WOW! House Clean Out Reveals RARE Items!

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all right so we're here in atlantic city we're cleaning out this house not everything goes but we just came across a crazy umbrella and i wanted to show you guys what i found what'd you find so i was in here and i was like oh this box looks interesting popped it open this little tin i was like looking in here and look special detective badge oh my gosh that's pretty cool right [Music] what is up everyone welcome back to another clean out video so if you guys are new to the channel i'm tucker i'm sammy and we do a lot of clean out videos we started doing this these jobs and filming them and we realized a lot of people online like to watch them so we're going to continue the trend and here we are in atlantic city new jersey i'm not sure if it's this entire house part of it or what but the guy who owns i think it's a split house i don't know i was seeing that online yeah there's a bottom a middle and maybe a top either way this guy that owns a real estate company locally around here basically wants us to go in here and take all the furniture out of the house and either sell it or do whatever donate it get rid of it so he can either rent it or sell it i'm not really sure i don't ask that many questions but this is the spot we're waiting for him to get here so he can meet us and we're looking at the job today might take a few things um if it's looking like we can start today we will if not we're probably gonna come back tomorrow and start hoping the rain holds off i hope if you like these videos stay tuned so there's a good like eight out of ten chances that there's lacquer furniture in here and you know what that means cha-ching i don't think there's a lacquer in here this is the kind of style that is it doesn't look like lacquer steez this looks like yeah but this looks like somebody who was i don't know what kind of steez this is there was a they could have been a ball and ass person back in the day and then downgraded carpeting downgraded to a smaller house wait no because isn't he did he rent this out or he bought this he owns it so would there be carpet in there this is going to be stinky i already know it's what kind of furniture do you guys think are maybe antique ish i know that's going to be like wood furniture that's right that's the vibes i'm getting woodsy i'll bet you five minutes it's a fun game if we keep doing these i'll bet you five dollars there's lacquer furniture in here of course there's going to be wood furniture what do you mean of course how could their nave what if it was just the wrong house he's like oh yeah there's five it's that one actually all right they have blinds and curtains so and for a second i just looked over and i was like wait a second is that a cat door but it's just a pot i can't see very well from here oh there's a cat in the back too i got excited it's just me which one is it in the middle or the bottom i'm hoping it's not the bottom i don't like if it's the bottom there's nothing cool in there where are we going oh you know what i'm thinking i'm getting the i'm getting creepy leather blankets vibes like those itchy blankets that everyone had because i had a creepy leather sectional caps that had like had like wear and tear all on it and like worn down [Music] you know what i'm talking about it smells like yesterday's trash i'm thinking it's got obviously gonna be dusty no smoking though because there's an oxygen thing on the door with the nose and if it's if it's that unit how many hey good i love your jacket the i just leave the door open okay i didn't know for sure if it was this or the bottom that's the only that's why i didn't just both okay i didn't want to walk in on someone like eating dinner or something no worries okay we're gonna get rid of this entire room except for the princess and that okay but everything else goes okay uh yes yes yes yes yes um all right cool including this too right yep uh that goes okay i came over here and kind of bagged up the trash stuff for you pile of trash this thing goes i'm assuming obviously right we're gonna keep that you're gonna keep this yeah i'm gonna try and summer rent this joint now so um this all stays because my dog is donating this stuff to charities yeah okay trash trash couch couch we're gonna i'm gonna try i think i need it for the summer and the side tables and the lights and those stuff stay so basically just this pile of trash and then okay i'm just trying to get it in my head it's cool this pile of trash you want to take some photographs oh yeah i'm actually filming a little bit just so i can rewind it that's pretty much maybe we should just take pictures though okay let me see you got your phone just take pictures of everything he says trash so this stays right yeah all that stuff yep stays so the whole back room the two piles in here pile one pile two the whole front section night fishing goggles man pretty cool that's right that they are yeah there you go that's ridiculous right no no that stays okay and then that whole room besides the table that the printer is on the table and the printer okay this goes upstairs right uh what can you get upstairs from this yeah yeah yeah we're gonna go straight i was wondering i didn't see the stats how you doing man good really good cool yeah how's your brother he's good he's in california now he's in cali yeah he goes everywhere yeah he's all over the place trash sorry uh trash oh yeah we got a light trash free like 10 10 mancuso [Music] this one piece is trash oh you can get up there from here you can get upstairs from down here all right yeah it's pretty minimal it's not awful uh uh bust up whatever you want to bust off bust it up in the driveway uh you can pull up on the curve or you know