Confronted By POLICE Plus FREE Mini Tractor!!!

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- the little dreamer did little to hear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you what is up everyone here we are another beautiful day in paradise just walked out on the back porch I still got all this mess out here projects in motion from yesterday not a mess really it's just unfinished dreams but I have this handcart that I got off a job never used it ever because the tires well I think I did use it with the tires flat but I'm gonna pump up these tires and use it today we're doing on a scrap load I have a heat water heater over there there's a washer water heater from chuck washer from Mark Kelly I got some scrap in the car ready to grill in the back of the truck from Sean Duffy there's a dishwasher I found in the trash and then up the street like two blocks there's a scraps core from our boy who hit us up on Instagram which was really cool and we're gonna load up the stuff here take the trailer over there load up that stuff and then take it over to the scrapyard anything else that's laying around the yard to that I don't want any more it's going so I'm gonna pop up these pump them up the tires and then get going on the scrap claims today pretty much everything about life and trying to be successful in any aspect at all or just making it is about just consistently pushing so like every tiny little thing that you do adds up to something bigger you know it seems weird talking about scrap like that but every everything every piece of scrap every connection I make every piece of scrap that I pick up gets me further along and a lot of scrap connections turn into bigger and more awesome things later on a lot of them are just described but a lot of them can turn into you know friendships or the possibility of scoring a lot of other things or work or all but you got to just keep pushing that's the main thing in life perseverance is the only thing that's gonna get you anywhere but I'm glad to pump this up little Frogger little frog all right so here's what I got going on I pulled up the chair outside room to put the stuff in and still enough room there so people can drive by the street and what some people were saying before I make a lot of noise in the morning it's not like early morning like 7:00 I usually don't start I usually do my editing and stuff early morning when I wake up at like 7 6 7 8 and then I start this like 9 or 10 this crap life so I don't want to piss anyone off some kind of an egg right there wonder what that came from all right we're loaded up for what we got from the house and we're gonna go pick up the rest of the scrap there's some scrap in here too not much but and then we're gonna go to the scrap yard so we have the trailer ready for tomorrow's job you scrapland all right we just cruise around the block and came up on some heavy what is this little dream cool unnecessary how's this thing battery powered eight and then we got this piece of scrap right here just go great in the Shire this wasn't even in the plans but these hats are cool actually this box is cool a little bit cool three box all right so this is the claim here I guess this was a foreclosure house not really sure but all this stuff he's going straight scrap life this pile guessing that piece right there and there's a fridge out back this is heavy out here total foreclosure 100% foreclose that right thing call this the fridge and that's pretty much it dr.kailash this is actually a really cool sink Durer tub you'd never ever be able to sell it but it's cool that swing is epic that did right how what are the chances have you said on that I would just break on one side wait Ninja Turtles unveiling of what this phrase looks like doesn't feel that heavy that at least not that I can say no not that I can say all right so the neighbors just freaking out taking pictures of our license plate so I pretty much cursed them out should have got the footage didn't but yeah blue dumpster and jtm say you're gonna run over [Music] gosh there they are perfect from this whole clip I have this batter he doesn't die shake our coal work our friends cleaning out this house he put the scrap to the side for us do you want me to give you his number yeah he was coming over here in their ass the road taking pictures of my license plate well it was harassing he was in the taxi hopefully yeah well he did in a very harassing type of way it wasn't just like I have a passport do you have a cellphone a cell phone so I can give you this number it's a call our friend that's cleaning out the house we have no it's bank-owned obviously it's for clothes his name's Cole we have a YouTube channel he follows us on YouTube so he knows we scrap he's cleaning it out him and his crew I guess these people and JT MC I'm assuming unless that's just who they've rented the dumpster from I'm assuming they just rented the dumpster but this is my dad's truck I don't know exactly what keeps registration in everything can you grab my passport it's in the glove box he called us because we have a house on Osborne mm-hmm so it's right here oh do you have a shoe box from the vehicle registration first names gonna be Jones what's your last name Weiss Weiss first thing it's going to be Samantha middle name Jones last name voice whiskey echo this is how heavy it is trying to make an honest living right so this guy's raising his voice with us I'm raising my voice too because I just don't understand it but this is getting out of control there's another cop showing up so hopefully we get this just cleared up you guys this is getting crazy just don't even talk anymore okay you got hostile with me because we got called out here because neighbors called because they were concerned about people stealing scrap metals because we have had problems with us in the past okay so only reason we came out here I came out here I asked you in regards to who you were here for why you were here who were you working for and it was very limited information I have to follow up on this information okay for you to only videotape parts that you want to post on on the internet or whatever you're just trying