Seth Rogen plays Rocket League

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mrstupidguy 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
since the day i started my channel i've been told i look sound and laugh like seth rogen the amount of comments i've received is actually staggering especially if you take into account all the people that spelled his name wrong which is about 50 of them so when faze clan invited me to play rocket league with seth rogen for a charity stream they were hosting it was no surprise that we already had some comedians in the announcement tweet faze asked me to come up with a way to introduce and play the game with nate hill and seth who reportedly hadn't played video games since 1999. it can actually be really fun to introduce non-gamers to rocket league like that time we taught my wife to play then had her face flump's wife i also asked if i could invite my friend coach verge who does a great job of introducing the game to newcomers i had some 2v2 game ideas to even the playing field for our new players but that didn't quite go to plan and you'll see why regardless it's easily in the top three rocket league moments in my life and it was even more amazing than i thought it would be it was about an hour long so here's just my favorite part so you can see what it was like to play rocket league with the legend that is seth rogen [Music] hello can you hear us hello seth hello i'm i'm 200 years old i started off the oldest way imaginable you're in good company i'm a rocket league boomer i'm the oldest one in the scene now he says i'll need it everyone's saying i'm muted they're trolling you they're trolling you they're trolling you welcome to twitch let me send you guys an invite let's get in a party yeah let's do it sure let's get in a party are you in the game yet seth you're looking at a screen that says uh yeah i think i'm in the game playing uh uh soccer with cars yes this is car soccer okay fantastic you got the gist i mean that's that's pretty much it sometimes really try hard like professional players use the really basic cars so oh yeah you're pretty much there that's the best the simple cars are the best yeah you don't distract yourself looking at how pretty your car is while you're trying to hit the ball that's a big problem in rocket league yes yes am i supposed to be picking a car right now yeah you can you guys really gotta walk me through pretend you're playing with like a very old man who hasn't picked pretend pretending exactly i've done it guys what's he going with oh the documentary the breakout i'm breakout it's flat so it's easy to hit the ball okay good i'm okay with that yeah not necessarily true there's some pros and cons no it's a fact don't listen we're going to beckwith park to preface all of this this is the hardest video game you're probably ever going to play so they're good wow nate nate's going to debate that do i want to pick a team yeah join a team okay all right perfect i'm orange hit the ball let's let's see him hit the ball hit it so yeah the defense he got it okay well we're already started very nice sorry he's playing up the walls and oh yes sir wait this is rumble okay just ignore the rumble oh nate oh my god well i mean an absolute banger so i i i i i it's in my advantage to drive over these things is that the idea so yeah the little pads on the ground we call them pennies uh they're boosts or you're going to press b and that's going to be your boost it's just going to shoot out of your butt and it's going to make you go really fast and what does this uh y thing do uh ball kill yeah because that's going to ah so i can see where the ball is like exactly that's going to let you follow the ball around the field uh you know mario how there's a double jump yeah jump twice there's a double mario for him [Laughter] with the mario references [Laughter] in rocket league you have a mario double jump is that helpful yes yes because the ball is going to sometimes pick up in the air or it's going to be bouncing like this so you want to be able to get up into the air and get to it now if you hold a direction while you do your double jump you're going to do a flip in that direction so like tap it twice there you go there you go he flips see how it like flips he flips the directions um you can actually use your boost in the air as well that'll help you to kind of uh control yourself in the air he's flying really difficult i don't expect you to be doing any kind of crazy dribbles or anything with the wall but you can definitely use it to boost around the field and fly and float and do flips and just do a bunch of cool stuff there we go i'm with it guys you know what i get this natural gear sucker with uh soccer with cars was not an inaudible what the is exactly right he's doing he's doing cool stuff oh doing the shot so if you just go in a straight line and hold down on your boost you'll you'll see that you'll enter that full up exactly and is that considered kind of taboo in this game do you not want to be blowing people uh people who suck say that it's taboo but the people who are good at the game know that it's just like a strategy just like anything else you use it's like a foot sweep in mortal combat exactly like it really is you do it at the wrong times you get punished for it if you do it at the right times it really helps you out did we win no either way at this point we had raised about a thousand dollars for charity the charity being hfc seth and lauren rogan's organization which fights alzheimer's by providing funds for in-home care for families struggling with the disease support groups funding research and raising awareness for brain health and young adults i think brain health the things that you do in your 20s are the things that will make you not get sick in your 50s and 60s which is like the last thing any 20 year old wants to think about it is important and i think very few people are aware that it's even possible do you want to change your car still no i've given up on that i had the idea that we do a 2v2 where me and verge were on we will split us up but we're not allowed to score so we'll just have to set you up that doesn't sound as that does not sound as fun okay i'd rather just lose disastrously you want to go full force i mean we can we can start the first game i didn't come here with an ego guys you're not going to fit into rocket league very well then it seems like an interview oh it really is it really is winning's not always about scoring the most points that's dude do you consider not touching the ball a win exactly i could i guess we'll see i'm coming for you verge oh no he's clipping on us i got it uh x on the xbox if you hold x you're gonna power slide okay okay i need that what a shot how much have you played nate you know i like i said five years ago so it's all coming back it's like riding a bike wait what's the boost button again b it's b yep b for boost okay i got it i got it i got sounds like a real rocket league player um he's got it but yeah ball camera stays on about 90 percent of the game at the high level yeah just like switch it off for every once in a while to see where you're going you're trying to get some boosters on me yeah drying yourself up for a demo or something verge is back i bumped him i am guessing he's back comes dave oh it's dropping down he's got the reed he's nuts he's nuts that's pretty darn extreme this time yes yes was that good that was us the way that you were just supporting the play was fantastic we're killing it out there not all support is as tangible as hitting the ball to your teammates listen that's what i always say contact that's emotional there's emotional support wait