Part 5. Was this a Millionaires hoard?!? we find interesting clues! The Musicians House HD 1080p

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was 9 years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity home honey [Music] today i've got to bring out the big guns that's right if you didn't know i drive an old 73 pontiac ambulance it's got the ghostbusters symbol on the front why do i have an old ambulance for those of you that are new to the channel because it fits a lot of stuff this is my company vehicle so we're going to get this dusted off brushed off and take a little bit of furniture to the auction because i've got to clear some of this stuff out of the house and the things that are sellable we're going to be selling off at auction january 30th at castner auctions so anyone who's in edmonton or online can participate and hopefully bid on something but for now i'm gonna let the car warm up and uh make a couple big trips today hopefully first few things are dropped off at the auction um i'm gonna go find some boxes so we can load up some boxes for uh stuff for donation honda zenobia i think are gonna come in this afternoon mark is coming back to get more clothes uh i've got to load up stuff in the ambulance today hopefully not myself or anybody else from being injured in this place um busy busy day again so uh we're gonna get some boxes head over to the house and we'll start digging for treasure again dump sweet dump here i am again back at the house at some point mark's coming today he does not have a truck so this living room is probably gonna get completely full again with clothing as he starts to work his way through more of the upstairs and then into the basement um i am going to tag what am i going to do today i promise him i try and make some room in the kitchen here because it's almost impossible to try and make a path to that back door so i'm going to start back here start hauling stuff out to the front room and figure out what can go to charity and what can be sold and underneath every little thing is you know something hidden it's a mannequin dress form that's actually a good sellable piece so we'll just kind of walk around and uh do a little picking today see what can be found i think that somebody would be interested in a lot of these sewing notions i'll probably end up getting a plastic bin from upstairs and putting most of this in old sewing machines well they're hit and miss this style isn't necessarily very popular the old 20s style well they they do sell so i'll try to figure out what uh we'll go to auction what's going to go to charity today but this is all boxes of sewing notions let me get some lights on in here or at least we have a working light bulb in the kitchen and uh continue on the clean out today what i'm doing is i'm taking the smaller containers and i'm emptying them into these bins of various sewing notions threads elastics buttons needles all sorts of stuff in here um these are going to go to auction and we'll just put it up as a sort of bin of notions i guess and see how those do so i'll put these in the front room as a keeper box luckily these bins were upstairs and i didn't have to buy any just yet the nice thing about a house like this is a lot of times all the things you need to help clean it are somewhere around the house you just have to look for it i've been finding an awful lot of poppies around the house this of course you know you wear on remembrance day with the amount of poppies i found though it's possible that there was an actual vet living in this house so i'm gonna see maybe if there's some war medals or military artifacts you never know plus i found where did i put it now i found um some guns and ammo magazines and have not found any weapons however we did find this massive round 375 meg super x that's not your regular sort of uh you know handgun so there might be some vintage firearms in the house i don't know if they're newer i am in canada and although a person is allowed to buy and sell firearms in canada um i don't have my license for it so if it's a newer gun we'll have to turn it over to the estate um if it's a antique gun like 1899 or prior well you don't need a license for that so you can pretty well sell them so i'm hoping that if i do find a vintage gun um it will be actually antique that one being center fire though uh probably gonna be more modern it's fine we'll just turn it back into the estate and they can deal with that in the meantime i'm gonna continue digging around and see what's through this kitchen i was clearing out this one sewing table that drawer i guess is just a fake drawer it doesn't actually open up but um there is a sewing machine a sovereign sewing machine sitting on top kind of a funky looking machine and i thought that that was the flip up unit but it's not if i look there's a whole other sewing machine in that cabinet so there's one two there's at least three sewing machines sitting in this room was a lot of activity and so far we've had four bins of notions and a whole bunch of baskets including this guy that are completely packed full of vintage buttons and thread and accessories all of which will just throw through auction kind of as they are unfortunately this one's little leg came off so i'll try and keep it together but look every tin there's something to do with sewing so we'll just put those in the box and somebody at home can just get on the whole box and get themselves a bunch of treasure see what's in