whatever you need to do is it like an old tv what yeah if you want the little tv you can have it i mean it's like super old yeah like can you believe people just have that yeah that's art now that's what i'm saying vcr i mean like a truckload of stuff now and then you want to do that is that cool if we take stuff now then we'll come back tomorrow and get it bring the trailer good yeah no problem if you want to load up stuff now if you want to do the whole thing tomorrow if you want to schedule it for saturday whatever whatever you want i think tomorrow might be the best for us if that's cool with you yeah tomorrow's just fine yeah don't go crazy tonight um you can pick when you're buzzing through town tomorrow swinging to the office there's a check nice little backyard some bamboo not there i think i know the airstream yeah that's cool dude what were they living in that it's brand new let me see if i have the keys in the car i think sick all right we're about to get a tour of this thing oh i guess this is his one of these so this is his he just leaves it here he did that i know what he does in here dude this thing's freaking sick complete tour of the flying cloud this is what we need but we need it to drive this thing doesn't drive us no but you can hook it up and then drop it down that's what you want you'd be able to pull with that truck easily easily this is the coolest thing ever i always like these it's like all the way like everything it's got this badass hatch in the back when are you taking it on a trip i left the lights on you can look inside this is like the one from grimm yeah look at this man it's got like a screen that comes down the table comes out this is sticking here it's got like a wicked queen size bed there's two tvs back there i don't even know how to turn them all now freaking kick-ass sound system all like led lights this thing is badass two air conditioners two solar panels with a freaking wi-fi anywhere hotspot wow right yeah this is a perfect great trick and you don't have to have it if you don't want like you show up drop it off and then take your truck wherever after that exactly that's the thing you like once you like once you unload you know and it takes like it takes less than 20 minutes for me by myself to get it like set at camp wow so it's got freaking hook-up no yeah this is the real deal 50 amp hookup cable tv if you want it my water source all needs to come down everywhere you gotta get one of these gotta get one all right this is what we got going on you guys saw it he just gave us a whole walk through so it's really not that bad um but it is a lot of stuff at the same time like it's not too crazy but at the same time it's crazy like just this whole room here is uh you know pretty aggressive so like that's what i'm claiming like we could load up anything small into the truck i would say load up what and like me we can sell that small do you know yeah yeah well like even i feel like that's like seller so that literally maybe sell by tonight or tomorrow do you know what i mean but what everything in here except these so sammy j freaking called it won the bet wood furniture just like he was saying like antique wood furniture you knew this style this is like the stuff they had at uh i it even smells how i thought it was gonna smell only because of that oxygen net i'm so happy he was talking about keeping the uh the couches and stuff this is a full-blown thing i thought it all looks like easy especially when it's on like film oh my gosh it's so much but for people who actually do this the only thing is all the furniture in here stays so like no wonder joe wants his table he's gonna know because he's gonna sell it yeah he is who wouldn't joe would not sell this did he do that yeah i would if this stuff is bad no no he's definitely probably keeping this is really nice anything that he wants out of here after the summer we take the problem is it's not the solid solid good stuff everything stays about what you got on your pictures everything in here stays except this oh none of this goes oh perfect do you know what i'm saying all right what claims are being made right now is this like a tv chart i don't like this thing no that's a toilet pot i know it is a tv it is a tray that would come up next to the bed which is kind of creepy honestly though like this these pieces of furniture that he's not getting rid of like this might be worth money dude i don't want to deal with it because like if we had to get this out of here by tomorrow but i'm saying is this just collectively from like other properties no somebody that lived here we've come across this before excuse me this is weird sorry guys i shaved my suit um wow everything's not in that crazy condition either no these people cared about their stuff i can see that this is a mid-century piece huh yeah we can bring that down that might be a sellable cheese what is that for it's for like paperwork it's kind of legit but it's just like no that's so nice super cool but it's oh i guess leather briefcase all right so far keeping this either for scissors and packing supplies or maybe for sammy's cosmetics situation we're not sure yet getting into the first room we realizing the potential i just posted the filing cabinets all for 40 already got hits on them obviously look how cool they are two of these filing tables that are like wood this nice desk i just put up i think that'll sell by literally in the next 20 minutes probably because it's so cheap so we got to have everything in here out of here by the weekend and this thing is so sweet dude this thing is so cool honestly i would take that myself this table was this heavy oh my gosh that's a dream table though 20 bucks get get it up online right now you know what i mean i got there i'm not going to get too crazy