FULL Scuba Tanks vs 50cal!!! ft Jiggin w/ Jordan

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Insane! I thought for SURE that even a 9mm would penetrate the tank. I guess I wont be so nervous about my tank rupturing, things built like a tank ;)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Fatvod 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thought this would be a fun way to show how tough our tanks are. Also to show the damage that they can do.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mgzukowski 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

The glorious American tradition of shooting things in the woods that you shouldn't be shooting!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Bandit_the_Kitty 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Loved the 50 cal black tip .

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/whiskeyboundcowboy 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
thanks for coming dude yeah no worries if uh if it's not a big deal can i use the better one um because like i it's my channel i just want to find yeah i mean they literally both find metal but it's like all about how you use it you don't need the bigger one it's like where you put it i know i just i don't want you like out showing me on my own hey i'm cool all right you ready yeah yeah let's do it all right this is jigging with jordan we're gonna do some treasure hunting today out on the property yeah man let's get it man all right let's do it hold up find something oh you got something already got yeah it's a nine-millimeter show bro hey bro i just found a whole pack of ammo and i think it's nine mil too it's full cool cool that's crazy man that's cool just leaving these everywhere yeah that's that's cool all right fresh pair of goggles bro this is cool this is nice you're never gonna believe this it's full of air it's like 250 right there at least that's cool goggles though yeah you can still use them yeah cool i mean we're like what's what's the coolest kind of stuff you find on the channel though uh guns we always call the police when we find them hold on i'm honing on something no you didn't no it's a gun it's a high point this was probably used in a robbery or something like someone went through this i actually just had a hit over here demo you were never gonna believe this bro look at this thing i found a gun and it's made out of gold bro i've never seen one of these before it's a desert eagle yeah i can't believe you lost this out here that's cool i mean that's not bad wild man you know what's better than guns what's that money oh i found a hundred dollars no this is great demo what this is like 50 pounds of pure silver it's like 25 000 at least man this is crazy that's good yeah that's cool i love this place yeah good job all right let's keep going can i use the little one actually uh yeah we can switch if you want i feel like there's no worries better i told you it's about where you put it not how yeah i think i want this one yeah just just yep i got a whole tire this thing's good oh the tread's still about 50 yeah there you go i can use this vietnam i got like a spare key to something man uh tire's probably worth more than the random key you never know what it goes to yeah but there is a stray car over here that it could be the key too that's probably not even the right key [Music] welcome to demolition ranch i'm joined by jigging with jordan what do you do on youtube sir so we dive around find stuff that people lose underwater iphones go pros try to get it back to them and pick up trash along the way and they find some cool stuff a lot of times and sometimes they find guns oh yes yes those are the best episodes for me i like that kind of stuff this is actually jordan's idea he sent me a text yesterday and said you want to blow up a scuba tank starting to regret that a little bit you're nervous yeah it's all i've ever heard is how these can turn you into rocket man really yeah yeah so if you think about like an air compressor they go up to like you know 150 psi or something what are these air tanks running at these scuba tanks 3 thousand to thirty seven hundred geez that's bad it's really bad and this is an aluminum one yeah this is aluminum so we have aluminum and steel so the aluminum ones are ones that i bought yesterday yeah and the steel ones are my personal ones and so they hold a lot more air so we're gonna shoot both with a variety of calibers from way back over there because we don't know what will happen they could just do nothing just push and it's not that exciting could spin they could spin they could launch like a rocket or extremely explosive or they might just explode yeah i have no idea i mean if they have over 3000 pounds per square inch of pressure and you put a hole in there it might just rip all that metal down the sides and throw shrapnel all the way back over there where we're gonna be yeah my truck is a mild outlet yeah he's very nervous like he's downplaying how nervous he is he's like you're gonna leave your truck right there i was like yeah that'd probably be fine he's like i'm putting mine yours is twice as far as mine yeah mine is behind your building all right so we are gonna shoot this one first probably with a small caliber just to see what it does and then we have a few extras