FaZe Clan and Ricegum Should Be Investigated By The Feds...

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Ricegum is such an awful person I'm not even that surprised, he faced no real consequence for the mysterybrand collab so now he's like: ''fuck it, I'll do it again''

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Tobux 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just watched the whole video. Damn. Disgusting what ALREADY rich people will do for a quick buck

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/noparking2to430 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

the crypto space is full of easy targets to scam.

Its a scammers paradise really.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/mrpoopybutthole1262 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Fuck dem kids

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/CryptoBumGuy 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Save the Kids and Save the Children 2.0 both take advantage of rubes. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/jp_books 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I definitely wouldn't take Financial Advice from a guy named Ricegum, what about you ?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/fitbhai 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Damn scumbags

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/skdesign808 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just saw more about this


Are any of these scumbags going to jail?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/kenji4861 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

but what about them poor kidz? We gotta save em

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/wfly2 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me mutahora and i am angry ladies and gentlemen if i despise something it's when an influencer uses their position to basically influence a lot of younger individuals in their audience and it potentially get them to lose their money okay i feel like when you have a lot of followers and subscribers that you should probably not tweet things out that could potentially screw someone over financially right now i'm not here to explicitly state that anybody mentioned in this video or any group in this video is necessarily a a scam or a deceptive practice or an organization performing deceptive deeds what we're about to see here will look very circumstantial okay but in my opinion i am opinion i am looking at something that i feel is the dots are connecting to god damn well now in this situation this is a token called save the kids if you don't know what a token is welcome to the world of crypto okay where pump and dumps happen on an hourly basis so this is the save the kids token on a mission to build a better word for kids world sorry for kids giving a future worth living when a kids token is traded one percent of the three percent tax on that transaction is donated to the binance charity wallet to help with projects that help children with the resources they need to live need they need live a long and healthy life blockchain verified not english verified join us on our trip to the moon while helping kids around anytime you see trip to the moon it's not believable now because i'm in the middle of a big move right now i really don't want to deal with any false copyright strike nonsense i'm not in the mood for that kind of stress right now uh i'm actually just going to play well within fair use screenshots of their primer video which is well available on the actual website for anybody to go and check and it consists of the ambassadors who are pushing this coin uh notably face k face jarvis pretty high ranking members if you don't know who jarvis is he's the person that cried when they got banned off of fortnite for running third party hacks which that's gonna happen and you've also got rice gum in this case who is not shy from any controversy regarding shady sponsorships we'll get to that one in a bit then you've got the actual uh tokenomics of this coin too which i guess i'll read out real quick uh a bep 20 token redistributing wealth to both toddlers and charities one billion supply three percent fees and dollar kids that's that's their ticker kids so you can buy some kids that's you know it just rolls off the tongue so well right oh would you look at that redistributing wealth and helping children out god bless now you could imagine did these did these guys tweet about this to their audience you bet you can see that face k tweeted extremely excited to announce that i am an ambassador for a project that is coming very soon in fact let's go to the people that we've seen faze jarvis it's about time excited to announce that save the kids bsa launches tomorrow at 3 p.m pacific standard time this project is going to change lives be a part of this project join the telegram yeah so telegram is basically where everyone here convenes to talk about this [ __ ] coin or [ __ ] token let's go look at what our boy rice gum is saying hey guys super excited to be an ambassador for save the kids bsc this is going to be one of the biggest charity tokens ever on the bsc network launches on june 5th at 3 p.m pacific standard time tap in all right now wow they really gave their support here well let's go look at what these people have been talking about now if we look at a website known as trend maps you can see that this tweet right here ricegum ao guys the one that we just read had apparently 5 