Be Made Whole | Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] you hidden [Music] beautiful she what a beautiful [Music] what a beautiful name [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nothing [Music] she [Music] [Music] Oh gee [Music] gee [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's lift up a body shell of Jesus that's why we're here and who we've come to give today the mighty precious [Music] the glory praise God smile at someone let them know you're glad they're here today to worship Jesus with you you may be seated we want to welcome all of our campuses that are joining us live right now Buford Gwinnett Spartanburg Orange County let's give them a big warm welcome right now we're so glad you're there do you know that they're so spoiled at Gwinnett that they have Mack Powell leading worship this morning and we just had Jesus here but but they have Mack pal he looks like Jesus sings like Jesus and then they're really spoiled rotten in Spartanburg they have Jason crowd and as he's leading worship down there and so we we just neglect it here at free Chapel Gainesville and Buford don't forget we will not forget you a special guest is coming your way real soon but we're glad that you're joining us welcome to all of you who are joining us online we're so so aware that you're there today and we're believing God to do great and mighty things if you have your Bibles I'd like for you to open them with me to the Book of Luke chapter 17 while you're turning there's always a tremendous joy to have my family here and been preached Wednesday night and I heard he preached the house down and then Carissa is here and we have our youth pastor's wife from Orange County Church Nancy and of course you just saw Shannon and her husband is preaching at our campus in Orange County this morning and I'll be preaching there tonight and we're just so thankful for what God is doing but I just knew that you needed a special pickup today all of you so I want them to I want somebody to bring my where's my grandson he's gone you took him out all of that for nothing I wanted I wanted you to see the prettiest baby my grandson but you're not gonna get to see him it's just such a day today you don't get Jason Crabb you don't get you don't get pal and you don't get to see my grandson turn to somebody say it can do nothing but get better from this point on as the day rolls on all right well all that for nothing all right well Karissa is here stand up Karissa we're glad you did she won't she won't obey her father so Luke chapter 17 I better do what I do let me preach Luke chapter 17 I'll begin reading with verse 12 then as he entered a certain village there met him ten men who were lepers who stood afar off they lifted their voices and they said Jesus master have mercy on us so when he saw him he said to them go show yourselves to the priests so it was as they went they were cleansed and one of them when he saw that he was healed returned with a loud voice glorifying God fell at his feet giving him thanks he was a Samaritan that's significant because the other nine were Jews and jesus answered and said were there not ten cleansed but were the nine were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner this this stranger this foreigner this in other words he's saying he's not a Jew he's he's a foreigner he said to him arise go your way your faith has made you whole I believe I've got a message today that many many many people need to hear in this season in your life be made whole I want to take just a moment and talk about the condition of these ten lepers I want you to lean in with me I want you to let me have your imagination for just a moment everything that I'm about to tell you is not made-up you can check it out it is absolutely accurate ten lepers the Bible said all suffering from the same disease all facing a tragic death there was no cure for this disease all have a funeral for a part of their body on a daily basis and in its worst stage there's a piece of your body literally that is falling off from your body that you bury on a daily Oh the you that you were gets buried daily all are outcasts from the temple they are outcasts from their families they have no communication with the public they have no hope for tomorrow they have nothing to look forward to the lepers are part of the walking dead if you've seen that show that is filmed here in Georgia the walking dead it it really is kind of a vision or view of what it was like to be a leper they could only come out at night they would surround and scrape through that garbage heaps like savage dogs trying to find something neat they couldn't provide for themselves of course in their condition they lived off anything they could find it was a horrible horrible life they never received invites birthday cards never a hug never a human touch no children they lived a sequestered life in colonies no one could come from the outside world into their life and every day a funeral for some part of their body how horrible would it be to see another part of your body being buried before your dead and it happened on a continual basis the leper would finally die and when he would die another leper would perform his funeral they were zombie like creatures inhabiting the night it was a dismal way to live if you can call it living it can lay dormant for five to fifteen years in a person's body leprosy it starts with specks in the eyelids we know that leprosy is what the Bible compares to sin and it starts with a speck in the eye and then the palms and then it begins to spread all over the body the first thing that it will do is it will go for the parts of your body that are furthest away from your heart so that