I Bought 2 BOXES of Amazon Customer Returns & Got Some AMZING Stuff (Amazon Returns Pallet Unboxing)

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(dramatic music) - Just imagine this, alright, you're laid in your living room, in the front of the house, it's night time, you're just laid there, watching TV, in your jammies, meet you and your girlfriend, then all of a sudden, a massive lorry, one of those big 18-wheeler things starts reversing down your drive. (laughs) And then drops two big parcels off, two big pallet-fulls of stuff. - (Moon) Did he not ring you or send an email? - I didn't know it was coming, I didn't know it was coming, he's late, look at it he's late. Ages ago, I ordered some Amazon returns, like, pallet things. I got two of them, and then we moved house. - (Moon) It was supposed to be, like, 30 wasn't it? - I didn't know where the others were, we'd moved house, it made it hard to track them down, I tracked them down. So I know they wre coming at some point. But, yeah, there here right now, there they are, so I'm going to get them in the house now. It's almost midnight, it's hard, it's almost midnight. - (Moon) And so were packing it out tomorrow then. - Shh! We've got neighbors. - (Moon) We're packing it out tomorrow. - Moon, shh, we've got neighbors-- - (Moon) But didn't you tell me we're packing out tomorrow though? - It's a fancy neighborhood, I knew we wouldn't fit in here, why did we move here? - (Moon) I'll whisper really quiet. - We need to get these in the garage quick, before anyone sees. - (Moon) Oh my God, no, not again. (upbeat music) - (Moon) Careful, careful, careful Thomas. Shall I put camera off? I need to help you. - Come on buddy, look. - (Killem) What we got, a Nintendo Switch? What's this TV, massive TV. What's that, mouse. What, oh mt God! - (Moon) Don't look now, huh. - I've got to. - (Moon) Don't. - I've got to. - (Moon) There'll be no surprise. - Moon, but it's all there, I can see it, who's this guy, who's it? (laughs) - Ah, so like I was trying to say out there, we ordered loads of Amazon returns months ago, months ago, we got two big pallets like this, and then we moved house, and I've been trying to track down the rest of them, it's been hard work but finally, we got some more. We got one and a half. Thar one's massive, this one's huge. - (Moon) Yeah, but just because that one big one, that one looks like it's way more stuffed. - It looks like there's loads of little boxes here, this one looks like there's not many, but big boxes, so oh I don't know, could go either way. - (Moon) So far these two, just from looks, looks like best ones. - So you think these two are better than the other two that we already got? - (Moon) It so far looks like it but it can be wrong, can be wrong. It was just the looks of it. - There's a massive TV there. - (Moon) That's what I'm saying, and there's, like, Xbox, and that looks like a brand new one, that white one. - This? - (Moon) There's just like an Xbox and-- - Don't, stop looking-- - (Moon) Looks really, really promising. - Stop looking. Moon, no. So which one we starting on then, Moon? - (Moon) I count on three and we say either big or small. - All right, go on then. - (Moon) One, two, three, big. - Small (laughs) - (Mon) Big one then. - No, small one. - (Moon) Why would you say small one, when you-- - 'Cause you always save the best 'til last. Moon, Moon, before we start, quick, come and look at this. - (Moon) Is it a cut-out? - I don't know, is it a wig? - (Moon) Ah, mullet wig, mullet wig. - It says, mullet wig. (laughs) - (Moon) It says mullet wig. Get that on first. You know what needs to happen, you know what needs to happen? - I'm not wearing it. - (Moon) Course you're going to wear it. - I'm not. - (Moon) Get it out first. Come on, open it up. What you doing? - You said, get it out. - (Moon) No. Whoa, you didn't do the celebrating, you