40 years packed up! what's inside these time capsule boxes?!?

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I followed my dreams and open an antique store to have adventures and spend time as a family sometimes you have to climb a mountain and open some new doors to find the treasures inside this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc good morning guys so it's a beautiful day out today nice and sunny summer feels like it's finally here no more snow on the ground and out pickin this morning so so far got a few things that I got to take back a little remote-control car for my kids but there's something really interesting in my car which is gonna take some doing to unload so here's a hint here's the back end of it and this is surprisingly not the stupidest thing I've put inside of my vehicle before and you can kind of see the front end so this is a probably 1940s kids carnival ride airplane that would've hung by a chain it's really really cool once I get this all take it onto the back here and set up you'll see just how neat it is to look help look how packed my car is already and it's only 10:00 in the morning and this is technically my day off but there is just enough room for me to fit in the car I don't have room to really put much else in here until I get this big bad boy out of here but yeah the old ambulance I couldn't bring it today because it's in the shop finally getting the exhaust fixed on it so that's normally the big vehicle I bring in this thing would I had no problem fitting in there but in a little Chevy HHR this thing has gotta be like five six feet long it is a tight fit so you gotta get this thing out of here so that I can least have a little bit of elbow room and breathe in here but it's neat and you can't leave neat stuff behind but before I head back to the shop my friend Kelly and I and Kelly Kat fit in the car so he's actually driving behind me we're gonna go to a burger place called Jack's burger shack they have some pretty crazy creations for their milkshakes yeah I think you got pretty much anything in there like if you want Captain Crunch or peanut butter or whatever mix it they'll pretty much do whatever you need so we're gonna go there for a burger great burger place maybe stop into some friends that just open up a cupcake shop next door and then head to the shop an awful this stuff so another busy day but I gotta have some fun mixing [Music] okay so Kelly here has never had poutine before in his entire life right today's gonna be the day this is the day okay and so if you don't know what poutine is it's french fries and cheese curd and gravy and it's really horrible for you but it's really delicious and I'm surprised he's never had it but he's a healthier and better man than I am yeah this is the moment of joy here so for all those people watching home this is poutine it's a hand-cut french fries cheese curd and gravy like I said delicious but horrible for you so Kelly's you even try and gives us opinion of what he thinks of it and of course he said the obvious who couldn't like french fries with gravy and cheese it's all the things your body thinks it needs but are actually bad for you so I guess Kelly would go back for more whether his body thinks it should have more of that stuff that's another question almost got this thing out it's crazy that this actually fit inside the car I'm gonna get it out get it set up and show you guys what it looks like okay so this is it this little airplane in fact it's actually not so little it is about six feet long and sat two children would have hung from swing ride maybe at a carousel or amusement park and the carnie would have stood there and probably wound something up and the kids would have spun around and had a great time this is a pretty unique item it's all aluminum it has two separate compartments looks to me like it was built in the 1940s or so probably just after the war maybe 40s or 50s but really really neat thing and it's so big I can't even fit both wings on it in the shop because it does take up way too much space so I'm gonna have to put the wings on separately but very very neat find so far today I still have a couple more places to go so with any luck that car is gonna be full again this afternoon with some more fines and more treasures but this is a pretty neat find all on its own don't you think [Music] I just finished my second stop of the day and actually my final stop of the day and this is why you don't turn down a potential lead I was told they might have some dishes and maybe a couple little toys here and there so I went over there with kind of low expectations what I found was yes dishes which I don't really buy but I found a giant trunk full of antique toys we packed up a bunch of them in the back I didn't even go through all of them so we're gonna do a little unboxing when I get home and from what I could tell looking in the lair is there's some really interesting stuff in there so I'm pretty excited to go through it and to show you guys what I got this afternoon so let's go check it out so here is the mountain of stuff which I have on my living room table right now and this is kind of what I saw when I was looking at the toys you can tell it's got the right kind of age to this lot plastic figures that actually might be Roy Rogers hard to say some little dinky toys so we're gonna go through this stuff box by box and I didn't even peek at all in this trunk I kind of like to leave going through some of these surprise things for you guys on camera so we're