The $200 Pawn Shop Challenge!!!

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[Music] [Music] welcome to demolition rage glad you're here I am joined by Rob from lunker's TV and Justin from Lake Fork guy both great youtubers go check them out link in description and these guys came down oh sorry man these guys came down we wanted to do the pawn shop challenge we each had $200 to spend at a pawn shop any way we choose and we needed by the best gun now we did not specify best gun for what it can be best for self to fit oh I didn't explain why we're all wearing cowboy hats yeah we're bringing that back and a poncho I'm wearing this just cuz it it's awesome to do people respect you when you do that okay so I'll show my gun first you guys have already kind of seen it I bought what was the assistant cost it was like 130 140 something this is a Spanish gun it's called an Astra it is made by hoon Gupta ecompanion in Spain and probably I don't know how old it is it is a six point three five millimeter which is a 25 a CP 25 auto caliber pretty pretty amazing gun I wanted to get one that was nice and engraved and had the pearl handle knock off pearl handle grips and head he dropped a maggot is a little sticky need to get a little oil on that thing but 25 ACP in the very tiny little round just show you how baby this little round is that is a 25 ACP tiny tiny little round and I've never actually fired one not sure if this thing a fire I'm not sure how good the Spanish are making guns is my first Spanish gun so that's what I went with Lake Fork what what did you go with Oh with the classic 12-gauge semi-auto you know what I'm saying that is a good sound I would run if I heard that sound what did you walk out a store for with that one okay this is a hundo hundred bucks even hunter bucks even yeah she wanted like 150 for down that's a maverick Mossberg 12-gauge is of fury yep you can get probably five in that to maybe I don't know four things so I'm thinking you could probably throw this thing down a mountain you know you could probably drag it through the bud it's still gonna fire he went for a safe choice that we know is gonna it's gonna be a it's gonna work these guns are just gonna work yeah good choice for 100 bucks you got money to spare you got to buy all the same oh he's got all that extra money actually you can use I mean I might I might use this one for self-defense protect the family with see it has a safety on the back I'm just trying to talk me that up because I already like yours better engraved at all oh I got Maverick record bud yeah Brad that's engraved it's totally engraved it Robert acre claw what did you find at the pawn shop today to well they wanted this thing for 400 bones which was he gonna have it you know I originally didn't have what I call the sword on it it's just a bayonet it looks like a sword this was actually on a different SKS like at all it was on one with had a synthetic stock plastic one yeah just some cheap Chinese worst funded one we made him a deal though I told him I needed this to be installed there so we got out the old handy-dandy a flathead and I walked out with an extra sword on the end of my tackle that yeah I'm sorry I go ahead just put her on down she was meant for this this little crevasse right here you shove her on in that little crevasse it comes with a really great same in scope I don't know what they don't know what they were thinking with this thing but it was installed like that so we're just gonna take a good look at that's that's straight up and down right now just so you know so when the degrees this is perfect this is where it's supposed to be and the lady actually said all the gentleman that brings his rifles up there apparently that's how he cites them in he mounts all of his scopes totally crooked to where it's like this and as far backs its floor back it's like I mean you're gonna get scoped it like crazy on this one I didn't actually put up to my eye on but we got it for 200 - what the heck oh it's these where you would normally want your face but you're gonna have to hold this so you don't get scope hunched it's this he's got a nice riser on it oh it's this is a Chinese norinko SKS and he got it for drum roll he talked her down to 50% of what she wanted 200 200 and we got this added on feature of a knife and he got a silver coin oh I did you got the silver coin - all right so all of our guns totally fit different niches mines in the junk niche this is reliable mines pretty much fun mine is if you do like a coke deal this is a gun you want yours you can shoot your fingers very easy yeah that's mine also may not run I may be a single shot the SKS I think is gonna run great the Maverick 12-gauge I think is gonna run great mine I don't know about this one I have a bad feeling that this is gonna be what Eddie say Jam ematic in Spanish Gemma Matty Cole there's no sites online just a groove that's the fire and groove right down the top there just I want to kill that deer and put it in the fire and groove yeah that seems good I don't know if you should tighten up I think that's for recoil it helps kind of yeah it helps negate that hard