Scrapping HUGE SHIPS for MAJOR PROFIT in Ship Graveyard Simulator!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to ship graveyard simulator if you've ever wondered what happens to a ship at the end of its life it ends up at places like this which is kind of sad really um but people they make a living from taking these ships and turn them apart look they live in like the shanty towns next to it and that's what we're going to be doing today we're going to see what it's like to have a giant ship and turn it into our livelihood so here we are we are on the beach oh god i think this is our house is this our house yes this is our bed we've got a workbench a locker a very modern computer with no wires it how's that plugged do we have power out here oh there is a street lamp to be fair maybe it's all underground maybe it's all underground and wireless power but anyway look at the ships in the distance all right this is the marketplace you can see these are all the things you sort of want to collect and they're sort of split up by rarity so we've got steel copper cast iron but then i think the better quality it is the higher the price you can see the steel here is rusted still if we can get normal steel it's worth like triple if we can get stainless steel even better and if we can get hardened steel or even acid resistant steel we've got all the steel and there we can make some dosh anyway what does this blink do all right so we can buy different tools from this guy we currently have no money though that's not too much use we've also got a car over here yeah this is a pretty detailed dashboard look at this so we're gonna head i guess along here there's not really any roads i'll tell you what we're gonna go over there where this symbol is i don't really think i had to drive then but we did right so we have found a rusted pole if we talk with this guy uh we can actually hire him to do work for us unfortunately we've got no money so i don't know if hiring is going to work we have to do it ourselves so if we come to here and select our hammer this is going to take a while but yeah apparently you just hammer a column like this and uh shutters like that and then these are our resources we can pick up some steel some copper sell them to this blake get 32 quid in return rinse and repeat a few times oh god the top came off i quite like can you see like on this we've got some like glowy bits so if we hit those they're like crisp cool parts so boosh knock that end off ready boosh oh that didn't do anything boosh you get like critical hits and it does way more damage and it knocks bits off which is pretty cool after a fair bit of that you can see it's 3 p.m now we've got nearly a full inventory to sell if we sell everything we have 473 quid not bad for a day's work right which means we can buy some new tools so let's buy a hacksaw and a lock pick because you never know when it's going to come in handy all right so next we also have skill points so we can come into here we can improve our hammering so we can do more hammer damage we can hit faster and get additional slots more damage cool and next if we go on to our computer we can order a ship to come in so we're on ship tube the greatest shipping website there is and we got an available ship here so it's a small ship from the uk the atropus you see it's four years older than i am and it's already in the graveyard that's kind of scary if you can see all the different materials they think are going to be on there so let's book that it will be delivered tomorrow at 8am you will find it on the beach so cool let's get off the computer then and uh we can either make some more money but i think i think it's like it's 4 p.m i feel it's time for a little little bit of a snooze i might have a little wonder okay oh look there's a dog hello mate what do you mean you watch paddy on youtube hahaha we've got a fan everyone we got a fan of paddy good boy oh yeah there's pit there's all sorts of people you can hire around the town oh look at this guy's got a hard hat 32 dollars i'm gonna hire you i reckon oh you've got to build a barrack first build a barrack interesting anyway that was a tough date we're gonna we're going to bed quite early we're gonna have a snooze and we'll see where we are in the morning so there's our ship coming in just being completely crashed into the beach imagine if that was your job just crashing ships onto the beach all right so our ships over there i just want to have a look so this is our workshop that we have to build so we need 400 quid 10 rusted steel and six coppers we've got to make sure we don't trade those in in order for us to build that okay so let's get in our truck oh god i sort of mulled the suspension then all right so let's head to our new boat and see what we've got to destroy so there she holy crap that's a lot of boat for one dollar a day look at that look at that so let's get on board and see what we can destroy i guess we'll start with all these like dodgy bits first i love oh that was a bristle barrel i love that i'm just going to town with a hammer yeah i'm not actually getting anything for these i'm just making room i think i'm leveling up lee leveling up is important all right so let's hit this barrel oh what the hell is like solid inside so there's another shiny bit boosh yeah that's that's pretty weird i'm not sure that's how barrels work all right so we got this still post it's got two shiny bits so we'll smack those that just took off a load of damage and then it's just brittle nice so this has a load of weak points one over here and one there boosh oh god that shattered into loads of pieces all right couple more bits there we go that should explode when i hit that shiny bit lovely oh a rope holder that looks kind of cool oh it's so brittle it's so brittle all right if we switch to our hacksaw i think these are bars that we can saw yeah look we cut down there what if we cut this end nice and then we got one copper out of that that didn't seem worth it if we go right to the end of it mind your fingers on that wall me all right that's literally as close to the edge as i could get already this side we're through the wall that's how close we are oh we did actually get two copper for that so maybe it's worth trying to be efficient in these in fair play this must be a pretty sharp saw or just some very soft metal but we're getting through that like anything oh that one got three holy crap that one got four nice all right so let's head up here is there any good stuff is that something i can no oh we got a small box that we can unlock let's have a go at this so i think it's classic fallout style yeah oh we've got some petroleum so hopefully that's worth something i destroyed a stool