We Bought 15 Pallets At Auction UNBOXING!

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okay we just finished this massive pallet auction that we just went to and this is what we bought we got 15 pallets of different stuff all right here we went way overboard because the prices were good today all this what we got in the trailer so far and then this whole side here so we are going to be going through it showing you guys everything that we got well not every single thing but all the good stuff at least so stay tuned this was like the craziest auction we've ever been to all right what's up everyone good morning it's like 6 a.m i just hooked up the trailer and today we are off to another pallet auction the one we go to is about two hours north up to new york from where we live so we have to get out there early last time we showed up while the auction had already started so we missed our chance to kind of see well you can't really see what items there are there because everything's packaged in moving blankets and boxes and it's all on pallets so you can kind of get a gist of what it is but you can't see into it as last time we got a crazy painting from an artist in new zealand that's worth a good amount of money just because you couldn't tell what it was it was just a cardboard box and it could have been anything it could have been a mirror it could have been a piece of wood for all we knew but we bought the whole lot and didn't even know we had it until we got home which is actually a really cool video so i'll share that video with you guys if you want to check out more from the same kind of auction but yeah today we're going we got the trailer we got the truck no cap so we can fit i would say an estimated around like six to eight pallets of stuff so that's what we're planning on getting today there is always a chance that this stuff sells for too much money that it's worth which happens at auctions a lot actually surprisingly but this is probably one of the best auctions that you can get stuff for super cheap so we're planning on buying as much as we can fit we will see what happens but we're about to hop in the truck take a little road trip and we will see you guys when we get there so good morning everyone just a real quick here's the setup that we got for today eight foot truck truck bed this is a chevy silverado if you guys watch our channel all the time you already know what we drive but we got also completely empty dump trailer so this is a 12 foot by 7 foot dump trailer and you can actually fit side by side two pallets so this can fit about six pallets and the reason i didn't put anything down on the bottom i used to bring like blankets and stuff is because they offer up the pallets with the items so you can just take the stuff off put a couple pallets down and then start loading itself on top of the pallets again so it gives it a little barrier from you know the wet cold bottom of the trailer but this is pretty clean you took a load of scrap in this yesterday it's pretty clean it was just metal in here so there's nothing like too dirty that would ruin the items anyway but yeah i just wanted to show you guys what we were working with [Music] okay we just showed up we're a little bit early this time about almost an hour until the auction starts so we're gonna sign up and then we're gonna check out what they got for sale today so definitely show up to auctions early if you can sammy j good morning what's up let's go see what's inside right yeah we got here a little bit earlier this time so now we can actually we actually have time to like look and uh kind of like see what we might thought determine what's going on here yeah cause the last time was kind of like last minute we got here a little bit late so the auction ended like literally five minutes after we got here last night they do no one's even here they just once they start it just they sell it quick it's big lots of stuff so it goes i don't even think that people are set up yet are they i hear them talking now right so i do believe it will be everything that's right here so each one of these is like a lot it's like one two oh yeah we like the mystery anyway so yeah i know i just want to let you guys get an idea you know um you guys like the mystery but sometimes a lot of the box the stuff that's in the boxes here at least i don't know about california because the other guys find chanel bags and stuff but it could happen here though some of this stuff's from new york city like like we're in new york do you get what i'm saying like you never know what's in there a painting worth 10 grand so here we go this is this matches where he's where he's standing over there is kind of where it starts and then it goes so yeah i waved him all of these and our friend works here actually well we met him from coming here but he's become our friend it goes all the way down so like each one of these by name so like see where this is kind of split here all this all of this up to here i think that way i'm wrong so here to there so that would be like one two three four five six seven at least seven pallets is just in that one lot right there so that's pretty insane all right i actually just walked outside and switched the lens so it's just