what am i supposed to do oh i just keep trying your work it's a massive honor 500 dollars oh wow oh it's adam beckwith thank you oh that's awesome that's a rocket league developer yeah oh that's so nice yeah adam beckwith thank you you've made a fun game apologize that you have to be subjected to watching someone uh be like designing a ferrari and watching some just smash it into a wall very much appreciate it hit the ball nice bumping your teammates is typically bad so why'd you say nice verge because i'm trying to be encouraging he doesn't want you to easy on him that that that tool would not have happened without my uh that's step one using the jump enough i think i think that is my problem right now is i'm not jumping here yeah usually uh when you start playing this game nobody is jumping enough so you wouldn't be running into it but with you know with us you're gonna need to jump a little bit more got nobody's doing not looking good just get off oh no yeah ties it up a nice little back and forth yeah one two yeah a little defensive one two little ticky tackle you jumped so high yeah he's out there wherever you that's always the great reveal after a couple games oh it was close that was really close all right here it is [Music] [Laughter] oh good fake good fake that's what's called a fake oh he's dangerous that was me stop him no there's no offsides in this game but you don't want to cherry pick because then you end up getting caught out because there's no set positions so if you stay up field and wait for a pass all game you're now not playing defense damn you know this straight up making video gamers understand sports it really is am i stealing it from you no no nice oh what a shot oh my god the power nice that was sort of an assist i for sure did better in those last like 40 seconds than i did the entire uh that's actually uh yeah it's on this on the scoreboard as i'm assisting you on the board on the board that was a good game good game guys yeah hey season nine champion that means that in season nine our team won the rlcs uh regional championships in eu wow congrats congratulations yeah verge is a legend thank you and my title means i had really good players carrying me i assume it's not the real jizzling maxwell who just gave twenty dollars the 90s i appreciate that because that's what i was going for when i was born it's good you push that from the womb yeah it's tough to get a naming agenda across from the womb you did jump i'll give you that i did generate oh that was oh my god my heart stopped for a sec all right get in there get in there dawg seth i have a question for you of course would you say that i sound a little bit like you at all like when you heard my voice for sure yeah you look like me too i i look apparently i look a little bit like you when they go i finally go hand in hand and apparently i laugh like you too but i didn't know that until i started my youtube channel like that's funny all of a sudden there's just like tens of thousands of comments we'll encounter a person where as soon as i see them i'm like you must be told a lot that you um and i always feel a little apologetic as well that that is the case no i mean you're on the cover of gq right like i mean i'll i'll take it i'll take it in the last few years yeah i think it was right when you had like the long beard and the dark rim glasses and i was rocking the same look and so it just and i started a youtube channel right then and it all came together so now that's just look for a dp a deep voice scruffy man it really is so that's we don't have a lot of options out there we don't maybe one of these people come on get in there oh come on i was uh keep it up do you guys have like do you find you have rules from video games oh yeah you're talking about mental health like video games you gotta you gotta master your competitive you know urges and learn to i mean it's just like sports you know growing up you gotta learn to like play as a team and take there's a lot of discipline to it for sure yeah like take a loss and you know yeah look to improve not blame your teammates good yeah yeah yeah exactly honestly brain health education to me is one of the things i'm most fascinated by like i think the average person if you ask them like what do you do to keep your lungs healthy they have an answer if you ask them like what do you do to keep your heart healthy they have some sort of answer but if you ask them what do you do to keep your brain healthy i think not only does the average person not have an answer i think most people conceptually don't know you can do things to keep your brain healthy yeah like what do you think what do you suggest let me write this down uh yeah uh sugar's one of the worst things for your brain getting a lot of sleep is very good for your brain and not sleeping a lot is very bad for your brain stress is uh very bad for your brain learning new things is very good for your brain being engaged things like video games honestly are probably good for your brain in some ways because you're doing a lot of like mind body uh work you know yeah yeah yeah reactionary stuff you're talking to people and also the team building yeah the psychology and two building side of it yeah that was so great it's so close just like in the you know in the 50s you know they thought smoking was totally okay for you right now i think we're doing a lot of things that are terrible for our brains that we will in the future be like oh my god why why did we do that yeah why did we have cell phones like screens and mobile devices always being on the internet like 24 7. probably probably not great for the brand for your brain honestly i think social media it just causes stress which is a lot right right and in the gaming community there's also there's also like the para social like para social relationships where you like have screen friends you know it's like is that yeah is that really the same fulfillment you're getting from like a really healthy social life probably not no probably not that was a good shot again i didn't ruin it which i consider to be a real victory pressure [Music] [Laughter] i'm cherry-picking i'll find you all right it's coming soon i'm not as encouraging courage the chat has started to feel guilty wow he's changing twitch culture internet chat just start to feel pity for the person wow there's 45 000 people watching apparently funniest moment from superbad uh probably when we filmed the mclovin sex scene and uh mclovin's mom was there [Music] i want to see i want to see seth face bots in this game oh that would be good i think that would be an amazing match robots like ai actual robots yeah actual real robots why don't we have robots in here get the robots but i have been called a bot many times yes i had no robot guarantee someone named b softy said seth i hope you're having fun oh i am so let's just love it okay here we go press left and then down on the d-pad on the d-pad hey what is it there it is he would have saved his teammate you just learned the ultimate rocket league insult right there wow you guys with too powerful with two powerful clicks of the d-pad oh um all right i'm taking a small break and i'm going to be all right man it's been a pleasure it happens thanks for playing with us awesome yeah thank you great guys see ya oh my god that guy's gone [Laughter] 2000 i feel like a rocket league prophecy has been fulfilled [Music] you
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 906,515
Rating: 4.9778638 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, free pc games, seth rogen
Id: 1uvgEIjQmzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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