Star Citizen: The WAR for JUMPTOWN

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It was quite jarring to me when ships disappeared seconds after exploding after playing 3.18 on ptu.

The soft death, PES and the cargo refactor which all seem so natural after just a few days of playing with them adds so much to the gameplay experience.

If this video was 3.18 ships would have stayed after being disabled/ in soft death state, littering the ground all around JT creating cover for everyone.

Also the cargo they had stays too so you can board them and steal it. The catch is people can be alive in the ship and you would have to fight your way in.

Can simply not wait for 3.18 to go live for everyone.

👍︎︎ 228 👤︎︎ u/Gorash 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

He finally got his Parakeet!

👍︎︎ 76 👤︎︎ u/loversama 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

This video was really great, didn't even feel like 45 minutes. BedBanans has a awesome story format that feels nerdy yet engaging haha. It also really shows off the amount of chaos that can ensue when there is a place of contention for players to converge on. CIG could easily make more of these types of events take place, but I feel it will be a long time before we get even better POIs other than jumptown. Those huge underground facilities at citcon would be godly for JT.

👍︎︎ 92 👤︎︎ u/Khailz 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

Wake up babe, new bedbananas dropped

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/SolarCoaster_ 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

Another banger from BedBananas. We're getting there folks. If they can pull this off and get the content in and jank out this game will be absolutely huge.

👍︎︎ 135 👤︎︎ u/Hanzo581 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

No way....


👍︎︎ 69 👤︎︎ u/The5starz 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

CHRISTMAS CAME WITH A BANG. lots of bangs...

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/DannyDog68 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

This is a throwback. These are the guys who got me into Star Citizen. Went out and built a pc just for it haha

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/dangerkali 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

