The Most Disgusting Thing I've Seen On YouTube...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and uh boy oh boy youtube is kind of a disgusting place sometimes some really disgusting people as beautiful as the content you can find on this website when somebody dies or passes away there are definitely a youtube group of vultures that sit around waiting to create video after video on a person's death using their name everything they can just to siphon that juicy clout and views hell you know what throughout my time on youtube i've made videos on several unsavory characters that definitely have created a video fresh before a corpse has actually been buried definitely videos of youtube users faking the deaths of their loved ones for that juicy clout and views ladies and gentlemen but you know for those of you who want full context yesterday you know obviously charlie made this video regarding one of the worst trends on youtube and i really wanted to follow up on that because when he made the video he really mentioned a donation in that entire video like he talked about a donation that occurred which towards the end of the video you're gonna find some real wild shocking not really shocking revelations about that now for full context one of the one of the larger youtubers in the minecraft community technoblade actually passed away very recently uh unfortunately they passed away very at a very young age very very young age to cancer and of course cancer is a very very very very disgusting disease like many diseases cancer is a disease that when it comes for me on a personal level a few of my family members have had cancer and have unfortunately lost to it okay it is something that i've had seen in my family friends my family circle my friend circle it's something that is disgusting to see cancer specifically towards the last little stages is absolutely like just hard to watch at that point the person isn't really themselves anymore technoblade spent his you know life basically making people laugh making people smile and unfortunately lost to cancer now upon technoblade passing away a lot of people gave their condolences like they normally would and there's been a few videos that have popped up for instance rest in peace hey reaction to the death memes that'll make me cry and to be honest i don't want to jump in and say that every single video on anybody that's passed away is always done in poor taste there's context to this stuff a lot of people will make videos they'll stream simply because it may be the easiest way for a lot of people to cope techno blade definitely appeal to a lot of younger people out there and for them you know witnessing a stream from another you know friendly creator or watching a video might have been the only way for them to cope so again i just want to make that special distinction in this case but of course i'm not talking about that i'm talking about the people that jump in for that clout and views now of course one of the wildest things that i've ever seen one of the things that blew me away in this entire situation was a comment that i actually screenshotted a few days ago this is from the deep web video i uploaded where like literally i have to block out one of the names because i'm not trying to give these people as much attention as they can one of them was literally a literally they had the swastika with like techno blade is burning in hell like these are one of the comment sections like these are some of the comments the bot comments that have been happening for months now youtube is attempting to fix this i don't know when that's going to come in i don't really know the road map for that but of course this person literally likes man i wish i was wishing for another episode of this for a while now lol what a wonderful thing to end the 4th of july with happy independence day everybody who reads this good luck with whatever you've got going on i did not fake the screenshot by the way this is something that i screen grabbed to this day i still believe that what i witnessed that day was a fever dream this is not real to me in some capacity this seems so [ __ ] far out of left field the fact that you can write something like that and then have this as your name and profile picture is absolutely abhorrently disgusting of course that's one stage these people are usually trolls they're trying to get a rise of attention out of people and they're trying to make someone mad but of course we get to the other point okay that's just a youtube comment what about somebody that's actually producing a level of content like this now ladies and gentlemen there was a youtuber known as it's owen that actually ended up getting their account terminated so for instance they made this one video where it says mr beast's final goodbye to technoblade 324 000 views number eight on trending for gaming which doesn't really mean much now this person has 3.5 million subscribers so before anybody says but nuda you're punching down first off i really don't care about that okay when you're making content everyone's fair-picking and fair game but this person's larger than me or should i say used to be larger because of their massive click-baiting on the death of a beloved youtuber youtube decided to terminate their account now from what i understand this isn't their first termination on youtube ever they could potentially just be bannovating again don't want to speak out of my ass on that but they got terminated to which they basically begged youtube hey at team youtube my youtube channel with 3.5 million subs just got terminated please help me get it back i'm so depressed right now i don't know what to do good job congratulations i'm so happy your channel got terminated and i hope to god any future channel you make owen gets completely terminated in that regard of course all the begging really didn't mean much when team youtube came in with that fat spicy w this time where they were at update we've reviewed your account and confirmed that your channel was correctly suspended due to explicit content note that you will not be able to access or create any other youtube accounts good [ __ ] riddance and again if you look at this channel it's been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of youtube's policy on nudity or sexual content i honestly got think that's a catch-all term but i'm not here for that of course where