the domino bin sounds like change it's not oh you got to be careful where you stick your finger because they might hit a mousetrap i don't think those are sprung but still you know obviously there was a mouse problem in this house so we'll find a few surprises in the basement the art supplies are kind of a nice find for me because i have uh several children i've got three kids and um they all like to draw i have one who is a bit more of a professional artist my son steven in fact you can check out his youtube channel at stephen with the ph so steven draws um so anytime i find art supplies like this we definitely have a home for them at my house oh i'm finding some stuff and you kind of don't want to find too much stuff for yourself because you don't want your house to end up looking like this before too long but things like this i always have a use for i'm going gonna try and pull some of these little stools out of here it's like a mid-century kind of stool and there's all these old patterns and plastics and things all down below but i'm making sure to go through things because you never know when you're going to find a hidden stash of treasure buried around i mean everything in here has potential which is why we bought the contents but whether it's going to charity or whether it's something i can resell including the sewing notions and that everything can be recycled and so i find it's important to go through these places with the fine-tooth comb and make sure you get as much out of here save it from the landfill as possible noticing this thing is still plugged in and the foot pedals on the floor are down there i wonder if it would work oh yeah there she goes so well at least that one of them works i'm sure they all probably do they're all plugged in okay i think it's time for this to go hamburger seasoning timer i mean there was some cooking done in this house at one time when woodward's was still around that's you know got to be 1970s probably there's everything in the little pouches old school kfc salts and sugars okay well time to clear that off i do i do kind of like these 50s salt and pepper and flower shakers those i think can be salvaged and cleaned up they probably look really neat when they're all cleaned up too so i will save those for myself to sell um some of this stainless cookware that can be donated because that cleans up really easy oh you know there's a little of this a little of that some things for the shops and things for charity all in all the refining stuff i moved the mirror out of the way that was here and there was a kettle i don't know it's down to the back there it looks like a little oil lamp down at the bottom no waffles what kind of shape is it in oh you might say it's in waffle condition that is a nice old waffle maker though pretty old school really really dusty no surprise these must be with all the uh old appliances went to die down the side of the fridge i feel like what we have over here is a little bit of a workshop i got the one sewing machine out of the way so i can actually walk in here a little bit there's this old little sideboard hoosier cabinet with the porcelain enamel top and it seems to be full almost completely of tools and tools are really handy and they never go out of fashion so there's gonna be probably a lot of stuff in here i can use so i've got a bin now i've got a lot of the sewing stuff put away but i've got a bin here for tools i'm gonna start stacking up the guess who canadian rock band that did a big hit was american woman a chunk of soapstone that's uncarved maybe our friend anthony the soapstone carver would like that but some of the stuff is still in the box so we can probably reuse a lot of this stuff that's sitting around here i'm going to see what i can do to find some tools little wraps grasps and files and oh there's a good little uh jeweler's anvil right there that's for doing your fine sort of work on that's probably why that little hammer is there too where there's jeweler's anvils there's often jewelry so maybe we'll find a little stash of stuff over here but so far lots of good tools and lots of stuff you know still in the original packaging too which is kind of nice makes it easy to resell anything that's kind of a good usable tool or something that's new in the package i'm just gonna put right into this bin kind of a weird combination of stuff an rcmp patch an old one a 1978 yamaha ski team belt buckle and a russian belt buckle the kind of a neat little mix also found um this walkman i remember when these were such a big deal that probably would have been super expensive when it was new but there are people who collect walkmans so hey i'll hang on to it pill bottles nothing in it garbage did find some change in a funny looking can looks like papers in there see what they say whoa hang on hang on that's not papers that's not paper at all that is 999 fine silver how many ounces do i have one two three four five six ounces seven ounces of silver i bet that's going to be silver in there too that's a little roll just a polishing cloth i guess holy cow another good stack of silver i feel like scrooge mcduck with all this currency i'm finding that's that's a top pocket find i better keep that somewhere safe little plastic bag sitting here it's heavy it is coins keychain keychain's less exciting but there's a keychain there's coins uh a whole bunch of whole bunch of silver dollars yep silver ounces copper ingots i don't know what that is some sort of