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ky's got 461 points kle Kyle I just started recording you got a 461 let me show you how this game is done put in the quter put in the let me show you how this game is done oh he's killing it no I'm not oh uhoh did I do it all I did you did stop don't don't you dare you can't see the screen I'm sorry I'll move over yeah yeah let me just get a little closer just get a little closer no no no no no no a Little Closer no why would it 330 is is my Max so far 3:30 cartoons can you beat 330 come here SC hey buddy hug welcome welcome in where's my hug you want a hug I give you a hug oh my God I got a hug from cartoons all right today we going to this we've been waiting and waiting for us to be a for level 12 level for before we went over to the left went to the SE sector sance sector are we having a sance check uh-huh we are we have not been to either one of these uhoh yep just a little update just a little update over here look we got Angels Angels Venture we already got rid of Heath Angels Venture is 77% so it's almost done almost liberated yeah so the last time I played um we were all like y'all were level five I was level four so there's been a lot of battles happening since I've been gone mhm that's okay hey I've been hibernating and now I'm ready for fight all right let's go do we just go hard cuz we've never been here I'm hard let's go a lot yeah a lot of people were telling me to play on the hard mode because apparently that's when they throw the worst at you yeah no [ __ ] and it's very very difficult retrieve valuable data massive enemies evacuate Sil civilians Oo we never done that no that sounds fun that sounds like we're going to accidentally kill some sound oh we're going to a different planet damn a different a whole different sector that was cool all our ships control complete I saw that I in KN who was it coordinat all right getting the hell pods all right hell pods I'm ready for battle I'm ready for action I'm going down I see you guys down there okay so we got a group of citizens are stranded at emergency evacuation point we cannot leave these Patriots to be massacred by the automations automation want a bet the hell is an automation oh [ __ ] dang we look kind of sick now you don't know what's about to happen at all you don't you don't know what we're about to fight no not not at all um all right I got my four in for a surprise carons where's your damn where's your stuff hey somebody pick the uh I'm picking the Vitality one oh yeah okay okay I was going to say gotcha wor guys gave us all more health I only have four items and you guys have like tons of items mhm only me and cartoons cuz we're the good players what I have the same [ __ ] as you dumbass wish I had a booster I don't have a booster cartoons you're not bringing one thing right now you probably don't need to I'm Pi red outfit I just realized holy hell mhm you probably don't need the machine gun and the rocket to oh never mind that's probably all you can pick huh there's nothing blue though is there yeah you don't need the machine gun and theck Rocket Delirious me why because you can only hold one or the other they're in the same slot uh how do I remove it huh I can't remove it can't be removed you just click on it but all right no you can't remove it yeah he doesn't have another one to fill it so he might as well oh yeah I told you I only have four items yeah oh um I'll do recordist just in case secure the evacuation cuz we don't know in I don't have a clue what these enemies are at all ice this a ice world this is a nice world don't worry them say zero addictive properties sure sure whatever they say yeah paid for by Puma we're going in man hey they far fall this time huh yeah oh this looks sick it looks like that planet in the new Star Wars movie okay here see that ring what is this I didn't see nothing oh my God robots robot robots ho [ __ ] on oh they're easy guys they do toad shot me yeah yeah they got they got Rockets he shot me with a rocket oh these robots are sick by the way oh wait look look look I bet we can throw grenades in these uh in these holes door oh yeah 100% oh yeah what the hell is happening oh my God I don't know what's out here help help who did that I got knocked off [ __ ] there Terminator yo I need help outside where we landed on oh [ __ ] I'm shooting in the back shooting in the back it's dead dead holy [ __ ] there's a lot of them cartoons I'm taking the little ones out little ones out someone we can't call anything in some Walker what the what is Star Wars what the hell is this I killed the big [ __ ] I got knock Down's I think he's R his legs W his legs I'm trying to break the the radar so we can cost in that is so sick get on I'm coming back around God this [ __ ] has a rocket launcher this is sick by the way this is awesome I like this way more than b it even sounds like Star Wars music right now yeah it does ow okay okay well then we may get our radar back soon deactivating it careful be careful be careful and just gu oh I I B destroy destroy it yes nice yeah yeah all right now we can call crap hopefully destroying that radar shut him down in this area oh I'm sing a little bit of a stra over here where to my West Northwest oh he has nier hands that's terrifying uh I'm calling in my machine gun oh yes got crushed by that cartoons I you a little robot dog little doggy robot hey uh actually delious delious come here pick up this backpack guys okay hold on look at this what is that what is happening on the the mount I'm on the mounted machine gun oh yeah yeah yeah okay now that you got that backpack GL watch hit e on my shoulder just tap it so now when I shoot you reload there delious delious he's walking with you there is here I'm here here for a little bit come come back here uh do I automat do I reload this or is it automatic it'll automatic as long as you're attach to me I'll shoot you reload I'll shoot you reload look at this there get on that get on that get on that look check it up but oh yeah there was one on that side what the [ __ ] what Fu [ __ ] you [Laughter] all right our mission you just like walked in view as soon as I got on it mission is on on pink it's that building over there oh yeah ready you know what this this planet sh this planet was um was very populated by by humans and that's where all the raed come from E yes C you pissed him off all right I'm cluster bombing the uh wait a minute at at yeah I'm orbital air strike be careful thr grenade I'm rocket potting another grenade holy [ __ ] go last grenade Walkers are are annoying oh wow you see that [ __ ] robot fly God [ __ ] on just hit me oh [ __ ] we get blasted right by our own boms yeah if you're going to do clusters you got to tell people who did that was that me me I think it was you I think I did call out my cluster though that was a while ago though interet interet um a a device used to communicate between the department of expansion and Colonial overseers SSD delivery B drop bot drop detected does that mean it's like a bug breach where are they dropping right there right there right there right there right there I've C in a here they come here they come look up look up look up look [ __ ] what the hell my God what