This Amazon Overstock Store Is A GOLD MINE For Ebay Sellers!

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what's going on you guys my name is josh also known as harry tornado as you can see i'm back at dream deals the amazon palette return store that i've been to a few times in my videos today obviously i'm here to buy stuff to flip on ebay but also have my fancy camera because i worked out a deal with the store owner and i'm going to be filming a short little commercial for the store today so i'm excited [Music] so basically i'm going to be working on two videos they want one like 30 second like short video just so they can share it on facebook and then a longer like three to five minute video with like interviews with customers and things like that so there's a good amount of people in line already the store doesn't even open for another like hour and 15 minutes so i'm going to talk to some of these people and see if they want to be in the commercial morning would anybody like to be interviewed for a commercial for this store no no no come on y'all want to be in it no i'm just looking for somebody to just talk about the store i'm actually interviewing you wednesday so oh you're i forgot your name nice to meet you nice to meet you nice to meet you yeah do you want to do you want to be in the commercial okay so basically they want like one like 30 second facebook commercial just for like a synopsis of the store and then a longer version for i get i don't know what they're going to use it for but just like interviews so i would like you can just say have you been here before yeah we came wednesday okay so just talk about last time you came yeah yeah it's super bright i'm talking about last time you came you know if you found anything cool um you know just keep it simple and i'll probably get some video of you like actually shopping to put over the voice of you and we'll see how it goes hey guys ethan case here for dream deals if you haven't been to this location in west columbia yet you have to get down here the best pallet surplus around we came in and we found massage guns we found cell phones we found cell phone cases apple band watches anything that you need you can find it right here make sure to check out their facebook page for all the details so i'm sure you guys just heard that awesome interview by ethan right even ethan he is a professional wrestler and he you operate like a wrestling studio yeah i run a wrestling school school okay cool and then we run shows here in columbia too awesome awesome and he also has a podcast which i'm going to be on next week so i'll uh i'll link do you have a channel or something oh yeah we'll send everything we'll go okay yeah yeah i'll link it in either this video or one video next week once it's live but uh that interview you just did if you guys heard it that was great that was so much better than i thought it was going to be let's see if we can get somebody else to talk that's probably the best one here for it yeah probably would either of you beautiful women like to be in a commercial for this store but you're alive right there hello would you like to be in a commercial what about what about this store oh wednesday oh that's terrible that's true that's true i need to find somebody who's been here it'll be your next week okay and then we can film it next week i'll also be here tomorrow so okay come back tomorrow all day tomorrow but yeah just quit your job and just shop here all the time you'll probably make more money i know right i don't think your husband would like that right no you've never been here before okay that's that's that's a good one that's a good one okay so here i'll get you my youtube video this is a guy that always beats me out at garage sales all the time i mean do you know like how it works so far i saw your video okay yeah and i commented on your video no way i'm going with it too many people too many people and here you are here i am here scoot over a little bit i'll get the sun in your eyes okay is that good that's perfect yeah i can't see anything i've never been here before um looking forward to seeing what kind of deals they have to offer i'm interested to see how the crowd acts when the doors open um you know i got here an hour and a half early for unknown reasons and um i'm ready to get started perfect perfect perfect what was your name again keith would anybody like to be uh interviewed for a short commercial for this store if you've been here before if you haven't been here before several times you're not interested she's new interview with her you're new you've never been here before would anybody like to be in a short video for this store no with you you would have you been here before oh yeah yeah you do you like this store okay yeah are you his mom yes i am is that okay if he's in the video okay cool what's your name tanner okay so you've been to the store before okay what's some cool stuff you found in the past um noise making putty magnet magnets noise making is that like the stuff that's in the tube then you push it and it farts that sounds awesome i wish i found some of that what are you what are you hoping to find today um a samsung phone samsung phone oh yeah i do she's gonna get it oh okay cool i wish you wish you good luck tanner thanks man that was awesome would anybody like to be in a short commercial for this store no no not interested all right so do you work here i don't no i i'm actually a full-time youtuber and yeah i have a channel about selling on ebay and this place is perfect for it so the interview process for the commercial for dream