Unlocking the MOST ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY in Timberborn!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to timberborne so we're continuing where we left off last time and we're currently 1.9 days away from the next drought when the drought happens basically the water dries up and everything goes brown and dies so we're currently stockpiling you can see we've got a load of beavers farming carrots we've got young kimberley here he's just 12. but he's already carrying boxes of carrots about oh and if we look down here we've got two lumberjacks cutting down our first ever maples so that's zach and oc dear and all my very little friends in this game are named after my patrons with the top tiers selected at random and look at this you can see we get eight logs for every single maple tree we cut down it's quite impressive that vlog goes from massive on the ground to a little bit smaller when he's on his shoulder power of beaver engineering anyway looking down here we've had a load of our beaver children grow up but really really sad news guys i'm afraid we're only a minute or so into this video we've got our first death already travis hyper has died of old age i am very sorry but you you really did contribute to the colony so you will not be forgotten so all right anyway we need to we need to get kraken we've got three unemployed beavers as you can see here so i'm gonna come to farmhouse and we're gonna up the number of farmers same for this one so that should mean we dig up carrots a bit quicker it also looks like we could use a bit more water so we got three beavers pumping their logs within these buildings but the trouble is our our beavers are carrying water so what i'm going to do i'm going to click this prioritize building by haulers for all three of these and then if we come over to our hauling post i'm going to add another hauler so now egb jalcon and aaron that we're going to prioritize collecting water because that's what we need for the dry season in case this river dries up we need to store lots of water and looking at our tanks so far we've got four nearly five completely full but the other five nowhere near so we definitely need to do some more collecting of water here you can see it you can see our haulers they've got barrels of water on the back so they'll just be taking the water from the pumps to the storage right you can see over here we've got we've got housing for our beavers now so they should be a bit more happier thai is fantastic you can see we've had some new births as well uh the beavers when they're born they sort of just come out and sleep yeah but it is night time now so i guess that's fair and look there's a little baby sleeping who's that that is fudder you're one cute ass beaver all right it's another morning and it seems once again we've had another death virex hellstrom he died of old age he did not make it through the night uh but jordan miller matt nichols piranha tea and blue fire wolf they've all grown up which means we've got a load of unemployed beavers so i'm gonna put them in the hauling post so let's up that and then i'm also gonna come up here so this increases the beavers working hours so as it's the last day before the dry season we're going to put that up to 24 to really try and stockpile our water now in the meantime we're going to sort of plan ahead so while they're all doing that we're going to fast forward now let's sort of plan out what we want to do next oh but look at this it's the dry season the drought has started it's gonna last four days and thankfully we did that really well and that we completely filled our water storage so as you can see here the water is stopped so i'm gonna pause these three water pumps i'm also gonna pause this lumberjack and what i've done here so basically this water is keeping everything green here because it's at the same level the area of effect is pretty wide all the way up to there if we were to keep pumping the water this would go down and then eventually the water would be used up so all this green would go brown like up here so because the river has dried up up here all these trees have now died they'll be okay once they get replenished with water but if i were to leave this lumberjack flag going and the beavers carry on cutting down these trees then there'd just be stumps they wouldn't ever grow back so it's important to only cut down trees when they're green if you want them to grow back thankfully we've still got a load of birch down here that we can cut so that's all good when keep collecting wood all right in the meantime as we were saying we need to start planning ahead i want to go for the scrap metal i think right and in order to do that we're going to need 250 science points or a scavenger flag and then 300 science points for the shredder but that also needs a gear and we haven't unlocked gears yet so gears are that which need a hundred science points but it also needs 120 power and i think this water will only produce oh it produces 180 okay so we could put a gear workshop if we unlock that yes we'll unlock that for 100 science so we'll plug that in as you can see there it shares power with adjacent buildings because they're all connected i don't think i'll need to play with any shafts essentially how the shafts work is when this is spinning obviously this doesn't spin anymore because the river is not flowing but when this spins you can see it's connected in there and that provides power to the building if i wanted to get power up there oh look it's moving again yeah you can see that spins around produces power causes the lumbar mill saw to turn but if we wanted to extend power we'd have to use these so they're like different sorts of shafts so i could like stick one in there you can see how it's connected with the gear and then just do like an arm over to this or something but i think because they're all connected that should just be good as it is uh the other thing i'm gonna need i'm gonna need quite a bit of science so this is our inventors hut and we're producing three science every however long