Did Starrk DESERVE to be the PRIMERA ESPADA? | Bleach Discussion

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of all the enemy factions in Bleach there can be no doubt that the Espada are both the most famous and the most popular presiding over the longest story art in a series and being the primary enemies of the most popular part of bleach bleaches apex of popularity was actually down to the Espada characters like all Yura and Grimmjow are absolutely synonymous with the series and it was even reported that these characters cause their Ankara to be longer than it was originally going to be because they resonated so well with audiences however since the end of that arc and indeed the end of the series a lot of debate has raged over the Espada in general were they as threatening as they could have been how effective were as villains and then there has been lots of debates actually focused on individual members of aizen's top ten one such debate that I want to look at in today's video is whether or not the first spark IOT stark was actually deserving of his rank it's by no means of sleight against the character in fact just some kind of clarification Stark is actually probably my favorite of the tennis baddha but a lot of people have taken it upon themselves to question whether or not he really deserved that title based on a number of things his fight with cure our COO and the abilities of the Espada who kind of came around him as well in terms of their ranks before we begin however guys I'm literally less than 10 subs away from 900 subscribers at the time of recording this video so be one of those 10 to help me get to that number and let's keep pushing those milestones until we reach a thousand and that just be absolutely fantastic where to begin then on the topic of stark and whether or not he deserved to be the premiere at Espada I think you have to begin with the character himself and start is a very weird characters who kind of talk about because he's very very original in the bleach universe for a villain and a villain of his stature certainly he's actually considerably not very antagonistic all the characters in Bleach stark stands alone as being one of the only counts in this series to actively not care about the event that he's partaking in my design stock is quite an understated character despite his position as the first Espada he's definitely supposed to come across as a bit of an underdog especially when compared to characters like beragon who had definitely supposed to be the all-powerful ruler of the Espada you're supposed to think that Barragan is going to be the number one that's why when it turns out that Stark is it's supposed to subvert your expectations as to what makes a powerful character within this army and even if his design is quite beat that doesn't make you any less awesome I think Stark has probably one of the cooler designs in the series and the fact that it's quite simple and plain I say that in a good way is actually really effective in many respects however I see starkest The Forgotten Espada despite his position is number one he really does not show up a lot in this story and his fights don't actually take that long either not only that he doesn't get a volume cover and he also is one of the only Espada it's only him and Aaron iro that don't face a single bank I in the story this is just one of a few reasons why people think that stark maybe didn't deserve his position at the top when compared to a spider like beragon and ulquiorra who have very flashy attacks very flashy looking abilities Stark definitely comes across as again a bit downplayed we've seen Saros plenty of times before in the series and sure it's really cool that stocking wield them in ways that other characters can't and yeah having a couple of guns is pretty badass when you compare it to a skeleton with a crown who can rock people to the bone it's definitely hard to kind of justify stark being that number one spot while Barragan is number two now obviously a lot of people have argued the fact that beragon is actually meant to be number one and is only number two because Aizen put in there to insult him I can see that and I completely understand that but I feel that point of view is not doing stark as a character and the fighter justice so despite his relatively short amount of panel time and his abilities being perhaps slightly less immediately impressive than say number two and number four I want to argue now why I think stark actually does deserve his position at the top of the Espada's ranks despite maybe not being the most memorable character or having the most memorable fights so the main cannon reason we have to go off the ranking of the Espada is they are ranked by Reyat soo and that's why we get the frankly rubbish twist about yeah me being 0 but if we focus on stark it's very clear that he has an abnormally large amount of rare compared to almost every almost every other character in the series I would say unlike every single other Arrancar and that goes for Yami as well Starks zanpakuto is not his power his power split into an entirely second person that's how much strength he has whether or not it was stark or lilin at first lean that implies that it was her who is the original body it doesn't really matter what matters is that in then final form she is his zanpakuto she is the source of his power and no other irenka has that every other irenka was able to turn their rat soo into a blade and of course we know from bleach law in general that the size of a zanpakuto is relative to one's reiatsu going off of that then stomach has made manage to condense his rat soo into as smaller form as it can be and that's literally a human child not only that but even when the two of them are split up as we get to see in their flashback just being around regular hollows is enough to kill them all their their answer is clear absolutely crushing for any kala hollow that's not particularly powerful and we know for a fact as well that this doesn't extend to other characters beragon is seen in a court full of hollows and none of them are getting killed moving on to Starks battles however I feel this is