Twitch chat picks the game, I Speedrun it.

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i let my twitch chat pick any game they wanted for me to speedrun so they picked out three flash games that i had never played here's how it went and if you enjoy remember to subscribe thanks okay start game okay day one gotcha take orders topping baking station cutting station okay what do we do here what do you do what what does that mean oh i gotcha okay wait drag ticket you have to do so much dragging make oh i gotta do more okay okay two on each got it where do we stop it at we have to stop it somewhere i guess we wait how was i supposed to know do we take it off now or okay and cut cut finish [Music] one star the ticket says four oh eight oh that makes so much sense okay ticket topping station take it one two three seven eight why is that only one star that's like nine to eight hundred percent service quality ninety-five percent that's pretty good i'm gonna be honest did someone else come while we do this dude you're taking too long okay okay yeah we got it is this done finish order perfect perfectly spaced he only wants it on the side oh frick throw it away throw that pizza away topping station uh only on the right side make pizza into the oven anybody i feel like one of these is done and perfect finish order i'm in the middle of something just take your pizza i'm hurry up tips today yeah i mean that's 10 bucks of tips dude i'm getting loaded okay your rank two wait what are the okay before we continue here what's the leaderboards look like um looks like any percent four hours no uh rank five one of the world record holders is in chat really miller hey middle of the cheese middle of the great middle of the cheese okay hello i imagine you can get the rank five with five days right yo what's up my man take order he wants garbage on the right side onions on the left hurry hurry okay on the bottom want some mushrooms cook it for half an hour cut it into four slices all right three four five six into the oven check the oven like how he peeks out yeah i mean he's trying to keep an eye on all these damn pizzas i swear to god i'm in the middle of something this dude came out of nowhere there you go wait what oh my god that's the wrong pizza what the hell i did oh i took the order in it uh just rank me up please got ranked up okay continue penny all right i don't recognize penny at all yeah sure just open up an ad love that why do so many people want garbage also what the hell is she doing she wants it cut into i'm going to put this here she wants it cut into sixths but she only wants rest of things on a quarter of the pizza excuse me also what the hell kind of pizzas are these huh what did that sign say with pizzeria let's a customer say how long the bake i know it's like hey could you just like not cook it all the way that'd be great actually oh god oh god oh god i i did once order a pizza i was at an event in in in the u.s at a gdq and we ordered a pizza and it came uncooked you had to cook it yourself i was at a hotel wait what oh my god i hate this dude he keeps coming in and ruining my pizzas i'm making perfect pizzas and then cooper comes in and screws everything up i'm how about i just give cooper literally trash pizzas like come on sorry for making you wait my bad rita i won't do it again we got an okay amount of tips eleven dollars yeah i'm okay with that rank up yo what's up penny should i prepare cooper's pizza i'm gonna start preparing cooper's pizza sup okay topic station wait where'd the pizza go oh my god it's gone cooper idiot wait are you done no 30 minutes okay wait we can go make coopers we'll give him one pepperoni see if he can find it idiot not gonna be smiling for long cooper this is your full-time job yeah ruining cooper's day is my full-time job all right this is done hope you like your pizzas square i don't want cooper to ever come back we'll rank for okay i'm a delivery boy baby maggie okay okay oh yo penny what's up penny hey hey yeah i know what you want i know what you like i got you i got you take order ugh more like pooper oh it's done underline underline idiot kingsley he loves it 100 flawless pizza star customer love that nine dollars oh my god [Music] i am so sorry i accidentally just threw away your pizza so how you doing you you're doing well it's um your pizza yeah you just it's you know it's been 30 minutes i started it right away it's been cooking the whole time looks like you don't have a watch there man it so you don't know how long the pizza's taking huh well i mean it's it's almost done hey i i hope you're having a really really good day i know i know i'm it's a busy day but man it's real great if if only customers would wear masks though huh oh i burned it yeah i took a little while rita didn't even notice 82 cents until we were done dude yep i think it i think it's time we betray everyone we just get enough to uh get a good tip and then we just decimate everyone else's pizzas oh yeah of course yeah uh-huh okay yeah i got you kingsley i gotcha yeah yeah uh-huh into the oven i've betrayed him sorry kingsley better luck next time okay and doesn't no one cares it was a bad day i'm gonna be honest [Music] 39 59 rank what is that not last that's not last place okay let's watch the world record really quick okay good is it twice wow wait cooper's really i mean i guess after me cooking the pizza like that i mean my stanzas would be pretty low as well but damn cooper apparently cook wait kingsley you can just do instantly does