I Can't Believe YouTube Monetized This Video...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and uh you know darman's kind of a national treasure last time i made any of these videos i covered the magical tale of a poor indian man who was treated mistreated by the office employees now of course with a lot of life story channels all right a lot of these type of channels where they're trying to give you a positive story you know making the world a better place one story at a time type channels they're often very cringy they kind of come out of nowhere and they capitalize off the success of my daddy darman now darman was sort of the progenitor for this kind of [ __ ] you know 14 million subscribers we're not just telling stories we're changing lives unfortunately temporarily do closed at the moment okay but they will be back with new videos in february okay you'll never never stop it dar man will survive the end of the world let me tell you but darn man makes bangers like rich kid humiliates pool boy fake kid fakes broken arm to skip test sometimes it gets a little bit a little bit racial if you will all right but you know darmian's kind of gotten better about that i will say some of the banger stuff has been the feature films like girl finds out she's adopted oh boy it's a feature film right there with an intro rising climax but you know we're not going to look at darman okay i think you've probably seen plenty of other channels that have covered dharma i'm going to show you something that popped up in my youtube recommended okay uh after i watched enough of dharma and see like darm and there's plenty of other channels again like i said earlier that cover this kind of stuff they make similar content this is generation hope with 267 000 subscribers in fact ladies and gentlemen generation hope was founded last year of may the month i was born in no doubt now this is a brand new channel okay like brand spanking new in fact their first upload was six months ago now you can imagine they have family friendly written on the title now if you look very closely you'll find out how family-friendly this really is for instance some of the most family-friendly content they ever made was wife cheats on husband with 40 guys oh or evil foster mother mistreats kid or evil son poison's mother truly up there with the greats like home alone and whatnot but you know it gets a little bit of a racial scenario like for instance racist cops arrest a black family but you might be wondering that's a little tame for these days it's got to get a little higher that's true what if i showed you a video known as racist karen whips black boys oh boy oh oh god i don't even know what to say to that one i think it speaks for itself now i watched this video but two days ago it got 1.4 million views it's clearly a banger youtube's definitely been promoting it in fact it's got some goddamn advertisements on it too proving once again that i don't understand how you do youtube i don't understand what what the algorithm finds okay but let's let's listen to it look at one of the recommended artist kills record labels daughter what the hell let's go we live in a weird timeline man but let's get let's get watching the this uh this life lesson okay hashtag life lesson i'm glad we had the whip cracking sound effect there i don't want the deaf people in the audience to get this confused now or anything there are in fact whips being cracked now before i begin all right let's start off with the obvious okay these are two you know fine gentlemen all right one of them being unfortunately crippled playing basketball and what appears to not be the most sanitary basketball field out there you know the basketball court if you will i don't know why i went with field maybe maybe the fumes are getting to my head right now but how will this lady start this how will this lady instigate the situation did i tell you criminals about coming back to my neighborhood ah she's really she really she really be stereotyping i think she walked out of like i think she walked out of 17 7 to 4. i mean who comes to a basketball court with a whip and immediately assuming these two fine gentlemen were just criminals to start off with i mean she clearly instigated it but let's see how these gentlemen de-escalated listen lady we aren't breaking any laws by having fun here at the park i won't let you intimidate us anymore are you talking back to me boy oh oh i don't know who's trying to like i don't know who's trying to put on a performance at this point but clearly neither of them are de-escalating it obviously that crippled boy right there he's got he's going to play some basketball he he ain't diddling around and she she won't tolerate that boy sitting around playing b-ball that's not okay in her book i guess you forgot who used to own your kind and i'm about to remind you with that right now ah man they're really trying to make this oh boy oh boy i love how like the one guy whips out the phone immediately and surprisingly he's not bursting out and laughter because clearly i was the most fake weapon i've ever seen she she's pretending to whip and he's playing along because clearly he's dealing with a deranged individual and instead of calling the cops like any normal person they're kind of just playing