Is This Website Protecting Predators?

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hello guys and gals me mudahar guess i hope hi venom and want us ladies and gentlemen med languages so i can screw up the youtube's algorithm really quickly because i do like messing with the subtitles it gives me great joy but you know it doesn't give me great joy talking about the negatives of this platform as much as i as much as i do talk about it it is something to be discussed and today's is pretty goddamn serious it is about is youtube protecting predators on its platform now one of my good friends mama max you may have heard of him he's a great horror youtuber probably a great apex content creator if i'll be real uh make some really really amazing content that you would probably find on much larger like syndicated subscription networks like netflix or amazon prime or whatever you want to call it he made some pretty damn good videos but lately he's been covering predators on multiple dating apps and platforms he's sort of unlike this personal crusade of trying to stop as much of these predators as he can by basically posing as a young girl and now some people might say but muda that's entrapment to which i would implore that you check the definition because max is neither a law enforcement officer and if he is posing as a minor in these people with that information still message him really really disgusting thoughts and actions then guess what that is in itself a crime just taking it a step further is further aggravating that crime even more and may i remind you if a predator was to initiate a conversation first that would probably not assist the entrapment claims so anyways he made this video and youtube striked him they removed the video all right to the point where he actually showed the strike on his youtube channel he called this video i found a website that protects predators claiming that youtube is protecting predators and if you watch his video you'll probably come to that conclusion i'll give you the screen grab real quick what you're looking at where he has a community guideline strike on a video called hunting predators on a children's dating app harassment and cyber bullying was the reason it was taken down and his appeal is rejected now of course the strike is going to expire on the 12th of december and the fact that it was rejected shows you that youtube has dug its heels into its sand and has removed that video all right it's gone now you might be wondering but muda is there a reason why he appealed it a human being looked at it we'll get to all of this moderation in a bit but that that is the gist of what you have to know now youtube actually responded to max about this he actually posted a tweet that said hashtag answer us pedotube which went pretty viral and it actually hit trending and because you got a hashtag like answer us pedotube which pretty much implies that youtube at the surface level is assisting pedophiles on its platform obviously got youtube's attention to the point where they told him hey following up our harassment and cyber bullying policy doesn't allow content that reveals someone's private information including phone numbers we confirmed your video was removed because it exposed a phone number dmd you lengthier details to which max actually accepted it i mean it's something that he was okay with he he's talking about this further with team youtube in the dms now max also sent me his side of the story and which i'm gonna pair it to you if you do cover the story with the video just know i'm not a conspiracy nut i hate matt watson and what he did matt watson is a guy who basically started this whole trend a year ago which completely went nowhere uh again blaming youtube of like assisting with predators on the platform which simply wasn't true i know youtube isn't intentionally or proactively protecting pedophiles and never said that i made it clear that they were creating an environment where predators are protected by vague guidelines that actively go against journalistic or investigative content and having such bad communication with its creators that i literally had to get a hashtag with the word pedotube trending before they would respond to me after trying every day for weeks even after i made an attempt to handle it privately by trying to appeal to video removal twice by the way i think it pretty obvious in my video that the dispute was between me my audience some of which were child sex abuse victims and youtube no advertisers no news media no law enforcement none of that [ __ ] anyone who thinks otherwise has little understanding of the situation and immediately thinks it's hashtag youtube wake up which is matt watson's dumb campaign mark 2 it's not which it clearly is not okay one cursory glance will tell you now because of that let's look at youtube's harassment and cyberbullying guideline policies real quick now here's youtube's harassment and guidelines i've talked about this a lot the harassment cyberpulling nonsense that they actually have on youtube now at the surface level it seems you know honorable however it's very intentionally vague let's see what the exceptions are debates related to high profile officials or leaders so yeah you can talk about big political figures like trump and you can talk about massive global ceos i guess scripted performance insults made in the context of an artistic medium such as scripted satire so you can you can make diss tracks on your homeboys harassment education or awareness yes simulated