Zanny finally tries out Helldivers 2

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let's try playing some hell divers let's see if we can get in the servers you know I haven't played yet again I was gone I was out on my trip while everyone and their mom was playing hell divers 2o and having fun Squidward meme I'm just like watching I wanted to make a main Channel video first before I before I play I have uni work to do but I much rather watch this stream yo yo cuz like I that's just how I wanted to my the first piece of content I would make on this game to be like the quality main channel that Engish us endless requests endless requests so I figured let's like let's bite the bullet and play it on 3 S first but like yeah we're we're definitely going to make a main Channel video cuz like it's my kind of game you know like I love Deep Rock I love dark tide just horde Shooters you know the people yearn to shoot masses of of monsters super Earth mandatory reading please observe the following patriotic Service Announcement deviations in attention will be considered treason okay super Earth our home Prosperity Liberty Hi there democracy our way of life oh hello Chandler from friends but Freedom doesn't come free no sweet Liberty no scenes like these are happening all over the Galaxy right now you could be next prove to yourself that you have the strength and the courage to be free join the hell divers become part of an Elite peacekeeping Force see EX bro tyranids become a legend become a hell diver I'm sold so it's for democracy here right we have for emper for the emperor for rock and stone for democracy I see I see damn we even we even look like ODSTs like hell jumpers use map to navigate oh sorry sorry guys I'm still like I'm like learning the uh learning the game you know learning the game like I wanted to play this on Main Channel first I don't think I've ever gotten a game requested this much it's insane that I just got to I got to get the requests over with so they die out I got to play it on three zy first but yeah main Channel video as soon as I have enough footage that I'm happy with but I can tell that doesn't impressive the upcoming obstacles will take everything your exceptional physique buster this is it the real deal get to it soldier in all my years I've never witnessed such acrobatic tap to dive into prawn all right got it got it I'm ready very cinematic H impeccable oh this to teach me pick up St and catch yourself up need a stem Bey Freedom never SLE Freedom never sleeps Peacemaker there it is the terminate the scorge of Liberty termin yourself and show that bug the true meaning of freedom I love the Warhammer inspiration dude termined dead now wow a game of the year grab a fist full of Freedom penetrate and detonate what a catapult of an arm no diving hell diver equipment is not rated for deep water Traverse oh there there I see it the top hold RT what is a strategy ah Hammer of dawn Gears of War Hammer of dawn excellent excellent aim excellent excellently done well done well done oh sure it keeps go stop going in the water democracy please ah it worked hell divers fight in squads meet your new squadmate greetings fellow hell diver What a fine Soldier your brother at Arms a battle forged bond that could never be replaced until now squadmates can and will perish tragically all the time now use the reinforcement strategy to have another hell diver take their place okay I'm quite experienc in Tekken so all these strategems are easy for me dude fellow well done Soldier watch out for falling HELLP pods failure to clear Landing deep rock deep rock reference no Cod reload that's the stuff now use a oh I have to empty them otherwise I'm Wasting Bullets is that what you mean oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I have to empty the I can't be Wasting Bullets I can't just oh [ __ ] oh no that's going to be like a hard thing to get over I'm going to be wasting so many bullets I can see it yeah I love the I love the Warhammer influence this area is in dire need of Liberation from the terminate Scourge activate that terminal World War Z World War Z reference uh up up up up left left it's it's like it's like going for the godfist it's like going for the electric such Flawless terminal activation General please somewhere around here is the flag super Earth find it and plant it where all can see its Democratic [Laughter] Glory oh [ __ ] horse do not reload do not reload resisten the masculine urge to reload after shooting two bullets now there's a h let's play some multiplayer time for the written test no no I didn't read the handbook what an intro oh my God I love that all right let's play the real game let's go name your super destroyer ship okay s song song of Honor oh no oh no sword game sword game sword of honor is there a [Laughter] [Music] sword welcome to the galactic War here the community fights together against its common enemies terminats and automatons oh yeah yeah the the robots the Terminators sorry there's already I already know a few things about the game like right I know the automatons like kick everyone's ass cuz like the game is Just huge you know so it's it's kind of hard to avoid information online let's uh let's fight some some terminat here oh guys all right so my first mission I'm playing solo how do I play how do I match make I thought I I thought I would be like matchmade when I picked my mission I think this this not a bad way to learn this uh playing by yourself first drop an SOS Beacon SOS Beacon races your mission priority to all