a little bit wider um this one's like 10 millimeters whereas the other one only does 17 millimeters which 10 is wider it's almost like a fisheye so that you guys can see the stuff better like it gets a wider view of everything all right so what do we got here bicycles that one's pretty bent this little eagles jersey there there's some sweet pants i like those well they're nfl too that's a nice box of clothes plastic baseball bat that trash can is actually nice mattresses here you can actually throw out they have dumpsters for them so that's always a plus if they're not if they're not decent there's some music stuff here that looks like like a subwoofer speaker um there's a stove mixed in here with it there's a speaker right there what else is in here tv this is a pretty good lot here because if there's music stuff you never know what else could be in there [Applause] what is this like a floor cleaner in here no what is this oh it's a snowblower snowblower i don't even know what that is some kind of a like a blow up mattress or something maybe a pool see whatever's in there though like what that could be anything this is like musical stuff in this lot some of it that box looks really like imagine getting a production warehouse like a production company's equipment what is this this is like a giant like what is this oh this is just clothes all clothes wow that's all clothes all right let's take a peek in this lot here so that top piece to me that's maybe hard to even donate that would be such a burden to have broken that headboard is a little broken as well this lot doesn't look that good so far what is that though is that that's it it's a couple computers in there a couple weird looking computers that's lj oh wow there's like massive amounts of computers in here and other electronics why does he have so many computers yeah that's always the spice not the same names rosemary garcia so these these are always the spice in here because like if you're putting them in plastic like that it's probably just clothes though realistically this is a decent lot though honestly like this this pile here is legit and this is a tv too i mean [Applause] what is that little metal like bird feeder is that what that is chair clothes on your pads bicycles they're pretty easy to sell i would say the problem with some of these lots is too like if you buy the lot and you like a couple items in it sometimes you get stuck with something like this which is basically not sellable for any value and you gotta haul it out of here so look at that but so right now what's going on is everyone's going around and taking a peek at what's up for sale and then the auction starts in about a little bit less than 30 minutes food somebody put food in that one so this one's not bad this is a headboard right yep so these this is one couch right one couch these are nice for people to redo those are sell though and then the back is just mattresses you can always leave them here i don't know we said that the last time but like if the mattresses aren't new like the ones that we got at the last auction you can just leave them here they throw them out which is really cool you just throw them out they put a dumpster at one of these gates and then you can throw them in there there's a few bikes that case right there okay don't know what's in that case but that's a heavy like heavy music case it looks like but if there's musical stuff three musical items there could be more in the boxes piano like a keyboard that's what i'm saying so what if there was like a legendary like guitar or something in there you have never have any idea what's in these boxes and like like clearly that says mirror on it but we know that doesn't mean it's a mirror this is a snowblower you'd be in the gush if this was the same law it's not though this is one that's one okay yeah the lots are kind of hard to tell i mean this cat's is cool but it's this is a this is an easily sellable chair though it's like not in good shape but just change making sure well then that's just done not done but it's worth like 20 bucks look at this plane no this lot sucks you can't hate the roots [Applause] this one's dirty yeah this one's true like this is look at dirty mattress nah yeah this is not good so we locked the truck keys in the truck but funny story this guy does this a lot technically it's my fault though this time uh though he did tell me to lock the door when i left the truck so i did not even thinking whether the keys were in the truck or not but one of the first times me and turner hung out uh we were at wawa in ocean city and what'd he do he locked his keys in the truck and i ended up getting it unlocked for him this truck though is a little bit harder to uh you know get into but we've done it before when me him and paul were out looking for the jersey devil and i got it unlocked that time too but it's just with this one the first time the story the ocean city story i was telling you it was in the gold truck which is was a little bit of a shittier truck so yeah we didn't really care about ruining the window but this one i feel a little bit guilty harming the truck because uh personally i think this is a very nice truck this guy who's got the same clown as us but we can just deal with it oh i have a lockout kit at home really yeah i used to triple x see what did i say all right if you guys don't know already this is our friend ron glom the man that would be inconito today incognito i'm gonna be brian that worked at saturn that's not bad that's a vintage jacket that's a nice jacket an old syntax jacket they may pay you for it they might they might let you get rid of that one look at that let's get rid of everything no i know i know i'm just saying i don't know they supposedly go together right 35 i'll be 35. 