harassment to teach you what harassment is and what it isn't so yeah of course these are obvious exceptions to the norm now they talk about monetization which of course we know we're going to get the yellow dolan you get the yellow dolan for just sneezing on the platform this isn't this isn't something new and then they started giving examples repeatedly showing pictures of someone and making statements like look at this creature's teeth they're so disgusting all right making fun of intrinsic attributes targeting an individual based on their membership of a protected group this is weird i guess unless like pedophiles are now a protected group then i guess you can't say anything like that i wish they'd get hit by yeah see this phrase right here can definitely screw you over a bit and we'll get to all of this in a second using extreme insult to dehumanize an individual based on their intrinsic attributes for example look at this okay depicting an identifiable individual being murder seriously injured or engaged in a graphic sexual act with other consent so yeah simulating somebody and and faking them in this really heinous position accounts dedicated entirely to focusing on maliciously insulting an identifiable individual so yeah if you have like 300 videos on like a public figure or something like that or any individual you're probably not going to get in there oh more examples sure let me see more targeting an individual based on their intrinsic attributes to wish for their death yeah it's bad threatening someone's physical safety yeah that's bad posting an individual's non-public personally identifying information like a phone number oh okay all right now now we see what you mean over here we got you we got you now max sent me the video that he actually covered so we have to look at this real quick now i'm not going to be able to show you anything from max's video because once a video gets removed from youtube's uh youtube system with this harassment and cyberbullying guidelines it gets digitally fingerprinted and so re-uploading that video in any capacity is just not gonna fly in fact showing a clip of the video could in fact get the video that you're talking about even if it's in a fair use manner as far as i know as far as i've seen potentially removed or put on the chopping block which is something i'm not willing to risk when talking about something like this so anyways max's video it basically focuses on this exterior story of like hotline miami the whole situation which if you don't know what i mean max basically frames this narrative as if it's like a a mission from the game hotline miami which is a hyper violent game hyper violent like super wave retro wave game that you can find on steam it's very difficult very fun one of my favorite games out there okay he frames it in a way where he plays his jacket which is the titular character from the first game and in it he goes around pretty much bashing some of these pedos in so again promotion of violence that goes against the community harassment guidelines i can sort of see why youtube takes it down there is one location in these videos where he starts showcasing real names usernames social media ages locations some of them he actually gave their phone numbers which is a big no-no on the platform even if you're talking about the worst of the worst giving away their phone number is definitely cause to getting fingered by the algorithm so of course youtube removed the video based on their harassment and cyber bullying guidelines literally youtube told max okay we do not allow content that reveals someone's private information including phone numbers to which i think the best response is one that me and max both agree with which is the channel true crime daily now this is a channel that had chris hansen hosting videos for a while in one specific video a man from boston actually comes by okay to to to sort of uh creep up on this girl this is a sting operation that they have i don't know what happened to this dude but if you actually take a look at this one frame at 6 30 in this video you can see that they're showing a skype screenshot something about him eloping getting married having a license but they show his name clearly in the video now you could argue even if that's not personally identifiable information that's private somebody if because these topics these topics there are two topics on the internet okay animal abuse and child abuse that the internet goes violent over i've seen this myself whenever we cover topics such as cat killers and and and any of these terrible individuals these terrible events people get really up in arms there's a massive wave of emotion there is a massive wave of investigation that triggers people get violent people get angry there is a mob that incites within that second and it's it's pretty scary to look at and it's even scarier to be on that receiving end so the fact when these channels like chris hansen's for instance where he was contracted with i don't even know if he owns this channel showed names and faces one could argue yeah guess what even if it's not private personally identifiable information there are tons of people out there that can take the information that's already given to them in the video and use it to then do malicious things now again i don't even agree taking a video down because of that either but you can understand what i'm coming at max got removed for showing a phone number from somebody that had creeped on him okay he had evidence of it this person