he brought us a bunch of tanks they are all full we have ten tanks awful your nervousness is making me nervous i'm just saying hey you're the guy i'm the scuba guy maybe we're not meant to be friends yeah this shouldn't happen yeah okay well if no one dies today you'll get to see this episode how nervous are you uh one out of ten i'm at a 37. okay i actually don't know if i can hit it i've never shot this gun at this distance so it might take a few shots ready oh oh no firing oh you hit it it's like an aluminum target i did not expect that we kind of talked about that a little bit like it just dinged off of it now we have to go in and investigate oh wait this is nervous that's where it's weakened oh i don't know okay let's go check it out okay if you were 34 or 37 whatever what are you now now that we have to walk up to it it could uh have a little leak i don't know it might be compromised could be compromised and just start exploding as soon as we get there all right looks like a hit oh gosh it actually looks right there i dare you to flick it dude not bad okay let's hit it with something heavier yeah i mean they're made to be pretty sturdy yeah i mean that's exploding on your back that's impressive just get smacked with a nine millimeter like that and be fine so we're gonna step it up okay we're doing a 45 acp now um we've never shot this one of this distance so i have no idea if it's going to be sighted in so maybe i'm gonna make you look bad on camera after i got super lucky and hit that one bigger heavier bullet flying down range dang that hit hard he's on did you hear that thing yeah i did all right right under my head oh that looks a little bit worse doesn't it yeah right under here dude still pretty small dense though all right um we're gonna step it up again barely oh boy all right we're gonna shoot a 50 ae out of the desert eagle edit no clue where that went there you go it's also my first time ever shooting this slow squeeze don't flinch that is insane man i can't tell where those are going i don't know this is all your 50s on oh my gosh oh with our final shot we got a ring and it did not go dude it almost knocked it off the block though yeah it moved it that was a perfect hit how much did i put that thing on your back and go scuba diving with it yeah well at this point i really do feel safe as a scuba diver yeah dude that's sick okay i'm standing a freaking 50 ae look at that that is a big dent now head on too dead oh my gosh it's just took a chunk out of it this is a full tank wow all right so is the metal super thick and just strong enough or is it because there's pressure pushing back pushing back you think i don't know i don't know i literally have no idea so we're gonna have to get a bigger gun dang all right dude we're shooting a 308 now i feel like this is this has got to go through yeah this is going to do it all right you feel confident that you're not going to die no no i'm behind two vehicles as soon as i shoot this i'm ducking all right that's why i'm behind you oh my god where'd you go [Laughter] dude just cartwheels out of you got it [Music] dude that actually went real hard that was my littlest tank if that was coming our way we would have definitely got hit by it now it's great we have to shoot those other nine thanks for watching demolition ranch we love you we'll see you next time do you think it went in and out or did it just go in and stop it i think it went i think it went all the way through you think so i think so yeah we'll see in about five seconds we will find out it didn't go far it's in there dude that's real thick really thick it's like an inch thick of metal yeah it's pretty crazy so i was thinking we'd line these things up and shoot several of them in a row we're gonna need a bigger gun to do that i think we got one or two of those what we have there this is a terror this is your idea it's true i'm just here to tell them about the tank okay so what do you got uh so anyway so this is aluminum tank right here it's what we just shot but we shot a smaller version so this is bigger than that one this is a steel tank this is my personal tank that i use this is a 100 this is an 80 which means they pack 20 percent more air in this tank than the size of this one because steel is stronger than aluminum correct so heavier but stronger right so the one we just shot was a small version of this which is a small version of this so we're skipping multiple steps so skip that one go straight here this is like a big big tank i also have it at an angle here and i want to shoot a bullet right into this so that to see if it rockets off that way this is bad this is really bad oh really good oh what was that it's leaking no i think it's leaking [Music] what's all that smoke yeah i don't know either i don't know i'm not walking up to that one you know that one all right i'm standing up here i found where to aim i think why that light on fire you saw that yeah oh my gosh i think i think i hit it three times you need a bigger gun man hey you mean let's go look at that no i know i got my glasses on though so i'm totally safe yeah why are you standing behind me because i feel totally safe behind you looks like i was hitting high on it it's black up there yeah it's cause i was hitting high we do this thing where we don't actually have our all of our guns