big thing rolls of silver quarters [Applause] yeah these are just copper ounces kennedy half dollars this is a turned out to be a good little section over here better keep looking these old kind of 60s pop art patches that i guess you'd probably put on your jeans and stuff including you know that one psychedelic patches bad word on that one um but there's all sorts of other little stickers and stuff in here too and i was surprised to see and kind of happy to see that there's even some scratch and sniff stickers in here too which i always thought were cool my older brother had a collection of scratch and sniff stickers when he was a kid so uh they're always kind of fun i'll keep that little box aside with the craft stuff so the other thing i found while i was working today is hans zinovia hey how's the folks um hey uh if i hadn't mentioned before hans also has a youtube channel called helping hans and i want to appreciate and thank everybody out there because i got the letter from youtube this morning uh saying nothing but great news about you watchers i mean i appreciate everything you guys are doing well we're glad that you have a channel because you're an interesting fella um and i'm glad that you're here to help me today too hey up at the front if you guys will want saunter on to the front um what what i need your help with today is taking some stuff to charity and although i could probably sell these old sewing machines that are there um this little pile of stuff they're they're not gonna bring a whole lot of money um maybe like 30 40 each or something so i'm not going to bother trying to put them at auction because it'd be really heavy to ship so this little pile right here can go kind of in a row of the chairs and the sewing machine yep that can go to charity and all i'm gonna start bringing stuff out that can all go to charity and if you guys don't mind doing some charity runs today that'd be great i found a few dollars in this cabinet i'm gonna do a little bit more searching here those are pictures somebody like to smoke hula girl cigars they're still sealed lots of cigars wait a minute [Music] that's a little bundle of cash and that's not just a little bundle hang on i'm gonna open this up and see what i got here there's about 200 bucks here combined with all the other coins and stuff and the silver and what's back here maybe little gold pins boy you really gotta check every every little cabinet odd that you'd hide your rolling stones kind of lips with your uh stash of money no nothing back there lots of cigars though this turned out to be a good day already i've only been here an hour people always say check the books check the books and you're right there's money in a book hey cool 20 bucks an old 20. i don't know if there's any others but there's money in this book stickers i'm currently cleaning the kitchen floor with the broom and dustpan trying to get any loose debris off the floor the reason i'm doing the uh the kitchen area well aside from finding money and stuff which is nice is that uh mark and his team have to start clearing the basement out of clothing and uh with that it's gonna be um we need to have a clear path for them so i'm trying to get all this debris off the floor and into the trash so at least there's some you know clear way to walk around plus i'm finding stuff so no complaints about there if you're wondering why i'm wearing a mask here i'm going to show you well you can't really see on this one it's getting all dirty already on the inside the dust in here is so thick and so brown um that it would be going straight into my lungs if i wasn't wearing this so better safe than sorry garbage truck has arrived they're hauling off that uh big load that we got there and they're bringing me another bin which is perfect timing because we're starting to pile some stuff up outside already hans is working away in the kitchen which is there's a bunch of people a lamp i don't i think that thing's too far gone i think that's good i'm just gonna put it in a pile okay this is how far we got with the kitchen so far once we get the garbage off the floor and swept it'll actually be uh pretty walkable in here which was the idea the basement door can open fully now and zenobia's going to work her way through bagging up some clothing off the stairs so that these stairs are more manageable hans fix the light bulb so things are progressing slowly but surely hey hans oh yeah we get her yeah oh i believe it takes time this isn't as bad as mary's place i don't oh no that mary's place was strong yeah you had to crawl up to the ceiling yeah at least walk around here a little bit but uh yeah there's still a lot of garbage i mean it's not a great situation but we're making do and we've already that's the face of my dad i think that's your face if you shaved oh well you might be right just when i thought this couldn't get any grosser i found the ultimate in grills buckley's original mix but it does work if you've never had this stuff um i don't know has a consistency and flavor of mental earwax i don't know that is pretty gross you've had buckley's hey hans oh yeah buckley's was uh quite an acquired taste you want to have an acquired taste for that oh yeah it was like whiskey um actually that's about how much i like whiskey i'd rather have a sip of buckley's but yeah gross but yeah kind of going through the drawers doing a little snooping seeing what's in here so you have to be careful because there are syringes and stuff