deals has actually gone pretty well uh most people do not want to be in the commercial which i understand pretty excited we got about 40 35 40 minutes until the store actually opens uh the line's getting fairly long not quite as long as it was last week but again we still have 40 minutes left so i'm sure the line will keep on growing so i'll keep you guys updated so i just interviewed that lady back there and she did a great job i wasn't recording with my gopro but i was recording with this camera i'm gonna put that clip in in the youtube video because it was just too good she's so so good on camera all right so when was your first day here first day was wednesday of last week wednesday last year how many times you've been back since then i've been every day except thursday and i didn't come thursday because they were closed but the first day seriously that i came what i found from being in the house so long it stimulated your mind yeah it's mind stimulating because you're looking through whatever and i when i left i was like yeah i'm going back that's right and i just want to show you guys quickly this is the lawn okay the doors over there those what what time did you guys get here today seven so you gotta hear like six six thirty maybe six forty five to be first i just wanna let's oh yeah that time is gonna keep getting earlier and earlier so i just want to show you guys the line how far the lawn goes i'm gonna cut through here going back here back here all the way back here it just keeps going just keeps going forever that's it that's the end all right not too long so it is 8 51 we have nine minutes until the store opens i've gotten some really good interviews from people i think we've gotten like eight or ten so far so i'm really excited about this commercial how it's gonna turn out and i wanna see if i can get in the doors before they open so i can get some like clips of people like coming in the store and getting a buggy and all that stuff i think that would be cool for the [Music] commercial whoops first find of the day for me personally was this brother toner cartridge i have bought probably 10 or 12 of these from this store in the last couple weeks and they always sell pretty much instantly i walked around to this other van i found another one right here but this one was opened you always have to check the inside to make sure they're sealed this one was cut open so it's basically worthless this book right here was worth about 30 dollars but i'm not going to give a full voiceover for the whole video i'm just going to show you guys what i find and then give you a little synopsis at the end so you guys definitely want to remember this package right here i opened it when i got home and i could not believe what was inside [Music] so [Music] this is a recorder yeah i was looking for more of them this is definitely a good a good vent i know these are a fun look at all the odd car cases yeah there's a bunch of these i don't know if they're good but i'm just grabbing them thank you all right what have you guys found so far that's what we found what is it he's excited about the airpods the airpods the airpods and guess what my daughter found a wedding ring for her husband it looks good i know we're not supposed to open boxes but it's awesome yes and i found this uh cool like it's like a tree uh finder for dogs with like really good noses and i have a bloodhound so i feel like she's gonna love it we found this stand up strainer i mean this place is awesome [Music] uh found anything good that was all right i thought you're going to beat me out on the toner i didn't beat on anything i got i got two toners man i need a strategy it was a little very overwhelming when i got in here these aren't too bad these go so just open this one to make sure it's still sealed and it is so that's another 80 bucks right there this is unmarked okay do you want me to open this part um yeah i'll have to open it it's a muscle massager i just want to see what it looks like for a specific one for my friend it's her birthday i'll sell this one to you two hundred dollars congratulations yeah well i have a three i sell pre-stamp postcards it is one of the guns that's awesome so does it say what brand it is uh i don't think so brands this is probably just some chinese one but that's fine people still that's perfect my name is diane yes nice to meet you watch your channel that's awesome thank you for watching but um i wouldn't let you know that i said i'm gonna run into him um you're actually the reason i got back into reselling that's awesome that's awesome how long have you been back into it since january january awesome yeah i wanted to and i needed to make some money and i said tis the season i think christmas is going to be off the charts this year because nobody's going to want to go in malls and all that stuff right so i think i'm going to be spending most of my time shipping out packages you've been just killing it i'll say that yeah look at this where's mine this pair of gloves yeah big alpha on amazon for 85 so after this amazon seller app oh i haven't downloaded it yet i have it 50 cents cost of purchase six dollars that's all my cards on amazon so so make 64 dollars after fees just not one pair of gloves um i didn't know how many let you i was not counting this time appreciate it thank you so much so yeah 192 dollars spent let's see how much profit i can make all right so let's go ahead and look at everything we got today i got a total of 30 items so it was 180 30 times six plus sales tax so like 191 bucks altogether and guys i'm telling you there is a ton of