I Don't Like The Poppy Playtime Developers...

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u/GJFredbear thoughts about him on the plagiarization and monetization part if we based on your MOB Games controversy post you've made before?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MarkXT9000 📅︎︎ May 14 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me mudahar and you know what this ain't like your daddy's poppy playtime video i'm sure there's been plenty of creators out there that have made absolutely banger playthroughs of poppy's playtime now the reason i'm interested in this in two-fold i like to look at video gaming like controversy especially on the internet like this because i really like to witness you know stories when things kind of just blow up in your face like this um the other thing is i played poppy's playtime now i played the original version i bought it for like five bucks on steam when you had to pay for it but we'll get to that in a bit and uh last i remembered it was an okay game there were a few puzzles they had a cool chase sequence i think the animation on huggy wuggy was pretty epic and from all i've seen chapter two is a little bit longer the animation is a little bit better they got a new sort of pink huggy wuggy creature and uh while the name is escaping me one thing that isn't escaping me is the fact that the game is now ten dollars for about an hour of gameplay yes there was once in a point where poppy's play time was five dollars it's currently free to play now you pay 10 bucks for about an hour of gameplay hour and a half uh to which my question is why not somebody just buy deus ex i mean clearly it's it's it's cheaper and you get way more hours of gameplay that said though joke aside let's actually dive into the monetization now poppy's playtime controversy comes in multiple fold over the last couple days uh basically they released chapter two and i heard about this actual release when i was out in las vegas so i went out for the weekend for a vacation in the middle of it this whole thing released and instead of really focusing on the game i was really looking at why there was so much negative attention why there was so much controversy sparking up on what is a kids game now i don't really care about the quality of a horror game like this i kind of put it up there with like the likes of five nights at freddy's um you know uh something like granny if you will on the iphone uh [ __ ] baldies basics you know game for like kids okay poppy's playtime for me is like a horror game designed for children okay and selling merch you know i i just played fatal frame silent hill 2. uh that's like eating a5 wagyu beef okay games like poppies playtime and fanaf or like drinking pap's blue ribbon nothing wrong with that but i need a while before i can process pbr in my mouth after having greatness now to understand there was some idea that maybe if you bought the game earlier on the pricing would stay relatively consistent now of course people who paid five dollars recently for this game and probably have less than an hour play time can actually probably refund it and get their five dollars back and continue to play the game as a free to play title now of course poppy's playtime chapter 2 released which was 11.49 a considerable mark up from the last release now granted you got an hour of gameplay here but then again i just told you about deus ex game of the year edition it is literally not even a competition however poppy's playtime chapter 2 came out and of course it charged money and there were a few people who i think were rightfully a little bit pissed about that that doesn't mean that poppy's playtime is free on the phone oh they're gonna make you pay three dollars for this one uh why three dolans because let me tell you most of the kiddos have iphone's ipads okay mommy gave him an ipad daddy gave him an ipad they're going to be playing poppy's playtime if you can extract a little bit of cash out of that why the hell not now poppy's playtime when it first came out was basically a 30-minute if that walking simulator that basically served as in my opinion a nice little tech demo for more to come well ever since that after releasing 30 minutes i might have seen the most blatant amount of monetization for anything imaginable now of course this involved numerous merch lineups okay to the point where you can actually tell that this is basically a horror game design for kids because instead of just focusing on the game aspect of it because let's be real this ain't no silent hill too the the the actual focus point at least from what it seems when we're looking into this is more so focused around merchandising the various characters for all the kiddos involved okay so for one they had the youtubes okay now i know that i [ __ ] on funko pops funky pops uh sorry miss smith said that and uh if you think i'm buying a youtubes hell nah this is dropping may 10th about two days ago from time of filming now of course poppy's playtime over here actually straight up tells you you can buy these for 30 dollars usd you can buy a huggy wonky a poppy and you can even buy the old player i'm surprised i didn't make that t-pose for crying out loud again they did a partnership with you twos i'm sure they can't renege on this now of course they even had a merch lineup as well too a little bit expensive if you will of course just for chapter two they even got a bunch of plushies ready so they got a thirty dollar huggy woggy closed mouth plush pre-order and then of course they got the kissy missy closed mouth pre-order for thirty dollars now again corporate i want you to spot the difference because let me tell you right now this [ __ ] is straight up recolor then they also got the mommy long legs which i assume is the new sort of chase character plush pre-order for forty dollars yeah boys we're selling forty dollar plushies of course we've also got t-shirts like the huggy wuggy smile ringer tee for 25 dolans then if you want the tie-dye [ __ ] that's 30 dollars then they got all these other things for 30 30 dolans they even got a color block hoodie for 55 dollars god damn this is expensive even for like kids merch we all know adults might not be buying this but kids kids or kids are begging mommy to get this [ __ ] oh you want the enamel pins at 20 dollars do you want man this is off a 30 tech demo jesus christ i've never seen merchandising this i don't even think activision's been doing this for call of duty and that [ __ ] is like a cash cow money