The Biggest Scam in Video Gaming...

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Well, of course he’s right. Whales are making the most profits out of cryptos. Investment’ banks and organized criminal organizations are the big winners so far.

There’s nothing else than demand that gives cryptos its value, so it’s really a ponzi scheme in which some people will get rich, but most people will lose their money. It’s new technologies mixed up together and a chance to get rich, which is the perfect mix for FOMO. That’s why self-proclaimed crypto investors have always been annoying.

Money is storing value.

Regular money have value because of the land, workers, ect. People need your money to buy your products.

Cryptos have value because people buy them. People want to buy cryptos to make more money.

You could argue that NFTs can give value to cryptos but the only thing giving value to NFTs is demand, so it wouldn’t be relevant, really.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Frites_Sauce_Fromage 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

With decentraland and sandbox specifically, you're really investing in a Roblox competitor. Will either of these projects attract enough actual players? Who knows. It probably depends on their UGC tooling and compelling game ecosystem.

The fact that it's on the Blockchain doesn't really change that dynamic beyond creating a financial vehicle for people to invest in the success of the platform. Speculation is a by-product of crypto hype.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/youdonotexist 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

Realize influencers do this so people sell

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

Like saying regular video games are scams because you HAVE to pay 60$ for your enjoyment to even begin then when it’s over it’s done! With the meta verse you can run around and experience new stuff and technologies without having to throw money at crypto or buy expensive wearables.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Photogrammaton 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me mudahar and you ever just see something that makes you so mad that you that you fixate on it for months okay it's not healthy but ladies and gentlemen as a gamer as somebody that likes to stop you from getting basically scammed i think the words play to earn are the biggest scams i've ever seen in my life okay it in fact infuriates me so hard when i come across people peddling this stuff to absolutely simple-minded individuals saying hey buddy who needs to why do you need to do a job just play this game buddy you can make millions of dollars you can make some money you can play to earn now of course i want to start off by basically showing that this new age ponzi scheme this this new age this new age pyramid if you will this house of cards is in fact a crock of [ __ ] now of course months ago i covered something known as earth 2. i think it's something that i talked about uh i i like to think that coffee even covered it at some point i'm not sure and i know that charlie definitely covered it for sure too like i i believe at a time on tick tock me him and a few other people are basically being used as like endorsements even though that i have never said anything positive about earth 2. now of course nothing in here i'm going to outright say is a scam because i'm not here to defame anything like this look every single project on the internet has a chance to blossom into something beautiful and fruitful except in this case i'd rather bet my testicles that it'll never happen now of course ladies and gentlemen this in fact is not a scrotum you know earth earth-shaped this is uh this is earth 2. now of course they're currently opening the northern mariana islands for you to buy now as a quick recap earth 2 is a place for you to buy metaverses or land rather on earth too now what is virtual land let's talk about the reality here okay there's two types of land these days real and virtual now of course real land is all the way out there okay now land in reality there's no new land that really forms right and before you go bernuta what about tectonic plates okay let's be real here okay land that exists on earth as of today all right is land that's basically going to be there until the end of our planet and of course when you buy land you buy a physical point on the actual world right now of course there's things like eminent domain governments can have certain rights again i'm not trying to get into the whole you know exterior arguments of it you can buy claims on real land now of course real land has actual value based on what goes on around it for instance land in southern california will always be worth more than land in the middle of nowhere like you know nebraska simply because there's actual things going on near that land there's a reason why people need to go to southern california whether it be for work leisure or to live amongst other people versus like an empty stretch of land where there's just not much going on again no disrespect to nebraskans i'm just using these as examples now when it comes to virtual land all right this is the new age these days now virtual land is sold on metaverses which are different universes to our own now you can make an infinite amount of metaverses all it takes is a server and a few server racks and a few systems running and that's pretty much how it is you can make an infinite amount of land hey am i out of virtual land oh hell nah don't worry buddy we'll just print 30 000 more plots so people can buy them of course there's plenty of companies in this entire mix right now making millions if not up to billions of dollars just selling people virtual land and even for the people buying it there's no winners because