We Scored Huge With These 2 Amazon Pallets from Liquidation.com | Extreme Unboxing

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are you serious seriously I seen it hi there my name is Joe and I'm Jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives there you are thanks for stopping by [Music] hey everyone it is Bella de la day today we have two pilots that we're gonna unbox together there's a lot of bigger items on there and also we've got both of these pallets for quite this steel 638 dollars all in with these two pallets here including shipping so that average is maybe about $300 a piece a little bit more so we're very very excited come on in okay we're gonna start with this palette here we're not till this one we actually got for a huge so we were actually very surprised yeah 184 bucks yeah so by the looks of it it is it's okay I mean it's not fabulous are fantastic the I think what really what people were really discouraged by was this big box up top that had you know what looks like something that it wouldn't cost very much yeah then there are some diapers here so it didn't look like there was a whole bunch in there and honestly given the looks of it if it wasn't a huge huge steal at 184 184 but yeah 84 bucks if it wasn't such a huge deal like that we would have passed on into so you know sometimes you could take risk and pounce like this and I don't think it's a risk we're gonna definitely make money but we're D had a couple pallets shipped with it if it was just buying it by itself to ship there's no way that we bought it but since we already had a couple of pallets we thought that we would go ahead and get it and reduce the shipping cost so it's gonna be good but this is a another Amazon shelf pull palette from liquidation calm and let's just jump into it alright so I'm gonna go ahead and get this big big thing go ahead and get it out of the way it's like a big black metal basket and it looks like it's supposed to work spin like this and uh I've never seen anything like this before oh my god bake one of those big bingo tins yeah and but I'll bet it's got a UPC here so I'm just gonna scan it and see what it is cuz I have no clue [Music] it's a compost spreader but unfortunately it looks like it's missing the handle unless the handles sold separately because you can see here this pitcher it's curly it's got this spreader but then it's got a handle right there that's called that woulda came in handy for us a couple of weeks ago and but it's showing the pitchers that have it with the handle and maybe it could still be in the pallet maybe maybe I can get the handle but if it doesn't have the handle maybe 50 bucks I'll try and get it Wesley but we may end up keeping this for us just because we've got a big garden and we've got lots of compost that we like to spray that we're gonna mark it as $50 depending on when we do sit down and do more research on this it may be worth more and if that's the case that'll determine whether or not it's worth worth it for us to sell I mean we could use it but if you saw it with the handle 217 dollars I'm gonna be more likely to sell something if it costs more but if we can only get 25 to 50 dollars out of it it'll be worth it for us to keep it because it'll keep its value here for our garden well I'm seeing bigger boxes down here so I'm gonna go ahead and just pull this one because it feels heavy and I don't see any pictures but the box looks perfect it doesn't look oh there we go there's the damage alright there's the damage oh and it is I can tell what it is powder free disposable night nitrile nitrile not trial the trial nitro nitrile gloves nitrile gloves Metro blow up some really nice gloves a good thing is it's got a little UPC yeah I wonder I think it's only damaged in one on one box this box looks a little messed up so looks like they're currently not available right now it's gonna be hard to find the exact one but a box of 50 is running around nine dollars I think so I guess we could sell them individually maybe at the flea market or something for nine dollars a piece nine nine ten dollars all right so I'm gonna grab this box of time - it's empty really weeds empty box no we actually needed diapers I think that's when we first got the palette in and Lucas is the only one left in diapers and he needed diapers we had just run out and I'm like I don't want to go to the store we're in the middle of a quarantine yeah so I'm just gonna go ahead and save some money and get these and myself and keep them and I don't even know how much they would have cost so I'm going to find out right now and you left the empty carton in the box well I held on to it because I wanted to know that it was there so 45 bucks is what it costs brand-new so had we try to sell this on Facebook marketplace we went 30 bucks and diapers like that would have sold for 30 bucks so we're gonna go ahead and say 30 bucks because that's what we've got even though we paid them even though we used them ourselves this box is damaged real bad so pull the box out and then I'll pull the step out with it but these are bedtime underwear for you know the older kids you know with to protect their pajamas and stuff wet the bed girls and they look like they're perfectly filled no there's nothing wrong with them yeah so that's the good news find out how much feed babies cost huh there's 42 total so this is this is the 42 count the the picture is different because I guess they have the boy designs on there but it's $25 so we could we could easily sell this for I don't know what do you think babe 15 $15 you have 15 bucks and put in a flea market booth they'll be easy and easy sell easy sell usually we get items