We Bought 8 PALLETS At Auction - UNBOXING First Two!

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we got already eight pallets dude said I got one two three oh yeah these four four five for 25 bucks and then she spent 35 on this one all right just walked outside and look at this it's a winter wonderland out here this is incredible check this out this is our first snow of the year got to show you guys the backyard when I woke up and looked out the window it's really just a light powder but for us where we live it doesn't snow all that much maybe just a handful of times throughout the winter this is nice this is real nice all right so today we are off on another adventure another mission I got a link to this unique very unique auction up north again New York City but I got the message from our friend glom star thank you dude and it's a pallet liquidation auction and they're supposedly they are auctioning off 2,500 pallets today and me and Sammy are looking to buy at least two of them so that's the plan today kind of a like opportunity that just came up and we just jumped on it we didn't plan it out we only knew about it for about a day and a half and what I did yesterday is I was using the new YouTube studio not the original one that I always use there's like a new studio to upload videos and somehow it was so confusing that I thought I put 12 p.m. in the afternoon as the scheduled upload date of the new video and I actually put 12 a.m. it uploaded in the middle of the night so yeah that's not good for views everyone was sleeping and I definitely messed up so hopefully people catch on and see that you know it uploaded and they can watch it now but I still think it's a good video and you know hopefully it gets the respect it deserves or the views it deserves but we're gonna get on the road in a minute and we'll see you guys at the auction the dream pushing it so hopefully we can fit two pallets in here at least and maybe even three so we're gonna see how they go and what they go for but we got a full empty bed here you on it and this just happened from the roof so start the day off pretty see that it's coming down it's coming down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we just showed up to the place where the auction is supposed to be being held and we're not really sure if it's going on but there is a couple legends one guy with a huge enclosed trailer and maybe the preview just started at 9:30 but Sammy's gonna film at the Gipper I'm gonna film with this camera and then we're gonna splice the footage together and give you guys both the angles up the auction if it's going on hopefully it's going on I mean like we always say you never know unless you go so we're here hi guys okay so we're here at this auction and we just got here there's literally three other cars here this guy with a big trailer two other vehicles and us and we're thinking that it's just the preview because like a preview of all the Lots because I we feel like there would be more people here if that wasn't the case so it's possible calm you sure because it looks like we thought the other place was big alright alright my idea alright so here it is we did find the right place and it is just the preview I think so here we are this has to bed they're already doing it gasps all right we didn't sign up one guy plus the sales tax have it out by Friday before four o'clock you could come tomorrow before 3:30 and you can't take the blanket but you can take the whole pallet with boxes they want good parfum so just everything is sold as is and again don't go through it here go through it at your place and you get it on top right yeah so you have a bidder number no we did not okay they gotta go wake up over there bye bye the cashier to get one okay real quick and we have a lot to go through yet okay thank you I think nobody knows about these auctions this is like a one and done auction it's not they do this ever so there's no reason why anyone should care that we're filming yeah there's a sub side down guys it is alright so I'm seeing a lot of furniture and that is something that I personally do not want to deal with and it's not that easy to sell on it's hard to store cuz it's big items so we'll just see how this goes so I didn't get a number Turner did so alright there's just random pallets of everything ever like this would be a good palette to get if you paid nothing for it like what is this just paper office supplies I really not even office supplies desks this is just hoarded training lifers what is this random stuff never know what you get in here - you're allowed to look but you're not allowed to go in any of them any of these would be worth what they've been selling them for though they've literally I just sold them sell pallets for 30 bucks or less since we've been here so any one of these would be worth it see this you never know what is even in there so I'll you just go for it just go for it you just go for it you know what I mean like any of this stuff like this palette looks amazing this palette looks fine it's just so random like what is this stuff a man time nowhere did I just touch that Oh cuz that's just JetBlue that's like unclaimed luggage oh no I didn't just touch that so many mattresses too though okay this is my problem so I don't want furniture to store and resell because just the burden but I am such a like furniture junkie like I like switching out my furniture a lot in our personal house they have like I mean these ones are a little bit dirty but like they have cool pieces some of them wanted this thing looks like a giant that's just a bed backboard but where is it oh it's right here I like that color it's a nice like plain-jane color it's like an olive