the blood flow can be attacked it kills the nerves it's not a painful it's not a painful disease they're not in constant pain they lose the nerve endings it dulls and kill the nerve endings and so many times it's through infection you can't even feel the burn you can't even feel the splinter that's being infected in your finger you can't fill it because it kills the nerves that's what sin does the people they they they don't even feel anything anymore they're doing things that they used to feel convicted about but as you stay in sin as it spreads as it gets in every part of your life you don't even feel bad about it you look at these people who who do sex trafficking and and and and you see these people who do pornography and so on and they don't even feel bad about what they're doing that's what sin does it numbs your feelings you don't feel without natural affection people just leave their lists leave everything and go into another hole sinful life and they don't feel that feeling anymore that something is wrong with what I'm doing this is a picture of these men they continue in and the Bible said and I want you to see them these ten men are approaching Jesus they they have distorted faces they have body parts that have fallen off the cartridge in their body is gradually dissolved in their nose the one of the first things to go would be the nose and the nose is just lying there flat and the lips would begin to drape and the teeth and gums would be exposed the the the lips hang down distorted faces with with disease on the inside the bones begin to rot and then break off they become brittle and just break off parts of the body it's horrible it's like a the skin becomes mummy like infection consumes the body it takes the body parts fatherís from the heart first the fingers the toes they go first and then it just keeps eating away till finally a spot at first you know naman was a was a leper in the bible a famous general syrian general and he hid his leprosy the bible said you can hide sin for a while but before it's over it takes over everything it gets in your feet it gets in your walk it gets in your talk it gets in every action of your life you begin to be that you can hide your sin at first but it takes more and takes more a little bit of the old you starts dying that you that had convictions that you that had a heart for God that you that loved God it's just consumes unit gets in every part of who you are and a little of you begins to die more and more and more every day the disease makes it very clear that you are a leper and at some point they could not cover it anymore the leper colonies were there because the people were banished and there was no cure so they separate themselves and they live with only those who are just like them the final thing that sin does to a person is it causes them to pull away from all the good people in their life all of the people who love God all of the people who pray and they want to live with people who have the same disease or sins that they have and they feel comfortable they no longer feel comfortable in that world where there's life in life more abundantly but they're more comfortable with those who have the same disease the lepers here that these 10 men in this horrible condition here that Jesus Jesus is coming to town and faith comes by hearing and when they heard the leper when they heard the leper healer was coming I don't know what they heard maybe they heard that he had touched a leper because he did in a previous chapter he touched a leper he touches the untouchable maybe they started saying that to one maybe they said he's no respecter of persons maybe they said somebody called him the great physician and we could get to him but whatever it was they heard that made them leave their leper colony and run to Jesus ten of them without their noses and faces some of them without ear some of them on a bloody stub of what could be called a foot that was only left in future fried sores all over the body but they're running to Jesus ten of them coming straight at him they come to Jesus their eyes would have turned to cotton because one of the first things happens is they go blind that leopard will go blind zombies zombies walking toward them with their noses flat their teeth and lips are exposed their their sores are running it's a horrible situation and Jesus turns to them and they said have mercy on us and Jesus said to them a strange instruction he never told anybody who ever got another healing miracle the man at the who was healed after 30 years at the Pool of Bethesda wasn't he didn't say go show yourself to the priest he didn't say to other people of the blind man the lame man that He healed go show yourself to the priest but the thing that he said to these men is I want you in your condition it's different from every other condition go show yourself to the priest what he was saying was a doctor cannot help you a counselor cannot help you you need to go to the house of the Lord you need to go to the temple you need to get under the high priest you need to hear the word you need you need some spiritual help you've tried everything else but now it's gotten in every part of your life and the only thing that can change you is get to the priest get to the temple get to the house of God and I loved the scripture the Bible said and as they went they were healed as you just start coming back to church and coming back to God and coming back to the house of the Lord it's just as you just keep coming it wasn't instant it wasn't total restoration but as you as they went they were healed now I believe I believe they as they as they were going they felt that the sores dried up something happened they knew I