Engineering the PERFECT HILLTOP CITY in Timberborn!!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to timberborne so last time we had our first playthrough with the iron teeth the new faction and it didn't quite go to plan oh no they're all dying they're all dying so today we're going to start a new game we're going to use everything we've learned to survive as long as possible all right for the map i think we're gonna go with mountain range that sounds quite interesting to me and for the difficulty i did notice if you come into custom you can actually change your starting adults and i had a little test earlier i was like oh i wonder what this would be i wonder how big a number you can fit in there yeah that doesn't appear to be a limit but the game just won't load so um we'll just stick with normal for now but maybe that's one to try for another day all right so this is our starting level this is really cool so it's like it is a proper mountain range with some huge and i mean huge like canyons and mountains and waterfalls yeah that's gonna be good right okay let's let's hit pause so we've got we've got a food source nearby we've got these berries we've got a load of trees back here but as soon as we chop them down because they're in the brown area rather than the green it means they won't grow back and unless we can find a way to get water over there that's just how it's going to be so the trees here in the green they will grow again and we've got some more of the other side we've got some birch we've got some pine which give you different amounts of logs all right so after last time's horrendous start we're gonna do this properly so first things first we need wood so that we can build anything so if we come down to wood here we can build a few lumberjack flags and i think we'll build these along there we're going to want a place to store the logs i'm not going to use a log pile this time we're going to use a small warehouse so we can stock up food i think we'll plonk that there so we'll park these up and then we just need to come down here cut trees and we're going to choose to cut down all of these trees and in fact we're even going to go up here then we'll also say cut down these green trees that will grow back as well and as before my furry friends are named after my top tier patreon supporters picked at random so over here we've got go get four and steph they're both building the lumberjack flags so that these can be cut down uh and this this guy lex luper you're just sat and you asked me you're gonna help or no okay fair enough all right so whilst that stuff is being built we're gonna plan the other things so we need the essentials first i tried to progress too quick i tried to expand grow never a good thing get priorities sorted so first things first we want water we're gonna get a deep water pump and we're gonna plonk two of them side by side there so once they get built we'll be able to turn the river here into drinking water because at the moment we have zero water stocked up all right there's still a lot of people wandering around without jobs there's one person unemployed but there's four builders that aren't building anything yet because there's no logs so i'm gonna build another lumberjack flag we'll plonk that there and we will bath it up as well that's going to be the highest priority so i can come into here and just tick that and that will make sure this gets built before anything else all right so that's now built so now we have three lumberjack beavers beavering away we got frostings thomas hook and steph meanwhile ashes has now taken the position of sitting on their ass nice work ashes so you can see now the beaver cavalry they're bringing logs over so that we can build the water pumps so looking good next thing we need to think about is some food so i'm going to come into food i'm going to use this which is a gatherer flag so the gatherer flag allows beavers to collect berries you can see where i put this the green area changes so i probably just want to put it about there so that means once this is built someone will come and collect these berries these blue things they're berries for the beavers to eat so it's currently night time you'll notice i haven't built any houses with my beavers yet that's because as we found out last time we don't actually need houses or happiness for these beavers to multiply the way these beavers multiply is with the breeding pods you know which only require water and berries so obviously we don't want to keep these berries as our food source for too long we're going to want to farm but in the meantime let's just watch our little beavers sleep oh look at them i do want to build them a house though i feel quite sad that they're just stuck there with no house 11 homeless beavers anyway what's the sleeping let's build our farm so if we come to food we've got a farmhouse here so i'm gonna say we will plonk that about there what we're gonna do we're gonna prioritize one water pump and then we're gonna prioritize the farmhouse right so our water pump is complete and if we click on here you can see william is in there completely on his own working his log to create what oh look william has grown up as well that's what happens when you play with your log people alright so now we have the gatherers flag built and who is sat on their ass oh it's ashes again all right ashes you're going to get sacked from your builder job because you're obviously no good at it there you go we've put you in the gatherer flag so you will now collect berries for the rest of your days as punishment for sitting on your ass all the time so you can see being watched by the youngster wirex hellstrom ashes is picking some berries and then they'll