just went straight in. Oh my God, I see so much stuff. So much stuff-- - Stop looking, don't look. - (Moon) What? - Don't look. - (Moon) I need to film. Mullet wig, mullet wig. - No you stay there, no. - (Moon) You have to. Three, two, one. - I'm not wearing the mullet wig, no. I don't want a mullet, no. - (Moon) Oh my God, oh my God. Business in the front, party in the back. THat's it. Say you wanted a can of beer. Say, I only drink my beer out of cans. Say it, more beer. (laughs) Why you not following? You have to follow the guy, you not good model, you always have to follow what the photographer says. - Mullets don't listen to people, mullets do what they want. Right, what's this? - (Moon) Oh, you're just going straight in? - I'm straight in, no messing, no messing. Mullets don't mess. What is this? - (Moon) A solar thing. - An umbrella. - (Moon) I know what that is, that's a lighting, lighting, yeah. - It could be a light thing. - (Moon) I bet now it don't come with a-- - No bulb. - (Moon) there's no bulb. You have to open it up, we don't know. - Look at this. - (Moon) That's awesome-- - It's like we're proud, look at this now. - (Moon) Really good. - I'm taking this off, it's too hot. - (Moon) No, I was just about to say, we can see it better. - No, no, it's coming off. - (Moon) You've got cute hair, I like this, this new thing. - This? - (Moon) I like this, makes you look young and fit and handsome. - Pay you that 20 after, yeah. - (Moon) Wait, give it me now. - No I aint got it now. - (Moon) 10 now, 10 later, that's how it works. - NO, no, no. - (Moon) I love that light, I love that light. It's like, what's that? They going to have a DIY horse carriage in there. - I thought it were a pirate ship. - (Moon) Or a-- (laughs) I think it's for a horse carriage, that. Do we get-- - We just need the other one, and then the rest of the carriage, and we're good to go. - (Moon) I know. Maybe it's in there, three other ones, and we can build it ourselves. I finally get a pony, Thomas, you said, one day when we gat a horse carriage, I get a pony, you said it, you said it. - No, send these back, send it all back. - (Moon) Don't send it back. Pimple Pete, a board game. - (Moon) There, there, Dr Pimple pop, oh my God. - It's a board game where you pull pimples out his face. - (Moon) It's my dream, it's my dream. - I'm not playing it, no. - (Moon) Oh I love popping pimple. - No Moon. - (Moon) Can I have it please? - No. - (Moon) Can I have it? I play it by myself. Please , Thomas, I love popping pimples, please. - Instead of that 20 I owe ya? You can have this. - (Moon) 10 now and again and we're even. - No, no, no, 20. - (Moon) No, no. 10 now, 10 later that-- - (Killem) All right, well I'm keeping it. - (Moon) That is already best box. That's best box, that. - I'm off, I'm off, I'm behind the scenes here Moon. We're not in the studio area, what you doing? I'm having a drink. - (Moon) I'm so excited though. - I'm chilling out. - (Moon) Can you please keep going? - I'm on my break. Oh. Oh it's like, there's only six little lollies inside it. - (Moon) Lollies. - It's six little lollies inside a big one. - (Moon) All right. What is only six? Is there six surprises inside? - Oh what, I thought you meant six more lollies. - (Moon) Not just six lollies. - It better be lollies in here then. - (Moon) (laughs) Oh, it's got double color. (gasp) Is it stickers, and a counter six surprise? Open it, open it. - Ur! - (Moon) What is it? - Everything's wrapped in plastic, Jesus Christ. - (Moon) (laughs) - Er! - (Moon) (gasps) - Er! - (Moon) (gasps) - Er, oh. - (Moon) Oh no. Slime, oh my God, I love slime. That's it already, that one surprise. - Ah, it ripped, does it go back together? - (Moon) Don't, give it me back. No that looks like an organ, that. That's not right. - Ur! Stream Deck, Moon, Stream Deck. - (Moon) What's that? - It's like a