have been healed I have been healed oh happy day oh happy day don't you know they were shouting and they ran home and I could see mama and her apron and she sees her baby that she thought she'd never see again and she runs out and he says mama I've been healed mama been healed and they're grabbing each other and holding each other they never thought they'd get to touch each other again but then the scripture said that one of them one of them didn't go home when he saw that he was healed he turned and fell at the feet of Jesus and begin to worship Him I want to preach for just a moment because God cannot resist leper worship what is left for worship how does the leper worship the Bible said that there was a man when Jesus came off the mountain who had leprosy on another occasion who fell at his feet in his lepers condition and worshiped Jesus what is he worshipping with how what is what's that sound like thank you Lord that my nose has gone thank you Lord that that that that my skin is mummified thank you Lord that I don't have my fingers and my toes and I can't walk I can't hardly get around I thank you all no here's what leper worship is leper worship is not praising God for what he has done leper worship is when you praise God for who he is so many of us so many of us we just praise God when he meets our needs and thank you for the house thank you for the car thank you for the promotion thank you for this I'm happy this Sunday because something good happened to me this week but leper worship is the worship that God will never resist and it's when you're not coming saying thank you for what you've done but thank you for who you are you are my Savior you are my healer nothing can separate me from the love of God you are my strong tower you are my strength you are my comforter and I worship you not for what you've done because sometimes we look our life looks like that leprosy there's nothing good going on pain is real hurt is real life is real and when it hits it turns your life ugly and in those moments you don't worship God because of what he's done or doing you worship Him for who he is and every now and then every now and then you need to give God leper worship not because he checked the boxes off of your prayer list but you give him leper worship because he is your Redeemer he is Lord every now and then the whole church and all of our campuses need to break out in leper worship and say if I never get another prayer answered I want you to know you're worthy Lamb of God you're worthy because of what you did on that cross you worthy because you rose from the dead you worthy because you're my coming king and I give you worthy worship I give you leper worship and when you give him leper worship he cannot resist your worship he will not leave you like you are and when he began to worship the other nine went home listen to me carefully it's very important to understand the power of worship because the other nine went home but the effects of leprosy had taken stuff from them they didn't get their toes back they didn't get their ears back their nose back they still had they still look like what they had been through but your Bible said when this man fell at the feet of Jesus and worshiped him that Jesus said be thou made whole the word ho is so so which means complete unbroken undivided so many have lost so much but when you begin to worship God says this is how you get all your losses back when you turn that pain and that hurt and that emptiness into worship and you worship me not because of what I'm doing because you don't understand what I'm doing but you worship me because of who I am I'm in control I'm a good God even when life isn't good I'm still good and I'm gonna bring you through with victory I wish somebody would give him praise now it can make you hold on our God is a restorer of the lost things come on praise Him just a minute at every campus lift him up for who he is not what he's done oh I praise you oh I praise you oh thank you thank you Jesus God can't resist then your faith has made you whole the word whole means though lacking parts unbroken undivided undamaged all parts are restored as he's worshiping his nose comes back what would have been like as he's worshiping it just had a maybe one one finger and that he was worshiping and as he's worshiping boom boom boom boom boom and God's restoring what the enemy has stolen from his life anger is not the answer worship is the answer I'm feeling sorry for yourself and sinking in depression isn't the answer worship is the answer and when you begin to worship God says I cannot resist leper worship I cannot resist people who are going through hell but they focus on who I am not what is being done to them God put everything back but leprosy took and when he went back home he didn't look like he had been through what he had been through do you know that God can so fix you that you don't even look like what you've been through you ever seen I hate that I'm not against smokers you smoke cigarettes hey we all have issues whatever I tell people you know I am God wants you to smoke here to put a chimney on your head that's not something somebody asks me if I go well where I get to heaven yes but you smell like you're in the wrong place come on but here's the bottom line if if you smoke three packs a day you're gonna start looking like it you know somebody just smokes and smoke some of their skin gets that leather look but you know I'm talking about if you if you got your dopey butt buddies you smoke weed with them you got your roach clip got your weed on there you keep smoking on that roach clip that weed you're gonna you you're gonna start looking like a roach clip it just starts showing up used