green but I like that shape of a couch dr. Seuss ish I don't know if you guys remember the dr. Seuss couch that we used to have that we found in the trash in Ocean City but I loved that couch we ended up throwing it out because sometimes you just need to refresh your furniture I don't know if that's just us but it's weird because I see a lot of cool things but they're all furniture and that's not something that we want because like I said it's a burden to store and who knows how much you're gonna pay for it yes and that's cool too you could resaw that but we only had the truck with us which can fit a lot but I was more thinking like smaller items that we can resell like on eBay or something like that but look like this couch super nice this is a nice couch good cos on that couch it's too big sofa chairs look like a couch from this angle though right don't judge so but that's just not it's not a good buy for us I'm like this new nobody want that mm-hmm no what's that thing and he claimed the guy that's doing this is really really nice he said you can look and you can take a peek but you can't fully you know take the blankets off and look at it so it's kind of hard to even want to make a bid because you don't know exactly what you're getting and I was never a gambler and neither was Turner or so but it's all Pais here like they're all over there bidding Turner's over there - I'm just like creeping around like a weirdo but you said I can look stop that's what I'm doing this chair see I like this chair it looks like a barber's chair I love barbers chairs I don't know why but like look I'll give you guys an example like this what's in those boxes right like what's in those but you can peek you can piece but it's taped and I'm not allowed to open it so it's like put in here what's that a speaker which is a good cell but then you got this big dresser which nobody wants to deal with like what I'm gonna get like $10 for that don't offer up no thank you you only mean and like you can't ship that thing eBay I mean you could but you'd be spending a lot of money on shipping and we don't generally ship items that big on any platform that we sell on so oh look at this you gots a Fugazi so i'll Fugazi though a baton and then you have i don't know what that is but it's kind of cool machinae see that would get me don't get me because i wear something like that so it's like and then this is super cute a little bathing suit top okay and then you have this which even see it has a Marshalls tag it's a suitcase not obviously sorry guys I need to be more descriptive but it sold for fifty something there at Marshall's and this is a super cool luggage and from personal experience and from a palette that we got before that came with luggage I sold it for pretty good money so I might get Turner to bid on that one since I didn't get a number I opted out of getting a number and he said I shouldn't be there so this I didn't think they had little things I thought it was just furniture but as you guys can see super super super big so my little legs can only walk so far in so much time but there is smaller items that we could buy and like that couch is nice but we don't want that all right we're gonna give a little rundown of this kind of stuff that's at this place so already I bought five pouch and then Sammy bought one unclaimed luggage pallet a huge one and then we bought one other pallet for 35 I think but they're still like really really good stuff here look at this some things you can't even see what they are like maybe that's a table maybe it's just two logs tied together but then there's just like this random stuff which is like some kind of a handicap thing like see or something that goes up and down stairs maybe two chairs and then just like a random box taped and then this one's just like probably like artwork canvases in here it looks like tables new and you stuff in here too just not good but could be worth money but like this palette right here she's literally all branding tables and shells I wanted to get over to the other side that let me say I'm going to go around look at this chair this chair is cool look at this chair there's two of those and the table I think it's sold already today though I mean we have to wait till the end anyway right okay so the one that I showed you with the machine no top and the fake movie vataj I won I won that and I'm so happy because these people are really really nice like I thought these guys were gonna be a little bit mean but they're not so although we've been requested that we're not allowed to film anything anyone's stuff or their faces or anything which is totally acceptable and this time we're just not gonna tell the location because people get really upset about giving away secrets though the lot that I've been on I didn't physically bid on it but I told turned a bit on and we won we paid $35 for and there is that one luggage that shows you guys that is brand-new still has the tags on it fifty dollars so even if I sold that for like $10 cheaper that one piece of luggage would still pay for the whole everything every piece that's in there so something like that is worth it for me plus get a little bit of stuff that I can have for myself and I don't know if that's just a girl thing but she's always in the back of my head think oh I want that oh I want that too so I don't know I have a problem but I'm happy about that but I didn't know that Turner won five pallets he got five pallets for five lots for $25 which is unheard of so we have to load two lots in the truck today go home and then bring the trailer back because we can't possibly fit all of the lot so they're not an option now scooters Oh would you guys see them all the way