carry them over to the gatherer flank but if they get too full then they'll just come and put them in this small warehouse all right so meanwhile this farm is being built it's pretty close it just needs six more logs and once that gets built we're gonna have to plant some crops so if we start planting those out now we can come into plant crops down here and that gives us three options we've got the carrot the potato and the wheat now i'm just going to start with carrots because carrots you can eat straight up whereas potatoes they need to be cooked which requires another building and therefore another beaver and the same with the wheat so let's just do carrots and we can only plant these in the green area if we plant them in the brown area then they'll just die instantly so we've got all of this greens play as long as the river is flowing so this game works in different seasons we've got dry and wet seasons we're currently in the wet season which means there's a river flowing through here in about 10 days time when the wet season ends this will dry up and then all the surrounding green areas will go brown so the idea is sort of to stock up on everything so let's get some area of carrots planted i'm literally just going to go big old strips of carrots well it's just going to cover all of this green area in carrots like that all right and you can see we've already got a farmer so lex luper they've now decided to get off their ass and they are farming their lives away we can come into the actual farmhouse and we can prioritize different actions if you always prioritize planting then that's much more time efficient because once you plant something obviously it takes a while for them to grow so right things are looking quite positive this time we're on day two and we've already got carrots in the ground so we're looking good we have a slight issue in that there's no way to store water though so if we come down to water we can build one of these a small water tank that'll allow us to store 30 water just for the cost of 15 lugs and last time i sort of made the mistake of doing these right next to here and i used up valuable green area so i'm actually going to put these up here in the brown area so i'm going to rotate them i think we're just going to do a row along there maybe four four to start with we'll prioritize the water pump and then the water tanks and once again it's another night and our beavers are roughing it out sleeping between the tree trunks this one's even sleeping on the path but rise and shine it's another morning you've got some beaver stuff to do all right so our next water pump is complete right and i think for now we're actually gonna pause the old berries so let's pause the gatherer flag and we'll put you ashes on planting carrots so you've got a massive area to plant so we may as well get all of these done first and then you can go pick berries all right so it's another day and look down here travis hyper has grown up that means we have an unemployed beaver and what we're gonna do sort of planning ahead we're gonna get some science on the go so if we come in here this is an inventor's hut only costs 12 logs so we can plonk that down let's say about that we'll draw a path to it and once you put someone in there that will gain us some science and science is used to unlock all sorts of things so if we look in for example this one path and structures uh we've only got paths and some district stuff at the moment to unlock the good stuff like stairs and platforms and bloody suspension bridges oh my god i need it i need it but look how much science we need 3 200. and look at the materials it also needs metal i believe and we haven't touched on metal at all in this game yet but if you want to get it you got to come over to these things which are like ruins so i imagine this game set in some sort of post-apocalyptic earth where beavers have taken over from humans but they get to salvage our remains these are ruins and you can see they're full of scrap metal so that will be something a bit later on in the game to do all right it's the end of another day and it looks like we're completely planted so i'm actually gonna pause my farmhouse because otherwise those two they literally don't have a job they're just sitting on their ass and we've got enough sitters we're gonna reopen the gatherer flag upper builder so that should let us get this inventor's hut done we only need four more logs and just like that it is complete so you can see virax whole strom is now our resident scientist and they'll be producing science points for us right we've still got an unemployed beaver so i'm gonna put them to work as a lumberjack that involves yes you've guessed it building another lumberjack flag so we'll put that one there and the guys are building that nice who's on that travis hyper is building that he's only seven but he's already got a job as the resident builder but now that's complete you can see ashes who's a jack of all trades i think she's worked on everything so far but now she's a lumberjack and that should hopefully get rid of some of these trees because this is the way that our city is going to expand so you want to leave the green stuff for planting right so we're currently on day five i know at around day 12-ish i think that's when the dry season hits i would love to get a dam in here and then get across to this side i feel like this could be like our permanent logging area i mean keep this side as the farm so maybe we want to start planning our dam i'm sort of thinking across here could be good because that gives us maximum water which means all of this area will stay green now the downside is there's trees in the way and i'm pretty sure we're gonna need