The End of Chris Chan and Sonichu...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and welcome to a yellow dolan affair ladies and gentlemen this is one that i'm self reviewing to be pretty yellow dolan so if youtube actually ends up green dolan in this i'll be pretty surprised now ladies and gentlemen if you're not comfortable with topics such as incest all right abusing individuals with dementia which i would hope that 99.9 of the people out in the world aren't comfortable with this is your warning okay ladies and gentlemen now in the past i've made videos about characters like chris chan uh sonichu characters that i've sort of followed i've stated numerous times and i'm kind of like a christorian character somebody that follows this stuff from the outside looking in you know i definitely have it on the second monitor when i game i like to look into a lot of these internet sort of train wrecks from time to time it's hard to look away and anybody that makes internet related content will tell you that they know all about chris chain they they've heard about it okay if they haven't been disinvested into it they've at least heard of it now to understand why they've heard of chris chan is that this is the most documented person the most documented woman on the planet now why do i say this is the most documented person on the internet ladies and gentlemen this person christine chandler sonichu chris chan is more documented than jesus christ or anybody else that you have ever heard of we are looking at a creator known as geno samuel who's making a 59 part and counting documentary on christine chandler each of these episodes ranges from 30 to 40 minutes long okay 50 minutes in some cases so if you look at it this is over 20 hours of [ __ ] content on one one individual ladies and gentlemen now christine chandler has been trending all over the internet for the last couple days because of a very very heinous crime that they have allegedly committed one that is absolutely disgusting one that should put them in prison if proven true where they can actually you know face some real consequences and what are the crimes that are being alleged here chris chan did their mom allegedly uh there are a couple calls that we'll be getting to later on in the video that sort of detail a pretty damning revelation now i don't have to tell you that doing your mom is pretty ethically damning in some places it's illegal but if you need a law to tell you not to do that you're probably a bit of an out there individual now also compound the fact that the mother in this case is an 80 year old dementia ridden individual okay not all the way up there mentally that is what we call taking advantage that is what we call elderly abuse these are very serious crimes and a 39 year old individual like chris chen needs to pay with some serious consequences if they are truly guilty of such a crime i don't need to sugarcoat this this is the actual this is the most messed up thing that i have ever seen this is the bad ending i couldn't even see this one coming ladies and gentlemen it is a wild dark day indeed but muda you might be asking why is this autistic person from the united states the most documented person in human history now to answer that question takes a lot of tequila and many years but really the idea behind it is that way back in the year 2000 yes before a lot of you were even born chris chan had unleashed the sonichu website and very later on the actual sonichu wep comic now this comic was drawn very crudely but uh the general just was a couple message boards picked up on this and it sort of blew up from there now christian has autism high functioning autism so social cues aren't exactly their their forte so what effectively happened was all these message boards filled with individuals kept you know sort of pressing chris chan they ended up coming back it became basically a communication feedback loop and all this information came out and now years later chris chan basically went from this you know goofball on the internet to sort of an internet sensation in one of the weirdest niche ways that you could imagine now in the last couple days there has been a discourse on the internet regarding transphobia christine is a transgender individual and some people have misgendered christine on the internet now that's wrong you should give somebody basic human decency at least that's how i was raised that's where i come from that said let's stop and refocus on the situation there are some serious allegations beyond incest abuse of the elderly sexual abuse of the elderly really [ __ ] up [ __ ] somebody who's mental faculties aren't all the way there ladies and gentlemen alright if this turns out to be true if these allegations are true which is where the evidence we'll listen to is actually pretty much leading up to christine would be a scumbag in a year where that position has a lot of front runners for podium place ladies and gentlemen let's refocus on the situation yes is transphobia bad absolutely is misgendering chris wrong sure yes absolutely but let's refocus on to the situation at hand these are some serious allegations and if christine if this turns out to be true after medical examinations law enforcement examinations christine deserves to go to prison okay now the reason why this discourse is actually important is because of christine being transgender there's apparently a weird potential situation i don't know how legit this is apparently virginia which is a state this is being tried in their incest law doesn't exactly have any permutations for daughter slash mother okay which if christine is recognized as a female in this situation she would be the daughter uh i actually don't know how legit this is um i'm not a legal expert but i would like to think that abuse of the elderly is pretty gender neutral like is gender agnostic so at that point if if christine is to be tried in in in for elderly abuse which is exactly what i'm seeing over here really bad elder abuse they still need to see prison and they still need to see some consequences okay that's where i come down to so in that regard that's where this whole idea sparks up that's where like this whole transgender discussion sort of kicks in at least from a legal perspective do i personally see this going to the supreme court of virginia maybe even the united states not really now if we whittle on back chris chan isn't exactly the most pc individual hey i'm not the one i'm not pc either but back in the day chris chan used to have some pretty [ __ ] up takes and