just because i could oh some oil in the box there's a wooden box that we can open oh i got some aluminium no space in inventory bollocks all right there we go we can pick that up now surely aluminium is going to be worth a fair bit oh look in here so there's an electric box which sort of looks like it's stuck to the wall so if we go to our hacksaw no we can't hack that off so that's probably a different tool we need to get that off the wall interesting all right anyway let's head back and see how much money we made from that so i think we want to sell some stuff like the oil some copper the petroleum that aluminium definitely yeah so if we sell that how much money do we got 400 sweet so i think we can build the workshop now yes everything's green green is good so let's buy a workshop i'm ready a new day is passing and it's been built holy crap that's a lot of building and equipment so this is a furnace oh this is how we get the like rarer materials if you want unalloyed steel we can put in rusted steel and copper melt it at a thousand degrees we're doing that we want rusted steel copper so four of those each that will get us the unalloyed steel okay and then we just turn it on we don't need fuel oh yeah they just dropped out on the left so look we got all this purple stuff now unload steel ooh let's pick those up and what are they worth to you mister man i know still is 30 quid a bar so rusted steel was 10 quid copper was 11. so yeah nice little profit there so we may as well sell everything we got oh and we got a new order so let's head into the town so over here what does this man have to say to us so we can give him cast iron or copper and he'll give us a load of money well i know there's loads of copper on that boat so let's accept that nice let's go get this guy's copper and make some cash all right there's two copper in there so give it a whack it's a shiny bit there nice where's that copper there it is oh there's two copper still in there so can we just cut the end off yeah there we go oh so it does disappear completely i just didn't cut enough of it before okay gotcha oh there's a ladder here let's go on to the roof there's another box somewhere about there there you go unlocked one of it oh silver silver yeah these rusted poles have copper in so let's get the shiny bits nice copper we'll take the steel anyway because why wouldn't you smash that bit i love how the things break it's really it's really really satisfying all right this has got some copper one shiny bit two shiny bit three shiny bit and the last one boosh oh it didn't break now it did all right any more copper about the sun is going down so i don't want to spend too much longer on here all right so we've got 10 out of 10 copper as you can see there so we're gonna head back to the man and claim our reward and then it's probably bedtime it's uh very late for us yeah there is a torch though i think so what was it one of these buttons there you go we got a torch so you can see where we go chicken's about all right i'm going to shine this torch in your face and you give me money i'll give you copper deliver order nice and over here there's another person with an order apparently and i'm guessing that's probably how we make our money rather than just selling scrap yep here's another manager oh they want unalloyed steel now the other one is also cast iron nine do we have that on us already i've only got five we've only got five well we'll accept that one because i know that will be a lot easier now let's have a snooze and wake up in the morning so we're back on our ship we're off to cast iron today so we should get that done in no time really all right so we just need one more cast iron i'm pretty sure this is going to have some in so we can get those shiny bits we'll be laughing there we go all right so let's go pay off our order deliver sorted and then we just rinse and repeat for a bit but if we head back over here i'll just notice we're not wearing our seat belt that's not really safe can we build our barrack so for the barrack we need 800 quid 8 copper 8 cast iron and 4 kerosene so let's see what we need for kerosene so we need oil and oil okay just double oil so we can make two of that as long as we put it to 500 there you go there's those two so we just need to collect some more oil copper cast iron okay so i can sell everything else and sell my silver scrap as well so that's nearly 400 quid anything worth buying today no i think we got everything so let's just try and find some more oil then can i order another boat is that a thing yeah so we're done with that ship useless am i sure you bet i'm sure oh look at this so we've got two little ones but we've also got a big boy for 400 quid a day let's check the details oh i am tempted i am tempted but this one dollar day one has large amount of oil on board so i think i'm going to do that first because then i can get some people working for me which will save a lot of time i'm just going to fast-forward the next day you sort it yeah it's 9 a.m but i'm going to bed all right another ship is coming flying in love it all right here we go it looks very similar to the last ship but uh we know what we're after this time we're after oil there's some oil there's oil in these barrels oh there's some oil we've got some alcohols in there we'll take that that was worth unlocking there's a long box did i miss these last time oh look at this we've got alcohols aluminium steel all sorts banging all right loads of barrels loads of brittle barrels now all that one was actually hollow but look at all that oil that is what we're after and anything good up here there was a lock box last time yep there's still one here so roughly over that side what have we got oh titanium titanium all right so we should have enough oil to make the kerosene it's just whether we have enough of the other stuff i probably should have looked what we needed oh no no so because i didn't pick it up it does actually give you a warning when you sleep look if you go to sleep all items left on the ground will disappear i stupidly didn't pick up the kerosene so we lost what we made yesterday well that was really stupid all right so we can make four of it so i'll make sure i pick it up this time but i think we needed more than that how much did we need oh we only needed four okay so we just need copper and cast iron so if i sell my steel while i'm here oh it's blue steel as well so my titanium rusted steel i don't think we need any of that so sell all that 400 quid and then back to the ship and let's just check exactly how much i need because i don't want to mess this up eight copper six cast iron so just three of each so these are copper and cast iron so whack the hell out of these