magnet here you can get like posters like 20 dollar posters jesus and of course you know they had to slap the sample all over it so like nobody would download these and like make their own no you're you're giving the 20 dollars these are you're paying 20 bucks for this again it's merch it is what it is i'm not gonna jump too hard into it that said though they've also actually got a movie deal yes ladies and gentlemen poppy playtime a 30-minute tech demo is working with studio 71 to develop a horror film based on the video game the first installment of poppy playtime was released by mob games in october of 2021 in the game a former employee of playtime co receives a cryptic message on a vhs tape the tape prompts him to visit an abandoned playtime toy factory following the mysterious disappearance of their entire staff which happened 10 years prior from that point forward the goal of the game is to explore the factories by solving various puzzles yeah we're using that plural pretty liberally because i think there were like maybe two while avoiding terrifying enemies and me let's try that one in order to uncover the mystery of what happened to the missing staff so again ladies and gentlemen studio 71 who they're working with is fast tracking the project and is already out to filmmakers to create the story in the poppy playtime universe yeah i mean with a 30 minute tech demo okay don't have a lot of source material to work with but i believe in you now what was most egregious was the nft lineup from poppy playtime now if you're in the video gaming sphere introducing nfts it's kind of like sticking the glock in your mouth and letting that [ __ ] rip full auto okay it's definitely not something you want to do definitely not enjoyable and it can be sometimes pretty difficult to revert from but here are the poppy playtime nfts now what's really interesting is i tied some lore to this but i'll get to it in a second we're the new kids on the block in the indie horror spin and making a big splash fans have been quick to connect with chapter one of poppy playtime and we're working tirelessly to give him chapter two we also want to keep our audience engaged in the meantime and with that in mind we're proud to present our first line of digital collectibles alongside the opportunity to own a piece of the game that's been horrifying fans across the world yeah and then here you've got the actual nfts and they have in fact been selling these were originally starting at around 5000 pieces remaining and you can actually keep buying them they're limited pieces again digital goods being rare shocker but of course they've got about like six nft series and if you click on any of these nft series you can actually see that they have videos attached to them so there are actually some elements of uh there there are actually some elements of lore attached to this i don't know how much because i ain't burning 15 dolans for a poppy playtime nft remember deus ex exists okay for the price of all of this i could buy deus ex mankind divided which is a far better use of my time than this i know that i'm shilling deus ex a lot but uh there's a reason for that it's better is there anybody actually like pimping this out though is there actually anybody like selling this amongst each other no they're just buying it so with the total of 30 000 nfts they basically release this lineup now again going back to the idea of tying lore to the entire franchise to the nft series to limited artificial digital goods is not exactly intelligent first of all okay it burns goodwill with the company and anybody that wanted to look at this lore and they had like two brain cells to rub together would just wait until any of the nft video would just get leaked onto like you know a video's hosting service somewhere else like billybilly.com or [ __ ] do yin like uh dailymotion okay or reddit if you will nobody who actually wanted to really look in the lore would have bought the nft okay you literally shot yourself in the foot by doing this now of course the nft stuff was so bad out of the monetization even the company had to respond specifically to that which we'll read it right now so this comes from mob game ceo the actual you know developers of poppy playtime zac belanger now of course i hope i pronounced that right by the way zach but here he says regarding the poppy playtime nfts i wanted to say that we regret making them we regret the way that we tied lore to the nfts themselves and above all that we're sorry at the time many companies that we admire were creating nft too i want to know that all right who wouldn't you play ubisoft ghost recon break point and you thought that was a good idea they got they got fisted for that homie that wasn't a good idea at the time many companies we were excited about the opportunity to grow our company to invest more into the projects and artists just just say you wanted to make money i have more respect when you just wanted blatant cash if you can just say you wanted to cash grab more respect in regards to hiding poppy playtime lore behind nft's paywall that was not our intention whatsoever okay we thought about this as nothing but a bonus or addition to our fans who did buy the nfts also the lauren question was ultimately just mommy longlegs is coming so nothing really that important which as you all know by now was something that was planned to be revealed to everyone regardless of whether or not they bought the nfts man you just made the people buying your nfts look even more stupider than you could imagine we would never want to do anything to hurt our relationship with the fans any way forward i mean good process of a company near the launch of the nft several employees expressed concern towards starting an nfc collection due to the same concerns that our fan have so again they're talking about the idea of uh you know the environmental impact of nfts which they said they use polygon which uses less than 0.1 percent of the energy required by the other various blockchain technologies and again they also said that they had a legal binding contract with the other companies so that they were unable to actually remove these nfts at this moment in time now that said if you did spend money they're going to donate all of it to the clean air task force so yeah i guess there you go that's the response to the nft section right there why would you let it happen as a company have you seen it why okay why is corporate so detached now hold on i think this accurately just covers the