thing when you live stream, I don't know. It's still sealed, it's brand new. - (Moon) So we don't have to check on that one? - No, I can feel it's in, it's heavy. - (Moon) It's the best one so far, just 'cause of pimple game. Pimple game made it. - Yeah, I said you could have it. If you wipe off the debt. Scarlet Solo. - (Moon) What's this for, a big radio station. - I've got... I've already got the bigger one, for microphones and stuff. You don't know, you don't know. It's just for the technical things. - (Moon) Oh, OK. - Inflatable limbo. - (Moon) Oh my God limbo. - How low can you go? - (Moon) (gasps) - Oh you blow this up, you blow this up and then this is the stick. - (Moon) Ah, and that's it? - But it's been returned. If they had put their mouth on it. - (Moon) No, we can't do that now, we can't do it now. We don't. That's it, you lost limbo, you lost. It's better than limbo, limbo, you have to shout limbo when you hit me. Limbo. - Limbo, limbo. - (Moon) Limbo. - Limbo. - (Moon) Not the face, not the face. Ah my face! - Your face isn't... Ultimate yo-yo. - (Moon) Without a yo-yo. (laughs) - Yo-yo trick book. Just haven't got a yo-yo. - (Moon) Yeah, but you can learn already, how it works when you maybe got one one day. Nah, stop spinning, stop spinning again. - I didn't, it kept going. - (Moon) It did, it stopped. - There's loads of, like, just bits in here of absolute weird stuff. - (Moon) I love that, I love that. - I mean, what's this? - (Moon) Gloves, gloves, that's gloves. - 50 pieces disposable face masks. - (Moon) Ah they're cool, you look like Ariana Grande. - Why? - (Moon) She wears masks all the time. Like a thing. - Ugly Xmas. - (Moon) Gloves. - Thank you. - (Moon) Ugly Xmas, is it a sweater, Christmas sweater? Go on, open it up. Nah better wear it, directly, wear it. Come on, wear it, wear it, go on. Oh my God. - It's a bit short. I mean what's this got to do with Christmas? It's a suit. - (Moon) Christmas suit, birthday suit. You look like Back Street Boys, do some moves. (upbeat music) - Backstreet Boys. Not heard that name in years. (laughs) _ (Moon) Oh, weights. - Some weights, you know. - (Moon) She didn't know. - What? - (Moon) Nothing. - Didn't know what? Come on Moon. - (Moon) No, didn't know that you want to put on weight. - Come on, yeah, I put some weight on, yeah I know. I've got to take this off. - (Moon) Don't, loses all its Christmas magic. - (laughs) It's not even Christmas. - (Moon) It makes... That looks kind of cool. - get me out of this please. - (Moon) Look, Christmas. - I'm sweating. Stuck in with sweat, will you get me out please. - (Moon) What is that, extra, extra large. - Stop it. - (Moon) Oh my God Thomas! - It's not. Oh what's this? It looks like a GoPro knock-off. - (Moon) Oh my God, cheapy GoPro. - Oh it's in as well. Four keys still. - (Moon) The keys. - Oh nice one. - (Moon) Do you know what would look good with this outfit now? - What? - (Moon) A mullet. - I'm not wearing the mullet, Moon. - (Moon) Look, I got one right here. Look, what a coincidence. Yeah OK, a bit scared of that look. - Oh yeah. Moon, I could do with some of them. - (Moon) Safety goggles. Yeah you can always use. - I'm always doing stuff. Everyone's always telling me off, put your goggles on, put goggles on, here we go. Oh Gorilla tape, that's really wide stuff. - (Moon) Why's it called Gorilla tape? - Sticks like the strength of the gorilla's hand. - (Moon) To what? - Stuff. - (Moon) Ah, waited for this one, waited for this one, oh, not this one, that's just a water gun. - Just a water gun? - (Moon) Yeah. - Do you know what this is capable of, Moon? - (Moon) Don't I think you have to pump-- (screams) No. No. No. - Moon, this pallet's been boring. - (Moon) Boring? - We've got nothing cool from it. - (Moon) Loads of cool stuff, bubbles. - Bubbles. You know how much I spent on all this stuff and I get bubbles, and