with it but it does lock it has two two keys there's nothing in it but um for us i think it would be really very convenient yeah to keep some precious stuff in there but also like something yeah but it's kind of like out of sight out of mind like if you just think it's a burden i'm saying like if you just put in the stuff in there so nothing except for what's in the middle of this room and this pile right here is going i thought this was interesting though did they lose electricity in here guys they had these two like did they lose electricity yeah i wouldn't drink anything just don't know it's kind of scary in here this kind of has a very strange and it's scarier in here than it is downstairs i don't really like the energy actually because like i can tell you can feel it when you come out of each room it's so thick you can cut it with a freaking knife in that room that's why i've been showing out here like the lights don't really make a difference because i turned the light on there thinking i would feel different but all right we got these two cabinets i'm about to post on facebook i open one up though and look what i found so the previous owners of this house are no longer but uh dog tag and i'm gonna keep those for i don't want them getting thrown away actually i'll keep them in this box too that's something that should never end up in the trash [Applause] and then uh we use envelopes pretty often actually so i think these will be a pretty easy sell and i have someone i know that actually wants to finally come so i told him roll over here he lives in ac too we can put him in our truck and then bring him over to his house i don't know he didn't say anything yet so we'll say why does this feel like a ghost hunt with this lamp on my head too and this stained glass and this photo is not funny oh wow it's making me feel better i'm just saying it's like not like the actual cross i'm saying like it's like something the fact that they had to have it there right that cross mixed with this carpet with that bathroom with that thing on the bed that i keep thinking somehow this bathroom's really cool actually look at this look how cool this is the babies could sit look like if they had cats wow they would never they would during the day when we were in it it's actually kind of not like a big bathroom but it's like the style was on point for the time period though i bet you i'm liking that not the wall like that lamp though the overhead lamp and the seashell shaped sink would any one of you guys rock this bathroom because i would i would what else is actually even gone like of any value at all like he wasn't kidding when he said it was trash the office had the best stuff yeah this is all trashed yeah and these shelves i wouldn't even give to someone it wouldn't even be fair he's claiming leave this light this this tv they're not gonna want that tv do they have ipads whoever rents this place and just be watching this you're true though i don't know i wouldn't even be happy if i rented this place personally all right we're about to do some work on this job but we stopped here to get dinner real quick and last time we went to get pizza people asked where it was this is the place i don't know it's new here in hc but i'm about to show you guys this pizza real quick i mean i'm starting to realize new jersey food is where it's trying to get some shirt orders done uh because we had a big job tomorrow to do but uh todd holling's head i just want to shout out all the people who bought shirts uh mark mcgowan deborah reasoner cody cockrum we got nikki lynch joseph jones these are the ones that are already packed we got mark colson sorry if i pronounce anyone the names wrong we got david in frisco texas mark miller and gary i think i shouted you out already in the other one but uh we're gonna try to get to get to work here and do some orders because this stuff gets you know way ahead over our heads sometimes when we got too much going on but i really with the reason that we want to shout people out when they order stuff is because we really really appreciate um every single order and these this is like when people ever ask how they can support the channel this is how our merchandise is one of our most important things that we have going on so thank you again so much for everyone who's ordered i'm going to put a time lapse on and do you know as many as i can do until i get too tired all right this is kind of important yeah well it's important for us so mark's now schnell in new york he ordered two large shirts but i wanted to go back to an email that he sent us a little bit ago and he donated a bunch of money to a cat charity for us when our cat arlo passed away um but he sent me an email and he wanted to uh just put this out there he was talking about the clean out video and then he said keeping it busy here in upstate new york still still volunteering at the cnycc feral kitty season is right around the corner so i'm doing a gofundme for a bunch of traps and carriers for our foster team feral kitties are a big problem in nearby syracuse all are spayed and neutered and ones that can be socialized into a gobson program go into an adoption program we have a tenure we had a 10 year old kitty adopted last week you that's awesome 20 plus adoptions at the center i volunteer at so far this month and over 900 options for 2020. that's amazing so his thing is central new york feral cats trap neuter release organized by mark schnell and he has a gofundme that looks like this and if i can remember i'm not really sure okay here it is right here central new york furl cat tnr i will put a link to it if i can remember i hope i remember um in the description of this video so that people can donate if they want to so that is important super important rue come back so i'm