to paint us to be something that we're not which is not fair okay if you're going to post everything post everything all right if to avoid this you should have had paperwork from whatever you're doing work for okay have all your documentation and there won't be no problem but you can't say somebody's harassing you because he took it away that guy was a close one really it was really disrespect let me explain something it's not harassing because he is getting information to call the police because he feels that there's a crime that may be committed right now he's no there's no disrespect to you it's he feels that there may be something wrong here and he wants to report it because we've had a problem in the past with rappers stealing metal so I mean I would think that you would like a neighbor that would look out for you would but you don't know how he was acting towards us and then he was like taunting I was like Oh too late I got the pictures whatever I want to do I can take as many all this crazy stuff I was wasn't I was like I'm really calm usually and I'm really like if you've seen any of my other videos you haven't but I've dealt with police before and I'm usually really respectful but he set me off and it wasn't it wasn't great the way he was acting a minute and I apologized for acting disrespectful to you because he made me upset I'm sorry and I really am sorry that somebody that you talk to is giving away when it's not his to give away that's a problem we have to make sure things like that doesn't happen yeah I understand it and I would be upset myself if this happened on one of my properties because I have left scrap out for myself and if someone went installed I would be upset and again the reason I was acting who I was the way he was acting to me and I'm sorry emotions get the best of us sometime right got all this crap ready to go to the yard got it all cleared off with the police all right we're at the scrap yard now about to dump his load heavy voice heavy this guy's loading I guess are they loading that truck with this jet I don't even know this guy's about to dump this I guess all right here we are put the cash in and see what we got [Music] at the reposition like this right he'll just drive without me keep going sir would you keep that in your yard for a decoration I would that's cool that's the kind of stuff I'd love in life dated so sick it's like a gigantic drill like these things yeah 60 bucks probably off of that house shout out to the boy Steve I guess his name is I was caught cold his name on Instagram is cold all right playing now we just stopped home I uploaded a video Danny made us some shakes we chilled out for a bit and now we are heading to get gas with the money we just got from scrap literally we we do like three big jobs before we get paid because the banks are kind of heavy so really we kind of like live like on very minimum minimal or minimum amount of money until we get paid and then we use that money pretty much to pay all our bills so we're kind of just like sliding by but no one really cares probably about our personal life but we're going about that part of our personal life but we're gonna go put some gas in the car put 50 in the bank because we have to pay our mortgage in a few days and that was the gas light that just went on and then we are heading to our friend Marilyn's house in Galloway and we have some pottery that she might want to buy off of us or whatever maybe just give it to her because she's been so good to us and we bought her a piece of oh yeah a pot really I didn't know that she collected whole pottery or coal whatever it is it's a cooking pot and Sammy J picked it up at it estate sale right yeah it was in the states states a for like $2 and it's a really nice piece and it matches the design of the other ones that we gave but I just picked it up to bring it into the car and I saw the bottom and it's a whole hu ll just like the other two pieces of pottery that we're gonna bring the shower so it was actually the brand that she collects it has a chip in it but it's still kind of for the journey might would claim I'll show to you guys when we get there but yeah that's what we're gonna do and we met her through YouTube her saw her grandson's the one who gave us bad pop-up camper which we ended up on again like $65 for I know some people think we didn't get any money I didn't put how much we made in it it was a lot of work for a little bit of money but they only gave us three dollars every hundred pounds because it had all the wood on it if we made 120 off of it it would have been weren't worth it which was well we would have made like 140 at regular scrap prices so that would have been worth it but either way we did it and we made 65 but my point is YouTube creates relationships that are long lasting and epic so yeah we're gonna go meet up with her for the third time I think ever and she's an awesome lady so here we go all right so this is the job we just finished a little bit ago this filthy trash can but this is our trash can and we're gonna take this one back because these things work so well for the jobs that we do but I think I'm gonna just put this one in the back does this thing is foul with the trashcan we got back that was ours two cinder blocks a couple pieces of wood and two packets of shingles for the shed where if that should be enough hopefully and then we'll throw out the rest but all salvaged so it's free it's me I say that all the time for the drink I think we scored enough shingles for the whole roof does that make you happier now that we scored enough shingles for the whole roof of the shed that I'm gonna milk dude packs for a new packs that they just threw that cuz they had nowhere else to go with them I think he was building that little shed right there for a storage like for that kind of stuff all right just pulled up to the spot heavy she found this for you this is because the pattern of it right and then you told us today I think yesterday that you'd like that brand yeah I think it was like two boxers huh it's chipped a little bit but it's it's cool right there yeah if you like these you can just have them if you don't like them I'll