BARRAGES are NOT RANDOM | Helldivers 2

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[Music] if you came here looking for info about the Gatling barrage you'll be disappointed we're talking about explosions things that go boom that rattle your teeth and give the enemy The Big D that's right democracy I spent a long time looking at the 380 120 and walking barrages but how do they work last I heard they were random so let's talk about that [Music] let me take you on my journey exploring the idea that the 380 mm 120 mm and walking barges do not distribute themselves randomly I have read through many Reddit posts about barges and the word random is used frequently I've also heard it in countless YouTube videos the comments sections across these posts and videos for the most part do the typical spiral into the just run eagleu and 500 kg bro type of responses the perceived randomness of these strategems is certainly warranted as they definitely appear random when you throw one of these in and get busy dealing with some Bots you're not exactly analyzing strike patterns to me I throw one in it does what it does and I move on so I found a few corners of the Galaxy to quietly observe their destructive nature the data collection and Analysis phase of this video took around 25 days of my time it was a wonderfully awful experience I started this process to find answers I found them but they led to more questions and more answers and more questions I had to end the study the workload I found myself faced with was astounding if you study something long enough eventually you know enough to know that there is much more to learn the first study I conducted was here I stood at Top This Rock in this location readied my strategy aimed directly for the joint on the windmill and let it rip every single test was conducted with the same throw which resulted in the strategy Landing in the same spot after the destruction was over I jetp packed down and took a point location of the strategy and moved around the blast area Gathering similar points I know I can hear it now what's up cash you going to take some distance readings with your Liberator again and call it a day no I'm running a slugger besides I had something more elegant in mind these points I'm collecting are very very special they're ground control points a what what's a ground control Point well they're used for geore referencing imagery okay what is that and what imagery are you talking about to get imagery I simply die you see aerial imagery every single time you die and as far as what Geor referencing is this is Geor referencing if you recall from my armor video during the Scout passive section I mentioned that each grid is 13 M by 13 m square that provides me a scale and a manner in which to align my points from the map since the map we see in game has infrastructure and terrain pieces on it I can geore reference the image to fit nice and neat with the ground control points now I can perform any spatial study I want and it is to scale welcome to the wonderful world of geographic information systems and more specifically geostatistics simplistically there are four types of data in GIS points lines polygons and pictures in the realm of GIS there are a load of variables that can influence outcomes of data such as image tilt this occurs when looking at three-dimensional terrain from above it and the focal point of the imagery changes tilting everything outward this is why the word ground is in ground control point to Geor reference imagery it's important to align things from points on the ground and not at elevation like the top of a rock or building since these can move the ground cannot that is all that you need to know this is all good enough for what we're after answers my goal in the beginning was to quantify the destructive power across these strategems to compare them as equals I drew polygons around the impact areas hoping to leverage the area of displacement of Earth to determine the amount of overlap of ordinance from these strategems as a ratio snow covered planets create great contrast to this task remember every time I take take a new sample I have to Geo reference the image to be able to draw the polygons I measured the diameter of an impact grader for each strategy and began making a table full of beautiful beautiful data I knew the Salvo count volley count the number of rounds fired per volum I compiled that with the planer area of each crater created planer meaning flat I'm not measuring volume or surface area in three dimensions of the impact crater I'm measuring the area of the highest point of the crater as a flat surface like a disc this gave me the maximum destructible area possible if there were no overlapping ordinance I was almost done the 380 and 120 had the same pattern but one was smaller the walking barrage had great distribution and a very clear pattern I had five samples of each surely that's enough to prove the strategems are predictable right atmospheric monitoring became a thing and I had already killed my maps seed from study 1 I found a new map and I took a couple of samples of the 380 and 120 to establish a new Baseline I purchased atmospheric monitoring and took three samples of 380 mm and three samples of 120 mm from the same area in the same manner I established with the new Baseline by the time I was about done I came to the realization that the visuals from impacts can be hidden under terrain like mountains rocks and sometimes even Dunes this could create a lot of inconsistency in the the data I had gathered so I did my best to guess where the extents of the areas of displaced Earth were not quite scientific it was about this time that I noticed the order in which ordinance dropped was consistent across the 120 and 380 it was the same pattern in the same order every single time same with walking barrage I tested that here as well I was curious if atmospheric monitoring would affect it it doesn't but you never know unless you look this really was shaping up to be quite the study I was very content with my findings but I wasn't happy with my guesswork concerning areas of displaced Earth from the 380 and 120 so I found a new mapse that provided a great location to get much more accurate information this is also where I tested being in the middle of a 380 mm strike after purchasing atmospheric monitoring you can but I suggest you lay down I have a Google sheet in the description you'll