going to pack his up and then chalk bow damn another day in paradise my friends that's the message he left so thank you chuck you're the man and then lieutenant rogers left a message thanks talking sammy your lifelong fan lieutenant toys toy photography the boy track of martin you guys are both so inspiring keep living the dream with a peace sign and then we got lana haney you guys are the best love you to the moon and back thank you we got dorothy colin love your youtube thanks for sharing and then ryan max said can't wait to roll around with my five kitties in this fresh ass shirt love you guys the dream michael don thanks to you both scott jarvie i can't wait to get that shirt sweet rick murphy said fans reckon uh elvira keep dreaming uh david rodriguez said i really enjoyed watching your videos it's just so obvious that you and sammy j enjoy what you do enjoy what you do i wish you all young couples would emulate the hard work that you and sandy put forth congrats on your success and well was just for you and sammy in the future david thank you appreciate that kerry pavkov uh has ordered before uh carrie pavkov sorry love these keep up the amazing work carrie thank you carrie so much um let's keep it going i'm just gonna pack these ones and then keep it going all right we are rolling what's up good morning everyone so it's the next day obviously and we got rained out last night we were gonna go back to the house but we just ended up coming home instead after we got pizza and now i'm packing up the packages that we gotta send out i've been trying to do like you know 20 a day so that they don't get too overwhelmed with packages because so many people ordered stuff and that we're heading over to the job in a few minutes and we have our friend this guy i know for a few years well like five or six years i've known him uh he's a local dude and he's going to help us do the clean out so that's cool they're putting a new roof on across the street that's pretty nice but yeah i'm gonna take these to the post office come back grab the trailer grab sammy and then onward to another day of cleaning out houses the dream yo what's up how here it is i can i'll show you what we got you can lock your bike up and then i'll show you what we got going on all right so really the best case scenario would be if the trailer was in here yeah i was just trying to think of where the best uh the best place to put the trailer so we can load it up so some of this stuff is going to be getting sold slash not thrown out right but everything in this room's going all this stuff not that okay that stays almost everything in here stays for the most part but all this is trash okay so basically we're gonna just take all these boxes everything that's like actually trash and we're gonna just put it in the trailer and then some of the stuff we're gonna salvage and if you want anything that's in the trash piles you can take it i don't care i think everything in here stays okay so it's really not that much but uh there is a basement area and then uh so i'll just show you so you got an idea in your head so this room's trash all that stuff and then just the two cabinets the two like shelves in there trash and that's it i think no they're they're dawn they're like just those two and i yeah all right and then how are you doing pretty good pretty good i he's keeping that for some reason so yeah we can anything on all this stuff we can just bring down and then i'm gonna position the trailer somewhere closer i guess and then i got there he is steve strongheart everyone going for it all right he's got that i think all yeah it's not too bad these are actually uh these were oh wait wait i'm sorry i wanted to go through that one i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah these were actually like super cool mattresses at one point the boy is no joke out here you're good you guys like to read not much i mean i do like it but i don't get time to too busy either doing this or when i get home i always just want to relax yeah right but i don't watch uh foreign films because i wanted to read the book what do you got to read i know i got a little shortcut what is it a book it's called friendship with all life kinship with all life is that how you live see you're going through what i was going through and that's a bible right there i think oh no it's not but it's a cool encyclopedia dictionary i should say this was a cool box this one's got all right this guy's the master of state saving space here we got the master of saving space yeah yeah comes with fantastic having moved like 40 times myself you know that's what i was thinking right it might start raining but yeah it was supposed to rain this is actually supposed to stop in the afternoon [Applause] so far we got our buddy steve strongheart on the crew really good worker already i'm impressed um just a local guy that i've known for a while never was close to him but just acquaintance and he offered to do the job with us so here we are getting it done so all this is basically trash but even this like you were saying this is not bad no i thought that was really cool then like i guess most of these what is in it i guess because it's literally just like newspapers well actually oh get that out of here stuff like this tape screwdrivers hammer like this once box right here can be cheap these are all bags we can use for something i was thinking these vacuum and two bags here are like a donation pile the chair i think we're gonna use for something for a scene but then we got like you know treasures all right i'm hoping that this would be enough light to see what we got in here oh wow no way all right so look what i just found it is a special detective badge from atlantic city new jersey and if i didn't go through this box that would