gonna go through that on camera who knows maybe it's disappointing maybe it's the guys old laundry you never know I bought it mainly because it was a needle trunk with a lot of old airline stickers on it we'll go through it together and see what there is so let's get started okay here it was box number one so I can tell this flag this Union Jack is an old one it's made in Canada but it's a linen material it's not nylon the newer ones are all nylon this gentleman's dad was in World War two and of course during that time Canada would have flown the Union Jack so this might have been something that he brought back from the war and it's an overall pretty good shape actually it's not too bad at all it's not really ripped or torn so somebody will find that interesting I know I do okay this is one thing that I thought was pretty cool it's give a show projector and it's got a Yogi Bear basically all the hanna-barbera characters on it and of course because it's advertised and has all the cartoon characters these gonna be pretty collectible I didn't actually look inside but oh yeah yeah there everything is there there's a projector the inner liners and then what you do is you would project these little shows that looks like Augie doggie an doggy daddy if anybody remembers that show Flintstones all kinds of stuff so yeah lots of little mini cartoons in there that's a pretty cool little thing already and we have even gone into the box yet a little plastic swords these aren't overly valuable you know there would have been maybe part of a costume for Halloween a battery-operated guy in here with him so this would have been Japan 1950s little guy with the shovel and looks like he smokes a pipe so a little tin battery-operated bear looks like maybe he dug a ditch or something with his shovel and in the other hand he smoked a pipe because smoking was not seen as being bad influence for kids to see this stuff I guess it's not really great for bears to smoke either but it's probably not also great for bears to wear bow ties this guy has his original little tin hat which I'm sure would have been pinned on there at some point but yeah he's pretty much there his other ear is there too it's just kind of folded down in case you're wondering it's there so condition is pretty good on this guy pretty neat little item to try putting some batteries in see if he still works so this says Matilda Zimmer January 16th 1917 looks like it's a sack and it is a sack it looks like she made it whoever this was a hundred years ago for laundry so this would have been crushed snip cross stitching they used to do samplers and things and date them this is a little laundry bag and very nicely done thing is 100 years old and probably still very usable but that's an interesting little work on there we set that aside and what else do we have here a couple of belt buckles this is pretty heavy so there's a few belt buckles probably he looks like he was a bus driver so there's some bus driver belt buckles and that'll take a diversified bus yeah the red and silver red and white you guys do collect belt buckles so those are kind of interesting ones whenever they have a vehicle on them see it's a little Kodak camera in the box little brownies are somewhat collect well it's nice to get it with the box not an overly valuable thing there's another camera here too that's the bottom of that box so another little camera so probably the best thing out of there I would say would be the out of that first box was the little laundry bag hundred-year-old laundry bag the flag and the little tin bear smoking bear they're all pretty cool so onto box number two and I can already tell that this box has some toys in it this is an early struct oh and if I'm not mistaken and one of the other boxes over here in fact right here I believe that's the trailer for us check the tires destructive yeah okay so this is a logging truck and that would explain why I've gotten these little Timbers here I'm just gonna dig around and see how many more of these I have after actually in the other box not the one I was gonna look through but there were a couple more Timbers so there's at least a few more so I got a nice little logging truck right off the bat that's a nice piece set that off to the side and we'll go through the rest of the box okay it's a dinky toy and big wheel off of a trying maybe that's in here somewhere - let's have a look through so little box in box camper nice little tin camper actually it looks like it opens up - I would have had moves in decoration on the inside of it or maybe you would have put things in it kind of cute little plastic truck and that looks like the matching trailer for it right there it's always nice to kind of get the matching bits and pieces to go together dinky toy Oh take a Hudson yeah a Hudson sedan so I can hunson Hornet not bad shape and it's like dinky toy fire truck this is like the Corgi ice cream truck Smith's carrier van but yeah there's a little ice cream Mister Softee truck with the guy still in it that's pretty cool oh you know what this has a tow hitch on the back this little tin car like that is for that trailer right there there we go see there's a nice little set I'll tune 1950s you had a little army truck missing tires but I actually have tires for these at the store I keep them around just for that occasion where I come across something that's missing its tires matchbox all kinds of stuff and some coins we're just gonna take these up see what's in here see what's inside it's a nice little box