where the real meat of this argument comes in as I mentioned earlier in the video start he's pretty much the only character in the situation doesn't care about the fight that he's a part of we know Stark is very lazy he's very apathetic I doesn't really have any ill-will towards the Shinigami other than he wants to serve Aizen but for pretty much the longest time in this fight Stark is very clearly not trying he says so himself and despite the fact that Kuro he was obviously trying to kill him at point stock does never really retaliate same kind this is incredibly unusual for a bleach fight and a bleach villain especially a top-tier bleach villain as well and it's actually really interesting to see what's important here is to consider the caliber of opponent that Stark is up against and how the fight plays out before we do that though I just want to shift gears and jump over to beragon now unlike Stark beragon is all about the flash this guy is opulent he is powerful and he knows it as well that's the difference is that he wants people to know that he is strong when beragon activates his release from arrogant a we get a really really badass moment where he manages to take SOI fons arm it is scary it's one of those moments that really stays with you as a reader you're like this guy should not be trifled with the difference is however unlike Stark beragon is not consistent beragon spike goes downhill from there on out that is the best part of that fight no questions asked start kind of emerges maintain a level of consistent ass-whupping and again that's something I'll get into in a minute so beragon while impresses on a surface level at least and definitely having a cool and creative ability that does strike fear into his opponents is not on the same level as stark for a number of reasons firstly Stark has a personality that is just not seen in the Arang cars he's cool he's calm he's collected but he's also incredibly intelligent and observant on a level that we just don't see in the series he's able to observe the fact that shin-soo is actually ambidextrous and can use both of his hands and therefore is clearly a dual wield that the smarter partitions who is trying to hide that as best as he can he's also able to discern exactly autoboot a case so you know kata where he does after seeing it literally three times in action you see when it comes down to a fight it's not just about the flashiness it's about how well a character can compose themselves and hold themselves in a fight and that will carry them through to the end and Stark is able to do that incredibly well he is pretty much never rattled despite being played at four laughs a bit more than beragon is because Barragan is an all serious character Stark is deadly because of that there you know there is real power hiding beneath that kind of almost doofy facade he's not really in her ahora slash asking character but he is in that vein of characters who you know are incredibly powerful and not really putting on their best face so in the manga Stark is obviously facing off against Sakura who we know for a fact is one of the most powerful captains in the entire gotei 13 in fact he's the future Captain Commander and here's something I really want to point out from the start of this fight all the way until love and Rose turn up Stark does not take a single hit he doesn't get hit once and that is crazy especially when he's going up against both ukitake and cure aku in his resurrection Stark is able to keep a level head and assess the situation all while dodging every single attack both of these guys throw him and we know for a fact that cure aku fights dirty and still Stark is pretty much dodging everything so Stark's ability to control the battlefield with its arrows and still simultaneously dodge everything these two kept these two very high nevel cats in class characters can throw at him is already very impressive but it doesn't stop there after cure are Kondo Kentucky are taken out of the fight Stark then comes up against love and rose and if we just take a look at the suite of other fights going on at the moment he clearly has the toughest fighters around hatch she joins berrigan's fight and by no means a pushover but he is still technically a lieutenant class character even if it is the Kido corpse and meanwhile Harry Bell gets both Lisa and Hiyori again - technically vice captain level characters you join hitsugaya who certainly at this point in the series is not the most powerful captain meanwhile love and Rose the two characters to face off gets stuck to Captain level characters who also have hollow Master hours and they both use them in this fight and I just want to stress again stark literally is toying with them the entire time he's not even toying with them you'd have to care about the fight to toy with them he's just fighting and it's and nothing is really happening to him Stark's emotional side comes out and he does get rattled by berrigan's death and at that point he takes a hit from love's cudgel but it does absolutely nothing like Stark lands on the floor and it's played up for laughs he takes a full wallop of love shikai and it basically does nothing to him and after that you all know where the fight go stark finally turns up the heat and becomes quite impressive even though I still don't think he fully invested in the fight at this point but we do finally get to see his piece there is distance and he summons his army of spirit wolves and I think this is the moment where he really shines and again I think it's completely understated these wolves totally decimate love and rose with ease and bear in mind stark doesn't even move from his spot you have to remember the beragon we're gonna use Mara grim because he is the closest example to start he is the number two Espada he is freaking out in his battle like the moment he takes even a hit he is losing his mind and I think it's his personality as much as anything that holds him back but stark just remains completely in control the entire time his wolves are just tearing love and Rose apart even with their hollow masks on both of the Marin shikai both of them are counting past characters