in the back that's crazy but I guess I'll bring you guys just so we got seven lots all together seven pallets for $100 plus 15% so that's like unheard of just place mold ed there I want to show you guys this but we're not sure if this is already bought there's caution tape here but there's caution tape everywhere so who knows but these yeah I know so well now I know but that's what I was just saying I figured figured these weren't for sale and they are so they got us but I guess the blue tape is here for that specific reason here this is wild a little bit ruined this little piece Oh mid-century piece all right so our friends that's here at the auction as well he got a chair for 10 bucks he claims and he said it's really cool so showing us it's the budget I have wait guys it was I not filming this and I was like see this is a nice chair and I was rubbing it I love that oh I'm jelly this is a nice chair I came out to keep both we don't need them we don't need them we have already too much we got already eight pallets dude all right so the auctions almost done people are picking Lots that got missed over to that now bid on them so I want to keep the camera this way so no one gets on film that doesn't want to be but we got 108 we got five pallets in one lot and then she bought a really nice pallet over here well that case right there whoo could be filled with camera equipment said I got one two three oh yeah in these four four or five and then this lot here this is a good lot and then we bought like this suitcase is brand new and then we bought thank you guys too and then let that sauce messed up alright I don't know how all right so I bought this one just for the rug but there's a desk and whatever these go through I don't know but this rug is nice and then I never know whenever you open the boxes so that's just a mystery it could be anything somebody would buy this very by decent amount it's aunt nodded I believe I believe from the way it looks it's white but so it gets dirty usually it could be ruined on the inside there but you don't usually put stuff in storage that's just totally destroyed you would hope not right golf clubs and that's worth worth it right there just the clubs all right so all together we got eight pallets it was a really really good auction they suggested and asked us not to film during the auction which is totally okay I have nothing against that so I'm gonna drive around to the back and we're gonna load Sammy's pallet which was probably the best one we got and maybe one or two other ones whatever we can fit and then tomorrow morning we're gonna leave our house around 8:00 a.m. with the trailer come back and get the other five or six it was a good day we're really happy if you keep pushing and just put good karma out into the universe it does come back eventually because sometimes stuff like this happens and you get really lucky we got a lot of stuff for a low price and I feel really really good about it and all that like the other guy or boy that bought the chair got so much good stuff and didn't pay that much so it's like good things happen to good people and I really truly believe that's true all right we've had gotten the loading of the claims I know damn well there's good clothes in here I know that for sure this whoever took out this was had some good stuff all right so we this palette is what we're gonna load first this is the one Sam you bought we don't have a pallet jack because they're all being used right now but we're just gonna start loading this are you gonna start P good actually see this faculty got four ten here you see what he got for ten bucks we got to put these in McCarty this one you paid only 10 bucks for yeah that's not bad dude these things are worth ten each without anything you know Sheils were going down today this will never happen again ever adidas yeah I'm gonna put two more boxes on here and then bring this and then we'll eventually get a Jack's but that's fine all right so this is how I'm doing this not the best way probably the worst way but it's the only way right this second back it up a little bit all the way up to the thing so I can start loading it [Music] all right so we have one full pallet in the car already - this box but that can just slide off good close up nobody I know right now we score that cow bring that back and then we got two boxes the Louie bag and the suitcase luggage in here and we can still put something on top and then we're coming back tomorrow with the big trailer got the jack now this is my baby now but yeah two boxes totally mysterious no golf clubs rogue desk pure gold all right so we got pal number two Peter farm got this is why I bought it to this this is going in the back seat I just got back home two of the eight pallets and here's what we're gonna do start on loading and showing you guys what we got so far first item right here oriental rug I believe it's hand-knotted it's four by six feet it has like a little tag on it here as far as I can tell it's not destroyed but it's also not in great condition either this was worth the whole pallet for me this is a nice rug I'm probably gonna put it in the garage and just put it down like roll it out and use it in the garage for now but for right this second it's gone right here first two boxes literally paid $35 for the palette just dropped boxed up now today oh yeah might need gloves I thought this is gonna be a clean slate boys socks number ones towels all right we got that looks like it has like oil on it iron pillar that's going right in the drop box well unless there's good clothes in there lamp that's decent for the flea market this is like a massive amount of like geez they're gonna have to be looked through and a