then a blow-up-- - (Moon) But look how many. - I get a blow up, what is it called? Limbo thing. - (Moon) Whoa! Wow (gasps) That's so good. Ah, everyone loves bubbles. - Oh, Moon. Ah, I've always wanted one of them. - (Moon) Oh wow. - All my friends used to have them at school, and I never got one. - (Moon) And now it's not in. - It better be, it better be in. - (Moon) Is it light? - No. Ah! - (Moon) It's in. It's in. Whoa. - (Killem) Wow. - (Moon) Oh my God, that's so cool. - (Killem) Does it look cool on camera as well? - (Moon) Yeah, yeah. It looks like plasma ball or something. - (Killem) It's what it's called, plasma ball. - (Moon) Oh right. (laughs) - (Killem) can you see me? - (Moon) A little bit like this. Touch it with your face. (electric spark) - (Killem) Ow! Your feeling shock up my nose. - (Moon) No it's not. No it don't. (electric spark) - (Killem) Ah! Burn out, burn out. - (Moon) No it don't, no it don't , don't be silly. - Touch it with your nose. - (Moon) I don't. (electric spark) - Ah (laughs) - (Moon) Why? - I don't know, awesome. - (Moon) Why's it not doing it-- - No off, no. - (Moon) What, I want to touch it. - I'm keeping this. - (Moon) Oh you nasty. Nasty. - I'm just going in my office. Scratch-n-sniff stickers. - (Moon) Scratch them off. - Oh it's all strawberry. Oh what. - (Moon) Let me sniff it. - Wait, no wait, wait no wait. Chill out-- - (Moon) You have to sniff it. - Moon, chill out. - (Moon) I can small it. - Moon. Oh my God. - (Moon) Is it good? - Ah that's a lovely-- That's a delight. - (Moon) Let me smell it. - Wait. Atari Flashback eight Gold. - (Moon) Gold, it's black though. - It's still sealed. (Moon) Leave it, leave it then. - It's still sealed. It's still sealed, Moon. Whoa, that's awesome. - (Moon) Whoa. - (Killem) Ah, it's so cool, you get the old-- - (Moon) it's a real black one. - Look at the joy-pad things you get. - (Moon) That's a joystick, not joy-pad. - No, it's now a pad. That's awesome. - (Moon) And this is the buttons. - Smells like the 80s. - (Moon) Smells like strawberries, 'cause I got that on my hand. (laughs) - Magic keyboard. - (Moon) Magic. - Apple. - (Moon) A magic keyboard, is it knock-off? Oh well, used to be magic, it's magic, it's seen-through. - Inflatable globe. - (Moon) Quick, quick, quick , quick, quick, quick, quick, quick. - It's an old model. It's one of them globe earths. - (Moon) Why old? - It's not the flat one, it's the old one. - (Moon) He's talking flat. (burps) - United Stat. - (Moon) (laughs) - Oh heading over to Central Ameri later. - (Moon) (laughs) Everything-- Ah the flat one you can just do the frisbee. (china smashes) - Dog bone for Digby. - (Moon) That's a whale penis. - Shall I get Digby? - (Moon) Not now. - Come on, I'll go get-- Nah, it's too big. - (Moon) We'll give it him, we'll give it him after. - He can't eat it, we can't get Digby, it's too big. - (Moon) No, he won't like it. What is it? - (Killem) Digby, Digby get it. - (Moon) (shrieks) - (Killlem) (laughs) Get it, get it. - (Moon) I think he don't know what to do with it. - (Killem) It's too big, it's bigger then him. Get it Digby, come on. (laughs) - Slam dunk portable basketball set. - (Moon) Oh my God that's cool. - I've always wanted a basketball stand. - (Moon) Since when did you want a basketball stand? - I'm not even joking, I'm not even joking. - (Moon) All the time we together you never mentioned basketball-- - I love-- - (Moon) Now you see the oh I always wanted basketball stand. - I've always wanted to play basketball. - (Moon) No, you're not good at basketball, it looks funny and-- - Because I've never had the stand. Now I've got the stand-- - (Moon) Oh, alright-- - I can. - (Moon) It's true, you might prove me wrong, you might prove me wrong. - I'm going to prove you wrong. - (Moon) (gasps) Is it laptop? - Mac mini. - (Moon) Again, it's so small you can't even see