monetization controversy of what is a 20 to 30 minute long tech demo okay now personally if you ask me i think it's a little gross out there to just be monetizing this hard but then again i'm not surprised poppy's playtime is not something that's trying to change the world of horror games out there this is obviously designed to be youtube bait all right people play it tons of the kids around the cafeteria table are going to be talking to each other did you play poppy's playtime oh hell yeah i played it no one played them they all watched the youtubers but this is just a game made for kids okay it's horror game design for children and obviously for those games there's going to be a lot of merch attached to specifically criticize the poppy's playtime developers would mean that i would have to start criticizing most of the other developers who do this kind of [ __ ] now i like to think that a lot of the people behind some of the bigger like horror game franchises for kids probably do monetization maybe not this excessively but i think this is like a general industry standard for you know just this type this type of game not saying that that's okay in any capacity but uh yeah that's about the egregious nature of their monetization principles however why i'm not going so hard is what comes now because at this point some actual really serious controversy kicked between a minor developer somebody young and the people involved with the production of this game so let's get into that now one user known as eckercoaster who back in the back back in october 2021 posted this thread and this didn't get traction until very recently in fact i just noticed this like a few days ago the recent games that have been blowing up poppy's playtime stole my game venge's story so again this person claims to have made a game and poppy's playtime had stolen it from them now the game venge in this question is right over here by eckercoaster and again if you look at it it's obviously got kind of a similar vibe to poppy's play time at least part one it's a standard horror game that has you like basically roaming around this abandoned facility so let's get back to the thread the idea of exploring an abandoned building is not unique in my game the massive entertainment company rotnik is at the top of the entertainment industry when one day the entire building and everyone inside mysteriously vanishes into thin air so again i just want to say this one for the fact okay venge is almost similar to games like bendy and the ink machine okay and that game is kind of honestly the concept alone of abandoned locations and exploring them and a bit of horror tossed into it isn't so unique i would go as far as to say even games like portal and portal 2 kind of fit the same vibe in my opinion this is not an overly unique concept but let's go further the foundation is uncannily similar to poppies my game came out in 2020 it's been in development since 2017. the spin on it makes virg venge unique below are two descriptions they are almost identical looks like a high schooler terribly plagiarizing for an essay so again this is from the poppy's game description welcome to playtime co playtime cos once the king of the toy manufacturing industry until everyone inside the factory one day disappeared in the thin air now years later you must explore the abandoned factory and uncover the truth so again if we look into venge's game district description in an effort to win some money you decide to explore a once magnificent movie studio that vanished into thin air a few years back after a terrible fall you find yourself trapped in a haunted abandoned world of rotnick entertainment after stumbling around you suddenly wake the spirits and get transported to their world their world is different than ours very different i feel like these are very very generic like the poppy's game description is incredibly generic okay you go into this abandoned place people disappeared in thin air now you gotta explore and get the truth this is a bit more verbose but again i just think the general game descriptions are not as unique as you would think again it's like the bendy and the ink machine it's like various other games of this nature but again i will say yeah it kind of like has some correlation i think the connection between this developer and the developers of poppy playtime in their past speaks more volumes and volumes indeed listen if ecker coaster and the developers for poppy's playtime really had no connection to each other they didn't have this strained relationship that you know we're gonna look into then i would have looked at this as a generic horror game you know and another generic horror game but because of this connection one can't help but feel that there is a little bit more to the story beyond just this and there is and i'm going to let echo coaster get into it if a random person made poppy it would be a bit different the developers are enchanted mob and zamination they've had a history of bullying me within the animation community and trying to take me down you can read about that here so this takes us to a google doc which is not terribly long but it is definitely incredibly hard to read in my opinion it definitely covers a lot of things regarding mental health and just just people in their minor states not exactly the best of points so it is no secret that while my quality has increased over the years my mental health has not and there are many reasons for that but one of the massive reasons is this i was bullied and made fun of by the other big animators for at least a year in my face ever since then it has been behind my back i haven't ever proved my case but now that i am in this new era i am finally ready to open up about why i am the way i am the entire thing is split into two pieces the way i was treated by them and the way they ran animation sins animation sins being a youtube channel that's kind of like cinemasins where they basically take like animation videos and just you know criticize them just like they do cinemasins or gaming sins or whatever it's one of those styles of videos now i arrived on the scene a while ago i was a fan of theirs and i remember freaking out when i found out that they knew about me enchanted mob mostly my young self did what anybody would do and i would try my best to be just like them my characters look similar i use the same songs as him it was all out of love and i wanted to be just like him however the treatment i got back was less than ideal i was called a copy and i was