the hell I'm B of amow reloading I'm reloading reloading going in straight front oh there [ __ ] on destroyed [ __ ] on the guns were good against some robots I got the SSD drive the silent state drive yeah I think I supposed to put it in over here uh where am I supposed to put it in guns that would be sick going resupply activate terminal where the hell is a terminal I think it's up here isn't it there's an anti-tank there's an extra anti-tank over here and look at this a lot of people to you guys East be careful Walker and stuff Walker Texas larious I see I think I see it dude it took forever for the stuff to come in that's why that air thing happened so late [Music] get oh there's a yeah there's a lot there's a lot here's a terminal there it is there it is the teral cartoons [ __ ] the Walker was walking too fast dude uh I'm putting in the co ow shoot his legs out hey there's a mick they have a [ __ ] Mick over yeah the guy came out of the Walker opening SSD hatch call down SSD hatch Ander the Hat I've got the SSD in my hand that's a big boy oh he's dead I shot him is crch we got something here that we got to do yeah I got it right here I'm I'm going insert it reload I hear more robots out there [ __ ] I just monkey reloaded God damn it there's oh my God he sniped me oh I think he had a sniper L the one more code little up little 1 2 3 4 420 69 nice completed mission good job boys easy nice and easy next one marked North yes sir oh God oh God what the hell did he shoot me with I'm rotating out I'm going to directly to the objective I'm out of ammo I think there's a resupply right here and still am you're right you're right you're right can swim across this pretty let me hit that there's an extra one more I need one I definitely need one oh there's no more ammo K you're probably going to drown reloading I'm going to be uh a little bit behind cuz I'm reloading my big ass damn big ass did he drown I would to go that way you're going to drown if you you don't know how to swim apparently not just pretend like I told you you were going to die but you didn't listen it's kind of crazy I was just kind of hoping there was robotic piranhas in that in that Lake there was that's why you know that's why I couldn't swim it was heavy water mhm heavy yeah it's robotic water yep it had uh what they call there little micro bot Nanobots nanobot there you go um I got rocket pods that what is that guys what is that rocket pods uh where do you shoot this one I'm dead instantly I get him guys try he's coming I didn't get him I didn't get him you got to shoot him in the back he's like a brute oh [ __ ] the bomb out fall back fall back a little bit oh he is a big boy he is a big big b big bigy get shoot shoot shoot beat The Hulk we did it we did he's dead he's dead that was a Hulk Buster that's what it was D get on my shoulder okay okay okay okay I'm on oh [ __ ] [ __ ] they shot you're dead you're dead was my friend recall recall is God I got h a rocket oh my God oh my godo on you guys a rocket I'm coming in I'm coming in I was going to drop on their ship dude I'm coming inoc landed cluster bomb on them back up back up oh [ __ ] run I'm dead again just blow through flamethrower what is this what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] got a two dead two dead that's cartoon his dog you picked up my damn dog you took your damn dog back in okay okay okay oh God call for reinforcements stop throwing us in them oh no you did it good look how sick that dog is that dog is so cool I got him in the back dead get him okay okay okay okay okay my damn machine gun bet say hello to my little dog got to shoot him in the back there's a hul on right left oh I got [ __ ] cluster bombing the left side fire oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no this guy [ __ ] back I [ __ ] got again he's dead he's dead he's dead nice he he was after me with a buz saw he was hey we got a bot Factory over here get some grenades in there sir throwing grenade how dare they uh Patrol team on my right North and I see yeah nice hey uh I need someone to get this backpack I I I'll come back but uh whoever had the dog I'm going put the dog down for it okay yeah yeah yeah all right here we go all right reload me uh on the way more Rockets left the shot very scary against these guys nice reload good work that's so sick it's so sick look how Bloody I am God damn D it would take you a a longer time to reload your like it takes me much longer like five full seconds if I wore the backpack oh Doors Break action shotgun oh yeah loot doors watch out oh loot doors nice nice nice nice thought I threw a smoke grenade for a second flamethrower I don't really want it it's probably not that great against them you wouldn't think so you know they have they have plastic wires okay that's true um I don't know why I did that what was those robots doing oh he's got riot shield why did I do that I don't know why I did that ow what happening we're [ __ ] on drop I'm going to orbital strike on them where's the ship where's the ship we don't know one sec yeah we don't know where it's going to land there it is there it is there it is uh damn it went far it I don't know I'm I'm hey back up back up back up I yeed I yeated a cluster bomb way over there get back delious get back get back oh [ __ ] oh my God oh my God don't look at the explosions I almost died I almost everywhere watch out watch out watch out get down get down I'm down I'm down I'm down I'm down okay what the [ __ ] my character is going crazy screaming by the way Cy and squirrel there's another backpack and rocket launcher that y'all can do my bad my bad my bad I thought you I when you kill the at when you kill the at a little robot jumps out of him there's y'all one of y'all get the backpack one of y'all get the back what the [ __ ] is that cluster bomb there's no one there oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] run run the the RO Fu I'm sorry my I'm going to come St you brother yeah there you go oh God God big guy blank that guy he's got a driver yeah yeah that's what I'm saying when you break him driver falls out yo wait a minute kill the driver maybe we can get that right you're right it's possible got got we got got got got next time we see one of those try to try to kill the driver only damn that [ __ ] rocket going in on Big Boy ass yep yep yep good job reload what's happening what is what the hell is happening are we going to um to that to the thing to the far left no we're it's on PING it's behind us it's behind us it's just thing there is a question mark on our map which I don't know what that means but the what I was saying is over there there's another one of those um things we blew up earlier yeah resupply uh resupply do I need anything yeah you need to refill your rockets on your back for one I don't have rockets on my back it's you've been reloading me hav you no I was I just oh you can go get them where they at I I don't I don't know where I have them I have them I'm my back I called in other ones okay I am a bloody mess right now all right resupply I don't need that because the rocket launcher last [Music] reload establish Communications did we find in there uh be sneaky a little bit what is he doing how sneaky can