000 likes to 5 213 likes 235 retweets right you can't access that page anymore the page i just showed you was a google cache version meaning that google cached it google captured these guys in 4k hdr see if you go hit view on twitter you'd be surprised to wonder ah tweet has been deleted wow well it seems like ricegum may have deleted his tweet what about jarvis surely jarvis wouldn't delete that tweet faze jarvis save the kids token is live now if you click on that oh 404 not found well let's go look at the google cast version to see what google has ah save the kids token is live right now this is going to be the biggest charity coin ever save the kids not financial advice i'm glad he mentioned that okay i'm actually really glad they said not financial advice for some reason a lot of these people think that by saying those three magic words you're totally exempt from a potentially uh damning lawsuit but uh let me just tell you this much do you honestly believe when the sec the security exchange commission the federal government the of the united states comes down clamping that a judge is going to look at those three magic words oh they said not financial advice that's cool guys that's cool it's okay it's okay we can't we can't do anything you think the sec is going to make sure that holds weight no not in the slightest when the hammer comes down those three magic words are not going to save any of these coin chillers when due process comes june 5th 2021 roughly the dates are matching more than they [ __ ] should all right june 4th and then june 5th let's view on twitter for a second and it's been deleted wow it's like after the rug has been pulled so to speak all these tweets magically delete themselves thank god for google's cash to be capturing all of this if you guys have any questions about google cash all right leave it up with the billionaire tech overlords that we have capturing everything in 4k now i would argue deleted tweets is sort of that first discovery moment for considering something to be just a little dubious a little shady ricegum deleting certain tweets would ricegum be part of something shady this is the same guy who made videos titled how i got air pots for four dollars all right you know airpods you know these [ __ ] from apple they cost over 100 something 200 depending on where you live premium apple headphones alright for four dollars okay i've covered this video back when it came out and i laughed at it then yeah so this is the uh website full context mystery brand where you could stick centenarios rolls royces and these mystery boxes and i'm sure these cars delivered right i'm sure there was no shenanigans right like jesus christ it doesn't get more painfully obvious that this is just complete nonsense i won both vapormax and the 97 off-whites it just didn't show me winning it but they hooked it up all right i guess all right i can only tolerate less than 10 seconds let's go to the actual meat and potatoes so he was basically on a website where he was on boxing [ __ ] like this so for instance he unboxed these sneakers off white vulture or whatever the [ __ ] it was uh low white and he won this apparently right apparently he got this and that's pretty much what it came down to so he was just unboxing this [ __ ] in front of his kids fans right you might be wondering this respectable website that he was unboxing all these crazy products on where are they now well he has the link right here mystery brand thanks mystery brand for partnering with me dude straight up just admitted everything where does mystery brand go to it's [ __ ] dead okay this scam that mystery brand was running has been [ __ ] gone it is dead this was a website where lamborghinis were opened in [ __ ] unboxings all right if you don't if you have any reason to question it you are absolutely right you are sane okay so now that we've got good old-fashioned a line of weird dubious behavior let's whittle on back to good old-fashioned save the kit coins okay so this is a coin that tries to build a better world for kids right so let's go to the tokenomics section all right total supply save the kids launches on june 5th lining up with the date of their of of all these ambassadors coming together to basically uh shill out this coin liquidity lock transaction tax so here they show you how there's an automatic three percent transaction tax which is then divided to one percent back to lock liquidity one percent back to holders and then one percent goes to charity right now if you look at all these guys they have basically their idea of pre-launching so social media channels launched the ambassadors are promoting the token then they launch on june 5th 3 p.m as we've seen before then one week listings for cmc and coin gecko releasing new ambassadors then two to four weeks where they're updating the road maps continuing with marketing and planning promotions it's been a good solid two weeks so two to three weeks is roughly where we're looking at in my timeline right now if you look at their actual uh do you look at their actual promoters they have them listed right here on the website they're not hiding it they've got face tico face k phase rice oh sorry enough phase rice rice is gum faze jarvis phase nikon and then you've got these developers lucas and tam now lucas who's the developer of this coin has a twitter account that you can access right here which takes you to official you know whatever here he types in crypto it doesn't take [ __ ] mr magoo to realize that says june 2021 