and stark just watches but I know what you're thinking stark never fights a bank I and in fact killed by a sheik I and yeah that does sound really bad the first Espada in aizen's army killed by a sheik I that is not impressive however if we take everything into account bear in mind stock was winning this fight with ease he was in control of the entire battle from start to finish didn't take a single hit even going from Kuryakyn oka taki to love and rose stark was always at top of his game and and he wasn't even trying that's the mate that's the major thing but I wish Kubo had given us a chance to really see stark in action however before star can finish off Love & Rose he's Stanford back by cure aku now this is the first time we really learn too much about kya his personality especially in a finite scenario and it turns out he's not afraid to fight dirty and I really like that I like a character who's not afraid to do whatever it takes to win and I think it's quite telling that against an opponent like stark since we felt the need to do this he has to stab start through the back when the ability to start had absolutely no idea even existed I think that there was no way stark could have gotten out of this scenario because it plays perfectly into Karakas hands and even love and Rose didn't expect it because in the world of bleach it's really not the etiquette to come crashing someone else's fight and that's exactly what shouldn't we does love and Rose are very very clearly outmatched and shouldn't we just stabs you seize an opportunity any step stark in the back that stab take stock out of the game right and I'm not saying from a perspective of Starkey's of gonna die from that stab because he's obviously not but from that point on his head is not in a fight anymore and it's just such an interesting personality for the series stark doesn't want to be there he doesn't want to fight he gets a little bit riled up and absolutely decimates loving rose and then when shim sui is gonna kill him or is at least fighting a part of him he's clocked out and again his death is quite understated and I feel like Kubo moves on quite quickly from Starke which doesn't help either when beragon dies you get kind of a big moment about like his crown falling to the ground and then Stark feels bad about him so we move on to another fight when stark dies however that's kind of it for the Espada and we move on to the main event Aizen just wipes out Haribo the panels and then Kubo kind of rushes us into the big battle royale with eysan and i feel like in that sense stark is almost kind of forgotten about like i said earlier he does feel to me like The Forgotten Espada and for the primeira that's really sad state of affairs firstly he definitely deserved the volume cover but secondly I'd have loved to see him gone up against the bank I especially since he explicitly says he wants to the entire time but I think it's a huge testament to stark strength and his worthiness of the rank of primeira that he goes up against for for captain level Sheik eyes and basically doesn't take a single hit until the end where he gets blindsided by a stab in the back stark remains in control of that fight from beginning to end displaying and litany of abilities an absolute mastery of the cero I love the way especially in the anime it doesn't mention it in the manga but I love it in the anime how stark is it was just instantly fire ass arrow from anywhere on his body that his complete mastery of that ability that no other character has and it really captures kuraki off-guard and I love that I think it's very clear that Stark is at least captain level if not considerably higher the fact that his Ryo is so enormous he has to have an entire second person with him but also just the way he's able to completely control the flow of that battle to the point where he's able to analyze his opponents and not take a single hit is hugely impressive so there you have it that's pretty much my video on stark and why I feel he deserves the rank of the Primera Espada I think a combination of his personality his suite of abilities and just the way he's able to completely control the fight even against multiple high ranking old captain characters is very impressive and considerably more impressive than pretty much anything the rest of the Espada do I think the fact there's no big explosive bank I reveal definitely takes away from Starks fight a bit and it does make it less memorable for people I for one really don't like the fight with SOI fon and Berrigan but I still remember it because SOI fon activates our bank I for the first time and that's always gonna be a spectacle if you consider cutting kyokotsu and so kono kata worries actual ability reveals to be new reveals which they are stark comes up against four brand new shi Kai which is pretty mad and I think that deserves to be so that's it for my discussion video guys on why I think Starck deserves to be the number one Espada let me know in the comments below if you agree with me what do you think about stark as a character do you think beragon deserves to be number one because it is rest there are ability or maybe all cure deserves the number one spot because it is second at upper all keywords the character I want to talk about a little bit more in another video but for now guys this was my video on stark let me know in the comments below if you liked it give the video a like and as I said before hit the subscribe button cuz we're so close to 900 and then we can move on to a thousand and that'll be great alright guys until next time now I'll catch you later good bye
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 346,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach discussion, bleach anime returns, bleach final arc anime, bleach anime trailer, bleach 2020, bleach anime 2021, bleach burn the witch, bleach espada, espada discussion, Tekking101 espada, bleach starrk, stark vs shunsui, starrk vs shunsui, stark death bleach, shunsui bankai, bleach brave souls, brave souls cfyow stark, cfyow espada summons, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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