now i think we could do with producing more so let's come to science and let's build another one or maybe another two even i think we'll put two there and then we have two more scientists because we got a lot of people now so it should be fine meanwhile as we're in the dry season do i pause these tanks the water situation 220 i think we'll need to keep an eye on that definitely i'm gonna up the builders so we've got mario and omkar they're joining ryan reynolds and joe the smiter as our builders oh look everyone's sleeping they literally sleep anywhere on paths in the forest in the fields in the tree stumps but most people they sleep in the actual housing there should only be three homeless beavers according to this um so i don't know why everyone's true i know why they've chosen because i've i've kept 24-hour work hours on oops i'm going to reduce that to 12 hours so that makes our beavers use less water and food which should mean they don't just collapse from exhaustion but they also use less materials meaning we should survive the dry season a bit easier oops sorry about that beavers alright so that's sorted there getting sorted that'll get us more science and then we'll plan up here to start looking at our metal we're gonna want the scavenger flag so we'll shove that right next to it maybe even two of them why not no no chloe has died of old age oh chloe look there she is she was age 53 i love that the other beavers are just like yep carry on oh and she's she's dissolved into the path the circle of life oh look if you click on a puff it shows you the poplar beaver song country roads take me home to the lodge i belong ew that was horrible how's our water looking it's not looking the best but it still says we're over 200. so i'm not going to panic yet oh we just had load new births so you should see they'll run out and then they'll just collapse somewhere yep so random so random right we've now got six homeless beavers so it's potentially worth making another barrack as we found out last time if the beavers have somewhere to stay their life expectancy increases by 20 percent so it is well worth doing i think i think we'll plonk that one right there right in the corner there is a stomp in the weight but i think i can just path over that boosh lovely all right here we go we've got two new scientists huck bear424 look at the science he's producing so much speed and montana williams also beavering away in there uh although oh all right let's pause a second because water is down to 83 we've still got 1.4 days left i don't know how long that is on the bar of the breeding progress but i'm gonna pause these because we don't want four new mouths to feed not yet yeah these are the ones i'll leave them going because they're bars quite a way off oh no no i'm going to pause them actually because i just remembered that you they do actually use up water and berries so if i pause them that will make sure they're not being used because yeah look in our water tanks they are empty as anything look how many beavers we have now this is awesome this is so cool oh and our scrap metal scavenger flag we actually have a worker sonoko where where is sonorka let's click he's back apparently he works at the scavenger flag oh no okay okay so you can see this little dot here that's when the working day finishes and this arrow that's where we are on the day the working day starts in the morning but it finishes then so he was he was just doing his own thing he wasn't meant to be working it's fine but he's just grown up looking down here so that's his first job out of school collecting scrap missile nice all right so just fast forwarded through another night you can see all of our beavers leaving their barracks now there's so many this is so cool i am very worried about the water situation though you're on about 30. you've got a whole day to last i'm wondering if it's worth turning a pump or two on i don't really know look at this who's that lagamoth he's literally just sat on his ass but to be fair it's not his fault so the guy over here who's that that's felix he's uh he's also sat in his arse and that's because we've got no power so these guys literally can't do anything i could pause them and put them yeah i tell you what i'm going to do that i'm going to pause both of these and put them on a different job so one is now unemployed so can we make you we'll make you a hauler there you go like i'm off you're now hauler oh god and also our storage is full we're gonna have to build another storage oh man look at me logs you got stacked under there oh no the logs are full now oh no okay okay so what we're gonna do we're gonna because i wanna store more logs definitely so we'll come down to here storage and we'll build another industrial log pile but we'll rotate it that way and we'll come into here paths and structures and we'll build steps up to it so now we've doubled our storage there and then i think we'll just put another small warehouse maybe just there that looks like that fits pretty well all right so you can see we're now completely out of water but it's only 0.3 days till the end of the drought so the rain will come do not worry in fact i feel like that's probably a good time to turn these back on so water pumps away i might as well turn these on as well the gear workshop and the lumber mill ready for when the rain comes again yeah i'm also gonna drop the haulers down uh just to fill all those jobs so aramachi in there matt nichols in there egb gelcon and veronity sweet we're all good we got one unemployed beaver so we're gonna gonna make you a hauler jordan all right as it's very nearly the wet season we will up the working hours back up to 16. that's standard for beavers that's like for humans it sounds like quite a lot but for beavers that's nothing i'm actually going pretty easy on them all right so it's a new morning the sun is rising and look at all of our beavers even their barracks it's a beautiful sight all bustling away ready to get to work they're actually all really thirsty but i think that'll be okay i think as soon as these guys start pumping