of a join date meaning that lucas either came out of the [ __ ] womb developing this [ __ ] coin or there's no history behind this lucas developer character so out of this one character get in touch with all of these massive e-celebrities to shell out this one coin that's a question i think we all can have now this is the save the kids white paper which i guess is a quick explanation and if you look at it what our story welcome to save the kids we are a token created in collaboration between influencers and crypto devs with the intention of having a positive impact on the world oh yeah oh yeah tokenomics the save the kids token is designed to create a stable coin that appeals to both traders and holders while raising money for children across the world so it's like the second coming of christ except he was a bitcoin developer okay we get it all right we understand what sets us apart ambassadors pumpers is what they have we know how difficult finding legit token projects can be it's difficult to know when something is a rug pull and when the token developers truly want to do good that's why we partnered with several ambassadors to give investors the social proof and confidence that we're in it for the long haul i want you to whittle on back in your white paper and realize when hiring ricegum a guy that was unboxing crates from a dubious website in front of his child audience seemed like a good [ __ ] ambassador to bring on okay i'm not saying you have to be mr rogers on the internet to work together but it's probably a lot better than somebody who basically showed fake unboxings or at least partnered unboxings i can't even claim if they were fake or not i mean the website is down at this point so who [ __ ] knows but these people say partnering with social media gurus and big influencers is a good sign that they're not out there committing rug pulls now if it's something to notice about ruck pulling is that's exactly what [ __ ] happened so if you look at this graph of save the kids which is their token right the kids token you can see that these guys have basically gotten started on june 5th right where their token was traded pretty positively and they were priced at 0.0 so basically one penny one point 1.5 pennies okay now after literally a [ __ ] day they started dropping and they have lost i [ __ ] you not over 90 of their overall value since this coin has come out it has not shown any sign of coming back it is a dead coin it is went from one penny to 0.001 penny a [ __ ] hundred a tenth of the penny at this point the value is gone this is a debt coin all right and as you can imagine they had a bunch of sales and immediately as soon as the coin came out there were so many coins being dropped into the market it absolutely killed its value now we we we literally read from these people that they wanted to partner with ambassadors that clearly want to give a good sign that the coin is going to be healthy or a token will be healthy one of the members here phase k all right just to just to reiterate face k over here is the kind of guy that said hey clue coin is going nuts another coin in this case with the market in its current state this is crazy i'm not going to be i'm going to be watching this one for a while rocket ship to the moon hashtag cluecoin not financial advice now if we look at cluecoin's value you can see that he tweeted this around may 19th what do you think its value was may 19th right so this is may 20 may 21st right may 22nd whoa clue coin wow i guess it i guess it did go nuts for a day or two and then it just started [ __ ] selling off like no tomorrow yeah i'm sure the people who got it on this train when he was hyping it up on the 19th must have seen their hundred dollars that they put in jumped to 200 150 whatever so they made money and then they decided to hold cluecoin because it's going to the moon and then it just immediately drops and these people who put money at this point are now [ __ ] literally talking to their therapist at this point alright so this is how these rock pull scams kind of work all right i'm not saying ever that face k is behind this he's not scamming anyone specifically all he said was it's going nuts and i guess he wasn't wrong but you understand the implication when a big account tweets this [ __ ] out there's gonna be a lot of people who like it and retweet it and there's gonna be a lot of individuals who even if this isn't financial advice they will funnel their money into it that is why i said at the beginning it is a moral responsibility okay a [ __ ] moral response i'm not a mr moral man okay i'm a degenerate [ __ ] poster on the internet it is a moral responsibility to not go out of your way to even mention this nonsense you might make a lot of money okay you might make money hey you might even lose money but there are people who are literally putting their livelihoods on the line and we can say it's their fault hey you're an adult you're responsible but why even begin it why even involve our own fans in the first place that is [ __ ] disgusting okay now during the making of this video i actually ratioed this tweet by pointing out how bad this graph dropped to which the next point was the actual tweet that face k made being deleted now of course you can see when it says fail to load tweet that's a tweet that's been deleted okay so it's gone that's that's where we've evolved to at this point and i i feel like getting rid of a tweet is only just a little bit more damning since you really can't hide evidence when