he literally not cook kingsleys at all i mean okay sure wait does he quit the game or something what is he doing he quits the game oh it's to skip the ad what is he doing what does he not make that pizza oh he i guess he can just make every pizza because they're all a quarter look at the guides page on the src it is a pre-manip file what does that even mean [Music] oh my lord yeah we're not gonna do that that seems like too much work all right here we go three two one and go i already did that i did that cooper's gonna hate it cooper ruined it again i i clicked there cooper better love this toppings are 81 excuse me all right big man let's go he loves it flawless how do you save and quit out of this uh quick game start game that we still see the ad 30 minutes rita what are you doing girl cooper raw pizza for you baking station come on it's not bad let's go okay we're getting ranked two now easy clap rank two almost rank three let's go yo wally my guy what's up eight little anchovies and you don't want it cooked lovely this game has an ending there's the speed one is to get to rank five but it does have an ending apparently there's an 80 speed run rank three two more ranks then we're good take order oh this guy's the 30 minute order isn't it oh tim my man why do you gotta come in so late dude i could cook it only halfway it depends on how long we are stay open for good enough zero but it went out over halfway i hate tim now do we get a rank up for that at least oh no i didn't cut it i went to cut it rank four yes seventy dollars a rank five i have 49 dollars right now so i need to make 21 dollars in a single day um okay a little overcooked but i don't think he'll mind it's a little overcooked but that's fine but he's a star customer he's going to be a bunch of money here right nine dollars okay this guy's quick right marty's fast and he's almost about to be a star customer that's enough right yes star customer he's gonna give us like ten bucks nine dollars i think we have enough now i think this is rank five we just gotta we just gotta finish the day kingsley i'm so sorry to wrong you like this man wait we don't need to wrong kingsley cause it's a fast pizza anyways it's just gonna be like boom boom boom boom boom boom boom into the oven boom kingsley's done slice sl slice finish order he loves it he loves it star customer 100 bucks easy wait for it here we go nomanip strats in tips 81 total 2101 let's see the leaderboards for that that's 24th place number one uses the manipulates perfect rng and stuff because of the nip what does miller degrade have to say about his run this was atrociously bad classic anyways uh next next game uh you guys said waterboy fire yeah fire boy and water girl ready here we go three two one go [Music] okay let's retry that one now why did you jump dude okay it's gonna take a while to get my brain wrapped around the controls that my right hand is fire and my left hand is water but once we got that it's all over [Music] really come on dude i was so ready for that and then i wasn't what is going on if only i was two people instead of trying to control two things at once i'm able to i'm trying to split my brain into like two halves i guess in three halves to to run them independently of each other i have so much brain i have three halves yes i know it's hard to believe three brains zero brain cells i'm gonna jump over this so i can block the ball and we push that here [Music] apparently the ball can push you i did not realize that the ball can push you i have learned my lesson and i will never make that mistake again we're gonna try this instead maybe kick it across let's see can we just like do something like this give it some momentum [Music] so that's a no what if we just like dang it we'll just bring both of them there we go okay well that was actually easier than i thought wait can i just like you can definitely just make that i bet just one at a time stupid puzzles this level this this whole game is designed in a really cool way i like it a lot i feel like this would be really cool with a friend unfortunately i don't have any of those but uh it would be really cool if i had some okay done one more level that closes that but why i'm so confused as to what the hell this all does okay we just have one jump to do that's it no what that's not fair i didn't make the jump come on go water girl and [Music] time 59.43 i beat it before an hour let's go where is that on the leaderboards 14th place i think we could definitely beat 50 minutes i think we could for sure do that i think we might try this again because i can improve a huge amount this is like the easiest level in the world hey no cake wing not allowed i see the keg w's i deny the keg w's even the easiest level if you're not focused you can lose your life on ah just like that this is the hardest level in the world and i need to respect its difficulty wow this it just takes so much focus and effort to not mess an idiot stupid easiest level of my life okay wait that's the wrong way brain what are you doing okay okay sub 45 is on the horizon [Music] why did the jump button not work this game sometimes dude the jump button is uh uh uh um which one middle one right middle one left one right one gonna go down here [Music] that's just not fair i did everything right you better keep rolling there we go he kept rolling rip the sub 40 though if i had played better for sure sub 40 was in the cards one more level though and time 41 32 not quite top 10. top ten i would need 35 minutes let's