their logs yeah look at that egb is a pro at pumping his log these guys are still waiting for the water to come so if we head over here you can see the water is gradually flowing down if we speed up you can see it's reviving the trees lovely but the wheels won't start spinning until the water flows over the dam there we go lovely jubbly we are back in business people i'm gonna unpause this lumberjack flag so dragon eyes gone up there and it's his first job he's literally he's only six he's already a lumberjack right so you can see they're stacking logs up here now we've got our steps built so we're gonna have so many logs which means we should probably start building some stuff so this storage is filling up so quick i might have to do another one let's do one there and we'll do a path around the back of it like that and then we could potentially go up we could multi-story one of them maybe but hopefully that will do that oh we need to we need to unpause our next generation as well i forgot about those all right there you go breeding pods you see the beavers are bringing water and berries over because that is how you create life for this colony now right over here you can see look felix is beavering away collecting scrap metal this ruins it has has about 20 scrap metal in it so there's a lot of scrap metal there so you can see up here in our resources we've got over 50 scrap metals so i think assuming we've got the technology we can afford a shredder we need 10 more science because that costs 300 science points and we're going to unlock the shredder now because we got 311 science points we can afford that yes and whoa look at it that's cool oh hang on so how much power does it need 250 that's like two water wheels if i tell you what i've got i got a bit of a plan up my sleeve because i don't really want to try and fit two water wheels in there i'm sort of saving up for this the engine which will produce 200 hp that should be bp i'm standing by that comment that should not be hp it should be beaver power but that requires 20 logs 25 gears and 20 sheets of metal so sort of thinking maybe i could build a load of power wheels which produce 50 each oh god so i'd need a crap ton of those or just two now i'm gonna have to do water wheels i'm gonna have to do water wheels can i stack these on the line so i don't know how this works i don't even know how to fit these in all right tell you what what if we put one there and one there and then we'll put our shredder building there we'll build our path to it lovely you'll spin around and what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put this is gonna please a lot of people and we're gonna put some shafts in so we've got a bendy shaft that goes there and then we've got a straight shaft so that goes there so i'll provide power to our shredder so let's get that going we'll prioritize that as it's the furthest one away i've got seven unemployed beavers blimey what's going on right haulers everyone can be haulers thankfully there will be loads of jobs once this is open well one job maybe oh and up here i've noticed we've cut down the tree so we can extend our path so if we build our path like that and that should extend this range oh it doesn't quite extend the range i want to cut down these maple trees because that's a lot of logs so what i'm going to do i'm going to build some more lumberjack flags up here so if we come down to wood we can go into lumberjack flag and we can build one of those there is that in range to be built yes it is that goes all the way up there nice all right so little brown off forester i've told him to plant maple trees now because i feel like we've got enough wood from the birch and the pines are gonna grow back so if we get all these planted then we can go back to these ones because as you already know the maples although they take longer to grow you get so many more logs out of them all right and look at this look so our power wheels are done you can see how the shafts work now we've got some nice gearage going on surprisingly you don't actually need gears from the gear workshop to be able to create the power shafts very surprising uh but anyway how far along is that so we're filling up with planks we need a load of scrap metal why is there no scrap metal getting to it we've got so much scrap metal is that because it's so far oh they go they're filling it up now right so that'll be built in no time this is going really well i'm thinking though it might be time to start increasing our water supply because i know the next dry season is going to be even longer and potentially we're going to have even more beavers as well so if you come down to water as we've got the science maybe we should do that which is a large water tank so that stores 300 water compared to just the 30 the small water tank it does cost a lot more to build 30 planks and 20 gears but uh space could be getting a bit tricky so i'm going to do that so we'll unlock that yes please and oh look at this big boy what a beast and it fits in there almost perfectly oh god we've had so many new births so many new birds right and we're actually in the point of the game where there's nearly more beavers and there are top tier patreons so some of you like this little fella here annoyingly rce is secretly an architect although they died they have been reborn as a new beaver so congrats i guess you bastard and meanwhile storage is full again uh that's because we got so much food we got all the food so let's have a look at storage is it worth doing a large warehouse that's 80 planks we don't really have the capacity to make that many planks we currently have one and i know that this thing takes 30 planks this one 50 but it's nearly complete actually oh it's very nearly complete but also the gears take planks to make gears we also don't have enough science points to build the large warehouse anyway so i think we will just build a small warehouse and i think we might just build it on there you might be asking why have you built it on there you can't get up there well yes we do need to build stairs up you're