profit here first up is this book that's the uh publication manual the american psychological association i don't know i just scan the barcode on the back and this book is selling on ebay for about 35 to 45 free shipping so definitely some good profit here got this pikachu pokemon card binder i feel like pokemon cards are coming back in style a little bit i'm seeing like youtube videos and tick tocks of people buying the the modern packs now and opening up trying to find the valuable cards so i don't think this is inherently worth a ton of money i paid six dollars for it everything in this in this video today is six dollars uh so i think i could probably get maybe 20 20 plus shipping 25 free shipping for this nothing too crazy i just thought it was pretty cool i found these latex latex cycling gloves i don't know if you guys can see that or not uh they're in this little plastic bag the last pair of cycling gloves i got the gyro ones from the last video already sold for 30 free shipping so i didn't really look up soul comps on these i just picked them up six bucks i just tried to find soul comps on latex l-a-e-t-o-o-k gloves and i couldn't find anything so maybe like 15 bucks plus shipping 20 bucks something like that got this board game this is awkward guests the mystery and deduction card game brand new sealed in the package this has a ton of soul comps on ebay for close to fifty dollars plus shipping done this little mario amiibo figure it looks like soul consoleness are about 18 to 20 plus shipping this stuff is frog fuel ultra energized super fuel developed by navy seals don't know what is this some gummies or i don't know protein dietary supplement i don't know if it's gummies or what but it's sealed in the package it's got a little dent a rip right there but that shouldn't be an issue looks like soul comps on this on ebay are about 35 i got this gopro extendable tripod thing it's not gopro brand which would be ideal if this was gopro branded it probably worth like 50 bucks or so this is polar pro and it looks like that extends your gopro out pretty cool i could probably get like 25 bucks for it plus shipping maybe 34 free shipping something like that these gloves were really good these are pig fdt alpha full dexterity dexterity tactical glove let's see that without the glare on there i looked these up actually on amazon they had the barcode on the back i haven't looked them up on ebay yet but on amazon i'm not gated so that means i can sell them on amazon they're brand new they still have i'll take them out of this bag they still have the uh little packaging on there and these sell on amazon for 85. this is fair gloves 85 after amazon fees shipping to amazon and the cost of goods six dollars i would make about 65 on these gloves which is absolutely insane found this monster high doll i saw steve over at uh pick and roll youtube channel he picked up some used monster high dolls at the goodwill bins the other day and i think they sold pretty well for him so when i found this one new in the box i decided to take a chance i looked up soul comps it's the abbey bominable abbey vomitable daughter of the yeti uh monster high doll obviously it has some damage to the box it's a little crushed on the sides but it's still sealed i mean some of her clothing and accessories were selling for like 15 bucks plus shipping uh there were a couple other dolls that were still like this that were this character just in a different outfit and a different i guess a different edition box and those are selling for like 30 to 40 plus shipping so i'm gonna say conservatively we could probably make about thirty dollars in profit on this i got two more brother inktoners this is the uh brother tn 850 which i already have one of i think it has i have it listed for like 75 free shipping that one has not yet sold yet this is another tn 660 i have sold it's like seven of these in the last like two weeks since i've been buying them at this store these sell pretty much instantly for about 40 i think the last four i've had sold for 44.99 free shipping i think something like that uh so again six bucks for this i did open them up in the store to make sure that they were sealed on the inside that's incredibly important when you're buying ink cartridges like this you want to make sure somebody didn't just open up the box and put the old ink cartridge in there and seal the box back up so um these are both sealed uh brand new conditions so this one should sell like i said for about 45 dollars free shipping and this one should sell for about 75 free shipping probably one of my best finds of the day were a bunch of these eye health uh i think they're like temporal thermometers if it'll focus here infrared no touch forehead thermometers i have five of these i thought i had seven but only have five but that's totally fine i paid six dollars a piece and looking up soul comps on ebay you can see there's one right there that sold for 60 dollars free shipping just one of them sold comps are as low as like 25 bucks on these but that one sold for 60 uh on july 1st so i don't think the the need for these thermometers is going away anytime soon i probably want to be pretty careful about pricing these as well because i don't want my ebay account dinged for price gouging on what i think could be considered essential you know supplies for this virus we got going around so let's say conservatively we can make like 30 bucks on each one of these so 30 times 5 is 150 next up i got these enemy enemy headphones they are true workout wireless zipped charging case i don't know i might i could probably