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all right good morning everyone what is up here we are another beautiful day in paradise it is cold outside today we drove up north to this very unique auction that they only do twice a year it's an unclaimed packages auction so they basically get hundreds thousands and thousands basically of items that were unclaimed from a postal service FedEx USPS Amazon actually I don't know if Amazon is one of them DHL all these packages got shipped from somewhere here in the United States they were caught up in customs and the person who is receiving the package either got a refund and never paid to get the package sent through all the way or something along that matter or they were just held for a reason and never released and now all the packages are released to the auction company so we are planning on buying at least I'm playing on buying at least one big dog and Sam he's thinking about buying one big dog so we got to see the pricing last year it was from like 200 to like 900 in the range and every box is different so they do allow you to take a gander at the top of the boxes last year people were moving items from one box to the other which was kind of crazy someone got kicked out of the auction it got a little heated for a while there and then there was a one oligarch that bought 20 boxes out of like 20 or 30 boxes out of like 50 so he kinda took the fun out of it but that's that auction edge that gives it the fun experience because you never know what's going to happen it's a different thing every time but we're going to sign up and see what happens let's see if we can get some stuff today I won't lie in this war man you need school what you saw but you beat the press Eva Mickey that you know it's not cheap give up my nights you can sacrifice sleep put your best out there see results in a week I don't need a No all right so we're about to go in here and check out all the different claims before everyone gets here we're about an hour and 15 minutes early this time give us a little rundown on what's going on we're here at the auction house sorry we're like an hour early so we're gonna check out the goods in here the guy's not here yet for us to actually summon up because you have to sign up each person to sign up if you're planning on bidding on a box so go check out the goods this is the previewing of the boxes so basically you can see what's on the top layer I don't think they want you to dig in the boxes but you can kind of get an idea of what boxes you're interested in before the auction starts this note right here I think that's what happened last time or two times again I guess so you can see there is Amazon boxes like pers some shoes it's probably not even in there oh it is yeah no that's a good trick no this is way better getting here early that is lifetime there's like Signori okay so this one's actually in there well let's do this is a nice fire it is not verbal I don't know what it is that it should say on the back of the box right 128 gigs oh that's bad Ivan seven plus what is this thing fee base um ebay wrapping galaxy that's probably a nicer phone than the iPhone it's a little coach purse to coach purses right there she's looking at not bad oh they just threw one iPhone in each makes it look so there's one in here they're not bad though if there's mad guns in there like some creepy jewelry five phones four years down there that's it that's the scariest part about it [Music] don't work here's a computer in here though I've seen a lot of electronics though two computers onto other fans some of these things these pop toys different different different varieties in here huh computer of some sort Omega watch hey how are you I mean the phones maybe yeah here's a drone I mean there's so many funds there's no way they're all very good look at all these the galaxies are nicer than the iPads in well if you brought a charging pad you get started oh man this is the kind of stuff that that's good because like this is an expensive double TV mount probably a studio or a house but like if someone's editing suite what you mean to have that they put a little candy on top for you how many boxes are there d now 54 it's so like similar like every time pretty much enough to get like - hopefully we're planning on buying two boxes but he mostly they could just get out of control yeah so like this one's filled with a whole bunch of Amazon boxes I mean any box you get in here it's kind of a win just because it's a mystery and you never know you could score big these would be an easy list Wow I wonder if people actually buy these it's like some kind of look like a GoPro type camera if it's a camera it might just be the kit all these extra accessories that are nice to have oh those are fire these little dreamers I mean I don't know if they're as fresh as the ones I have on but they're close I pop those right on if I bought this box items the closer I thought that you might be really nice like a Calvin Klein t-shirt could sell for like 10 bucks but