along you know they're letting her have a little fun all right it clearly clearly the hospice people are going to come in and drag her back to the [ __ ] facility at some point let's be honest now this takes us back earlier that day ladies and gentlemen when things were a little bit less toxic let's see what these two gentlemen were like i'm practicing i'm practicing every day listen i'd show you how the feet's supposed to go is that a [ __ ] joke it is what it is no you can make the jokes i can't what it's just walking by the neighborhood oh did them again and now one of them can't walk when will it end oh my god these hood rats and fasting my neighborhood i wish they all just went away that way we could keep it pure who acts like this that way we could keep it pure like the old days now let's see how she first instigates over here let's let's see how she like pesters these poor individuals just having their day you know that loitering is illegal right not that your kind of people like to follow the rules but as long as i'm here i'm gonna make sure that this neighborhood is safe i'm surprised they're not bursting into laughter right now if i heard this kind of dialogue i would [ __ ] absolutely burst my gut right now you know loitering is illegal i'm pretty sure you're loitering lady they're just playing they're just playing basketball you know the thing you're supposed to be doing at a court not like these darman channels follow any rules and logic anyways come on now if you don't give me that ball right now i'm gonna call the police and tell them that you assaulted me why would you lie like that i've done nothing wrong to you you know what let her call the police i mean i'm sure even if if the lapd shows up they're probably going to sit there and be like well mao lady you couldn't run up a flight of stairs like what what was the point over there was she gonna whip out her cell phone and say the guy in the wheelchair was assaulting me damn man even even the cairns even the crazy psychos in this universe can't seem to like actually follow any leap in logic and this poor guy he's playing along too hard they're really they're really letting this like crazy mean too much now after all of that what do you think this poor gentleman does after being demeaned and belittled by this evil individual take the ball now that's a good little slave no man they have oh my god you've got issues lady get re understatement of the understatement of the millennium right there this i actually love this all of a sudden you know these actors are all over the top like i bet you the script probably said you know just be a little like over the top she went like full mach 5 over the top bro she went like spacex to another galaxy not only does she take the goddamn ball but she brings out a cop at knife and stabs it in this is insanity and then she still calls him sl god damn it just keeps going we're only three minutes into the video by the way too [ __ ] ouch roy you might be disabled but you can still stand up for yourself if somebody is pushing you around and trying to intimidate you don't let them do that you should let them know that they shouldn't be doing that you got it but someone saw the production team to use a [ __ ] boom microphone but that's a pretty good sign right there even if you're crippled and you can't go you still gotta stand up for yourself proving the writing in this is just absolutely solid they're tongue-in-cheek they know exactly what they're doing but see the message is good audience okay this is life advice right it's just a life lesson if somebody tries to intimidate or bully you stand up to them of course when this character says but ma she was scary that's a blatant lie if anything that she was she's the funniest character ever she's the funniest stereotype i've ever seen but your father and i used to have a crazy white neighbor who used to always bother us just because we were black he tried to get us evicted he lied and said that we would play our music too loud and that we damaged his property but you know what your father and i never let him win your dad bought a surveillance system and that way we proved that we weren't actually bad there you go that's how you win son you buy a ring camera i i always like it when these channels bring up all this racial stuff too like look man i've got you know i've got a i've got a neighbor of let's say nordic descent if you will and you know the worst thing i ever get from him is hey buddy the weather's real good today no tom it's cold and windy okay how many times do i have to tell you this it's bad roy you're not handicapped you're handy-capable roy you got this mom's right okay so long story short mom mom got mom got him a new basketball uh roy's gonna go back to the court and uh mom's gonna be there at the call at the call of anything just to protect roy from being assaulted by what might be the craziest person in their neighborhood oh oh this looks real nice we're just playing a good old fat oh no here comes the rat system i had to blur that i had to bleep that one out she actually went full slur on that one guys god damn and this is family friendly [ __ ] you're not worth it you and you're kind you are worthless she's like really into it she's like doing a better performance so like