Helldivers 2 All Trailers and Intro Reaction

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[Music] welcome back to defy not definitive I'm Ken and I'm Bethany we're a couple of wild and crazy kids in love the love some wild card Wednesdays it's wild card Wednesday yeah and so for this wild card Wednesday hell divers 2 uh trailers and intro won the poll and uh you can check out next week's poll by going in our community section and go ahead and vote for that um I have no idea what this game's about I guess it came out not too long ago like a month ago or so oh wow um so yeah we're going to go ahead and uh and check it out cool it says all the trailers these are all the trailers find for it and we got the intro if if you missed some then I apologize super Earth super Earth our home our way of life but Freedom doesn't come free oh sweet Liberty sweet Liberty look familiar scenes like these are happening all over the Galaxy right now and you could be next no that is unless you make the most important decision of your life prove to yourself that you have the strength and the courage to be free join the hell divers damn okay dropped in like Space Marines that's a cool shot yeah experience against true Freedom requesting air support the freedom to travel the Galaxy and secure the resources we need to build a better tomorrow the freedom to encounter fascinating life fors and introduce them to our sophisticated technology nice the freedom to make new friends and rep presentent the best of what super Earth has to offer become part of an Elite peacekeeping Force and work together to spread Prosperity Liberty and democracy become part of something larger than yourself become a hero become a legend a hell nice that was a great trailer yes it was becoming a hell diver may result in decapitation or morbid hell diver survive sure and sweet okay Hells 2 is a tactical third person Cooperative action shooter hi I'm Johan piset I'm the CEO and creative director of Arrowhead one thing that will be really familiar in Hell divers 2 for returning players is a stratum system for those of you that are new this is the Ace up your sleeve it's a system that allows you to interface with the many elements of the superar Arsenal such as the super Earth Destroyer the eagle fighter and the multitude of weapons and equipment that you can call down as you play the game nice my favorite strategy in Hell divers 2 is the Gatling Sentry a killing machine unleash its devastating Firepower into a swarm of enemies is truly a wondrous sight with this new third person perspective the mission you're playing is a big part of choosing your strategies my name is Michael Erikson and I'm a game director at Arrowhead game studios if you're facing off against a heavily armored foe you want to bring specialized armor penetrating weapons but if you're blowing up a bug hiive make sure to bring orbital bares or other highly explosive strategems the armor system that we've developed in the game is inspired by real firearms fired against armor targets so this means that a shot at a shallow angle will get deflected and not penetrate the intended target when you choose your armor make sure it fits your intended play style if you want to play as a tank pick a heavy armor with high resistance I usually play with the light armor because of the increased mobility and decreased enemy detection range death is she oh to most of everything even including your own friend's misplaced orbital bombardment every time a hell diver is reinforced that's a new citizen finally fulfilling the super Earth dream that they've fantasized about from Early Childhood this is just a small piece of what we have planned for hell divers 2 and we can't wait to hear about your experience es once this game launches later this year spread manage democracy attention citizens the tide of war is turning against us as we battle against the bugs for democracy the automaton threat grows more m mening by the day oh yeah we need Valiant soldiers to infiltrate their planets take on these deadly robotic hordes and spread our message of peace and democracy course just the way he says democracy every time yeah anunciation is perfect use the Galaxy's most advanced Weaponry fight alongside of Squad worth dying for democracy to the universe once and for [Music] all join the hell divers oh join the fight for freedom and list today [Music] the Federation of super Earth keeping managed democracy safe with the lives of Our Heroes protecting freedom from tyranny with the Gentle Touch of an iron fist but Liberty's enemies March ever closer together we must take back control of Freedom together for manage democracy together for victory together together for Li together they fight for Freedom will [Music] you enlist in the Galaxy's Elite fighting [Music] fors work together to protect your future okay place the explosions for each one of that little beats in the in the song that was good it's good sink dispense peace with the ultimate weaponry they a [Music] legend join the hell diers the Galaxy's last line of offense [Music] prior to the beginning of this game the terminant which have been confined to their own Farm planets