have just been ended up in the trash so really unbelievable find actually missing yeah oh it's got a lanyard too yeah oh wait no no it's not a cane or something else hold on a second hold oh you know what this might be an umbrella fancy umbrella yeah what this is a fancy umbrella get it open this guy is quality i thought it was a cane right me too because there was like we throw them around right oh i see there we go yeah wait how do you how does it open okay well i guess um from now you're gonna this guy does quality right i wouldn't miss out there there we go there you go wait but how do you okay hold on how does it go down there i think it'll just go down as soon as you as soon as you make it go down the stuff we find cleaning out houses no this is one of those like the umbrella from my fair lady this looks like uh no she's serious right yeah this is what it looks like i don't get any of those shots no you don't want the i don't want any of the shots no he had to get a tetanus shot though because he's stuck in a rusty nail i don't know something that isn't right as long as we know it's an umbrella not a cane what does it say that's a cool umbrella you're gonna need that today later oh made in italy so that's kind of mamma mia so this it it is uh no it's good you can refix that yeah that's not a throw out piece that's it no it's kind of cool yes do you think you'll find another one of those today because i never saw one of those in my whole life so far so lady so obviously the ladies italian yes exactly so like i'm just trying to attack her on the street makes sense the dude that lived here uh was like a big part of ac like politics and stuff like that he has a day named after him and stuff he's got a what name like a day an official day named after really wow he was a detective all this stuff head of the school board all like been here forever yeah well there's there's basically two two two sets of cops in atlanta city the irish and the uh italians is that how it rolls yeah it's our role you know damn those are good to keep yeah these are kind of cool i actually feel bad you got to go through this stuff because you guys see what i found you got you got the calios and the connollies you know yeah all right so we're here in atlantic city we're cleaning out this house not everything goes but we just came across a crazy umbrella and i wanted to show you guys what i found what'd you find so i was in here and i was like oh this box looks interesting popped it open this little tin i was like looking in here and look special detective badge oh my gosh that's pretty cool right yeah that'll get you out of a parking ticket that's a killer score that right there this is a really cool box oh i like that box i got to show you my wallet oh he was it what's your watch see through oh milk crate milk milk bottles you made it yeah i made it makeshift sure yeah that is really cool actually what do you mean milk oh like an egg yeah i cut out my milk bottles i you know like i made a mask out of it once and i made um so i thought there's got to be something i could do with this stuff you know and he made it you know if i had a kiln and uh and a way to evacuate the vapors you know i'd probably uh probably make some neat stuff i really would commissioner an air commissioner he had he was in charge of the bat light he knows all right that was the killer score that right that's what else do we have in here what do you got some goodies those are great scales for me mine's for for a while for the longest while mine was broken it was stuck on 200 pounds now it's now goes up to 220. it's a good one get it on so that was probably the big score i was hoping but you just found some seriously cool hats over there yeah what is this something oh that's not that's another wallet there yeah what's this what is this that's like a raincoat right hey that might come in handy yeah look at this though this is for leaving he wants to leave this stuff but look at this dish these dishes oh yeah that's oh this is that's why this is gonna rattle the chances of uh this people that come and rent this place drinking out of these is like one hundred percent they're gonna be like oh get the fine dinnerware right thank you now you got to find something to drink out of it this one's it's very close you put your jacket on right yeah that's it you think that's a celebrity yeah defer trash you know yeah that's pretty good right there just these little babies right here right let me just take this stuff out of here uh yeah there's some stuff what else were you looking for similar like this or chairs looking for a kitchen table the kitchen table's staying here um i can show you what else we got though what happened 200 there one time somebody might have taped like their extra money here so nobody steals it find one see you later at one point in your life you will find an antique umbrella well we gotta give them this it does roll but and also they're not really that heavy either hey you want to get it you got it you know what let me get up to the step yeah and then i'll just slide i can just get half of it if you want yeah that'd be good let me just get the bottom you staying in the area are you going oh no we live in summer's point okay this is a real estate company that we're doing the clean out for oh okay and he's renting it out he's the dude that owns sotheby's in margaret you got that [Music] okay sammy j found the unicorn of all unicorns straight up that hat the police badge dog tags we're scoring all day in here where are the doggies where are the dog tags where are the dog tags i'll take it out to make it easier yeah no for uh we sure have that much stuff left uh i forget what did i post them for was it 20 let me look because i don't remember i posted like 500 things this week already