you get conver stuff brand yeah probably I'm not getting they be the ones that sell for cheaper because all the very first boxes everyone's going to spend their money on you but there are phones and like every single one but for some reason they I have a feeling a lot of them don't work because that's how they get you because they're they're dead man I already know that they get you every kind of I liked the idea like a kid's flavor I don't know I guess it's like exhaust pipes for a car what is this do you know I'm not really into that kind of stuff I feel like these are like add-ons like people just throw this on goodbye yeah throat hurts batteries mercedes-benz it's kind of cool though looks like something would be at IKEA or like for a kid's room right Skechers SuperDuper heavy like that could be a good buy just because like they're just man like sweatshirts and there's some yeah we have monies install that already I did well they'll see more when do they kind of get that good though like a cure a pace out really well if it works this is the modern-day treasure hunt that's what that guy's climbing right now he's right though there's man there's a lot of sentence I know these lamps but you never know because these guys tricked you and put like good stuff in the bottom that sounds crazy it gets in here but you would think that would never have him on the does I'm feeling like people are okay so which box do you think you might buy unless you guys to I so we're looking at all the boxes each one is it Christmas Day for someone there's definitely ones that are better than others some have about 12 phones and I'm no chance that they work because I've had but I would say if we walk out of here with one box we'll be happy yeah that's the plan let's see what happens all right so it's like real calm right now because it's about an hour maybe like 50 minutes before it starts but in a little bit when the auction starts going live the whole rooms gonna be filled with people and it's gonna be a little bit chaotic may am so this is this building up there have this in is like a VFW it's actually super cool and they have like Memorial stuff all over the walls and this crazy basement that's I got wood that's super sick actually I'm about to check it for sure on the box it's actually my brand that's and that oh really yeah so we're making clients today oh there you go are you gonna buy a box I don't think I can do it while I'm working yeah that's true that's my favorite number I'm feeling good about my number that see I'd be scared if I had one there Dean I mean you got a real black cat 113 it's the auctions like up that road we just walked one block and look how crazy this is this is like the city center over here really cool actually all right I consider this to come before the storm we're in this little awesome Valley here on the corner just waiting for this auction to hit and it's just such a relaxing nice day and then it's about the yet so hectic in about 20 minutes this is one extreme that an actor not supposed to be opening the boxes inside the box every box in the box sandwich box you bought I'm recording the sale so at the end when you tell me you said this or you said that we'll run the tape and we'll see exactly what I said I like that because my memories came to my cell with a heart where I'll be remembering but when you do enough of them after a while they're all just a blur dust in the rear view mirror depending where he wants in the windshield like no see you're driving like this I just wanted to give you a little background of where these all come from you've all seen maybe the ads on Facebook and me getting attacked by people saying that we're stealing the packages off people's porch and selling them and they're gonna call the most master all of these packages people in other countries order an item that they can't normally order from a company here in the United States that company in the United States will that buy the item have it shipped to a third-party shipping company that third-party shipping company will reship it to them in their country for a fee and then for whatever reason the person who originally bought the package wasn't it wasn't worth the customs fees or the it cost you must have it shipped to the other country so once the package sits for 90 days it's abandoned so these are not packages that are lost or unclaimed at the post office or you yes or FedEx this is where all these packages came from does anybody have any questions about that so it's not returns no they're not returns these are all items that were purchased by a foreign customer and we're going to be reshift but it turned out to be too much money or for whatever reason the customer didn't reship it well I have family in Brazil when we ship to Brazil if something cost you $100 DM for taxes $100 so now it's $200 right now so that's how some of these countries keep keep products from flowing in they want to keep their economy where it's at I get it but this is why this stuff is here now and we're just