other hell divers increasing the odds of others joining your squad all right sweet no [ __ ] [ __ ] I reloaded ah do not reload do not reload the masculine urge to reload after shooting two bullets get the [ __ ] up zus oh my God I reloaded again I reloaded I did it again Oops I did it again dude I died from I died from the dolphin dive what a what a first experience for me Fallen hell divers will drop any heal those items can then be retrieved okay I kind of want to get rid of like the [ __ ] [ __ ] I did again the reload wait so are there folks who's spreading the propaganda then are there people I'm fighting or is it just the bugs interact uh what what what is this frequency alignment this was not in the tutorial oh I see I see there I did it another Triumph [Music] democracy all right let's play some multiplayer I think it'll be a lot more fun extract okay what what a first mission success success for super Earth for managed democracy let's play like uh one or two more after this okay I want I want to save the the great first time experiences for the main Channel you know hopefully this slows down the requests a tiny bit at some point dude when this game blew up I just endless request I've never had a game requested this much for me to play I got to activate the the extraction Beacon let's go let's go hell divers operate against the clock complete your mission before the Super Destroyer leaves low orbit ah the sword of honor of course oh God right there no can I did I cancel it oh my God you can H stop reloading stop stop stop I can't I cannot stop holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] fck [ __ ] God ah I suck I suck come on how' you like this stem stem up stem up I need a stem Bey get some get [Applause] some holy [ __ ] where is my car where where is the car Freedom Forever Freedom Forever Z we did it we won we won I won Skyler is there a story uh I don't think so not like in the traditional sense there's a very fun world here but like a story in the traditional like campaign sense it doesn't seem like it but like so I can kind of why I was getting like endless requests this game was like this game was like made for for me and my friends I feel like it's just it's such a good fit yeah I know this this is going to be hype yo I see you guys have already entered the item shop how do you how do you emote is it right stick I I pressed the right stick like it was sword game left dpad I'm such a baby dude look at everyone in the double digits uh machine gun [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] get the get the thing get the thing what what if I what have I entered we won that's it oh the [Music] I reloaded again guys I I'm I'm failing eliminate brood Commander okay's around over here freedom I marked the Target on my map Gamers resupply I think we're still good orbital Precision strike let's save that what a drop that was dude feed first into hell according to my sensors the creature is the creature is over here all right hang let's let's do uh let's do a Precision strike [ __ ] that guy stay right there stay [Music] right yeah that's that's [ __ ] awesome my my fault I think my fault I wish this was on Xbox so my boy and I can play cuz not everyone has a not everyone has a PS5 not everyone has a PC but like I do have plans to I do have plans to play with Caleb he has it on PS5 I got it on Steam but thankfully there's crossplay so Caleb and I should be able to play what's going on dude is there a reason it's not on Xbox uh capitalism wait is there a life limit I or can you just kind of die however many times you want guys holy [ __ ] [ __ ] my reinforcement available okay up down reinforcing I'm a baby I'm a baby I don't know I don't know how oh 14 I see it I see it oh uh extraction available okay so let's extract Northwest do you think it feels nicer on controller dude everything to me is nicer on controller cuz like that's just I I play everything on controller you know one of your teammates called in a Minefield okay well I S I see it on the ground I just got to I just got to know to avoid it oh yeah acman has this too so I'm going to be playing with him as well most likely sir D has it too I'm going to be playing with him but like the main group you know Kaleb Yeti solar champ it's like it's incomplete that's why it just it's a shame because it's just a shame that the game is a PlayStation and PC only but I suppose that is the way of the world oh [ __ ] this awesome Precision strike calling in oral strike can you do that an infinite amount oh yeah it's just cool down base it's awesome to demy can you re how often can you do the orbital Precision a minute and a half cool down that's kind of cool man bro through the orbital strike at nothing maybe I just wanted to see the big boom man maybe I just wanted to see the explosion and nothing wrong with it the people yearn to be launched from orbit into alien planets please hopefully dude with the success of Hell divers more amazing hord Shooters will be released yo faded you got it too yeah yeah get in here get in here Deep Rock walked so hell divers could run all right let's let let's slow down we Deep Rock slander is unnecessary both can be great both can be good all right let let me play uh let me play one more Mission I would like to keep playing but guys yeah yeah main Channel first main channel is the priority that's the lifeblood you know that's where the premium content should start three zy takes what's left this isn't the final shape thank God for that thank God this is in Destiny has