Popping GLITCHED balloons in Luigi's Balloon World

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I'm back everybody what's up more Luigi's balloon world today we got through like half of the kingdoms in Luigi's balloon world yesterday so I figured we'll finish it off try out the rest of the kingdoms with Leigh's balloon world about Azazel you'll see in a moment basically people can hide balloons and you have to find them it's like speedrun hide-and-seek so ever we did those seven kingdoms yesterday so we're gonna do seaside snow sand cascade cap and mushroom today let's find jfp so sorry so obviously jfb is giving me a completely legitimate code Oh what this okay so this is clearly a legitimate balloon it didn't work let's start with yellow star Murray's I'm down for that we did like most of the good kingdoms yesterday so there's not too much not too much left stripe I'm ends again Wow hi Menzies Oh is because it's on the platform it's probably on the platform okay I don't actually know how to get up there I will retry [Music] hopefully I can make this it's gonna be like no I can't how do you do that hi is giving me a tough one yeah I mean it kind of is this is a tricky one I like this balloon it's a good one and then you like just barely make it yeah [Music] depth perception please please make it I beg you yo we've done it just finished it off okay I think I'm ready to hide a balloon I'm gonna be terrible I'm gonna be mean eyes need to find like a fish as fast as possible to get out of bounds as quick as I can how far can we realistically get cuz I gotta hide it here but I think I'm gonna look around a little bit I think I might just hide in the cup okay can we get enough to get it under the cup that ton will have coins in it yeah that tunnel has coins okay if we can get up to that tunnel we can get a bunch more seconds this balloon seems like a terrible one it's gonna be cruel cuz I think you're gonna actually have to be good and then know how to go out of bounds if we can get over to that hole it's and start getting coins yeah we can get like an extra ten seconds there and actually a goal probably all the way into the cup which is my goal remind me why the cup the cup is right beside the start so it looks like it's behind the cup and so you're gonna go towards the cup but in fact you have to go all the way to the edge of the level then come all the way back while collecting a bunch of coins it's like it's just a really difficult balloon that seems easy at first [Music] all right I think that's good I think that's good all right now we'll find one of your guys's balloons good one that was a funny one he get caught by the thing right in the crack I think you're gonna hide this balloon from me you're great too the camera would turn cameras not turning I can't see where it is where is it aired it I couldn't turn the camera and look the foul [Applause] [Music] all right so you can clip into this ramp you guys say yeah that's actually not hard at all here we go rip the first try but we got it alright alright where is this balloon and here maybe Oh [Music] oh god wait I can its I can get some time back for this stuff it's over here [Music] got some extra time for that there's Izzy's balloon there we go not where it is maybe it's out of bounds again maybe I'm not even sure is there out of bounds it's an out of bounds line it's another circus think you can fool me this kingdom is so broken you just clip literally everywhere dude just casually clip out of bounds yeah yeah of course would I clip under there be better for under the cup I don't think it's possible to get it under the cup [Music] gallantly alright on you dude we hide my balloon in that case you pawned my balloon Jack well good for you I'm rehiring it into a better area I like it I like it I picked a really good hiding spot let's uh let's move kingdoms there we go easy balloon just forced Cappy into the wall there just like that there are probably like a lot of out-of-bounds wounds also I'm amazed that Nintendo didn't like fix stuff like this and snogging them or you can just like see out of bounds right there this one is hard whoa what huh excuse me okay oh there it is Oh time a challenge just in the sky you think you can fool me ha buddy what no you did fool me I got bamboozled nailed it [Music] maybe we'll just see how high we can get with the fish and then like place it as high up as we can [Music] like we can get it pretty high up with the fish [Music] it's probably not that high at all good enough all right I say I'll do I say it's gonna be out of bounds but I'm okay with this please mr. Dino let me into the ground I beg you [Music] let's go I say it's done honestly the out of bounds balloons and calculator night they're they're actually kind of fun it gives me practice for a minimum captors because I need to know how to do this look really consistently now I don't know what I'm doing wrong [Music] he's done it I'm gonna try doing it a difficult out-of-bounds one cuz like I need to be able to go all the way around the kingdom out of bounds if I want to be able to get this balloon but I'm just