sighted in for long distance oh i hit him right in the bottom too go ahead go head up there and just tell me if i can tell if it's safe you got to move between trees okay let's go it's really impressive that it didn't blow up oh my god the bottom's supposed to be expanded like that i wouldn't tell what i don't know i don't know all right i haven't hit it i need to aim lower i hit it three times there there and there but all of our angles i'm going to aim a foot lower and then we got it okay going again three away i'm gonna try to aim a little lower [Music] oh i can't tell where these are going oh i don't like where this is going there's only one more powerful gun that we have right by my feet over here you wanna do it no no it's you really not moving much to look at it just that's pretty cool whoa oh look i was hitting it right there look it's bro oh yeah it is it's super cold dude the 50 barely made it in okay good i was hitting with those three aways the rounds you hit oh my gosh so one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11. i think that might be a 12. those two that's where i was aiming i thought i was missing they were hitting just not going through our steel tank oh yeah it's pretty cold oh look at that yeah all frosted over that's impressive that is very impressive now i want to think in the top oh look this is just like so loose what the heck yeah look weird that should not be that loose i've actually never even seen the inside of that before i just got hit with like a million rounds so that'll do it oh my god just got froze to it i'll show you guys this barrett hole barely crack i think that's a lead bullet that we're seeing right there it just just stopped it just punctured enough to let it leak out so crazy more 50 bmg uh we're gonna shoot one of the aluminum tanks with a 50 now and see what she does just gonna explode yeah i mean just crazy how it doesn't go further into that steel [Music] yeah you did the first shot i shot into the top of it and that's what we did on the other one too i wonder if that's just too thick because that shot i shot straight into the bottom right and it took off so put the bottom on the next one we're learning we're learning we did get a strike and yeah it cleared all the leaves out of here when all that air started blowing everywhere i want to see how close i was dang it i was i was aiming for that wow that's almost as close as you can get without just straight how did i even hit that part so it was like that so i was aiming like that it went right in there i was trying to hit this thing went right in there and then came through and just barely scraped a little crack i get yeah the air was coming out right there that's just an aluminum tank crazy oh it's freezing cold and then the second one went right in there took off like a rocket yeah hmm only one thing to do what just shoot the bottom out yeah let's do it i have an idea what if i can hit that valve right there and then we have liftoff elon musk's gonna call we're gonna get hired bro we're gonna be part of the movie yeah buddy no time giddy up partners okay [Music] all firing again oh they're just way more exciting when you hit them in the sidewalks yeah oh wow that's a hole that one went straight through jeez i barely missed it i'm so close and what's crazy is i'm actually aiming like over here because i know my gun is not sighted so i'm aiming like right here and i almost got it look at that those are the threads of that thing that thread in there that's where it started leaking though yeah that's for a leak and then i just shot it here to finish it off dang so that's in right there man that alum is so thick and that's out and there's something in there rolling around i think it's time to line them up yeah i kind of want to see how many to go through massive explosion here giddy up aluminum aluminum aluminum aluminum steel steel 120 and that's a big one this is like almost two times like as big as us even though it just looks like four inches taller it's a lot more air than that one two of these combined really almost massively off but almost crazy i think we're just going to shoot an armor-piercing round straight in there and see how many goes through what are your predictions after seeing what we've seen i just want to see fireworks of scuba tanks man at this point i think we're going to be let down i think it's only going to pop the purple ones black tip 50 bmg that is an armor-piercing round and we have four aluminum tanks and one steel tank in the back lined up i think we're gonna be let down though i mean i think it's still gonna go it could be awesome and we're going through the sidewall now which is good that always looks cooler i say always like i know like we've been doing this for years oh my gosh remember the we might be let down part yeah that was pretty cool yeah i don't know about that one no leaves over here no need to rake leaves today did not go through the ground oh stopped on green nope it didn't go through the green went through green oh we caught it that is the coolest catch i have ever seen that's amazing dude we never catch them like like usually they're broken or they're like on the ground they're never half through something that's sick so that was number it touched this one too it touched this one look it went right in there