harvested for element 710 have broken loose and the hell divers are being mobilized once more to deal with this threat but also the brand new race they seem to be called the automatons they work as full robots it might not be a bad idea to put them in their place too you're going to be playing as a hell diver they go through training very thorough training and are frozen until needed our cryogenic technology is second to none when you start to play as a hell diver they've just been defrosted and ready to command their Super Destroyer in the game of Hell divers 2 you are going to spend most of your time in combat fighting enemies everything that's happening outside of the mission when you're on your ship is about strategy the galactic map shows you the current situation of the war it shows you what planets are superar planets what planets are being covered by some sort of enemy gun and where the Battlefront is and as the hell diver you get to decide exactly what planet you're going to fight on what enemies you're going to go against you get to make quite a number of choices there that's pretty cool at the same time the galactic war is the place where super Earth High command is going to be communicating out to Hell divers across the Galaxy they'll be letting you know what the current top military priority is they are broken out into two types of orders major orders and personal orders major orders are big longlasting things that the community as a whole is working towards these are things that are Central to the story there are ways in which you can be a major contributor to changing the face of the Galaxy itself that's going to take comined effort of Hell divers across the Galaxy working toward that type of De on the personal order level something that you and your squad can do all together maybe you'll be sent off to kill a couple of really terrifying enemies and only in a specific way and if you do it exactly in that way you'll get a reward for having done the good work of super Earth an operation is a uh number of missions on Lower difficulties you have fewer missions as you go into higher difficulties and you get more missions per operation in a mission you don't simply have one thing that you're do you need to shoot the nuclear missile you need to start up the generators for it you need to find the launch codes these are objectives spread out on the map there's also secondary optional objectives you don't have to do it but you are rewarded if you do sometimes you find an artillery gun that you can load up and then you can use that artillery gun but there's also hostile ones there are artillery placements buildings that disabl you from using your strategems gooy bug structures that spreads fog you have your hell di Destroyer it can be upgraded in the ship management you buy bigger guns better Eagles and build you need samples you find them on the level you need to extract to get your samples with you to your ship the requisition you use to buy strateg you get it mainly by just doing your missions most of your personal equipment like your armor your helmet Primary Weapons grenades those are acquired in your war bond and in the war bond you need medals you get medals from doing operations you also get it from doing orders you have a lot of stuff that you as a player get to choose from and uh create a a load out that fits your play style the galactic War isn't just that though it's also a place where we as the developers can interact with you watching what you are doing watching how the community is playing and maybe if appropriate giving you just the weapon you need to push yourself over the edge or maybe if it's the right time in the story seeing a negative consequence and giving you an added challenge we don't think that many other games are going to be able to offer what hell divers 2 can we we love our game and we want you to love our game just as much as we do and we want to be part of it we want to be part of it together alongside you so pre-order hell divers 2 and let us play alongside [Music] you oh got to clear the blast area nice me [Music] down oh oh sweet yep fish in a barrel super Earth Bastion of peace prosperity and manage democracy for 100 years our colonists have toiled happily to enshrine the unquestionable rule of freedom but now our enemies rise from the Shadows once more the tyrannical terminate spread unfettered across the Galaxy the Socialist automatons terrorize innocent families babes are torn from their mothers voters from their ballots in this time of need Super once again calls upon the mightiest bravest most obedient Heroes the hell divers no cost is too high no sacrifice is too great you are democracy's most elite least hesitant Defenders the terminats will be contained the automatons dismantled you will grind our enemies in into Oblivion for freedom for managed democracy for super Earth join the hell divers the Galaxy's last line of offense nice last line of [Music] defense slow motion r [Music] [Music] ridiculously fun chaotic action that pretty much sums it up I believe it yeah mhm h [Music] play Super Earth our home Prosperity Liberty Hi there hey democracy our way of life oh hello but