it's been catalogued this hard not just on screenshot territory but also on the google cash territories it's a little wild seeing this but don't worry guys not financial advice that's that's totally gonna work when the sec clamps down right now one of the things that we have to look at in this scenario that's kind of a little more dubious is have they been giving money to charity right so they've got audits they've got charities all of it i'm gonna go over each and every single bit of this if you click on the charity wallet you can actually see that these guys made a transaction on the six literally a day after this coin was being sold to the binance charity wallet and they made that transaction in what appears to be 25.4 million kids kids token right it's a weird [ __ ] token name alright i don't know if they were memeing or whatever but they basically transacted 25.4 million kids now let's go look at the value of 25.4 million kids now yeah so here we've got the pancake swap trade so if we type in all this kit amount right now for instance if i open up just kate real quick and i put the value here real fast uh we can just get rid of the commas like so and copy this amount into the situation now it gives us 129 bnb tokens i'm going to round that up just to like 130 actually i'll round it down to 129 because that's how [ __ ] math works so if we do 129 bnb tokens to usd all right which is the standard fiat currency equivalent this translates to forty five thousand eight hundred and four dollars as of today's conversion result uh you're going to get some varying results like 39 000 anyways that is that is the money that apparently was sent over to that account now here's where it gets a bit dubious in this situation okay so from what i'm deciphering from this actual transaction they sent the actual kids token to that binance charity now i don't know if they've converted it to a different currency before they've done that but the idea here is if it's transacted in the kids token from what we've seen over here then uh they've transacted it on the 6th of june meaning that its value was closer to that one penny amount we saw earlier now if they sent that amount in the kids token what's really weird is that now if you look at it let's say uh right now of its current value it's uh it's at 40 000 meaning that the donation amount because of the devaluation of the currency the donation also devalued as that currency went again that's under the implication that that wasn't transferred and bnb or some sort of stable coin currency that retains its value if it was transferred in that kid's token amount and it stayed like that that means that donation amount that initially was sent at the value of one penny has now lost 90 percent of its value so they ended up also having an audit in this case right and when we open up the audit all right it comes from a company known as tech rate there's nothing wrong with the company tech rate in fact if you want to look at what tech rate does these are guys that basically serve as consulting groups and basically they test blockchains right now they've been probably making a fair killing on auditing all these coins they've audited jaguar swap kishu enu smart coin moon rat cancel elon pepe moon fast moon they've been auditing like mofos and their auditeds are posted for everyone to read on github so when we go back to their actual audit in this case let's go back to the website and open up the audit for this coin in particular you can see that tech rate made a security audit a security audit i feel like most people who look at this may assume that an audit means hey this might be scam proof maybe they're they're not going to take my money and ruck pull me this is not what the audit's about it is a simple security audit so let's go over it real quick as a community so here they audited the project called save the kids they mentioned the deployer address which is important ox401631b remember that address because it's going to be very important in the next bit so here they've got save the kids team binance smart chain and all that nonsense then they have a disclaimer this is a limited report on our findings based on our analysis in accordance with good industry practice as at the date of this report in relation to cyber security vulnerabilities and issues in the framework and algorithms based on smart contracts the details of which are set out in this report in order to get a full view of our analysis it is crucial for you to read the full report while we have done our best in conducting our analysis and producing this report it's important to note that you should not rely on this report and cannot claim against us on the basis of what it says or doesn't say or how we produced it make sure to read it in full okay so they also want you to conduct your own independent investigations before making any decisions so it's a massive [ __ ] disclaimer in this entire thing all right one could even read this and probably assume what's the point of an audit if you're disclaiming it this [ __ ] hard anyways let's get down to the idea of here the entire purpose of the audit was to ensure that the smart contract functions as intended so basically the fact that they were siphoning money from each transaction that whole tax that we discussed earlier was actually being sent to the charity address which they proved or you know they they said that that's what they were achieving now there isn't any shenanigans when it comes to the actual binance charity wallet