adam driver from like black klansmen or something like that movie adam went like full he went like he went like insane she's like pulling she's like pulling a close to adam driver performance when mixed in with a shitty purge performance i kind of like it dude she's like i don't understand her acting arc is insane she's gonna make it places now it's been what 180 years since slavery was abolished and i'm to give you a lash for every year that that god-given right was taken away from me [Laughter] oh boy oh man oh he's giving me butterflies 180 years since slavery was abolished you think she like googled up red dead redemption 2 how do i buy the minorities question mark when she started playing it i'ma give you a whip for every year that god-given right was taken away man it's like there's like there's like subtlety and like subtext and let me tell you the people of generation hope they do not care they do not give a [ __ ] nobody messes with my boy like that lady you ought to be ashamed of yourself vince call the cops wow like you should have done immediately christ tell them that there's a lunatic at the park going around whipping people yes hello police yeah we have a hate crime at greensboro park 123 main street cops were like oh it's that crazy whip and [ __ ] ain't it god damn steve bring the swat team we got the psycho out again jesus man you know even with that video against me you're not winning a trial there i would really like to doubt that i'm gonna press x to doubt i played enough l.a noire to know that that's not how it works lady once the cops arrived vince showed them the video evidence of mallory whip and roy mallory was arrested and sent to jail for her crimes however roy and vince continued to enjoy playing basketball without anyone bothering them again it's important to treat everyone with respect and kindness but it's okay oh the cop just comes in lady cut out of here i'm sorry guys she keeps escaping what can we say i'm glad that that uh that that resolution was so good that our crippled character could finally stand tall amongst everyone stand tall amongst the hate and move on with his life that is absolutely brilliant goddamn what an amazing story jesus it had me on edge the entire time i will say generation hope you are you are amazed amazing now something that i really want to reiterate over here is that i genuinely do believe at the bottom of my heart that generation hope is without a doubt the best high key parody channel i've ever found if it comes out that these people are actually not being parody and they're actually very serious about this i will in fact cry but the content on this channel is so good that they're like the arcade craniacs if you will of the dharman style content meaning that they have just found the perfect way to parody this style of inspirational family friendly content now of course you know i don't want to like end this video off in a very simple manner obviously we had a fun time like sort of laughing at it but i think my favorite dharman type channel might in fact be trisha paytas's trish talks now a lot of people for some reason don't know this like no one's really it's like it's kind of like a youtube national treasure but trisha paytas has his channel called trish talks where i guess she used to do like a podcast or something um you should check out some ordinary podcasts by the way it's pretty awesome we're about to have a banger episode amongst banger episodes soon uh check it out but ladies and gentlemen she does like doorman videos and she's got like some funny stuff like oh oh my brain just processed that one girl wants to pick a vampire to lose weight oh oh that got me by surprise this is where like you literally have no life lesson okay at least the other darn man clones they have a life lesson you don't get no life lessons in this one let's start it off excuse me yeah hi i asked for butter this is plain oh oh oh i'm so sorry let me fix this for you what are you doing i asked for butter don't dump it out do you even speak english i don't know i mean he spoke some pretty fluent english right there a similar pretty stupid question to ask but obviously you can see that trish is not taken too kindly to people that have some accents implying that they're from out of the country not exactly too awesome what country are you even from oh i'm actually from faster [Laughter] she's a treasure now if you ever notice how she said phone dings listen very closely i don't want you to miss this here are the actual damage actually from faster yes the ding is in fact built into the track she actually just went ding in real life and it's funny and hilarious because like the video is edited really well like you know as far as these darn man types go so it's like how could you not have added the ding sound effect that's how you know she got some trolling vibes going on i love it i'm so sorry from you does your manager know you're stealing oh look what you made me do why did you even hand me all that food i need help no stop no hobble help me pour favor oh man oh like i love i love how this is from the side of the internet it's like we don't want to be offended so we want to be like oh god oh no i can't no hoblow poor before it's like deadly it's it's it's it's it's wild from my purse