forced to change my style song choice and more i am glad that happened i developed my own style that's fine this is what the public knows behind the scenes there was a little more than that i will admit back then i hadn't found myself i hadn't found a style that worked for me i would copy a lot never intentionally of course but i was influenced by a lot of things i tried to be just like them i looked up to them i hope that as i grow better i can distance myself from that now again this person being a young individual i'm sure a lot of people who started youtube at a very young age probably had their inspirations and of course there's going to be a few bits of copying that happens from that i'm not going to judge the person against that okay i i i think early in my youtube life watching enough avgn and a few other gaming channels you could probably find a few videos that had a lot of similarities and there was a style that definitely i wouldn't say that i was trying to emulate but it was just something that like happened because that's how i knew how to make a youtube video and that's how i kind of went go went with it anyways it moves on to the manager and company the first place i can think of that started at all i was live streaming and i got a dm from enchanted mob's manager he asked a few things and asked to join a call with him and seth so they could discuss a business business proposal so again here you've actually got like the names of like the ceo of poppy's playtime and eckercoaster who is the person in question writing this doc now to understand what's really important about the situation is understanding the fractured history between eckercoaster and the developers of um you know poppy's playtime and the runners of the various youtube channels now again the plagiarism argument wouldn't stand super strong if there wasn't this history behind it obviously these people know each other meaning that if there are similarities in products it stands out a bit more than it usually would because again these people know each other it's not like they're random groups that haven't encountered one another you know for years on end let's actually look at when things begin to sour down between acre coaster and the belanger brothers who are the creators of poppy's playtime now of course then this is some mistreatment so where one person like zach in this case straight up sets a meeting right hey in about 20 minutes you want to talk that's still work 20 minutes i might still be live uh in the stream then haha okay are you about ready almost like 15 minutes i can but this meeting is more important than your stream please keep that in mind okay when our streams are normally plenty long so of course you can imagine this scene this text right here uh this meeting is more important than your stream bit dickish to sound but uh now one thing to understand is obviously the entire conversation begins at this point and i can't really see any text messages earlier but the way that this is written makes me believe that some time was set for this meeting and i understand that it's dickish if somebody's going to tell you that hey and your stream then very unprofessional i mean again i believe both parties were minors so professionalism was not established in their repertoire that said though if you do set a time i think you just show up at the time that you said okay it's just professional behavior regardless that said the other party doesn't have to be dickish about it you know just remind and that's pretty much what it is that's how the adult world works okay but i imagine that these parties both of the time from what i believe are minors and professionalism again doesn't seem to be completely established not excusing anything but that's just how it appears to me i also say that both sides are minors because of an actual apology video or sorry post made by seth bolanger one of the ccos of mob games who claimed we were also miners at the time i myself had just turned 17 years old in regards to you know what we're about to read coming up so again both sides claim to be under the age of 18. so again that's why i say professionalism i'm not excusing anything i'm just saying it seems neither of these parties were fully grown adults at the time and i guess they were at least mob games was operating a company at this point so anyways this is where he doesn't have evidence but claims that during a call they said that he should join 3a display and that he would never be successful unless i joined and i was told that i'd never be able to afford things like a car i don't have any proof of this it was a call and everyone thought to record it so again because there's not enough proof i'm not going to get into this aspect of it but again for me in the industry that i've seen uh this doesn't seem totally unreasonable but that's all i'm going to leave out to it because there's no proof there's no call recording there's no messages um i don't really like to jump into these things unless there's like a hard line proof out of there okay now anyways the next thing that they said was they wanted to be friends with me and i was super excited it was a group with all of my favorite animators enchanted mob his manager a lot of others who are not involved i remember being at a hot tub when they added me it was a friday i think they posted a lot of memes and i thought it was great that sunday i was getting ready for the day and i decided to do a little bit of digging i searched my name and found them making fun of me the biggest one was when they used my little face emoji from the discord server and put a gun emoji directly facing it then they laughed about it they made fun of my broken monitor and my most recent animation i was 15 and immature and i didn't know what to do so they have some of the screenshots for it where they took like his avatar and put like a a pistol next to it and then of course uh you know coaster said is that supposed to be funny it was a joke lol so again even in some other cases i know it's hard to read this because it's so small uh one guy was like hey sorry m89s eckercoaster is back in business and of course like they started looking at like a broken monitor and of course coasters like really i've been digging and i found a lot more to which one of them was like hey i mean i'll be honest when you first started making fnaf videos we were all kind of annoyed with you to which coaster's like i don't find this funny at all knowing this is happening i'm going to keep digging three