to be sharp and have it all to get and you just start you ever seen people like this like a metamorphosis they just they just go down down down and you see them you ever seen some of these people on heroin courting crack and stuff you ever seen some of those pictures as they progress you you start looking like what what you living what you're going through but what I love about what Jesus can do for us is he can he can say I know you went through it but you're not gonna look like what you've been through the rest of your life and see people come in and they don't even understand they come in and they say were those people over there today they've had the perfect life look at that preacher out there he don't know nothing about real life and look at all those people down there and I threaten those people up there jumping around in the choir they don't know nothing I didn't have a daddy and I was abused when I was a child and it's not that we haven't been through similar things it's just we don't look like what we've been through because we begin to worship Him for years and he began to restore the father that you didn't have the brokenness that you went through all the things like tried to destroy you with he turned him around and said I will raise you up in spite of it I wish somebody would praise him I'm gonna quit in a minute but I just feel like we need to hear this today your worship is powerful it heals you it restores you they come into our churches and they see us but the truth is all around you these people making all this noise many of them were addicted many of them were alcoholics many of them were drug addicts many of them were messed up many of them were divorced many of them were broken many of them were abused they just don't look like what they've been through because our God is a restorer of the broken hearts in that what he said he would do in the book of Joel he said I will restore the years the enemy stolen years but I've got a word for the devil today you're gonna give us back those years I don't know how I don't understand it all but I know if I will worship God he will God will arise and our enemies will be scattered give him the great praise I'm gonna try to your faith has made you whole complete [Applause] it's not we didn't go through it we just don't look like it we just don't look like it probably sitting around you right now us somebody who first walked into the church doing gang signs and had their pants down to the ground to underwear show it now they're sure it's called underwear cuffs supposed to be under your clothes I'm just trying to help somebody but that's another point another sermon but but you should have saw us before Jesus got ahold of us is what I'm trying to tell somebody depressed suicidal out of our minds no hope but Jesus as we begin to worship Him for who he is begin to restore our soul the Bible said that Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar he heated it up seven times hotter in a miraculous miracle took place the Bible said when they were thrown into the fiery furnace that he looked in and he said did we not throw three in he said yes sir he said then why do I see four in the fourth one one looks like unto the Son of God and he said boys would y'all please come up here and please leave that one down there I don't he's too hot to handle leave him in there and the three boys came out of the fiery furnace and you missed this miracle if you're not watching and the Bible said and there was not a hair on their head singed listen and neither did their garment smell of smoke they went through the fire but they didn't look like what they had been through because they worshiped in the fire and when you worship in the fire he restores you and you don't look like some of us have been through the fire and are going through the fire but when God gets through with us our families our lives our marriages our homes are not gonna look like what we've been through doesn't mean we didn't go through it it just means he has made us whole you doesn't want you to look like what you've been through that's why when the prodigal son started coming home the father took off running and covered him said I want you to look like what you've been through you've been through the Pigpen you stink and look bad but I'm gonna cover you put these shoes on he he came back looking like a businessman had had the ring that this business ring on his hand he came back like he had been on a business trip looking like a businessman all he needed was a briefcase and where have you been they probably had to ask where have you been cuz he didn't look like a pigpen cuz when God gets through with you you won't look like what you've been through I know you're going through grief I preached three funerals and we've had four in this church one I did not get to preach but three out of the four a parents who have lost children in their 20s in the last two months I preached for three out of four of those funerals and these families are walking through some of the darkest seasons there's no quick fix to something like that but what I'm trying to tell you is I don't know how but if you'll turn that pain into worship God knows how to restore our soul to not just stop the spreading of leprosy and then us limp away but - so heal us that we look back on it and it causes us to give glory to God somehow that in the middle of all of it we found who his true identity was and he will restore those loved ones to you to turn to somebody take a whiff of them just say come on do it say you don't smell as smoky as you used to come on take a good whiff they smell like a Marlboro tell them it's gonna be a long service come on hallelujah how many of you