whole thing of just PS basically what is this toothpaste there's a wig in there kind of cook those two boxes aren't that great all right basically the first two boxes were for us no go they're going right in the drop box clothing drop box so we have subject number three paintable stool wood stool not bad that they posted up on Facebook marketplace for like I mean ten box probably most at most then what do we had I thought it did too until I started seeing the other stuff they had in their Marshalls so we're rigidly 100 and then Marshalls got it and sold it for 59.99 so I made by me a Toro so let's see what's in here guys we actually use these sound okay so we have bugs pear alex pug' there use us eight Jordan's these are flea market stuff some of these are straight trash they're burning Susak trash deep trash all trash and they're all net like they got like no fading and stuff just has little like chapters tribal things for each day gloves so just the suitcase these somebody might the augs are good the Jordans might go there crusty okay I would they're gone that all right do you want to do this thing or should we do that cardboard this guy's random bah Brad go [Applause] handles this was from like a college dorm town yeah candle holder little cool dreamcatcher thing a Chanel II claim I always find Chanel stuff you gotta clean it but that takes sick that just made my night mere little mirror candles are always fake flowers should I throw these out or do you want to I don't run down so one cool item at least that's what I was thinking about definitely I mean what you're saying definitely a during that or an apartment cuz like you just only buy this for like all right we got this desk it's good for a college dorm probably literally only worth at max 25 more likely 15 but not that bad door opens it's a little not that sturdy but it can be tightened I'm going to tighten it before we sell it we're going for the next box the way that they packed it and tied it but then again some of them might be good I don't know bring it down arrogance I like these sheets no one wants mustard yellow uh this is sick Bessie goldsmith scarf this North case is just straight-up ruined oh okay make up life does make up some awful things like an answer that's other stuff at the bottom of this look at this dude like nicotine ick necks this is a good decent box there's like all their stuff in here yeah wine glass that's just a straight up pretty cycle right there we don't sell stuff like that ever we have but it doesn't sell this little bikini there's a lot of material girl in here teeny bikini here's the top is nice teeny bikini leopard this could be a cable box just to keep and go through tomorrow some of these things are cold out our song brenda joy smith bump in 1999 kind of cool actually very dusty but still cool this thing's pretty cool there's like one of those scarf little headband things with it raised on it lots of flea market stuff so a whole thing of basically guest jeans not bad clothes and some knickknacks in the bottom what brand is this North Face fleece Roxie bathing suit top with the tag still on it so I doubt that was ever worn even though it looks crunched could still be a good flea market clean this one is definitely ruined yeah all right so we're going this box next then this box then that box then the big box from the other pallet and those two are still from Sammy's and then this we already showed you guys it's a nice it actually is a nice set of golf clubs which that's not really that great to show but I'm just gonna put that inside and probably sell that either on Facebook or potentially on eBay if they're good enough so you want to rip one of these open yeah how much clothes in one person a receipts in there to to show what it is brand not that bad oh that's not good so I would put them in there on top of there and try and go through that's a trash wanted we have enough makeup this out way you're down through that scaring me Chanel Chanel II used feels that's all trash maybe maybe not could be like one gold claim in here like what is this now these are cool no that's like stuff they either ordered or sold them sell art and look like letters and then there's like [Music] whatever this is okay oh yes brand new scrubs though what size Universal these are easy flea market ease he has to wear specifics I remember yeah sorry sorry candle some bars is soap that are brand new that one looks used there's like makeup in here but who knows could be used here's some cool glasses in the wrapper at least in so this is it flea market ease cuz they're not bad this one trash right so with this cool little thing on the front how about this is this sellable use or no way already just throw it out I'm okay with your on it out and this yeah because I I don't I wouldn't buy anything like that used what's the claim this was like a makeup bag and I just wanted to get through it whatever I found one of my favorite perfumes and I'm so excited about it said that alright and there's other perfumes in here I love fine and perfume perfumes not creepy though because it comes out of there and that's it you know like put it all over your hair like there's other times that a perfume come up ladies angel oh my gosh it smells amazing who is this made in France but I don't know but it's called angel it smells like an angel let's see another perfume ladies my perfume and gents that's that's the familiars there's a trash bag right I remember my grandma on the toilet I think the back seat like it looked like doesn't it smell just like this dance alright this is part of the palette that I got with the rug in it and we haven't seen inside this box and that one dead the other box someone looked in