months later they started talking badly about me in public i bring it up to him he did end up apologizing at the end but that is proof that they knew that they were talking badly about me so again not too well i keep getting these strained messages you know but some are really starting to bug me like this one to which one of the messages was the enchanted manager ecker coaster is trash he needs to quit animating ah jesus christ yeah people were ranting before sure but you said it i thought you were just going to stay away from each other i thought we were just going to stay away from each other let me just say i'm not mad at all i haven't said anything since i just want to clear everything up so i've kept true at least sure that was a joke by the way so what's on your mind regarding me oh sure it looks horrible without context and i'm sorry it really does but i have context i got sent the whole screenshot and it still looks horrible so again it really gets to the point where there's like a lot of this gossip on the discord server that never got cleaned up like it seems like they had a server where they just kept inviting animators decided to like goof on some of the other animators [ __ ] on them a little bit and not clear those logs out of discord before inviting said person they crapped on which again always ends badly now of course where the next time where ecker coaster got really miffed about it was when they started sending him a video so hey we finished our video so he sent him this like bendy and the ink machine music video like some song to which uh you know it's like what do you think about it seth said it was one of his best yet to which ecker's like that was so cool how many scenes did it have it looked like most of it took place in the same set i just noticed the outro look very familiar to which zach's like what do you mean familiar have you seen the outro yeah plain truth by gunner olson right we always loved that song been listening into it for years how come it only appears in this animation it felt appropriate somehow he he yeah sure i'm not convinced what are you trying to get at what do you mean it was just a song we liked oh i do know it very well i've been using it as my outro for two years oh really must be a coincidence he he surely you've seen my animations before which one you told me you watched them all most of them yeah then you've heard that outro before i don't watch outros i click off the video as soon as soon as it's over but if it is there you must have copied us what the what kind of yu-gi-oh reverse card [ __ ] is this echocoster says dot dot i've used it since my second animation which is unlisted wait how could i have copied you i swear you're playing dumb right now so again he links this youtube video right here which is completely unlisted from eckercoaster's actual main channel from november 2016. okay two years later they are saying i copied them notice the lies are already visible what are you trying to do you literally told me you thought of the video knowing it would make me mad which it hasn't we're not trying to make you mad we didn't know you used it hehe what dude who the why would you use the that's pissing me off and i'm not even getting like condescended ad you don't think we're copying you do you no you're too good for that oh well good then why are you upset you're trying to make me upset no i'm not we like that song it's going to be our outro from now on everyone in my discord is agreeing with me nine year olds who cares you should stop using our song though seriously it's ridiculous it actually kind of is and beyond ridiculousness it's just straight up being an [ __ ] now again from what i understand both these parties are obviously minors but you can't think if you're running a corporation or a company or whatever you know about being in the media business or making video games and then being an [ __ ] like this to anybody else you know i wish i had just some more you know context to these screenshots but from what i'm reading i feel bad frecker like he's being treated really poorly like this is just an [ __ ] being an [ __ ] you cannot look good being an [ __ ] and i don't understand being an [ __ ] eventually that'll get leaked out anyways so just don't be an [ __ ] from the beginning i'm getting pissed off reading all the he he's in condescension and i'm not even the one being targeted to now of course he let the conversation be for a month stop talking to him and then he gets this stop being mean to enchanted mom i told him not to do that sins video the animation sins video they actually covered one of his animations and he didn't want that to happen to which first first you copy our intro song now this face pomp face bomb facepalm hehe which one of your videos do you want them to send next um maybe none of them please we were thinking time dance floor maybe then all the baby story stuff asking you a question is not targeting i did unsubscribe though just being honest i can see set screen like lol what are you trying to do i really don't care just please leave me alone i was 15 at the time i didn't know how to properly deal with things yeah a 15 year old on the internet especially when they're on youtube communicated to people who are tr this is just sad it's so it's such an immature conversation you don't treat anybody like this okay like a 15 year old and i believe even the person behind this was a minor at the time too so it's just really two minors that are actually having this discussion it's just as a near 30 year old man it hurts to read now of course when it comes to animation sins and i know we're getting into a lot of it here's the real important piece i don't support animation sins in any way shape or form i don't believe their approach to criticism is helpful to the creators as a creator i know firsthand how damaging it can be they've pushed me into horrible places that i never want to be again that does not mean i hate criticism i love it i just don't like criticism that has layers of bullying and harassment attached to it that is fair i've been saying for years and i've asked them to stop but they've told me that i can't ask them to and stuff now i'm ready to defend my statement and back it up now there's nuance to this entire situation whenever you're doing critique videos on the internet and i think one of the more important factors is obviously at the time echo coaster is a minor communicating that he does not want his content reviewed to now i think when it comes to a minor on