thankful you don't smell like you used to smell spiritually let me close with this let me close with this we often give we often give Solomon the credit for building the temple but the truth is he was full of wisdom but he did not build the temple he hired Hiram a man named Hiram a master builder and he built the temple sometimes wisdom is not you trying to do everything wisdom is you finding people who can do it better than you and hiring them that's that's a good sermon for somebody right there that could be developed but sometimes you don't need to try to do everything you just need to hire people who can do it better than you and then when they get done with it hang your name on it that's what Solomon did cuz that's wisdom so watch this if you had seen the Magnificent temple when I was in Europe a few weeks ago preaching and ministering in Sweden and London then we went to Australia in so home ministry I went into some of the big policy cathedrals some of them some of them took a hundred years to build encouraged me with our Chapel amen a hundred years and you know I thought look at look at this look at the detail look at a hundred years of ongoing building project just to build a facility to give glory to God and if you could have seen Solomon's Temple one man did a study and you and and actually did all of the all of the gold silver all of the cedar wood etc etc etc that was used over 1 billion dollars was the cost and if you had seen that marble and seen it you would have you would have said oh my god it's beautiful but where did the gold come from where did the silver come from where did where did all of it come from who where did it come from did they just did they hit a gold mine no read your Bible God said the day that your son is young and tender Solomon so I need you to go out and be a bloody man and fight the enemies of God and take their gold take their silver take their precious stones take all their treasures bring it back dedicate it to me it's not going to look like what it's been through I'm gonna get glory out of all that stuff out there in the world I want you to bring it to the temple and it's gonna build something that's going to bring amazing glory to me and so if you if you know if you don't walk through the building with Solomon he would have said yes that's gold yes that's silver yes see those breastplate that breastplate on that high priest is solid gold it's got 12 priceless stones just unbelievable you but David could have said let me tell you where all that gold came from see that miter that little crown on that High Priest head I got that from a temple prostitute over there with the Hittites and see that gold up there I attacked the amur Ickes and took their gold and brought it back to sanctified it and gave it to they use that oh and see those stones see that see that emerald right there I pried that out of I of a false God where the Hittites were worshipping and burning their children I pried its eye out and put it on the breastplate of the high priest so that when he walked into glory of God he'd have all the tribes of the children of Israel represented it didn't look like where it came from when God got through with it in Jesus the son of David who was a bloody man - bloody father God said I need to build a temple and Jesus the bloody man the son of David said well I could use her I could use him I could use her I could use him and Jesus found you in the world pride you out of the gods of this world out of the dens of this world out of the sin of this world pride you out brought you back like royal diadem's consecrated sanctified by precious blood set you in the temple set you in the choir set you on the praise team set you with Usher in and praying for people you don't look like what you we ought to let you tell your story every once in a while because if y'all would be brave enough to tell your story people's jaws would drop you I hear this stuff they whisper to me I was a crack addict and Lord how did you get to carry the offering bag we ought to be watching you how in the word but I'm telling you people don't look like what they've been through by the time the blood and the grace and the mercy of God gets ahold of them if you will worship he will pour out his spirit on you and he will bring glory to his name because of what he's done in your life he'll make you whole did you hear me he'll make you the answer if things have been stolen the answer if life is not what it used to be before you something hits your life and begin to make you bury pieces of your life daily why don't you turn that into worship why don't you say to God I'm gonna give you leper worship the rest of this year I'm not even asking you for an answer I'm not asking you for a breakthrough I'm not asking you for an angel I'm not asking you for a dream I'm asking you to just hear my leper worship I'm gonna praise you for who you are you're faithful you're good you're merciful you love me you'll never let me go that's who you are and I worship you for who you are I'm telling you what will happen he'll begin to restore he'll begin to restore in that book that scripture and Joel ends by saying he'll pour out his spirit on all flesh after he restores what the years have been taken he said I will pour out my spirit on your flesh on your leprosy and you will never be ashamed you will not be ashamed anymore I was always right now on every campus we just lift our hands toward heaven and I wish we just open up our mouths all over this room and I wish we're just just right here right now begin to give God left for worship are there any is there any people in here who can say I'm still going through the fires still going through the struggle still got