it. - Is that magic as well? - (Moon) It's magic. - Oh, glow sticks. - (Moon) Oh I love them. Don't break it. I was just about to say don't do it. - There's a whole pack. - (Moon) It's nice. Just keep them for party. Oh my, don't. - Together. - (Moon) No, me are not. You so nasty, you do it yourself. - We did it together. - (Moon) I want some joy. (laughs) Do that again. Oh, do it again. - (Killem) No. - (Moon) Oh come why not? - Portable SSD. Samsung. - (Moon) What's that again? - 500 gigabyte. Oh it's in, it's in. We've got one, we've got one Moon. - (Moon) What is it for? It's not even good. - It's a portable SSD T5 500 gigabyte Windows Mac Android. - (Moon) What's that? - There's another one, portable SSA T5 500 gigabyte Windows Mac Android. - (Moon) Same one. Getting to bottom. What is it? - It's not, no way. Whole thing. - (Moon) What is it? What is that? - Snap bracelet. - (Moon) What can it do? Ow! Ow! Don't, ow! You know what they're apparently made of? - Tape. - (Moon) Yeah. If there's tape in it I will freak out. (gasp) If that's true. - Apparently it's just like tape measure stuff. - (Moon) If that's true I've seen that somewhere. No, no. - You're not going to believe it Moon. There's tape inside it. - (Moon) Oh! - It's a tape measure inside it. - (Moon) I thought so but I've never seen it. - You don't work. I like that. I'm going to just leave that one as the pattern. - (Moon) The yo-yo. - The yo-yo. - (Moon) The yo-yo, now we can do it. - I don't need the book, alright, I don't need the book. - (Moon) You never played yo-yo. - Rock the baby. See, I practiced earlier. - (Moon) I'm speechless Thomas. What earlier? - You saw me practicing earlier, it was a pretended yo-yo. - (Moon) Yeah but you did not ever-- You can do it. - I did it easy. It's only yo-yo. Rock the baby, straight into walk the dog. Oh, a chain for my bike. - (Moon) All zeros normally Thomas. - It's not working. - (Moon) Line it up properly. - I can't. I've got zeros all across. MP3 music player. - (Moon) They still sell them. - Apparently. Oh bees. They're not going to be another-- - (Moon) It is something like that. - Ah. - (Moon) It's just a bag. - Just probably just a bag. Oh yeah. - (Moon) Oh, now we just have to hope it's no knock-off, that was the worst high-five. - Here we go, yes. Now, I saw this from the front, Xbox 1. That's got some weight to it. Oh yes. - (Moon) It's in. That's so much better than last crib, last crib was probably rip-off. - Disc-free gaming. - (Moon) Yeah, it's all just download now, I told you no-one has DVD player anymore now, that they don't even have a shlit for the games again. - What's a shlit? - (Moon) Shlit, a shlit, a slit, a shlit. - Slot. - (Moon) 2001 (laughs) - What were that for? (laughs) This one's sealed, HP. - (Moon) Harry Potter, that, Harry Potter that. Been re-sealed though, look. I mean, it's a return, so ... - Oh, there, it's there look. - (Moon) No book. - Nice one. - (Moon) Awesome. (laughs) - Let's just do that. Low. - (Moon) (laughs) Whoa! - (Killen) What? - (Moon) Drone. You don't see this? - Oh what? Ah awesome. - (Moon) Is it heavy? - No. - (Moon) I mean, drones are not heavy. They're, like, £1000. - How do you know? - (Moon) I've looked for it once. Ah, you got the bag. I don't get it. - People do buy stuff, take the thing out and return the empty box. - (Moon) Yeah, but would that work? If I sent something empty back to Amazon, Amazon would say, you can't do this. - That's a Giant Four in a Row. - (Moon) Ah, but that's good though. - You know what would cheer us up now? - (Moon) It better be in now. What? - Giant Four in a Row. Na, stopped it. Com on, Moon, come on. - (Moon) I need to think a strategy 'aint it. - Aye that's the first pallet done. We're onto the second one. Here we go. - (Moon) Well this ended quite disappointing didn't it? Big one first, big one first. - No. - (Moon) Why? - I