a platform like hey you shouldn't go into the critiquing that hard anyways or just in general because it is a minor you know it is somebody that's under the age of 18. and you know if they're uploading cringy things or you know bad takes they're they're still minors at the end of the day right like you know if you're an adult and you're doing it that's just straight up creepy now again obviously we're allowed to critique each other on this platform it's kind of how it works but if somebody is going through some serious mental health issues and your critique isn't exactly meant to be constructive more so meant to be sitting on the other individual or calling out sins if you will if that's the only point of critique that you have then maybe just maybe it's time to take a step back at least ethically when somebody is straight up telling you that they feel like they're being harassed or bullied especially with your specific brand of critique again i know there's nuance to the situation but when you hear somebody under the age of 18 going through a mental health crisis because of this it's definitely time to switch the gear down or all the way into [ __ ] reverse at that point animation sins is run by a lot of the same people who are mean to me and stuff and i truly believe they were targeting me in the videos and then sending my videos was done to hurt me they knew i hated it and they did it anyways i've had many people say that they are harsher on me i haven't watched most of them i don't watch them they hate i hate the waves of hate i would get people telling me to stop people telling me how much sins i have or how much i deserve etc it gets too much and it's very overwhelming i had asked him to stop many times they said no they only stop when i did something that i never want to remember something i did when i was dumb and stupid and i was clouded in the head that i couldn't see past things the hate built up so bad that i felt like life worth wasn't worth living anymore just don't send the content from people who are you stop that okay like if somebody just straight up says many times hey stop reviewing my content okay i don't like the jesus christ maybe it comes across hypocritical because i cover some really degenerate people on the internet but it always comes out of a place of archival and like critique and again it's never like hey i made one video call it a day we can't just go with like 10 15 videos in a row and keep it continuing it's just i don't know it's it's tough to read this kind of [ __ ] when this is written it's actually making me mad so again there's a lot of back and forth that happened between multiple discord servers and if you're really that interested and invested in that specific angle this google doc is out there for read just for everybody out there now of course at the end of it is why i've been dealing with this thing for a long time you can see the attacks on my face go for about a year and then they stop from then on all the attacks were in private they would just talk smack about me behind my back and i'm confident they still do it today there are huge youtubers who are acting like this i was a huge fan of them i worry that they are doing this to other people who can't speak up i am risking a lot going after someone as big as them i learned a lot and i've learned i need to stand up for myself even if no one does i don't want them canceled or hated on my server will not drag anything my server and my fans will not hurt anybody i'm doing this to tell my story i'm doing this to show how much it hurts when you leave things be so again you know this is something that like i assume both parties have moved on from both parties have gotten older and of course there is an apology given by the actual mob game studios development team specifically their ceos i also want to say in ecuador coasters case he really does come across as the very mature one definitely somebody that's shown a lot of personal growth in the situation instead of letting this beat them down they've instead decided to go on to the platform and push harder and continue to stay on instead of being completely you know you know negated off the platform if you will and i think that maturity definitely needs to be commended so again here regarding ethan or eckercoaster i wanted to clarify a few things there have been rumors that the idea for poppy's playtime was plagiarized by eckracoster's game venge this is false so here in the apology they said the channel would periodically make videos on animations made by the youtuber echo coaster so here they straight up talk about uh past drama that did not involve a large majority of poppy's playtime team so again for that last drama that we just went into that whole google doc back in 2017 the creators of zamination and enchanted mob youtube's channel created a channel called animation sins which was a parody of cinemasins you get it the channel would periodically make videos on animations made by youtuber ecker coaster echo coaster did not want his video sinned and requested the animation's tin cents team stopped making videos about his animations for a while animation since stopped making videos on archer coaster's animations but eventually ended up making another one with a heavier focus on the positive aspects of the animation this was not a good decision as ethan has previously asked the sins team to stop making videos based on his content entirely after the video released ethan was rightfully very upset and told his fans the animation sins was bullying him everyone was part of animation sins myself seth mike and zack realized after that it was wrong to go against ethan's wishes to no longer make videos on his content and we removed all the animation since videos based around his content however ethan cut off communication and refused to respond to any apologies after he cut off communications not knowing any other way to reach him the animation sense team discontinued the entire channel okay so yeah you can actually look at the animation sense team they actually lost 5 million views in like a day or two ago that's typically a sign that they just deleted a [ __ ] ton of videos so i can't really go back and see the glaring positivity in some of the sins in these myself now not only did they straight up admit that they were sinning it brings me back to this um you know absolute uh now not only did they admit that they were sitting in that apology but it you know it rubs me the wrong way because the more and more that i read this