perfectly dude is this one is it still over here that one is compromised that one is massively compromised but it didn't leak out that's crazy yeah that's bad that one could go at any time oh look at this that's insane it's also insane that it could make that big of a hole in it right and not pop it this one's still got air that one's still got air it's only only one thing to do two steals and a compromised aluminum i think you probably could still dive with that you you good for sure i could just breathe out of the side of the tank let's see which one these look like there's an entry there's an exit that's an exit yep oh no that's an exit that's a piece of the outside of that bullet yeah yeah so that that center core kept carrying through the other tanks got you a moment to take back this one's way too cool that is so cool all right we are going to shoot this aluminum tank which has the uh it's already got the hole started for you so it should be ready to rock and then two steel ones behind that and i think you should shoot the 50. you ever shot at 50 bmg i've never shot it i've always wanted to and i think this is a great way to get my first shot that's right i agree this thing's bigger than i am yes it is you're going to feel like a man today you know what that's what i came out here from i said i want to come out here and feel like a man yeah people come to demolition ranch and i make a man out of them not like that it's got one in the mag you gotta load it in which i left that for you because that's the best part about shooting a barrier it makes you feel like a man yeah that right yeah yeah you were right are you guys ready everyone is ready i don't know if i'm ready the demolition is ready oh dude i don't know if we went through the steelers i don't know that you did it seemed like there's one popped over there yeah let's go check it out how'd you feel you're so welcome all right what do you think happened uh i do not think we went through the steel which would be crazy maybe it just went through the first aluminum and stopped on the second one stopped on the steel yeah yeah i don't know there's only one way to find out we're gonna have to walk over there and look oh my phone still recording but pretty gross uh silver tank it's over there the gopro gopro got turned off steel is fine dude it like it's wet yeah yeah i guess that pressure is the soda oh we hit a soap yeah oh good so my phone's covered in soda and dirt it's not me nice well solid hit in and out wow something is rolling around in there what about steel tank the steels are fine what the heck happened all right we got to send an armor-piercing one through steel yeah let's see what happens now sorry about the gopro footage in the last one the gopro ran out of batteries so it probably was epic but we did not catch it this is uh the first time we've shot one of the big steel tanks right especially with the armor piercing yeah yeah that's the new round new tanks these are 120 so it's 20 percent more air than the first tank but now we have two and they're heavier so should they fly back at us it's more dangerous all around so for some reason oh jiggly jordan didn't want to shoot this one here we go dude both of them that's impressive that's a lot of air that's enough air to breathe for like 16 hours so now we know if they don't explode no they look like all of them just put a little pressure hole so they probably even if that was on your back no just maybe do backflips you could you could rock it man it's crazy it just like cleared your leaves out except for all the new leaves oh i bet you hit that tree it hit that tree and knocked all those leaves down because that's it was over here all these it's in there oh you can hear it that's my personal tanks right there man that's cool so that's obviously the second one right that's where it hit on the back wall you just hit sideways stayed in there so oh yeah look it came over here hit this tree so it knocked all of the leaves out of the area they came over here and knocked this tree and knocked new leaves down on it this is the first one look at that clean hole that's what she said there it is nice dude very impressive all right you can see the thickness right there yep they're not nearly as thick as the aluminum yeah aluminums are really solid crazy this is kind of cool it looks like a pig's been rooting around so when this thing is spinning it's blowing air down into the dirt shooting it all up so you can see those little holes in the ground go check out jigging with jordan i'm gonna link him description below appreciate you coming by much appreciated and bringing all the content for the videos yeah great i won't be scuba diving on my channel for a while yeah i'll have to get new tanks you're looking for scuba diving it's not gonna be there no this is a blast literally literally literally and figuratively we had a blast thank you guys for hanging out i love you and i'll see you next [Music] what time the quad bobby [Applause] [Music] i'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 2,800,052
Rating: 4.9583902 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., dive, diving, scuba, tank, tanks, air, oxygen, co2, water, diver, tests
Id: KRciV7pwbrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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