quite right so we'll do that and then we'll do our path around and then we have to do a path from there because look we need hand rails on top for it to be safe all right nice and for the first time it looks like we're actually farming all of our carrots before the previous ones start growing again which is particularly surprising considering mon du claires sat on their ass doing nothing but that's not their fault to be fair oh and look actually the carrots up here they are growing back again so we could actually squeeze in another farm if you want to farm all of these carrots all right so looking up here by our maple trees no one has a job here so what i might do i might pause one of these so oh you see there you're now fired but now you work up here oh you see there he's already straight to work chopping down the maple tree that's eight logs for each one i'm actually gonna prioritize that by haulers as well uh just so that he doesn't have to take the logs away because i do want him to log all this i'll tell you what i feel like we could use another forester maybe in there we could put another forester because what the forester does that allows you to plant all of these trees i think all of these stumps they're they're just a leftover they don't actually turn into a new tree unless they get planted on you can see with the massive area we've got we're never actually gonna keep up all right and look at this our shredder is built look at that that is decent so adam bond works in here and he turns two scrap metal into one metal block that is lovely because once we have the metal block we can then create an engine which is unique to this faction so that's very cool yeah with our foresters i'm gonna tell them to plant up here yeah so dragonite is the lumberjack up here and he has just gone to town destroying that so let's come into this plant trees and bushes we can say replant all this and we're going to say do it with maple lovely so logs are flying water's flying is our big tank built yet no i'm going to i might prioritize that next actually so waiting on gears and planks i thought that might be the case i feel like that's what i'm going to use my engine for i'm going to prioritize making more planks and more gears because aaron mackie and matt nichols they're they're doing the best but it's quite a long process we could do with more of those oh wow we've got we got 10 haulers in here look at all these guys bongo flutter nutter sorry i couldn't i couldn't fit the r in your name i did try all right so our farmers again are doing nothing and that's because the storage is full so we really need these stairs complete i've just put them on high priority but once they're done we can get to this small warehouse yeah which should just provide a bit more storage everything needs planks i'll tell you what i might pause gears for the time being do we need gears for anything i'm guessing we do because he's producing them and they're not being stored oh god there's three days until the next dry season water's still not great i really need to prioritize this water tank that's what we need the gears for okay so yeah definitely don't pause the gears oh look a load of our generation two have grown up nice so we've got seven unemployed beavers we've got too many bees okay i'm actually gonna pause these feel like it's getting a bit out of control because no one has died of old age in ages tell you what i might do as well i might build another water pump the question is where where will that fit oh look one fits in there yeah we'll do that we will do that and we'll do a little path to that as well all right so that's another job samuel voldez good work he'll be the next beaver to get paid to pump his log but yeah so for this dry season i think food is going to be is there like are there any graphs where i can see like what i'm making and no not really that would be useful if you could see like your incomings and outgoings oh what's happened there so my graphics have disappeared right this is an early alpha and thankfully they've got this down here a little bug reporter all right unfortunately we didn't build our big water tank in time we couldn't get enough gears and it's the dry season you can see up here the river is drying up once again so i'm going to quickly pause all of these water pumps and then we're a little bit screwed for now just a little bit i am actually going to plant some more berries though as we got two foresters i'm going to say plant bushes i'm going to say all of this needs to be planted berries so all these gray ones they will be planted because they don't exist yet sounds good you know what this little gap here we'll make them berries as well try and maximize our green area right i am very concerned we don't have enough water 260 to try and last 52 beavers we got 13 unemployed beavers we need more jobs we've got a lot of wood though so perhaps we can just start prepping for the future i've really i feel like i've cut this up i've got too many beavers damn you biebers now the good news is we pretty much got the resources to build an engine now gears could be an issue though we are really not creating gears very fast a few more hours and we'll have the science points to unlock the engine so we'll do that and i think this area here this like plateau this will be our sort of industrial area all right just unload more houses just because we've got loads of logs like look at all those logs we've got we've got to use them up surely so a load of barracks there that's all good oh house our beavers and as we're lacking jobs i might build a builder flag or tea oh no i can't because that requires 100 science we could do another yeah let's do another hauling post and we'll plonk that there so we may not have builders but at least we'll have haulers but look there's still so many homeless beavers we've got 12 homeless beavers maybe i should prioritize the barracks i just don't know i just don't know look at them all sleeping who is that oh it's you never mind never mind now bloody hell our water it's looking like half full we're only a quarter of