that cost you know $30 and under we're gonna put a more flea market booth just because for us it's that threshold of it's not really worth our time meeting somebody over $15 sell boxes open what is this it's uh hey hey yeah no it's it's hey in what it's a Western Timothy hey yeah I should have known with you that it would have been something but you can see here it's been cut open right there so well most people who actually live hey I don't know that they don't even know I don't even know you can buy hay on online I mean I'm not surprised it's not great it smells like when I had bunnies mm-hmm this is uh oh it's for little bitty animals yeah it smells so this is a nine pound bag so 23 bucks and 15 bucks in that box still really really this is the Minnie Mouse Pikachu pika do big pick up a baby jumper baby stuff sells really level babies require a lot of things and any time you can get something decent for a lower price any smart parents gonna jump on that as long as it's not compromise safety wise and these things right here you can buy them secondhand pretty much everywhere they're all over Facebook marketplace yeah so I'm fairly certain this will sell very quickly they're the dude is runner and let's see here buying options so an average of 127 it's probably because it is it's a Disney brand gives me baby so the brand goes higher before we make sure with prices I'm gonna double check and make sure there's no damage does have a little over here little bit but it doesn't go away through everything is still in its place got that bear all right cool so $90 $80 what do you think we'll probably price it for a hundred if we get $80 for it I think saying I was thinking maybe if we could probably I know you like to price things a little bit higher yeah and then if we can you know make a deal on something lower yep so price it for a hundred and hope to get eighty another baby dude out I like baby stuff because it sells quickly and I think that one's a lot more damaged box it does it's also not the big name brand Disney so looking at this box here before I even do a price check I see it's very smashed and there is it's looking like maybe yeah okay so look if you look here you can see that it is very very bent very bent I don't even know that it's not a structural part of this I don't even know if I can sell it but I will end up taking this out of the box just to check and see chances are this is probably not going to go for much unless we can find somebody who knows how to repair it but it's plastic so it's a warped plastic yeah but I'll do some further inspection let's see how much how much it is here let's see all right it would be this one right here and so it's $34.99 so at this point I mean if I did sell it and it was in good condition I could probably sell it for twenty twenty-five dollars maybe price it at 25 if we got 20 for it great but we probably won't end up selling that because the structural damages and it's baby stuff you know if it was something else but you know we play it safe with the babies another Disney think it's got some damage to the box but if this box is good this little fasten that thing it could be worth some really good money and look at the box it's got a little thing there the plastic but I'm not seeing any issues with the metal no nothing so that is awesome hell yeah I wonder if that that speaks to the quality of Disney baby's stuff I mean who knows I mean because all of these have obstructive serious trouble damage but these are not the items themselves seem to be really good I bet this is at least 100 bucks we're not sponsored by Disney baby at all just not yet let you know yet well I wouldn't quite 100 bucks it's on sale right now okay 473 forty-one nice yeah so normally it's 90 bucks so very cool so what you're gonna sell that for 60 bucks let me go 60 bucks on it alright that's not much under but 60 bucks price it I feel good with sixty bucks and this is nothing fancy what is that cat litter okay and it's an open bag and almost like somebody used it so I didn't like it you can't return these no return so what just got damaged they tape the back up so I see $0 all right so we are about two-thirds done with this first pallet and things are looking pretty good so far we've opened up some great items and a couple items that were duds like that cat litter that we just opened up but we're at three hundred and sixty bucks so far with six items to go in this pallet and remember we paid for both of these pallets $638 all in here in our garage and we're at 360 bucks so we are already more than halfway to paying for these pallets which is exciting because we still have so much stuff left to unbox so if you're new to our unboxings is that our goal with every pallet is to at least double our money that when we purchase pallets we don't purchase a lot of pallets to sell them online because there's no way that we could get very good margins so we buy items to sell locally and our goal is always to double our money at least as long as we double our money then we are happy with that we find that to be a successful pallet anything extra we're feeling really really good about our choice this not really caught my eye has the logo is interesting it's called sell treat scientific product so to me I'm thinking maybe beakers or I don't know something science e lab equipment may be very open and immediately I see what looks like test tubes yeah so I was right there's a lot of them in here let me see if I can move this to this this dude over here looking at the box it looks like something got set on it or something and just walk down here so there is some some superficial damage but the test tubes are fine they are