going to work our way around the room any questions how it works good hundred dollars to start first box $100 $50 25 25 30 40 50 50 50 100 50 50 minutes 50 $70 $70 your turn $70 70 70 80 80 99 you give $100 110 110 now ten ten twenty one twenty William in thirty forty one forty forty one forty forty one thirty fifty one forty we have got 140 140 150 160 once it came out six your turn 160 160 now 50 150 right here one signal ones if you want to table announcement there's someone blocking at the dark arch dumpster parked in front of the garbage dumpster you're about to get your first end come on now there's no buyer's premium no sales tax 210 210 220 230 230 30 now 30 30 40 40 Jim 40 250 250 250 250 50 we have in 250 once twice fair warning sold $240 137 man but you might not have it you must not have much to say as long I can say about that you have something to say you want a woman with a brain here we go box number two IRA box 10 how about I give a hundred get 110 has the woman of my dreams a hundred ten London deputed oh one set off engine at 110 120 130 130 130 140 140 your turn 140 130 even the 4149 40 weevil 140 140 150 150 150 160 170 170 dollars 170 1770 go 170 160 / 170 where 170 171 172 I see 170 180 190 190 190 $9,200 210 210 even GJ Omega 2 gentiemen $210 $210 MPB 210 sold in 200 fire 110 pretend 110 did leave it at 110 down 10 110 120 130 140 150 160 160 not aware one should give 170 170 dollars 170 somebody we have got hundreds of 170 180 190 200 $200 vated 210 GWB ten twenty two hundred twenty twenty thirty two thirty forty forty two forty to fifty 50 now 50 50 60 - 60 - 60 - 70 $270 277 e atat now 80 80 - 80 - 90 - 90 300 300 300 300 bid $300 $300 that's all $300 sold in $290 103 290 103 min a hundred ten a hundred ten twenty thirty one 150 175 175 200 225 225 upon upon the fifty fifty seventy five 275 275 275 different give me about 75 huh 75 275 300 325 325 Monday fine 325 25 325 let's call it sold 300 103 300 103 one forty fifty sixty one fifty 137 one eighty ninety one ninety now 225 25 50 to 50 now 50 to 59 fifty to fifty seventy five 275 300 300 300 been down 25 325 I'm either 3 2530 but 99 and we go 90 give off McDonald cook this out oh we have it 110 10 21 20 now 30 31 30 40 41 40 50 150 150 once if you want if you we have it 160 170 180 180 BB I'm in $180 189 190 190 200 now 25 25 50 to 57 tomorrow 75 you 50 village 75 303 303 3 now 200 225 250 75 to 25 to 50 to 50 50 75 70 100 75 300 300 325 325 325 325 300 years one day 525 325 325 350 350 350 now keep it do me a minute 350 we are go 350 salted three salt salt salt sorry 325 minutes what's your number you know it 150 150 ones if you want to say 150 170 71 71 and 81 90 91 91 91 90 90 180 180 bit 190 where one nutty now ninety two hundred don't have enough 25 - 25 50 50 - 50 now 50 70 100 70 - 70 lives you learn 75 75 to 100 75 75 300 300 to do into 3 325 325 325 325 25 320 by 50 52 350 now in computer a 50 now 50 350 now fifty 350 it's too much the 110 don't NT 110 110 120 130 140 140 150 150 position B 70 70 100 somebody down oh we got on 171 should be right here once we're 170 180 180 190 190 200 terminal 2150 5250 no 5071 7103 record number 75 3 nothing where 275 300 325 350 350 now is rated 15,000 is rated the do we echo 350 - 350 males call sole 325 119 325 I just changed the was that I am but that spirit Avengers married adventures sorry he's gonna have a live feed I'll tell ya - 30 - 50 50 now 50 52 50 now 50 50 50 to 75 75 75 75 - fifty nine seventy five seventy Mike into two hundred and seventy five seventy five 275 $300 $300 sugar soda five 300 we have in three hundred three hundred billion three twenty-five fifty fifty three females 75 75 375 no 75 375 sold in three fifty one sixty four three fifty one sixty four 50 now 50 50 50 75 70 103 bid 325 325 now 350 now yes paper one folded 325 miles for every box over $700 bid 225 225 15 June 57 final 300 300 wait a minute 3 min 25 3 funded by the Pawnee by 300 up on a model one day my dream day 325 325 53 57 mm 275 300 75 huh 75 375 a horrid another word for gay porno poor soul is 375 Jupiter to preserve and 125 150 175 200 225 what about unfunny Bon Appetit 57 the mob 300 300 325 25 350 350 for every bid 125 for 25 days for skateboard if you go just during a father/son day bacon $4 450 475 500 525 550 now 55 50 now 50 Kauai 50 last call 500 525 1554 50 now 50 for 50 now 50 go we do we have it for you for 25 for 75 75 for 75 75 75 huh 75 for under 75 your turn 50 now 75 75 huh 75 300 325 350 350 now day 320 papazoni to get 15 3dnow in tow even 15 50 75 375 375 375 375 375 or the other way you know I got 350 375 375 once twice farewell 350 pin number 173 351 yeah 50 bucks 25 money contrary they forgot their dude enough $40 to get out of the double should get down somebody should've been nobody any with nobody degrees or $80 million another 90 give $100 heard all right there 125 125 you want to do we have 175 175 200 a 25 50 75 300 325 350 350 375 375 375 375 400 400 400 even torn up about 150 175 200 225 225 250 fifty seventy five 275 275 300 300 to 