the way through the dry season i feel like there could be a culling about to happen let's turn the working hours way down maybe just two hours a day because i'm pretty sure i'm not i'm not actually 100 sure but i'm pretty sure the beavers drink less water if they're working less but i could could be completely wrong there if i'm honest i'll tell you what i need to do i need to start work on the mega dam if we build a dam in front of that that'll be loads of water and we can probably keep that pumping but it's going to require a lot of platforms and things i mean all we could we could just dam down here make this our next screen oh yeah we could do that maybe we should do that expanding down all right yeah i'm going to get to work while all that's sort of going on we'll keep it fast forwarding and just hope that the water lasts it's going down so quick now we're gonna plan how to get down here so we're gonna need platforms to build our steps on so one there and one there okay that's good and then stairs one up there one there one up there and one there and then we can just path between those then we can just path all the way down to there and then we've just got to decide where does the dam go i sort of think we may as well make the most of this maybe do it across that bit so if we do our path to there for now and oh god look at the water we're only halfway through oh this is really bad this is really really bad okay i'm gonna turn on a pump failure urn you're gonna pump some water and i really hope that doesn't everything up actually we've got no working hours maybe i should up them do that i don't know i don't know how they work i don't know how they work tell you what then we'll turn all of them on particularly if they're only going to work for three hours let's just hope the water lasts three hours i don't want it to be brown really now sort it i don't want my boobs today we're gonna we're gonna up the working hours to 16. so they're pumping the water water's going back up no beavers will die on my watch all right that's good that's good i think i think we're fine i think we're actually fine there's a lot of thirsty beavers about because we're pumping water it's alright you can actually see the level going down look can you see that slowly going down nice that's really cool actually so you can visually see how much water is left when we've actually made it that's the end that is the end that is our final evening somehow we survived the dry season and the water is gonna flow as soon as the sun rises there they go drought ended here it comes regenerating the land i never get old of that it's like just really cool to watch like ah right meanwhile mega dam project what do we need for the mega dam oh look we got enough science points hang on before we do the mega dam let's research our engine yes please and then we're going to get one of these built up here so we're going to have engine up that end because i'm not sure if there's like pollution or anything so we have to see and then that creates power so then out the back of that we're gonna have a lumber mill or two and a few gear workshops as well so this is our proper industrial mining area and we'll add more power if we need it how much does that produce 200 so the london mills are 50 each and they're 120 so yeah we're gonna need we're gonna need another engine so another engine in there beautiful and then we'll just do parts out the back so they're all connected so meanwhile down here with the water flowing but i don't know how high this water gets oh i guess actually the water will raise once we build the dam won't it yeah okay so for the dam then we come into landscaping we've got all different types of things so we're gonna we're gonna do the levy to start we need 120 science we need 20 more science right come on scientists where are you hockberg montana williams blue firewolf come on guys get to work get me that science all right there we go so we can unlock the levee yes please essentially these completely block the water so if we do that that that so that's almost a full-on dam and then the top one that wants to be this a dam piece and you can see these have holes in the top so that allows the water to come out if i if i put a levee there then it means all of this area back here would flood um we don't want that we don't want that but yeah that's the next project is that in range is the question they've already built the stairs down nice work beavers oh yes it should be a range i actually built a dam in range i've never done that before and also means we can select these trees to be cut down i think so we'll highlight all of you because these are now in range which is good and to be honest we should probably do these trees over here as well all right so you can see our barracks are now complete we got homes for 70 beavers we only got 52 at the moment so some of them are a bit empty yeah so maybe we'll turn back on the breeding pods because at some point we're gonna have some death from old age but look it's complete that's gonna store so much water excellent that could really help us because i have to keep an eye on the old water pumps and make sure we actually have enough but that is good all right so the lumber mills are complete that's pretty cool they're working on the gear workshops how are the engines coming along we got logs we got metal blocks we're just waiting on gears yeah i feel like everything needs gears at the moment but nice i feel like that's a good place to stop guys things going really well surprisingly well a bit too well but yeah if you're enjoying this series you want to see more please boost the old like button and i'll catch you guys next time cheers peace love and incomplete megadams bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 678,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam, rce, real civil engineer, timber born, timber born game, timberborn full version, timberborn full game, timberborn full release date
Id: wblHNviraU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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