find the vast majority of my work in there areas and perimeters of polygons for the displacement of Earth imagery with grid overlays impact locations and ordinality quantification of blast area overlap and distances from each strategy throw to every impact atmospheric monitoring something I set out to quantify is shown here as well you can see the total distance of every impact from the strategy location is reduced by about 15% after picking up this ship module upgrade I also have convex hole diagrams in there a convex hole is more or less a simplified polygon that creates an envelope around all the points in the study more or less it's a very easy way to visually understand Point clustering looking at the spreadsheet you'll see that the 15% reduction in spread from atmospheric monitoring reduces the area in which impacts can occur for the 380 and 120 by around 28% wrapping up my work looking forward to actually playing the game some I decided to double check my theory 380 good 120 good walking barrage different pattern this is the first time I had tested throwing this strategy in any direction but South I had thrown the 380 and 120 from every direction and it patterns the same they're always oriented just like this toward North and they always have the same pattern every time in fact the intro to this video was that walking barrage throw I needed a new map I tested and patterned walking barrage in every Cardinal and ordinal Direction eight directions in total from North all the way back to North guess what it was a different pattern in each Direction but each Direction's pattern was the same every time I threw it I mapped everything out and even confirmed that I could replicate these patterns by Direction on other planets I could I mean I looked right there why because I knew where the shell was going to land I had cracked it if I knew where a shell is going to land it definitely can't be random eight different patterns made sense to me seemed a little overkill on arrowhead's part but would certainly make things seem random enough to players I was down to my last throw for pattern confirmation when this happened the strategy bounced off of a rock and modified the throwing Direction something seemed off about it I cleaned out a few Bots did the usual and saw this a pattern change could there really be a pattern for every degree 360 patterns certainly Arrowhead wouldn't go to that much trouble to place 12 shots for one strategy 360 times that would be insane new map new plan map from 270° to 360° in 10° increments so 10 total tests to see what was really happening to the pattern as you can see the placement of each shell migrates toward the Northeast at different rates and different angles across arcs it's slowly morphing into the 360° pattern maybe the shots aren't coded as a direction and distance from each strategy based on throw bearing perhaps there was something more refined Happening Here the Fibonacci sequence crossed my mind and I'll tell you what this got me pretty damn excited it seemed like the shroud of obscurity draped over the walking barrage was slipping away I was on to something I made it through 320° before scrapping the study for another that would provide much more insight I took the eight throws i' already done grabbed every impact point and strategy marker and aligned all the strategy markers to be on top of each other so eight samples comprising a 360° view of the exact same strategy location looks like a mess huh time to play Connect the Dots I connected every same number together into a polygon and this was the result these are all eight-sided polygons with a Vertex residing at the location of each impact point of the same number around the compass I assume these shapes are actually circles or ellipses and not my janky shapes here is a throw to the north and to the South and to the East and to the West this provides me enough evidence to discern a decent understanding of how walking barrage Works pick a direction in this case 45° or Northeast you throw the strategy a line is drawn from the centroid or Center of each poly poon at the bearing you threw the strategy and the location along the perimeter of the polygon the line intersects with is where the shell will fall quite an interesting solution I'd say I don't know much about game design but from a geography and geometry perspective it's damn cool as we move forward I'll be referring to this as a constellation it sounds cool and isn't an entirely inaccurate description all right back to where we left off with the 380 and 120 the pattern change from that south to North row with The Walking barrage was shocking to me I learned my lesson to get my head out of my own study and avoid confirmation bias it happens from time to time before wrapping this package up and putting a bow on it we need to reconfirm that the 380 and 120 share the same pattern is always oriented the same and throwing Direction doesn't matter easy enough I've done it before to save time both are in my Loadout knock it out one dive there's plenty of room on this map seed for multiple tests and I'm just confirming shape so I don't need to be in the same location which would require a refresh of the map 380 good 120 different pattern I'd like to backtrack to the very beginning of this study I didn't tell you something I've seen this pattern before once on the 380 with which you can see is my first throw shown on the Google sheet and once on the 120 which isn't on the sheet this was across 20 throws so 10% I could never replicate it and I had never seen it since purchasing the atmospheric monitoring upgrade that is until now all right two Dives it is I went to throw the 121 this time the standard pattern revealed itself same location even I told myself that the Oddball pattern was perhaps the result of some terrain type that I couldn't identify so the result of the 380 throw would either confirm or debunk this Theory and the 380 has the Oddball pattern Here We Go Again knowing that the 380 and 120 share patterns and that each can influence the pattern of the other when thrown sequentially I dumped a 380 and a 120 on top of each other away from my clean testing region I know these patterns but I wanted to know if there were more I found seven before running out of lives and I had to exit the game as to not lose the map seed seven patterns how many more could there possibly be and now that I'm not separating out walking barrage from