those aren't needles but those are you know there might be medicines and things you definitely have to be careful this is the one thing that probably bothers me the most all this perfectly canned but expired food we can't donate it to the food bank or anything because it's passive due date so it's all going in the trash it's a heartbreak but you know don't want to make anybody sick either i think are these pyrex okay so there's some pyrex in here that's just stuff go bad honey yes okay all right it's a shame we are making good progress so we've got a lot of this cleaned up i can see most of the floor boxes of stuff going to charity and we are trying to save whatever we can i know i've mentioned that zanovi is bagging in the hallway here how's it going back here is anova anyway no surprises nothing squeaky nothing no no squeakers if you hear something squeaking and it's furry and it's running towards you it's probably huns [Laughter] man you can squash it i guess oh yeah no nothing back here that surprised me yet so we're doing good i got clothes in here we'll be doing good okay okay we got a bottle of champagne champagne wishes and caviar screams let's put these in here yeah we are still finding containers full of money and stuff around here genovia found uh some shares which i can't show on camera but these are shares for a gold mine back in the 60s and you said you found financial records yep and what year is it from 1984. and what was she worth in 1984 4 854 898. holy cow so in the 80s she was a millionaire and then it ended up becoming a hoarder so who knows what we're going to find around here really i mean i've been happy with the bits of silver and stuff that we've been finding in jars of coins but maybe there's been some real good stuff kicking around anything in the fire stand uh this one here is just free oh i've opened all the tints that i've thrown in there yeah you got to check them all because pogs is finding buckets of money over there like i rolled all that last bit of money it adds up every little bit adds up i'm sure there's going to be stuff on the stairs leading down here oh yeah a lot yeah look that's a lot i guess that's the old laundry shoot yeah i'm trying to step here and not slip please don't drink i don't want to hurt myself oh those are hooks but sometimes you find jars like this around that are oh no that's not a little door what is that oh it's just the trim that goes along the side yeah not as exciting i'm gonna try and get some lights on down here if i can they're not working right now so if this was a millionaire's house what do they have hiding in the basement other than clothes and we estimated i was talking to mark he thinks that she spent over a million dollars on clothing in her lifetime that we're surrounded by all of this stuff was good quality and it adds up i mean he did get a very good deal at the 10 000 he got it for but for me it relieves a headache and sometimes it's not all about the money it's about trying to get to the stuff that works for you and for me that's anything small shiny cool that we can resell easily or sell the shop but i am pretty curious to know what's hidden down here it's so messy we just simply don't know and that's why xenovia and hans are going to be working their way up the stairs today to try and bag up and box up as much as we can so we can actually start to access the basement and do some treasure hunting down here i'm sure there's going to be something sorting through the junk drawer and i'm putting buttons and sewing stuff in there tools in there kind of seeing if there's anything that can be reused spent lighters screwdrivers those can be reused i'll put them in tools lots of little hack saws i found so many pairs of scissors that i filled up this entire bucket with scissors i guess there's another one oh oh boy you're not kidding are you i must have found a hundred pairs of scissors probably every time she lost a pair she bought another one instead of looking for it screwdrivers that's an old screwdriver it wouldn't handle another little pair of scissors look more scissors just a ton of these little folding scissors and basically just organizing stuff into little piles buttons nothing too exciting so far this looks like filters for a camera contact cement replacement blades so a lot of what we're doing here is not very exciting because it's actually just a bunch of stuff it's you know somebody's life worth of things that uh some of it is sellable some of it is donatable and some of it is trash it's kind of fun to go through though i did find a button set from princess patricia's light infantry which is a military branch so i don't know if uh the gentleman served in the forces or not but there were definitely military buttons hard to say let's see if there's anything at the back of the drawer oh there's a nice well it's a little damaged on the bottom there's an old fountain pen fountain pens are very collectible so i am looking for those people buy them and restore them stickers of money more scissors so far this drawer is just full of generic stuff i was half expecting to find the uh a gem in here or something well hans kept finding money hey hans hey there was some change in the cupboard yeah well who knows what's in these drawers oh hang on what's this i mean that's where the dollar wheels are i don't know what it is it's yeah it's a bunch of silver quarters and tokens and stuff but yeah these are all silver quarters so i did find another