25 35 to be 35. 35. we got it already you're 25. she did a patrick star yeah 125 now 150 150 for both 154 both now 175 159 175. now 200. you got to be two 135 and 19 and a quarter better now 225 that's for both 2925 now i have no choice but to buy this well this comes with a [ __ ] snowblower well because too it's got like musical stuff and there's like a crazy box over there that who knows what's in oh the the the dj looking yeah it's a table i think i looked at it someone already opened it of course they did yeah fifty bucks fifty dollars fifty bucks i'll do it fifty yeah now seventy five fifty no seventy five everything 75 bucks fifth of now 75 75 now 100 75 now 100 75 now 100 we'll do 100. now 125 125. head up and down 125 for it all out of in that 125. what about now 125 last call sold for 100 i'm gonna make sure i didn't sell i didn't sell it did i i don't think so but you know i did it why'd you do it we just bought this lot though [ __ ] halloweeny oh yeah he's not wrong he's not rough yeah you know what's in here though massive amounts of like brand new dvds but this is household that's why i like this person look at this though dude i mean these frames oh they're not new yeah that's all right the box [ __ ] they got charged oh wait there's a couch oh man we went too big this time boys listen keep in mind if you guys don't want that bowling ball he wants that bowling ball just keep in mind our boy oh the guy who i want to trade helps us out no no the tall guy that's nice with us he knows us the worker here oh he wanted the bowling ball yeah because he was like yo we'll get the ball i want that bowling ball i called this on fully kidding was he or not because some bowling balls are super collectible did i show you what my buddy's doing with bowling balls all right we bought this lot here why'd we do it we don't even know yet the gold that's what he's claiming we got a lot this time dude too much all right we just ended the auction and we bought i think 12 pallets seven eight nine ten yeah 15 pallets all together and pretty insane but part of the pad that the other guy bought goes to our stuff so we're gonna see if we can just buy it off them or trade them somehow it goes in here okay we can buy it from them if you want to do it so [Music] i thought he said a hundred not for the whole time i don't know he's just gonna be stuck with pieces that don't go to anything i was thinking 40. okay all the hardware is in here yeah and 40 bucks is what i was thinking the whole time yeah so was i you can just answer it right okay so we made the purchase of this and this was separated from it by accident but we ended up getting it too so we paid 40 bucks for the extra pieces that we would have been screwed without so so what we paid was 65 for the couch how much do you think it was now brand new a grand maybe i don't know let me look it up 65 bucks was worth whoever had this van was making jokes here and then he's got woody up in the front that's pretty that's pretty savage all right so we did lock our keys in the car here but we had to call aaa you mean glomstar basically brian yeah brian you got the wedge the airbag and the lockout stick is this the way you do it yeah [Music] because the way i do it is just with like hammers like tearing at the door hammers and big-ass like pieces of like pallet wood that i've stuck in there we're not gonna do that that's easy so he's got an air bag in here a little wedge and this stick what do you call that thing uh lockout stick really i guess you call it i've had this for i don't know eight years and it gets the job done every time right yeah i'm just gonna get the right angle here don't open it yet everyone gets excited people get excited and they pull in the door right away and they have all this pressure that the work hits them comes right ahead i would have opened it because i was excited so this auction house is so nice and i one of the guys who works here our friend he just took me back to go to the bathroom bathroom super clean and it's super organized like it's this is a nice company so we i bought this couch i'm gonna be honest with you i will not doubt that i find a building back in i don't know what those are but no that's not with it no thank god this is just the whole time yeah we got to get that out this is what glom and turner bought does he want it because he can have it he can have it all he has to take half of this because he bought halfway i forgot he wanted it so bad um makes me feel a little bit better though honestly because i'm people other stuff down there too well i bought other stuff though like i bought this palette that was just a total score no i'm kidding but i bought this palette