in post editing this like comment thread which again i i can't completely say it's real it's an allegation because unless i refresh these myself from discord server i tend not to like you know hard put myself into any hole so again if i look at these alleged screenshots leaked you can see that we were thinking fun time dance floor maybe then all the baby story stuff asking you a question is not targeting lol it just comes across malicious i have severe doubts on the nice or you maybe you were being really positive and you're sinning for this content creator this itself just comes across so passive aggressive and douchey to me that i i really look at the apology as a whole and look at it more as of like less of an apology more of like a corporate uh yeah we [ __ ] up explain why i want you to specifically reference some of these messages either straight up deny that they exist or give an explanation to what the [ __ ] you were doing at the time you were more than just an apology in my opinion okay this is this is a little bit beyond you know just hey uh we we we deleted all the content you know the sinning wasn't as bad like this reading this over and over again pains me the more and more i get into it and it makes the apology that mob games put out just hollow in my opinion of course it's hollow to me when i read these okay i'd like that company to at least specifically address this [ __ ] obviously they admitted that they were told not to make the content they didn't want the sins to be delivered to this one user and they still made the videos it was wrong jesus christ years later in october of 2021 poppy playtime was released and ethan who made his own game a few years back accused the playtime team of stealing his game idea the accusation was based on the assumption that the creators of the animation sins were attempting to create a game to spite him this is absolutely absurd our entire team spent months developing poppy playtime out of passion not spite while the creators of animation sins were definitely in the wrong for continuing to make videos based on ethan's content years ago that does not justify using the whole development team of creating poppy's playtime to spite one person well again let me just explain one thing okay clearly if you look into the actual thing right here the thread never ended the story isn't the only thing additionally a lot of the characters resemble my own as seen below mob and zam are massive youtube creators with enormous audiences and a wide reach so if you actually look into these situations all right this is their character design this is huggy wuggy and this is his character designs i'm gonna say right now that these are incredibly [ __ ] similar to one another okay all right like this alone right here very very very similar like jesus christ like here in this one they've got their character cutouts and then they've got character cutouts over here this i'm going to say is just like generic animal like kid stuff but i will go back and say that these these are incred like this is incredibly similar okay this is like this this is just like this is like corporate identify the difference between the two pictures they are they are almost the same now i know that i'm somebody that likes to give the benefit of the doubt a lot and it does show up negatively sometimes when i do critique things right like especially when i'm covering crypto or really anything that requires a very very it requires more than just a simple death touch and i don't want it to come across like some you know fen sitting if you will it really is that the internet is such a vast place and the game idea initially is such a i want to say it starts off being very generic however when you look at those final similarities the closeness between the character designs in fact even some of the environmental designs one thing that really does change it for me is that connection between you know ethan eckercoaster and these mob cro the the mob games developers because you know if you took away the entire connection they had with the animation sense channel and just their past behaviors then uh one could say ah it's just one game that's very similar to the other but i find it incredibly difficult that at some point the mob games developers didn't actually notice that ethan orecker coaster was working on a game i know that game development is a very long and time consuming process for indie teams for aaa teams but when you've got this history between two individuals on the internet i find it really difficult that both parties aren't constantly eyeing each other or at least shadowing each other's work or content at some point again there's no definitive way to prove that there's any form of malicious plagiarism at work it really is up to the average person to believe again i'm just covering this stuff i'm not telling you whether i think it's plagiarism or not because frankly i just want to give you you know all the facts from both sides and let you decide me on a personal level the connection between both parties really puts this into murky waters and uh that's really all i gotta say now again even another situation came out where seth in this case the other ceo of mob games wanted to address a few things in addition to it as well so the creator of mob games originally started out as friends online they were kids at the time and what made them what made what were known as deep fried memes where we screenshot photoshop clips from various videos mostly our owns with high contrast colors in an ironic comedic manner in 2017-2018 so deep fried memes okay like i guess this is the deep fried meme in question uh what is this r slash arab funny it's is it whatever it's 2017 humor is what it is none of us ever recall sending those memes to ecker coasters right so we were also all miners at the time i myself had just turned 17 years old however some of us were even younger than him at the time with the youngest in our friend group being 14 so yeah they were like under 18 they were like kids at the time the memes are completely blown out of proportion those deep fried memes were the result of a few friends having fun in photoshop a few years ago our intention was not to sexualize echo coaster's minecraft character we were just teenage boys trying to be funny none of these images were made with malicious intention and we hope these those who are concerned about these images can have relief regarding the issue we were still in high school not a corporate boardroom the idea that