good you know what it's a good hustle it's a great house a little and strong uh 30 i had him on there but uh i'm sorry about the message i i it did seem like i was saying i was taking them to you but no worries no worries yeah keep stay strong keep on moving yeah you got it right now i think he's going to be constantly visiting everything else that's uh pretty cool right it's a print or a real picture it's a print it's a shame wow this is actually really cool look at this what do we got so like it just looks like just crappy dress like whatever you call that and then you open it and it's like it's like a bar it's really cool like if you cleaned it up i would paint it a little bit smoked but no but you could this all stays but this is some seriously nice stuff that's beautiful so nice and so happy yeah that's the whole thing is it's like i think as you keep doing this you'll kind of like pick up what where the value is and yeah there's a lot of money we made look at this thing the sad part about it is that like this guy was like you guys get in there we met him here tomorrow and he's like you can get it done tomorrow if you can and it's like yesterday or yeah last night and it's like i if these had to go i couldn't bear to throw them out do you get what i'm saying so like what are you doing what do you do facebook marketplace but at home we don't have any space to even store stuff just keep on doing what you're doing and you'll fall into the guy that has the space yeah you got to keep trucking that's the real that's the real claim and i think you're in a i think you're in a spot and an industry right now where there's business you know where you always stay busy because yeah so much movement right now with people coming and there's like a lot of waste in this specific area people just throw stuff out that it's like brand new yeah it's because they have deep deep pockets you know it's okay for them to spend that money for us we're like yeah i could use it i'll work with that but no some people all they want is knew and thank god for them they keep uh no we like i don't know i don't know the feeling because i've never been rich but i always thought i would be the person that would just like to salvage it regardless stuff because the older stuff the cooler stuff really yeah they don't do the work like that anymore but hey thank you i appreciate it yeah there's not much else out there which way am i going out right now this goes out yeah all right have a good one dude well thank you what's the call windows it feels good down here because like since the heat rises it's just so stuffy up there especially with the carpet so this is going out right yeah okay all right they're not they're not tinted so they don't block any light right they're just they're um they're dyed so they filter light instead of blocking it you know so there's not particles in there that actually blocks light it just filters like so certain colors get through what is this it's pretty cool actually so we got the homer simpson muumuu right the lounge around that's for the um that's a good that's a sewing machine probably it might be for a sewing machine or a paper shredder what do we got this that's nothing that's not old though sweaties we got special value okay when it gets sunny out tonight happy holidays cards what's this nothing good gold right nothing yet nothing yet until you come across that one t oh what's that i like that it's kind of cool what's this stains on it property of hcsc and then that's just all i'm keeping the moo moo because i think that's a classic damn i was really banking on some gold vintage this is good it's got a logo you know so kind of looks sort of like an anchor and a cross at the same time this is a nice there's a like a cool bee that that and then the coca-cola it's gonna be trash it's got a nice quality so that's pretty much what the carpet looked like when they put it down yeah and that's what it looked like after a couple decades yeah decades yes this needs to come out bad yeah who's got that job not me thank god i think he's renting it like that really well late rhino i guess or something baby or he's got someone coming to take it out i mean i would do it but i don't want to yeah i've done it before all right so i've got like the little stuff on the floor so it's just these so if we just grab that i think if we just get these i mean unless it's just easier to take them apart this just comes apart so easily do you know what i'm saying now that's a really wild leg like lego style for moving it around yeah he's not playing out there the organization of this guy's trailer upper the energy he brings to the table yes is this guy like a physicist or something i'm so i'm confused i like being surrounded by people i can learn from so we could put these in here if you returned it yeah that would be cool in my little lock box really too [Music] a little lock box so yesterday i was i thought there was something in it but there wasn't but it has the keys i'm always fascinated by a box that can lock i don't know why i've been like that since i was little i guess all girls are like that maybe it's like you have like your secret stuff it yeah well you can't fit river in there so for me she's not a secret my box really because it looks like it his says but somebody taped that on there i don't know why sammy jay's box sammy jack you could just put sammy cat i'll make it for his box or whoa i know sissies we can make it like one of those um things and you could write something in it and then put it dig a hole and like a time capsule you could do that make it sad making the energy better make a time capsule we can make a time capsule out of this you know like put it in the yard oh you know i've been i've been having a recurring dream of uh i had a