we be why is that robot just chilling don't shoot him see he is big he's a big chunky boy yeah he's he's talking to usus get sh on somebody needs somebody needs to reload yeah I do well You' got the [ __ ] reload tank I don't know why you got the rocket launcher and the reload back I'm I'm double Army I'm a full I'm a onean army all right no when you kill the guy out of the Walker The Walker Falls over oh my God there's a huge there's a huge big guy Kyle get on me get on me get on me okay I'm coming I'm coming coming shoot him in the bat he's down he's down he's down is he I never even saw him he's not down he's not down he's not what is my drone shooting it's going crazy oh they're dropping they dropped right next to us reload please he's got Chaw what the hell there's another bigade at him I threw a grenade at him he's dead he's dead oh God hey kill the kill the driver I already did that [ __ ] this Fall's over oh yeah GG's guys GG's we did it a lot of coming in by me a lot of coming ooh I'm cluster bombing that way Kyle to I'm also doing something that way ow backing is accuracy shoot his legs out shoot the legs out all right we got to activate some terminal find it is it right there I think I see it I'm going for cluster bombs going on I think this is it it looks like a Buton nope doesn't do anything I here's somebody over here shooting get the hell out of here a lot of them we good uh look for a computer we're looking for a computer yep yep reloading so what the civilians in here come on civilians we're going to get you out oh [ __ ] damn somebody just got sniped yeah you Su got my [ __ ] clap a B3 protect me what is that oh my open I'm opening the door civilian stay in there though it's dangerous it's it's so glowy and beautiful in there yeah I want please escort oh we're supposed to escort citizens here oh to there's a there's a there's a there's a there's some over here depress I don't know what this is we had to go inside all the buildings interacting safely guys sa they're going to be comoss he's coming across they're coming across them protect them protect them single fire line single L come on citizens come on citizens go go single F line get inside bad guys I hear bad guys they're close danger close danger close I'm with you there I think there's some here yeah yeah there's a one of those got stun okay nice and they've been stuck for a while right I don't know oh wait is this cilian door over here lot of robots by the civilian door I'm about to I'm about to bring more civilians across the way too from over here come here call anag calling an Eagle Strike guys here comes more civilians go team go team it's safe it's safe it's safe don't worry don't worry good Lord the resupplies everything takes so long to come in it does oh my God I don't think it's safe to escort these civilians oh no I started it oh no I'm coming I'm coming coming coming get down are they running out are they running out they're good body block come on go we the best heroes ever there's get inside oh God oh God oh God uh they're back over here they're back at this door all right I'm coming to you scroll I'm going to open it up I need three more groups opening there get that group reloaded go go go coming they're coming they're coming coming but you guys have three coming that's it we need two more uh you're will probably respawn first hey he got Stu hey he's getting stuck Go sir go go go go go go um two more actually we can lose one oh yeah you're right we yeah let's kill one it's easier to feed them that way all right there one respawn there one respawned oh [ __ ] nice whose turret is that oh somebody got a machine gun turret that was mine that final three don't let thre that down long ago don't let them die oh God big big boys no no no just two of you guys need to get in there safe keep it back flank him get his back there you go shooting there we go nice oh we got him got him boys dead I killed I killed the last one he didn't make it in nice sure didn't want to save too many like yeah don't cross us his eyes are wide open oh and there he goes into the ground um okay extractions over there but we've got we've got a big thing we could close over there or we could no let's just go to the side mission all right P the side I actually love the robots by the way yeah the robots feel better yeah this feels so cool that's a they just s him what the [ __ ] killed me boys oh no didn't the Hulk Bruiser just destroyed need reload reload I'm dead I don't have reload throw me on throw me on the Hulk I land on his no no I'm orbital striking don't throw him on the H I threw him on the hle reload Kyle reload reload you reload you this is bad there's Walkers everywhere I got a there please should be timing it's already coming in here it is okay I think I'm good cluster cluster still B how are you alive what the hell what the hell that out that robot's glitching the [ __ ] out reload we destroyed those robots that was clean Hulk buster one shot at me full health where my guns at oh the rest of us destroy those robots Okay he set me flying the rocket that killed you yeah me too I thought I died yeah I thought you guys you Hulk Bruiser oh I think this is going to be another EMP by the way guys there's going to be a scatter in front of us so yeah probably spin things coming in yeah yeah all right you think we can hold a resupply is it good to reload yeah reload before picking up yeah there's a dog for someone coming in I already got one whoever doesn't have a backpack has never use no but I also got the lmg yeah but it doesn't on your back oh really that I had no idea about that nice got dog we got dogs dogs for days oh right in front of us go Dog go damn holy [ __ ] I'm cluster bombing back up just a little bit yo he had a sword y'all see that I got swords I mean bom don't even did it cartoons did you not Oh I thought you got sent flying no no I saw I I thought it was about to I look all these samples nice nice samples oh they got a rare sample yeah it would be cool if like they dropped their guns and can like hold their arms and stuff Terminator s oh look at this guy he didn't make it sorry you didn't have us to get you there miss both his arms we can't call anything in we can't call anything in that's crazy I hear big bots on the other side of this y oh he was holding a rocket launcher is it this it's right here I'm going to go destroy oh God oh God I need to reload KY on me okay I'm coming back I'll go I'll go tryy reload reload yep what is happening down here oh guys they got this guarded up by the way drop sh drop sh shoot the ship oh [ __ ] I killed a Hulk Hulk Buster I'm going to try getting back back up back up I'm just grenading a bunch Don't Go Near him reloading guys reloading oh [ __ ] I died I did not make it very far in there they alive I can't reinforce you it is oh yeah that's right you guys are on your own here if you all die we're [ __ ] we lose just so you know I broke I broke one of them he's dead he's dead he's dead Okay I I don't have another grenade I I don't have another grenade to destroy this guys I have two grenades I have two all right well I'm trying to get inside and if I get inside I'll I'll destroy it but I got to go up to the terminal though first wait