apparently creeping on him this person running this weird groom campaign and showed her to the internet now granted okay that's personally and i understand youtube wants to remove for that reason but you can kind of see okay anybody could look at it once it's spoken like this why these two situations show a degree of hypocrisy and complicitness on youtube's end right now it's to a point where the privacy guidelines freak me out too okay even if the harassment and cyberbullying guidelines freaks youtube out for instance and gets them to remove a video i made a video a week ago where i talked about youtube as promoting scams or i showed multiple pyramid schemes being advertised right here on youtube within five minutes of me uploading this video i received a privacy complaint which basically gives me a 48 hour notice to get rid of all offending private materials by either going into youtube's editor removing portions of the video muting portions of the video or blurring portions of the video like i've done over here this blur didn't exist beforehand i actually had to add it through youtube's editor because youtube told me that this section of the video was apparently violating someone's personally identifiable information and leaking it to the world it wasn't true but somebody had thrown this up there and youtube had given me a 48 hour notice they give you a 48 hour notice so you can review the video make these edits and give it enough time to process these changes why this level of of of of assistance wasn't given to max why this wasn't provided to max is a little beyond me it seems as though a simple claim was made against that video a report was made it was then reviewed by a bot taken down and then manually reviewed by a human i guess at that point and then further like just they dug their heels into the ground and and and still and stood on that hill is what happened i don't know why i was given this luxury and max wasn't maybe it's because of the nature of the video and whatnot maybe it's because of how these situations were handled but it's just weird to me that systems that are there okay like a whole section of the video that's all about getting rid of personally identifiable information is weird i mean harassment is such a vague term that you could argue harassment could have happened in any of these scenarios however in some cases youtube will let you handle this with their built-in tools and sometimes youtube will outright give you a strike and have the video removed it really makes no sense to anybody on the platform why youtube has these multiple different ranges of options i mean i don't get it i don't understand it now one of the sites that max found predators on were was a site called my lol which was a teen dating site in fact going to google search my lol right now takes you to this first result which is the currently number one teen dating site in the us australia uk and canada a teen dating site boy i can tell you the million ways that can go wrong it's literally gr you know kids can get groomed anywhere at the park on an mmo luke i just started playing fantasy star online too okay i bet you there's some groomology going on right there the reality of it is okay parents have to step in and take care of what their children are doing on the internet that much is an inherent fact okay but this type of stuff can happen however i would say that it happens the most on sites that are intended for teenagers underage people under 18 to date okay to go on now let's go to this website right which is i'm gonna have to censor this whole top banner because these are all pictures of teenagers i assume okay because it is the number one team network in the world sign up it's a hundred percent free i will not okay i don't want to be put on a registry at like 12 in the midnight so let's go to download on the app store get it on google play okay get ready for this doozy so let's open up both these links real quick all right we get sent to their site which is the new mobile app available now download on the app store uh do i find it uh i don't think it's there wait let's go to google's website maybe it's on google's huh maybe i can find it on the google play store oh it looks like it was removed wait a minute maybe that's just the web browser let me go check it on my phone real quick oh my lol it's uh oh wow would you look at that it turns out that it's completely removed from the play store huh it's almost like a team dating app didn't have a long enough lifespan to stay on it's almost like a teen dating app was a really dumb idea so again remember one thing if youtube's parent company google okay if youtube's parent company google went to their play store and removed an application that max covered and found predators on by by by posing as a as an underage girl on okay that same app that he that he found these people on got removed by google okay or was removed for many reasons i'm gonna assume that it was removed because teen dating team dating apps not the smartest idea not the safest place if youtube parent company did that you could clearly see there's like a weird conflict okay what the hell and i mean if you think this if you think the site is safe common sense media pretty much gives it a one star uh you probably social app pushes interaction between adult slash teen users not the smartest demographic to mix okay in fact if you look at the dating scout website they're given uh lots of suspicious members many many members show inappropriate behavior oh yeah on