according to the source code they are sending it to a wallet address and if you look at each transaction it does seem to function as intended of course from what i've seen the values are 0 0b and b so as far as i understand uh the value of the coin itself or the token save the kids is so low that it's not really registering as something tangible but there are transactions being made so there aren't any shenanigans as far as the charity aspect is considered but then again with the devaluing currency how much of that charity really matters when it's been pumped and dumped this hard is the real question to be having identify potential security issues with a smart contract so again a security audit of the actual coin itself which any coin is gonna do so what's important here is they've shown this token distribution now of course you can see that this giant blue pancake swap is basically where people are just selling off their tokens once they're done like the liquidity i guess if you want to put into it in rough terms then you have the ox0 dead which is the burn wallet and then you have these wallets so this green is the next biggest wallet after this liquidity the burn and whatnot so then you go down and down and down until this is where like you know little billy put his 30 dollars into it from grandma that she gave him because somebody in on youtube's told them this was gonna double overnight or maybe it might double overnight maybe it might be headed to the moon right you get that now looking at the audit that was actually posted onto their website i looked at one of the top 100 token holders that they were showcasing which was a wallet address known as ox5 e96f47004c1de i looked into their history and at the very first transaction ever regarding save the kids they ended up receiving a lot of coins a lot of tokens from the actual deployer address okay so this is the account this is yeah remember that 0x401631bd address yeah the deployer so they ended up receiving a lot of coins from that now this could mean a lot of things right it could mean that they were just given the coins for free but according to an update i found they actually received these during a pre-sale now according to an update that i found here they actually mentioned that they were selling during this pre-sale to a bunch of applicants all right so a mix of public and private now apparently during the pre-sale the price was around 0.006 cents per token now if we look at the maximum value where jumped up to about a penny plus all right at that point you can imagine that the more money you put in like say a hundred thousand dollars your pump would be worth more at the peak when you have to dump this coin now you can imagine the hazy situation is when you start shilling a coin like this out let's say you have a sizable investment right let's say you did put the hundred thousand dollars in somebody else could put their hundred dollars in which is all that they can do and they will see an increase similar to you know the percentage that you see although since you put in a hundred thousand dollars your winnings are obviously much more valuable right than the person who puts in say 100 bucks they might be able to make like 10 20 30 40 whatever and let's say that they see that overnight they might imagine wow it might really go to the moon they might turn the hundred bucks to a thousand which is a weird gambler mentality but what will happen is once you've dumped your hundred thousand dollars it'll swing the direction of that value and they'll have the hundred dollars turned into like 40 30 overnight so they'll lose money but if you've pumped it successfully you'll gain money in the stock market this would be completely illegal but because we're looking at an unregulated market people are just able to pull this off i guess without impunity at this point that is until the federal government starts to investigate this now long story short here let's go look at some of these other accounts in the top token holder list and see how they received these coins and how they started to get dumped out into the market as soon as this whole deal began ox 380 right so ox 380 ec27 ox 380 ec 27 yeah so that's that's the other one 27 11 uh 11 yeah it's the same account right uh you can see that at some point some way back if you go all the way to 06 all right if you go just all the way back here you can see save the kids so they ended up receiving from the deployer address from what i assume part of a pre-sale if you will they've got 16.6 million tokens and immediately literally 0.605 an hour later they started flooding that market to pancake swap and selling and selling and selling at buying binance pegs so bsc usd they were selling and selling and selling and selling and that's not the only account let's look at this one ox 528 f3bd4 if you look into the audit that was released this is bd4beb this is another account right beb f2c yeah this is an actual verified one from the audit they ended up getting save the kids as well so let's go look at save the kids uh at some point they received from the deployer address right here 0605 13.5 million save the kid coins so immediately as soon as the day well the next day they started selling it well five six hours later according to time zones they started selling it 347 000 and then they started selling it more and more they were doing a bunch of other coins but you can see here's another transaction they were just flooding the market with save the kit coins now of course as you