if you look at some of these sales initially when this one plot of land that i just found randomly was purchased was twelve thousand dollars now you know after months have passed it's worth around three thousand dollars so realistically anybody buying into this is getting played as well now to go back to earth two as an example this land over here immediately when you buy it it immediately throws you into california right now of course in reality land if i tried to buy any of this plot in california it would cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars but of course it drops me into mountain view now of course if i go to mountain view for a second and i click on that patch right there you can see that i am looking at the earth 2 landing screen now of course somebody once bought that for 9.60 but because of some weird virtual algorithm [ __ ] going on it appears that land is worth six thousand one hundred and sixty seven dollars now people have been putting massive bids of forty five dollars uh slightly less than its projected uh you know value i guess you could say based on the algorithm and of course that that can be brought up for anything right like for instance if you click on this patch of land right here this apparently is google headquarters uh you know in reality google headquarters costs millions of dollars to own that plot of land right but of course in virtual [ __ ] land uh this person paid thirty dollars once and of course now it's worth fourteen thousand five hundred earth dolans okay earth metaverse dolans now if you look at the property history what's really funny about this what absolutely claps my ass is the fact that it was bought once and nobody ever bought it again so of course if you click on this patch of land right here this mega campus somebody bought that for 242 dollars somebody went to earth 2 the actual company running this paid them 242 dollars and bought that patch of land now it's worth 48 thousand dollars i'll be honest with you it's on sale for 70 000 no one is going to buy this i would again bet both my testicles no one is buying this [ __ ] plot of land now of course if you go down over here people have been selling more and more land and of course that's just how the earth metaverse work world works now when you look at the gameplay for these things you might be wondering okay am i just buying google map plots is that it no no no it's even it's even deeper there's supposed to be a game behind it okay and i want to actually look at this game now of course beyond what the company has showed on the 26th of june 2022 they appear to have a map that you can basically like i guess explore all the way around uh you know there's a piece of software called google earth that kind of lets you do the same uh games like no man's sky uh you know software like space engine will kind of let you do it i'll admit their version of earth rendering looks better than the average but uh it's nothing special okay it's a map viewer and that's pretty much where we're sitting at in fact when i look at the map viewer itself it really looks like it's part of a goddamn unity project or a game engine project and they're just basically like exploring the land as it is of course this is plots that you can buy and of course you can zoom out all the way to the end but of course you can purchase homes you can purchase you know buildings different you know things on this part of land whereas the game play well ever since we looked at it last time there's not a whole lot of gameplay to be offered i guess at some point they want you to be exploring earth 2. but see here's the thing in the real [ __ ] world there's this thing known as utility in the in a game like earth 2 there's not so much utility going on i don't know what they expect people to be doing in these areas other than showing off their nfts and maybe some other extraneous nonsense in the real world people are often using places like office spaces to create industry do jobs and whatnot you understand what i'm going at here there's nothing in this game that necessarily provides such a beacon of utility that one should ever throw their money into this crap now there's a great article that i found on old linkedin by nft bros where they said hey why are people interested in virtual land much the same as with physical land and real estate capital appreciation the ability to earn money is a big driver for investments people see the potential of digital universes uh rubes by the way we call them we call them dumbasses uh and imagine a possible shift where people spend less time on mobile devices with small screens moving towards more immersive embodied experiences hold on wait this is the world they want [Music] yeah they don't want you to sit on a they don't want you to sit on a smartphone anymore they want you to just whip on one of these oh hell yeah baby i'm in virtual new york city while they're sitting in their goddamn crackdown in reality that's the future some of these people want right that's how you want to explore the metaverse i get it add that to the explosive growth of the use of cryptocurrencies and nfds as virtual assets and the fomo concept the fear of missing out i'm glad we read fear of missing out because this is the one buzzword that all of these guys will use to get idiots to jump on to the virtual land nonsense or the play to earn nonsense hey you don't want to be missing out on a chance to make millions of dollars and you know it's not completely wrong maybe one day they could make millions of dollars right somebody could all right listen in a world like ours alright anything is possible but i would wager a grand majority of individuals will spend hundreds of dollars thousands of dollars and never see a goddamn return on investment ever i'd say 99.9 of those cases would