for us C okay uh we have uh we have at ATS behind us this coming in with a small little army I justum yeah climb over the d wall there's a a a robot Factory on me oh my God all right all right you throw it in there hey can you get a grenade in there there I I can't I got it good throw nice throw nice throw nice come on Boom look at that team oh my D run on on I need I need uh my machine gun turret you guys call me in that by the way yep yep I'll call you I'm on fire I'm on fire oh they hurt they hurt they hurt I threw you at people so really hard for you [ __ ] up [ __ ] destroy the turet really they destroyed the [ __ ] turret there want bomb down there don't go down there oh [ __ ] donates donates tun I don't know who what the [ __ ] I'm dead I got killed by cartoon oh God down there don't go down there please try to get your sample back if you remember where it was yeah yeah yeah I know where I died wait why am I down here oh [ __ ] I guess my body flew down here I pass some samples I'm just picking up the samples yeah yep God I picked up your guard dog delious I'm sorry oh you may be able to get it backg all right then you you got cartoons my guard dog is I got I got it you got mine I got somebody oh [ __ ] air drop air drop coming in calling [ __ ] I'm calling orbital God Hulkbuster Hulkbuster hul Buster nice orbital nice orbital squirrel make sure to stay back stay back stay back yep all right we straight from and orbital coming in should be pretty good oh yeah that's nice nice he's tanking that [ __ ] though you got any Rockets left what the hell is happening machine what am I saying I have rocket coming relo coming down on him watch out watch out pretty broken Rockets to the left Rockets to the left cartoons scroll come here grab this rocket scoll grab this rocket grab this rocket grab this rocket I I can't see which is let's shoot here go go go shoot him back I'm trying just keep going number 25 is back [ __ ] why [ __ ] I this is my pod right here this is where I landed kill us this is the resupply I called in for [ __ ] ever ago y'all were standing under it that's all y'all I was called in forever ago I didn't see it we're clear we're clear we're clear is anything oh that's funny it's Kill by cartoon so we just yeah yeah reinforcing and there's a a lot of them and they're all dead nice all right who uh before you pick up this whoever's going to I don't want to crush anyone yeah I don't want was close pick up the recoil backpack before you reload before you get supplies recoil recoiless rifle back pack no no yeah yeah yeah and then just grab a oh my God there's an army coming in guys no one picked it up it's still sitting here Kyle uh okay I'm grabing it now okay I thought you said delirious nice I'm cominger he right here can I stand why am I crouched what is happening [ __ ] he sniped the [ __ ] out of me holy [ __ ] I'm good right now explosion damn damn another B ship where coming in right in front of us pretty far back yeah get on me just in case there's Heavies I'm going to call an anti too I'm calling an anti- mind where the ow they hurt nice I'm throwing an orbital way out there I think we're good we can kill that guy we can kill that guy we can kill that guy okay this is war I'm throwing a cluster bomb down there look look at the Army coming in the Drone Army one second the Min are down low we can s that Army from here dude watch this hang on they're all going to get killed by cluster they're going to get [ __ ] on they're going to get [ __ ] on watch him die watch him die [ __ ] all right uh by the way I'm pinged we're not even on our objective yet no it's this way I'm hanging out only 10 minutes left that's coming in from the side y big big boys coming in from the left we got to move though we got to move oh God yeah they are big boys he the X tr's pretty close to this if we get a flank I'm going to try to get these guys flank okay I got shot in the mouth oh I'm dead dead oh [ __ ] oh God oh God oh God oh God oh no oh no no no no no no no no no oh no no no no no no no alive I'm about D everything man I just lost my gun and [ __ ] come on the hell off of there got him I shot him out of the back [ __ ] oh my God I'm going to die guys I'm burning I'm bur I'm burning don't give up don't give up Never Surrender this [ __ ] I don't want to I'm going to die [ __ ] behind cover grade grenade grenade grenade grenade grenade scroll grenade grenade grenade grenade what the hell is happening I want to go home keep going keep going I'm dead by the way you big suck of [ __ ] get him squel get him finish him it's overheated he did not die from the this whole thing I got to the to the extraction near K2 aren't we going to a oh we just head exraction okay I'm getting my samples back yeah I'm getting my at the Buster and my rocket launcher my back there's a lot of robots towards my sample I don't know if I'm going to be able to drop chip right on top of me drop chip right on top of me oh my god oh [ __ ] bad we may want to actually get to the this is actually bad okay guys I'm I'm throwing I'm throwing oh my throwing a million grenades don't be anywhere near there don't be anywhere near there can someone can someone shoot something on the extract there's so much I'm run I'm just running to there I'm throwing a cluster bomb on the a care there's a Hulk Buster yep it's huge orbital strike on it I'm dead call you you a second dead it's insane I'm running for my life I I I dropped four rare no I'm dead got me those S I think are gone oh no no no no no oh no I got to get recall no it wasn't in with that batch run run run run run run run run run I don't know where to run I don't know where to go I [ __ ] sloted again God damn it big boy big boy big boy big boy no I haven't shot a [ __ ] more than 10 oh my God he's got a flamethrower two dead two dead a [ __ ] flamethrower I died I died there he secured what a throw cartoons thank than there's a guy to your North that [ __ ] me he blew me up from like so yeah I'm alive just hide from your North hide from your North I got one minute I got one minute yeah they have cool down they have cool down on it oh wow running at me [ __ ] wow I didn't know we were out of reinforcements oh yeah do not die don't don't thank some call reinforcement someone has to call reinforcements you mean [ __ ] don't die for it's not worth it it's fine it's finees seconds 45 seconds we got to go we got to run oh my if I would have jumped I bet I'd Die there you can't run too far you got to fight do not be on obj I don't obj I don't want to go there you go you got this serious yeah nice oh oh he's coming he's coming he's mad he's mad he's mad nice reinfor seconds seconds I think I already threw it [ __ ] oh he's going to at You me he's shooting all car has got the extra stay alive squirrel squirrel okay I'm falling back so this do kill me oh [ __ ] oh do not throw us at the robot please yeah please not throw us the robot sh run run oh [ __ ] oh God it it jumped up and bit me in my ass okay okay throw throw reinforcements yeah hang on um please don't die for it don't die for it okay in FL on try to land on him I'll land with you I'll land with you oh [ __ ] oh he's on me he's chasing me I'm going to it's just pushing me to the side