all can imagine when you actually have millions of tokens out in the market that are now being flooded like this and this is the only account we saw you can literally look at the top accounts and you can see a pattern of these people receiving coins from the deployer address and literally as soon as the actual token launches they start flooding and selling off these tokens and mass now they claim to have anti-whaling anti-bot protections and while that's true it seems like it's true given how the transaction history lines up you can have all the protections in the world but when you have two groups of people right one group part of a pre-sale who have millions of tokens versus another group you know who's being goaded in by influencers who are buying hundreds of tokens maybe a maximum of thousands of tokens there is no conceivable way for that group to combat against the dumpers in this case right and even if you don't want to argue that it's coordinated and sure there's there's a lot of it can be circumstantial right you can't say it just happened it's coincidental the fact of the matter is when you have so many coins flooding the market hundreds of thousands millions of transactions right uh this will inadvertently affect the price the price will start to drop there's just no way the average oh will ever combat that and uh there's no way to expect to combat that so once these kind of dumps start happening once this flooding occurs uh the the coin is headed towards absolute rock bottom so here they said the most important thing to state here is that ambassadors who save the kids are not paid by us and are not given any tokens for free they don't delete tweets and then dump their tokens as claimed in their telegram as ambassadors were never given any tokens any of our ambassadors are involved in our projects because they bought into and believe in our mission there it so again in this chicanery nowhere have they said that they're giving money but they also haven't said the ambassadors couldn't take part in the [ __ ] pre-sale that we've been talking about for the past 10 minutes that could have been a thing that could have been the chicanery anyways there is a mystery of one ambassador deleting a tweet and another ambassador untweeting a tweet that involved kids and that can be explained as a cross-cryptocurrency affair on the day we launched there was a push from the celebrities marketing teams to pull back on the cryptocurrency promoting to not lose fans due to fans possibly losing money that possibility turned out to be as real as the big [ __ ] bang didn't it this took place on the day of the launch and caused our largest ambassador to be forced to remove a tweet promoting us this was not due to any issue between the kids team and the specific ambassador but a conflict between the ambassador and the marketing team so at this point let's go to the telegram and see who this other ambassador was so summer rae for those of you don't know is a youtuber and her content i find is so milk toast that i couldn't give you a description of it so if you want to google it you can so on the sixth month so june right fifth june they started saying our fifth ambassador this is an administrator account admin marketing this is their flare our fifth ambassador is the beautiful and amazing summer rae with over 25 million followers check out her story on instagram here let's check out her story i guess open that up i just want to say if samara and her team ever copyright claim this video this is well within fair use okay i will gladly [ __ ] go to court you do not want to go under discovery if this [ __ ] ever goes to trial all right this is already shady stuff i guess i might just have to mention it because you have to hold your ground on youtube because there are people who are willing to abuse the dmca system now of course summer rae who will be next let's go summer rae let's go and then eventually literally four days later is summer ray summer rain phase really apart summer rae no so yeah apparently she might have been the one person that had to dodge out of it and leave just because uh this seemed pretty [ __ ] shady summer race team must have come out and told her uh yeah girl this seems pretty shady delete your instagram story otherwise we might face a lawsuit and that wouldn't be kosher summer rae was initially involved and put out a tweet uh unfortunately her management team is skeptical on kryptos and so had her remove it they're working through that right now and so maybe we'll see positive things maybe we won't but that's where we're at with that i will say that if you've seen the chat in here and you're only thinking about investing or not because of some array then you your eyes have men open but that's just me so you do you brother you do you brother not financial advice it's a lead moderator wow it seems like it understands why they have so many ambassadors to go these [ __ ] innocent children into signing on and giving money to a coin that obviously didn't go anywhere right pretty pretty wild and out there so at this point one of the trial moderators ended up coming out and saying voice chat recap so i had a whole chat phase lucas had a meeting with faze member at 6pm eastern standard time they have confirmed that issues with management is still ongoing the phase members are disappointed that they are keen on the project as they are keen on the project phase is a massive esports brand so it may take a little longer to resolve whilst they are sorting this out with