try and sell them but if you want them they're cool they're really cool they're not like dishware but they're like artistic pottery I guess is when it's called they are pretty cool they are cool day thing is like at first when I found when we found them I was like I don't understand why people want this up but then as I've brought it into our house and cleaned it and started like looking at it over and over I started to realize it's really cool think it's 48 I think it's what the date well these used to be worth like from all the sources that I'm getting these used to be these used to be worth like a decent amount like 70 80 100 now they're worth like there's so many on eBay for like 20 bucks and they're not selling some of them are that it's not like what you're right people that are just putting stuff up saying it's the same thing and I guess that kind of devalues to hold everything because it's hard for the scope where'd you get this thing from you ever use it they love these things oh my god they do love these things and they always leave some underneath account I couldn't resist it well true that right true that's amazing thank you is it the big one oh it's big yeah present for the cats you see the best ghost towns oh well yeah I wish there was ones that really closer to here amateur astrologist or astronomist all right so you're going in to look at it you put this piece up you gotta look for here that look through this doctor yes this magnifies this okay this case that way yeah so how you focus it that's how you focus and zoom in the nail that's what these are for these are focus yeah just a dream need the need life like the beer like the Viking beer this thing's sick all right we just left Maryland's and Jake's house and we just got pretty much the most epic news so far this week gonna go check out another freebie a tractor that's left at a foreclosed house the guy we work for said we can either have it or he can have a company come and just recycle it like a scrap yard or something so we're gonna go check it out right now probably 90% chance we're gonna take it and we're pumped another another score or another dream claim so we're on the mission right now we're about 15 minutes away we just laugh pretty much right when I got the text we had to go because that's how it works the dream okay so we're pulling in now this is a treasure hunt dude I'm pretty sure this is it but they got a pink fence with instrument like key notes on it or whatever they're called I think this is it though they did piano license back here oh it's two properties that's why that's the main guy this is the other guy okay this is definitely because he said wheelbarrow and ladder and take whatever you want and there's a lockbox on the front so we're in there so there's the the ramps that we might need for it how's this dream here's the wheelbarrow nice ladder - the little dreamer dude little dreamer little dreamer dude this little dreamer that babe yeah huh there is I think the batteries is dead don't you think no I think I can push it up this would like I'll get a good start going and then just alright so I don't have a measuring tape or anything but I got the height of the truck is like that much where the rope is so I think I'm pretty sure this thing's gonna go in here like it just needs to fit like this it's gonna be a tight squeeze but it'll fit totally gonna fit so this is the game plan got the ramps I unloaded some of the stuff from the back I'm gonna try and push it up in here BAM into there she's a chore bill mini tractor it's a ride on malware I call it I wouldn't even say it's a tractor but it is the dream and I think if it runs we're gonna pry did you use it for the yard because it would be so classic Sam you could actually like cut the grass and just be happy about it or me just riding around on it and if if it runs good probably sell for 300 if it doesn't run probably could sell it still first 150 maybe for parts and at the very very least we'll scrap it but I think it's it's not super old like it's newer than the other one that we had the other one was a Husqvarna worth more than we sold it for but it is what it is see it has this thing you could even call Lowe's and be like listen we got this blah blah blah try and help us to get it started at least I think all I need to do is charge the battery that's personally what I think so it doesn't look that bad looks like it's 2006 so see ya it's pretty old it's 12 years old but the other one was I guess 30 years old or so still should run even at that rate so they made the fence small for the mower so I had to tilt it like this and send it out and then pull it through I pretty much I broke that piece [Music] [Music] luckily I have that suitor box [Music] slip it's just Wow almost there surely he can do anything crazy you got the what is it perseverance your mind can conceive it and your heart can believe it you can achieve it you can achieve it I can perceive my heart wasn't in this one and I still did it now in tartrazine this one your toes though the window it's too too tall can you take that window off some power now that doesn't even matter the problem it's hitting it I can see it is there any way we can unscrew that the wheel well I can go in there move the shingles I don't know maybe we should just tie it here [Laughter] but on the reel reel we can take that unclip that and I'll pick up the back of the cat do you know what I mean we can unclip that they're in there and I'll pick up the cabin end you can just slide it in wait it'll go in all right so we got this little mini piece of scrap right here not many it's a nice exhaust pipe or something and these two pieces of wood I'm taking and then this stuff I forget what they called this thing some hook something hook I don't know I keep forgetting people buy those for like a dollar and then this light could go for like few dollars the flea market I think worth to someone that actually does I don't know maybe potentially it's pretty much looks kind of new this little fishing lure which is actually meant to just be thrown out in the school fish from what I've seen and hooking a live bait so that you can fish with that