probably be like that virtual economies have sprung to life can you imagine earning a living in a virtual decentralized economy it is already possible real leaf humans ah real leaf humans ooh god have taken up jobs in the metaverse decentraland has hired staff for tis online casino well i can tell you right now a spell check would be absolutely useful me that might be a job worth investing in hosts help visitors navigate their way through the many gambling games that exist and decentraland is paying its hosts for four hours of work a day for the equivalent around five hundred dollars per month in the sandbox people can make money playing play to earn games so i guess i guess the one example is you know somebody runs a casino in the blockchain and i guess they hire like virtual like customer service that's the job that that's the wave of the future sitting at home with the oculus on or in front of your computer the big screen i guess and just doing a service job boy that sounds that sounds depressing now of course the there's multiple lands at this moment in time right for instance decentraland is one of them where you can create explore and trade in the first ever virtual world owned by its users so again this is an actual game one can actually play but game is a pretty loose term to be using over here what you see in this game is nothing overly different than something you'd find in other popular games out there i would wager games like fortnite and its creative mode offer more than this game has ever offered to its player base i would argue that games like roblox games like second life games like gt online any game that allows players to connect to each other has more utility than this [ __ ] nonsense right here what's really insane about the decentraland metaverse is as soon as you sign into this i'm going to ask you the question what is so different between this and other mmo rpgs or free to play mmo games you could download for free right now in fact i'll be real here after five minutes of just logging in and four of those minutes was spent like scratching my balls i found this one character who straight up mentioned ponzi coin if that's not a dead giveaway as to as to why you shouldn't join these scenarios just exploring further showed me that this is in fact a cheaper more crappier version of like even the worst roblox you know handmade games that you could find this is a joke but of course if you want to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into this look i'm gonna say that's not smart but then again i'm not a financial advisor you make your life mistakes i'll make mine of course a big chunk of this land is either developed undeveloped or completely forgotten about and again as society comes back to normalcy all right as we enter the real world again after a pandemic or you know towards the endemic as we are as as we're headed to hopefully then people will probably never ever rely on going into virtual scenarios like this see virtual land probably has its uses maybe if you were talking about advertising right like could you imagine if you had a popular or virtual land like meta for instance right like facebook meta like if they made a virtual world that you could jump into like horizon worlds the ability to advertise on it would be pretty substantial we've already seen this with companies like roblox that have been making partnerships with like actual brands so yeah advertising could be a logical thing but can you really sit there and expect that these companies would allow you the user to profit individually or majority of the revenue would go to you would these companies allow you to put like say coca-cola ads on your own virtual land brother they own the universe okay if they want to just cut you out what's stopping them from printing their own [ __ ] land what's stopping them from printing their own section of the metaverse and aggregating any attention towards that just so they can make more of the advertising sales or actually capitalize on the virtual land for themselves why do you have such faith that these companies are going to actually put their money back into you for them having a larger player base having more eyes on them allows them to aggregate to their primary interests even more these are virtual worlds that are not owned by the player they are almost first and always owned by these companies themselves no matter who they are here's another one the sandbox metaverse for instance now of course this is the problem okay again virtual land and metaverses are diluted this is just two of many that exist out there what separates this and decentral and of course is these are actually i guess playable experiences play create and earn again the whole buzzword over here you can create build own monetize on the ethereum blockchain it's got voxel edits game makers and of course marketplaces now of course for video game players these two might be important but they really want you on that goddamn marketplace let's not kid around because when you go onto the whole marketplace side of things everything that they sell whether it be for forty two dollars twenty one dollars seven dollars or in some cases when you're looking at land which is bought for 1.3 ethereum exactly how much is that 868 dollars well for them they're basically making money in a way on each and every single one of these sales in transactional volume see if you own the house if you own the entire building then you're making money off of the transactional revenue that goes on in your house we've seen it with other games even games that weren't into cryptocurrencies games like the diablo 3 auction house for instance where for the for blizzard the best part was not the people selling the whole thing it was them making a slice off of every sale or activity to ever happen