actually what's this this is a token no 1869 five concers am maybe it's Dutch it's a world coin maybe somebody watching those that is I'll find out by the end of the video I'll do a research on it so a Dutch coin on old Canadian penny 1909 see another old could be a Dutch coin with some world points and Canadian coins I guess depend upon where you guys are our coins are probably world coins to you wins let's see well there's a big one in here it's like a silver dollar United States of America one dollar what year is this from 1894 actually yeah this is in pretty good shape there's lots of detail still on the hair I'm gonna have to be careful with this one and look it up that might have some good value to it in 1894 u.s. silver dollar that's a pretty cool find gonna set that gently down I wonder if there's anything else in here too some other little silver pieces some silver dimes Canadian these are over a hundred years old so wow I just thought this was gonna all be toys in here there's actually all kinds of stuff another silver dollar let's see no more of this European currency I would have to figure out what that is and then a little holder this has something in it to see what this is oh this is a this is a war medal or sellout metal celebrating King George his coronation but that would have been a pin yeah I don't think it's warm at all it's probably just a coronation medal for the crowning of King George in 1937 that was in the little holder so and there's other stuff in here too I'm gonna have to go through everything and see what else is in here you can see there's lots of other coins rattling around more old pennies so getting a little selection of coins I'll really have to check out that US dollar though some more Matchbox cars yeah we're gonna get this unpacked here and really see what's in here oh is a little funny little guy let's see what that is that's cool it's like a hotrod farmer huh like a bobblehead farmer look at that engine pistons to go up and down and says John's farm has little chickens in the back and this head would have just bobbled all around this is definitely I'm gonna say 50s I guarantee to say made in Japan yet made in Japan you can tell that the weight and the quality of the authentic Japanese stuff is just much better than the stuff that was made in China later that's in remarkably good condition - really really nice size of that there's more and more toys this is a budgie english-made it's missing one wheel that it might be in the bottom of the box so this little budgie bus a nice shape little box and the box itself is kind of interesting that's probably pretty old chocolate box but it's full of old pennants and some pennants can be fairly collectible it oh the France SS ill defrost maybe that's off the ship yeah that's nice there's a couple of them in here so sometimes that people go on steam ships you get little pennants and things as souvenirs so that's actually kind of cool so there's a whole whole little box full of Penance just will have to go through another little budgie toy from the looks of things the lowboy nice to put a caterpillar on there something that guy there - now this looks like an old world war two end of World War two if it's 1945 this is a military cap he did say his dad was in the military in World War two Canadian infantry course pacer it's got the badge on it everything it's a nice little break pretty neat and this looks like a really old kids there's two of them in here kids Halloween costumes now of course kids aren't really all that fond of clowns nowadays but this is probably a 1940s or 50s kids Halloween costume and I got two of these see that looks like it's just a clown face you can kind of see it there and the other one is it says Peter Rabbit Peter avatar's so little old kids costumes - and we're down to the bottom of box number two let's just reach in and have a look and see what's in here it's empty oops other than one little pin it says general service this I'm guessing is related to the Dad's service in World War two and there's a little bit more detail on the back here so it looks like that might be finding some military stuff in here too so far some really interesting stuff now we're on to box number three to see what's in there so this is the third box and I can tell this is probably the if the fellow was in the military that was his buried this is obviously his jacket that he would have worn and no medals or anything attached to it but does have all its patches and buttons so Second World War army jacket in overall pretty good condition nice it has all the patches intact oh it's another nice neat piece to set aside and match it up with the Bri again and this looks like it's mainly books but we're looking at those in a sack see what's in here the little stuff okay so that's the type of bus the fellows must've driven these are other's business cards or so that's yeah that's what a 1960s looking bus diversified sixties or seventies and look like guys he worked you got these little badges that look just like a bus there's a whole bunch of them in here nice little pins eight years nine years accident free so yeah there's a whole bunch pretty neat I'll set that aside for now we'll have a look at some of these books and see what there are I know there are some people who do collect little golden books and these little elf books so some of these are kind of generic what I'm looking forward to see if there's any that have TV shows attached to it you know things like westerns or well there's Lassie so I