I didn't even look at it until after we bought it but someone else look in it this one so heavy and literally could be anything I can't see anything what is this this is what I'm claiming oh I knew that was a canvas no no this is not this is yeah to hold a painting this is sounds like whole snow working lights oh yeah it's really really heavy Tim all right pull it out I can't even oh my god is it really a snowboard though I think that's like for a big big look and there's a piece of art in there got for your goth club so that's it yeah yeah this way this is for the ball it has a t on it this is a serious like serious but just this piece of loans work the whole family Oh what do we got you scared her out the club for sure that all right mobbed up check out the brand yeah straight I don't know anything about golf really though links men lady these are the women's wants to the men's walk nice my lady so not yeah these are serious if they put this much care and tell me no date there [Music] [Music] always look for a signature right well let's see one all right so it looks like maybe there are only 200 new I don't know that's true it might be a specific one but I'm not trying to spend too much time looking at up right this minute but just a bag alone I think is worth worth more than the pallet so two things the golf clubs there's a lamp in there the Caddy did you see it did you show this painting already you shared this painting right it's pretty cool right this is probably just like someone like us that made it there you know can you even get it out of there that one's for the rustic clubs about this I mean they're nice pillars but I'm I'm not pleased one of them that was pulled over you can do it on the council or you could take it out of here and wash it maybe right that's a cool pillow I guess might be for you guys but we gotta go through it right I mean why do they have all this why would somebody to eat all this doesn't even make sense you're right like college cleanup duty but like these are like not really like good stuff but they're easy to space dollar to dollar to display I don't know some of them might be straight fire I don't know I mean that's nice so itchy be more blankets our baby clothes but we did well you gotta take the bad with the good this is kind of cool actually what is this no hangman you put your shoes in it it's a box box one of those and this goes on top of it this is one of those cushions this this is a nice a little cleaner this box and some of the others this was multiple people that puts up in this year trashy's all right this is pretty nice yeah Landis feeling violated over here buddy keep my me and uh well he hit my big boy I've made the claims make my hat phone I'm sorry we just went through so much stuff but I didn't forget about you I think it's Shanna or Shana is that how you pronounce it Gaza and Jeromy Gaza their 19th anniversary is on December 20th so it's coming up she wanted me to do a shout out for you Jeremy so here's the shout out to you guys and congratulations that's really really really sweet and Midwestern TV so I know you on Instagram all right so shout out to you guys and congratulations on your 19th anniversary you and many more Queens land us what you claim it I had dude now because I don't want to forget Landis is so mad that we put all this stuff in it we put so much stuff in his room that he likes it though look at his face he likes this stuff alright so it looks like we got some good stuff the two pounds that we opened today what did we spend 70 on visible so we're easily gonna make that back and then a couple hundred at least if not I can't really say for sure but the golf clubs the suitcase the rug we have a lot of small items we're donating we're we're gonna drop box most of the clothes just because they're too overwhelming but I want to do a shout out to and a merry Christmas from both me and Sammy - Debbie Whitney I know you've been through a lot this year and just keep pushing and keep your head up wishing you the best and wishing you guys you and Elaine a merry merry Christmas from our hearts to yours thanks for watching and we always love to have people that continue to follow our journey it's really important to us and there's so many people out there that message May or contact us either one of us and to us how much they love our videos and it means a lot and it means so much that we just today this morning hit sixty thousand subscribers so thank you to everyone huge milestone for us and we're just gonna keep pushing into the 2020 into the new year and we're never gonna stop so the dream the dream claim it my hair it looks crazy alright take a shower guys we nailed it part 2 coming tomorrow and we'll show you guys the contents of the rest of the boxes six more boxes so should be good see you guys in the morning [Music] let's get this shot Landis is getting vicious let him hit you okay I don't get you he's coming let him get ya there would ya begins you want you got your back turn that's what he's a good boy yeah well that's to give you background give you snacks [Music] you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 185,827
Rating: 4.778511 out of 5
Keywords: we, bought, 8 pallets, at, auction, unboxing, first, two, pallet auction, pallet liquidation, liquidations, merchandise, mystery pallet, pallet unboxing, liquidate, autioneer, auctioning, truckload, storage, storage auction, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, new york, ny, nyc, new york city, making claims, freedom to dream
Id: INpdjZxPbRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 29sec (3269 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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