some of the mud of the Pigpen but I to worship God for who he is not what I'm in not what I'm going through not what I'm dealing with I worship Him for who he is let's just stand to our feet at every campus lift our hands high toward the heaven all over this place Oh Lord my god [Music] where it all some wondered consider the world's thy hands have we watch that Eclipse this week I see the stone I hear the Rolling Thunder [Music] this is for worship [Music] that you're mindful of me the universe [Music] [Music] [Music] if you [Music] [Music] listen listen listen to Vince and when I feel that God his son not sparing sent him to die I scarce can take it in that own that cross that cross my sin he gladly was Mary Massey eager [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when Christ shall come we're nearer with shouts of an sing it at every campus to take me what joy shall feel my heart when I finally go sweeping through those gates [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I want you to put your hand on your heart right where you're standing right where you're watching this by television internet wherever you are put your hand on your heart and say Lord my heart has been broken but you're the restorer of broken hearts heal me make me whole I've lost some things and I know that only worship worship for who you are can bring it back so I worship you I surrender to you I give you my life again I commit my heart to you to you and your calls your will be done in my life help me to be like you in every situation I thank you that you didn't just heal me but you're restoring me my God is a restorer and I receive wholeness be made whole in Jesus name I just wait a minute just breathe it in be made holy be made whole be made whole you're not gonna look like what you've been through we've been indoors for the night but when God gets through with you he'll restore your joy and you're not gonna look like what you've been through without the smell of smoke covered restored healed and made whole be made just take another 30 seconds and lift your hands toward him like that one leper it's one out of nine folks statistically nine on your row have checked out but there's one out of nine that'll turn back and say I've just got to say thank you I've just got to pause and say you healed me of my leprosy and now you're making me whole and with a loud voice he cried thank you would you lift your voice with a mana voice with [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] worthy if you prayed that prayer and you meant it and you didn't know that you were right with God you're right with God now he heard that cry he watched you he cleansed you soon as you leave this place I want you to go to our connections lounge there will be a Bible there be people there they want to get your name I want to baptize you we've got one coming up real soon a week after next outside and it's gonna be beautiful it's gonna be powerful and I want to baptize you in water celebrate you've been healed and you've been made whole are you ready for the blessing that every campus receive this blessing have you been blessed today do you love Jesus a little more today I pray you do and now may the Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace and make you whole in Jesus mighty name ladies if you think this is good imagine three days of nothing but the Word of God being poured in and fellowship and I believe there'll be moments where God will restore spiritual fingers and hands and ears and noses and so on and I believe it's going to happen at divine conference this year it'll never be lower you cannot get this rate if you go home and try to do it on the Internet this is an in-house rate only and you must get it today it will go up exponentially I wish we could do it for free but it costs a lot to do these conferences and we're bringing people in some of the greatest speakers into women's lives and authors and they will bless your life abundantly many many special things get signed up today we love you have a great week everybody we'll see you Wednesday night be blessed god bless you [Music] as we leave service today I want to encourage you especially all the women if you have not yet signed up for divine conference 2017 I encourage you to do that today it's gonna be a sensational conference that you don't want to miss but listen I also want to encourage anyone out there that may not be able to attend this conference but you still want to participate you can actually sponsor another lady to go so I encourage you to go to divine conference dot o-r-g fill out that registration card today if you are able to attend we want to see you here but if you aren't able to come here we want to encourage you to send someone else that can it's gonna be a life-changing conference that nobody wants to miss but then finally if you haven't yet signed up for school of discipleship online do that today this four phase discipleship program will completely transform your life so go to free chapel o RG /s o D online register today it will change your life we love you so much we're thrilled that you join us here today and we'll see you next Sunday morning [Music] [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 100,987
Rating: 4.8399043 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Jentezen Franklin, Message, Inspirational, Worship, Faith, Jesus, God, Sermon, Teaching, Belief, Prayer, Be Made Whole, Restoration, Healing, Trials, depression, fear, miracles, spiritual warfare, spiritual growth
Id: 3glr9XrhW-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 18sec (3318 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2017
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