their management team the member has agreed with lucas on getting another influencer he knows on board who is not bound to any contractor management issues yeah no [ __ ] faith clan one of the largest esports organizations probably clamped down and said listen guys you probably shouldn't be [ __ ] doing this but [ __ ] happens right sommer ray has a very difficult manager who is very difficult to converse with and her manager basically controls all her publications yeah no [ __ ] so she doesn't make posts like this and potentially open herself up to legal fuck-ups ambassadors brought in at the same time as everyone else and were not paid again they haven't mentioned if they weren't part of the pre-sale anyway so it doesn't [ __ ] matter if they weren't paid now was it ama recaps we are all in the pinned messages and can be viewed again by all those that missed it we refrained people from asking a question repeatedly blah blah blah whatever now coffeezilla ended up giving me these screenshots but he said at this point this is from the actual administrator account we got confirmation some of our ambassadors that they would not sell anything and simply brought pre-sale to support the project so apparently they're confirming that some of them did buy the pre-sale some ambassadors right some of our ambassadors brought and have yet to sell anything right uh the code worked as expected the big drop was caused by panic selling from an ambassador's tweet being deleted due to management issues on their side so again they're putting a lot of blame on the face clan people ricegum and everyone who is ambassadoring for this project once the ambassador starts to shill this week that's the trial moderator we just saw you don't think their millionaire friends will not invest either you're crazy to sell right now do you [ __ ] see the seizing [ __ ] they're not even [ __ ] hiding it the trial moderator just went out and went you don't think their millionaire friends won't help pump this [ __ ] up get the [ __ ] out of here so this takes us to lucas where one of the trial moderators who said lucas is a dev that was contracted till the 14th june 21st to write 2021 to write and set the foundation for the coin lucas chose to stay on to work on this project on his own accord while others left and he is not the owner of the coin recently the owner of the coin is not responding to lucas's calls messages and this is where a majority of our funding comes from they put us in a tricky situation as it looks as if the owners have disappeared and have placed lucas as the person to blame you know the guy on twitter that we saw at the very beginning of this video that just made his account on the on the month of this actual token launching and their entire tweets consist of either retweeting people talking about this token or mentioning this token yeah that person who totally seemed legitimate to begin with i guess now i'm sorry for the guerrilla style videography over here but this is something that me and my good friend barely sociable ended up looking into together one night and this is a soft link towards some of the members who are in this token as ambassadors and other individuals whose name you haven't even seen so far so let's actually go to their website over here so this is the actual website right now and of course we're going to refresh it a few times just to sort of show you that it is the in fact website so to save the kids dot io now on the top left as you can imagine over here you can see next to their logo they have their telegram link they have their twitter and they have their reddit account so if you go to the reddit over here which takes you to save the kids bsc all right you can actually see this is the official reddit account right that's got about 159 members no real problem however if you go to the bottom over here where you see the moderator list and you can see this when you've signed into reddit you can actually see the moderators of save the kids and reddit's being a little bit slow so give it a second now according to this entire list you can see that they've got five users right so five moderators now the oldest moderator is 27 days ago by a user named ego slice so you've got everything over here all that good stuff now if you go to ego slice for a second you can see that eggo slices post history starts talking about boxer enu you can see kids merch is now live on our website so this is all posted by that ego slice user now at this point if you scroll all the way to the bottom of vega slices post history things start to become a little odd so here you've got r sam pepper where ego slice constantly gets into if you have no idea who sam pepper is sam pepper is a twitter account a massive well used to be massive youtube personality before a whole crap ton of scandals came in now he's doing a tick tock which everyone does tik tok these days i guess everyone can trend there uh even fetuses but if you go down into this list you can see that sam pepper doesn't stop tweeting about cryptocurrencies at all so he talks about crypto punk in fact what's even weirder is he talks about altcoin pre-sales not financial advice this guy's sort of like the poster child for the hashtag not financial advice i i really can't imagine that holding up in court by the way i've noticed said that like five six times during the video but it's a bit hilarious i told you to get in at launch price i told you to get in a 2 million market cap i told you at 5 million again now boxer enu finance is at 