if you can do that you are in the money the trading volume is where the actual winners sit whoever controls that is the winner in these scenarios everyone else is just a pawn waiting to be bled dry now of course you might be like what muda maybe forget play to earn and winning what if i wanted to actually play this scenario okay what if the game is fun well i'm gonna ask you looking at this gameplay alone ladies and gentlemen when you look at a 24 frames per second at best and running around a world that honestly could have been rendered in minecraft in a much more visually appealing scenario what about this absolutely separates us from other mmorpgs now to be fair to the sandbox i decided to load up one of their world editors their game maker tools and load up an example section and i found this one area that really showed me the future of nft web 3.0 gaming the ability to roam around these areas and fight off fences really showed me what i was missing out in the gaming that i was currently doing i would wager for the average gamer instead of playing and earning they could actually play to earn better in an actual mmo game like world of warcraft like runescape like final fantasy 14 online and while that may be against the tos for those games you have a better option gold farming you know item farming or just farming characters there and operating within the black market for those specific games not that i endorse that crap to begin with those games are much more enjoyable and because of the activity and utility around those games it actually offers a better value than what you're getting with these dime a dozen cloned virtual land experiences when it comes to play to earn in video games there is only one big example that i can bring up that absolutely screams as somewhat of a success story and that would be axi infinity we saw this a while ago but the thing with axe infinity and just as a quick primer is axe infinity is a game and i'm going to show you the gameplay real quick over here i'm going to blow you away this is the gameplay you're expecting ladies and gentlemen oh hell yeah you might be like damn muda when did the mobile gaming come out no no no no that's an offense to mobile gaming there are plenty of mobile games that are much more depth have much more depth than this crap right here yes this game rather if you will relies that you buy actual nfts known as axes to play within i believe you need at least three axes to actually play now for a lot of people who are in the play to earn economy this creates a bit of a classes divide now what i mean by that is if you live in a first world country where there's more disposable income or you just have more money in general you can buy teams of axes now of course these axes go for various prices you can have thirty dollar axes you can have five dollar axes six dollar ones okay so again the prices are different you need at least three to play the game so again the barrier of entry depends on what type of axe you want how good they are and you get the point but if you look at the land sales oh [ __ ] they're charging three thousand bucks three thousand six hundred eighteen thousand for land it actually infinity when people are buying it i mean christ why not now of course in this scenario ladies and gentlemen once you have this team over here you can then play on axe infinity and earn something known as smooth love potions now slps are designed to help you progress in this game but of course slps might as well be a currency a cryptocurrency that one can trade for actual usable cryptocurrency or straight up fiat money now of course the value on slp changes over time but where the player earn really comes into is if you can't afford these you can always look at things like scholarships and there are whole boards for scholarships out there people hiring scholars people looking for scholars you know people who are hiring for entire teams where hey we're looking for players sixty percent is going to you now of course this person in this case is offering their team as a way to rent out so basically they can afford the team and they're basically going to people in parts of the world where they don't have that kind of disposable money so what they have done is said hey you can play with my team i'll give you 60 of the money you earn i keep 40 it's kind of like renting out land okay it's kind of like these people renting out their nfts to make money out of see in the play to earn world anybody that shills it absolutely look into if they have invested into this world to begin with because what they're trying to do is get volume get people to jump in and basically run it in a way that they're the ones that are sitting at the top renting out their characters so that they can basically earn off of the hard work of other people playing these so-called games and again nothing that these games do necessarily do anything different compared to traditional games or non-nft games i would argue that the nfts offer nothing else but just a barrier of entry for people who are not playing with the equivalent funds it just creates that classist barrier of entry so there's another game known as evaverse which is a competitive web 3 social game again web through being a buzzword anything crypto related is mostly a buzzword now of course this is a multiplayer social platform built for the nft community now of course this game is available on steam and if you go to steam it's a play for free title and if you actually look at the gameplay real quick nothing will blow you away right now over here you can see the grand prix is happening so they're basically playing a racing game how this is different from any other racing game that's not nft is is unknown what i'm trying to get at is what they've done is they found a way to sell you