We Bought $20 Storage Auction Locker And This Is What We Found!

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I guess this is why these people call it gambling I guess I just put a hundred yeah with the deposit one hundred and twenty dollars on black and then hit red boys double zero was this the worst storage in it ever has anyone ever gotten alright you know how we can't pass up a deal so what is up everyone here we are another beautiful day in paradise in Millville New Jersey we're about to crack open a storage unit that we bought [Music] I know we've been trying to clear out the junk but couldn't resist we got this deal for $20 she's opening it right now thank you since I know what it looks like from the pictures you can open it got to do both sides yeah pull it and then the other one well different than some of the ones with that [Music] oh man no dude you can't you can't be serious no way bare with us guys I bought this unit not for what's on the surface but what what could potentially be under but that's an easy a bay sale right there so let's get these gloves on and get into this this is gonna be insane you know set the camera up on a tripod and start going through everything show you guys what we got this is the thing in this business in this life doing storage in its house cleanouts even trash picking buying pallets you never know what you're always there's always a mystery to it and that's what makes it fun at the end of the day you could hit gold or you could be back to square one but with this little purchased $20 you're not really make or breaking anything I think you could get you know $20 for one item of decent quality let's say cook pan that's great put some gloves on what's the what do you say I said there is a mask just living it because one this is really gross but I'm just being honest there's mouse poop on everything but there's like a mouse is living in there maybe a few in the pillow holy wire though these chairs are keep life though thing is I could put these on top of the car do you know what I mean all right we're getting into this three chairs these are sheets they're brutal I guess we should just put this on the tripod right I can't go through it otherwise [Applause] so easily at the flea market but this one's kind of this needs to be cleaned up but I think this will be a fifty dollar eBay item you can get clean kind of really dirty honestly right now hold onto it brand-new dollar store toys nasty vacuum cry easily shall about the Flay though dish guess [Music] the other part is princess tea today there's like all these boost mobile phone cases only what all these are bags that's right are there one of those shoes Oh the other two dead mice just watch out when you step over there parroted you're gonna let Paris they're paying to hoard their trash I'd pull a bed bug spray that's nice [Applause] this is one of those situations where you just cut bait you just lose the tuna and pay their fee because this is all trash nothing not even salad there's nothing in here Wow was I ever hoping on take that loss I just want to know why they had this stuff in here all right this is what we're looking at bags and boxes of clothes that aren't even good well I mean you could try and sell them I guess 50 cents a piece but I'm not dealing with that you'd be hard-pressed to even get a dollar for this stuff Oh close close close close nasty dishware paperwork this isn't even a fan there is some magic card right there I'll probably pick those up and just take them so hammer there's a hammer so I don't know I guess this is why these people call it gambling I guess I just put a hundred or yeah with the deposit one hundred and twenty dollars on black and then hit red boys double zero because look at this like this is a good unit but you can't sell this look at this it's hard to tell on video but like it looks way cleaner on video I know that it's insane but this this is no no good like look at this just for instance everything is boxed this is an evasion poser eviction is what it is I stored you got cut heads you win some you lose some a stroller but nobody's buying and like you could for I could read technically because I'd be the one doing it I could take these clothes and wash them and then sell them but is that really worth it for me now I saw bed bug spray so you know what I'm just thinking that bad bugs right you just put the bag somewhere it was right there no there's it that bag this one you must have threw it no that's not it either it was right here damn it was right here mice and poop on everything like you don't want this stuff getting here all right bar so was this the worst storage in it ever has anyone ever gotten a unit this bad before like we're claiming not one thing in here is good it's because it's a problem like the TV the princess TV I was like oh that should pay for the whole thing those go for $100 no way go look at it it doesn't wear her weight I mean you guys can't tell I swear it looks way better on film but there's like just creepy crusty like stuff all over it like it was like like a mouse tooth Tim peed all over it that's what it looks like and it crusted really really gross and the arrows required to throw them back in there though because I'm a stood half of it get a hammer out of it though I bought $125 $120 hammer at least it's tempered steel that guy a couple of errors and a license plate a watch just one corner what's in here okay that's all yeah this is the most stained blanket I've ever seen in my life so we have that okay empty Tupperware oven roasted turkey breast container keep that's keep life for them vegetable french bread pizza box okay what is in this bag well let's just see this I just want everybody know what this unit is all about yes all that stuff that's hitting the ground his mouth dude yeah wait this is real dirty diapers man dirty diapers okay empty egg carton oh those aren't cigarette friends if it was poop and pee well fire hydrant on the side ll they use a fire hydrant to screw into to keep the broom head on top a toy fire honey that's real okay Easter basket just the top and box of empty boxes from like Scooby Snacks and what is popsicles yeah you're right you're right this was a this is an eviction yeah they put that in here to be let's see it to be funny plunger I can't okay would you save this pillow and put it in the storage in it I wouldn't