beat so this is supposed to just like hook bait pretty sure that's what that's for right successful mission we loaded up with Detroit bill mini tractor looking to make anywhere from 1 to 300 off of it if we decide to sell it so I would say successful end to an awesome day and honestly I'm going to tell the boy that if he wants me to I'll come back and get the ladder that should have brought the trailer but we didn't know how much good stuff was gonna be here we thought it was just the tractor even I take that hose at this point but uh yeah there's heavy poison ivy over here now really heavy like this whole bushel right there we're out of here dream in its continuing on and on and on forever all right Shepherd's hook pretty sure so we got a shepherd's hook two-dollar guy this is what we got going on here I don't know how this is gonna work but now this is getting crazier bringing it out than we thought well I knew it was gonna be crazy but Daniel you just put it off you think saya will get they're all like what he hit that he's so bratty I just think you're gonna get hurt not the worst you could have gotten hurt so that's good that you didn't put some gas in this it might not be a good thing but it's not even turning over like it's not even going like so you know are you hugging your MJ go ahead give her cleanings go ahead clean your MJ go ahead so MJ loves the camera go ahead clean your clean your holy they're looking at them so it was on my face that's all right we are packing it in for the night had a heavy day ups and down started off heavy with the police shown up to our first mission and looking back now they actually turned out to be really cool guys a little bit aggressive in the beginning but I was being aggressive because of the way the neighbor treated us and we don't have that on film he was super arrogant treating us like scumbags treating us like we were doing something illegal and I got heated Sammy got heated his way of treating us I started treating the police like that and it was the wrong thing to do so honestly thank you to the Somers Point Police for not taking it totally the wrong way and actually we settled it and shook hands and it turned out totally okay and we continued on we went and had a great awesome time hanging out with Marilyn and Jake and we went and actually scooped up a keep life mini tractor ride on Bauer we had an amazing day all in all turned out good day got back here started answering emails so if you guys see anything in our videos that you want to buy or are interested in if we haven't sold it already we're giving it away we do give a lot of stuff to our friends and family we will sell it we'd rather sell off of YouTube than anywhere else because it's just easier Sammy's making dinner now black beans thinking about doing a situation video where we show like 10 - like 30 items and let people like see if they want to buy them it will suggest a price and that we can work from there maybe you know if someone like counteroffers a little bit less and then we're like no not worth it blah blah blah like go back and forth on YouTube because it's hard to find people that actually want what we have in this general area even though we know we have good stuff it's still hard to to find and to sell around here locally at least no matter what happens what ups and downs and how life goes you can never let a specific situation bring you down because at the end of the day [Music] at the end of the day so crazy I don't know if you guys can hear that MJ but he just mean like Brandi Brandi Brandi Brandi lights on in the truck at the end of the day you can't let things get to you too much because you can't squander your time all you have is time on this earth in this plane of existence and to just let something ruin your whole day or even part of your day which I was letting happen and when the police came and when that guy was being mean to us I was really getting to me because we were you know over there busting our ass pretty much for 50 60 bucks and we were being treated by the neighbor mainly like we were criminals doing something wrong and obviously it got cleared up and they the police found out we weren't but to let something ruin your day like that and to have like a negative outlook for the rest of the day is not worth it so try to move on from situations you know if one life knocks you down try and land on your back I guess is a claim because if you can look up you can get up so cliche let's brown but so true because life is going to continue to punch you square in the face as many times as it can get a chance and other people I don't care who they are and how close they are to you never want to see you more successful than themselves and it's a human flaw so even people that you think would support you anytime you get ahead they want to knock you down and I'm not saying like the YouTube subscribers or like people that are successful and doing the same thing as you are and are happy to see you succeed I'm saying like in general the general population you know people you went to high school with people you've worked at jobs with in the past you know people that are watching your you know YouTube or your Facebook or your Instagram they've just hated like a lot of people just hate and you know no one wants to see when very few people do I should say I shouldn't say no one but you know prove to the world that you can do it you can make it so only you can prove to the world how great you can be so never give up never surrender and keep pushing the dream that you have in your head every mother can day because if you don't keep pushing you're gonna just give up so live the dream for the dream you what's the bean salad looking like I should go bad because energy what's the last claim for the knife and we will see you guys tomorrow for some more clay [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 44,317
Rating: 4.8667612 out of 5
Keywords: confronted, by, police, plus, free, mini, tractor, free tractor, cops, Somers Point, nj, new jersey, troy bilt, foreclosure
Id: qm2pBfj2E_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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