Update! We bought An Abandoned Antique Store Round 2! Some Great Finds!

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I followed my dreams and open an antique store to have adventures and spend time as a family sometimes you have to climb a mountain and open some new doors to find the treasures inside this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity [Music] [Music] stopped on the highway to get gas and it's really weird it looks like the gas station here burnt down probably years ago but they've kept the pumps going so there's just working gas pumps here well I guess I'll get some gas but definitely strange you see a burnt-out abandoned gas station with a stoat working but you know I'm here for gas and that's what I'm gonna get it looks like it's kind of become a bit of a party house in there for the local kids definitely gut it inside that's for sure I'm just gonna peek in the window this other looks like it was a house here at one point I'm not gonna go in just gonna peek it's an older building it's laughing blaster definitely seen better days roofs just about to come down too I just leave it all here there's another little building over there - there's the back of the gas station it's completely gone it's gutted and I don't think that fence is doing much keep people out I'm not gonna cross the fence obviously because I want to respect they put that up to keep people out it's interesting to see so I just had a little adventure on the side of the highway I had a blowout my driver's side rear tire blew completely wide open had that actually happened not too long ago that was my spare that was on there so I was hoping I get a little bit more life out of it than the the week or so that I did but thankfully with the power of the Internet I was able to reach out to a store a tire shop in a small town near where I'm going and they have the tire size I need on hand and they're standing by ready to put my spare back on the rim for me so all should be well as long as I don't blow another tire between here and there so let's hope everything is there's no there's no wood to knock on it here it's all plastic and glass I'm out of luck a Volkswagen you got to put some wood in these cars anyway I knock on glass or whatever hopefully nothing happens in this thing stays in one piece by the time I get there so I'm gonna take it easy I'm not gonna put too much speed or weight in the back end so hopefully everything's gonna be all right well that's it the tire is at the shop they're gonna have it ready for me for tomorrow so I can head back on the highway and get to the antique shop and do a little loading come get it on my way back through and we are back and the goal is to get this building emptied out as quickly as possible because the roof is starting to fall in and not gonna stand it much longer trees have grown up around the doors I'm gonna start today by looking in the back shed [Music] so I am buried deep inside one of these little outbuildings as you can see there's stuff everywhere so I'm kind of going through and seeing what's gonna work for the shop and what won't as usual but this is gonna take a really long time to go through but it's so much fun I got to be careful because I literally have no room to walk I'll show you where my feet are my feet are somewhere down here and I have to walk kind of in and around this little pile here buried in antiques worse places to be more sports cards boxes full of assorted stuff oil cannons big old trunk made by the do the war's interesting city quality [Music] oh my goodness this is gonna take me a little while to go through boxes corners full of stuff this is the top off of an old soda fountain so it was wild cherry kind of neat maybe the bottom four it's around here somewhere probably sat inside of a whole dispenser or might have had an individual holder for it either way pretty cool and it's almost hard to know where to start because there's so much stuff everywhere and even stuff that looks like junk you know might have some potential collectability so you really do have to go through a lot of these little boxes to see what there is and so far we have found an awful lot of stuff but nothing really compares to the the volume that we're leaving behind so there's oil cans and I want to make sure that I leave the fellow you know a lot of good stuff that he can use now there are certain things that I cannot take back with me because there are some antique firearms as you can see found down this one kind of under covered the other day it's from I hope it's that's ominous squeaky door this is from 1900 I can carry weapons that are pre 1899 and the storks are considered antique this one is two years to new which makes it if they consider modern even though it's over 100 years old which means that even though I very much like to take that back with me I'm leaving it behind there is nice little table mount cream separator down there you can kind of see there's the top and just rules of stuff you know and who knows what these you know probably parts of rocking chairs and things that use keep it around Coleman lantern right back there so basically going to search through some of the little outbuildings here a part of you wants to bring everything back because there's good value even and a lot of these old tools here but you know you just can't do that I mean it's just gonna be so much work so we're gonna see if we can find a few interesting little objects and keep looking around and this is the one building that I kind of wanted to have a closer look at because there's so many boxes here that are unsearched and a place like this you kind of want to make sure that you have a look at everything so I'm gonna get