mean that was a TV show and yeah so this is good this is you know Howdy Doody that's you know right out of the 50s or a popular series Rory Rogers so you kind of get a sense of the age but this kid would have been and he was growing up and the rest of these are all I'll kind of flip through them here these are little golden books and some of these can actually be fairly collectible so I will take my time and go through and see if any of these are any better than others I know there are lots of collectors for little golden books out there lone Ranger's that's kind of a neat one and leave to beaver a really popular TV show so the usually the ones that have a TV show attached to it are worth a little bit more sharks at school the old trucks on there so a whole bunch of old little golden books so nice little inventory I have a book shop at the store so these will go in there nicely on to box number four and this one looks pretty promising I can see toys already I'm getting excited Janene Freightways tin truck I don't know if I have the cab for it but I do have I believe this complete unit at the shop right now so if if I'm missing parts off of mine I maybe I can use that with the one I have a couple little promotional airplanes Canadian and Ward air of course Ward isn't around anymore but those would have been promo and actually the rest of this box was just binoculars so it is exactly what it says it is on the outside of the box they are binoculars so yeah they're not terribly terribly old yeah the one in the case probably is got a bit of age to it but there's always somebody looking for binoculars so good things to have around and speaking of war terror here's a word airbag these would have been a little travel bags you carry on plane and doesn't look like there's really anything inside of it that's okay always good to check make sure the pockets are empty but it's a neat thing there are people who collect these and do use them as sort of retro carry bags so that's pretty good I set that up there a big giant pig Bank and okay there's some looks like some pocket knives I'll put those up for now ten a little knife [Music] okay peez I don't few guys remember these I know what this is you might not know it well actually you probably will know what this is if you are somewhat familiar these are jell-o coin wheels I think is it upside down upside down see if I can get one out and show you these are the the car collection so you get these in your jello and you send away and get this little container and you fill it and try and get the whole thing full so I don't know how much of the set I have there I think this would actually be full write-up if it was a whole set fit nice to get it with the case and you can see there's lots of gel on coins in there and those are fairly collectible see this box has a little bit more promise there's a little cap gun made by Mattel the fanner 50 and this isn't a super fancy one because it doesn't have a rotating barrel but it's still a good size cap gun and it's got a holster to set on the counter so it's got a nice little holster that goes with it and now this looks kind of exciting this okay there's a couple tin toys in here but I'm a motorcycle guy so anytime I see a vintage motorcycle toy I get a little bit worked up because there weren't as many motorcycle toys out there's other things and this is huge and it's quite the gym at home it says on it so the Space Age thing it's got the rider and this looks like the style now they did make one of these that actually stopped and started and the guy would get off and on the bike and it is old made in Japan modern toys so I'd say you know by 1950s on that stunning condition I'm pretty darn happy to find that piece that's a great piece that actually wasn't the only toy in here there's an army jeep it still has the windshield and all the drivers radio Jeep and the tires on the back so another nice early toy friction police car and the nice thing about this let's see if it has all its hubcaps it does this is in premium shake windshield isn't crack the paint is good that's about a 58 Lincoln or so and notice because I used to own one of those cars made a convertible version at one point yeah two more please start not super practical for a police car cuz you'd have the awkward moment of putting the thief behind you and having a flip your seat for it but as a toy it's pretty nifty and in really really good condition another great fun little kids western belt that was probably part of the big gun set there Wayne Hartley bag of marbles now you don't want to discount marbles because actually some of the old ones can be worth some money so you kind of have to you kind of have to go through and see what the ages of these guys and there's ways to see if there's you know something for passed down the hand-blown or earlier it's gonna take some doing but I'll have to go through and see if there's any collectible one small baseball softball and harmonica swing band harmonica maybe bowling and yeah it's in there a little harmonica the best things in that box the best fines in that box were definitely the tin toys and especially that motorcycle that's a killer piece and to me this looks like a really old glass baby bottle and the C stork you know Rexall drugstore is so lonely at Rexall drugstores so I wonder if the tops in here there's all kinds of stuff wrapped up some people keep things over there kids another little bottle Pyrex baby wall so these must be all old baby bottles which I'm sure there are collectors for