a path to it but for now let's come into landscaping down here and then we got the option to build a dam so if we were to do that then hopefully our two builders they will come down and start building this you can see they're carrying a log they're going along the path i don't know if i need to path over to it in which case you might need to lose some carrots i know you just walk straight across the carrots fair enough travis he's a builder he does not care about farms but nice so that is guessing built and we should be able to do that in no time really and then even better we can get across here and we can start gaining some trees awesome this is going really well i am impressed all right so it's the end of day five the beavers are still sleeping rough you know i do i do feel a bit bad if i'm honest but i don't think there's a benefit in this faction having anywhere to sleep so if we click on someone let's take this guy thomas hook his hunger thirst and sleep are pretty satisfied and then all these things we can unlock i think the benefit of like having someone to sleep is their comfort goes up and you can see comfort there their life expectancy will increase and they'll walk a little bit faster so maybe in the long run it's worth building them a house but for now i'm definitely prioritizing the dam so that we get a little bit more water stocked up and assuming i can fill these for what i'm going to do as soon as the dry season hits we're going to stop pumping water because the main thing will be trying to stop the food from drying out right so you can see down here chloe has grown up so we have an unemployed beaver now if we come to our farm we can click on these we see growth progress is 87 so it won't be too long until we need the farmers to start collecting those but i think for now chloe we're going to put you as a builder so you can help complete the dam and i would love to i know it's so stupid but i'm going to try at some point and sort of build a mega dam so i'm gonna turn this massive waterfall into a dam they literally no need at all because the dam at the top does the same thing but it'll be a massive feat of engineering and that's all i care about right so we're getting some space back here now as we know all of these tree stumps they're not going to go into new trees because there's no green area up here and we could actually revitalize the area if we were to build an irrigation tower which i think the name has changed to water dump from the demo water dump interesting name choice there yeah also look at this we're actually full of water so i might build a few more water tanks let me do one there and one there so i was looking at also have you noticed these two beavers and that's frost inks and steph they've stopped beavering why are you not cutting logs anymore there's logs in range ah it's becau oh i'm an idiot i thought a small warehouse stored logs but it doesn't it only stores planks so we do actually need a log pile okay see always learning in this game always learning so thankfully we've got a bit of space there so we'll bung that in to be built and we'll prioritize that over the water we want to make sure our lumberjacks are always working well except for night time they're allowed some time off at night this up here shows their working hours and they're currently working 16 hours a day which is pretty tough but the beavers they they get the night off so i'm not too worried all right so during this evening you can see the carrots have grown and someone's actually sleeping in the carrots who's that ashes i think they went to sleep on soil and they're going to wake up with like carrots in their face so we're going to unpause this and we're going to have to pause two of the other jobs i think we'll pause one of the lumberjacks so steph and frostings just because the logs are completely full up you guys can come harvest food when you wake up tomorrow morning all right there you go and you can see they are harvesting food but because i prioritize planting as they harvest then plant straight behind which is the most time efficient way of doing it if i prioritize harvesting they'd collect all of them and it would be to soil doing nothing the only downside of doing it this way is we've got to make sure none of these carrots spoil i think after a certain amount of time they do go bad but actually maybe that only happens if they don't have water so yeah looking good travis has chosen sleep in the carrots this time silly beavers bright how's our damn going oh look we've got one piece of the diamond oh no they can't build the right pause pause pause pause pause so if we click on our district center this is the area that people can build you can see our dam's just out of range i can't believe i did that paths extend them i don't know if paths need to be extended but if we were to build a path let's say like that will that increase the area no it doesn't that needs to be connected bulls okay i'm not sure if there's a way through the trees so is the trouble we can't build on a tree so if we can weave a path through which it doesn't look like we can which means we're gonna have to lose some carrots unfortunately so if we come to plant crops we can say clear planting area we're gonna have to do a path this is quite gutting if i'm honest alright so we're slowly making a path around here we need these carrots to be harvested annoyingly i don't know oh god right these carrots okay yeah we might need to process harvesting if we want to get this path around here i'm also thinking about maybe just doing another farmhouse get all the farmers involved just to try and get rid of those oh stupid cat you should be able to like select carrots and just delete them or tell