i was like four years old i buried a box like this right in the ground like between my house and a neighbor's house right in the backyard had like pennies and nickels buffalo head nickels yeah and gi joes and you know like army men and stuff you know and i keep thinking about that thing where you never dug it up it's in patterson so you can't be creeping around someone's trying to dig it up like one of my job captures in your some odd yard you never know though how deep did you dig it you remember what's that how deep did you dig it i was four not deep then we need to go on a treasure hunt it sounds like all right we're going to patterson the mystery of steve strongheart's four-year-old treasure time capsule so what would you call it antique vintage maybe wood cabinet with tile top it's a trapezoidal cabinet trapezoidal there we go is that what that would call yeah well that's the shape of the uh are you a physicist these days yeah i'm a mathematician i am a musician i am a an electrician electrical computer programmer should i should i title it trapezoidal cabinet just because it sounds better than just like a weird shaped cabinet right so with these jobs i like to just film a lot show you guys how we do them uh we're about i don't know maybe halfway through but we might do part two we're not sure yet might be broken into two videos probably will be we're doing pretty good on time here though and it really is hard to film and do it at the same time but i try that's all that's all i mean this is nice you can add that you want it this one's trash all right look at this what that toaster dude the mary proctor toaster look at this what is it all right do you and you're in your humble opinion did dj come back here no absolutely since we were here and today ain't gonna come back here at night it's creepy well then why did all the canes end up right there stacked perfectly just tell me how unless he was here wait you're right cause his daughter didn't come back to because she's gonna donate this wait are you kidding me did you put them there no unless he did and wouldn't he have turned off this and that light of yours here no but the canes are weird there's no way dj came back here we gotta ask him we gotta settle this because otherwise that's too much for me to handle all right now i asked the boy he didn't do it how do you know he would never do that if they weren't they were i was looking for her earlier they weren't around how do you know though are you sure he didn't do that he would never do that why would i do that come here did you put these here i was right there no no no are you lying no no i didn't put him there now why are you smiling why would he put them there what do you mean that's so creepy there's no way that he came back here put them there how'd they get there i don't know wait didn't i put them in there yeah wolf head who was the part of his collins came but back they were all over the place i guess and on the ground what the hell so somebody put in there i didn't do it no yeah but we were here until like we were here last night nine o'clock last night and then nobody's been here since parker definitely didn't come here unless he did unless he did this morning i don't know you had to say that maybe how big is that door that's a it's it's 42 inches that's the biggest door i've seen ever not seen the door that's that's just kind of yeah that's moving the piano in you know right how much do you think that door is worth to the right buyer that's that's gonna be like you know to sell it to sell it if you wanted to buy that to put in this this whole fill this hole and you're looking at like 500 you know if you wanted to sell this to somebody but it has the actual where's the key at yeah because they just met they matched it to the siding they matched it to the yeah but that's what the house looked like yeah it's like i mean it's painted these these keys are so insecure and that's why they changed them because like you someone could just pick them right yeah mechanically a little bit harder where those skeleton keys are probably super cool i want one yeah they're they're pretty much warded on keys that means it's like it has things that stop you from moving and if you get in between those then it works you know so so they're not good they're somewhat generic too right like if you have the same door yeah instead of like well i i feel like like a quick quick set they guarantee that like you know on some of their keys or cheaper key locks they guarantee that there won't be another key that fits it for 500 locks 500. so in other words you got a development if you have a development with like 500 houses chances are you know i'm too fit and that's nobody would ever you'd have to go try a lot of houses before yeah yeah right that's that's the point you know but because of that and because like you know like in the development they'll also it'll divide that by two and because what they'll do is they'll master key um the lock so if the guy the contractor can go in any house with one key he doesn't have to have a whole range of keys right so so that means that each each um each uh pin each set of pins has two positions that opens it so that means it's a lot easier to get in when i was uh i lived in such a place when i was a teenager and my name my friend locked himself out so he comes over my house and said let me see you know and i tried i tried my key in his door and it worked and it worked right his key did not fit in mine it wasn't uh see that's weird maybe you had the universe okay without knowing that well i think it just fit like his by accident do you think there's one key to roll them all that fits every lock in the universe well well is they'll cut a key down all the way down to the to the to the root right down to the root