we were a company trying to bully a child is far from the truth we'd like to move on from this and behave like adults additionally there have been concerns about some of our youtube content featuring the fnaf character circus baby the concern is the content is sexualizing a minor because the fnaf books mention that she is canonically possessed by a minor okay my response is to just take a look at our content the character is not portrayed to be a minor in our videos or in the fnaf games themselves our company would never do such a thing i hope our concerns can be relieved regarding this issue the reason i chose to speak about this is because zach had nothing to do with them lastly i would like to speak to the accusations of bad working conditions these accusations originate from former part-time online contractors who were working with us during the early days of our company for contact for context our company was focused on creating youtube animations which was extremely hard we don't have much money to work with due to the nature of the business model i will admit zach and i were inexperienced with managing people and i believe that today we have become a lot better today we're 20 happy hard working artists in our office and even more online more than anything the single biggest thing hurting our company's morale is all this online negativity surrounding our past so again i wanted to give both sides of the story in the situation because frankly that's the fair thing to do when you're covering things in a fair and balanced objective manner right now again a lot of the sensors happened in the they basically use the youtube like demonetization uh logo like the like the the the yellow dolan sign to hide the minecraft um um sorry just give me a minute the minecraft the minecraft nudie bits if you will um again this is like i guess 2017 2018 teenage kid humor i don't understand it i don't get it but coaster claims that this was sent to me when i was like 15-ish which is what they were referring to as the sexualized um give me a minute this is like hard this really is but yeah this is the kind of stuff that they apparently allegedly had sent out that said though um i'm gonna leave it where it's at okay now i want to just end this off over here frankly the apologies to be given or by mob crush themselves and it's really up to ecker ethan to accept them nobody else can do that but the individual that was you know wronged in the first place now again at the end of the day when it comes to the idea of monetization of the game and the nfts well yeah that's all like bad in general like obviously it's very excessive for a game that is effectively just a 30 minute tech demo with an extra hour of gameplay added an hour and a half if we're being liberal at best for about 11 but really the most egregious thing is not even so much about the game it's about this connection between the developers and another user that you know claimed to be wronged in the first place now again i'm not going to give definitive stances on you know if i think it's plagiarism or whatnot i definitely believe that the ideas of these games are very generic as somebody that's been playing independent games especially independent horror games i've seen this concept float around more than once or twice but i will say it is very murky waters when you have a connection like this between the developers of poppy's playtime and ethan also known as eckercoaster and honestly some of the behavior that i've seen through whatever leaked discord screenshots that we had which again since i couldn't refresh them i'm not going to die on a hill over them either what i've read definitely paints the mop crush developers in a poor light and definitely in their apologies they're a bit they're it appears that they have been some admissions as to what their wrongdoings are that they have committed some wrongdoings and while they've apologized for it i really am not in the position to sort of judge them the only person that can judge an apology is the person that has been wronged so really it's up to ethan orecker coaster and really this is just how i want to tie off the poppy's playtime it's been a wild ride going down this rabbit hole but you know we're at the end it's a dark rabbit hole and i'm just glad that every party in here has shown some maturity especially ethan eckercoaster who got his side of the story out and thankfully he is not in the mental state that he was you know as he described in this google document now for anybody who's following into the entire thing and you want more content on this there are channels that have produced videos regarding the shady history of poppy's playtime for instance you can look at videos by dags you can look at videos by theft king and you can look at videos by uh sheep ram rampage who have made videos that have talked about the situation now that said though i'm going to end the video off right over here i'm not going to play poppy's playtime too because frankly i'm recording other horror games that i found on gamejolt all about liminal spaces and some obscure ps1 stuff that comes out of japan and i found some old 4chan horror games that i kind of want to dive into something more my channel uh you know vibe if you will for me if you want to watch poppy's playtime part 2 there's other channels out there but i wanted to really cover on this weird history because it's been in my head it's burned into me and of course when something happens to me like that i gotta make a video on it i gotta get it out of the system and at the end of the day i want you to really be deciding what you think about all this ladies and gentlemen we covered a lot we had a time and i wish the best for ecker coaster who as a kid has grown up in the sphere and i hope the absolute best for his channel his health his mental health especially and the games that he's producing later on and at the same time for the poppy's playtime team while yes there was definitely some admittance of guilt and there were definitely a lot of mistakes these guys made in the past because the because these people were minors i really hope that both these parties can resolve their differences and hopefully mature going on forward that said though this is me muda and if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,373,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy's playtime, some ordinary gamers
Id: Sb30PuZaT90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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