joined yo check out the upgrades it's across from the cryo Bay oh here Destroyer change ship name now sword of honor is the one strategy here you can unlock new strategems to use on the battlefield initially antimaterial rifle it's a sniper stalwart compact low caliber machine gun trade power for ease of use cannot afford it right now it's all right I can just just save money anti-personnel Minefield uh seal bug holes how do I know uh there's no like specific order is there you kind of just do whatever eradicate terminate swarm find and destroy all terminate eggs I kind of oh here no turns out we're doing this one instead the extractors reactivate extractors okay let's do it [Music] coordinates guard dog inbound what is guard dog call call this in immediately right ah I'm I'm going insane uh uh uh uh uh supp PS5 and P yeah I just I just have this on on PC cuz I am not buying like the gold what is gold in PlayStation PlayStation also has their own thing that you have to buy to play online so I'm just going to I'll just play on Steam I I will not be subscribing Sony guard dog Rover oh ah whoa Lloyd oh my God Lloyd dude Lloyd the influence of Deep Rock Galactic oh my God this such this is such palpable atmosphere dude holy [ __ ] call in a resupply do don't tell me what to do game here locate broadcast Tower located success okay and then later we let's head into the uh to the pumps dropping a pin Norwest la la la la server cap is larger now yeah they increased it to 700,000 in case you weren't aware basically this game had a problem it was suffering from success too many people were trying to play play and they didn't have enough server space but they increased the server cap now to 700k which I I I think that's I think that means everyone can play now right I I didn't have any problems okay all right Next Step Gamers main objective let's go 700,000 is a lot of people yeah I'm pretty sure they're hitting that 700,000 too whoa whoa whoa whoa new oh oh that replaces my uh that replaces my thing oh all right I just wasted a bullet they're expecting to hit the new server cap in time yeah Suffering From Success like I said were there even enemies there or did they just want to see fire who knows hell divers operate against the clock complete your yeah yeah I'm working on it game what even is wait wait what is this this is like a point of Interest or something dude all right you guys do the objective I'm going to check this out look at this see what is this interact I don't know what I picked up I think that was currency oh God okay don't don't walk over those zy oh god boss Cinema look at this how about a nice cup of Li it's a oh it's a double barrel oh God teammates reinforced oh bomb bomb him bomb him [Music] bombit democracy I love that you can just call in orbital strikes dude is is there a nest we should destroy a hole a terminate hole yeah we got it we got it oh there destroying outposts give XP and requisition okay we're here at the objective why is every stream I open a six stream yeah I have terrible I have terrible resistance and in my defense only the last stream I was also sick I just caught something bad on my trip you know it happens I caught a terminate disease what the [ __ ] dude I can imagine already it's like super intense High difficulty and someone's like [ __ ] up the someone's like [ __ ] up the code like d it's happening right now oh no he got it he got it ah manually adjust Flor it okay oh my God what is this wait wait w w wow what is this someone who knows what to do get on the ship now you have ignited the extraction all right we did it all right let's go let's go is there fall damage holy that's that's very unforgiving fall damage holy that was barely a drop are you kidding me when is hollow night happening when it happens man when it happens I wish I could just game and make all the content I want but life keeps happening Gamers life oh God ah a I [ __ ] up I'm definitely not feeling the double barrel give me back my machine gun game such a hype soundtrack dude that's what you need in a game like this democracy does not rest it does not run out of [Music] bullets I just be dolphin diving for The Vibes now at this point seconds have I fought the automatons no not yet although I I heard their insane but no I I haven't fought I haven't fought him yet I'm I'm a baby guys I'm a big baby I'm not a I'm not a hell diver yet let's goe democracy prevails once more I I think it's good that we're ending it here I'm I'm so sickly I'm going to lose it I can almost afford a new weapon outside of the the light machine gun and congratulations on completing your training I got to play with friends I know I know I know I can't like unless I buy the boys like ps5s it's not really going to happen okay guys we're going to we're going to end it here the rest of my hell diverse experiences will be shown on the main Channel that's where that's where I want the the premium content but yeah this was a good this was a good way to like check it out I think game won't quit dude look at this I I pressed quit and then like it just froze here I'm not allowed to fight for democracy Soldier you are not allowed to leave
Channel: three zanny
Views: 512,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: three zanny, zanny, zanny livestream, zanny livestream clips, zanny twitch, too zanny, zanny helldivers, zanny helldivers 2, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay
Id: hdNINfygoyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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