copper cast iron copper cast iron we know these are copper so let's chop these off oh yes look at all that copper all right so now we can unlock the barrack which means we can hire some people okay there is our lovely barrack so let's go higher this guy's got a helmet on so he's gonna get us oil and rusted steel for 42 quid a day yeah that sounds like a good deal what about this guy oh he gets some good stuff but we need workers tier two in order to hire oh so if we go to our skill tree yes we just spend skill points on our workers and then we can get skilled workers too okay so we'll spend all of our points getting up to there and then skilled workers two and we've got five points left should we just go straight to skilled workers three there you go so we'll hire you 60 a day and we'll try and work out if there's any top tier workers about what about you no that's so cool like just seeing the boats lying there like look at that propeller it's huge all right what about this guy oh he's a tier three he'll get us some stainless steel 84 quid a day you are hired me all right so now we got that going for us let's go into the ships we'll dismiss that one and we're going to hire the big boy 400 quid a day book done i'm like kid at christmas let's just get straight to bed and wake up the next morning all right here it comes oh crap it's huge it's going so quick look how quick it was going right so it's the morning i wonder if our workers yes look because it's a new morning we've got all that stuff so we can grab all that and we can see what was that worth we sold all of that 700 quid so it's definitely worth hiring people now before i do that though i want to see if there's anything to do with the normal steel and the stainless steel maybe in the furnace no he doesn't look like it what about upgrading so if we want to upgrade we need kerosene cast oil cast stoil cast steel and brass okay so maybe we can do that what about to upgrade this thing so hardened steel lead cast iron okay we can't even make most of that stuff so i'm just gonna sell everything i've got i'm gonna head to our new ship oh man it's so big look at it look at it all right this is gonna be fun to assume we climb up the ladders get on board it's a proper rope ladder as well all right what do we have oh my god there's so much stuff look there's like yellow poles oh does this mean get a higher tier tool no okay so we need we need to upgrade our tools how the hell do we do that does doing that count the super hit we don't have any skill points anyway oh i can't actually break anything can i break these at least i can break these if we just break a few of these i think we're about to be level 10. there we go so we've got a skill point now if we head to skills is that level two hammer please be a level two hammer can we hit these now ah bollocks get a higher tier too i think we need to upgrade the shop oh well i just splurged 400 quid a date he says some things to unlock maybe they'll pay off alcohols and cast iron great oh there's so much good stuff but i can't get to it all right we'll go just have a wonder for now then at least we can destroy cardboard right this ship has an inside though that's insane this can knock this wall down ready boosh and now we're in a hidden room oh it's got some oil some rusted steel oh a lock box intermediate all right what was in it stainless steel nice oh man there's a downstairs and we've just picked this lock holy crap is the engine room oh we need tier 3 equipment to get that blimey thankfully there's a few things stacked up that we can nick oh i wish i bloody had the tools for this thing i'm definitely not meant to be in here yet 400 quid a day thankfully our workers do actually cover that cost so it's not that bad all right what's very upstairs then i've gone up like four stories already oh puddle you can get a mop and get a mop to clear up puddles interesting all right what's through this door oh look at the sea view that is where we came from let's go up again man this boat is huge and it's all mine shall we unlock this all right we're unlocked anything good in here oh yes i say yes nothing good really it just looks cool because it's the control room we can like see the whole island and stuff man that is a lot of ship to destroy i got some lead it's also some petroleum nice what's in this locker there's some blue steel nice we'll take both of those oh there's a safe master difficulty i assume that means i've got no chance in hell oh we actually need an ability to even try it okay never mind yeah there is another door here does that just i assume that just goes outside the other side does it yeah glad i didn't bother doing that right then let's head back and see what we actually need all right can we actually just jump down it we can oh there's no full damage good good to know but let's head back see what we gained from this and then see what we need to actually unlock the higher tier tools all right so i imagine for the tool workshop we need to upgrade the shop so for tier one we need unalloyed steel so i think we can make that so a thousand degrees turn around and we got five of those i think that's enough oh now we need 10 copper we bloody use the copper up damn it all right let's turn all the oil we've got into kerosene anyway that's 500 degrees all plopped out we'll take that and it will sell all this good stuff so 300 quid that nearly pays for the boat then we just need a load of copper if you want to upgrade the shop i reckon we can just scavenge around the beach to find that all right there's one two three four and five so let's upgrade this shop yes we'll buy that and it goes from a tent what will it change into oh that's quite a big shop and now we can get the steel hammer and a load of other things blow torch oil mark angle grinder nice and then we can really start tearing that thing apart but anyway guys we're going to leave that there for today if you enjoyed this video boost your like button let me know if you want another episode let me know in the comments but otherwise peace love and ship graveyards i'll catch you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 651,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ship graveyard, sinking ship, sunken ship, ghost ship, tool, tools, sim, simulator games, simulator games pc, ship graveyard simulator, ship graveyard simulator gameplay, ship graveyard documentary, ship graveyard game, ship graveyard simulator free download, ship graveyard simulator release date, hammer, angle grinder, scraping, ship salvage, tool game, sim game, video game, real civil engineer, rce
Id: byrpsia8glw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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