what where did you get this it was on the floor i'm calling immigration oh man oh poor guy went up and it's like oh you dropped your purse instead of calling the police officer she immediately jumped in and said i'ma call immigration god damn it's just it's like you know even south park doesn't write this good but this this is good i like it now to summarize this amazing zeitgeist piece we're gonna move on forward now trisha decides that after watching the amazing you don't mess with the blow on one she gonna watch the sequel you don't mess with the blowhan too so here is you know theater redo part two okay she's gonna go in and get some food yeah it's so crazy they made a sequel i can't wait to see it think what is this you guys have trays now that's so cool what kind of a plot device is this wait a minute the tray has a separate component for the nachos and the cheese what'll they think of next god damn they must have got some engineers on this jesus christ okay oh [ __ ] all right don't don't show them a hungry man tv dinner they might actually get a heart attack oh my god the movie was so good i wish i could be in a movie like that and maybe wow let me call you back whoa nice car ah the rented ferrari strikes again i see oh let's see how this plays out obviously if you recognize our our are good our good friend the the the the cashier at the theater the concession guy has finally evolved into owning what is in fact one of the nicer super cars that i have ever seen good job congratulations living the american dream thanks i'm crazy but you look just like the guy in the movie i just saw oh let me guess you don't know the blowhound too yes it is you you do a great fake accent well actually it's just how i speak robbie hart he wanted somebody with authenticity so when he came to my job he saw me working there and he got me for this role work you have a job job oh man the director came in and said i need somebody that sounds foreign ah buddy you just seemed like you stepped into the country there do you have a green card not yet we'll help you get it right now buddy just come on and do a roll with us jesus christ oh you want my ferrari [ __ ] it why not i can buy like 10 of these i'm a holly executive baby research on what i can show you i actually have a few here just got these samples you stole those i'm gonna go in and tell the manager no wait i invented this we just got approval from the government and now we're using them in all theaters no more cheese spilling on jeans okay you see where that was leading to i bet none of you ever figured that out in the writing prompt yeah those magical trays you saw earlier that had different compartments and no spill nacho components yeah that was patented to the us government that was like technology that he stole from darpa using that technology our good old friend bought himself a ferrari and is now one of the most richest individuals out there in the world congratulations follow your dreams so how do you drive this car probably elise ah poor people leasing a super car disgusting i love this la vibe no mr radari is my dad i'm sorry as in the inventor of her diary cars and then you have to gut punch me by going with the flying cars man today is good this is a good day do you want to go for a ride sometime i can't hear you what do you want to hang out sometime sorry no english you got him dude he won it congratulations good [ __ ] man succeeded but now trish is going to give us the beautiful lessons that we got out of here let's listen to this one good [ __ ] hey guys thanks for watching on the generations new and old because we all have something to learn basically the moral of the story is immigrants work hard they're some of our hardest working people you never know who's going to be the inventor of the next tesla so why not be nice to everyone and further than that don't make fun of the way someone speaks making fun of the way someone speaks really just makes you look stupid no i think the writing on this one makes the people well these are some good lessons to carry on to the next generation i'm done i can't do any more of this god we're over so yeah ladies and gentlemen that was my view on the dharman channels i just wanted to show you the massive story of what appears to be in fact quite possibly one of the most outlandish peace i've ever seen dar man is slacking okay dar man's out there making feature films on [ __ ] that everyone's already seen before well you've got new family friendly channels uploading things about whipping slaves and whatnot you know the real family friendly youtube approved kind of [ __ ] and then you've got trisha over here who hasn't uploaded a new darman style video in two months and i'm actually kind of sad because anybody that's writing the words mr rodari's flying cars deserves to have a youtube red paycheck and be able to make more of this kind of so this actually might be the best content trisha paytas has ever done jesus christ i can never get over this this actually like if you were sad today i hope this video made you smile because i'm having a great time making it with that being said if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 801,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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