it I didn't intentionally buy them but they're kind of neat I'm sure they'd be somebody who's interested when I was trying to get an age on when these toys were collected and I can see this hall in little Dutch clumping little Dutch shoe is from 1945 they probably made a trip over there which would explain some of the Dutch money that I have boy that works now I figure that out so I bet a lot of this other something there's gonna be similar vintage and a little creepy if that doesn't give a kid nightmares I don't know what would they didn't make it look too friendly this might have been something that was one of the fair it's kind of a felt body little clown with a plasticy sort of head not super great quality that's probably like I said this would have been something a carnival or one isn't there anything another mini version of the piggy bank well okay I guess there must be a left and right maybe there were baby Dutch shoes little clump ins wrapped up well that's neat his nose is a little bit broken but just a little just a little decorative statue of indigenous chief I'll have to do a little nose repair to him I guess but makes you wonder how long this stuff was wrapped up for - this feels again like it's another maybe pottery or something see little sailor boy this might be chalk where is what they call it it's just so really I mean it's really easy to chip but it was popular is a nice inexpensive decor piece back in the day and a couple other little things left in here and plaster just little plaster ornaments maybe so yeah they had some ornaments and things nothing too crazy expensive out of this box but that's okay because the rest of this stuff has been pretty stellar all along and this is truly a mystery suitcase he didn't have the key for it so I'm gonna have to see if I can pop it open it's a little bag with a bunch of old early stickers I thought well even a very worst-case scenario it's an interesting looking the suitcase he hasn't opened this thing in years and cannot remember what's in it so we're gonna see we can pop these locks open and look inside so my wife's actually came over to see what's happening here she says what's it what if there's a human head inside it is about the right size a case my wife's gonna do the camera work so I can see well there's an empty box that used to have a camera inside let's see a brand-new sealed never opened hawaiian paradise cassette tape that's not gonna pay the bills die wah mini casts well this looks interesting okay well it's a little looks like a tiny little fishing rod that's kind of cool and da wall is actually not a bad brand either so a little fishing rod in there that's something check your set drive it in there while two little chocolate box shoe buffers this might not be as exciting of a box as we were hoping for okay well there's Pacific Western Airlines brochure for their travel service british caledonian so maybe this was taken on a trip at some point is a case and the little touristy sort of statue of a guy from British Columbia he's a gold panner so there's this little gold he's had a successful day this little guy so that's a little tourist piece it's kind of cool yeah it looks like just a lot of paperwork but you never know and there's one really crazy good thing at the bottom one of these boxes and there are some loose change in here trying to get an idea about how long the suitcase has been packed up for let's see what year these coins from 1969 and 1974 so I'd say probably somewhere in the mid 70s this case got packed up let's see oh it's a little microphone if they're recording videos and lots of travel information from them rent-a-car so this was probably packed away after they went on on a holiday and never got open again since so sometimes paperwork can be worth some money if it's interesting if it's got you know good advertising in it but in general a lot of this stuff isn't gonna be all that precious and what's this big brochure metropolitan Toronto past and present tour packages hotel in reservation package so yeah just a lot of travel stuff I guess that's what you expect to find in a suitcase so nothing too crazy in the suitcase except maybe the suitcase itself and there was a little fishing reel so you know sometimes you take a mystery and you open it up with a something cool inside I mean Dee's last week I bought a mystery box and there was a flintlock pistol so I'm not that's not gonna happen every day but there was some really great stuff in this find like the vintage motorcycle the tin toys some of the dinky toys actually a lot of the tin stuff was really good quality in really good condition and I think that one Tim motorcycle will basically pay for what I paid for everything so some really good finds thanks again for watching and don't forget to hit that subscribe button you can check us out online at curiosity Edmonton dot CA we're on Instagram and Facebook as well thanks again guys and we'll see you guys soon bye for now you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 497,217
Rating: 4.8375101 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, curiosity incorporated, curiosity inc, unboxing, unpacking, treasure, storage locker, storage wars, antiques, look what we found, amazing find, time capsule, american pickers, full episodes, pawn stars, discovery channel, alex archbold, poutine, history channel, toys, antique toys, vintage toys, pop culture
Id: wBqQOKQlUl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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