonizing blast will add our Charisma modifier to the damage that eldr blast deals we have a high Charisma we're going to roll with that and then as well repelling blast is nice too cuz it's going to have a push back to our eldr blast so we get that extra damage and a push back it's huge it brings extra extra amounts of damage which is really beneficial for us here so we're going to roll with that next level we get more warlock class or spell slots which restore on a short rest which is huge for this level two spell it's really there's two really good ones I like scorching Ray to add fire damage or cloud of daggers which can just hold up an entry way deal a massive amount of damage our packed Boon this is huge we don't want pack to the change just gives us a quazite we pack to the blade is what we want pack of the Tomb is okay but pack to the blade the reason we want this we can summon a weapon to our hand that's not what we're going to do it uses a spell casting ability modifier and damage so we can make a weapon but we can also bind our pack weapon so this binds our main hand weapon its damage becomes magical you can't drop or throw it and if you weren't proficient you would become proficient which we're a paladin we're proficient in everything but this adds our Charisma modifier to the damage that we're dealing so a spell casting ability modifier it's huge as a paladin we're usually using strength when we attack things but we can now add Charisma to it too it's huge the damage heut that you can get is insane with this build so next level uh for warlock we're going to gain another can trip so this can really depend what you want Mage hand is really nice to have I really like minor illusion before a battle to it can Clump enemies all together and then you just drop a bunch of attacks right on them with a high Initiative for spells scorching Ray that's pretty solid one being able to split your damage and upcast it is huge and for our feet this is really big um it depends what you think you need for your build um ability Improvement is always a nice one cuz you can jump up your charisma a little bit higher I really like there's a few that I like warter is good for uh keeping your concentration Savage attacker is nice so you can deal more damage on every attack Sentinels good if they come into range of your melee it's pretty decent I'm just going to go with ability approvement here and jump up our Charisma a little bit higher you'll see why in a moment and uh strength again we can dump it if we had these gauntlets here class features we get this nice deepened pack so pleased with your service your other worldly Patron added a new Bo BS to the terms your packed P blade packed holders gain an extra attack with their pack weapon so we get that plus one attack from being a paladin and a plus one attack from deepened pack so we get three attacks like a fighter and we get this at level 10 this is earlier than a fighter gets it when they get at level 11 so this is a pretty good build not going to lie um one thing I do know is that in honor mode you don't actually get this extra attack so this is for every other mode but honor and if you're watching this you're probably not playing on honor mode uh for spells Fireball is just blows my mind it's powerful hunger of Hadar is pretty useful too but I'm just going to go with Fireball that thing is crazy for our Elder's invocations we can really go there's not really a best one here for our build um it just depends what you think would benefit yourself the best devil site gives you better Vision um proficiency and deception and persuasion is pretty nice Beast speech is what I use usually because speak with animals is really nice um but this can give us skills deception persuasion which are which are good especially if you're talking a lot being a warlock Paladin can be very beneficial being the lead face of your priority so we'll just roll with that and it is warlock level six we do get a nice subass feature again here with the dark one's own luck calling your Patron to change your fate and add a 1 d10 to an ability check so this is good if you're in com conversations you can add that in it's it's very beneficial 1 d10 actually adds a lot for our spell this can be anything if you like to cast counter spell a lot you can do that but I'd rather someone like Gail or someone that has more spell slots be able to use that um hunger of hadara is a great one and stink Cloud here stinking cloud is pretty solid because this prevents any creature from taking an action uh which is pretty big I like hunger of hi though area for effect control that's kind of what we need in this build and for our final level up here we get more Elders invocations which is it's okay it's nice to to have and we get a level four spell so this is pretty nice we can add in fire Shield wall of fire I personally go with wall of fire you can get some benefits from the dimension door because you can take you and an ally up close so you can take like you and your fighter up into the fre of things and you can hit a Smite and then the fighter can attack but we're going with walls of fire now we do get some extra ones here um one with shadows mask of mini faces uh Beast Beach signs of ill Omen m the m me the m sculptor's flesh is a pretty good one I like polymorph polymorph is pretty useful and you can cast with level four spell slot which is pretty decent um it just really depends what you think works best for your build like there's one that'll add silence there Dreadful word will give you confusion it just depends on what you think you need for your build but there it is that is how you build a padlock a paladin warlock in alers skate 3 so for our items I like the gauntlet of the Hill giant strength cuz if you look at our character sheet here we got 23 strength 24 Charisma so we're blasting things really really good plus seven to Charisma Checks Plus 12 to saving throws so we hit a lot of damage with this and it's crazy you can you can One-Shot enemies like Orin with this so very powerful and what I said earlier about the critical hits the killer sweetheart will give you a free critical hit plus if you use any of the um the elith powers you get an extra extra one as well so I really like it amul of ball is another nice thing to add on there um when concentrating on a spell add one plus one to four psychic damage was nice CU we have a lot of concentrations we do need the birth rate hat to add that plus two Charisma but there it is that's the build that I run with in uh bers Gate 3 you can you can beat the game with this build it's crazy powerful 23 String 24 Charisma but there it is thank you so much for watching I hope you found this video useful and if you did please hit that subscribe button below and I'll see you in the next one one
Channel: JasonDunna
Views: 9,907
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Keywords: Jason Dunn, jasondunna
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Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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