the door open a little bit get some light in here and I'm gonna get digging I can see Superman ID now there's a lot of Coleman lanterns in here two military uniforms more guns along there just piles and piles of stuff so let's see what's this [Music] that is it's kind of dark in here but CPR stands for Canadian Pacific Railway so that's a signal Lantern off a CPR pretty neat I have to set that aside more stops and barrels look at all the barrels there's probably enough to actually those are complete guns they're just the bits and pieces just all disassembled [Music] more lanterns the legends of the box they're more Coleman lanterns so you can see this is probably one of the rooms he kept all of his lanterns in see what's in there and nothing it's been emptied that's disappointing and he gonna be careful you step because you don't want to you know come across a most nest or anything clocks shells pennants old bottles though it's gonna take me a while to go through this stuff but hopefully we'll find a couple treasures breathing oxygen well it's pretty dusty in here I'm gonna need that in turns miscellaneous out looks interesting in the box marked miscellaneous is all military stuff so a lot of surplus bags and belts patches and things like that are some animal cases here or lamps this place is really a time capsule I mean spiderwebs on everything it looks like a movie set stuffs just been sitting for years and years [Music] well I am back at my shop and I know what you're thinking you're thinking Alex you just made a really big mistake where are you gonna fit all that stuff your stores an okay size but it's not that big to fit a holder antique store and well I'm not worried and let me tell you why first off I I saw some comments that were saying well you must be a hoarder bringing all that stuff back I have never intended to keep any of that stuff it was all gonna be for sale now the goal was to bring back as much of the stuff that I wanted for the shop and probably auction off the rest but what happened was I took back everything that I wanted and sold the excess stuff to an auction company out there who are going to move it and put all the labor and they have a team of people they have a warehouse so now I don't have to worry about it at all and in terms of the investment a lot of people are asking well what did you pay for it doesn't really matter what I paid for it because I got exactly the same money back out of selling it to the auction houses what I paid for it the first time around were very close to it so at the end of the day I got a truckload and a half full of stuff for free so I can't complain about that that's just good business so the goal now is just gonna be going through all the many boxes of stuff that I've brought back and trying to fit it inside my shop so that there's still you know places to walk and I can merchandize and decorate and make it look nice in here so that's what I'm going to show you today some of the fines that we had and kind of walk through the process of how to sort through a big collection like this [Music] and because there's such a vast quantity of small stuff I have to sort through I have brought a little folding table in from home and I'm gonna set it up behind my counter so I can kind of lay out an empty out the boxes the smalls and separate them into their product categories then it's going to be researching which I'll use auction results price guides and every other resource I have in some cases I just know what stuff is worth to give this up price to clean it and put it back on the shelf so next step get the table out start to process and put things away now some things I was able to sell before the store even opened so we open in about three hours this be a rack sold online guys can come pick it up today same with this very rare William Penn oil can I had a customer that was looking for one for a while so didn't even have to put it out for sale for very long just made a phone call and he bought it so these two items are leaving today in between the two of them it's gonna be close to $2,000 morning within the first hour or so here so that's a good way to start today so I got my table laid out behind my counter here so now I'm going to go through some of these small boxes and lay stuff out so I can see new old stock thermos or unused 1950s thermos I do have a area for camping and thermoses and lunch kits so that's gonna go in there some things aren't gonna work for my store at all so as I go through and I see what used to be you know collectible spoons unless they're sterling silver and they have melt value these things are gonna go basically straight to auction so I'll start building a pile of auction related stuff that I don't think I can get really much of any money for it all here so let's go through some of these boxes and I have actually I've not gone through any of this stuff yet so this is new to me as as I'm filming here so it was a little what's the name of this watch made in Japan well if they're advertising is made in Japan right off the bat it's not even a watch actually is just a pendant that looks like a watch and they had a price of 10 bucks I imagine it's being priced pretty similar unusual little thing and I have a little variety bin of jewelry and accessories I can throw that in we'll keep that guy hundred dollars for this belt buckle at that time you know 15 20 years ago so must have been there was a limited edition piece and some people do collect thought buckles I'll do a little bit more research on that guy see well Netherlands bicycle license plate straight razors ace bakelite I don't think it's Catalan the nice little handles on him those I can sell there's lots of stuff in here it's