this looks like an angry landlord did this huh Blue's Clues big musical another nice Villa you can see if descent we got smoked boys at least we can go to our entice our house which is nice into our nice new eBay room where all the items are basically new and just sell those the best thing to do when things like this happen are just stay positive because if you don't you're just going to get mad I'd be way more pissed if I was this guy all right there's kids watching tell them to close their eyes that's a mouse like there's gotta be that's what I'm saying like what if like I know there's like probably a bunch of them like mixed in here just dead not taking this to my house disgusting like I've taken some pretty crazy things to our house but you know what I'm trying to attack me sorry about that I'm a very big fear of wasps and Yellowjackets but this is just crazy like you you can't do that to yourself don't do it you can't even justify cleaning this thing out you pay more in dumb fees and you would just leave it in here that's how I feel I guess you get what you pay for they knew then $20 units that ain't gold this man will fire aah exhibit a Exhibit A hold it up here crusty suck everyone needs one of those in their life right worst unit ever cuz we get down okay what's the last insane claim you'd think you'd find more than three arrows a license late a hammer and a watch I shouldn't watch at that from a unit that looks like this like literally these are the best things that were in here I paid $120 for a hammer blatantly and some there's no way and your daughters are watching I mean just shot this thing we're out of here I can't reach it babe that's the thing like out of all the storage units we'll all of them have small little days why this is here I tried to pull that but I got creeped out touching it because it had ended up rusty all right grab your arrows people that work here cuz that's terrible like I wouldn't want to clean that out for 100 no nobody wants to clean that out oh wait that's a bit of a lie though because we did get a stack of first generation magic cards there might be worth something maybe not all right exactly dad but true these things happen can't be discouraged gotta just keep rolling with the punches we are now [Music] that was crazy you've never be able to tell what something looks like from the pictures you never be able to tell I bet that was from this video and to be honest if you were very crazy like we could have squeezed backgroud our money out of that but at what cost at what cost kind of the let let it ride just keep moving on rolling with the punches pretty bad clean outs but we haven't really been doing them lately in a while actually so it's like I haven't seen much even like some of the poorest ones like Dorchester is bad if you guys saw that one but you didn't have that much pain like no it was bad okay matter it was bad and like there's actual dead rodents in there and not just one like I saw at least three like that's and then the bedbug thing I'm traumatized by that vote so I just can't do it I can't do that myself it's too risky sometimes and like that storage unit specifically is one of the reasons why we've been leaning more towards finding different ways to make money different ways different cleaner revenue streams yeah cuz to continue our dream and please if anyone's had a horrific storage unit experience I'm sure they've people have had way worse than that and actually went through with cleaning it out so please share your stories in the comments youtubes all about sharing information and stories and personal experiences I know there's a lot of opinions online and in people in general but go ahead and share please and if you liked our video I know it was just showing reality really but please give it a thumbs up that's but that's human nature to get smoked I mean chances are you could get smoked at your actual you know job I've seen people get it way worse so please give it a thumbs up though if you like our video and if you have not subscribed to our channel yet please do we're going to continue to just keep putting out content as much as we can cry not every day anymore more like four times a week I think it's what we're what our goal is four videos a week but you the dream continues peace everyone alright just came back to the house to this surprise on our porch you don't I found this or evident alright the far out legend himself not not Godfather Paul the other pole hippy Paul oh man these are no fool either Fox made in the USA foxy fix but petite these are nice what are they for that like books they're nice though they're like binding for notebooks is what it looks like foxy fix made in the USA bad girl either binders Sudan Eclipse speakers see this oh my gosh basically bringing down car speakers stairs yeah and then I guess these are - yeah these are all eBay dreams these - these are good brand though thank you just want to end the video with thank you far out Paul you're a god that was awesome but I just want to end the video saying stay positive with everything that you do and the same that stuck with me for so long since the day I saw it was you always miss 100% of the shots that you don't take so take a shot cuz you never know what's gonna happen today we lost / we just want there but today we lost at the storage facility but overall take your shots which we do need to be a little bit more cautious about what we did but I couldn't resist I couldn't resist $20 by I will trying to clarify this we actually ended up spending 120 dollars it wasn't a $20 unit because the deposit was left at the storage facility along with all this stuff you only get your hundred dollars back if the whole units cleaned it out so I will say we lost that one but overall in the long run we've been winning to the extent of just keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing but we'll see you guys in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 52,278
Rating: 4.7583499 out of 5
Keywords: we, bought, $20, storage, auction, locker, and, this, is, what, found, storage auction, storage locker, storage facility, storage unit, look what we found, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, nj, new jersey, junk, trash, trash out, trashing out
Id: sDKjSAwB-7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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