Elephant Rifle vs Ballistic Gel

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[Music] what's up everybody my name is scott and you're watching kentucky ballistics we're back on the range and today we're going to continue our elephant gun series but before i go any further i want to say we have youth clothing now yes you've been asking for youth sizes for a long time so if you want to check those out there's a link in the description down below that will take you to kentuckyballistics.com now for today's video we're going to shoot some clear ballistic gel you've requested it so we're going to do it let's go get set up and get started oh this stuff is heavy whoa be strong little table okay so the fine folks over at clearballistics.com sent this over to us this is 10 clear ballistic gel this is the fbi block i believe it's 16 inches long and we got three of these things so i'm going to line them all up and we're going to see how much of this it takes to stop the elephant gun while i get this set up i want to say thank you to big daddy unlimited for sponsoring today's video if you're a firearms enthusiast like me you want good deals but you don't have time to look for them you want to check out big daddy unlimited they do all the work for you you get all the best deals in one spot and all you have to do is pay for a simple membership it's pretty cool stuff and i think it's worth checking out again a big thank you to big daddy unlimited for sponsoring today's video i have to say the fine folks over at clear ballistics really outdid themselves today i mean look at how clear this block is that is looking good all right we've got three different types of ammunition today they are all 458 lot but we have three different types so you've seen this one a lot this is the hornady dgx 500 grain 458 lot this is a bonded lead round with a very thick jacket then you have this guy you have seen this one before as well this is the 500 grain nosler brass solid this thing i expected to just zip right through that gel and then we have a new one today this is made by federal and i'm sure i'm going to be saying this wrong and if i am correct in the comment section but i believe it's a 500 grain woodley hydro solid this is a brass solid and it looks like it has some sort of protective tip on the end really curious to see what this one does so got the gel set up let's go get the elephant gun and get started i know we should probably do this one last but i want to start out with this one the nosler 500 grain brass solid this is probably gonna zip right through all that gel but i'm hoping that it slows it down enough that we can recover the round maybe out of the berm i don't think we caught that uh nope man you know what i think i have a used block a ballistic gel in the back of the truck let's set that up too this brass solid is no joke okay we now have 64 inches of ballistic gel if this does not stop the 500 grain brass solid 458 lot elephant round i don't know what will this thing kicks so hard i love it oh my gosh wow okay we're not going to catch it ever so let me show you the damage so look at that wound channel 64 inches of ballistic gel i just can't believe this what i really can't believe is that it continued straight for 64 inches most of the time something will shoot out the side of the block it just loses control but that thing just kept plowing through all that absolutely impressive so anyways here's where we hit uh the second time and you can see that wound channel just keeps going and going and then you see it goes into this third block and then here's the fourth block and it came out right here right there is where it came out and i don't know where it is i really was hoping we could catch it because that'd be a really cool round to hang on to all right well next we're going to use the federal 500 grain woodley hydro solid this is also a brass round so i wonder how much it's going to go through i'm really curious to see if it outperforms the 500 grain nosler brass solid i'm doubtful though whoa let's check it out well again we had a lot of penetration the federal brass round started right here and it kept going and going and going and going and going until finally it shot out the bottom here see it kind of goes down and right there yes it goes all the way down and it started to dip low and then it came out right here hit the table and then it hit the railroad tie and i figured i could probably find it but i have been looking and looking and looking and i cannot find it upon further inspection it looks like it actually went into the railroad tie and shot through there okay it's time we finally catch one of these rounds and i know for a fact that we're gonna catch this round because this is a lead round it's bonded but it's lead has a really thick jacket but it's going to expand it's going to lose energy and we're going to catch it in that gel i'm just wondering how much gel it's going to take to stop it this is the hornady dgx 500 grain 458 lot golly [Music] yeah wow i can see that wound channel from here that's pretty big wow so it looks like the round went through about 41 inches of ballistic gel before finally stopping and delivered a heck of a lot of energy to these gel blocks let's dig that thing out of there it's hard to do with one hand wow so we finally managed to catch one the hornady dgx delivered a ton of energy to that ballistic gel penetrated 41 inches we have really good expansion and it doesn't look like the round broke up at all you know i joked around before about how this is my new favorite rifle but after today's video i can say this is my new favorite rifle i have never seen a round go through 64 inches of ballistic gel in a straight line without deviating out the sides and then still have enough gas in its tank after going through 64 inches of gel to keep on going really impressive i'm going to keep this elephant rifle series going i've got a few things planned on my own but i still want to know what else you want to see me shoot with the elephant rifle leave your answers in the comment section down below if you enjoyed today's video as much as i did do me a favor and hit that like button and if you're not subscribed to kentucky ballistics do yourself a favor and hit that subscribe button also make sure you check me out on patreon facebook instagram and twitter and make sure you check out kentucky ballistics clothing lisa all those can be found in the description down below or on my website kentuckyballistics.com again my name is scott thank you so much for watching kentucky ballistics and i'll see you next time [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 1,256,108
Rating: 4.9379554 out of 5
Keywords: elephant rifle, kentucky ballistics, 458 lott, elephant rifle vs, elephant rifle vs ballistic gel, biggest rifle in the world, scott kentucky ballistics, elephant gun, elephant gun vs, elephant gun vs ballistic gel, kentucky ballistics scott, 700 nitro express, most powerful rifle in the world, kentucky ballistics elephant gun, 600 nitro express, kentucky ballistics elephant rifle, 458 lott ballistics gel, kentucky, ballistics, scott
Id: -48wftRyzCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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