325 we have enough money bubble 25 three days you know if you drink okay 320 bucks down she goes do we have it 350 now 50 sold 325 we will say what is in there there's anything working there you think this is the one I bought here in there 75 303 bid 325 350 350 50 now 50 we have four boxes together here I think they all go together some type of car man's car parts car seats whatever they put them all together here since the tall box the next whole box these four boxes together give honor to dollars hundred men 125-foot a bundle 1551 1557 the prevalence of any moment someone submitted 175 200 225 225 did one in 57 275 250 275 300 $300 typically than three we go three minutes twenty-five fifty fifty 350 there if you dreamed of Dooley on Pebble $350 75 75 hundred twenty-seven divided for great propor not before we go $400 for Corbitt 25 for 25 25 all right this is the box we got we were thinking we were trying to get to try to get two boxes today but they were starting to go at the end for like 700 which is way way too crazy that's like what you're gonna flip the box four people were paying that price so maybe I'll just pull off the truck back it up try and I I'll try and get an in-car injustice I could just pick it up if the trucks out there watch the step on to say it boy okay or I guess I get a sitting there yeah all right so this is all part of the gamble of the fun of it super super fun in there slash stressful as hell but we got one box we wanted to get to but we should have bitterly uh married adventures on YouTube bought like four boxes and he was on it he bought the first two for like he bought the very first second box for 200 bucks it was the cheapest one that went and it had like mad phones in it and then he bought one for like five something so we now that we got one so we're gonna go home and then show you guys everything that's in the box we really don't even know because some of the better stuff last time was in the bottom our other video from this auction is on our YouTube channel so yeah please hopefully in the description I'm going to put last year's video and then the other kids video that was streaming live I'm gonna show you guys just so you can see how crazy it was [Music] move the truck up now I just gotta get this bad boy in the truck the anticipation is killing me I mean you're gonna have to wait I know it's two hours two hours I have to wait keyboard all right got good stories there hydraulics on the windows it's missing I mean the boy said that he was when he was looking at him he was shoving cellphones down to bottom and I was like well hopefully it was one of hopefully it was this box cuz there was so fins on the top of that box where he first looked at and I did say hi this is how I messed up because like listen you guys heard me when I said that all the phones and electronics are probably broken and I still want them so like what's wrong with me like you guys are more observant because you're watching the video for the first time so you guys can nitpick there's a lot of people that walked out of there and be handed so I said get one of the boxes in the beginning I said get it all right we made it back home with our box of Christmas joy I got a message from one of our viewers Tony who just watched the two unboxing videos of the other guy that was live there today married adventures is his channel he said it looked a little rough so now I'm getting scared because we haven't seen what's in this box we spent three hundred twenty-five dollars and auctions can sometimes be all about the hype so we're about to pull this out and see what happened basically the idea is to at least double your money on these things but that doesn't always happen so let's see where we are you want me to pull it out yes let's pull this baby and key suspense music now [Music] that's what I thought this life is gonna make it less hard on my back they can charge it because I unboxing sure that and then I opted out of the tripod doesn't get good an up-and-down view for me personally you guys alright so pretty clear we shoved everything down in it and someone must have just taken by fender discounted I feel like there's bones in there unless I'm just think of all the other axes start up in the bottom it no top yeah okay we got a Nordstrom dress of some sort it's $82 so says it size and everything on here so we'll leave that in the box and put it on e back not for eighty-two dollars but for probably some clothes Tommy Hilfiger shorts this is for kids for sure brain there though Tommy Hilfiger stuff sells Tommy Hilfiger t-shirt size 12 kids socks socks Calvin Klein t-shirt yeah I'm sorry I put this back in this box are you out this I want to see what this is because it took up the whole box and I was sad to see that it might just be like pardon I'll say not nothing ever all lost our lead it's a like it don't last not that we like land but this is the kind of stuff that's actually usable it is a they land wasn't really it's just the assembly instructions maybe it does scan on eBay or some