big batch of silver in here okay well i guess it pays to look through the drawer right to the very back oh these are oh i thought that was a ring no okay i've never seen so many tools in a kitchen before and a lot of them still in the original packaging too it's all perfectly good beautiful stuff starting irons pliers wrenches more scissors not surprisingly and while i work on clearing out the rest of these drawers hans and zenovia are gonna head out to uh charity to uh drop off a load of stuff and mark should be here pretty soon to uh start loading out some of his clothing we're backing up anyway okay the kitchen was clear enough now that there's a path for somebody like paul who's helping mark carry stuff out of the basement are you just hauling trash out okay and trashy clothes well thank you and mark is busy working away downstairs we managed to get some lights going on down there and uh clearing a place to stand so for all those people watching home you'll have to go to his etsy store at some point his etsy stores i should say which i put in the description of the last videos you are going to be stocked for a while that's for sure that's for sure yeah actually quite impressed with his etsy stores online um have to check them out i on the other hand and now that we have this uh pathway cleared i'm gonna try and get the doorway so it can open brought my bag oh see right now there is okay my arm not quite to my elbow so you know maybe like a foot a foot and a half to get through and it's because there's all this stuff behind the door i'm gonna try and clear that out of the way so that i can access this room because there's some furniture and some decent things in here that i'd like to pull out uh and also there's a bunch of clothing here for mark so might take me a little while to get through this but i think there's gonna be some treasures in here and uh opening this door will be treasure enough for me today so if you're watching this at home and you're saying to yourself this guy should be more respectful or i can't believe you're just giving this stuff away or putting it to goodwill the truth is it's a much different circumstance when you're here and you're standing amongst all this stuff and you have a timeline to deal with it as the i'm filming this there is what little more than 10 days until christmas time and eventually i'd like to spend some time with my actual family prior to christmas so we're trying to make the best of a sour situation and get this house back in order um the person who owned this place was a lovely person i'm not debating that um the challenges that we see around us are a result of mental health issues and i don't want to make light of that but somebody has to clean it up and that process sometimes can look a little bit gritty and this is what happens um i being an antique dealer i have to try and find as much value in as many things i can to make this all worthwhile because there's things i'd rather be doing in the last 10 days before christmas and standing around doing all this wait so what your lady said you had to sleep outside it's in like a brand new condition hans she tells me to have to sleep outside at least she's giving me a mattress to sleep on see she's not so bad but at least he's nice enough to give me something tough to sleep on you well i'm glad that's gonna be out of the room they're cleaning out upstairs hunting over your back they took some stuff to goodwill not too long ago this little rack was behind the door causing all sorts of grief but it's actually an accessory rack for jewelry and things and that'll come in really handy at my shop so i'm going to put that right in my vehicle because i could actually use that as a store fixture well i've worked my way through the door all the way to a chair and i found some comics this vintage spanish classics illustrated alice in wonderland the wizard of oz there's a whole stack of them nice as you cater to uh you have a wide variety for i guess you never know who you're gonna run into a japanese interesting little batch of comics i have a a lot of sorting to go through there's still lots of bags of clothes so i'm going to clear a path by getting the clothes out of here and then we'll see um maybe what's under some of the shelves and over by the chair there's another couch like the one that was in the front room it is tiring work but occasionally you get rewarded with uh vintage sealed alcohol it is tiring work but occasionally you get rewarded with old comics or bars of silver or jars of coins so it just keeps you going um and i joke because i did this once before and i emptied out a house and every you know i'd say three hours or so i'd find another bottle of booze it's been almost the same here too it's like the after world is leaving these little gifts saying you've earned this so i'm gonna keep digging um hope to find some other uh interesting things for myself for the shop and um work on cleaning this house out time to start clearing out the bureau so far has just been papers in here the uh owner tells me there should be um some safe deposit box keys in here which i'm hopefully going to find for him and then and then he'll be able to access those what i should do i should also check and see how the guys are doing downstairs hans is working upstairs clearing that bedroom and we've got some workers here helping out with moving stuff how are things going down here pretty good yourself oh good okay i'm gonna have a peek and