just for this rack it was five bucks for this so that's not bad and then i bought a whole bunch of diapers for my grandfather bob they're not diapers they're depends and i bought two pallets of them because they were on 25 bucks for the whole palette of different stuff you see it that's the one i used infinity throw conair can i have that one yeah i have purple this is the exact one i used do you actually want that i want this yeah i can like i'm hungry clean up and it's sterile it's heat what else is in there to be honest it's probably going to be uh reserved parking listen it's reserved there's going to be some kind of toys in here i'll put it that way this is part of what glam bought you got these two little dressers these boxes and they went happies on that wow i can't believe you got all this for 10 though i still think that's a good deal i don't know what's in this well just the dresser alone is pretty good so we bought a decent amount i think i know that i'm saying pallets but they're not really pallets because like it's just a pallet with a with like a couch piece on it but some of them are pallets that are stacked and wrapped so we got seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen four fourteen i think fourteen at [Music] not as [ __ ] but still wasn't that bad i mean it went half all right so yeah it's not bad d-ball you can have it i mean i was just really curious about that oh i got to show you oh those are not those are like actual uh those aren't bad at all this is legit boys all right so all the the bay doors have trucks in front of them so the guys thankfully our friend that works here is bringing the pads arts and crafts and bringing all the pallets out for us just as is and then we're going to load them into the the trailer there's even more in there how heavy that is that's straight flea market right there or just turner we don't like those crafts no i know who does but little santa claus [Laughter] yeah there's three dumpsters that display case right there that thing is so nice for you to put in your house would you look in here i decided to look and open it up buggy got spiderman beater one of the kikis yeah right it didn't sound like there was anything in this drawer i don't probably a kid to be honest that's what i thought it was for like a cat or a dog gift certificate see if there's money in there that's what you guys see we were just gonna throw this out and i was like let me open the drawer didn't sound like anything was in it and also boom this whole thing's full 200 gift certificate it's it's sealed like it's legit there's a card but that might be the company to go to yeah i'll throw it you need it that's all right 2010 dude it's got a seal though seals are usually good forever yeah those custom travel services so 200 towards your your cruise or whatever i'd hold on to it just in case you can take it yeah for your honeymoon yeah all right so we've randomly bought this palette wait there's a pair of glasses in there look at these there you go from one of the skellies and there's a dress one of our shoots so the way this company works they they just tape the dresser what's shot that one's right yeah because we're gonna probably go recording those are nice and snuggly these are nice gloves and they last a while you can put it on there i was just getting too excited yeah these are extra large but they're snug i love them where'd you get these from um harbor freight yeah the larger flea the loco flea huh yeah all right ready yeah what do we got in here right here perfect no granny panties it's not like it might have been a smoker that wouldn't what's that that wouldn't be good but look that's gold right there i know this is cold right here that's a that little chain right there some pure gold there's some gauges oh what's this it's 50 bucks on it diamond accent 18k oh that's gold for real at least part of it is see that 18k that's pure gold i think there's a real i mean i know there's no diamonds on there they're gold check that necklace around the band boys this one yeah it could be gold it doesn't look like it but it's possible might be plated italy it's probably plated and it's busted at one point so this might be plated so just like coffins over there which isn't that bad though no cost some drill yourself there you go dragon who likes dragons nobody nobody no ones you guys paul paul paul whoever paul is paul maybe you godfather paul he would like you gotta rock those so when i use the term gnarly this is what it means this is gnarly he put all the pallets outside i haven't loaded any of them yet but he's just putting them all here next to the truck and the trailer and they're looking like a lot more fierce than they were inside like a [ __ ] ton of stuff so so far all this this guy needs a tip because he just made our life so easy he brought everything outside literally all right this is what i was hoping for check this out some vhs tapes of course i don't know about that one specifically oh [ __ ] to the hand that's putt-putt dude freak no no what is this pumpkin head too i know what i'm watching tonight that's going right in the car as long as it's not water damaged hopefully right because it's not the dvds pumpkin head that was the find of