10 million right and if you go back to the beginning of the post history it's kind of odd that ego slice which again totally circumstantial here commented on boxer enu as well so just just really weird right real it's been trending number two on dextools it's legit easy so yeah it's kind of odd but going back to where the causal link is you can see right here updated link live duckling hatching 24 hour stream so if you click on that you can see that this takes you to a youtube link right and the youtube video will be taken down it's not available but this is run by a channel called tbc with like 523 000 subscribers so not a small channel but if you click on tbc they've got no content videos are so everything seems like it's privated right so if you go to the instagram twitter it takes you to another person but before we even do that if you click on the community tab this is a weird breadcrumb trail i started a new channel so i have problems with this one watch the video and subscribe love you guys flirting with face k to see how faze jarvis reacts my crush now it doesn't take nostra [ __ ] dominus to go back into this video and realize wow those are also two ambassadors in the situation so this link and remember this is a two-year-old post right from the from the actual reddit so right here two years ago this was an actual post so there's kind of a weird link of course it's it's a soft link you know nothing that's damning silver bullets or sorry the the smoking gun style perspective so so many people would like to think but there's a lot of sam pepper post you've got ice poseidon mentioned over here sam pepper and eventually it this account goes from a a sam stan account like live stream fails account right here uh all the way all right to uh to a good old-fashioned save the kids bsc account so i don't know you know there's no way to ever really indicate who owns the account but it's just really odd that this link even had to occur and it was worth mentioning just for the sake of uh just for just for the sake of documenting everything so that being said uh we're gonna get out of this guerrilla style videography all right and go back to something a bit more professional and read the last telegram post from the uh moderators over on save the kids so let's head on back so obviously it's been a rough time for all of us here no matter what you believe what you understand or what you can wrap your head around the fact is a lot of us are down a tremendous amount of the token and it's not only unfortunate but it's just sad um on a personal level it's a good reminder that if something looks like a fish and smells like a fish and you spend a lot of time trying to figure out who's in charge then you may be better off finding other tokens to invest in okay this is where i just i've had enough i've had enough all right so i'm going to leave it where it is there's no way that you can say outright that the influencers were scamming all right there's no way to 100 prove it a lot of that is just allegation stuff but if the influencers are innocent that means they have also been holding onto bags the only way the influencers can prove their innocence if they bought during a pre-sale if they have the pre-sale coin right if they attach their names to this which is already dumb as [ __ ] by the way all right you do not attach your name to something like this unless you vet it i have spent like 30 minutes just vetting this myself and i've come to the conclusion that this is something that is wholly [ __ ] unreliable it is using save the kids in order to create this weird token that is so obviously pump and dump that anybody all right even with the worst eyesight could have seen this [ __ ] coming so how is it that these influencers with actual marketing teams actual teams themselves didn't come to this conclusion and it seems like to an extent some of them did where they had to start deleting tweets now i have to understand that if you were deleting tweets the only way that these influencers if they had bought it was to show that they also have bagged like they also have worthless tokens right now because they didn't sell off as well they believed in the token right they weren't a part of the pump and dump and the other reality is if these influencers got into this train i think it's a moral responsibility to at least state that yeah this happened guys we're sorry that we publicized this instead of deleting the tweets scorched earth delete and moving on like nothing happened because at the end of the day using a charity like this like saving the kids and then uh using it in this case the people behind this coin not the influencers the people behind this coin at least from what it appears to be running a standard pump and dump is not only disgusting but it actually makes me sick to my [ __ ] stomach and the other thing is the people that have invested money into this coin because of their favorite influencer who have now lost their initial investment and who knows what's going on with their life who [ __ ] cares ladies and gentlemen this is all i really have to say this [ __ ] makes me sad this video is gonna be long as [ __ ] uh i'm gonna have to find a way to properly whittle it down but uh if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 2,060,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MMNeb5qKFyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 43sec (2383 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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