them to be harvested like why are you doing the closer ones do these ones yeah soda i'm gonna build another farmhouse and if i build it down there then hopefully any farmers i get will actually come this way i've just had a notification as well it's only three days until the dry season i don't think we're going to finish the dam oh come on all right let's let's think about this let's pause the water pump there you go now there's two people in there i need you guys to do this corner please work down this way work down this way we're going to make them work through the night because we've got to clear up these carrots i never thought carrots would be the enemy in this game we're on 24-hour night shifts come on people yes you're going the right direction you're going the right direction oh we've only got one and a half days no they're planting damn it prioritize i said prioritize harvesting why are you planting you absolute idiot are you out i hate them i hate them what are they doing oh no we got first death lex luper died of old age oh no are you actually kidding why are you sat on your ass steph what the hell man what the actual hell why is everyone thirsty and not getting a drink oh cause they're sleeping they're sleeping it's fine they're sleeping again ah sleeping hungry beavers and sleeping thirsty beavers yeah what are they up to that looks a bit that looks a little bit wrong from this angle guys all right please just dig up these bloody carrots i beg yes who are you steph you legend you legend we've got one bit of path in has that extended the builders range oh not quite come on two more carrots oh they literally just sat doing nothing why you're not working oh that's cause our warehouse is full bollocks right oh no it's nearly it's the dry season we have cocked this big time i mean we're going to survive the dry season just we could have survived so much better so much better yes let's build another storage we'll build it over there oh that was nearly good it was nearly good already it's now the dry season it's gonna last four days you see here the drought has started that's what happens now you can see the water source is drying up thankfully it stops at this level for a little bit but as you can see up there all the trees and green areas they're all turning to brown they're all dying but no as you can see there we've now dried up we have zero water left and everything is dying look oh it's horrible alright so we may as well pause the water pumps turn everyone into builders and look at this we can't actually get these trees so if we build a path up there all right so plonk that there put that on high priority well second high priority we want we need the small warehouse first because once this is built then we can dig up all these carrots and if we click on these because we're in the dry season you can see it's drying out and will die in two days so we've only got two days to pick these thankfully look now we have a small warehouse and we're just going to make this a carrot warehouse must have got some extra pair of hands we're going to get the old berries going again because again these are drying out although these will actually survive the dry season they will last nine days so that's good to me all right so i've paused those lumberjack flags and now someone should come up here all right so you can see up here thomas hook he is running up to the lumberjack flag he's going to cut down all these trees you can see he's a little bit thirsty as well thankfully we've still got six barrels of water so hopefully we'll be okay i think we should survive but oh look finally frostings he just dug up the carrots that screwed me over and if he comes back and does that carrot i'll be very happy are you you idiot you stupid beaver alright and look it's finally done so our path is complete and now if we click on our district center yes the dam is now in range so using our new path william is carrying a log and now he can build our dam unfortunately it's a bit too late but um better late than never i guess and to be honest it's actually quite good timing that this happened so it could be worth as we have two farmhouses now turning this area into more food production then when we get across the dam we can put our logging areas over here and we can actually plant new trees by using this this is a forester it requires 60 science thankfully because virex hellstrom has been beavering away in there inventing uh we have 189 science points so i'm actually gonna unlock that straight away no stop stop map don't right very close can you see in order to create that we need 10 logs but we need seven planks now we haven't actually got any planks yet because we need one of these a lumber mill and that turns logs into planks but it requires power 50 horsepower i'm surprised that's not bp for beaver power but okay so if we come to power we've got a variety of different ways we can create power we got a water wheel or just a power wheel so if you like to start we'll go for a water wheel and we'll plan to put it down here but i'm actually going to wait until our dam is complete so let's just fast forward through the dry season all right you can see now our carrots are dying we weren't able to harvest them in time so i'm actually going to reduce our working hours back down 16. the reason i had them on night shifts was to try and get all the food we could out there thankfully look we got loads of carrots we got 526 water situation not too bad we got 150 i think we should survive i think the reason we couldn't get any more carrots actually is because our storage is completely full so wow that's a lot we have a lot of carrots i'm going to select all of this area for planting carrots just so