Scrapyard Mansion, exploring a 100 year old mansion full of antiques

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today I'm following a lead the legend of old George has got an old Victorian mansion which is packed full of antiques we're gonna go check it out and see we can find so this place says he has antiques and collectibles and stuff it looks like he does a lot of scrapping but I saw some old gas station signs we were coming in so we're gonna go up to the door pass all this this might take some digging we're gonna check it out sometimes you got to look in the scrap piles to like stuff like this there's actually still kind of a marketable item the old diamond diet in there might be old oil cans and stuff like that so he said he's got his own Street here called George Street that's his name George and he's got all these buildings full of stuff he's built kind of like a little museum let's call it with all kinds of stuff he's acquired over the years honestly this is one of those sorts of places so dad you might want to stay right where you are because this is pretty darn packed well who knows what's underneath all this stuff I mean I'll tell you one thing he definitely is making good use of his square footage let's see what's behind this door here okay oh okay well this is kind of interesting he's got it done up like a a saloon and a barbershop in here if you wouldn't think it from the out clearly you saw the outside of the building you wouldn't think that he's actually got to kind of set up where you can walk around in here but it's actually kind of kind of cool I'm gonna get up high so I can get it shot looking down this way there's my dad a little pedal cars and stuff so okay but well you're looking at the stove I'm looking at the pedal car inside their showcase there okay and it's cold and here right now I can't imagine how cold this gets in winter yeah all those brushes and razors the old looks like a little token style barber chair okay there's a door number oh yeah look at this guy's Orange Crush signs black cat some of these are faded out the porcelain ones obviously a little bit better shape the question is would you sell something let's see if this is a bevador here yeah door number two it's a visible gas pump sitting right there and oh yeah it's packed full of stuff look there's signs there's okay the stuff you got the door they did ice-cream stool oh yeah there's a whole pathway down here let's see more rooms packed with stuff I mean this little barbershop was set up kind of cool it looks like he has sort of random storage rooms let's see welcome to my dream it says oh jeez there's a whole pathway with villages and stuff down here this is definitely one of the most quirky places I've been let's go this way dad towards that what looks like a general store down here are you okay you okay walking down all this just watch your step there's clearly there's stuff everywhere so he's built himself his little town and who knows what the plan was for some of these buildings I'm sure he had thoughts to do something kind of different I mean it's certainly unique but I'm looking at what he's got down here which is the general merchant store here look at all the signs on the outside stage firend old George's hidden village antique shop and museum the sweet cap signs cool red rose tea push bar now let's see what happens oh yeah the door opens up and yeah he has this done up like a general store there's no lights in here but yeah every oh there we go some lights just turned on I guess it's motion sensitive so he's got all these old tins and packages and tried to do it off just like a little miniature general store it's only a tiny bit creepy so I'm gonna step outside I know that I like this one my dad's pointing out the sweet copper all sign I've got one of those in my shop but she's in bad shape that one's in pretty good shape but that what I have to find his stuff like that he doesn't have hanging up because I can just about bet that this stuff that's hanging up his stuff he won't want to sell there's more old smoking tins he's got everything kind of motion activated and all I can tell you folks is it's kind of surreal this is his old hardware store so let's see what he's done with the hardware store here and his house which is right by the highway there and you saw kind of all the clutter in front of it is actually a big old mansion and I'm sure was probably spectacular when it was brand new he's got GM antifreeze can white rose bowtie be a another white rose can you guys probably don't if you're in the States watching you don't see white rose down there that's specific to Canada and even up here it's pretty rare I mean we just don't see the white rose cans that often look at this little buildings full of stuff some of these are obviously but a little bit better laid out than others okay here's another door can only guess what's in here and it's opened is it light activated no it looks like okay looks like he's starting to work on this one he's getting the lights ready for it I'm gonna come back around this way yeah is the saloon he's got set up here let's try the door and see what he did with it yeah boys he alcohol bottles oh yeah yeah the lights automatically come on little organ I wonder if somebody donated the organ to him I guess that would make them an organ donor yack yack and always gonna make sure you close everything up just the way you found it what's this building here just storage it looks like future something there's another one here she said no one this was all this off the highway this one's open - oh I see he's got it all set up with oddities and antiques and stuff it's sort of an Asian theme going on in here danger powder and dynamite well that's gonna be fun we'll go check that out in a minute it looks like you know some old clothing and stuff going on in there I know what the banner says there's an old banner rolled up there yeah at the door dad T ay and hmm when we go through a