a teen dating app site who what a [ __ ] thought oh wait what's this teen dating website a playground for pedophiles visited by more than 300 000 a month i wonder why it got removed oh my god again really youtube really is it the hill you want to die on homie what the [ __ ] now you may be wondering muda okay is there more to this whole thing yeah there's a little there's a bit more to it okay obviously there's a much more nuanced look at it to say that youtube is protecting uh predators is very inflammatory max doesn't agree i don't agree and as much as it looks like they do let me just cover a couple things a while back we covered a video we covered a topic called trafficking hub i made an hour-long documentary on it which despite the youtube stifling of it's on the search algorithm did really goddamn well thank you very much for that i am very grateful for the support on this channel from now to the end of the earth and when we made that video the reality of it is is that pornhub was thrown under the bus right pornhub is the largest website catering to free adult content pornhub was really taken to task in one case someone had to fake being a [ __ ] lawyer to get porn up to even listen they had to that they had to get to pornhub's legal department before anything else now we did our own journey where we uploaded a video to pornhub and we showed how easy it was to upload a video have it monetized and hoo-ha the whole world works now i in the video i said listen it's illogical to consider that pornhub is part of a giant trafficking network and and it's facilitating human trafficking and all this nonsense okay uh pornhub would be roasted under the bus if that was to be happening okay however in that video i said while pornhub isn't directly complicit it's complicit because it doesn't do enough and i think youtube you can kind of look at it in a very similar way youtube has very vague guidelines guidelines that if the way that they are currently implemented definitely seen that they happen to assist people who are predators to children okay people that shouldn't be protected in any people that are actually criminals are protected and it seems as though the people that are investigating these criminals bringing the bringing it to life bringing some goddamn justice are the ones being punished like max okay now youtube's moderation is right now because of the covet pandemic that we're going through is almost entirely bot run right now let me explain how this whole deal works okay on youtube every time you upload a video it goes through several stages of analysis so i'm gonna give you a quick layman's explanation of how this stuff goes on when your video gets uploaded and processed and ready to be publicized on youtube youtube actually takes multiple thumbnails out of the video you might notice when you upload a video you have a choice of three auto-generated thumbnails that's three stills from the video youtube has picked out for multiple different portions of the video for you to pick from now behind the scenes youtube obviously has made more thumbnails than those three that they're showing you probably like 20 30 a bunch of them the reason these thumbnails are made is so that youtube can quickly analyze the video content of something and see hey is there gore is there sex is there anything that would be illegal that we should auto remove immediately and if you the reason this happens is if youtube was to analyze every single frame of every single video it would take a lot of processing power doing it this way by checking 10 20 frames of a video when uploaded is a lot easier on the processing load and it's it'll get the job done for the most part okay that's how quick dirty video analysis is done i assume when a video is reported on youtube it goes through full video analysis it gets thrown into a queue then it's checked by a bot for every single frame of offending material now audio is a whole different thing too if you swear a lot for instance on videos youtube will do an auto caption of a video it'll quickly create a caption based on quick analysis of the audio track in it it's not perfect but it'll pretty much get 90 percent of spoken words word for word on a video it's why when i switch a language like i did at the beginning of the video it can often throw off the auto captioning system because it doesn't know if english is the primary language or hindi or whatever language you have in there it's something fun that i do for me and that's about it but it's a good way to show you how youtube quickly checks for spoken words it creates a transcript and then looks at that transcript for all of the naughty words so let's say that you said a bunch of cuss words right it may demonetize you because the system detected like 100 cuss words spoken within 10 minutes the system might detect really offensive racial slurs or slurs in general for any protected class and demonetize the video for it in fact it might even strike the video down on the harassment guidelines if it say detect way too many of these videos the way that a bot works is not an emotion all it does is it calculates a million things and says hey check check check check check it has all of these offenses get rid of the whole video so when a bot removes the video it might seem wow that's the end of the world but that's what the appeal system is for now even with the covet system let's say without the covet system it goes to a human being in the span of how long you've watched this video already multiple hundreds of