that the trees don't grow back you want this side to be our logging area a rise and shine mr path sleeper chloe time to wake up you're thirsty right so it's the end of the drought and you can see the water is replenishing the land so hopefully everything will turn back to green including all the trees and plants i think our dead carrots will remain dead yet they just need to be replanted over oh and look at this we built our damn so the water's not actually going downstream yet there you go until it hits a certain level and now it's flying over and rejuvenating downstream awesome right back on track so first off let's select some of these trees to be chopped down so all of those please we can see our lumberjacks aren't in range over there so we're going to build another lumberjack flag there so i'll put all of those in range and then we may as well pause all of these ones because there's no trees we cut down up here now we're going to start pumping water again so we'll turn those back on i was just wondering where where my beavers were because there's no there's no beavers in these lumberjack flags i was like where are they go get fork just died of old age oh no so we're gonna have to think about what we prioritize now i want a builder still we might have to oh yeah okay we can pause this farmhouse because as you can see nothing's growing at the moment so as everything has been planted we just got to wait for them to grow before we turn the farmhouses back on all right so annoyingly we can't build a lumber there because can you see the entrance it's over the water so it has to go one back i'm not sure if i put it there whether the power will fit let's see oh yes it does it does okay so that's good so we've got that we'll path up to it and then that should be pretty self-sufficient i think we may as well do the wheel first and then the milk and then we're gonna up the builders that gets built pretty quick all right and then we're gonna research the forester yes we do want to unlock that for 60 points well in our path we actually have to build it on top of the dam okay we got safety railings now that's much safer than before but that's extended our building range way further meaning we can put a forester about here once we have the planks going so let's plan to build that there then once the tree's been destroyed we will do a little path to it as well lovely so the lumber mill is complete we're just waiting on the water wheel and then we can get to work making planks meaning we'll then be able to build the forester tower and then we can start planting all of this with trees and last time i spoke about you can you can decide which sort of trees you want so if you come down here plant trees and bushes so you can see we can either plant birch pine or maple now these are birch trees for each one that's cut down you get one log these are pine trees for each one you cut down you get two logs and these are the maple trees and each one of those you cut they only get eight logs however as you can see in here birch trees only take nine days to grow pines take 12 but maple would take 24 so i think we'll have to monitor how we go it might be nice to do a little area of maple i think generally it'll be pine and birch but we'll see how we get on we will see all right so now you can see we have a water wheel this is powering the lumber mill so chloe is now working in there and she'll be turning logs into planks and then we can build all sorts of cool stuff with that alright so as we are having a few people die of old age i think it's time to start thinking about the next generation i think water food we're pretty good so let's over here start building a breeding center now we've got eight planned i may have gone overboard but i think we'll be okay although i am going to prioritize the forester assuming we have planks well look our carrots are growing back so we need more farmers although i've just seen and my warehouses are completely full so there's no point we may as well just leave them to grow and leave them in the ground them for emergencies in the meantime let's prioritize these let's get some more beavers finally all right so as all the trees are like dead this end we're gonna destroy all of these because we don't need lumberjack flags anymore so we'll do a bit of tidying up and instead we'll build some down here all right frostings is our forester so let's tell him plant a load of maples completely fill this with birch keep this first area all pine and then thinking long term all of that will be maple nice oh no steph has died of old age poor step but look you can see bobbing away in the breeding pods a new generation now there's still quite a way off though they're slowly getting there but it might be a while so we just got to keep an eye on our numbers try and spread our jobs efficiently nice you can see everyone beavering away planting trees i prioritize the birch just so we can get more wood quicker but a couple of maples are in already right so i think we're looking good guys i think we've slightly redeemed ourselves bit of a panic in the middle with the dry season but we made it we made it without the dam i think finally we got the start of a great series that's gonna happen on the channel if you're loving this please boost the like button but for now peace love and bridges and i'll catch you guys next time bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 719,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam, rce, real civil engineer, timber born, timber born game, timberborn full version, timberborn full game, timberborn full release date
Id: PuQpqjO7WEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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