fine yep so these well this one was sterile I guess you can rescale eyes them if you have a lab but yeah these guys are in these packages okay so they're individually packed of 25 okay sweet it's a two to nine for two zeros the there they are two two nine four two zero polypropylene centrifuge tubes case of five hundred they are ninety six dollars on here now these are they're supposed to be sterile the ones the first two are not sterile obviously because they've been whatever they've been these ones down here are perfectly fine these are broken so I don't know baby they're always three of them is damaged yeah so there's twenty five so yeah so it's a bummer because we could have sold that on ebay this has been a tough item to sell locally but sell it on ebay for you know 80 bucks open box but since all those items are damaged it's gonna be a little difficult I don't even know what the price is for that I'm not even sure so this is one of those difficult items that we won we've never experienced it before it's supposed to be you know something that is for medical scientific purposes you want it to be sanitized and sterile so with it not being sterile anymore it's reduces the amount of buyers that we have so I'm gonna say 25 bucks for this item that we're gonna try and sell it locally and then I will also put it online hoping to get $25 after fees and shipping I'm liking this box it is a memory spring and memory foam hybrid mattress Wow so and yes it has some box damage right there but as you're looking at the mattress itself that's perfect it looks perfect and it all comes rolled up like this you open the little package and it it what it sanics what was it you cut open the package and then all the air comes back into the mattress but it's a linen spa ah now I know I seen on an auction that we were just bidding on yesterday something in spa and I couldn't I didn't know what it was but now I know it's linen spa and then it's mattresses so for the future that's something good to know [Music] yeah linens Paul memory-foam twin XL 8 inch mattress $109.99 $909 we could probably get I mean we could get close to retail for it that's completely clean you know 80 or 90 bucks would happen I do you hope to get 80 bucks all right sounds good what we were ready to forward another one yes it is heavy and it says lock in safe so that's exciting Oh lock it safe heck yeah I'm pretty sure that's what this is see how come it's you always get the heavy boxes what you don't know is I go through all these pallets before hand three and I know exactly what it is so I always avoid I wonder the heavy lifting now we're gonna have to inspect this one let's see it well sorry from definitely nice job yeah I'm gonna go ahead and open this one yes it does have a little damage on this way and over here and then you see like if there's an opening on this box well so far so good oh it's pretty oh it's pretty oh it's a key oh you say this is so well it's not every this is the one that goes in the wall yeah so it's got the little damage there in the end oh yeah this is if this gets installed into the wall yeah okay cool I can see this on here have you got the damage right there on the corner right there which is right here in this top corner right there which is a bummer but this safe we can still Justin get some pretty good money in this especially it stay up key one the keypad and it's got the keys so I'm hoping Jessica reports back some good numbers got a UPC over here yeah it does yep so there we go $91 I was thinking it was gonna be a lot of a lot more I sold a couple stage like this but I guess they were bigger here gonna also make a couple more machines hmm they make safes and popcorn machines but 91 bucks it's temporarily out of stock there so I'm thinking probably 60 bucks because it has the damage on the corners there if it didn't have the damage I would try and get 80 bucks for it but since it has the damage $60 I feel good about that hello next thing I was trying to play but you ruined it for me all right I got a broken box oh I'm so excited about that no and baby brezza it's a food maker baby food maker and if that's the case and it's not broken those are expensive yes the bait you can use like a regular food processor for baby food but when you market it for baby she's gonna automatically sell it for more significantly more it's crazy to me it's a baby food maker and that's like a really nice one wow that is beautiful holy Wow that's cool this is not a baby maker this is a baby formula something er oh I see it's a yeah it's not a baby food maker actually which they do make baby food but it might it measures body temperature room temperature that's cool I'm going to look this up before man I ain't even open the box let's just look in that corner because uh looking I'll it damaged the perfect spot to not do any damage to the coffee maker what it's not a coffee maker meeting it damage the perfect spot let me see thank you look at that oh snap one 99.99 it looked expensive yeah it looks pricey that is beautiful and we can sell this for new as new open box box damaged and I'm looking on ebay because we might be selling this on eBay just because of how it is electronics sells super fast on eBay and I'm gonna sold on eBay see what they have sold for looks like brand-new we may not be selling on eBay looks like they're going for Less so 159 189 so we know on eBay for sure we'll be able to there's a new other one that sold for 150 on eBay you can sell this the Oakley for 150 yeah so we'll go 150 locally I'll probably put on eBay - and list it for 180 that way we know we'll get at least 150 bucks for it but that is a sweet fine heck yeah pull this out