going fast [Music] and almost I really want to get it on that ledge just miss the ledge man it was so close [Music] [Music] looks good to me okay I finally got it [Music] trying to get it without any coins I know where coins are could just do this [Music] you like that's not enough time come on it was right there oh yes finally we got it we're going to cap we're going to cap yes I think the real big key in balloon world is it's per coming obvious you need to collect as many coins as you can on the way or where you want to hide your balloon because then it makes it so much more difficult there's something that I haven't been doing what [Music] I was pretty far away all right got to get some coins for that one okay probably get some extra coins along the way but I'm not about that coin life [Music] just in time there we go Skarmory my man you killed me you guy said it was hard to get on that side no I missed it you can do it you can do it nailed it let's go let's try one of Lucas and only 28 seconds - my god yeah there's no way I'm getting this balloon Luca is a God apparently you guys just knew about Luke but by the time we got there like I think you have to get the Frog to make it on that [Music] actually we might be able to do this [Music] good [Music] [Music] not a hard balloon I'm down in the tree [Music] in the tree Oh My gods right there haha my god how embarrassing ere we go let's hide a balloon I think I think I'm ready to hide one you know what let's just surface clip I think I think you can surface look down here feel like it's definitely possible to get a bounce here [Music] but it's a death plane they're interesting Mario got eviscerated you're right yeah I could hide it there I shot it back along the wall dragon I like this I like this that's a good balloon I picked a really good hiding spot even the week II think so Oh God mushroom bro my my god man you're insane retry cuz apparently Gabi didn't want to see out looks like you probably helped it like oh so this is a pretty quick one this is a pretty quick one how what the heck you think riding distance balloon world game out oh god it's that good yours close I feel like it's reasonable that I get this just because I don't need to actually climb all the way up I can still copy to get up [Music] supposed to be a backflip I just want him to backflip not do that there we go first try there you go all right on to the next oh no how do I get to that balloon [Music] yo we've done it roll this way why are you doing balloons is there any achieving I've never done it before and it seems fun [Music] it just seems fun that's why I'll do my best I feel like this one is mostly just wires and then what the coins that we need - oh it's over there I thought it was on the wire that was on the wire where is it oh there it is cutters on that one my bad there we go actually down below what oh it's on I like this one that's a good balloon that's a really good one I like that I feel like the best place that I could hide one is in the hole there [Music] we can like go deep in that hole I'm just gonna have to mash it once I get in there you don't think it hide on poison because it puts it in the last spot when you die maybe yeah or does it just down on the side of the pyramid it's pretty easy but I think that's where I might have to hide it just on the side of the pyramid like it's pretty free to get on the side of this pyramid even though I miss it there I think we're just gonna hide it there we haven't got one in Metro Kenya because someone popped it so let's hide one on Metro and then call it a day I have a place to hide my balloon it's gonna take a few tries it's gonna involve two out-of-bounds things but I think it's gonna be nice because now we can go over here do this ah they got me that was my idea was do that yeah if you instant role cancels and then are able to dive on capi you might be able to get over top of that okay they they have covered most of that area alright I think I'm almost ready to give up on this I didn't expect it to UM I didn't expect him to pass Chris I guess it makes sense I really am obsessed with this out of bounds something now [Music] if I hide the balloon here I think that's what that's what I'm gonna set it and if they can go around in a amount of time that's okay I believe all of my balloons are hit and not all of them have been popped yet my best one is a hundred percent lake Kingdom it's hilarious if you guys want to try a good balloon try Lake Kingdom well I'm gonna quit with balloon world we're quitting press save and quit play again sometime I will Luigi I will at the rank 51 day
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,982,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luigis balloon world, mario odyssey baloon, mario odyssey balloon, balloon world, Speedrun, Super Mario Odyssey, Speedrunning, Mario Odyssey Speedrun, smo Speedrun, Speedrun fails, smo challenges, smo glitches, smo captureless, mario, mario speedrun, Mario wr, super mario odyssey
Id: 4UFP_Nagz2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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