Syria Inc so it's not all right we'll find out what it's worth well how much room that cook up down the box [Music] these are sellable simple no not there still cry so I'd be very easy so he's a nice shirt draw your industries what this pace Skechers sneakers my bad bad size 8 women's versus remember these six woman's chucked our Tsar shoreline prepped wine low top shoes they returned it because they don't fit okay makes sense Buffalo my David bitten please look like nice pants they were originally originally $74 marked down to $24.99 snakeskin shoes they're not real snakes you know is there a size 40 which is what in the u.s. all right this is pretty nice I mean and see this box this is a tuna my shirt hotel there she is oh there's this outfit you're talking about why succeed oh five five six I find sex not bad if it's unlocked three cellphones in the same item very [Music] alright what's up with this box you want me to get it well actually these are pretty pretty salable alright soluble is that your word sir all men's like strap shoes they're all like pretty much like Kmart like Walmart Kmart shoes I don't know about these George 15 bucks so yeah pretty cheap alright guys that's what it was so I wouldn't say we got totally destroyed but happy we didn't buy three of these boxes because that's kind of gnarly a little bit insane how many how much people spend on the last two boxes soldier $700 I'm gonna do a little digging on seeing what works seeing what sounds for what and see you know the lamp might be valuable I don't know so I'll get back to you guys and see how we made out all right so it doesn't it looks looking back I just started going through some of the stuff the BlackBerry works amazingly people buying for like on eBay for like use fifty to seventy dollars which is very surprising to me the iPhone turned on it's an iPhone 6 so that might get us $150 maybe a hundred the converse sell for about 3035 and then we have for card shirts that we haven't looked up that a brand new pretty nice I think the Beatles sweatshirt could get the 30 bucks on eBay and each pair of these shoes should be at least five if not $15 even at the flea market it looks like we'll probably make our money back and maybe a little profit but that's not really the point if you're buying stuff like in a box like this you want to at least double your money so I'll say for sure you're never gonna get the dream box if you're not out there doing it so maybe we should have bought more or maybe we should have bought none but we went out we did it and we had a good time I would like to see what other people got in their boxes because it's really hard to tell what's in them and people were paying four five six up to $750 for each box so I don't know is it all about the hype or is it actually profitable to go to those auctions yeah one last clean before I get too crazy so I just figured out exactly what this lamp is this was the big item in the box that I thought was really terrible to have gotten turns out that this exact lamp online everywhere is sold out and the price tag was 345 so sold out their page no longer exists on the actual website there's no pricing on that site and it's sold out on Amazon so there's a slim possibility that after doing some research on the lamp we could sell this for what we paid for the box it's possible I'm not saying it's going to happen and then it would be a good profitable box so that item that you least expect it good thing I looked it up I was going to post this for $20 now I'm thinking about posting it for 300 because you can't get it anywhere and obviously if it's sold out from every website people like this lamp for some reason I have no idea why so we're going to delicately unpack the lamp and make sure everything's working on it and then we're going to post it wait wait whoa two dollars you pay for that I paid two dollars cook you know I was saying it was a joke Wow you know that's style for - it's very Asian like you know but it keeps me words like wearing a giant blankie you want to sell this lamp so you make it funny better look it up so I can get pictures off of their stock photo I stock photo because that's the best because it's just I don't know if we'd be able to pull off so no matter what all those not lost in anything that you do hopefully we saw this land for $300 plus what you will say we were making a mac and cheese out of this Atlanta it's worth double the other good item in there all right shall we [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 257,536
Rating: 4.7439713 out of 5
Keywords: unclaimed, abandoned, packages, auction, unclaimed packages auction, unclaimed freight, abandoned freight, abandoned at customs, auctioning, auctioneer, abandoned packages, unclaimed goods, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, nj, new jersey, union city, new york, north jersey, iphones, apple products, electronic, fun, exciting
Id: 0n_ARsuA6gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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