real quick plastic bottles of San Pellegrino which anything I like Sanford I don't like sparkling water but yeah but I can use it with like with some flavorings and punches like sparkling punches and several other donors and expired this sparked Anwar even go bad best by nine 2020 so it's still in they I mean we could trying to sell it I mean it's perfectly fine how much is this if it doesn't sell I'll keep it and use it yeah you always got Czech food when you get on pallets cuz a lot of times they'll be expired and I just don't feel right about selling expired food especially as a business there's too much liability involved with that but I've eaten some expired Doritos and they were delicious heck yeah inflaming hunch hot fry fries they're so good alright so it's a pack of 12 it's a 17 bucks so umm sell it for 10 bucks yeah but we're not even to try and sell it even when it's not worth our time to do it and Jessica can use it for whatever she's gonna use it for and maybe we'll have a little party when social business season is over and and make punches and we can have sparkling water alright so the last box and it's a big box you just wanna make me look bad you always get the big boxes the heavy boxes now I make you they're not even have hernia anymore well it's a Franklin dining chair in vintage black antique brass leg color and that box has uh oh no it's been through some uh some work seen some days it has seen some days what is that I have no idea it's like a there's like a wood piece okay it's the main protective thing that's comforting but this side has to go up oh well sure I'm worried about the chairs though because by the the legs because when I lifted the box I felt almost like maybe there was a hole and something was dragging so I'm gonna pull this out I'll leave this here and we try to look up prices before we have graded the item because that leg is damaged two of the legs are damaged that's a bummer but I mean the right person can fix that it's not like it's a structural damage we don't uh it's got uh nice diner and some scratches there on the side there I don't even know how that happens I mean the bottom of the shelf pull item so that's crazy I mean but it's nice let's see if we can find out how much it's worth so from the listing it said that this was a shelf pull pallet and looking at it that this is a return so amazon has returns in here and you can see there that's a return slip so I'm gonna have to have a talk with with the old liquidation comm here's the description of right there and figure out why every turn was in a shelf pool pallet doesn't quite add up are you serious seriously I've seen it a $461 Chan I have no idea if we can even get that much especially it's a damage there's no way we can sell a chair like that locally our best bet check eBay to see if they've had any sold on their man this is like a hoe but like a can we even sell it for what it's worth that's cronniss Lee babe I'm really thinking that we we list this online we can we can list it locally for how much it's worth but also have it double listed online because even with the cost to ship that it's gonna be more than we can likely get here locally yeah for furniture is there that's incredible yeah in the box I mean it's got a box we'll have to reinforce the box it doesn't weigh a whole lot it's just bulky and then with the damage on there we'll have to take some of the some of it off I mean we can easily I mean easily for the right person we could probably get 300 for that yeah so price it for 300 bucks locally and online and if it sells online then that's 200 bucks after shipping in fees so whoo so we're gonna say 200 bucks that will bring home 200 bucks that's what we're going for that's what we're shooting for this may be a what we call a longtail item meaning the item that we sit on for a little while to try and get it to sell for that price because it is a lot of money and I will probably go ahead and load it up and take it in our to our storage building and have it stored there instead of here since that's the case but man $461 chair and it's got a couple scratches on it that's crazy so looking at the way that the box was designed you can see right there there's two little staples you can see there's two little staples that are right there that looks like the leg slid out and that's where it was scratched it sucks yeah yeah all right so this is on both sides but this part right here detached yeah so it was no longer steady and stable so we'll have to fix that when we've Reeboks this yep all right so we just finished the first pallet which means that we're halfway through this unboxing remember we are all in 638 dollars including shipping in our garage so in order for us to have a really really good unboxing we want to double that and right now we are already at 838 dollars with that dining room table that was really really awesome we had a really great mattress we had a couple really really good items in there that really carried this over it was funny it was almost like so far it was almost like there was like really really good items and then really not-so-good items there's really no middle ground in this one so kind of a roller coaster I'm excited to see what the second pallet brings us let's do it [Music] so when we sold these items here this is not why we bought it we bought this palette because it was a good deal and but I seen these there's a bunch of there's like one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve I thought they're like little slip and slide things and the more I look at it I think it's the little you go sledding down the healings don't think it's water so but she says water I say