Moment of silence for the guy that gets four hours and spends it at Jumptown.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2022 🗫︎ replies
let me set the stage for you woman I'm stuck into these city streets I've never sold Carter the only thing to my name is I classic patchwad took every single one of my credits even after all this time still at Square One sounds like you have nothing to lose you really think this plant gave me my first fighter pull this off you might be able to buy two see you in a bit well I'll be damned fan of a [ __ ] let's hear it all right so here's what I'm thinking there's a production facility called jump town creates this stuff called maze it's worth its weight in gold those who control the flow can make millions usually large orgs take it over look they're tight I think with the right team we can get in there take our cut of the pie you win of course I'm in all right you know what you take the trend I'm gonna take another way I'll meet you there all right it's here oh [Music] leaving [Music] huh [Music] hey lemon look up hey what's up damn thanks man how are you doing up there when you're as broke as me you gotta can't pay the tickets oh my God did I hit a sign or something it's gonna say wondering because there was a side of him an armor set free in the back you certain we'll survive or we're dropping on this planet certain enough I hope so I'm coming in all right red light approaching the Drop Zone heading down to the hangar we are on cruise control I'm gonna get in turret I'm gonna blow up something mid orbit drop all right are you ready yeah I'm ready 20 27k this is tank ready to drop all right I'm gonna hook back up the ballista in three two one we're going in oh God I see it coming out the back now all right sci-fi here we go cranking of power enter into remote turret [Music] I can't believe I got a view of that oh my god do you need this Looney Tunes thing coming in on the drop side boys let us know what you see I think you're a bit heavier than us yeah you're definitely heavier than us we're gonna hit right on the gun very nice oh God we're on the ground we're on the deck this works in our favor so far I'm gonna get a kill mid orbit drop yeah you you probably are to be honest oh yep that bed we have a contact behind us behind us 3K oh it just disappeared oh it's it's the Scorpius walking on plastic dude he won't even see it coming good launch good launch we see it from the ground dude they contacted can't see it's still flying it's traveling it looks complete oh killed he tried he dropped out of radar range but I saw the explosion physically like you got him he was so confused too anti-air in the air it's an orbit truck walking onto consolation Phoenix is that on the ground no it's in the air hit it with a big one yeah it's completely idle yeah not kill no kill Fine Again that should do it if you target that Redeemer it's down after kill where's the Redeemer nice just below that should I use a size seven or yeah go for size seven and everything you get we're about to hit the ground [Music] in fact that one counts nice come on please oh no oh no chase it damn that was so close there was the explosion from the decoy that was so cool though right before we missed the grid all right we are on the ground and rolling towards the facility slouching bad you cool man huh yeah it just feels so good after those kills he just goes oh yeah the endorphins are kicking all right well I'm glad your tank boards as a drop pod by Tank we landed directly on the gun completely destroyed we did two flips and then so at the very least till oh wait Thursday there's a whole fight going on right now yeah we can take advantage of that they're distracted yeah we are uh 1300 out suffer you just want to take over chart for now yeah I could I'm gonna go join ground crew it was a pleasure good luck all right I'm gonna try to sink as many as I can with the three minutes he's down right now which makes me think you think that one is the big Target I think because he's constantly looking for ground yeah he's doing it right now I'm actually going to get in the missile turret and blast him you're so close I don't think he'd even have time to react yeah I like it do it he won't have time to react to this firing now impact but he's hurt oh he looks his days he's like oh what the hell I can't see [ __ ] wait is it is it dropping did we take out an engine sci-fi sci-fi I think it's is he going down he's gonna impact he's going down it impacted the ground oh he's dead he's dead yes nice there's a Nova tank up on that Hill though do you see that the Vandal blade right above him we took him down that was awesome dude you look completely depowered him oh yeah take oh dude watch your tanks two tanks on the Ridgeline two Nova tanks on that Ridgeline oh God give me on this one we're looking towards us but I'm disguised like the enemy man yeah we do I don't know which group this is thanks oh my God we'll see you in there oh list on the uh front Mountain the tall one dude this is an insanely big org uh yeah oh yeah I see it wow this is two tanks of ballista wait Redeemer on every direction this org is here Hercules is coming in for landing I'm getting shot at oh yeah you're dead still alive I'm in capacity there's a infantry coming out to kill Scythe right now size nine yeah missile just the uh Hercules just had to strafe it oh look at all the missiles it's popping off let's go let's go now let's go now okay whoa look at me oh my God look at those missiles there's the Splinter missiles behind us that's that's uh missiles from the Nova tanks yeah there's a whole war going on above us dude it's a lot of dudes around fireworks though dude oh on the ground like like at least three yeah in the facility you shoot if you can kill them he's on the right they're on the right there's one in the ballista kill him before the gun turret we killed each other I'm incapacitated Nova tanks are probably gonna be alerted and start bombarding us I'm watching them they're not they're not reacting really weird they're looking for like Landing [ __ ] their communication is weird because the dude's down in the middle they should be rolling on this room Hercules coming in let's get close to the facility so