the 380 and 120 does it have different patterns in addition to its constellation these new developments were disconcerting to say the least how much further can I go with this stuff study how much hard drive space do I have left is this whole thing a wash will this even be a video that provides any help to anyone at all my second throw of the walking barrage from north to south was a complete disappointment it had a different pattern too pattern three was different and so was pattern four what is even happening how did I get weeks into this study and never come across this I'll tell you how I was patterning everything every throw was conducted after a refresh of the map seed every single one it was a very certain method for ensuring there was no mixing of impact crators from different throws it made no sense to wait for the cool down of walking barrage 380 or 120 to throw it again I can just exit out of the map dive in grab a few super credits from the spawn locations perform the next part of my study and repeat easy I would always dive in with the strategy I was testing an arc thrower a jump pack and a Gatling turret in case I needed them so we confirmed a 380 throw will change the pattern of a 120 that follows it this is a fact will any orbital strategy yes will an eagle strategy no I dove in with orbital EMS orbital gas strike and orbital Gatling barrage these have the three lowest cool down periods of the orbitals I threw all three out of the way of my testing area moved into position and threw a walking barrage it's pattern four it's the pattern I was expecting it's the pattern I got I repeated the same process four more times so I had aerial views of patterns 8 12 16 and 20 none of them matched patterns 1 through 4 I refreshed the map I repeated the process I employed to predict the four pattern but predicted the 20th pattern instead it was the same as before it took about 10 minutes to get to this point over the next 25 minutes I revealed every fourth pattern from 20 through 36 none of them matched patterns 1 through 4 I threw walking barrage pattern 37 into the mission objective in the center of the map it also did not match any other pattern up to this point I documented patterns 1 2 3 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 and 3 7 of north to south throws of walking barrage to me since I had documentation of patterns 1 through 4 if any pattern were to repeat I would see it by comparing it to these four since it took me 10 minutes to reach pattern 20 the fastest time to reach pattern 40 would be 20 minutes leaving 20 minutes for testing I could probably get four throws in during this time frame with all the running around I have to do to spread out the patterns on the map this would get me to the 56th pattern to get to the 60th pattern it would take 30 minutes leaving 10 minutes for testing you can see where this is going the max I could probably get to is pattern number 72 before running out of time the possibility exists for the bearing the player is facing to not be whole numbers even though that is what we can see I theorize that the polygons I've derived for impact locations or constellations have other polygons they rotate around as you increase the pattern number I believe the 380 and 120 barges follow a similar system system except that the player's throw Direction has no impact on the orientation of the pattern there were two more things to test before Calling it Quits on this study do other players orbital strategy calls impact the distribution pattern I see meaning is the pattern count Global across the instance or is it per player we tested the 380 mm barrage K3 through the first strategy pattern one for the 380 as expected I threw the second one p pattern one for the 380 this proves that the distribution pattern is specific to the player and is not Global just to verify everything is working as expected for other players when I'm the host L2 through an orbital EMS strike and then through his 380 pattern Two Perfect it's predictable it wouldn't surprise me if the variability and patterns were applied to every orbital strategy there could be any number of constellations of the walking barrage due to the the fact that I've confirmed at least 37 different distribution patterns for a single throwing Direction since I can predict where shells land within the first distribution pattern of each of the strategems we've studied they are certainly not random Additionally the changes to the distribution pattern that Orient the constellations is also predictable and repeatable so that isn't random either in games where critical strikes are present often times developers will use systems like pseudo random number generators to more or less build up your critical chance as you strike to more evenly spread out critical hits in a true random scenario it's technically possible to get zero Critical Hits forever if the impact locations of these strategems were actually random from time to time people could see something very close to all impacts being on top of each other not an ideal scenario to say the least I don't quite know how deep this Rabbit Hole goes but I do know it's somewhere between 38 distribution patterns and Hell obviously Arrowhead wants to obfuscate patterns and that's really great for gameplay if you look at barges as firing for effect types of tools are the orbital barges difficult to predictably use yes unequivocally so but random they are [Music] not thank you for taking the time out of your day to explore the barrages with me if you enjoyed this video give it a like and if you want to see more content like this please subscribe either or both of these will help me out a lot and with that I'm out [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: cashcrop_
Views: 386,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, basics, how to, how to play, playing, strategy, strategies, best, guide, walkthrough, guides, strat, beginner, beginners guide, beginner's guide, help, tip, trick, tricks, cashcrop, cashcrop_, start, starter, new, player, build, solo, helldivers, test, orbital, walking, barrage, 380, 120, mm, 380mm, 120mm, stratagem, stratagems, testing, geometry, geography, gis, geographic, information, system, systems, map, mapping, random, distribution, game, polygon, point, line, polygons, points, lines, ratio, area, overlap, he, explosion, explosions
Id: JdszYHqeeA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.