slipping snotty sledding so let us know down in the comments what you think it is before I scan it and see what it actually is because if it's what Jessica thinks then we can sell it locally but if it's what I think it's then we'll never have a need for it of course so I hope you're right for once well I'll hope hope you're right well okay geez of course and that was kind of mean exactly I was trying to be playfully competitive but then I said it I'm like no that sounds very unsupportive which is not me I'm very supportive it's true you are very supportive that's why I knew you were you said it wrong Oh what is it I was right oh it's no stuff it's no stuff Arkansas it's an expensive some nose thingy so 26 bucks on Amazon we've got ten of them here there's no way we're gonna make 26 bucks off of them especially it's may almost joong-won even sell for another six or seven months so we can't sell on Amazon so we're gonna have to sell on eBay so I'm gonna look up an eBay price for these real quick and to see if there's any listed on the eBay I know if I check souls on eBay there won't be any that are sold I mean I would hope not because that'd be in the last three months all right so there's a pack of two listed for 38 bucks which is a great idea of bulking them together of lighting them together there is one for 25 bucks and I'm a sense check souls because maybe somebody bought it but had anything sold in the last 90 days so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use a base Terapeak that will give me sells history for up to a year to to see how much of these were selling for last year on eBay and that's what we'll do is they're light they're bigger but these should ship pretty little easily for 10 bucks because of the the weight of them so even if we lot them to for 35 bucks ten fifteen dollars shipping we'll get maybe five or ten dollars for them which is a bummer but we've got ten of them so I'm gonna say $8 profit per piece at ten of these for 80 bucks as I must say 80 bucks for all of them I don't even know where to put all these cuz we're not gonna need them another six months I'm probably going to take into the storage building and then mess with them come on you look good you look a little crazy with all those I'm just gonna put them over here well since we're getting stuff that we have multiples of we've got some Tampa Bay Devil Rays it's like a little backpack kind of I think these are [Applause] genuine person though they're licensed and and this means it's it's it's been authenticated it's not counterfeit which is good we don't have to worry about any counterfeit issues selling on eBay because we'll have to sell an eBay because there aren't very many Tampa Bay Rays fans here in argument you put one yeah how many we got I think five it's that kind of granite one two three four five yeah it's got a UPC yeah so 1582 on Amazon yep let's check see for an eBay theme I have sold on eBay or selling eBay and we're just checking the eBay because since that's where we're gonna be selling it and be one listing you can so there's none even listed there so not necessarily a bad thing there's none listed there it's an item that's definitely going to be a slow mover but the great thing is baseball season is about to start back up for people but we'll be able to create one listing have multiple things it just we may be sitting on it for a little while so price there sell for fifteen bucks on Amazon will list them for $15 on eBay and they're lightweight so I'm thinking that prophet eight bucks for each of them so there's five of them so $40 profit for the five of them was that their penguin blankie blankie there's chill about it's not for a pet no no their kids blanket a little like stuff stuffy's in them desi would destroy this in two seconds I got you so you wear it like that and okay so we got two of them that would sell the flea market but yeah sure monkey and unicorn this is a fox and an owl and they're all ranging from 16 to 22 bucks really these are different yeah my fun and ebay either so this home will sell a flea market booth how much you thinking I mean $20 so 15 bucks yeah so get a couple of decor items here oh that's one of those is that for a long think so oh cool got a couple pillows here hey howdy hey oh it's a toy store well that's good 20 cells will sell ya got that pillow and looks like a pillow of a tower bridge somewhere I'm not sure who would buy that thing like that and then a cushion for an outdoor bench that's cool don't make it 5 bucks for each of these yeah so someone's played market booth get 5 bucks what you got there - butterfly wall our butterfly wall that's kind of weird when it's that big and there's two of them I mean they're spicy a little damaged there can't yeah a little cute I guess she put them on the outside cuz they they're made of that metal that's uh yeah those on the outside so do you see back here hold it you can try and skin it whoa whoa wow wow wow what do you think forty bucks yeah yes I don't know freakin I mean I guess that's where it comes in it gets hard because for me I'm not real big on decoration so I don't have I don't place a high value one stuff so I tend to you know for stuff like that I'm like I don't even know if somebody will pay that much work because I wouldn't pay for that much but it's decor it's butterflies people like butterflies so Jessica's gonna say 40 bucks a piece for those so eighty dollars total on the two and I feel good about it especially if there's $60.00 brand-new it's a pond filter oh sweet and there's okay - look this doesn't even look open so - pond filters and heck yeah I found it on eBay how much is it come on they're selling well