hours were already uploaded to youtube content that you'll never hear of content from your favorite creators were just uploaded to this website even if youtube has all the people in the world those people can only have 30 seconds to a minute realistically to analyze the content of a video and see if a strike upholds of course some people that youtube hire may not understand cultural norms from a place they may not understand anything they may be taking the entire system too anally and so when they look at max's video they might look at a phone number and say well you know what it definitely seems as max's video was against the harassment and cyber bullying guidelines remove strike gone 30 seconds to a minute is not enough time to gain full context of a video it's why if mack speaks further in dms and gets his video reinstated i would highly chalk it up to an actual human being who looked at the video and decided to give it much more of a human question in in in that situation but that's assuming that what i said is exactly 100 down to a t i'm in a wager given how websites operate and my knowledge of them this is kind of how youtube gets about things it might be way more complicated it definitely is way more complicated but this should somewhat put into perspective the moderation system on youtube the downfalls of it why i guess it can work as a whole taking care of the bulk of the videos ninety percent of the system works but when it comes to ten percent like how max was affected that's where these things get hazy that's where the bot system fails and that's where even the human system can fail because there's just not enough context that human beings can process in the 30 seconds to a minute it takes for them to grade these videos as bad for the platform or ultimately good for the platform at the end of all this i want to say one thing i love mama max he's a great friend of mine he's my dad alright he makes really good [ __ ] content and youtube taking down his videos pisses me off but you know after watching 20 30 seconds out of context from some of his videos and sort of judging to myself listen if somebody at youtube saw these sections of course they would remove it these videos have a violent tinge to them even if it's done from an artistic perspective he did give out a phone number and i guess if youtube's applying it's fair is fair value across the board and if it can again youtube has said giving out this information okay a phone number is against their harassment and cyber bullying guidelines then yes i can see how the strike was made there's plenty of content listen if the whole message of this this trend and the situation was is youtube actively promoting predators it's wrong it's 100 wrong max knows it's wrong i knows it i know it's wrong but you can sort of see from max's perspective how when some people cover content youtube is very very hard it draws the hammer on people like max it draws the hammer on people like anxiety war but yet it lets chris hansen consistently get away even though chris hansen is like one of the biggest freaking grifters on the platform he can get away with it i guess maybe because he has some [ __ ] clout on the platform or i guess he was on tv at one point i guess that's how it works but anyways you can understand from max's perspective the frustration and why it appears that youtube is facilitating predators on its platform i mean there are people that actually have legal problems okay with the police regarding child predation that are still actually active on this platform you can google it yourself if you want to really find out now when i make videos regarding sensitive topics like this i intentionally censor as much as i can regarding personal information i go through four five takes of the entire video i showed to a bunch of people to see if there's anything i missed for this exact reason because listen i understand when covering sensitive topics like this there's mob justice that goes crazy and listen i have no sympathy for people that are committing criminal actions however i will not take an onto me to give that information out and let anybody who watches it to act of their own free accord and take matters into their own hand that being said some people like max and anxiety war and channels who cover predators are a little laissez-faire with this and it's this [ __ ] and youtube's i guess fairest fair uh fair is fair enforcement of its platform uh gets them screwed over in the end now ladies and gentlemen i hope max's video gets reinstated uh i hope they just give him the option to hey just blur that section like i said in this video i received a privacy complaint youtube gave me 48 hours to get that [ __ ] fixed up why they could not extend that same grace to channels because of privacy-busting reasons even if it's maybe it's because of the sensitive nature of topics i don't know why youtube just can't do that in a perfect world youtube should probably reinstate this video and just tell max if you're going to reinstate it please censor that portion of the video using their own built-in tools and it can be easily reinstated ladies and gentlemen this is all i have to say on it it's a video longer than i intended but there's a lot of stuff to be covered ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar and if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 684,668
Rating: 4.9689431 out of 5
Id: OIzuug849Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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