we can start using cover oh incoming Redeemer fire [ __ ] I'm gonna just should I cycle in this could be bad if we don't get in soon but yeah yeah I mean there's about to fire into the door yeah I'm cycling in [ __ ] fired up and I'm strafing it all off I'm in the middle of the door the door is open The Harbinger Redeemer abanu Defender uh another fighter and a C2 all looking for you this is probably it the people in the C2 have the mission active they're just their Search Group abandon the mission if you have it now I just thought there's three people in the C2 three in the C2 yeah they're using the turrets and the bus and two Nova tanks and the Redeemer yeah this is definitely the biggest store I've ever seen to take over jump test they're Landing the C2 stay behind the pillar crispy sure that C2 doesn't see you c2's on the ground I'm gonna try to get inside it as they ramp down okay okay uh infantry coming out of the C2 right towards you guys infantry's on the way I'm coming in Fair support I see you I see some got one you're on the ramp woman yeah I'm going in okay four killed him watch out crispy to find directly at you I'm firing from above got one they got the Gunner Gunner stand too all right pushing C2 with lemon being fired up go back to the facility Christmas all right I have the C2 should I self-destruct and run I'm gonna do that okay wait that's gonna be a huge explosion though you should be fine if you're inside the facility all I know is that's what I'm doing now because I'm gonna die either way Nova tanks are pushing up there's two [ __ ] ships around me self-destructible activated get some distance I'm going out now crispy so you see a window to get away from the facility away from that C2 you should use it God help us run I'm going for it [Music] kill them all of them I'm hoping [Music] yes draw there [ __ ] three ships down three try your best to secure the facility it's trying to blow me up onto the facility me too I'm coming in with life they want money survived yeah I wish we had a gun on the ground just in front of me hold I'm I'm gonna re-arm I'm gonna be back in the fight I killed one ten bullets oh this is our time tank is circling the opposite side of you now Ben it's gonna come to your side soon all right rotating it's on your side now raise yourself after this is crispy take some background before killed that guy fired main gun the wind is actually ruining me okay [Music] I'm running out away from the facility now into the dark yeah I'm out here too all we need is some air support for the tank they have no fighter cover right now the defensible coming in on you guys we are incredible We Are Monsters I feel like a Navy SEAL bro holy yes they're all here freaking using the claim key husks loot the facility there might be a grenade launcher or something in there there's definitely people inside the fighters that Phoebe was fighting are coming back yeah we have a Gladius searching the ground now it's flying right over me if it's Vigilant it'll see me he definitely saw me I think oh wait no he's shooting something how could you not have seen me when we die it was worth it yeah I don't feel good about my chances right now I'm gonna try to get in before this that's a saber that's what it is he's right above me Rockets oh something's down that's that's the Vanguard that's down he's turning away to fight it yes yes yes save save by the missile dude we're about well if a surprise about 30 seconds okay bring it in this oh my God hurricane so that hurricane isn't Landing it's looking under the facility for crispy it's like gonna look in the container it found crispy no no no maybe not crispy's down even enough to disable this tank would be incredible cheese what the seven shots purpose dead Corp is dead it's more than it's more than six Fighters it is like a fleet like it is a massive group yeah I don't there's sci-fi sniper whoa good kill Nice kill sci-fi did I get him yeah you got your bullet up thank you so we're gonna go we should go now but should we get under the you want to let's go I think your best chance yeah thanks looking away all fighters gone moving in wait the turrets for the tank we used the facility turns for the tank I think we need to get to the facility okay fine remember I saw somebody outside scanning underneath I hear the moving cargo crotch up in this door it's freaking wind making you not being able to move there's a guy drop them Sentry's down all right I need his ammo don't actually I'm out of I'm out of flares all right I'm loaded all right let's go take something around cycle as soon as you get in so long boys he's down cycle cycle cycling reload back change it's down I'm gonna Bridge left I know reloading right room clear it's like we got them all we're in we're [ __ ] we are in let's go hey nice very good clearing this room oh okay I'm oh look at this drug haul I'm dead finally oh you know what at least we can say we gotta see what it looks like in here you know yeah I'm gonna look for uh Med pens in the crates watch the door yeah I got a gun back here oh my God we can take out the tank look I can I can type to them I say hey we'll blow up your drugs if you you can have the facility pay a 600k and we'll give the facility back a number of the drugs yeah yeah all right I got the rail gun hold my ground there for a good while [Music] okay and we don't destroy all drugs in the facility including the airlock he says jumptown org he's not gonna pay it was worth a shot I get it yeah he's still up six ships I'm gonna do a bed I'm gonna I'm I've been wanting to do this for a while what I'm gonna burn my drugs yeah burn them it's cycling cycling I'm taking laughing yeah like a railgun yeah if you're an absolute psycho no I shouldn't they should yeah try it you know what we're not getting out of here alive so we're going to Valhalla for this one hell yeah brother I wouldn't want to be with anybody else my brother in arms they're gonna group try to reach us the explosive would be enough to even though exactly that's what I'm hoping you know what you know why they hesitated shoes when we breached my man was wearing their outfit somehow still alive because charge hit him one down damn I'm down I am awesome good fight brother good fight great