the badge off the C and our conductor hat so that would have been right on the conductor's hat too but I don't have the Hat itself but he had a price at 75 nice piece lots of little odds and ends so some of the stuff I don't think gonna sell well for me I'll just send it off straight to auction I'm just trying to keep what I think is the best or most interesting or the stuff that I know I have a an easy sale for for the shop that's the goal thin it out and just get rid of everything that's excess and keep the rest keep the good stuff for the shop and here is a spoon that I will keep mainly because of its melt value this is hallmarked stamps this is solid silver it's got some good weight to it so that's a good little chunk of silver right there so who knows by the end of this I might end up with a big pile of silver now this little frying pan you might not think much of it and you can see they had a price to $65 which should give you an idea of why it's collectible this is a Salesman sample piece so this is a Salesman sample miniature that the rep would have taken into you know a general store and tried to convince him to buy his wares it's probably over 100 years old it's cast-iron and just a really interesting little piece of history so I love salesman's sample miniatures that's a cool piece that we are gonna keep in sell at the shop that's kind of neat these are all old marbles some of which are clay the very first type so have to go through this box later on going through more boxes this is an 1800s German porcelain pipe and I should probably say there's there's a difference there's porcelain like this which is just solid porcelain like pottery and there's porcelain signs which I'll see if I can find an example like this which we refer to as porcelain but really it's a porcelain that's applied to steel so if you hear me talking about porcelain signs they actually bake the glass or bake the porcelain onto the steel like they used to do with cast-iron bathtubs and things like that so difference between porcelain is a pottery and porcelain as we refer to it as an advertising sign but yeah nice to find those little pipes in there I love these old pictures look at these guys on their old motorcycle sidecar they have a bear because why not put a bear butt and he's facing it - like good thing that thing was hopefully team when the next picture wasn't the guy's missing his head or something but yeah nuts the stuff they used to do this is a super old Archie comic as a ten-cent and dates to 1953 Archie's joke book color is better on the back it must been sitting out for a while it's got faded need we have another box with coins well Creamery tokens and stuff here's a big one it's that's another I believe this is another Morgan Silver Dollar 1885 it's been pretty good shape actually get an acquaint her at one time you can see the coin holders have gotten pretty musty and moldy over the years but you have to go through the rest of these is probably all kinds of stuff in here there's another what's this 1922 Stover dollar so the big penny 1 cent the United States of America well he had 40 bucks on it then the 1847 13 stars okay look I'm all in here I just I I can't believe you know it's so lucky to come across the stack of coins I know this some of these silver dollars may be worth money for sure whoo okay I'm excited right now I'm gonna settle down and go through this one by one and see what all is in here but so far I'm liking what I'm seeing [Music] so it's all done I don't have to go back to Saskatchewan to get the remainder of it and I'm glad for the new owner that I left a lot of good stuff behind because they will do well at their auction and it saves me a lot of travel and a lot of expense that said I was able to bring a lot of stuff back to the shop that was great for me and things I know I can sell and really at the end of the day this is a business and when you run a business that's great to get a lot of inventory for such a great price so the people that own the business were fantastic that sold it to me the guy that bought the remainder is great and I hope he does really well but it's been a big trip a big adventure and I finally started to get some of the stuff set up so I appreciate you guys watching I appreciate that you come along these adventures and yeah so the the next step is basically the remainder the stuff is going to go to auction of the furniture than that but that I brought back and then my store is completely full going into the holiday season which is great because Christmas is gonna be here so lots more adventures to come don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you haven't already so you can check us out online at curiosity Edmonton dot CA you can phone us at our shop here we do a sell all over the world they have no problem shipping or you can email us we're also on Facebook and Instagram too so lots of neat stuff and glad you guys came along for the follow up video here for another visit so we'll see you soon and bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 469,740
Rating: 4.9165215 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, curiosity inc, abandoned antique store, amazing find, treasure, junkyard, scrapyard, classic cars, look what we found, you won't believe it, american pickers, full episode, television show, canada, alex archbold, edmonton, yeg, amazing, time capsule opening, abandoned, derelect, haunted, run down, creepy, entrepreneur, how to make money, how to make money fast, discovery channel, history channel, a&E, history, pawn stars, canadian pickers, treasure hunter
Id: 80RP81lNFcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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