and just leave a little stub there and you pop it in real quick it's called a bump the bump key right and you put it in what happens is the keys vibrate you know the pins inside vibrate and you just keep a little pressure on it and when they get into the right spot right if you keep doing that and yeah just by random motion right the pins will eventually line up and do you think you're like are you considered the key guy like the key master uh the key man like you know more about keys than anyone else i know working off a limited battery here so hopefully it doesn't uh run out of battery but so everything almost down here stays almost except for this area here which i think the tv might be well we can't take that anywhere for trash anyway so that's going to have to be some kind of a keep life piece there disconnect all this stuff okay i've got this noodle and oh clean up the trailer while in there with that what this door [Music] that's just a nice little entrance way so i don't remember what he said goes down here nothing um those boxes of course this i guess there's some nice furniture in this house the boys and girls oh this stays though circular light tubes those are probably hard to find not hard to find but probably expensive yeah no way is it oh yeah in here maybe so let's start from the beginning so that goes so we're just gonna me and him will take the tv and put that in the bed of the truck and then the tv stand and all that stuff she's going to be trash i guess and then this was down here that's in the kitchen so that's easy and then what about this stuff what everything in here yeah that was down here so all this um it was this just those right wait where was the oh you took the trash right yeah just this is too nice yeah yeah that stays in the ceiling tiles you probably need drop ceiling tiles from this room [Music] this one is a cool mirror but it's it's probably gone right done for this is this was super cool this is a mid-century little dreamer actually dude your mom wants it you gotta keep that just give it to her for christmas this is cool yeah it really is cool and like it's not actually you know it's not worth that much this is keyboard it's definitely worth worth keeping all it has is just this yeah that's fine it could be fine old school i knew it was going to be a day longer watch watch watch sorry i don't know why you don't have this on so we're going to keep this and keep that so this one's trash okay what do you got here i got this okay and then everything else and then let me get that white uh okay those are all keepy in here keepies in here though nothing getting my hoops up for nothing here oh there's hand soap down here i think that we'll talk to them about what we need what we're going to do later i think he's trying to get the mass of it out and then deal with everything else later yeah but like this is uh i'll be honest less aggressive than i thought wait that's aggressive i mean the boy nailed it nailed it all right the big doggie tv yeah right this one's gonna go in the bed of the truck is yeah the american doctor said he can't do anything for me cut it off for me [Music] all right so that was part one of our atlantic city clean out videos and we have some things we want to show you just check it out so this is the stuff we scored some of our best finds we really think that you can find the coolest stuff in clean outs so i have these uh pens freshly sharpened pencils i was like freshly sharpened pencils hello because like we have so many pencils but like none of them are sharpened and they just suck but these ones are freshly sharpened and there's cool pens in there you can never have enough pens we can at least you show them your doggy tags yeah because you know so these are the two these are my two favorite things that we got from the job because they're immensely unique probably one of a kind i mean let me go on this side actually i would have to say so the dog tags i guess you would say they're two of a kind but these are super unique never get that again it's not something you can find so funny i used to have dog tags with my name on it did you ever have that yeah like play wants no i don't and then this special detective and it has the badge it's upside down this piece but it has like the badge of atlantic city and like the crest i guess so those two things incredible oh yes so i fixed all it took was just a little bit of reattaching the pieces but look at this amazing oh watch out boy you tall and this is probably like a 200 very cool umbrella if you can even find one maybe 150. marco apollo made it in italy yeah so i think i just i got that chair from there too so unbelievable the amount of cool stuff you can get in these places like this stuff is better than what we find at auctions or storage units most of the time honestly should i show my moomoo yeah you can i'll show them both of my memories actually all right so these are the moo moos vintage moomoos but uh yeah if you like this video give us a thumbs up pretty please and stay tuned for part two you very [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 25,379
Rating: 4.9223504 out of 5
Keywords: wow, house, clean, out, reveals, rare, items, antiques, vintage, clean out, trash out, trash, business, trash out business, found, treasure, treasure hunting, old, collectible, amazing, fun, laughing, atlantic city, ac, casinoes, pizza, clean outs, junk, trash picking, pickers, american pickers, storage wars, storage unit, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tucker upper, south jersey, nj, new jersey, ocean, beach, beaches, job, career
Id: d0licOkYx7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 5sec (4145 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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