the day really love that kind of stuff dvds all right that's not bad though why are they so dusty i don't know what they are but well we can start running [ __ ] and putting it in the dumpster no that's true that's cool that they let us do that like yeah whoa oh well i thought it was glass it's like a plastic here and what pop open this one i saw something you might be interested in look deeper not that i mean maybe that they're right there in front of you dude they're wands are you watching wands dude are they not in there literally i'm gonna cry they're not they're not in there dude what how stoked were you for a second oh they're in there they're in there yes yes [Laughter] 100 something yay i'm stoking let's see if this one's in here this is the boys mod which one is this that's yours i don't think this one's in here boys now but they might be in here somewhere at least we got one all right we're about to get into this one well i should say i am whatever that guy is oh it's like to decorate your playstation computer hp laptop broken but yet still probably sellable well actually that's not broken all right what do we got here oh my god wow that's crazy is that hand drawn yeah they took little thin little pen marks that's it let me see and i found out who she is she was evicted and i got her pictures right here is that crazy good it's good yeah good stuff it's maybe part of a bed like this this is the lake and then there are these the sides that go along it to make it look nice i don't know that it's really that good though dude because this one's all cracked yeah it might be just cooked what does it say it's a tv it's a flat screen dude why do they pack them like that though it's definitely a tv no this is ours i bought this yeah the legitness of how many depends i bought hey it depends on the defense legit i should have gotten the whole other path dude gold dude yeah the amount of money these would be in real life like at cvs or whatever to philadelphia so it came from virginia from the medical surgical place dude medical surgical place it's silly they bought so many the lord is my shepherd and it's a knife anything sir oh heater no ac wow are you seeing it that's not bad i'm shocked who's in a box i'm shocked that the plastic is that yellow when it used to be white that's just age sometimes smokers but usually if if it's in here it most probably works it's probably in the store in the in the window one day just some dirt in there don't work you can throw it out or scrap like this grab it so to save some space we're taking the time to go through some of this stuff oh there's the gloves we needed you're right this is why we're short on gloves they're all in the storage units new york for yourself oh it smells like this okay so we just finished the massive pallet auction that we just went to and we bought all of this 15 pallets of different stuff we're going through it we're sorting it and we're loading it all up to take home this is just an incredible amount of stuff almost too much we might have gone too big today everything right here so we're gonna show everything that we got stay tuned okay we just finished this massive pallet auction that we just went to and this is what we bought we got 15 pallets of different stuff all right here we went way overboard because the prices were good today all this what we got in the trailer so far and then this whole side here so we are going to be going through it showing you guys everything that we got well not every single thing but all the good stuff at least so stay tuned this was like the craziest auction we've ever been to wild look at this all dvds video games um hoping there's like gaming systems in here i hope all these cords there's got to be it's got to be got to be systems in here or is that a printer it's crazy fm controller that probably sells for good money right there crazy how many cords are in here that's just absurd looks like you got shot with a bb all right so we have the bible glom was telling us we're gonna find money in a bible today and look at that that's the lucky dollar bill right there and lottery tickets unclaimed million dollar ticket 2003 one dollar 2008 rent for december 2008. rent was only one dollar i guess and this is i guess maybe they put the lottery paper in the bible and every time they were ready they opened it up to play their numbers like for good luck maybe sure that look i already put them in the truck i'm saying i didn't know if there was other ones in there i didn't look what do we got in here there is a jewelry box in here but we haven't we haven't seen what could be in it yet some gold dude some jewelry for sure an insulin test kit that's kind of weird not weird but if it poked me with it you got that right check it out this jewelry box right here that dude another one in there big dog oh that's my favorite let's break it open bronze tools oh okay that's neat so never know this is going to be a company right here jewelry but you never know definitely something to dig deeper all right oh yeah you gotta go through everything crystal let me see that on it's a canadian lots of jewelry so you never know not that thing all right we got another the book of mormon this time no money in that one a maze