it gets even wilder is this channel known as braiso so of course this is 135 000 subscribers and if you look very carefully in this entire scenario you can see that there's a lot of most of the videos here are designed to basically just you know capture off of somebody else's you know name so for instance as soon as technoblade passed away thank you for everything which whatever that's like you know rest in peace king then it's i'm very disappointed if you're a technoblade fan watch this youtuber caught lying about the death and of course you can imagine every time they upload one of these videos it's guaranteed to do well in the algorithm i found the technoblade pig in minecraft and then of course youtuber banned after lying about death and of course they mention its own literally these people are cannibalizing on other individuals it's [ __ ] insane but then what really weirded me out especially when i watched charlie's video you know a few hours ago was i donated three thousand dollars to techno blades charity now of course i wanted to make sure this video didn't actually like i wanted to see if this donation went through okay because it's one thing making a video about all this [ __ ] then another thing lying about making a donation to like cancer research so did this person fake a donation just for youtube views and attention and success and extra youtube revenue well let's find out if the world is truly as [ __ ] as it is so of course yes the video is in fact ad friendly okay it does have ads on it and they do in fact have an anti-vaping ad why risk your health well i think watching this i'm already risking it enough let's get into it canada now of course what this person did was they went to the technoblade tribute so again here they are they're going to make a donation and of course they're claiming to make a 3 000 donation as seen by that button now of course i'm gonna just go frame by frame on this one okay so let's keep going bit by bit ladies and gentlemen all right and actually see if this is a real donation so of course did you catch that audience did you make did you catch that all right we're gonna do the uh ghost ghost adventure [ __ ] the comma between the three and the o three and the zero disappeared now that might not seem like big information to you but of course if you've been making youtube videos like i have you all know a cut when you see it so three thousand dollars with the comma and then all of a sudden it cuts to this so of course they then process the transaction and of course ladies and gentlemen it has claimed to have gone through now here's where we're going to do a little bit of a scientific experiment ladies and gentlemen to prove so of course if you go to the exact same website as braiso did you can go all the way down and here you can type in an amount i can put in 100 000 right now of course you see how it puts the comma in the right place between you know the the third and fourth zero if i put in three thousand dollars you can see that it is 3 000. even if i click it all right to process the transaction that that comma isn't going to go away of course i can also put in things like one dollar and change it to one dollar but of course let me show you exactly what's happened let's say that you have it set to one dollar well if you right click on a page and go to inspect element here you can highlight this exact thing right here you can highlight the button and where it says donate one dollar you can actually change this to three thousand dollars and of course if we go back to that decrepit video you can find out whoa that's three thousand bucks without the comma yes ladies and gentlemen people are literally faking donations it took five seconds to make sure your fake inspect element didn't look [ __ ] here let me let me fix up let me fix up your [ __ ] click bait for you right here let me inspect that and between the three and the zero you want to put the goddamn thama yes there at this point people are too lazy click-baiting somebody's passing away to fake a donation okay fake a donation to cancer research fake that that's how bad it is now of course you might be like muda why are you giving these scumbags attention it's not the attention that's the problem this is self-policing these people are scumbag grifters grifting off somebody's passing away and you know what ladies and gentlemen it's really up to us in the community to call [ __ ] like this out because it is bad okay literally all you had to do was donate some money over to the charity you could have given a hundred dollars okay of the blood money you made drifting off of this death and that would have been that that would have maybe like sweetened the deal that would have maybe like you know offset a bit of that somehow okay whatever but to fake it okay in that capacity all right and the only reason i looked at this is because i'm a pessimistic [ __ ] sometimes when it comes to stuff like this okay i like to think that these people okay i like to give people as much benefits to the doubt but especially when it comes to these gritty types on youtube you can't trust a single thing that they say so you know what raiso and you know what anybody that's faking a donation like this you guys are absolutely abhorrent individuals on this platform not only are you guys a boring but you guys are absolutely the scum on this platform as i can imagine to be real it disgusts me sharing service space uploading video when you guys are doing the exact same thing over there but instead of going too far and too deep into this nonsense i wanted to make this video really talking about this disgusting trend that uh i've seen for the last few days everyone has seen it okay but honestly seeing the way that donation was handled all right really set me beyond the mood okay really just threw me into a loop because let me tell you right now okay i am pissed i am pissed at the level of how low some people can go but ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar i'm a little aggravated so you know what before i go to bed i'm gonna i'm gonna go for a walk all right two in the morning and uh clear my head this is me muda and i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 703,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NY7qDsl-JFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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