run that was an awesome run yeah we can't complain if that's how far we can go against those odds I gotta try again oh yeah I'm gonna get my next set again you can see the facility everyone just light up all the ships on the ground it's gonna be an absolute Slaughter all right the central is parked there's a um origin um shooting before yeah the 400 I he that there's somebody in the 400i [Music] he's hiding at the facility this is a stressful amount of money yeah it's a lot of money out here all right sci-fi I think uh take this load all right no maybe you should bail out I don't know what else is finding us right now all right closing the exterior and I'm bailing okay good luck that's that's the first wave out you help should be 2 million just look at it'll wait outside the facility okay there's two redeemer's here they really wanted to up their game huh do you think I can steal his Redeemer yeah all right he's at the door I'm gonna kill him got him I got him he's down [Music] I'm on their ship laughs all right he's dead nice commentary [ __ ] I'm getting in Pilot seat they're shooting at their ship taking off [Music] godspeed that's one Redeemer down Shield's critical nicely done brother nicely done hey I'm here with Corpus Gunner all right let's engage one down all right all right come back on the Redeemer okay you're going too fast we can't help you we're both focusing Redeemer I've got some good shots on oh I almost crashed in the ground this thing's about to blow I'm gonna self-destruct on their ship if it's landed all right we're two minutes out time to crash bed what's up to shark engaged you just rest go go go go go it killed me the self-destruct damage their engines it sent them flying like I see them spinning out of control crashing like a 100 yards away they're writing in chat right now they said GG's yeah banana and cold we are we are out yeah that was some great flying stealing Our Redeemer was a hell of a play go back to the operation you're covered in snow password is space drugs 925 okay oh my God it's it's like a couple mil it looks like a floating one hit him in there all right almost to the cell point yeah Bissell do yeah I think this will get us a couple space drugs moving to production facility Steel harbinger someone said please don't blow up the Nomad please I get four hours to play this game please anyone was outside I see two people in there based on the markers yep [Music] all right we're off foreign got him I got him right facility's secure oh we got an incoming A2 that's a problem see ya what's an A2 that's the boss I'm dead laughs we get two in one lunch whenever you feel like it should have gave me a nice little kick when I jumped out all right I'm dropping landed on my way to the facility all right I'm going for it I'm gonna hide [Music] in the front of his cockpit right when he's ready to leave it's way in the back does someone want to type in chat I'm about to A2 jump town is about to be super safe I'm hiding in the bunk bed of a ship waiting for him to load a whole cargo I'm gonna try to kill him at flight quit are they taking off getting out of the bed she's doing the slowest animation to get out of the bed [Music] killed him I would sweep the rest of the ship just really sure all right [Music] oh you got incoming out [Music] we did it yes yes all right where where am I selling this I haven't gone crime set yet because I am assumed we are passing overhead now you have your window now going on my way about when some people start moving somebody's outside the airlock okay I'm gonna force him to cycle wait okay are you cycling he's crying I killed him I killed him pulling away 890s jump just suddenly Star Destroyers over me who's bringing the [ __ ] yacht out yeah foreign opening [Music] oh it's dead oh my God oh my God I meant shoot him man no it's the troop transport like version of the poster Group Transport the spark on us they got the SWAT team coming in get ready I'm gonna go get in the minigun yeah to hit the minigun on the roof it might be the one chance it's actually amazingly good here oh I see the EPC yeah yeah get his ass yeah they're falling back up to the front uh wait they're pulling right up whoa he's down all right God you were clean with the stacking but I've been here before right you know you're fine holy go go go wait I have some kind of ramp I gotta pull away from the building these blades are looking for me there it is I see it engaging no don't you die at me I'm too tired you scared him into each other the goddamn Batman okay we'll do another 20 float up there look crispy you coming hell yeah I can't switch between uh this is like Hannibal woman you know I never expected the elephant to yeah get across the mountain thank you thank you skill terrible now oh my God there's so many ships down there is your Cannon have enough depression for I mean everybody is the best Target uh let's drive right here if you just see this little slant right here yeah now I should or I do okay targeting Redeemer our turret's good here crispy best action overhead hit it hit [Music] pirate araxa crispy hit it again head please stop moving I I okay it's gonna shoot back again hit again it's too high up yeah just chilling's broken hit it with the balloon shot fun coming hit it with another one there's a there's another one called uh Chili's shooting at us from where it's coming from all right bed cut auto drive on and we're downhill because we've got it we don't we don't have a gun it's twisting I just got two ships down I might go down for this I just took out two ships but I'm out I'm in Captain I'm in kept I can get you me and crispy are on the ground they're chasing the they're chasing the tank they don't see us okay both the Redeemer and the other ship that we're chased together dead back on your feet Soldier oh my God I'm slipping down the hill slipping I'm gonna pull us into a safer spot here crispy I got a cheer through me [ __ ] leg the tank is 200 meters away and they're still shooting let's lay low yeah yeah get over here all right I'm I'm gonna have to bring in the ballista towards the facility because uh I'm out of this okay do you want us to come pick you up as well or no oh God they're looking they're looking I'm just gonna move in