runner just why would you ever got did they put dishes in here serious though no they didn't like just why like kitchen cups and dishes good thing we went through this one there's dishes and good donations they didn't do this they did that what's in there water not good not good that's uh disturbing this i'm saying might be good i pretty much know it's good just by the color is that a sewing machine no it's a batter mixer thing like a mixer the mixer artisan yeah this is good that's good quality is there something that goes with it or you just use anything to fix it like do these go with it definitely go with it real estate 2011 cd this might be worth keeping maybe for your guy who does the videos i'm just saying like people do get these refitted or something i don't know well ed sends a movie yeah he's he's definitely they can get used again for sure there's a shelf in here envelopes i use those this one might just be worth no there's a lot in here what is this this is like sales diamonds oh [ __ ] who knows what that is that definitely looks real it's the jewelry one right the secret powers of the moon every one of these boxes is like something different so pretty insane actually they put their coffee half used coffee in there how are these looking sugar brown sugar this is like just someone's kitchen packed up paperwork shows that they were evicted it looks new could be something in there though that might be a shaker maybe right now i was hoping for something else it doesn't work something anything it's new but i throw it out that's pure gold in there this that's what we're talking about why is it so dirty though because there was like a 13 year old look at this mixing there you can clean it up i mean there's like don't throw out those torches there's like 100 systems yeah the cords i put them in there oh we got some insane clown posse for all you uh for all the jugglers out there maybe brought the juggalos out there like when they were trying to raise that's so funny it's all publishers i'm just putting this whole thing in right yeah go for it oh yeah is that a playstation what is it playstation 2 this is an xbox oh my gosh there's a nintendo in there this is not the old one that was the remake oh why is it tiny it's not an actual one that's the one that has games on it there's a ton of systems in here though oh that's nice what have we got in there i'm like i'm like this i'm like oh yeah that's nice and i go oh that's nice this is not used yeah bumps why is it no not yet see i'd be all about this if it wasn't so dirty yeah because how do you even you have to clean it before you bring it in the house well you can't even like ebay like this look at this just wipe it down oh they're clean on the inside oh there is stuff in there oh there's tons of there's stuff in this too it's full they're evicted so i don't know [Applause] because there could be pure gold in here this is paraphernalia you can't show those i don't think cosmetics mason jar i'm so happy that's plastic little mason jar what a little mason jar okay just everything's full cotton mist i see an airpod in there if that's a real one looks like it where oh yeah it's like how do you tell you know what i think about airports here here's an airpod they're both exactly the same kind of looks like it are those he has they're both left so they look exactly the same i'd say it's real the other ones in there maybe the charger how they charge like with a case uh hey i've used this this stuff is really really good if you've never tried this those those sell for like uh like 45 dollars a piece like just the one i didn't know that they were that expensive these hydro nips don't you only need one though oh there that's hard to find i don't know do you only need one holy filer that might be performed yeah i thought you need to don't you i mean you don't need well you need like the case and everything to keep in charge but i'm saying like people buy like just a left airpod yeah b-roll separately of course beans chicken why would you ever put those in there i don't know that's your protein there what's this oh this is for a jewel nice that's flippy sticky oh chanel chanel oh that's never been used right no it's been used really oh yeah i can see it maybe like once that's deceiving isn't that pretty cool wacky tobacco stuff uh hey mine oh i smell now well this pillow tops probably trash i would not probably try saving this one one airpod in the draw now performance what is that swarovski did i say 12 varsity it sounded like i had like a list right you did here's another one i mean dude oh my gosh all right this third pallet isn't fitting like i thought it would and i want to put the couch on here if we can fit it so i'm just going to cut this a little bit right here there okay let's just fish if it works [Applause] i just wanted to show you guys what they were putting in storage in this one mac and cheese great value mac and cheese green brown sugar i love me some barbecue fish this one's just blowing me away this one that tuna could have went to a hungry key probably pretzels those are like little soup bowls those aren't that great butterscotch cake butter it's a jersey that's just insane but yeah that's just a local team down here nothing