the hoverboard you got to buy those hoverboards if you want to bring them into the world of the evoverse or these metaverses if you will now of course if you look at the hoverboard for instance the pricing alone should disgust you in a game as simple as this one of these hoverboards can be something to the range of 64. but of course let's see if we can find something that's actually you know low to high actually wait no the 64 dollars was the lowest thing jesus christ what about high to low let's actually see what the most expensive one is see that golden one right there oh that should get your dick hard that should get your dick card to the point where you're paying five racks on it so again if you thought this little uh cosmetic item was important in your video game in your nft video game you better pony up five racks now of course cosmetic items are not new in video games key difference is between wep 3 games is when i'm buying a skin in another game it'll probably be maximum of like 20 25 if we're being really egregious versus nft games where you're paying 5 000 bucks but one would say muda that is playing to earn what if i got that board and i'm just selling it basically i earned five thousand dollars or four thousand dollars whatever my return is the point of this being is that what you're effectively doing is monetizing the entire side of these cosmetics so that you can sit there and basically invest early and sell it on to a bunch of dumb innocent looking rubes who jump into this stuff without any idea of what they're putting their money towards and now when they buy a five 000 skateboard in a video game and they realize oh [ __ ] we can't sell this back what you've effectively done is basically just now you might be like but muda isn't that technically plain to earn what if i bought that skateboard for twenty dollars and i'm selling it to somebody for five thousand now of course i would say that maybe it's not morally wrong maybe it's actually no maybe it's not legally wrong but ethically and morally it's pretty [ __ ] because at the end of the day what you're doing is effectively finding somebody dumb enough to think that board is worth something and you're basically selling them a twenty dollar board for an extra four thousand plus dollars and of course if you can live with that be my guest but of course nobody has ever asked and answered the question that i pose is what do these games do what do these virtual lands do that you couldn't have already done in video games before and what actual value does any of this crap provide this is one of the biggest scams in the industry and it's one that i'll always 1000 fight against this is not the case of horse armor in oblivion this is the case of an entirely different group of investor bros who have jumped into one of our favorite hobbies and have basically found a way to sell buzzwords to boomers zoomers and all accounts coomers who have decided to jump into these games games and pump thousands of dollars into with the idea the belief that they could be making actual salaries on these titles maybe that could be maybe that could be real for some but for a grand majority of people the reason why play to earn is a big house of cards a big scam on the outside is that in order to make this market sustainable you have to have utility which almost none of these games have any utility for any of their cryptocurrencies or projects nothing they do is different than any other metaverse or any other mmo that has come out before but beyond utility they constantly rely on new blood jumping in see if you're looking at a free-to-play game or a paid title uh typically it revolves around you having a healthy player base if you have say a hundred thousand players playing a free to play title some of them are probably spending a few bucks every once in a while buying a cosmetic purchase and that's what makes that line of gaming successful but when you look at play to earn you effectively bring in a group of people they put in their money they put in all of their cash and of course they're starting to earn actual money or actual tokens in your video game you constantly rely on new blood to jump in putting actual money in and hoping at least for the players that they can somewhat liquidize their actual earnings at some point in the game too which may or may not happen see the thing with any of these titles is it just requires new blood to come into it requires exponential growth in a market where there actually cannot be exponential growth there's only a there has to be at some point where these markets eventually stop like if you start a metaverse and it's growing at like 100 000 players a day eventually that growth tapers off and when that growth tapers off look at the economy of that world right there and then it happened to many multiverses out there there's plenty of multiverses that got attention got a bunch of people to jump into but when it came time to cash out or it came time to actually earn money onto it because there was no more new blood jumping in what's happening i mean we started this video off with earth 2 and we saw all those points of land that were sold for thirty dollars sixty dollars two hundred and fifty dollars but without new players jumping in new utility happening how much of that land is actually sold none at least from what we saw ladies and gentlemen virtual land is and always will be for the most part a [ __ ] scam and these wep3 nft games are also a [ __ ] scam if you disagree well i'd like to hear your response in the comments section below but this is me mudahar and if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 485,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XV92XmqrwxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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