Freedom doesn't come free sweet Liberty look familiar seem like happening all over the Galaxy right now you could be next that when their first Trail was though that is interesting unless you make the most important decision of your life prove to yourself that you have the strength and the courage to be free join the hell divers become part of an Elite peacekeeping Force see exotic new life forms oh and spread manage democracy throughout the Galaxy all right changes become a legend become a hell [Music] diver wow so crazy chaotic fun uh one of the reviews said and that's kind of what it seems like from the the trailers I got super strong Starship Trooper Vibes during this um which was very fun and I was sitting thinking like wow did it really take this long for somebody to make Starship Troopers into a game that like the sort of um satirical commentary on freedom and democracy like oh so delicious um and the giant tyranids terrifying as you probably heard Bucky did not care for them very much he was growling when they were on screen yep um but but it doesn't end with tyranids we also have Terminators in here so very fun this just it looks like perfect escapism to just like go in there and start blowing up yeah that was I was getting the Vibes of like Halo like uh for the Spartans when it first like dropped dropped in um and then uh obviously like you like you said I don't think they were called tyranids but they're they're basically tyranids from uh Warhammer 40K and then kind of like necrons uh for the other uh characters like are the Terminator ones um was the vibe that I was getting for that and I've never seen Starship Troopers but every time there's like big bug I'm just like I'm like like that's going to talk about Starship Troopers because that's that's what you always love that it's true yeah it's true Starship Troopers made an impact on my youth when I saw giant bugs so yeah um and yeah I just love the the humor in it um the first one uh trailer we saw which I guess ended up being uh the intro ultimately for for the game um they changed a couple of things they added a little bit more uh to the intro but it wasn't like much it was like you know maybe like 5 Seconds more or something like that or maybe I just noticed more when I saw it the second time than I did the first first time um I don't I mean it's like more of a co-op uh game um feels like uh I don't know if it's just like if you there is like a campaign or if it's just online um that you're you're playing uh so not sure if it's game necessarily that will end up playing but um it looks like a lot of fun definitely looks like fun and I love um the one creator that they had in there who was saying like you know we can't wait to play with you yeah that's kind of fun and all the other creators were were very much what you might expect for like that docu style so tell us about your job kind of thing yeah but the one who was like we want to play with you like you could just he exuded the enthusiasm for that as well as his own Love of the Game that was created so you can tell like he really invested a lot into that poured his heart and soul into it and now cannot wait to interact with the audience and see like how was it received how are you playing what can we do to make it better next time like um and and excitement got me even more excited so he was very effective as like sort of a spokesperson for the creative team I was like the head designer or game creator or whatever or maybe just the have the company at the end of uh the video when like the the first two designers were there he did like a little the little gun thing and at first I thought I'm like oh dude I was like you're trying too hard but I'm like oh no like as he as he said the thing like oh okay you're you're doing the bit um and he gave it us all man he tried he sold it as well as he could I thought that was like I'm like going to go for it man that's fun you know lot of times you know you try to be like too serious about it oh I don't want to come across as like foolish or whatever and uh but no like to to have fun with it that that was great I really enjoyed that yeah I second that entirely let us know what you thought about this down below in the comments and if you want to vote for our next Wild c car Wednesday video check out our community tab we got a poll right now thanks so much for checking out our reaction for hell divers 2 trailers and intro but just keep in mind that our reaction is definitely not definitive
Channel: Definitely Not Definitive - Games
Views: 207,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2 trailer reaction, helldivers 2 all trailers reaction, helldivers 2 all trailers, helldivers 2 intro reaction, helldivers 2 intro cinematic reaction, helldivers 2 reaction, helldivers ii trailer, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer reaction, definitely not definitive helldivers 2, helldivers 2 trailer cinematic, helldivers 2 launch trailer reaction, helldivers 2 announcement reaction, helldivers 2 announcement trailer reaction, reaction
Id: xAI7yolqOO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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