stuffing and roll up and probably off an old store it's got wire cable running through it so it's meant to be outdoors so we blow around in the wind need a pair of shoes dad ha ha okay we're gonna try and see what's inside the dynamite building here open the door the right way and yeah okay he's got lots of old wooden ammunition crates this is like all cil dynamite boxes in here not a very big space close that back up what's in the sheriff's office dead yeah you don't let me peek through the window some guy with a big nose Oh wanted good women must so cook skin got clean shovel horse stalls must have horse and saddle please send photo of saddle and horse hmm I guess they had different standards for pickup lines back in the old days okay we'll check out this last building then we'll go back to the house and this is just done up like a little house the bad and the stove and hordes okay well we're gonna walk back up to George's actual house which is a old mansion and we'll leave his town here I'll ask him about some of the signs he's got strung up on the walls around here must have taken a guy a long time I mean this doesn't just happen overnight I don't know why he's got just mountains of old pop bottles here if you ever decided to catch those any things in he'd probably have a nuff and money to do some a little bit of renovations around here you look look at this bottles everywhere so this is a place behind me where to go in a big old brick mansion there and who knows I mean we've seen some of the stuff that's outside let's go see what's inside ok George you got to tell me how long you've been collecting for it oh yeah and so you say you say you sell the odd thing here and there well I mean these eyes all your old signs are really cool yeah sure there must not have been an auction or antique sale you didn't hit up in the last 20 30 years where's that oh all the old like the axe heads and stones and yeah it looks like he's got quite a few that old pistol big a little moose head hanging on the wall the ceilings in here must be what 12 feet tall yeah [Music] yeah I saw the Buffalo head you've still even got old Orange Crush bottles still with the Orange Crush inside of it yeah bunch of old top hats and you know what looks like a leather racing helmet the red one yep that's the beautiful big little house and the gentleman that built it his name was Benjamin Limoge okay came to Whitewood in 1882 homesteaded ended up having three thousand four hundred and some-odd acres land around here oh no I mean that he had a stored outside of the railroad track though it's called bobbled restore now if you go into there sir yeah yeah I'm pop if you go in there - a little is that a wood rim bicycle wheel yeah I just got that all the woodwork is original never Wow it's in perfect shape yeah so the gentleman came here at 1882 in 1884 the homestead decoration said he was gonna put his wife in a shanty and do the defrost he built a house and the 17 rooms here is 1885 section of the house seven how many rooms is original 17 rooms yeah they're on this side okay and then there's three more on the other side it was added on for his daughter who married a French count and and then like say so anyway in 1891 the Canadian census showed that he had a hundred head of horses no idea how to come up with anyone for $20,000 and and any state into the 1920s and then pages out of 55 years your honor said it for seven years and now I've had 32 years I could drink a good small 1219 and start collecting jars so and I kid you not there is cool stuff everywhere every square inch there is something need like well you got lots now continental well that's an oldie and I guess and this is one that's probably not for sale yeah well continental is really early like that's probably t's regal yeah yeah have you guys a little Mark's bulldozer sitting over there I got one of those of the shop yeah not all the old gramophones and so you turned down $600 for this can here yeah Wow so what do you sell it for oh I don't know I hadn't planned yet you know but a guy give me an offer and I thought it was a very nice offer and I told him it was but unfortunately it wasn't for sale and in fact nothing in here was for sale which explains why there's so much quantity because he buys a lot and doesn't sell anything so it's an amazing place to visit a really cool stop and someday if he decides to let some stuff go there's gonna be some real treasures in here crazy big house big property and as we're leaving he walks up to the door he says oh yeah look at this I've got this and it's a porcelain motorcycle license plate from about 1912 it's really rare that just there weren't a lot of motorcycles around at that time especially out here but it wasn't for sale so they drive me crazy I couldn't buy had anything but you know maybe the Dale come where you know the county asked him to clean up and I give a few my business cards so maybe down the road I can come back he had good stuff you know you gotta dig through places like that but he had really good stuff but we'll have a stop though George was an amazingly friendly person and really orbit welcoming levius in his house his home 20 years ago was a stunning property that now the clankings just gotten away from them and hopefully he'll start to sell some stuff off of where the house deteriorates more if you like our channel subscribe don't forget to do that you can also check us out online at curiosity admitted dog CA we're also on facebook and instagram at curiosity inc yeg thanks for watching and stay tuned for more adventures and more videos coming soon bye for now [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 589,822
Rating: 4.8999667 out of 5
Keywords: scrapyard, junkyard, hoarders, collecting, hoard, treasure, adventure, explore, exploration, curiosity inc, curiosity incorporated, antiques, antiquing
Id: kdmTkojQCXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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