can't, 'cause if it's empty it's going to ruin the video for me. All my hopes are in there being a TV in this box. - (Moon) It's not a TV innit, it's a PC screen. - It's a what? - (Moon) It looks like a PC. Is it a telly? Philips is not telly. - Let's work our way down. - (Moon) A mouse. - A mouse. - (Moon) That's good. - It's in. - (Moon) A mouse, good. - Yes. - (Moon) See, that's good, starts off good. - At least we've got a TV. - (Moon) See a telly. Why's it in no box? Normally we just get-- - No box. - (Moon) Boxes with nothing in it. - But this time we got something with no box. - (Moon) (laughs) - At least we got a Tv out of this, Moon. - (Moon) Look, a telly. - Oh one here for you, Moon. - (Moon) What. - One here for you. - (Moon) What is it? - I'm giving this one to ya. Are you ready? - (Moon) Give it then please. Yeah. - Washing line. - (Moon) No don't, uh-uh. - For you when you do your washing. - (Moon) No, ah that's nasty joke. - You can have it. And some pegs. You're welcome, you're welcome, for you. Food for the birds, bird feed storage. - (Moon) I'll put your cereals in there. Look it's cool. - Cool little scoop as well. (laughs) - (Moon) Yeah, for cereal. Ah Duplo. - What, Loo-o? - (Moon) No, ah, domino, domino. - Domino, what did you say? - (Moon) I said Duplo. - Duplo, what's Duplo? - (Moon) Duplo is Lego for babies. Ah, switch, switch. I always wanted one. Really, Thomas. - If there's one in 'ere you can have it. - (Moon) Swear. - Yes. - (Moon) If it's not in it you buy me one. - No. - (Moon) Please. - No. - (Moon) It's really light how you handle it. So I already got... Ah! I don't want to film anymore. I think we talk to them warehouse people, what? It's a money case. - It's really heavy, feel the weight of that. - (Moon) (laughs) What, it's really heavy. What is it, money? No, it can't be money. - Poker set. (laughs) - (Moon) Ah. What? - Wait for it. - (Moon) What? Ew! What's that? - I don't know. Here's mummy, there's daddy and mummy. And they kiss. Baby. (laughs) - (Moon) A little baby, does it have eyes that one? Yeah look. - Why's he so upset? - (Moon) Look at our family. (laughs) We've got whole family, Thomas. Don't. - Complete DIY manual. - (Moon) Oh finally. Can have them pictures up. - Yeah, you can do some stuff. You can hang some stuff up. - (Moon) Don't, Thomas. (baby crying) Oh my God. - Stood on baby. I'm sorry baby. - (Moon) (laughs) - Stupid baby. - (Moon) Stood on baby. (laughs) - Looks like a back massage. - (Moon) Massage cushion. Don't sit on it, I think it can't hold your weight. - Oh shush, you. - (Moon) I feel like, it feels wrong for me to film this. Pizza Hut, does it say Pizza Hut? There look. - Paw Hut. - (Moon) Oh, I though Pizza Hut. - Like a dog cage or something. - (Moon) A kennel. Like a dog cage. - This is a big one, you ready? - (Moon) What is it? I mean it's 100% full, engine blower. - Leaf blower. - (Moon) Is it to clean car engine? It's not leaf blower, that, it's too big. - It's a leaf blower. - (Moon) You think so? - Yeah. This is it. - (Moon) Big one. - The big one. - (Moon) Feels good, does it feel good? - It's heavy, it's heavy. - (Moon) Yeah, so it's in, or it's just... - It's still sealed. Scissors, scissors, it's re-sealed. - (Moon) uh-oh. - It's like sellotaped-- - (Moon) Yeah, I mean, it's a return init, so-- - It's sellotaped on top of the factory seal. - (Moon) Please be in. Come on, come on, come on. Come on just open it, just like a plaster, quick. Just quick. (drum roll) Oh! - Yes. (laughs) - Yes. - Yes. - (Moon) It is a leaf blower. It is one. (engine roars)
Channel: Killem
Views: 1,374,259
Rating: 4.7724619 out of 5
Keywords: kill em, unboxing, tom stanniland, killem ftw, kilem, mystery box, returns, killemftw, killem, amazon
Id: IEuz5C_flh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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