it's some of these takes that also exacerbated a lot of the trolling that they had been receiving all right some of these takes involved some pretty nasty homophobia there was some racism going on and if you want to believe it or not there was actually uh a situation all right a really long really huge situation which i believe right now is unapologized for where chris chan had actually uh believed that people with asperger's which is now a defunct diagnosis as far as i know were quote stealing the limelight from those autistic folks out there don't believe me there's an entire little big planet too diagram that we can listen through ladies and gentlemen christine's past as a homophobe is pretty well documented here's a message christine once sent to uh axe body spray the creators of it just listen to this one real closely it's a real doozy but thusly a stereotype has been uh has been made if you if it's been made apparently uh has been made apparently you'd be good you were it that's so stupid it's not i mean it's not true i mean i'm straight and i have been using apps for years i'm a professor i'm a proud user of bats because originally as it was originally sent for and i quote effective deodorant protection designed to seduce the ladies it says here get girl approved hair wash to try to repeat even though the comments the comments uh sound the senses as i have learned uh on the on their page on wikipedia i still feel that uh i have been i still feel that uh it is a big mis is a big misuse and complete and moral act that take use of our of the axe brand which is preferred which is dimensionally and originally oriented towards the straight people again there's two reasons i'm mentioning a lot of this a it definitely proves that there is a level of pretty heavy autism in this you know there's a lot of social cues being missed the fact that this person was literally taking [ __ ] advertising seriously from acts is beyond me but they're also really shitty character traits okay even for back then in my opinion simply telling people that they can't use a certain body spray because of their sexual orientations a little bit [ __ ] wild but again you know this person was a bit set in their own ways because of how their parents raised them christine's parents truly did fail them okay because they lived an incredibly sheltered life even back in the day post college this person eventually joined the united states social security program which basically granted them a check every month i think it was like 800 christine was getting at the time which became the tugboat basically money that christine would spend on on toys on video games basically frivolous [ __ ] when they should have been learning about budgeting and getting their life together it's because of this that i think christine has lived a pretty sheltered life and is unable to really develop true adult behavior later on in their life okay so that's where i wanted to kind of start off with now i want to shift my attention towards the love quest now ladies and gentlemen the love quest from the outside looking in is chris chan's uh eternal quest to find a boyfriend free girlfriend to find love to find a life partner unfortunately this quest has come to a absolute definite end if these allegations are true regarding chris chan uh having sex with their own mom okay now ladies and gentlemen uh if you take more than 15-20 minutes and looking into the lovequest history with chris chan's relationship uh with life partners and whatnot uh it really does look like a speed run to getting laid okay that's pretty much what i'm gonna put it as now what's important about the love quest is it really sheds into light uh just what kind of uh the perception chris chan has towards relationships with women uh and some really creepy attitudes this person puts towards now the love quest also involved the trolls as well there were a fair amount of women that actually ended up being trolls in this situation and while trolling a person with mental disabilities is already bad using love and passion is a magnitude worse than you could expect now that being said there were some troll relationships that you can just look at and also get a quick idea of again chris chan's actual you know true nature towards women and relationships in general one that i want to look at very carefully is megan one of the oldest and most well-known uh i guess you could say gal pals or you know female friends or women friends that chris chan had stuck around with earlier on in their life now megan going back to her actually straight up mentioned numerous times she didn't want to be in relationships in certain emails she stated to christine as i said the website means nothing to me it's the fact that you blab about me on your blogs and therefore it gets put on the website so in other words edie didn't drag my name through the mud but you did edi's encyclopedia dramatica one of the various websites that was cataloging christine's antics i don't know i can't keep disgracing myself and forgiving and forgiving i have some pride you know i've forgiven you so many times before it's just getting irritating even i have my limits so i think i'd like to stay away from you at least for a while then as the time passes i'll better know what to do until then just please leave me alone she also said don't be hard on yourself like i said i just want time to my own for a while it's not like i'm hating you or anything i just want to be with myself for a while and i haven't nor will i ever forget all the wonderful surprises you have given me and such thank you this is only a bye for now just allow me to be alone and eventually things will cheer up okay what she's referring to in this case is actually an infamous image known as she came for cwc.jpeg might have seen this on like frederick nutson's down the rabbit hole because it's a very pivotal moment that kind of shows christine's behavior towards women now this image was uploaded as part of a quote-unquote information up overload to the actual like trolls and their and their various like image boards now a lot of people on the in the in the image boards actually believe this to be crystal which would be sort of uh sometimes chris chan's twin sister or potential like imaginary daughter which uh already weird but then chris chan came out and basically you know said no no it's none of that this is all megan and what really leads into something super disturbing is an email that was sent to megan when she was rightfully scared shitless and very very very weirded