get back get back get back to the shuttle where's the shuttle too far we're too far get back to it I had to run I'm getting I'm I'm there I'm there I'm there okay okay nice it's here in 2 minutes you guys have plenty of time I'm dead I'm dead no one minute till we go another one die SC we have no lives left you die I'm going to die I have to St your point cartoons just get away from that big boy man I'm hiding on point I'm hiding on point Big Boy cartoons oh my God squirrel no no no no no no no oh [ __ ] oh squirrel No I see it run other side other side what how much more time do we got oh [ __ ] minutes squirrel I accidentally threw a cluster bomb right on us I brought it got five come on no reinfor one minute one minute reinforcements I got to reload cartoons I got to reload oh my God I got him I got him the H Busters is stalk in your ass big [ __ ] oh godb right behind you climb squ climb run run run run just run around just run around scorpion we got to get close we got to get close I'm going back I'm going back go go go I threw a strike run right on us run don't run get the touchdown carto in the stri I'll be all right I'll be fine around make it make it around in front of you I'm dead oh my God eight more seconds it would have just respawned us automatically right my God it doesn't respawn you automatically it just it did when we play that was hype as hell though holy [ __ ] we still got points so yeah that was so much fun that was a lot of fun so yeah you got to definitely get new loadouts for these guys like there's a lot you got to take cover and play from distance that was fun man yeah that was that was awesome we definitely do that one again right yeah yeah I like that way more than box I level up at all let's see I'm going switch out look at accuracy goes way down as soon as they're shooting back huh 135 KS um someone said friendly fire damage could be the damage that people do do to you yes it is yeah oh oh but no one ever shot me thank you guys I got shot 371 [ __ ] times that's probably me since I have zero I'm probably the one that shot each and everyone I don't I watched you spray Kyle down with a machine gun and somehow I took cartoons did kill me one time so I don't know why that didn't count as friendly fire remember cuz I got hit with his cartoons 200 damage is when he squished me and Kyle with the one pot that was fun that I think I'm going to do this this time I'm unlocking a little Uzi gun Uzi yeah I want to not bring I have the shotgun as my primary cartoon say I want the the sniper one I think yeah I think that's a good idea on this one because the shotgun on this it took out the big eyes F but I just do not want to be in their face to do a lot of damage yeah I'm going to switch these guys it's they're mainly killed by our air strikes and stuff yeah I feel like my gun was melting but I did have the shotgun it did feel like it was doing a lot of damage Armory like the at least the low robots were still like just one shot kill and even those big tankier ones not the Hulk Busters but it boosters when you unlock boosters do you keep them forever and you can just put them on or they they're team shared so if somebody has the booster on you don't have to put it on all right um I'm trying to see if there's any I don't think there's anything I can unlock I can oh I can unlock a Eagle strafing Run yeah yeah I'm buying that all right so now I can do Eagle strafing runs how about the autoc cannon o if I get 4,000 I'll get the eag eagle cluster bomb or the air strike D I didn't level up at all that that that match I guess cuz we we we failed no we got good XP uh all right I'm ready I'm ready for my next my next mission they they sent the they they sent the uh the C team of uh of cartoons Delirious squirel and Kyle down there but now we're they're bringing to 18 I just bought something cool what' you buy a little orbital 380 mm barrage oh that's the big barage right exploding Miss starting I'm purchasing a jet pack no time no time for shopping no time for shopping God damn it you guys just listen we just got our ass Ki squirrel I wanted to shopping all right had who took my [ __ ] oh no one talk my pie never mind we're Landing up here or down there down here don't land without me I we could suggest it but cartoons picks it oh all right I right here water we have to get this and then take it up here let to come back I don't have to do nothing I don't want to do cartoons all right I don't believe about that I don't believe that freedom I believe in Freedom cartoons oh wait so I have a jetpack so I can only have one offensive one Supply and one defensive no you can have as many you want so I can have two okay okay okay yeah there we go ah I'm liking my little setup I am I am good I am glorious amazing okay M I feel like I feel like we we've learned we were so close to winning that were all right don't die a 100 times in the end boys all right we got this let's not die at all guys matter we need butt buddies uh I need Kyle you're my butt buddy against the Hulk Busters can't be anyone's butt buddy okay because I have a jetpack on and I want to use it want me load him up to do that before he tried we damn close assault rfle time so I can shoot look at those damn robots down there let me go ahead and get my uh I think it's so funny how start throwing [ __ ] down uh squirrel go ahead and throw your big massive one at that camp right there all yeah yeah uh but you want to get close like you're going charge it throw it and then come back that's I'm going to throw my cluster bomb as well hey no we want to see this one K this one's the special one I'm throwing my uh my turret in there right now all right I threw it in all come all the way back here Kyle get get your backpack don't grab my backpack that's my Jetpack don't you dare touch my jetpack oh I feel like the Mandalorian now let's go let's go let's go let's go go watch out no back what did we just say run r r [ __ ] right where he was too dude woo look at those explosions is that it oh yeah keep cominging it should be 12 oh really oh my God those are some giant explosions car already D I'm already dying what the [ __ ] hit one of the ships last set oh that was a perfect cluster was that just wow that was mine that was mine little nice yeah that was very nice oh mine hey we [ __ ] smacked that place do we even need to go there or was that just our f I think it's just for fun they just right here we were we were angry we are practicing honestly we're warming upan actually no that was our objective nice hey we got some lightsaber sons of [ __ ] to the right you like that y they don't they don't even know what the hell they're doing oh [ __ ] I just got sniped guys going in got sniped again democracy guys democracy the jetpack takes forever to recharge oh guys here uh scroll I think you're going have to adjust this or someone whoever's me cartoons one of the adjust radar things is it no no it's it's a tube that you're you're doing something then we're going to put something in this box the hard drive or whatever oh okay okay okay this rocket pod should destroy this Factory let's see re mean the whole building right here yeah yeah [ __ ] let's see if it does nice oh nice I like how these robots