see well you've tunneled you burrowed a little bit down here well we you know you said you wanted to be able to get around so we've created a there's a couch yep yeah there's like a mid-century couch down here god knows what's over here what's to my left we didn't we didn't we didn't oh yeah well that's that's not a table that's a sewing machine over there yeah yeah so i knew that was there so we kind of made a path this way so we could go to either side okay we weren't just doing this to find a place to sit down actually paul was wanting to have a nap sure you could pile up there we'd never find you again though exactly oh you know what it's hard to you know it's hard to tell while we're just doing this you know it's like we're just stuffing stuff in bed well i'm hoping at least there's a couple things that you're like hey that's cool mark has found a couple of cool vintage hudson's bay that's a what 1950s sort of sweater yeah this is 1950s or maybe 1940s okay and a few nice hudson bay jackets and hudson's bay always has this sort of stripe on it just like the blankets i was all excited about finding the blankets but the coats are equally as collectible so when when i saw that you found them i said oh lucky duck you want to come back here yeah let's see what's going on over here paul is digging some stuff costume stuff okay i'll take any sort of jewelry in there really yeah no any i appreciate that i don't know whether that's a stereo oh yeah some kind of maybe older my imperial or something like that you know i'm guessing it's a tv it could be a tv because there's a there's a couch that you've uncovered you'll be able to open the door there's a there's a couch right here so they might have no it's a oh it's a dresser with some mod stuff in it cool that's kind of neat i don't think it's your size though paul no hold that up paul 60s no 70s 90s no yep why would she be back here put knights what's the label look at the label oh it's got the ladies i can tell but oh so 90s in the because 70s was retro yeah this is this is 90s does 60s okay hard to tell because there is actual 60s stuff down here so yeah this is like walnut or something yeah that's still a nice piece though oh yeah it's really beautiful i wonder if this was like a little make do uh guest area at one point not for me i'm surprised we haven't found firearms in here actually um well actually funny you should say that i found a bunch of bullets so yeah when when you do find them and i'm sure you will just call me paul okay i hear the rattling of money up here mcdonald's i thought i heard a whole bunch of change in here oh because we put it all in there also as well as i get going through the phone before yes i'm putting cool hey you found the tv and there's a wicker uh seating here there's a wicker look at that beautiful footstool oh yeah it is late it looks like you've been to the wicker store [Applause] she likes the wicker store anyway did you try the tv hans no here pull it see if it turns on he even know how to do it i don't really remember are you just pushing all the buttons yeah he is he yeah i don't want to know how old he is he's just literally pushing all the buttons there should be one of them on there but yeah no you're right i don't know there's probably some crazy old remote it's probably one of the bottom ones like it might be um yeah oh there there's someone here there i kind of nothing it might be unplugged so we don't know for sure yeah probably best with all these clothes around that we don't try and light it off it might uh spark up the whole place you guys are making some really good progress though i mean i can actually walk in here without having to climb now this was four feet of stuff and you're now sitting on the floor not on a bunch of things oh i'm gonna get out of your way we're getting rid of some of this other stuff hans is making a trip downstairs and zenovia is going crazy sorting and uh yeah i mean you can kind of see how they had to set up there was the bed the nightstand the little dresser a little place with a coffee pot a tv a wicker seat a little chair it was probably kind of cozy yeah it was it was cozy at one time until it got overstuffed but we're unstuffing it will be unstopped soon enough so hans comes sauntering down the stairs he's found a guitar and it's actually a vintage gibson j45 deluxe not a bad little guitar made in kalamazoo michigan so it's older but there's one problem with it other than the strings being missing it has no head on it but you can put new necks on these things so i'm actually going to save this because somebody might want to restore it there's all sorts of unexpected little treasures around here i am still working like crazy how's she going up there good buddy good yeah how many trips you think you've made so far to the dump well dude i lost count i won't even see one like a yo-yo a yo-yo up and down and up and down yeah yeah well who's holding the string zenovia yeah she always pulls them oh yeah well thank you i have a look-see and see how it looks up there in a bit in the meantime i am still working my way through this room i emptied out that whole bureau and there was not a single key in there which is what i was looking for for that fella so i'll have to keep working my way through the room i guess and see what else i can find but it'll it feels roomier already there's a ton of sheet music i wonder if the organ still works when i clear it out i'll try it out and see if it still pumps