just open one let's just do that let's just open one so here we go they're basically like fake air pods but they're not trying to look like air pods though like they're their own thing open these these are cool over the ear this is left goes in there brand new still got the little plastic on the thing this is the charging case that goes with them kind of like air pods but not really look these up on ebay and it looks like they're selling for about 30 to 35 each free shipping so after fees shipping cost of goods let's say we can profit about 20 bucks each on these and i have five total so that means we're gonna have a profit of 100 bucks i got two of these voice translators sealed in the package these are deuterid d-u-t-e-r-i-d and the model is t-8 pro i thought these are going to be like a cheap you know chinese knock-off something on amazon maybe worth like 20 bucks these are selling on ebay for 40 dollars each i said 80 in the video but i'm correcting myself now they sell for about 40 each plus shipping so i should see a profit of like 60 dollars total get this thing it's a cara cara stace let me focus on here kerastase k genesis defense thermonique uh 150 milliliters 5.1 ounces i just uh scanned a little barcode on the bottom and it looks like it's selling for like 35 bucks free shipping uh so i can probably profit like 22 20 22 bucks on this not too bad this thing looks super complicated i had no idea what it was i just typed in all those words up top it's uh q o combination arc fault circuit interpreter 20 amps looks like this is selling for about 25 free shipping so probably probably like 10 15 bucks or so i found this buy lover wi-fi video doorbell it's basically like a knock-off ring doorbell so i didn't think it was gonna be worth a ton of money but it's actually worth a good bit it sells for about 75 on amazon if i were to sell this on amazon after fees shipping and cost of goods i would walk away with about 55 i bought this and i was gonna get them to open it to see what it was and i forgot and when i checked out i was like well i'll just open it later and see it says flashlight on the sticker down here but i don't know if it's a good one or a bad one so let's have our fingers crossed here and we get an actual good one claris this is a clearest extreme illumination tactical flashlight model xt21x 4000 lumens 316 meters battery included sounds pretty cool let's look it up okay okay so i i just got to show this to you guys so if you see that it's got a pretty low rank okay it's got like a 2 million rank which means it doesn't sell very often but look at that freaking price man it's a fl four 124.94 used for a hundred and nineteen dollars are you are you freaking kidding me after fees shipping and cost of goods if i sent this into amazon fba to sell it i'd walk away with 88 in profit and that is crazy all right now i gotta look it up on ebay to see see if that's similar this is nuts man sold for 82 on auction on auction so for 82. that means if i list this as like a buy it now i could probably list it for a hundred bucks free shipping and it would probably sell the next item i bought and didn't open as well this is like a big wall tapestry it's got like sun and moon stuff on it paid six bucks wall tapestries are cool a lot of people like to get them for christmas presents for other people so i think this will sell pretty well let's open up and see what it looks like it's like a off-white and black there we go it's a big moon dude pretty cool i don't know how big it is but big enough to fit on a wall that's for sure i don't see a tag on it so i don't know if it's a name brand but something like this doesn't really matter if it's a name brand or not i just think it's cool so i'll take some pictures of it get it listed and i'll probably list it for like 39 free shipping turn on best offer and see what happens so after fee shipping cost of goods let's say we can make 20 bucks after everything 20 bucks on that i think that's definitely doable i got this led aquarium lamp the brand name it's a 25 watt the brand name is nilla pal n-i-l-i-p-a-l l-e-d aquarium light 20 25 watt i believe soul comps on this were like 35 plus shipping so after free shipping cost of goods probably make like 25 bucks or so and the very last item i got today item number 30 is this muscle massager now when you have closed boxes like this at the store you're not allowed to cut them open and open them at the bin you have to take them to one of the employees there to open it for you they do this just so people don't open boxes and take a look and then everything falls out everywhere they want to try to keep things together so i took this box to her and she opened it and as she was opening it she said that she opened up one of these muscle massagers for a guy a couple minutes before me and he looked it up while he was at her table and said it was worth 300 so i got super excited she opened this one up and it wasn't the same one that guy had but this one is still in very good condition it's well it's brand new condition it comes in a nice little carrying case and it's one of those like muscle massagers it's like a gun like shoots and shoots your uh muscle with vibrations i don't know the exact value because i don't i guess the brand is x x3 pro i don't know it doesn't seem like a super high dollar brand but i don't think brand matters when it comes to stuff like this i think people just want a massager so i'm probably going to list this for like 60 free shipping uh it's not too heavy i'll ship it in the original box this can worst case scenario this goes to like california