are hiding behind rocks what the hell that's another Factor we need to take out going down to it uhoh your hard drive I'm going to throw my Eagle strafing over there at it I'm sorry I blew it up that's that's that's why oh God I've got to carry this some [ __ ] with one hand to get better down we about to fight transport to Communications relay which is where where's commun dri SSD up top right us is this where we go deliver the thing there it's really far isn't it uh it's not marked on my map it's like not gray anymore it's not it's not it's gray for me yeah it's for me too like instead of blue for some reason nasty green stuff just spit at me yeah good your you can uh you can use it to like deviate or not deviate but like hide yourself from uh I'm not 100% of this is where we're supposed to yeah I don't think we collect it did we finish it yeah it's in my hands true I swear to communication but I don't know if it if the communication relay was up here I don't think it is I don't this is what we it's not blue that orange shiny thing going through the sky I'm cluster bombing a group of dick balls over there yeah there is a shiny weird light over there is that where it's supposed to go yeah what is this [ __ ] bomb Jesus Christ what I'm going to throw mine did you get a cartoon did they give you the right thing over there oh you didn't make it yet two one here come strafing bomb oh [ __ ] oh nice dude they can't shoot you through the I'm going back up here to look just one more time I can't see anything oh I dropped the goddamn thing don't we are we going to Green it's over here it's over here what is this what what is this shining in the sky right here what is this interact whoa Super credits just found super crit did you pick him up I don't really know what that means that means they gave us all super credits Just sh to like buy SK and stuff some samples there's extra ammo right here more samples he just put a flare into the sky oh [ __ ] that's on me what is that was that me play the Bots are going to come in oh yeah yeah yeah drop sh drop sh drop sh air bir strike going on the job strip be careful yeah same I threw a run on there too Kyle run away from point I am I'm running no don't go there Kyle don't go there that was such a good shot yeah that was a good hit I was going on our point where we need to go done they're done to clear it off this is sick uh guys don't go don't go to obj don't go to obj wait we're not oh [ __ ] ow that was danger close it's my big one yeah's in it oh it it it keeps going it's not okay there's more there's two more STS me I'm fine I'm fine take one more and then you're good oh you're good now you're good just you know that was just for the real war experience right there yeah right I turned the terminal on nice this is where I got to put this nice we go I got to flip the switch use terminal to raise a satellite tower there you go all right I'm going go ahead and get this in cuz I'm somebody needs it I need itad I can use it did it 2% 5% watch out there's a thing about to drop on us there's a t there's a t West get [ __ ] out Rockets kle get to me get to me quick quick I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm going to start spraying down the low Army it's two of them one Direct Hit reload oh [ __ ] I'm coming I'm com quick reloading you firing reload firing reload firing oh God reload reload reload reload reloading reloaded reloaded reloaded healing okay I can't see we're going to wait a second get some more to right us they're coming behind they're coming behind [ __ ] sh I got him got him got him got you oh [ __ ] get some threein for threein for I can't I can't I can't they're coming oh my god oh I got reload they broke out covering they with the cover I jumped down I jumped down me too I fell by this I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to oh good thank you thank you thank you for the cover I gra that sample tsaw man I got you got you got tank the Tank's about to destroy me oh no oh no oh a no throw your Stu on it I don't have my big orbital yet for another two minutes ni rocket oh my I went so far I went so [ __ ] far I got Eagle Rockets throwing in [ __ ] I'm going to die I'm going to die back up back up take the side take side take off both sides left and right left and right just back up my character's glitched my character's glitched a bot drop is coming in back up back up back up what the [ __ ] is happening left side left side tank is dead left side tank is dead finally I'm going up high I'm grabbing The High Ground fall back fall back GL up here go around up the mountain cluster cluster cluster bomb cluster bomb coming in what the [ __ ] they me that they ripped me apart I got you SC okay okay is that tank still alive the right one is yes all right I'm throwing an or strike on his ass right now I'm going to throw another Eagle Strike on and I got there's two there's two tanks that way back up back up just in case I'm try get my AR I'm going to try oh my God take it out I'm alive I got hit but I'm alive dead it's dead damn nice you said you can reload me you can reload me reload me reload me reload me nice last one that's my last I I I need third tank thir tank tank here I have more I have more hang hang on just try this I'm TR to find my stop six grenades all right C there's some Walkers coming in Walkers coming in he's dead he exploded nice oh T coming in there's an army there's an army coming in Army coming in I'm shooting this right guy over here two seconds I'm going to call my orbital my big orbital we're going to need we're going to need to back out I'm going to throw a far far as you can it's it's not that far but it's far uh the tower's right behind us here I can turn it right now let's do it um I'll go look at the thing you can kind of hear it squirrel when you're turning it okay oh God not like this not like this almost there y keep going squirrel tell me watch out trying to hear it D come to me come up here there's a dog for you I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming are you K2 no you're not K2 good you're good they're they're right behind me they're right behind me they're right behind I got it I got your cover I got your cover still going off the whole time all right I'm up here finally all right resupply coming in between us okay nice I think or did somebody else just res why did it bounce down there what the [ __ ] oh yeah bounc up mine bounced off this metal floor too okay um uploading data super birth nice nice nice nice the 30 minutes 20 time did not mean to throw that down there whatever due to the hazard the current POS posting all soldiers and approved domestic family units uh following Mission okay whatever very interesting yeah very interesting um reinfor okay p on Rockets yep okay there's another recoil this right here if you want one for yourself whoa where the [ __ ] did these guys come from throw a cluster bomb on them reloading this guy he threw a grenade watch out dive Cy i j the water I [ __ ] got scared Andy where are we going hey I got to type in a 12 digigit sequence woo oh [ __ ] we're still here that was fun nice nice now we can Evac recoiless rifle you want to do the side missions right now then um yeah let's go to let's