I don't know if they've been sold but there's listed for one hundred and ninety eight dollars and ninety-five cheryline on eBay yes look that's not I know right wonder if anybody any of these have sold in the last 90 days well to have sold for a hundred bucks each so hundred dollars each locally we got a crap-ton of each shark photo prop what in the world okay hold on let's see women crazy these are like they're uh you put your head okay Oh guys that's hilarious yeah how many are there gazillion one let's see it's two four 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 21 now it's 21 of them things oh we haven't even so anything like this before so I was like how do we sell it do we try to get this just that's a good idea yeah that's what we'd have to do yeah it's like we you know you could try and sell it wholesale just a lot of 21 on eBay but how much do they sell individually 11 bucks for real yeah Wow 3 feet 10 inch but 3 feet so they're tall they're like okay wow so $11 free shipping so there is no way that we could sell that online didn't make any money they could ship I mean you wouldn't build a ship first-class so flea market booth I mean four bucks housing at five dollars five dollars so five bucks so 2011's 800 bucks for for those and those new little peg hooks we got will come in handy yeah couple more pillows yeah I like this one that one you like that I just want to say I just want to say I have a thing for the moon and so does the moon yeah oh we're gonna keep that one well see I've always had two things in mind I've always but I've always loved the moon my dad and I used to go ahead and like look at him all the time and he's to howl like a wolf and anyway so I just have all these really fun memories I love the moon have always thought it was really cool how how how the moon affects the earth and just just it's just beautiful and my husband when we met I told him about this and I had a dream a long time ago that I would be sitting in this spot where I could see the moon get bigger and rise across the sky and as it got bigger it would it would it would get bigger almost like a super moon and the day that I met Joe I had remembered this dream and we were sitting on the debt on a deck out of friend's house and the moon I told was like the moon's gonna go up high and it's gonna get bigger and it's going crazy if it actually does that because I had this dream and it did yep his dad used to call him moon when younger so we just have this thing with the moon and so she used to dream about the moon before she ever met me and my dad called me moon all right so we got a couple more random stuff in here it's like some yeah I have no idea let's go APC so we'll have to oh it's little chair cushions okay yeah okay like like the ones we got before yeah na Iowa state barbeque no no that patio set cover wait a minute that levee what's the month yep so definitely gonna have to be an online sell for this Iowa State thing because chances of fun and I always state fan here yeah in Arkansas very unlikely and these little cushioned chair thingies thinking maybe five bucks at the flea market yeah this husband and I just want to scan this Iowa State thing and see because I mean it looks like I've even been open know our sharks are swimming away there's sitting away all right so on Amazon it's a $26 cover set so what I'll do is I wouldn't a price in it for $24.99 on ebay and after fees and shipping ten bucks profit so ten bucks profit and then these curtains there they feel heavy like this is a head dooty little curtain two panels two panels when the other times that doesn't always happen so at 34 bucks on Amazon so this is something we can put the flea market booth may try and sell on Facebook marketplace with flea market booth how much you thinking no I don't know 20 bucks you have 20 bucks 20 bucks to be steal for be something like that yeah yeah so we're just now roughly halfway through this second pallet and I had no idea there was that much stuff on that pallet I guess it's true surely say you can I guess you can really say is that you don't really know exactly what is on a pallet how much is on a pallet until you get to unboxing it because there was way more stuff on here than I thought and we just added it up and we're at $1,600 so far remember that we paid six hundred and thirty-eight dollars all in for these two pallets in our garage and we've almost profited a thousand dollars and we still have nine boxes left that's crazy I did not think that we'd be doing this well so we're almost tripling our money who knows how much money we're going to make off of these two pallets [Music] as I was looking through this box I found two of these and I saw cry cut maker on here huh huh and I'm like that's money I mean what's cry cut well its material it's like a materials I'm people save up a lot of money to be able to make shirts and I like that on here and we've got two of them are perfect their percent esteem there's some like you know little but that's nothing that only go all the way through it doesn't so I'm I'm gonna two boxes I'm really makers shame like my heart right now is buying to a light Amazon Prime so it's an Amazon Prime bundle my heart is like kind of beating really fast because I know I I priced quite cut my job before cuz I wanted one myself so just give me a second I'm gonna did Christmas come early I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know okay alright this is it right okay no is it this one no this is a bundle is this the bundle yeah bundle Amazon bundle five hundred and fifty nine dollars yeah I'm not because I'm with five hundred sixty eight dollars so five hundred and sixty dollars