and it might cost me like 20 bucks to ship so if we list it for 60 free shipping worst case scenario make like 35 bucks in profit something like that there you have it guys that's my haul from the first restocking day at dream deals in columbia south carolina i cannot express to you guys how much i enjoy this store it's fun everybody's in a good mood just digging around through there and you can find some really really profitable items but the video is not quite over yet i talked to ron the guy that owns this location and i asked him if i could get some behind-the-scenes footage of when they actually restock the bins they stock on thursday nights they close on thursday re-stock them on thursday night and then they open friday sell you know what they can on friday and then they restock friday night right after they close so i'm gonna head back to dream deals tonight after they close and get some behind the scene footage of what type of stuff they're putting out and what type of stuff we can look to hopefully pick up tomorrow just want to jump back in for one second let you guys know that that brother printer cartridge the tn850 that we picked up earlier today i already listed it and it already sold for 78.99 let's go while i'm here i might as well tell you guys that i am currently sitting at 49 758 subscribers on my youtube channel just a few hundred subscribers away so if you guys find yourself watching this video today and you've enjoyed it at all not only should you hit the like button down below you should also subscribe to this channel if you haven't already help me hit 50k six hours later what's up you guys so i am here at dream deals and it's past closing time it's five o'clock the only people that are here are me and the employees i was hanging out with ron back here who's the owner of dream deals and i wanted to do some little kind of like behind the scenes footage to show you guys how they restock and things like that uh basically one truckload of inventory for them is 50 pallets uh so you see all these pallets back here are completely filled with all sorts of random stuff uh he says 50 pallets that will be one week's worth of inventory for them so they'll put out like you know 25 or 30 pallets of inventory to stock up on thursday night and then you know like this morning all this stuff was completely filled like completely overflowing but now like this ben's almost empty you know so they will you know take the forklift around like this and just you know pull up the vent over here cut it open dump everything into these bins here and get everything restocked for tomorrow morning so i think it's a pretty cool concept i really like the business model you know you just have a steady supplier of pallets of amazon returns you get a delivery once a week put it in wooden bins that cost very little to make and you got yourself a successful business so how long does it take y'all to like to fill up i imagine you got to fill up all the bins right for tomorrow how long does that normally take a few hours probably two three hours two or three hours over there we got a wrench set what's the craziest thing you've ever found in one of these airpods legit airpods right none of that fake stuff these things are loaded man with all kinds of nuts got some good deals in here so we just manually unloaded a few items from this palette and now we're getting down to the bottom so we're just going to lift it up with the forklift we're going to cut it and just kind of dump everything into the new bin while they're doing that i'll show you guys the pricing breakdowns you can see the sign right behind me friday and saturday are the restock days when all the new stuff gets put out so everything is six dollars no matter what it is next day is uh sunday sunday price goes down to four dollars per item monday two dollars for item tuesday at one dollar and then friday is a clearance special where you can fill an ikea bag as much stuff as you can fit in a key bag for 25 bucks i've come on fridays saturdays i think i came on a monday and i came tuesday last week and i found really great stuff every single time i come obviously you're gonna find the more expensive stuff on friday and saturday we can still find some really profitable items on monday tuesdays and wednesdays as well [Music] so typically how we'll do it is like i'll have you yank that piece out now when it's empty right i'll stand here i'll drop it by the bottom no grab it by the bottom and we'll just pour it like this now since it's already kind of full just scrape it out so that was fun i'm not going to stay for the whole night to watch them restock every individual bin because that's going to take a few hours but you guys get the whole process so i'm excited to get back here in the morning uh haley will be with me shopping tomorrow and i just want to keep buying more stuff because there's just such good stuff here so much profit to be found and i just i love this store so much so guys i forgot to film an outro for this video and i am in no condition to put a camera on myself right now so thank you guys so much for watching this video today i appreciate your time tremendously you're the best and i'll catch you guys [Music] go you
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 520,174
Rating: 4.9297643 out of 5
Keywords: amazon seller, amazon returns store, dream deals, columbia sc, ebay seller, pallet store, bins store, amazon returns, ebay, how to sell on ebay, selling on ebay
Id: mL33cPlxgS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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