let's hit that one we got time we got plenty of time yeah see one there's a there's a brute in front of me a Hulkbuster okay where oh I see him KY attacher relo oh your head's in the way I can't see what the [ __ ] let me stand up I threw in a eagle Direct Hit reload nice I think that was way too short oh D oh my God he went through him nice he's dead he's no legs look at him walking no legs that's so funny that was sick there's a hey there's a fresh backpack okay where is it um is it way back it's just right there okay there's a fresh backpack for full of and there's another rocket launcher if you want light on the left is that where we're going no that's the extraction we're going to they see the blue at the top of our Compass right now looks like a tower uh yeah yeah I'm going there at the bottom you good oh God C they flared yeah they're uh shoot the driver don't Sho yeah that s just [ __ ] him just [ __ ] him why shooting his legs uh there's that thing right here we can open hold on I think there's uh some resources down here oh yeah look at those samples I got a lot of samples there's a small thing here we might could get some samples or something out of I can't hit the driver see I can't shoot the driver I'm going to go around flank the driver oh [ __ ] got him they flank driver dead driver dead getting the other guy to look at me he's he's looking at me oh [ __ ] he's looking at me I got him I got him one second I'm turning I'm throwing grenade at these this group I got him okay I got the sample I got the I got two samples two extra samples nice driver's down all right converge Rob us to our right try to not ra come touch this door Delirious door yeah they're already ago they're already ago Cal let's flank this walker I'm moving hard left I'm moving hard left I got him got him I'm shooting shooting his buddies behind him lasers just shreding the hell's in there a little bit of loot we're going to get some medals some super credits there there's extra grenades down here if you guys need grenades oops I just healed you you're welcome you were left can you grab those no for some reason I can't I got a lot of ammo cartoons okay up here if you need it there's a lot of [ __ ] too God damn oh [ __ ] I th my teammate I got [ __ ] there's a lot coming up from holy [ __ ] he just fall back squirrel cluster bombs fall backer the cluster the dogs are shooting us oh my god there so many the to got me I was trying to run I was right behind or I got drilled by your drone one of the two I don't know one of them hit me with the Flaming sword they sneak up on you these robots dude they really do cartoons you [ __ ] knock yourself down smoke guys I landed in our [ __ ] rock ow reloading I'm reloading I'm reloading I'm reloading time to reload where you at squirrel I'm inside the rock what oh my godbuster I can see through but I can't get out where's the H buster right yes I can hit him at least I'm helping you guys I'm trying to kill you oh nice it worked holy [ __ ] I'm flying right here right here right here holy hell why sh right Shi guy Grenade on the riot shield Grenade on the right Shield Grenade on the walk close the bomb out close the bomb out K I need you there's a there's a hul buster I'm coming I'm coming to you I'm coming to youing one all right firing reloading in a second I'm throwing a straing run straight on his ass my back on his you didn't go pick it up no no I couldn't it's so far I'll go I'll try one sec okay he's I got his argro y just shoot him in the back there you go there you go nice he's still alive he's still Alive's still alive oh he is that dude is insane what he he I'm going to get my back guys don't look at that man okay okay hey cover KY he's got to go recover his backpack I grabbed scroll you got my backpack yeah I'll be right back damn it another one this is insane here I'm going to I'm going to get close enough to throw a grenade in this [ __ ] hang on no no I got it with the uh with the rocket oh [ __ ] ow dude there's so many over here I'm running back to you guys I'm on my way oh they got me dude I shot him and he blew up G there's a guys coming to my rocket coming in my Southwest good sh I got you I got you ow [ __ ] there's turrets right here that we might yeah yeah there's turrets all over the place right here up on them I got to get scr back reinforcing here I'll come fight with you a lot oh [ __ ] a lot of enemies coming lot of enemies coming [ __ ] um one second watch this what do I want to do you guys I got him I got him oh my God oh my God oh my God not like this not like this I'm out of ammo I'm out of ammo need help on the back all right I'm comad front oh [ __ ] [ __ ] help help help I'm with you I'm with you oh my [ __ ] Custer they just dropped they just dropped I'm clustering watch out fall back keep falling back keep falling back we're running toward more but it's fine right behind us oh my [ __ ] Christ run run run no the rock thank you you I'm on fire I'm fire I'm on fire no more Sims I have no more Sims I have no more Sims I have four health I have like one Health please please please shoot him shoot him shoot him please what is please please please turn reloading keep running keep running keep running keep running I got you on the left on the left CL I got K by on the [ __ ] left run run I'm pushing more I'm pushing toward am the ammo we called in I'm calling my big [ __ ] all right I thre a sry down oh no there's a hul buster there's a hul buster there's a h right on your ass yeah thanks Kyle thanks Kyle wasn't Meers I just I just did the strike over there just did the strike over there big strike calling them back in call them in behind us though oh [ __ ] no there's we got to keep going there's more there's more there's more bad things there's more bad things coming Crush theak Busters if you can there's more I'm dead I'm dead no got e bomb he's on your ass he's trying to burn you Kyle he's trying to burn you [ __ ] I'm running I'm leaving just run just run just run don't land on squirrel don't land on squirrel who is dead two is dead I think I can call you guys then oh my God that was you should have just yeed us further what the hell only one Hulk buster youup one hul we could do that I was I was like it wasn't I tried I miss I miss you guys should be behind him you guys should be behind him you guys should be able to kill him all right he's dead he's dead he there another Army Now by me you just ran to another Army go the extraction go to the extraction go to the EXT toward cartoons go towards car I'm going towards the extraction like this world is covered I'm going to die Kyle turn around shoot turn around shoot what just run no yeah but they were really close that's what I'm saying okay okay okay okay drop drop [ __ ] just went near between cartoons there's a drop [ __ ] on you I don't have my backpack anymore I I I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine relax oh my God I'm straight up running to the track look at that Army over there to the right Kyle yeah yeah that's not that's tough ow oh that was that got me oh [ __ ] they're all after you cartoons there's a giant army toward you I'm I'm shooting my cluster over there cartoons once I F it's fine don't worry about me I'm good