recoil of 7.62 perfect first test which Rob is going to win is power and penetration power this guy can penetrate better than anyone I've ever seen I mean ultimate penetration all the way through hey how was loading it so you just jumps in from the top it's good alright we shoot at 10 feet did this come on that's good shot sinner there's where it came out yep right there boom boom that is some good power I don't think that the shotgun or the Spanish pistol would do that that's a bark removers that I got so the rifles definitely better penetrating things lots more power in one spot now what is a shotgun better at up close massive explosions that was definitely better do that again oh yeah they're still stuck in it look at the amount of penetration I was thinking wow that's crazy they're all stuck mm-hmm that's cute obviously not all of them because some of them probably went in and bounced straight back are you guys all right yeah yeah yeah penetration power ultimate spread power but concealability all right here right here time for this little [ __ ] Campania ah it's actually gonna be really easy to shoot my finger off too we're not we are hot ready I'm gonna I'm gonna try to aim do you think this looks blowed my hand I'm gonna pop metal from here I mean I'm just gonna go and hold the camera right here oh it cycled the flame that comes out of that gun is so big fire just all around your hands yeah there's so much fire code out I'm gonna I'm gonna start concealed carrying this thing right here and I'm gonna have a pot show me at all times we're out here now looking at target about a hundred yard rob was a sniper in the army but we kind of set them up for failure with this scope on this gun so good luck buddy oh my god yeah ready you see where they're going walk up to 50 I can't tell let's go closer let's figure this out I know what the problem is we didn't put the sword up oh yeah that's gonna help yep yep yep this should be easy now we're at about 40 yards that was high so this actually has a hole in here he could see the iron sight through he's gonna shoot with irons that is a hit so the scope is way jacked up like here's a target and scopes like way over here mmm I don't think we brought slugs that's right so what you got oh yeah I heard some taint I feel like it was a hit it's hard to know yeah for sure I saw grass move on all sides of that you're just spreading all over that I think that was low okay higher yeah all right boys let's back it up it's too easy where we at probably 75 that look like high left those hit it that iron sights yeah you're not even using that scope anymore pink hurt it totally got it yeah nailed it [Applause] [Applause] yeah it's a dumb gun it's not me that Sun is in my eyes every single time this is safe this is sending rounds downrange that doesn't really make any much too much sense no I missed a Vanunu if you guys want to do that you take the gun and you just go oh he's not going anywhere no he is good didn't he get a long shot he butt shots him every time every time the guy butt shots them strikes the kids you're showing there here we go boy sorry I'm gonna be been robbed did check this to make sure she was on look Oh nope she's loaded just get she not all right here we go heart shot coming in it's a butt throw you know I missed it because of the bayonets bent in the wind caught it took it off to her but yeah it's like a mm-hmm curve such a natural II John probably also could be that the crosshairs or did not get the bus that's for sure so ornate so decorative the that's got a safety right there look at the barrel got some speed holes there a little little corrosion as well we are going to do a little a little shotgun test I'm gonna throw it up in the air a little soda see if you can take care of it I'm ready that's a big fat miss oh there was no pressure higher on the crush alright no hmm you got that tree taking the tree down can we show you how it's done yeah it's totally gonna miss watch this yeah well that's what I knew that was gonna happen it was gonna spray everywhere and that's just doing really wide I would also like to bring everyone's attention to the fact that this gun did not Jam one time the entire time we were out here I think the shotgun is the best yeah because it's the hardest to miss with even though I just miss but that's my that's my reason okay yeah that's good choice good choice mine is a sword that's a very convincing argument as well as its sword mine's best cuz you guys don't know which one of y'all I might be pointed at right now it's so small I actually don't know where it went I lost it go check out we actually have some footage on these two guys Channel Lake fort guy and lunker's we have some footage in the pawn shop purchasing these guns flirting with Julia we really had a right where he wanted her and she got us some great deals on these guns thanks for watching demolition [Music] Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 7,402,534
Rating: 4.9163318 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: FgdLTZ7g8FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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