special okay we're getting sort of to the end of the mission here but we have to put this couch in and it's on this pallet which is good so we're gonna put it right here i'll show you guys put it right along here and it should fit pretty much perfectly i would think are you scoring jackets that's actually kind of cool super cool it's furry i'm just i if there's nothing i like i'm donating it so if you guys want to yeah i'll take that wait make sure there's not any monies in there what is looks it from here that's what i heard these are good let's do this right well here's what we're gonna do i'm just gonna bring it over and then just put one end up and push it in you don't even really know what it looks like [Music] i should bring it over first right you guys like my right now we're gonna put it in with the blankets on it i got a matching jacket it's a jean jacket too it's cool it's like denim almost right it's like corduroy that's a polaroid [Music] very cool yeah all right spores yeah i had to get the big doggie on no was that at least over it's stuck on the palate i just i guess just put it by the dumpster it did like we could even put sections of the blue one on top that's for lando land is right there or buggy maybe box where was the big one [Music] that's actually looks like it might be a nice brand uh bunker i've never heard of it before double zero i don't know how the sizes work for women so these two display cases right here are really the last last streamers to put in this is trash it's got felt in here too so they're not bad just getting a little bummed out about these i thought they were nicer than they are but i guess you can't always get the nice nice they're decent they're not bad all it takes is a little glom touch and they're ready wait with the duster no you didn't obviously but yeah my dirty gloves are touching everything i like cleaning it's not bad just storage stuff why is i said it just broke it's falling and crumbling apart because it's so old it's been in storage for a while huh oh yeah the last box we didn't open strangest stuff people put in storage oh shouldn't just let people pod here's a brand new sun hat that's fleet that's good yeah that's not bad two of them in there look black one two or two for one cheaper weird more gloves some more some gloves whole box this still has this i mean i know everyone keeps these on but flea are no flip no nah maybe it's not bad these are all hats in here yeah this is like a funeral these are legit though dude look at this all new all right so this is the last two pieces that go to the couch the couch is huge it's like seven sections oh [Music] all right so that was a long day maybe it doesn't look like it from the footage but that is an incredible amount of work obviously we didn't film everything that we did but we have the trailer filled with everything that we are keeping to sell the couch that we're probably gonna keep for ourselves and it's like a 1800 couch and we paid 60 bucks 65 for it i think and we got a whole box of uh video game systems that'll pay for probably double what we paid for everything at least maybe not some of them might be broken and we have a nice bed uh about 500 depends for my grandfather a bunch of jewelry some gold like actual gold i'm trying to think there's like 500 other various items but uh we're about ready to get out of here in a minute okay so this is pretty crazy um the deal with this auction that we just left from that's why we got everything and as soon as the auction ended we started loading up our stuff because we knew we had to have it out of here by 4 30 today and it's only it's already i know it probably from the video didn't look like it took that long but it's already four o'clock 409 and i just want to show you guys that how much stuff is left so like a ton of people bought lots and only took what they wanted or couldn't get everything because they didn't have a big enough truck and some of the lots just didn't even sell at all so i'm about to show you guys all the stuff that's left and is potentially just going to get donated or thrown out so look legitimately more stuff is still here than people took and yeah a lot of it's like you know like knickknacks and stuff that's not really valuable but at the same time it's like this piece right here hardly even looked into what you never know what could be in that palette it was just on unsold unsold look at this all this i just wanted to show you guys because i'm makes me feel weird actually that all this is left here look at that stuff these guys are packed and stacked so they got pretty much everything they bought but there's a couple people that just bid on stuff and just i mean i guess they took some stuff but it looked like they just left 50 60 80 of the stuff they bought it's really crazy but thankfully i went back in i got the other rack okay we successfully made it back home pretty cool i'm using this light again we left when it was dark out now we arrive back home when it's dark out so this couch is absolutely legit so we're keeping it as of now and we're gonna put it in our spare bedroom where we have like this build out thing that we put in there but we're replacing it with this um so this was made by a company