out at the fact that she would be part of some rule 34 that chris chan drew up as for the drawing itself i realized it was only done out of an inspired fantasy angst against encyclopedia dramatica and love for you but also as a major release from my crazy mixed up hormones if i didn't have the foresight to put my pent up frustrations and feelings in the form of something i might have become an abusive maniac so thank god for allowing me to release my bottled up frustrations in a more positive yet not so politically correct and not physically hurting others method you know how [ __ ] up that [ __ ] sounds okay this person drew their friend getting [ __ ] by them and then eventually ended up saying hey i'm glad that i could release my pent-up frustrations in the form of a drawing instead of physically assaulting some physically hurting others the reason i'm mentioning all this to you before we get to anything is to really provide you some of the context and history and nuance of the situation this is where i find the whole lovequest [ __ ] christine to me has never been somebody that's trying to get her actual meaningful relationship it's just getting laid now in recent years i became a very big fan of christine okay listen people change people do get better i thought christine was on a much better path um you know there were a lot of things that popped up like the dimensional merge where christine's mental faculties were sort of brought up into question regarding the dimensional merge which for those of you don't know what it is basically every cartoon universe is going to come together so imagine the family guy universe and the real world coming together that whole meme of me being in family guy could become a [ __ ] very big reality if the dimensional merge was to ever happen but there was a community of people that started really getting behind christine she actually started to make some money with the sonichu comics i mean there was a time like even to this day my steam name is sonichu i genuinely did like christine up until what happened a couple days ago i'm still trying to [ __ ] reel in let's listen to this real close i'm not [ __ ] kidding with you let's listen to this [ __ ] so yeah she's got really sensitive g-spot because apparently i don't believe her i don't believe that mr c any of her past boyfriends and ex-husbands they haven't really reached in her g-spot really their dicks i felt sure with care and caution so i just gave her comfort to talk to the dirt and we just branched out slow and stay and that night that i cursed her positively let her make the first move she wanted to do it oh she did really she made the first move yeah i think she was partially confused at one point but but then she came around obviously but it took us a few nights to figure figure out what will make nothing is [ __ ] right about that now this uh video was actually from gb all right a youtuber known as gibby who basically reposted this and added this uh whole uh subtitling to it so i gotta give credit where credit is due ladies and gentlemen nothing about that was [ __ ] right now of course that call if real uh shows that christine had had relationships with her mom apparently hitting her g-spot better than her late father that's dis that's [ __ ] disgusting in every capacity now ladies and gentlemen incest is illegal in a lot of the united states um but you know really the law shouldn't be stopping you from porking your own mother okay there's a serious question of ethics in that scenario okay i don't think you'll find anybody normal out in the world that'll say yeah pork and your mom is right a hundred percent of the people that i've ever talked to in my life have always told me that they don't want to pork their own moms and you know what in reality hey maybe somebody could be lying maybe somebody really wants to drill their own mom but at the end of the day i have genuinely come to the understanding that incest is pretty wrong okay these kind of these kind of relationships are wrong there will never be anything right about hitting a [ __ ] g-spot on your own mom i'm just telling you right now that is all kinds of wrong now ladies and gentlemen this is barbara chandler okay this is the mom in question so she's she's about 80 years old she might actually be over 80. i i don't know the exact age off the top of my head for barb but uh she is she is an old person okay now getting old [ __ ] sucks okay getting old comes with its own problems things like potentially dementia things like potentially alzheimer's really really terrible situations that you may have a possibility of encountering when you reach that [ __ ] age now this is a reason where as for the time i supported christine i didn't want to give christine any [ __ ] money for anything because christine's financial acumen is pretty low okay giving christine any money is a simple fact of enabling her to do [ __ ] up [ __ ] because all that money is gonna go towards is buying anime none of that money very barely if any will actually go towards proper adult related expenses now these are some videos where christine has used her mother her senior mother to basically get pity bucks you know basically siphon pity donations out of the viewer base so just watch this go my name is barbara chandler here today we have four blankets or one of them is the bed spread anyway we would like for you to contact us through ebay and make a purchase of one of these blankets or all four of them or all of them if you would like we need them listen okay going into the whole incest argument there's like a billion ways that somebody could argue about its ethics but like when you involve somebody that's this spaced out clearly she is not all there okay she's old she this person could not consent to anything sexual if they wanted to okay this is really messed up but i think what really is the achilles heel is this video this is a 39 second video and if you listen to the demeanor of christine towards their own mother in this it's really in my opinion kind of telling and i'm not trying to sound like i'm extrapolating body languages over here just listen to the tone of the voices my name is barbara chandler i am autographing pictures to be sold on ebay thank you for buying we appreciate it bye-bye wait wait wait we tell them to buy the other things as well aside from that it will help us to buy food for the rest of the month thank you and by everything else from christine chandler on ebay thank you definitely the high high ticketed items as well geez how does that that of