in there ranging in prices we've seen some we just looked it up there like four hundred and fifty to five hundred and sixty dollars eBay's got him selling for like four hundred eighty four dollars on eBay that is a lot of money we got two of them and this is the bundle which makes it different than just the maker which some of those lower priced items are Jessica's still in shock she's in the dilemma now because she really wants I'm not keeping it trippin because it's like two innocent boxes in the middle of a pallet like what I saw it when I saw it over there like I'll it I hope like you were doing the returned like the you know this is what we made so yeah or whatever so I'm like okay well let me just get in here and just figure out what we're gonna do next I pulled it open I see Craig cut maker in my heart dispose blow I was like no way and so part of me was almost like I don't know skeptical you know that we were gonna have like a four or five hundred dollar machine well I was actually thinking in my head I didn't know there were bundles you know so I was thinking Oh Craig cut machine three hundred bucks maybe you know so like I almost feel a little nauseous like maybe I might throw up whoa so two of these we're going to just call it four hundred bucks a piece because if we sell it on eBay try and get you know the 484 after fees and shipping we'll have more than 400 bucks but man for her bucks a piece two boxes that's crazy so I just did the math after those two boxes because I know I just did the math on before but I'm like 800 bucks that's 2,400 dollars and we still have all of this left I'm super excited Jessica's freaking out like we've almost quadrupled our money already and all of that remaining can you believe that two boxes that we'll be able to get $400 a piece for it like the same thing that is crazy I'm a few lucky she's gonna pee your pants I know and I'm logged some more stuff because I'm so excited what is that we that's custom car mats I seen on the other side oh this one this top is dude there we go let me get a ya a better view for you custom fit car mats karma at Sinclair car MIT's car mats always sell well on Facebook marketplace and there's no identifying that UPC nothing on the other side yeah sweet Mini Cooper tan so this may be something if it's a unique item like that Mini Cooper 2010 tan this may be going back this is going to go online let me see it Jessica I can't think anymore so $99 right so whatever its selling for on eBay and that's what we'll sell it for and after shipping in fees easy 50 bucks and why are we gonna try to sell this locally because it's a very specific model that in our town there's not a lot of people here we'll probably put it on Facebook marketplace here try and get 80 bucks for it but we'll also put it on eBay and get $50 for it so that's what we're gonna mark it down as 50 bucks come on I I can't handle the suspense much longer like my body her I'm just seeing I'm looking at these boxes and I'm seeing so much money on these on this powered still I'm just like alright you gotta be kidding me so we'll go some of this stuff it's just a box it's just a box it's canvas it's like a painting okay and the box look it got a little damaged and I don't even know what what's wrong with it so this is truly a shelf pool and have no idea why I got pulled unless the picture is awful it's a safe team by 24 canvas y'all ready that's uh it's pretty are you disappointed I mean you know it's gonna find a lovely home for somebody that's gonna have Joe was hoping it was something he'd like that he could keep yeah all the paintings in our house cuz I'm so cheap we would not have a decorative house and we're both t yeah I want to mess it up trying to get my in the box I can help you with that typical wife thing to say when you're dealing with paintings how much we gonna sell it for I want to know maybe the artist is very good and you know the photographer it's not an artist because I mean I guess they could be an artist but maybe the person who took it is a well-known photographer and it may bring more online because I mean I wouldn't say more than 10 bucks locally but you never know if it's a very popular photographer so I'm gonna look just in case I don't know where some call 10 bucks okay so ten bucks and the other thing we got is a brand new laser cartridge these are usually 25 to 30 bucks after shipping and fees we're just gonna call it 10 bucks put it on ebay take some pictures of it put on earth for an HP so 10 bucks you ready so we're down to the final five boxes this is a really light box so I don't know what's in it but the box does not look damaged at all so that's like it and Amazon FBA shipment oh it's the Toy Story pillows it's more than choice Tori fellows that we got one to learn more yep so this hey howdy thing for more of them pillows and those are all five apiece of 25 yeah so 20 bucks for that I don't know if we're ever gonna sell those because with one you know it'd have been yes but now there's six of them so it's gonna take forever to sell them at the flea market booth this a beam of light makes me feel like this is a light picture of some sort maybe you want to scan it first thing I know I hate doing that oh it's uh Pat's really good cool so it's a pack of I don't know how much these sell for cuz they're nothing normal brand yeah yeah yeah he's got one over here you so sell it for 60 bucks on Amazon will sell an eBay we're gonna call it 30 bucks after shipping and fees so we've got three more boxes one more small box and then those two big boxes back there as you can see Oh what is that dry trust yeah trust red nail drive anchors no anchors and elders that's that