I'm good okay yes cluster's coming in I'm almost there it's be going to your West cartoons be careful I did not get that close enough um oh my god um I think did not kill any of them supp this [ __ ] Walker has been chasing me forever oh [ __ ] reloading nice there you go I got it I keep C reloading they finally I think lost me oh no I keep burning these [ __ ] jackass I I'm dead [ __ ] is still on me bro they just burn burn burn burn burn I just got assaulted man I got assassinated I am down I am so down right now thank you SC nice nice nice nice are you wrapping back around towards actra door yeah yeah [ __ ] the other Mission we got to go all right all right then I'm going to head out that way and start clearing the way then supp I was trying so hard to destroy that thing I was trying to get a grenade in that thing to destroy it do that um um um um um my stuff real quick while we can that was a fall on war and leaving is going to be hard again I bet yeah I'm try calling anti be good no you should probably wait CLE out the area then we can yeah I'm pick up the dog yeah got it I should take out that little I should take that out yes let's go nice get it turret get it get it get itad all right let's start clearing the extract cartoons when we get the a can you order me a backpack for you those tank pitches are definitely going to come yeah yes I can yes hey buddy [ __ ] out of there found something all right when uh cartoons gets in here throw the the mine [ __ ] somewhere too yeah I'm going to wait so you guys hear the yeah do anything threw a grenade he threw a [ __ ] grenade at me Fu the jet Pack's so ass yeah dude it it's like a [ __ ] fake jet it's not going to let you fight it's just yeah I I don't think you could barely yeah you can barely even jump up on buildings with it it's doesn't let you jump once you have it on you can't jump God oh God this guy's [ __ ] my ass you can never jump regularly anyways I'm good I'm good I'm good you can like go over things SC you can you can't jump it's good for jumping over um it's it's still just hard the big tanks the Chargers oh that's yeah that's true I'm working my way on top of this building we need setes yeah go ahead get set up I was going to wait I have I want put my line I have uh I have some kind of laser sniper I've never used this before hey coming in on y''s left here Northwest oh [ __ ] I'm calling in the backpack yeah I'm throwing it toward walk coming in I'm doing Minefield here East or Southeast yeah Minefield here guys okay um I'mma call in a res no we're I'm in it from Rupp plot I got my big bomb I'm going go ahead and call cuz it's 4 minutes y y do it that's fine we got a Hulkbuster coming in all right I got your thing ready AR Busters actually I that's my my mindi over there you die uh we got a big group coming in on our west west side west side west side God big group coming in on the northeast side I'm calling my orbital air I thre my cluster on the on the on the West side Northwest side Lots on the East Lun really easy to team kill with so be sure no no I'm dead doing what the [ __ ] I'm already dead guys my side's being overran God damn it Everything Burns me in this [ __ ] I'm getting high ground up here I'm getting my building got knocked down and I just got I got you back yeah reinforce oh my God they just they just oh my God hey get get out of obj I'm close to bombing close to bomb danger close Retreat to me come this way this way this way I'm dead again I'm dead again I got blown up by a barrel that was about to say I can call my big strike two Hulk Busters on point if you recall I can call my big strike on oh my God God this guy [ __ ] suicided himself again on two dead this gun too far away right now just you know 10 seconds to get close oh [ __ ] sh sh [ __ ] get close get close I got to run toward this [ __ ] Hulkbuster got somebody call reinforcements I thre it I threw it on the H Buster kill it please no [ __ ] I'm dead damn it coming this reinforce I don't know if you did did you walk into the Kyle like I didn't see the Hulk B I don't know man I was just Min I didn't see either oh God I'm out I exploded everywhere shoot my big bomb my big bomb's thrown out probably my mind oh [ __ ] we need to back up we need to back up they're everywhere oh my God cartoons there's a we 2 minutes and 40 seconds 2 minutes to 40 seconds guys dude I'm going to die again I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm getting blasted all around reinforcement uh I just got smacked in the back of the head shut I got to get close I got to get close there's a tank on my dead body holy hell my my bombs are coming in at least it's actually not great hopefully don't get killed by my bombs oh my goodness that so down oh my God no we got to we have to get in we have respawns Land close Land close Land close tank land on the tank land on the tank we didn't missed it we [ __ ] missed it seconds 8 seconds we have to charge I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here good we're here we're here one must to dead one dead he's going to die there's a tank there's the tank I throw an orbital strike on the tank get away from the tank get away from the tank call me in if you can dude what call you in call you in call me in call is in this is the last reinforcement the last one what do we do we're just surviving for 11 seconds guys I can't get back to point I can't get back to point I tried to Land close I tried to Land close they're shooting me in my it didn't let me come in it didn't let me come in okay defend traction Zone 10 2 minutes one I want to go back up because we left [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no please please please please please [ __ ] this is insane I'm is running his ass off I can't even spectate him a minute yeah I'm just watching from my dead body like what happened why did they get so agoy another drop just two drop shs just dropped cartoons I'm not going to make it I'm close bom don't you [ __ ] try to flank me [ __ ] survive one minute you can call us in one minute for reinforcements there's no way I there's no way I'll survive that I got to run the Tank's on me I'm not going to make it no cartoons died squirrel you have to make it for a minute 50 seconds [ __ ] 50 seconds I'm out of stairs boys 45 seconds no get behind a ro shut AB boarding [ __ ] the shut up [ __ ] the shut up no oh my God it so hard that's insane holy [ __ ] it from zero to 100 yeah that's insane woo it is fun though man it's fun look at them they they just still fighting at least we they don't give a damn if we survive we're Expendable yeah we are watching cartoons up in my room watching cartoons up in my room yeah watching cartoons up in my room watching cartoons up in my room yeah watching cartoons up in my room watching cartoons up in my room yeah watching cartoons up in my room
Channel: CaRtOoNz
Views: 895,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cart0onz, cartoonz, cartoons, funny moments, let's play, cartoonz face reveal, cartoonz crew, cartoonz crew song, cartoonz crew junior, toonz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 50sec (4490 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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