called lovesack which is owned i think by lazy boy and it's like an 18 hundred plus dollar couch and it's hardly even been used i don't know why they left it there to be auctioned off i i don't know the circumstances but that's just crazy to me and then the rest of this stuff is packed into this trailer so it took us hours and hours to sort and to get everything in here um yeah it was an insane day so far we left at like 6 30. it's like 7 30 now so i guess that's 13 hours so far we put in today but it was worth it we got some really good stuff um and tomorrow we will be doing a full video showing everything that we got so stay tuned for that and if we actually do get the couch put together tonight i'll show you guys but if we don't thank you guys for watching and if you like the video and this is your first time on our channel please subscribe uh we we put out videos all the time various different content not always this kind of stuff but we do have quite a few videos like this already up online for everyone to see so yeah i'm beat but the dream never sleeps well it sleeps but it continues and continues and continues in an effort to start putting together this couch this is how many pieces go to this couch it's so big and it's all in pieces this is by far the craziest couch i've ever seen what do you think i don't know if it's gonna fit there we're gonna have to take the clothing rack out and the desk can get the other pieces she's out no she mad so what happened so i'm like delirious so uh when the guy was doing the auction he split up the lots so he ended up selling a pallet that was supposed to be with our lot to somebody else so we thought that the pallet that he sold to the other guy because it was the same brand and it had the same pieces that it went with the couch that we bought with the lot that we got we ended up buying it off of the guy for like 25 more dollars and he paid for it he paid 25 plus 15 oh the 15 yeah so whatever so we bought it for 40 off them he paid 30. okay so 10 more but the thing is we scored because we can just put this together or just sell this piece as brent this is brand new wait doesn't even go with it it's a side a side of what for this when we only have this piece so these is it brown no it's a gray it's the same as that ottoman no it is grass so you guys saw the blue couch but there's another there was another ottoman that was wrapped up it was the only piece that we didn't look at so we just assumed that it was an ottoman that went with the blue couch but when we unwrapped it to put it in i feel like we could just like ebay that's a great one it was completely different that's just one section yeah that's what i'm saying if all three of these are just this they're 240 for this one piece oh yeah that what i think what we found out is the four sections the couch that we have that is besides all this inside that's teal or whatever blue green bluish green it's 3 40 on the website not two grand it's almost almost three grand close actually it's on south yeah so it was four thousand dollars very expensive couch guys so we definitely scored didn't realize how big it was um but we're gonna make it fit by cleaning out some stuff so we have two more of these boxes so i guess they're just brand new so we can just sell them or not because that ottoman's if you guys want to see it's like we should put that on the porch right now though for now what the ottoman and the two pieces yeah just put it here [Music] it's not even a weekend and these people are getting hyped out here so this is the ottoman it's also love set no you can put those pieces to it one on one side one on the other side and make just a chair oh it is a chair there's three of them oh they go one on one side one and then one on the back okay that makes sense so that's a legit chair it's a legit chair nice probably like a 700 chair which doesn't even make sense but that's a nice piece that we could like maybe just sell out of our house like keep it until we sell it yeah so where should we put it like we should put this inside this is an expensive baby boy i don't think it's dirty then i think it's just dusty yeah i mean dude this comes off you could wash it if you really really wanted to um everything's just dusty from being in that warehouse bring this to the porch for now and so this is the couch put together and the tv mountain so on their website the sections that we have all here cost thirty four hundred and forty dollars plus the tv and that was in the lot and we mounted it to the wall just for the stuff that we personally got huge success plus we have a ton of other stuff to sell see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 52,749
Rating: 4.8957024 out of 5
Keywords: we, bought, 15, pallets, at, auction, unboxing, pallet unboxing, pallet liquidation, storage auction, storage locker, buying, mystery, liquidation, massive, huge, fun, what's inside?, tuck and sammie, Sammie J., tucker upper, nj, new jersey, new york, reseller, gold, silver, jewelry, paid, auctioneer, pallet auction, auction lot
Id: TydahvbkFCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 14sec (4154 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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