and works all kinds of goodies but at least i can actually stand in here what'd you find behind the door paul oh the queen mary are you having uh are you having an asthma attack or those uh that's the ship's whistle i'm just thinking oh he's making ship sounds that really he's like suffocating actually stayed on the queen mary for a night which part well you actually wandered the entire ship so you didn't get to lie down you just had to wander around just wandered around actually i'm not sure where we stay but it was it was in a little dual cabin room it was quite nice did it have uh red bubble clouds floating above it did not but there were some really nice lights across the harbor in long beach that is kind of a cool picture the 1980s throwback to the 1920s art deco kind of movement very neat yeah it's kind of a cool thing hey while you were looking in the basement for stuff i found a giant chunk of silver shaped like a dolphin that wraps around your neck but that's a heavy piece of silver right there isis or uh wonder woman i uh i don't know wonder woman maybe i don't think she had a dolphin around her neck did she she had a golden she had a golden thing but it wasn't uh it wasn't a dolphin maybe aquaman's girlfriend you weren't paying enough attention to those ladies necks it could have been aquaman's girlfriend oh okay had a dolphin well maybe that maybe this is aquaman's uh hideout it could have been a secret could have been he did have a house in edmonton aquaman did yeah landlocked his home away from home in the middle of the prairies well sometimes you just get so sick of all that water not this water again i want to go somewhere dry for the winter oh well i'm hoping to find a little bit more loot down here i'm going to keep digging around hey i found your hat but that's like an actual sombrero it is an actual sunbrella that's not like a cheap foam one that's like a well-made sombrero it is very nice yeah it's beautiful work yeah it's very nicely done actually i'll start your own mariachi band i was planning on starting one without the hat so this will just make it that much better hmm cool find that is very cool here's a cool picture the bc for british columbia bc electric railway company they're all done up in their doodads their finest it's not quite a yard long it's dated august 1938. cool picture look that's the conductor at the front there it's an open-air streetcar i guess is what that is seeing seeing vancouver so i guess that was a sightseeing tour that they used to do it's a neat piece of history i'm gonna put that on the organ so i don't lose it i found this velvet bull fighter with ball there's another little sombrero down there oh you could put a little sombrero on your organ i could i could getting through lots of books and i found this one which will apparently be no good for me because it says it's calculus for the practical man and i'm clearly not a practical person i am i need calculus for the impractical person that's what i need okay the letter k i know what you're thinking these jokes are pretty bad i'll try not to make an s of myself i am spent for the day i'm done for now working through my room this little pile represents a very small fraction of what was in the basement there's enough clothes in here for probably an entire town to have clothes for a month they did make a dent let me go up and see my farewells to hans and zenobia wait a minute who's behind me i'll just come up here to uh to log out and uh to get the uh the lowdown on how this upstairs room's going [Music] not too bad i'd say it's not too bad at all you guys almost have this thing cleared out so do you feel uh like you know this room well now by this point i don't know what that side looks like [Music] well look at the difference between then and now it's a big big difference this was one of the worst rooms in the house i would say at the potter's house it was an upstairs bedroom full of newspapers i want to be weighted down so i could sink to the bottom of the ocean oh is that why you put the lights on though no that's an exercise belt that's like yeah that's you walk around with that it makes you stronger but you don't need that hand hey what's this for you're already been carrying tons of stuff that goes around the kidney belt yeah oh so this goes under like this yeah oh and then i could really get the weight going that's right but instead uh you've just been hauling trash for me which probably is more exercise than wearing that thing well that is probably true so that's it for today a lot of work has been done we're gonna be back at it tomorrow some really good finds and uh every day i say oh maybe we'll find some more stuff but we haven't even done the basement and there's a garage too and an attic oh this show ain't over yet folks stay tuned for more don't forget to subscribe because you won't want to miss the next couple episodes and uh we'll see y'all soon bye for now you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 405,534
Rating: 4.9593687 out of 5
Keywords: Curiosity inc, Antiwues, Antiques, American pickers, Pawn stars, Oak island, Treasure hunting, Buried treasure, Gold, Silver, Jewellery, Cash, Curiosity, Alex archbold, Archival, Discovery channel, Tlc, Lifetime, Hoarders, Buried alive, Hoarding, Hoarder clean out
Id: 5SZ0WEuRpw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 53sec (2753 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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