big box that was heavy dude it's real mm-hmm upon further evaluation it seems that yeah we couldn't find it using the the Amazon shopping app but we found it using the Amazon seller app and it's priced 149 dollars for that box so I don't even know cuz I've never sold this before but 100 bucks I'm gonna try and get it locally will sell on Amazon eBay also we'll put it there lift it for 129 bucks so that way we'll get about $100 for it during and fees so $100 profit these are big boxes that one I have an idea of what that is maybe it's a gym mat it is okay yeah pink okay so if it is that's quite a bit it's not damaged that's amazing money and looking at it nothing there's nothing so I'm gonna fold out gym mats so new open box item let's see I never all I ever know is the yoga mats I don't even know about a man like this it's gonna be way more than a yoga mat well I know that I mean gymnastics equipment is pricey too because our this is yeah I'm new in 90 bucks 90 bucks make you sell this locally pretty quickly I'm thinking we could probably get 60 70 bucks for it so I mean we should price it for 70 it's exactly what I was thinking and then if we can get more than that price it for 70 use our old negotiation tactic of meet us here we'll give it to you for 60 yeah so 60 bucks last one you ready babe this is a good palette it's a very emotional type is and this box is heavily damaged but if it's not broken it doesn't look broken it's a daybed what yeah you know what I've been wanting a David I know I mean I mean at the price that we I mean I'm just saying I don't like to keep a lot of stuff but we've already cut your quadrupled our money this may just be like our little like thank you and it's twin size to what we need and I like the color it's gray so if it's not damaged I may be keeping this I don't normally keep furniture but I really want one really thing that a big part about being pilots is you really do have to be frugal and realistic otherwise you'll keep everything but in this case if it's really a daybed and that's really in good condition I actually have been shopping for one for over a year to put in my office area so this could be really really good news and finally an end to my damage that's exciting I don't know if we're probably gonna keep it let just open it up and take a look price maybe it's like well yeah if it's like really expensive we'll just sell that and buy a cheaper one because we don't need anything expensive that's a good idea babe don't let it fall in love with it before we can sell I know how much is it how much is it we're maybe selling this one how much is it oh let me think it's a really nice one mate I'm freaking out oh it's pretty BAE but I really like it it's got a pullout bottom it does we need that oh I'm really you're not gonna find one cheaper than that though we're not and it's really nice it's our style 380 bucks so if we were to sell it though we would sell it for we'd probably price it for 300 bucks yep to 60 to 80 we'd be happy with and but 300 bucks for that would be pretty good a good starting point so if you're just sell it furniture Gary yeah 300 bucks and OMG like I really I look okay listen y'all know me okay I am a super cheap person I I hate to say it that way but it's just the truth I don't really keep a lot of stuff I don't like a lot of stuff so when I find something that I really like I want to keep it that right there I really want to keep I it's been such a great palette like I think it honestly if it was a terrible palette and I felt awful I definitely wouldn't keep it but it's been such a really good palette I've been looking for something like this for over a year it seems to be just the exact perfect thing that I need so I mean my my niece and my nephew they spend the night all the time and you know we put mattresses on the floor for them but it'd be really nice for them to have a bed to sleep in so and that's another reason so I don't know I think I'm gonna keep it Wow so you remember we paid six hundred and thirty eight dollars all in for these two pallets and we just added up the total of all of the items and remember for all those for all these things we took out a bay fees shipping fees for things that we're going to be selling online so we did the math and we came in just under three thousand dollars at twenty twenty nine hundred and seventy dollars crazy so we more than quadrupled our money that's awesome remember our goal is usually to double our money and we well quadrupled our money all right so we hope that you have enjoyed this unboxing with us and it just goes let you know why liquidation can be so addictive and so much opportunity that you just never know what you're gonna get what condition you're gonna get you never know what's underneath those boxes and then tell you unbox it all you really have no idea how much money you're sitting on so until next time peace [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,068,554
Rating: 4.8166595 out of 5
Keywords: Liquidation Unboxing, Pallet Flipping, Amazon Returns, return pallets, Buying Liquidation, returns pallet unboxing, Liquidation.com, liquidation review, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon pallet flipping, flipping pallets, liquidation unboxing, pallet unboxing, pallet flipping, amazon return pallets, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon liquidation pallets, liquidation pallets, unboxing pallets, the family flips, liquidation pallet unboxing, amazon returns unboxing
Id: atlfOso9URk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 14sec (3914 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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