and try to kill people on the ground with the uh gatlings I'll uh I'll escort you with uh crispy here he's gone he's gone they left lion he's leaving now stay down all right we're clearing oh I'm getting it yeah for you guys now we're on the ground that was absolutely nuts damn I'm fully out of ammo I'm bailing out of the Ballista don't bother I'm just running to the facility on foot all righty this just blew up wait what did we kill we killed the uh Redeemer yes yeah we're even the odds just enough just enough for us to get a piece oh what the hell was that look up gun kid's gonna hit you oh me and crispy are dead yeah what was that hey I don't know but it just look up yeah I think that is bright enough to that's a definitely an A2 did it just double drop bombs yeah he's just floating above dropping bombs what a cocky [ __ ] you mind uh oh I mean that girl Eddie do you mind uh oh my God explosions are it's sending debris into space yeah why did my why did I just fill up with blood all over my eyes now I think that A2 killed absolutely everything yeah it killed me in Christopher let's go along the right here lemon it's good oh oh God that did I very little damage I completely died full time are in cap sorry and I'm just flying down no no no you're sliding right towards me ah dangerous mountain brother dangerous mountain yep well you took the fast way you took no oh my God this gun is swinging bed get down effectively scanning on that Top Gun Redeemer getting self-destructed you think get in and use it shut down their whole operation I got a guy coming out of the facility and one coming around the back I say the best bet is we don't kill him we just sneak ones he's back right lemon yeah get some distance move I almost feel bad for him they're just gone I was watching two guys running the cargo operation and then the bomb just fell out of nowhere I was like what is that little piece of scrap or something those people are just meat now I don't even dust [Music] follow me in the surrounding area no it looks like it's just uh wait no yeah that one was not on target that one was for the right front we should get more distance oh God woman these bomb is the surrounding area we're in the last quadrant we're in the last quadrant he would want to bomb go to where he previously bombed yeah yeah switch Mountainside oh my God we're gonna [ __ ] die this is it this is we wrote a tank 15 kilometers get turned into dust cause this is a blizzard we won't see it coming it'll be instantaneous yeah yeah it's real real nice to know oh he drops somewhere else that isn't us no he didn't drop he got hit by a size nine he blew up oh look at his crap spline to the air let's go into the facility yeah yeah while there's a blizzard we want Evac or air support I think air support yeah yeah our ship is going in for landing keep an eye out for other ground people so the bombs probably got him we're lucked out three but yeah I saw three but they were vaporized portrait facility that Redeemer still up no way Valkyrie oh yeah oh that's what that is somebody's picking [ __ ] up Social machine it's from the Redeemer I think the Talon dude I'm pinned in here yeah I saw that I'm running for it going for another facility oh it's the it's a Mustang it's like a starter Mustang that's just trying to point blank you God I'm running into a shipping crate wait our air supports here take out that Mustang put a bridge and clear I have a sniper am I going for a nasty no scope let's do it probably only better than getting bombed by an A2 really comes back approved yesterday the inside is safe from the A2 bombs cycling this to go right away we'll take a left I got right I'm down he's done hit it he didn't get picked up that's right round got another good kill watching the other doors I highly doubt there's any left but check in this room clear clear we're in the money we did it we're in the [ __ ] money baby all right we're gonna need a ship for these boxes [Music] I am unlucky let's go he had a grenade launcher don't kill him that guy just hand delivered that to you huh okay I'll get on right side you you get on left good nice job buddy oh it's an absolute bloodbath this is [ __ ] great dude how many people are in this org that we're doing this bunch of people coming in maybe pretend like your tractor bring me something here it comes here comes Here Comes Pringle gun oh did he get you yeah Jesus man we've been through the ringer yeah but we're not done this is emerging gameplay right here is that your sandbag wall yeah no don't shoot the drugs you hit me no no no that was them that was them they had a grenade launcher did they the boxes took a grenade launcher emergent gameplay wait CG killed four ships to cover us too that's awesome yeah yeah that should be all right send it Hush Puppy up all right your trip I'm gonna have to go all the way oh that thing goes quick yeah [Music] on the right side finish them oh my God this is moolah I mean a lot of this last box and I say they go all right lemon this is a huge hole I agree all right that's huge a lot of elevator Eddie crash Eddie crash somebody needs to get in the pilot seat I'm running okay somebody else landed apparently is that this person on the right hi are you friendly yeah you can have the facility I'm running on ah one more one more all right this is plenty we're gonna have to come [Music] [Music] what happened we get enough credits oh yeah I'm sending the last year gun should be about four million Joy on my way to get my ship now it was a pleasure of my brother [Applause] I try not to blow yourself up can I actually got a pickup this thing has a horn meet up at uh by Johnny point Papa stop Papa's punching thinly oh God flying fish coming in I'm flipping as many of these levers as I can nothing much has happened so far to turn it on systems activating [Music]
Channel: BedBananas
Views: 2,833,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen gameplay, jumptown, star citizen 3.18, star citizen update, BedBananas, gaming, star citizen 3.19, star citizen review 4.0, star citizen pvp, star citizen 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 23sec (2783 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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