course you can see the like to dislike people do not like that okay clearly this is shameless behavior this person could not consent if they wanted to i'm sorry okay if this was to go into a courtroom i am almost betting both of my nuts that they would argue that this woman cannot consent she's too old she's clearly not all the way there right now and what does this person do put her up in front of a camera it's like just buy can you tell them to buy stuff she doesn't know how to respond to that clearly clearly again she's not all the way there what do you think christine's response is ugh buy the high ticket item jeez like come on now there is no shame here this is not the good person okay and you know what ladies and gentlemen never in a million years what i've expected this situation to play out where christine behind the scenes at 39 years old by the way this is a 39 year old person very well despite all the autism can make all of their life choices on their own has decided alright that having relations with their own mother is somehow okay ladies and gentlemen i think one of the things that really pisses me off beyond belief in this situation is the fact that this is blatant elder abuse and elder abuse happens a lot more common than you could ever expect i i think i know everyone around my age that has a story regarding an abused elder you know you'll always have getting old sucks okay i'm sorry and despite what anybody wants to say about barb's history as a parent she's not been the most perfect parent either i'm not putting her in a golden limelight either but getting old sucks when you get old and you end up not being all the way there you're gonna have a lot nine times out of ten okay in my experience you always have that piece of [ __ ] who lives with that person siphoning their medication siphoning a couple bucks from their savings account at the end of the month okay just taking money away from an elder who's worked their entire life to pony up a retirement account just siphoning money out of there okay your golden years are supposed to be years where you can relax sort of breed down from life but this is a person that's going through god knows how many financial issues dealing with an individual that is abusing them in every capacity of the word allegedly of course allegedly now why i'm using the term alleged so much is despite as angry as i am the united states government and legal system has a saying and it's called innocent until proven guilty and i stand by that no matter what now even for legal reasons until the law charges and proves uh allegations these allegations against chris chan that's going to be the statement that everyone is going to say now that now from what i understand barbara chandler has been taken away chris chan was actually arrested awaiting trial or whatever down the road on incest charges barbara is supposedly getting assessed medically and basically from that medical assessment and a lot of investigation from law enforcement it's basically going to prove uh whether chris chan was actually guilty on a lot of these charges now because of the trolling that's offered to this individual throughout the years i had to go and look at it if this evidence could potentially have been faked so i looked through a bunch of deep learning algorithms centered around uh recreating you know synthetic voices so i made a data set of my voice and i tried to see if i could use ai to recreate my voice and to my surprise i could kind of get there it's not perfect at all if you listen to it right now it's not as impressive as you think now of course my data set is very minimal and of course over time if i fed through more and more data it might get better but it'll never reach a human voice and from the call that i've heard with chris chan talking about fingering their mom i actually highly doubt that uh that was even faked all right and given the fact that patreons have actually been ceased to exist for sonichu and the various communities built around have actually all but jumped ship whatever evidence exists seems like it has some credibility to it again there's gonna be a lot more information that comes out but from now it looks super damning to chris chan and that's where i'm gonna have to end this now listen to tie all this off because this video is getting too long and uh i'm already daunting at the idea of editing all of this is uh christine's involvement with the law is very wild to give you just one um example this person bear maced or sorry pepper sprayed somebody uh because of the color of sonic's arms at a game stop okay or and you know what that's [ __ ] up that's stupid but a lot of the legal problems that christina's face is inconsequential to this if these allegations are proven true by law enforcement and medical examiners christine is a [ __ ] scumbag that should go to prison there are two ways the story may end if these allegations are proven true you go to prison for committing a very horrible assault crime on somebody on an elderly individual which is a very terrible crime one that should definitely be taken in my opinion to the full extent of the [ __ ] law or christine goes into like state care or a mental facility or something of that nature because this person is clearly unfit to live in adult society even getting arrested this person sort of just laughing things off and uh i i don't think christine understands the severity of the situation that she's even [ __ ] in so ladies and gentlemen it leads me to believe that this person really really if this is all true goes to jail all right for the heinous crimes that they have committed if this is proven to be true or state care that's literally the only two scenarios that i see point is the christine chandler saga is over in my opinion i don't think there's anything more to it you know somebody that watched this from the sidelines you know because of pure curiosity i'm just gonna try to mind wipe as much as i can this is disgusting it's a boring and honestly i personally didn't expect it to end this way okay it's wrong all right it's all wrong it's all bad and really in this entire scenario there are no good people okay there are just different shades of [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar and uh yeah i'm out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,281,877
Rating: 4.8823128 out of 5
Keywords: the, end, of, chris chan, sonichu, sog, some ordinary gamers
Id: osd9N6lWdsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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