do another what game are we doing now super mario 63 sounds good to me let's hope it doesn't get copyright hit i doubt it though start let's go uh story file a oh my god create actions okay arrow keys got it wait oh my god there's triple jumps okay blue coin this actually seems crazy ground pound is that button got it what is this what we get flood in this this is like a billion hours of work if they went this far why not make your own characters and sell it as a real game do the voice acting the cake for mario's still sit sing in the fridge we'll need to heat it up for when mario gets here how do you how do you do toads ah i don't know ah ah like that no that's not it ah i can't do it it hurts i can't do higher pitched i think i could ah i just sound like a bird i can't do it go falsetto i can't i can't sound any higher than that just read it normally mario you always get here so fast i wouldn't expect you for another 30 minutes what's that noise just go for it man send it i can't do if i go like really high then it doesn't have that coarseness that toad needs i can't do it and we have a we just have a billion shine space to collect okay gotcha my name's eddie yo this isn't toad give eddie a really deep voice that means there's probably some hope for saving the castle and rescuing princess peach come on mario let's go put the shine sprite on the castle it's so dark in here well just go right through this door all right eddie you got a bus no no get in the door oh my god up this elevator actually you know what use the slingstar over there it's faster don't worry we had it installed as a surprise for the party that that is before bowser came just jump into it and press x to spin around and blast to the top eddie sounds like solid snake okay give me the shine sprite dot dot now we just need enough to overrule spells bowser i don't want to do this we leave now wait i mean we leave now first place is 6 minutes and 30 seconds that's not bad we can do that should we just watch the speed run before i even do a full playthrough cause if the speed run is six minutes there's something that i'm missing okay let's see what they do dude dive oh my god what is this movement look at this is going on i'll try it i guess i mean the movement is flawless it's terrifying and he jumps off of this bird maybe it's actually not as bad as it looked he goes into this door i did it invisible pipe idiot got him easy bowser okay where do we go now reverse shine sprite i don't care you can see the spot in the wall i can't see it oh yeah look at that i see i see the spot it's literally so easy you just had to reload okay now that we've done this exit and let's try a real one that was good practice it's so dark in here i don't care ready okay excellent i am back in the lobby and then basement you said rock it upwards and then all we need to do is get freaking sent first door okay do you think there's checkpoints in here i'm not sure where to go from here there's like three different ways left door i'm out of juice i can't do it anymore there is a checkpoint system let's go dude he skipped left right door to go above wait what go back outside now release p on pause and hold c we did it do we go through this door or is there one higher door how is this fair i don't know how to get past these guys who said get crushed by it on the way up oh my god oh because you're a genius wait we're at zero lives do we just game over one chance i got the warp okay you spin to kill the enemies on the boss all right haha mario think you can actually stop my plan blah blah blah blah okay fires not considered enemies good to know that doesn't work whoever said jump on his head does not work you have to ground pound yeah good that's not time yet apparently that was a robo-bowser you can use this waterpipe to return to the castle let's go no let's go what is this okay another checkpoint totally fine damage boost no fear small amount of fear damn it let's do this i'm bad bad no longer what do we do wait what how do you oh you dive into that i bet apparently not spin maybe eugene uses how could you think of that it did work there's more go that seems like the end that pedestal is this it wait is this the whole game is that it do i need to destroy bowser here or what um oh right okay oh i see i missed i hit let's go easy oh bring it on big boy bowser no problem that's time 44 minutes and eight seconds you still have to escape oh wait that's not it oh that's not it sorry that's not it we still got to play more i haven't what is going on what are you where are you going do i run down i think we run down do we go down here i think we go this way okay easy we're trying to go down apparently not that far down my bad i misunderstood sorry me too you've got double damage man double damage is that escape is that it am i free that's it that's time 46 minutes 42 seconds ah that's crazy world record six minutes oh my god we're not last we got 149th we beat five people oh this is like a super active community too three weeks ago one month ago one month ago two weeks ago one month this is actually like a a popular speed run i had no idea this seems like a really cool speed run i'm not gonna lie for a flash game speed run this seems sick yeah that's all i got for you today thanks so much for watching bye
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,759,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D2lTEo6Q9UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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